Baby and Carlson. Astrid Lindgren baby and Carlson • fairy tales Chapters from the fairy tale baby and Carlson

In the city of Stockholm, on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house, lives the most ordinary Swedish family named Svanteson. This family consists of a very ordinary dad, a very ordinary mother and three very ordinary children - Bosse, Bethan and Baby.

“I’m not an ordinary kid at all,” says the Kid.

But this, of course, is not true. After all, there are so many boys in the world who are seven years old, who have blue eyes, unwashed ears and pants torn at the knees, that there is no doubt about it: the Kid is a very ordinary boy.

The boss is fifteen years old, and he is more willing to stand in the football goal than at the school board, which means he is also an ordinary boy.

Bethan is fourteen years old, and her braids are exactly the same as those of other very ordinary girls.

In the whole house there is only one not quite ordinary creature - Carlson, who lives on the roof. Yes, he lives on the roof, and that alone is extraordinary. Perhaps in other cities the situation is different, but in Stockholm it almost never happens that someone lives on the roof, and even in a separate small house. But Carlson, imagine, lives there.

Carlson is a small, plump, self-confident man, and besides, he can fly. Everyone can fly on airplanes and helicopters, but Carlson can fly on his own. As soon as he presses a button on his stomach, a clever motor immediately starts working behind his back. For a minute, until the propeller spins properly, Carlson stands motionless, but when the engine starts working with all its might, Carlson soars up and flies, swaying slightly, with such an important and dignified look, like some kind of director - of course, if you can imagine a director with a propeller behind his back.

Carlson lives well in a small house on the roof. In the evenings he sits on the porch, smokes a pipe and looks at the stars. From the roof, of course, the stars are visible better than from the windows, and therefore one can only be surprised that so few people live on roofs. It must be that other residents simply do not think of living on the roof. After all, they don’t know that Carlson has his own house there, because this house is hidden behind a large chimney. And in general, will adults pay attention to some tiny house there, even if they trip over it?

One day, a chimney sweep suddenly saw Carlson’s house. He was very surprised and said to himself:

Strange... A house?.. It can’t be! There is a small house on the roof?.. How could he end up here?

Then the chimney sweep climbed into the chimney, forgot about the house and never thought about it again.

The kid was very glad that he met Carlson. As soon as Carlson arrived, extraordinary adventures began. Carlson must have also been pleased to meet the Kid. After all, whatever you say, it’s not very comfortable to live alone in a small house, and even in one that no one has ever heard of. It’s sad if there is no one to shout: “Hello, Carlson!” when you fly past.

Their acquaintance occurred on one of those unfortunate days when being a Kid did not bring any joy, although usually being a Kid is wonderful. After all, Baby is the favorite of the whole family, and everyone pampers him as best they can. But that day everything went topsy-turvy. Mum scolded him for ripping his trousers again, Bethan shouted at him: “Wipe your nose!”, and Dad got angry because Baby was home late from school.

You're wandering the streets! - said dad.

“You’re wandering around the streets!” But dad didn’t know that on the way home the Kid met a puppy. A sweet, beautiful puppy who sniffed the Baby and wagged his tail welcomingly, as if he wanted to become his puppy.

If it depended on the Kid, then the puppy’s wish would come true right there. But the trouble was that mom and dad never wanted to keep a dog in the house. And besides, some woman suddenly appeared from around the corner and shouted: “Ricky! Ricky! Here!" - and then it became absolutely clear to the Kid that this puppy would never become his puppy.

It looks like you’ll live your whole life without a dog,” the Kid said bitterly when everything turned against him. - Here, mom, you have a dad; and Bosse and Bethan are always together too. And I - I have no one!..

Dear Baby, you have all of us! - Mom said.

I don’t know... - the Kid said with even greater bitterness, because it suddenly seemed to him that he really had no one and nothing in the world.

However, he had his own room, and he went there.

It was a clear spring evening, the windows were open, and the white curtains were slowly swaying, as if greeting the small pale stars that had just appeared in the clear spring sky. The baby leaned his elbows on the windowsill and began to look out the window. He was thinking about the beautiful puppy he met today. Perhaps this puppy is now lying in a basket in the kitchen and some boy - not Baby, but another - is sitting next to him on the floor, stroking his shaggy head and saying: “Ricky, you are a wonderful dog!”

The kid sighed heavily. Suddenly he heard some faint buzzing. It became louder and louder, and then, strange as it may seem, a fat man flew past the window. This was Carlson, who lives on the roof. But at that time the Kid didn’t know him yet.

Carlson looked at the Kid with an attentive, long look and flew on. Having gained altitude, he made a small circle above the roof, flew around the pipe and turned back towards the window. Then he increased his speed and flew past the Kid like a real small plane. Then I made a second circle. Then the third.

The kid stood motionless and waited for what would happen next. He was simply breathless with excitement and goosebumps ran down his spine - after all, it’s not every day that little fat people fly past the windows.

Meanwhile, the little man outside the window slowed down and, reaching the window sill, said:

Hello! Can I land here for a minute?

“Not a bit for me,” Carlson said importantly, “because I’m the best flyer in the world!” But I wouldn’t advise a haybag-like lout to imitate me.

The kid thought that he shouldn’t be offended by the “bag of hay”, but decided never to try to fly.

What is your name? - asked Carlson.

Baby. Although my real name is Svante Svanteson.

And my name, oddly enough, is Carlson. Just Carlson, that's all. Hi baby!

Hello Carlson! - said the Kid.

How old are you? - asked Carlson.

“Seven,” answered the Kid.

Great. Let’s continue the conversation,” he said.

Then he quickly threw his little plump legs over the window sill, one after the other, and found himself in the room.

And how old are you? - asked the Kid, deciding that Carlson was behaving too childishly for an adult uncle.

How old am I? - Carlson asked. “I’m a man in the prime of his life, I can’t tell you anything more.”

The kid did not understand exactly what it meant to be a man in the prime of his life. Maybe he is also a man in the prime of his life, but he just doesn’t know it yet? So he asked carefully:

At what age is the prime of life?

In any! - Carlson answered with a satisfied smile. - In any case, at least when it comes to me. I am a handsome, intelligent and moderately well-fed man in the prime of his life!

He went to the Kid's bookshelf and pulled out a toy steam engine that stood there.

Let’s launch it,” Carlson suggested.

“You can’t live without dad,” said the Kid. - The car can only be started with dad or Bosse.

With dad, with Bosse or with Carlson, who lives on the roof. The world's best specialist in steam engines is Carlson, who lives on the roof. Tell your dad so! - said Carlson.

He quickly grabbed a bottle of methylated spirits that stood next to the machine, filled the small alcohol lamp and lit the wick.

Although Carlson was the best specialist in steam engines in the world, he poured denatured alcohol very clumsily and even spilled it, so that a whole lake of denatured alcohol formed on the shelf. It immediately caught fire, and cheerful blue flames danced on the polished surface. The baby screamed in fear and jumped away.

Calm, just calm! - said Carlson and raised his chubby hand in warning.

But the Kid could not stand still when he saw the fire. He quickly grabbed a rag and beat down the flame. There were several large, ugly stains left on the polished surface of the shelf.

Look how damaged the shelf is! - the Kid said worriedly. - What will mom say now?

Nonsense, a matter of everyday life! A few tiny spots on a bookshelf are an everyday thing. So tell your mom.

Carlson knelt down next to the steam engine, and his eyes sparkled.

Now she will start working.

And indeed, not even a second had passed before the steam engine started working. Foot, foot, foot... - she puffed. Oh, it was the most beautiful steam engine imaginable, and Carlson looked as proud and happy as if he had invented it himself.

“I have to check the safety valve,” Carlson suddenly said and began to twist some small knob. - If safety valves are not checked, accidents occur.

Foot-foot-foot... - the car chugged faster and faster. - Foot-foot-foot!.. Towards the end she began to choke, as if she was galloping. Carlson's eyes were shining.

And the Kid has already stopped grieving about the stains on the shelf. He was happy that he had such a wonderful steam engine and that he met Carlson, the best steam engine specialist in the world, who so skillfully tested its safety valve.

Well, Baby,” said Carlson, “this is really “foot-foot-foot”! This is what I understand! The world's best sp…

But Carlson did not have time to finish, because at that moment there was a loud explosion and the steam engine was gone, and its fragments scattered throughout the room.

She exploded! - Carlson shouted in delight, as if he had managed to perform the most interesting trick with a steam engine. - Honestly, she exploded! What a noise! That's great!

But the Kid could not share Carlson’s joy. He stood confused, with eyes full of tears.

My steam engine... - he sobbed. - My steam engine fell to pieces!

Nonsense, a matter of everyday life! - And Carlson carelessly waved his small, plump hand. “I’ll give you an even better car,” he reassured the Kid.

You? - The Kid was surprised.

Certainly. I have several thousand steam engines up there.

Where is it up there?

Up in my rooftop house.

Do you have a house on the roof? - asked the Kid. - And several thousand steam engines?

Well, yes. About two hundred for sure.

How I would like to visit your house! - exclaimed the Kid.

It was hard to believe: a small house on the roof, and Carlson lives in it...

Just think, a house full of steam engines! - exclaimed the Kid. - Two hundred cars!

Well, I didn’t count exactly how many of them were left there,” Carlson clarified, “but certainly not less than several dozen.”

And will you give me one car?

Well, of course!

Right now!

No, first I need to inspect them a little, check the safety valves... well, that sort of thing. Calm, just calm! You'll get the car one of these days.

The kid began to collect pieces of what used to be his steam engine from the floor.

I can imagine how angry dad will be,” he muttered worriedly.

Carlson raised his eyebrows in surprise:

Because of the steam engine? But this is nothing, an everyday matter. Should you worry about this? Tell your dad so. I would tell him this myself, but I’m in a hurry and therefore I can’t linger here... I won’t be able to meet your dad today. I have to fly home to see what's going on there.

It’s very good that you came to me,” said the Kid. - Although, of course, a steam engine... Will you ever fly here again?

Calm, just calm! - Carlson said and pressed the button on his stomach.

The engine began to hum, but Carlson still stood motionless and waited for the propeller to spin at full speed. But then Carlson took off from the floor and made several circles.

The motor is acting up. I'll have to fly into the workshop to have it lubricated. Of course, I could do it myself, but the trouble is, I don’t have time... I think I’ll still look into the workshop. The kid also thought that it would be smarter. Carlson flew out the open window; his small plump figure stood out clearly in the spring sky strewn with stars.

Hi baby! - Carlson shouted, waved his chubby hand and disappeared.

“The Kid and Carlson” is a fairy-tale trilogy by Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. The first part of the work was published in 1955, when Lindgren's fame had already thundered throughout the world thanks to the red-haired Pippi Longstocking. The public liked the funny little man named Carlson so much that Lindgren composed a continuation of the story: in 1962, the second part about the return of the little man with a motor was published, in 1968 - the third and final chapter, telling about the new adventures of Carlson and the Kid.

Despite the fact that Pippi is recognized as Lindgren’s most popular character, Carlson is more loved in Russian culture. Today this is one of the most replicated and recognizable literary images. Many of his expressions turned into phraseological units: “Calm, just calm,” “Trifles, an everyday matter,” “A moderately well-fed man in the prime of life,” etc.

The Soviet cartoon “Kid and Carlson” (1968) played a huge role in popularizing the image in our country. Director Yuri Stepantsev, production designers Yuri Butyrin and Anatoly Savchenko worked on the film, and the calling card of the project was the creative tandem of Klara Rumyanova and Vasily Livanov, who voiced Malysh and Carlson.

In 2012, a modern version of Carlson’s adventures called “The Same Carlson” was released on Russian screens. The role of the flying hooligan from the roof was played by the popular Russian comedian Mikhail Galustyan.

Let's go back to childhood and remember the plot of our favorite book about the friendship between the Kid and Carlson.

Part one: Carlson, who lives on the roof

In a very ordinary Stockholm house lived a very ordinary family with the surname Svanteson - father, mother and three children. The eldest's name was Bosse, and he, like all fifteen-year-old boys, liked to stand in the football goal more than at the school board. The daughter's name was Bethan, and she, like all fourteen-year-old girls, wore long braids and wanted to please boys. And the youngest Svante was simply called Baby, and he, like all seven-year-old boys, did not wash his ears, rubbed holes in the knees of his pants and dreamed of a puppy.

This story happened on a day when being a Kid wasn't so good. Mom again scolded her son for his frayed pants, his sister sarcastically recommended wiping his nose, and dad scolded him for coming home late from school. At that moment, the Kid felt like the loneliest person on the planet. Mom has a dad, Bosse and Bethan are always together, but he has no one!

Upset, the Kid went to his room. And then he arrived - a small plump man with a motor. After spinning a little in the air, he landed on the window sill of the Kid’s room. “Can I sit here for a while?” - asked the strange stranger. “Isn’t it hard for you to fly like this?” - asked the amazed boy. “Not a bit, because I’m the best flyer in the world! However, I do not advise every simpleton to repeat this trick. By the way, my name is Carlson, and I live on the roof.”

Who is Carlson
Carlson was the most extraordinary creature of this ordinary Stockholm house. Firstly, he lived in a small house on the roof, and secondly, he could fly! Everyone can fly airplanes and helicopters, but Carlson flew on his own - just press a button on his stomach and the motor would turn on, which would take its owner to any place.

Carlson's exact age is quite difficult to determine. At least, he modestly positions himself as “a moderately well-fed man in the prime of his life,” handsome, intellectual and cheerful.

With the advent of Carlson, the Kid’s life changed dramatically. On the one hand, he finally had a close friend, on the other, a lot of troubles had increased, because Carlson was always trying to play pranks and mischief.

For example, on the very first day, a plump little man from the roof burned through a shelf of books and blew up the Kid’s steam engine. A little later, Carlson arranges a tour of the Stockholm rooftops, during which the Kid is looking for a rescue squad called by his worried parents. This semi-fantastic rooftop dweller turns a snow-white sheet into a ghost costume and scares away thieves who break into the house.

Carlson likes to praise himself, lie a little and noticeably increase himself. According to him, he is the world's best specialist in steam engines, the world's best rooster drawer, the world's best master of high-speed room cleaning, the world's best builder, the world's best nanny, the world's best fireman... This list goes on and on.

At first, the Kid could not share his joy of meeting a new friend - no one believed in Carlson’s existence. Yes, he himself was in no hurry to get to know those around him. As soon as someone outside entered the room, Carlson immediately disappeared. He was the first to reveal himself to Baby's friends Christer and Gunilla, and much later to the entire Svanteson family.

This happened during the celebration of the Kid's eighth birthday. Young Svante loved this holiday very much and regretted that so much time passed between one birthday and another, almost like between one Christmas and another. However, Baby's eighth birthday turned out to be special because he finally got a dog!

The best dachshund in the world named Bimpo was sleeping peacefully in a basket, and Baby, Christer and Gunilla were trying to keep up with Carlson, who was eating all the treats from the table with great speed. Mom, Dad, Bosse and Bethan came in and were taken aback when they saw a small plump man in the company of children. The stranger waved to the family with a plump hand smeared with cereal and whipped cream. The adults closed the door and agreed not to tell anyone about the Kid’s extraordinary friend.

Carlson was not a fiction. He really existed!

Part two: Carlson, who lives on the roof, has arrived again

The Kid spent the whole summer staying with his grandmother; all this time he did not see Carlson. Returning home, the Kid waited every day for his friend to return, but the little man from the roof still did not appear. At times the boy lost hope and cried quietly in his bed. “Carlson will never fly again!” - thought the Kid.

The sound of an engine was heard that day when the Kid was sitting at his desk and sorting through his stamps. A few moments later, Carlson appeared in the room. "Hi baby!" - the plump little man said cheerfully. “Hello, Carlson!” - The Kid exclaimed joyfully.

Carlson told the Kid that he was also visiting his grandmother. His grandmother, of course, is the best grandmother in the world, much more caring, kinder, more generous than the one that the Kid has. Then the guest demanded a treat and was very upset that nothing special had been prepared for his unexpected visit. With an offended look, having swallowed all the fried sausage that his mother had prepared, Carlson became a little better and suggested doing some spring cleaning.

First, he vacuumed the curtains, which immediately became black and wrinkled, then he sucked up the best brand from the Kid’s collection, and to free it, he gutted the entire dust container onto the carpet. Dust covered the room in a thick layer. “Calm, just calm! - as usual, Carlson said - Now all the dust is in its place. This is the law of order."

Then the friends went to clean Carlson’s house on the roof. This time the Kid cleaned up, and the owner supervised the process, lying on the sofa.

The Kid's parents were getting ready to leave. A housekeeper, Miss Bok, was hired to look after the house and the boy. The kid expected her to be a beautiful young girl, but Miss Bok turned out to be a corpulent, domineering woman in her years. She immediately established her own rules in the house, turned the Kid’s life into a real hell, and in retaliation she was nicknamed “the housewife.”

When leaving, mom and dad strictly forbade telling Miss Bok about Carlson, but the mischievous little man from the roof never followed the rules. He decided to teach the nasty lady a lesson. In the usual way, he pulled the sheet over and pretended to be a ghost. Seeing a flying and also talking ghost, the housekeeper barricaded herself in the bathroom. But soon Carlson’s deception was revealed and after a short “war” with the culminating “battle for meatballs”, Miss Carlson and Baby became very good friends.

When Mom, Dad, Bosse and Bethan returned, they all gathered in the living room in front of the TV. Miss Bok spoke on the other side of the screen. Carlson inspired her to participate in a culinary talk show. Everyone devoured the cake baked by the former housekeeper and enjoyed each other's company.

Part three: Carlson, who lives on the roof, plays pranks again

Another whole year passes. It is impossible to keep Carlson's existence a secret for long. And now the city newspapers are already full of sensational articles about an unidentified flying object that looks like a small barrel. Among the many journalistic guesses, the leading version is about a foreign spy satellite. They promise 10 thousand crowns for his capture.

Meanwhile, Baby's parents are going on a cruise, and Bosse and Bethan are also going on a summer vacation. Not wanting to abandon Carlson during such a difficult period for him, the Kid remains in Stockholm under the care of an old friend, Miss Bok. They are kept company by a distant relative of their father - Uncle Julius from Västergötland - a self-sufficient elderly miser, a whiner and a hypocrite.

In a word, the summer holidays did not promise any special adventures for the Kid. But how can it be boring when your best friend is Carlson, who lives on the roof?!

Carlson continues to wage “battles” with Miss Bock, organizes his birthday, drives away the crooks who covet a reward for the capture of the “spy companion,” and re-educates old Julius, opening him to the world of fairy tales. Julius stops grumbling, being capricious and moping, he falls in love with Miss Bok and proposes to her.

Well, Carlson goes to the editorial office of a Stockholm newspaper and gives a sensational interview, debunking the theory about the satellite and spies. He refuses to give his name, only intriguingly notices that it begins with “Karl” and ends with “son”, describes in vivid colors all his advantages and demands to pay a reward in the amount of 10 thousand promised crowns. The editors give him part of the fee in five-era coins, because only this, in the opinion of the unusual fat man, is real money. Carlson also tells the world that he has a younger brother to whom he is very attached.

Find out more about , a man who made an invaluable contribution to the creation of children's literature, leaving behind an innumerable variety of works for children.

The entertaining story about the red-haired girl in the book will definitely captivate your attention, and you will definitely want to read the book to the end.

At first, the Kid is angry with Carlson for revealing the secret of his existence and dooming the family to a lifetime of attention from annoying journalists. But after reading Carlson’s confession about his attachment to his “younger brother,” he immediately stopped sulking. This means that Carlson feels the same as he does! So this is real friendship! She exists!

The kid and Carlson spend the rest of the evening on the veranda of the house on the roof, warm buns melt in their mouths, and the Stockholm stars wink good-naturedly at the two little night owls!

Trilogy by Astrid Lindgren “Baby and Carlson”: summary

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Carlson, who lives on the roof - 1

“I’m not an ordinary kid at all,” says the Kid.

But this, of course, is not true. After all, there are so many boys in the world who are seven years old, who have blue eyes, unwashed ears and pants torn at the knees, that there is no doubt about it: the Kid is a very ordinary boy.

The boss is fifteen years old, and he is more willing to stand in the football goal than at the school board, which means he is also an ordinary boy.

Bethan is fourteen years old, and her braids are exactly the same as those of other very ordinary girls.

In the whole house there is only one not quite ordinary creature - Carlson, who lives on the roof. Yes, he lives on the roof, and that alone is extraordinary. Perhaps in other cities the situation is different, but in Stockholm it almost never happens that someone lives on the roof, and even in a separate small house. But Carlson, imagine, lives there.

Carlson is a small, plump, self-confident man, and besides, he can fly. Everyone can fly on airplanes and helicopters, but Carlson can fly on his own. As soon as he presses a button on his stomach, a clever motor immediately starts working behind his back. For a minute, until the propeller spins properly, Carlson stands motionless, but when the engine starts working with all its might, Carlson soars up and flies, swaying slightly, with such an important and dignified look, like some kind of director - of course, if you can imagine a director with a propeller behind his back.

Carlson lives well in a small house on the roof. In the evenings he sits on the porch, smokes a pipe and looks at the stars. From the roof, of course, the stars are visible better than from the windows, and therefore one can only be surprised that so few people live on roofs. It must be that other residents simply do not think of living on the roof. After all, they don’t know that Carlson has his own house there, because this house is hidden behind a large chimney. And in general, will adults pay attention to some tiny house there, even if they trip over it?

One day, a chimney sweep suddenly saw Carlson’s house. He was very surprised and said to himself:

Strange... A house?.. It can’t be! There is a small house on the roof?.. How could he end up here?

Then the chimney sweep climbed into the chimney, forgot about the house and never thought about it again.

The kid was very glad that he met Carlson. As soon as Carlson arrived, extraordinary adventures began. Carlson must have also been pleased to meet the Kid. After all, whatever you say, it’s not very comfortable to live alone in a small house, and even in one that no one has ever heard of. It’s sad if there is no one to shout: “Hello, Carlson!” when you fly past.

Their acquaintance occurred on one of those unfortunate days when being a Kid did not bring any joy, although usually being a Kid is wonderful. After all, Baby is the favorite of the whole family, and everyone pampers him as best they can. But that day everything went topsy-turvy. Mum scolded him for ripping his trousers again, Bethan shouted at him: “Wipe your nose!”, and Dad got angry because Baby was home late from school.

You're wandering the streets! - said dad.

“You’re wandering around the streets!” But dad didn’t know that on the way home the Kid met a puppy.

“The Kid and Carlson” is a fairy-tale trilogy by Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. The first part of the work was published in 1955, when Lindgren's fame had already thundered throughout the world thanks to the red-haired Pippi Longstocking. The public liked the funny little man named Carlson so much that Lindgren composed a continuation of the story: in 1962, the second part about the return of the little man with a motor was published, in 1968 - the third and final chapter, telling about the new adventures of Carlson and the Kid.

Despite the fact that Pippi is recognized as Lindgren’s most popular character, Carlson is more loved in Russian culture. Today this is one of the most replicated and recognizable literary images. Many of his expressions turned into phraseological units: “Calm, just calm,” “Trifles, an everyday matter,” “A moderately well-fed man in the prime of life,” etc.

The Soviet cartoon “Kid and Carlson” (1968) played a huge role in popularizing the image in our country. Director Yuri Stepantsev, production designers Yuri Butyrin and Anatoly Savchenko worked on the film, and the calling card of the project was the creative tandem of Klara Rumyanova and Vasily Livanov, who voiced Malysh and Carlson.

In 2012, a modern version of Carlson’s adventures called “The Same Carlson” was released on Russian screens. The role of the flying hooligan from the roof was played by the popular Russian comedian Mikhail Galustyan.

Let's go back to childhood and remember the plot of our favorite book about the friendship between the Kid and Carlson.

Part one: Carlson, who lives on the roof

In a very ordinary Stockholm house lived a very ordinary family with the surname Svanteson - father, mother and three children. The eldest's name was Bosse, and he, like all fifteen-year-old boys, liked to stand in the football goal more than at the school board. The daughter's name was Bethan, and she, like all fourteen-year-old girls, wore long braids and wanted to please boys. And the youngest Svante was simply called Baby, and he, like all seven-year-old boys, did not wash his ears, rubbed holes in the knees of his pants and dreamed of a puppy.

This story happened on a day when being a Kid wasn't so good. Mom again scolded her son for his frayed pants, his sister sarcastically recommended wiping his nose, and dad scolded him for coming home late from school. At that moment, the Kid felt like the loneliest person on the planet. Mom has a dad, Bosse and Bethan are always together, but he has no one!

Upset, the Kid went to his room. And then he arrived - a small plump man with a motor. After spinning a little in the air, he landed on the window sill of the Kid’s room. “Can I sit here for a while?” - asked the strange stranger. “Isn’t it hard for you to fly like this?” - asked the amazed boy. “Not a bit, because I’m the best flyer in the world! However, I do not advise every simpleton to repeat this trick. By the way, my name is Carlson, and I live on the roof.”

Who is Carlson
Carlson was the most extraordinary creature of this ordinary Stockholm house. Firstly, he lived in a small house on the roof, and secondly, he could fly! Everyone can fly airplanes and helicopters, but Carlson flew on his own - just press a button on his stomach and the motor would turn on, which would take its owner to any place.

Carlson's exact age is quite difficult to determine. At least, he modestly positions himself as “a moderately well-fed man in the prime of his life,” handsome, intellectual and cheerful.

With the advent of Carlson, the Kid’s life changed dramatically. On the one hand, he finally had a close friend, on the other, a lot of troubles had increased, because Carlson was always trying to play pranks and mischief.

For example, on the very first day, a plump little man from the roof burned through a shelf of books and blew up the Kid’s steam engine. A little later, Carlson arranges a tour of the Stockholm rooftops, during which the Kid is looking for a rescue squad called by his worried parents. This semi-fantastic rooftop dweller turns a snow-white sheet into a ghost costume and scares away thieves who break into the house.

Carlson likes to praise himself, lie a little and noticeably increase himself. According to him, he is the world's best specialist in steam engines, the world's best rooster drawer, the world's best master of high-speed room cleaning, the world's best builder, the world's best nanny, the world's best fireman... This list goes on and on.

At first, the Kid could not share his joy of meeting a new friend - no one believed in Carlson’s existence. Yes, he himself was in no hurry to get to know those around him. As soon as someone outside entered the room, Carlson immediately disappeared. He was the first to reveal himself to Baby's friends Christer and Gunilla, and much later to the entire Svanteson family.

This happened during the celebration of the Kid's eighth birthday. Young Svante loved this holiday very much and regretted that so much time passed between one birthday and another, almost like between one Christmas and another. However, Baby's eighth birthday turned out to be special because he finally got a dog!

The best dachshund in the world named Bimpo was sleeping peacefully in a basket, and Baby, Christer and Gunilla were trying to keep up with Carlson, who was eating all the treats from the table with great speed. Mom, Dad, Bosse and Bethan came in and were taken aback when they saw a small plump man in the company of children. The stranger waved to the family with a plump hand smeared with cereal and whipped cream. The adults closed the door and agreed not to tell anyone about the Kid’s extraordinary friend.

Carlson was not a fiction. He really existed!

Part two: Carlson, who lives on the roof, has arrived again

The Kid spent the whole summer staying with his grandmother; all this time he did not see Carlson. Returning home, the Kid waited every day for his friend to return, but the little man from the roof still did not appear. At times the boy lost hope and cried quietly in his bed. “Carlson will never fly again!” - thought the Kid.

The sound of an engine was heard that day when the Kid was sitting at his desk and sorting through his stamps. A few moments later, Carlson appeared in the room. "Hi baby!" - the plump little man said cheerfully. “Hello, Carlson!” - The Kid exclaimed joyfully.

Carlson told the Kid that he was also visiting his grandmother. His grandmother, of course, is the best grandmother in the world, much more caring, kinder, more generous than the one that the Kid has. Then the guest demanded a treat and was very upset that nothing special had been prepared for his unexpected visit. With an offended look, having swallowed all the fried sausage that his mother had prepared, Carlson became a little better and suggested doing some spring cleaning.

First, he vacuumed the curtains, which immediately became black and wrinkled, then he sucked up the best brand from the Kid’s collection, and to free it, he gutted the entire dust container onto the carpet. Dust covered the room in a thick layer. “Calm, just calm! - as usual, Carlson said - Now all the dust is in its place. This is the law of order."

Then the friends went to clean Carlson’s house on the roof. This time the Kid cleaned up, and the owner supervised the process, lying on the sofa.

The Kid's parents were getting ready to leave. A housekeeper, Miss Bok, was hired to look after the house and the boy. The kid expected her to be a beautiful young girl, but Miss Bok turned out to be a corpulent, domineering woman in her years. She immediately established her own rules in the house, turned the Kid’s life into a real hell, and in retaliation she was nicknamed “the housewife.”

When leaving, mom and dad strictly forbade telling Miss Bok about Carlson, but the mischievous little man from the roof never followed the rules. He decided to teach the nasty lady a lesson. In the usual way, he pulled the sheet over and pretended to be a ghost. Seeing a flying and also talking ghost, the housekeeper barricaded herself in the bathroom. But soon Carlson’s deception was revealed and after a short “war” with the culminating “battle for meatballs”, Miss Carlson and Baby became very good friends.

When Mom, Dad, Bosse and Bethan returned, they all gathered in the living room in front of the TV. Miss Bok spoke on the other side of the screen. Carlson inspired her to participate in a culinary talk show. Everyone devoured the cake baked by the former housekeeper and enjoyed each other's company.

Part three: Carlson, who lives on the roof, plays pranks again

Another whole year passes. It is impossible to keep Carlson's existence a secret for long. And now the city newspapers are already full of sensational articles about an unidentified flying object that looks like a small barrel. Among the many journalistic guesses, the leading version is about a foreign spy satellite. They promise 10 thousand crowns for his capture.

Meanwhile, Baby's parents are going on a cruise, and Bosse and Bethan are also going on a summer vacation. Not wanting to abandon Carlson during such a difficult period for him, the Kid remains in Stockholm under the care of an old friend, Miss Bok. They are kept company by a distant relative of their father - Uncle Julius from Västergötland - a self-sufficient elderly miser, a whiner and a hypocrite.

In a word, the summer holidays did not promise any special adventures for the Kid. But how can it be boring when your best friend is Carlson, who lives on the roof?!

Carlson continues to wage “battles” with Miss Bock, organizes his birthday, drives away the crooks who covet a reward for the capture of the “spy companion,” and re-educates old Julius, opening him to the world of fairy tales. Julius stops grumbling, being capricious and moping, he falls in love with Miss Bok and proposes to her.

Well, Carlson goes to the editorial office of a Stockholm newspaper and gives a sensational interview, debunking the theory about the satellite and spies. He refuses to give his name, only intriguingly notices that it begins with “Karl” and ends with “son”, describes in vivid colors all his advantages and demands to pay a reward in the amount of 10 thousand promised crowns. The editors give him part of the fee in five-era coins, because only this, in the opinion of the unusual fat man, is real money. Carlson also tells the world that he has a younger brother to whom he is very attached.

Find out more about the biography of Astrid Lindgren, a person who made an invaluable contribution to the creation of children's literature, leaving behind an innumerable variety of works for children.

The entertaining story about the red-haired girl in Astrid Lindgren's book “Pippi Longstocking” will definitely captivate your attention, and you will definitely want to read the book to the end.

At first, the Kid is angry with Carlson for revealing the secret of his existence and dooming the family to a lifetime of attention from annoying journalists. But after reading Carlson’s confession about his attachment to his “younger brother,” he immediately stopped sulking. This means that Carlson feels the same as he does! So this is real friendship! She exists!

The kid and Carlson spend the rest of the evening on the veranda of the house on the roof, warm buns melt in their mouths, and the Stockholm stars wink good-naturedly at the two little night owls!

Trilogy by Astrid Lindgren “Baby and Carlson”: summary

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A short story about the kid and the prankster Carlson, adapted by B. Larin for children.

Kid and Carlson read

This story actually happened. But, of course, it happened far from you and me - in the Swedish city of Stockholm, where only Swedes live.
This is how it always happens: if something special happens, then for some reason it will definitely be far from you...

The kid was Swedish, which is why, by the way, he lived in Stockholm. In general, the Kid had a different name, his real one, but he turned out to be the youngest in the family, and everyone simply called him the Kid.

One day the Kid was sitting in his room and sadly thinking about how lonely he was.

Because dad, for example, had a mom. And mom, for example, had a dad. Even brother and sister, when they weren’t quarreling, always walked together. And only there is no one near the Kid himself.

How many times did he ask to buy him a dog! And what? He was refused exactly the same number of times. And you and I don’t need to explain how lonely a person is when he doesn’t have a dog.

And it was at that moment that the Kid saw Carlson. At first he was a little confused. Anyone will be confused if a person hangs right in the air in front of him, flying without an airplane or even a helicopter, but simply by himself.

He will hang and in addition say:
- Excuse me, can I land here?
“Please sit down,” answered the Kid fearfully.

But when the man said that his name was Carlson, who lived on the roof, for some reason the Kid stopped being afraid completely. When he answered Carlson that his own name was Baby, he felt that they had already become completely friends. And Carlson probably felt it too. Anyway, he suggested:
“Now let’s have a little fun.”
- How? - asked the Kid.
But I thought to myself that for the time being it would be quite possible to endure without a dog.
“Calm, just calm,” said Carlson. - Now we’ll figure it out.

And he began to think, slowly flying around the room.
- Now do you understand who is the best pampering specialist in the world? - asked Carlson, swinging on the chandelier as if on a swing.
- What if it breaks?!

- Listen, this will be great! Let's try it, shall we?
- Yes... And mom?.. And also dad.
“It’s nothing,” said Carlson. - It's an everyday matter.
And he began to swing with all his might...

The kid really wanted Carlson to be friends with him all his life. Therefore, when the chandelier fell and broke, he pretended that he was not the least bit upset.

He even said:
- Well, well, no big deal. It's an everyday matter.
“Of course, it’s nothing to you,” Carlson snapped, rubbing his knee. “If only I had fallen down myself, then I would have looked at you.”
-Are you in pain? - The Kid was alarmed.
- It wouldn’t hurt! If you want to know, I am now the most seriously ill patient in the world. And if I hurt myself for your pleasure, then you should heal me...

Since Carlson lived on the roof, it was necessary, of course, to get to his house by air.

It was not easy for Carlson: after all, in addition to the Kid, he also had to carry a bunch of medicines.
On one of the roofs, Carlson had a very nice house, green, with a white porch and a bell, with a sign: “Call to Carlson, who lives on the roof.”

Carlson immediately fell into bed.
- Give me some medicine! - he shouted to the Kid.

The kid handed him the jar. He was very interested in whether this medicine would help Carlson.

Until now, he believed that the medicine should be bitter, but Carlson said that jam was the best remedy for bruises. It would be great…

At first it seemed that no, it wouldn’t help. Carlson drank the jam straight from the jar, over the edge, and thought about it. As if he was listening to what was happening inside him.

- Is there any more jam? – he asked later.
- No.
- Not a bit?

The kid looked into the jar and said:
- Not a bit.
And only then did Carlson exclaim:
- Hooray! A miracle happened. I have recovered.

The kid thought hopefully that maybe he would manage to hurt his knee tomorrow.

And Carlson said:
“Now I wouldn’t mind having a little fun.” Let's go have some fun...

They walked along the rooftops for a little while, and suddenly Carlson said:
- Shh!
The kid also saw two men climbing into the attic.
- The thieves! – the Kid whispered joyfully.

And imagine, these turned out to be real thieves. The Kid and Carlson, hiding behind a pipe, watched as they removed someone else's underwear from the lines.

Carlson whispered:
- Do you know who the world's best specialist in deterring thieves is?
- You?
- You'll see now.

Wrapped in a sheet, with a bucket on his head and a brush in his hands, Carlson looked like a real ghost. Even the Kid felt uneasy, and there’s nothing to say about the thieves.

The kid enjoyed it so much on the roof with Carlson that he even completely forgot about the dog that they didn’t want to buy him...

He remembered about her only the next morning, and only because it was his birthday.

There was a pile of gifts on the bed, but the Kid was still so sad, so lonely! Even when Carlson arrived, he didn’t feel any happier.

Maybe just a little bit.

Carlson was offended. He stopped taking a bite of the birthday cake and said:
- I do not play like that. I came to you, and you are not at all happy.
“Even for my birthday, they still didn’t give me a dog...” the Kid said plaintively.
- But you have me! “I’m better than a dog,” Carlson said quietly.

The kid was about to agree, but then barking was heard from the corridor.
Dad brought a puppy! Now Baby had his own dog! Both Carlson and the puppy - how happy it turns out you can be sometimes. The kid burst into the room screaming:
- Carlson, Carlson, they gave me...

And he fell silent. Because Carlson was no longer in the room.
The kid ran to the window and looked out - but there was no one else there either.

Carlson disappeared - as if he had never appeared at all. The baby probably would have cried again, but then the puppy licked him on the cheek.

And while stroking the puppy, the Kid then thought that Carlson would definitely return. Some day…

(Text retold by B. Larin)

Published by: Mishka 29.01.2018 12:11 24.05.2019

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