Texts for reading. Learning to read syllable by syllable Words for a child's first reading print

Children's texts for reading by syllables. Read on your own. When a child learns to read, some children need to read syllable by syllable, while some find it more convenient to read in full words without divisions by dashes. The page provides simple texts in both versions. We read syllable by syllable.

There was a thunderstorm. It was raining heavily. Thunder rumbled. Try-to-get-under-the-mushroom. Mi-mo do-ro-ge is half-evil at-lit-ka. Stre-ko-za-vo-rit:
-U-lit-ka, uh-lit-ka! Come to me. It's dry here, like under. roof.
- I don’t need a roof! My house is with me.


There was a thunderstorm. It was raining heavily. Thunder rumbled. The dragonfly climbed under the mushroom. A snail crawled past along the road. Dragonfly says:
-Snail, snail! Come to me. It's dry as hell here. roof.
- I don't need a roof! My house is with me.

It's not just a thing

Mi-sha broke the ma-le-n-ky do-bok.
- Why did you do this? - oh-gor-chi-la-s Ma-sha.
- Yes, it’s just the same!
“No, you gu-beat a lot, mo-gu-che-e de-re-vo,” said Ma-sha.

It's not just a twig

Misha broke a small oak tree.
- Why did you do this? – Masha was upset.
-It’s just a twig!
“No, you destroyed a big, mighty tree,” said Masha.


Re-bya-ta gu-la-li in the forest. Out-la Na-dya on po-la-nu. He looks: oh, how red I am. I haven't been here for a year. I collected them in la-dosh-ku, but didn’t eat them.
-Peter! Vasya! Come to me! Earth-la-no-ka! First-of-the-earth!
Come on. And everyone is two years old
-Oh, how delicious it is!
Soon there will be a lot of earth. But the first years are the best.


The guys were walking in the forest. Nadya came out into the clearing. She looks: there are red berries near her. There were few berries. Nadya collected them in her palm, but did not eat them.
-Peter! Vasya! Come to me! Strawberries! First strawberry!
The guys came running. And everyone has two berries.
-Oh, how delicious!
Soon there will be a lot of strawberries. But the first berries are the tastiest.


The boy and the girl are going to school.
And Lena is drinking tea.
“Daughter, it’s already seven o’clock!” says mA-ma.
Lena looks at her watch.
-The clock is going too much, ma-moch!
- No, Le-noch-ka. The clock is ticking right. And you eat everything slowly.


A boy and a girl go to school.
And Lena is drinking tea.
“Daughter, it’s already eight o’clock!” says mom.
Lena looks at her watch.
-Our clock is going too fast, mommy!
- No, Lenochka. The clock is running correctly. And you do everything slowly.

A year or two before school, we think about teaching our child to read. After all, we know that the earlier our preschooler learns to read, the more useful information he will be able to receive even before he becomes a first-grader. As soon as your child learns, you can move on to learning syllables. These are the syllables for reading that can be downloaded from this page.

Syllable cards are the key to learning to read. Download, print and cut the sheet into cards, which will contain bundles of syllables consisting of a vowel and a consonant. Within a few weeks, after the child learns to read every syllable, he will be able to understand entire words in children's books.

Syllables by letter: download or print immediately

Syllables starting with "B"

Syllables starting with "B"

Syllables starting with "G"

Do not burden your child with reading all the syllables at once. For example, over the course of a week, teach your child syllables that begin with the same letter.

Syllables starting with "D"

Syllables starting with "Zh"

Syllables starting with "Z"

In the second week, start studying syllables that begin with a different letter, and simply repeat the learned syllables.

Syllables starting with "K"

Syllables starting with "L"

Syllables starting with "M"

There is an opinion that letters of different colors in reading syllables only distract the child and do not contribute to rapid learning.

Syllables starting with "N"

Syllables starting with "P"

Syllables starting with "R"

If you want to solve cards with syllables quickly, then use a ruler and a wallpaper knife.

Syllables starting with "C"

Syllables starting with "T"

Syllables starting with "X"

To make the cards last a long time, and for more than one child, laminate them.

Syllables starting with "F"

Syllables starting with "C"

Syllables starting with "H"

After the preschooler learns to correctly read all the cards with syllables, you can move on to reading books in which the words are broken down into syllables.

Syllables starting with "Ш"

Syllables starting with "Ш"

Today, a child should be taken to first grade already prepared. He must know not only letters, but also be able to read. Not all children go to preschool institutions, and kindergartens do not always teach literacy and letters. Therefore, very often parents are faced with the question of how to teach their child to read syllables at home.

Many questions immediately arise: where to start, what technique to choose so that it is fast and effective. The ways of learning to read by syllables are so diverse that many mothers and fathers are simply lost. Let's try to understand these issues one by one.

Is the child ready to learn?

Before starting the process itself, it is necessary to take into account the child’s psychological and physical readiness for learning. There are several basic criteria by which you can determine in what key to start, so that learning does not subsequently turn your preschooler away from reading for the rest of his life.

  1. If your child speaks fluently in sentences and connects phrases logically, then it’s time. Check to see if your son or daughter understands what you read.
  2. An important criterion is the ability to distinguish sounds. Speech therapists call this phonemic awareness. For example, mushroom - flu, soup - tooth, mouth - genus. Does the child understand that these words have different meanings?
  3. A big problem on the path to learning can be a speech delay or incorrect pronunciation of certain sounds: if a child pronounces sounds incorrectly, then the help of a speech therapist is required. Don't expect the problem to solve itself. Take your child to classes with a specialist and attend them regularly, and also be sure to complete the tasks that the teacher gives you to independently reinforce the educational material. Speech delay, stuttering - it is necessary to show the child to a neurologist and psychiatrist. In any case, there is a reason, and it needs to be found out.
  1. You should definitely teach your child where left and right are, up and down. This will help him navigate the text: which side to start reading the word from, where is the top line and where is the bottom.

When to start learning to read

Many parents are so concerned that their child will not have time to learn to read before school that they begin to literally pester the child at almost 2 years old.

  • At 3-4 years old, a baby may not be interested in sitting over a book at all. And that's okay. Each age has its own tasks.
  • If a friend’s child has been reading and knowing Fet and Tyutchev by heart since he was almost 2 years old, this does not mean that it’s time for you too. All children are so individual that general recommendations remain, in any case, just general. Learn to feel your child.
  • At 5 or 6 years old it’s a different matter. But if your child does not go to kindergarten or to some classes for a certain reason, then start teaching him yourself. In an unobtrusive form, teach how to write in capital letters the basic words “MOM”, “DAD”, “HOUSE”, “CAT”, and your name. With minimal preparation, the child will adapt much easier in first grade.

8 basic rules for teaching a child to read syllables at home

They will help you navigate correctly and understand what is important and what is secondary. Now in more detail.

  1. Start small: gradually learn letters and sounds as you walk. Draw a letter in the sand with a stick, then a syllable. The same can be done from twigs or pebbles. It will be interesting to learn to read for your little ones, guessing familiar letters, and then syllables on signs. Show that letters and words surround us everywhere.
  2. A little later, the educational process can be transferred to the house. Set up a chair and table for writing and reading. Make sure there is proper lighting. Gradually teach your child to put away his notebook, pen or pencil. Books need a small shelf. Teach your child to clean up after themselves and be organized. All this must be done in a relaxed manner. At first, 10 minutes a day will be enough for the baby.
  3. Read with pleasure for yourself. Develop a reading culture in your family. Discuss what you read with your child. Ask the younger ones questions: who is drawn in the picture? Who is the story about? When the baby grows up, you can ask more complex questions: why did the hero of the fairy tale act this way? What would you do in his place?
  4. It would be more correct to start from simple words to more complex ones. Start with words where the syllables are repeated: ma - ma, pa - pa, ba - ba, dya - dya. Then move on to complex ones: kosh - ka, de - re - vo, de - ti, ve - ter.
  5. Buy several sensible textbooks: a primer (author N. S. Zhukova), Favorite ABC (Irina Solnyshko), primers whose authors are N. Betenkova, V. Goretsky, D. Fonin, N. Pavlova, magnetic alphabet, cubes with letters. Draw vowel letters on cards and place them throughout the apartment. Gradually the child will remember them all. Then swap them. Then do the same with the consonants.
  6. ABCs and primers require more perseverance, but they gradually teach the child not only letters, but also syllables. Associative thinking will help you quickly master the alphabet: the letter “A” is an album, “B” is a squirrel, “C” is a bicycle, and bright pictures will help you memorize faster.
  7. Repeat what you have already learned. If you start studying, then do it systematically. Otherwise there will be no result. While in line or on the road, read a short book with your child. Time will pass faster, and even more usefully.
  8. The most important thing is don’t force, don’t be nervous or use violence. Childhood is a golden time, don’t forget about it. It’s not at all necessary: ​​if you need and want, then your child also wants the same.

Game video Luntik learns letters and helps prepare for school. Together with him, after completing several interesting and varied lessons, the child will learn letters and alphabetical order.

Basic popular techniques

There are many different schools, individual and proprietary methods. Let's look at some that can really give results.

Zaitsev cubes

  • Unlike traditional primers, this method allows you to master not only individual letters, but also combinations of consonants and vowels, individual letters, as well as the use of soft and hard signs. There are 52 cubes in total.
  • During the game, the baby can not only form various words, but also understand what voiceless and voiced consonants are. The cubes with images of consonant sounds are filled with pieces of wood, and those with images of voiced sounds are filled with metal parts.
  • As an appendix, there are tables that also have syllables. The main rule is that you should not read, but sing.
  • The cubes vary in size: large cubes depict hard combinations and consonants, and smaller cubes depict soft consonants.
  • The disadvantage of this method, judging by the reviews, is that already at school the child may have difficulties parsing the word by its composition, and also, some children subsequently simply “swallow” the endings. Well, a plus: children quite quickly and in a playful way master the alphabet and reading syllables.

Montessori reading instruction

The whole process is not entirely traditional: first we write, and then we learn the letter, and then the syllable. The advantage of the method is that everything is presented in the form of a game. First, the letters are shaded and circled, and then their pronunciation is learned. Letters are cut out of rough paper. The same letter can be drawn, for example, on semolina. The disadvantage of this technique is that you will have to prepare a lot of material for training.

Dynamic Chaplygin cubes

The set includes 10 cubes and 10 blocks that move. The child’s task is to make a pair of a vowel and a consonant. They are depicted on each side of the cube. Each dynamic block includes a consonant and a vowel.

Also popular are V. Voskobovich’s “Folders” and “Towers,” as well as Doman’s Cards.


I hope that after reading the article, the question of how to teach a child to read syllables at home will not cause you confusion. And you will determine for yourself exactly how to organize the learning process for your son or daughter. To make it easier for you to create an action plan, here are some more recommendations:

  • Before you start learning, make sure your child is really ready for it. Don’t force, try to conduct training, especially at the initial stage, in a playful way.
  • Despite many methods, first of all, a child needs happy and loving parents. If you have established contact with your baby, then any method of teaching will bring results.
  • Start small, gradually move on to more difficult ones. If you have started learning, then don’t be lazy and don’t stop, only then can you learn to read. Even if everything goes well, don't forget that your favorite student is just a child and sometimes just wants to play or run around.

Good luck and patience!

Your Tatyana Kemishis

Reading for preschoolers is always a new, interesting process. And this is not surprising, because they discover a whole world, previously unknown and unfamiliar.

First, children become familiar with letters and sounds, then learn to put them into words. And then the moment comes when the child tries to read on his own. You cannot immediately give your child complex texts for this purpose, and not yet divided into syllables. Difficulties that arise in reading can completely discourage you from studying further. So we will learn to read, taking as a basis stories and fairy tales specially adapted for preschoolers.

Stories for children

If you don’t know which texts to start with, you can buy or download and print from our website collections of texts under the general title “Reading by syllables.” Such literature is specially adapted for children. This does not mean that the stories of famous writers are somehow changed in it: the selection of texts in such books is aimed at preschool children, and the words in the texts are divided into syllables for reading, which greatly facilitates the learning process for the child.

On our website there are also separate texts with a special division into syllables. They can also be printed and offered to children to read.

What stories are best for children?

Of course, these are the works of those writers who specialized in children's themes: M. Prishvin, K. Paustovsky, A. Barto, N. Nosov, Lev Kassil, S. Marshak, etc. It is not necessary to read the stories in full: for young children it will be enough select one short passage, divide it into syllables and present it for reading.

How to instill a love of reading?

How can parents study with their children using such texts?

You should not leave your child alone with a story if he is not yet a good reader. This can discourage any interest in subsequent education if the child encounters difficulties and he cannot cope with them. Sit down with your child and start reading together. It is very important for children that adults show interest in their affairs. At the same time, ask your child to help you and read this or that word. When you finish reading to the end, discuss the passage: let the child retell what he understood from the text. Do not ignore what you read: the baby must realize that he is reading not for dad or mom, but for himself, for his own understanding.

You can download a set of cards with words.

Learning to read individual words syllable by syllable. Read the children's names.

Picture puzzles with syllables.

Fairy tales

However, the best tool for teaching children to read is fairy tales. Everyone loves them, not just children. First take a fairy tale that the child knows well: this will make it easier for him to read, being familiar with the plot.

The most famous writers who devoted themselves to fairy tales are G.H. Andersen, A.S. Pushkin, C. Perrault, and the Brothers Grimm. Surely, when your child could not read yet, he listened to the fairy tales of these writers performed by you. And today he will read these fairy tales syllable by syllable.

A 3-year-old girl reads syllable by syllable:

Fairy tales for children by modern writers, for example, L. Uspensky, are also perfect for reading. They sometimes better meet the needs of the time: the creatures that inhabit our technological world operate in them, and the devices around us come to life. And yet, do not deprive your child of the opportunity to get acquainted with good old fairy tales, because entire generations have grown up on them.

By reading fairy tales and poems syllable by syllable, you not only teach children, but also introduce them to the enormous cultural heritage of previous eras. Reading develops in a child curiosity, respect for the work of other people, and the desire to learn new things. All this will definitely be useful to children in adulthood. But most importantly, you will be sure that you will cultivate kindness and humanity in them.

You can download for free a selection of more than 35 books (fairy tales, short stories, poems, simple texts and coloring pages) based on SYLLABLES or select individual ready-made texts for yourself below.

A little story about a squirrel. An excerpt from a book about Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.

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