Jonas Shulman method and conception calendar. Planning conception and pregnancy using the method of Dr. Jonas

Disaster after disaster(((

I had to turn to a star specialist for help, because my life situation was twisted into a tight knot. All the steps I took not only did not improve the situation, but even worsened it. The lack of understanding of what was happening frightened me and took away hope. I turned to Astrologer Tasha Igoshina. Thank you very much for your professionalism and patience. I am a very anxious client, but none of my questions went unnoticed by Tasha. Everything was explained clearly for dummies. Two weeks have passed since the consultation, and the steps I took based on the recommendations have already borne fruit. I have hope! Thanks for the suggested course, Tasha!

Marina Zubritskaya

Thank you very much to Alexey Vladimirovich for the cool webinars on astrology. I learn a lot of new things every time I listen to the recordings. The course is very practical with deep knowledge. I agree with Elena Rumyantseva - I will recommend the SOTIS center to everyone who wants to study astrology.

Natalya Pykh

I have been studying astrology for about 5 years, and Alexey Vladimirovich plays one of the main roles for me in this area, and now in life. He is a very sensitive person and a professional in his field. With its help, you can find answers to questions that interest you and explore them. From AVG it is always possible to receive support and help in any difficult and confusing situation, not only from the point of view of astrology, but also from the point of view of everyday experience. This is a highly qualified teacher, and I am very glad that it was he, as one of the few teachers, who gave me such a tool as astrology, which I use everywhere in my life and to help other people

Marika Semenova

Varvara Ivanova

Thank you for organizing the course with Yulia Romanova!
I am a newbie and all I knew about the lunar calendar was that it exists, there is a new moon and a full moon.
Thanks to Yulia’s simple, engaging, real-life examples and structured approach, after the first day I began to plan my important affairs taking into account the information received.
It was very important for me that Julia not only gave material, but gave examples and gave homework (so that knowledge did not lie as a dead weight), and answered a million questions that arose in my head. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the course.

Alena Bochina

I thank astrologer Yulia Romanova and the Sotis center for participating in the intensive course “Lunar Calendar and Planning of Daily Affairs”! This is invaluable and very important information for modern life! There are so many things to do, financial transactions, and household chores that surround us, and we don’t always know when to choose the best time for this. And possession of such information as the lunar calendar teaches you to feel the influence of different aspects on the success of a particular business. After two days of intensive training, your brain is buzzing!) But from the first day you begin to look at your plans differently and everything lines up so harmoniously! Thank you to the Universe for such valuable and rare specialists as Yulia! I continue to study and immerse myself in this new world of astrology! And I wish everyone to try and master it - it’s so interesting!

Marika Semenova

The stars aligned for me when I attended a webinar and met Yulia Romanova and the secret of the lunar calendar. The classes were held at the highest level.
I recommend it to everyone - this is a magic wand - a lifesaver in everyday life.
Even if you are new to this business, don’t worry, they explain it clearly and easily.
Believe me, this information will be useful to you and everyone you love.

Tatyana Kimlaeva

I express my gratitude to Tatyana for organizing and Yulia Romanova for conducting a wonderful course on the Lunar calendar! A lot of condensed useful information that can be used to make every day of your life more efficient! Julia is a very pleasant teacher, I am very glad that I met her! I recommend to all!

Evgenia Neva

Elena Manukova

I would like to thank Yulia for the informative and rich course “Astrology of Stones and Talismans”. The value of the course is not only that Yulia conveys to her students a holistic system of working with minerals, but also that this system is authentic and tested by many years of practice. I am heavily involved in astromineralogy, and Yulia’s course has greatly expanded my tools and understanding of how stones work at different levels. The only thing you need to understand is that you cannot take a “piece” from a built algorithm and thoughtlessly apply it. Minerals are a very powerful thing in skillful hands, and if you decide to work with stones, study the theory thoroughly, practice on yourself for enough time to draw eventual conclusions, and only then declare yourself as a specialist. Good luck everyone!

Elena Konovalova

Tatiana Manko

Good evening! I would like to thank you for the excellent three webinars, which provided a lot of useful information. I tried all the methods and to be honest, “the hair on my head started to move”, how accurate everything is. I checked the prenatal eclipse many times, but there was no clarity or algorithm of action. How you managed to group it all together is simply amazing. You are a master and a pro!

Elena Pozdeeva

Darsy Eternity

Alena Kulpina

Inesochka, my dear and beloved Teacher, I am very grateful to you for the “Secrets of the Tarot” course, it was a truly wonderful and magical journey for me into the world of the unknown!!! I came to the course knowing absolutely nothing about Tarot cards; never before, not only was I not interested in cards, but I sincerely considered them to be the machinations of the Evil One. But your vision of Tarot cards as a tool given to us by God for communicating with Higher Powers and the presentation of the material as a whole turned my worldview upside down and got me hooked! I was a beginner and was very worried that I wouldn’t understand and wouldn’t be able to cope! But you simply led everyone by the hand, patiently explaining basic things several times! And steadfastly enduring our hysterics, fears and even aggression, they stubbornly invested sacred knowledge into us (sometimes even against our will)! Looking at the girls who had been studying Tarot cards for a long time, I also wanted to suddenly become a master, a pro... but alas, the cards didn’t accept me, I didn’t hear them, I didn’t understand them, but after completing the entire Tarot course (having gained extensive knowledge on each card in the deck) I suddenly discovered the magical world of higher knowledge! It was an amazing feeling when you pick up a deck, go through the cards, and they start talking to you! Now I can’t imagine how I lived before without my wonderful and dear Visconti Sforza cards! It was this deck that became my guide and language of communication with the Higher Powers! And how much pleasure it gave me to work on drawing up the exam schedule! How important I felt at the same time))) Inessa, I am sincerely grateful to you for your knowledge, patience and love! You are a true Teacher! Thank you.
With respect, gratitude and love Alena Kulpina.

Maria Chernova

Good day everyone. I am Inessa's student and continue my studies. What can I say. Inessa is a Teacher from God. The way she presents the material is something I have never seen before from anyone else. Everything is clear and logical. If any question arises during the learning process, Inessa will never say that this is how it should be considered. She will definitely explain why this is necessary and provide a whole bunch of logical proof of her words.
The material is supplied correctly and without water. Everything is very basic, but very clear. Inessa generously shares her knowledge and gives her all in her lessons. It is almost impossible to find such a generous and hardworking teacher.
I tried to learn the Tarot myself, but I looked at the book and saw nothing.) For me it was so difficult. And then the Higher Powers decided to bring our paths together. We started from scratch. While learning the secrets of Tarot cards, I was amazed at how easy it was to read the answers from the cards. I didn't think that training would be so easy.
Now I am studying the second stage of Tarot Magic with my Teacher. Astrology is ahead.
It is not customary to talk about the results out loud. Happiness loves silence. What can I say. Rituals built according to how Inessa taught me begin to work even at the thinking through stage. This is great! I feel like a sorceress.
I'm in the flow, I'm carried along, and I really like it.)
Inessa, a low bow and a huge thank you for teaching us to paint life with new colors.

Svitlana Lysa

Olga Fedotova

I would like to leave a review about Yulia Vyastra’s course “FUNDAMENTALS OF ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTING. Workshop on the interpretation of natal charts.” Astrologers, with or without experience, always want to learn something new or expand their practical experience in matters of astrology. Yulia’s course is great for this!) )Yulia Vyastra is an astrologer with extensive practical experience, which she generously and easily shares without fuss or tediousness! The lessons are not boring, the topics are practical, the examples are interesting, and after that we also receive a checklist with a summary of the work done and the key points to focus on pay attention when working individually with clients! This is very convenient and makes the life of an astrologer easier when there are many conflicting instructions in the client’s chart. For each lesson there is homework for practical practice of the material. I don’t even understand where Yulia finds the time to check our assignments, because that at the beginning of the next lesson she answers all questions and minor shortcomings on the topic covered, and also answers personal messages (at least she answered everything and even found time for a personal conversation)))) This attitude towards to her students! The self-confidence of astrologers with little experience increases from such support from the teacher! The professionalism of the astrologer-teacher is felt from the interest in the students’ assimilation of the material covered. Yulia also additionally uploads astrological material in PDF for self-study for a deeper understanding of astrological issues. I would like to thank Yulia for the lessons! Don’t hesitate to recommend them to anyone who is thinking about recommending them! The benefits are enormous! I am very grateful and look forward to Yulia Vyastra’s next courses, which I will definitely attend!

Tatiana Knyazeva

In 2018, I took a course on “Ba-dzy” with Yulia Vyastra. I really liked the presentation of the material and the practical tasks with feedback. This year there was an opportunity to take a workshop course for astrologers on INTERPRETATION OF NATAL CHARTS. I would like to say a huge thank you to Yulia for this unique course. Unique because Julia generously shares her knowledge, various techniques and many years of experience. I really like the clarity and structure of the material, as well as the ease of presentation. Everything is clear, without “water” and to the point. Interesting examples and team work, when we, step by step, like detectives, using checklists, “put together puzzles” and got a clear picture of who the horoscope belonged to. Each lesson for me was like an interesting and exciting journey through the cards and insight ! The checklists that were used every lesson were like rails that prevent you from going astray in the process of analyzing the horoscope, and you gain confidence in the interpretation of natal charts. Thanks to the Sotis center for organizing the courses, after completing which you understand that time and money were not wasted. Success, prosperity and new projects!

Natalia Fedorenko

I met Yulia only in the winter, and from the first webinar I felt that this was my teacher, I liked her way of presenting information! She is simply an excellent, very competent teacher with vast experience and a wealth of knowledge. Everything is presented in an accessible and understandable manner; I really like her structured approach, logical and reasonable style of presentation. Her “checklists” for doing homework and for further analysis of cards are very helpful. Thank you very much to Yulia for sharing her experience, answering all the questions, as a result of which everything begins to fall into place in my head! I really liked Julia’s course “Workshop on interpreting natal charts”, it taught me a lot! Thank you!

Lena Vitalievna

Larisa Nilova

Evgenia Neva

I took part in a webinar about the seals of happiness and unhappiness, which was conducted by Yulia Vyastra, it was very interesting! Of course, I already knew the basics on this topic, but it turned out that there are touches, additional information about what can give a feeling of bad luck, which the presenter shared with us. Yulia’s professional level is certainly high, but most of all I liked how she intelligently answered pressing questions, correctly, and with respect for other people’s opinions, which is given to few). Two and a half hours flew by in one breath. Thank you!)

Svetlana Lisa

Quite by accident I got to Tatyana’s webinars (a friend recommended them) and I practically didn’t sleep that night, I listened to everything avidly! And this despite the fact that my level of astrology does not reach the understanding of everything that was said. But this is the most important thing that plays the most important role for me: accuracy, fundamentality, an integrated approach based on calculations, checks, research, scientific character and argumentation of all actions, amazed and delighted me. There are so many fairy tales and myths in astrology now more than ever that Masters like Tatyana are truly a godsend! Not once during the webinars was it said “I feel this way, by intuition, this is how I see it here”, which is so abundant in most astrologers; each rectification method was presented with the most scientific approach, where everything was tested repeatedly by Tatyana. And when you hear ridicule in the direction of astrology, and often fair, you understand how lacking in our field are such specialists as Tatyana and her associates. Then Astrology would have every chance of becoming a science! I am very grateful to you for your work and the vast experience that you so generously share with us!

Elna Pozdeeva

I watched webinars on rectification. The information is presented in an accessible manner, supported by visual effects and examples of natal charts of real people. Tatyana, thank you very much! Once again I looked at my map based on eclipses (they scream about events) - I was once again convinced that the time is accurate)))) I will practice these methods of rectification! Although, I am a half-educated wizard... I will fill in the gaps. Tatyana, you managed to cover several blind spots

Tatiana Manko

I listened to three webinars by Tatyana Volkova on rectification. Amazing things were discovered, most importantly accurate and very reliable for rectification. I was especially impressed by the research and rectification of the children's horoscope based on the mother's prenatal eclipses. I was able to restore my son’s time down to seconds using this method. Of course, many questions remain. A powerful thing and I thank Tatyana for introducing me to this practice.

Olga Eremina

I thank Tatyana Volkova for the master class on the Karmic laws of Lilith." I have a special interest in Lilith. I was very impressed by the analysis of examples where both true and average Lilith are clearly played out, Everything is clear and on the shelves, everything seems familiar, but opens up from a new side, appeared deeper understanding of this mystical point.Thank you very much.

Natalia Nevzorova

The author's rectification course with Tatyana Volkova continued throughout May. There were 10 lessons + 3 introductory lessons, which also turned out to be very useful. During the online classes, Tatyana gave both the theoretical part and immediately showed with examples how she does it herself. After each lesson there was homework, which was then dealt with in the next lesson. During the course, we completely rectified 3 maps, going through all the stages. At the same time, I took my cards and tried to rectify them myself using this algorithm. At the last lesson, we repeated and systematized everything we had learned - which is also important in order to generalize and consolidate what we had learned, so there was no “mess” left in our heads. A lot of the work was done independently. It’s very good that Dz understood it - we saw what mistakes we made, how to try to avoid them and what to do when several “working” times worked out. Thank you to the girls from the group for your company during this month! Each of us had our own view and approach to rectification, we had theoretical and practical knowledge. Tatyana gave a lot of material that will definitely be useful in future work.
I also recently participated in Tatyana’s one-day, but very long (4 hours) webinar dedicated to the Black Moon. Everything is structured and presented very clearly - history, theoretical and practical parts. A very rich and informative webinar.

Svetlana Ryabinina

Olga Polozyuk

Tasha Igoshina’s 10-lesson course of Medical Astrology recently completed. The course is very informative. I learned about the connection between houses and diseases, about the connection between temperament and disease. My long-standing question about blood type was clarified. I received interesting information on Diseases of the Planets, Prevention of diseases according to the sign of the Zodiac. Based on the analysis of the students' charts, we received the Spiritual, Mental causes of the disease and their Correction!! We received a clear algorithm for analyzing the natal chart for diagnosing diseases. I express my deep gratitude to Tasha for her professionalism and generosity

Ilya Petrov

I took a course in horary astrology with Tasha. I recommend. And, the process itself is laconic in theory and fascinating in a variety of illustrations that amaze Tasha, like Sherlock Holmes of horaries, and Tasha herself evokes great affection for herself with Human complicity, and, as a really interested and developing specialist, not afraid of mistakes, not having snobbery of achievements, while clearly being a Master. Thank you.

Inna Shaposhnikova

I express my sincere gratitude to you for organizing a course on horary astrology with Tasha Igoshina. Tasha is a true professional and talented teacher. I attended various similar events, but I remember this course as the most intense, revealing the essence of horary astrology. It was a real educational course that gave practical skills. I will be happy to take part in any webinar by Tasha for already practicing astrologers. I wish you and your center success and prosperity!

Nadezhda Dira

Natalia Saltanova

Nina Osipova

Olga Vasilenko

Irina Titova

During the prognostication course with Alexey Vladimirovich Goloushkin, I streamlined my knowledge and learned a lot of new things. And most importantly, Alexey Vladimirovich provides clear methodologies for each case of forecasts and interesting astronomical knowledge necessary for an astrologer in his work. Now, with knowledge of the cycles and trajectories of the movement of planets and luminaries, it has become much easier to navigate forecast maps. Also, many thanks to Tatyana Volkova for organizing the course - a convenient webinar room, you can always watch it in the recording if you didn’t have time online. I recommend it to anyone who wants to deeply study prognostics and do it professionally!

Lyudmila Divac

Anna Sergevtseva

For me, Julia Vyastra’s course ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTING: PRACTICUM ON NATAL CHART INTERPRETATION turned out to be not only very capacious and useful. I immediately began to apply the acquired knowledge in consultations. Julia gave me a structure, a plan for conducting analysis, and the skill of reading a natal chart “from a sheet.” I am very pleased! Yulin's approach inspired me and gave me confidence that I was on the right path. Special thanks for the part of the course dedicated to marketing. Finding your niche is not easy. This question has been very relevant to me for about a year now. Archtyping helped me a lot. I think I've found my direction.
Yulia is a real teacher, she showed an attentive, respectful, tactful attitude towards each of the listeners and love for her work. Structure and specificity in the presentation of the material, vast personal experience, nuances that cannot be found in textbooks, online training, homework and their analysis, checklists, selection of interesting cards for analysis in class, Yulia’s desire to convey her experience, relaxed, The friendly atmosphere makes the course especially valuable and unique. Each lesson was like a journey with its own discoveries and unexpected turns of events. I will be happy to come to Yulia for other courses and will recommend her to my colleagues.

Lena Vitalievna

I learned about Yulia Vyastra last year as an astrologer and teacher. There was a webinar on “Ba-Dzy”, where an analysis using the “Ba-Dzy” technique was carried out for everyone by date of birth. To be honest, that’s why I went, because everything is good for free. And here was an unfamiliar astrologer, for some reason I thought it would be boring and tedious. But as it turned out, the opposite was true. You can listen to Julia for hours. Easy presentation of the material, beautiful speech and behind you a wealth of experience and knowledge and mastery of a variety of techniques. I didn’t go to Ba-Tzy then, but I did take a workshop course on map interpretation. For which I would like to thank the Sotis Center for organizing such necessary courses with the best astrologers and teachers.

Evgenia Neva

I took part in a webinar about the seals of happiness and unhappiness, which was conducted by Yulia Vyastra, it was very interesting! Of course, I already knew the basics on this topic, but it turned out that there are touches, additional information about what can give a feeling of bad luck, which the presenter shared with us. Yulia’s professional level is certainly high, but most of all I liked how she intelligently answered pressing questions, correctly, and with respect for other people’s opinions, which is given to few). Two and a half hours flew by in one breath. Thank you!)

Lyudmila Divac

I would like to express my gratitude to the astrological center "Sotis" for the excellent prognostication course from Alexey Vladimirovich Goloushkin!! Special thanks to Tatyana Volkova for organizing the training, for her care and attention) I advise everyone who plans to receive astrological knowledge to contact “Sotis”!!!

Olga Vasilenko

Thank you for organizing the course “Natal Astrology” with Alexey Vladimirovich Goloushkin. It was the SOTIS Astrological Center that provided such an opportunity to study such an important, fundamental basis for those beginning to be interested in astrology, despite the remoteness and busyness in our modern world. Special and huge thanks to Alexey Vladimirovich for the invaluable lessons (webinars), especially when I manage to actively participate in them (due to being busy, I had to watch the Recording) The first semester has now passed and the summer workshop has begun, I consider this a unique opportunity for those who are physically unable to attend classes. Alexey Vladimirovich became an indispensable teacher for me in getting to know Astrology. The webinars cover everything in detail, there is no rush, you can ask questions on the topic and more. Thank you

Natalia Saltanova

The review will be about the special course “Astrocartography” with Alexey Vladimirovich Goloushkin. It’s a pleasure to deal with him; Alexey Vladimirovich presents the material very informatively and intelligibly and makes sure that we understand everything. I immediately started using this material and am incredibly happy that I mastered this method and remembered a little and filled in my “gaps” in my knowledge of astronomy) Alexey Vladimirovich - you are simply a super TEACHER, I will come to you again!

Natalia Loginova

From songs words Not throw it away- this proverb is exactly about the lectures of the Ba-Tzu astrology course by Yulia Vyastra. Every phrase spoken here is said to be “to the point” and with meaning. The structured presentation of the material facilitates understanding and allows you to create a solid platform for the subsequent assembly of a holistic picture of the “world of Ba-Tzu”

After the first lesson, you can take the initial steps in chart analysis and this immediately inspires and gives confidence in the desire to master this skill, and after the sixth lesson you can already feel “knowledgeable and able”, albeit a little, but it inspires and gives perseverance - like Demons whisper in your ear: “you have almost penetrated this “magic” and it has even opened the way to its treasures.” And then miracles begin... You, like Herman in Pushkin’s “Queen of Spades”, see your three, seven and ace in every person, gaze with fascination at the faces of passers-by on the street and all your acquaintances and think: “this one is Yin Fire - how much is in it?” secrets, he’s like a spring, ready to take off, ah - there are sparkles in his eyes, and that one there is like Yanskaya Water, just the Arctic Ocean,” and then you run to the computer to check your assumptions, it’s just madness, but happy. And there are also Bermuda triangles, it turns out that you didn’t even suspect that this docile and weak-willed person next to you is the tough and durable Yang Metal GEN, that’s how it goes! And stupor! You walk around all day and analyze this phenomenon. In a dream, you also read Ba-Tzu cards and suffer because they prevent you from getting enough sleep, everyone in your household is already shying away from your questions and conclusions, and you smile - there is happiness - or there will be more.

I would like to wish everyone to find their own teacher who will reveal secrets to you and will not disappoint you in your chosen profession or hobby, and also figure out this “assemble it yourself” constructor called life. I was lucky enough to find it and not be disappointed.

Knock and it will be opened for you! Let's hit the road!

Olga Khokhlova

I took a Ba Tzu training course with Yulia Vyastra with interest. I really liked that Julia gives the material in a very holistic, clear, structured way. A certain space is formed in the mind, filled with images of Chinese astrology and culture. Already during the first course, a lot of valuable knowledge is acquired, which can be immediately applied by analyzing the horoscope. Yulia also provides counseling skills and material on which to base an explanation of the meanings and indicators of the Ba Tzu card. I would like to say: Thank you very much, I actively use the knowledge gained in my work as an astrologer.

Elena Istratenkova

Julia, thank you very much for your work!
You present the material very well, in a very structured manner, and clearly explain the features of the Ba-Tzu to each student. I completed the 1st course, this knowledge really helped me understand myself and improve various areas of my life, this is almost a 100% success in everything. I hope to master it further over time. Thank you!

Natalya Agakhanova

A few words about my impressions of the Ba-Tzu course.
It turned out to be very interesting and useful for me in that I received a tool with which I can very clearly and, even after the first level, look quite deeply at a person-relationship-situation, at what constitutes their basis, since the basis of everything that exists - interaction of basic energies. I can’t judge the subtleties yet, but what I already know works very effectively. In addition, the course is taught by an excellent teacher. Julia gives the material in a very structured, precise, clear manner, pays attention to the main thing, builds a “skeleton” on which you can string your own experience, practice and deeper subtleties. I can assume that this is all the more valuable since we are talking about the Eastern system. which is distinguished by its ornate and allegorical presentation.I took Yulia Vyastra's course on Ba Zi. Excellent presentation of the material, everything is clear, “laid out on the shelves”, with homework for reinforcement and feedback. I wanted to study Chinese astrology further. Thank you very much for inviting such specialists.

Olga Vasilenko

Thank you for organizing the course “Natal Astrology” with Alexey Vladimirovich Goloushkin. It was the SOTIS Astrological Center that provided such an opportunity to study such an important, fundamental basis for those beginning to be interested in astrology, despite the remoteness and busyness in our modern world. Special and huge thanks to Alexey Vladimirovich for the invaluable lessons (webinars), especially when I manage to actively participate in them (due to being busy, I had to watch the Recording) The first semester has now passed and the summer workshop has begun, I consider this a unique opportunity for those who are physically unable to attend classes. Alexey Vladimirovich became an indispensable teacher for me in getting to know Astrology. The webinars cover everything in detail, there is no rush, you can ask questions on the topic and more. Thank you for providing this opportunity.

Nina Osipova

I want to say that - yes, I think that I was lucky enough to find such a Teacher as Alexey Vladimirovich. First, I accidentally came across his report on ultra-fast progressions on the Internet at an astrological conference, then I listened to an interesting report on perinatal eclipses and, realizing that this was some other scale of studying astrology, I followed with interest his every speech and there was always something... something new - and purely Aquarian - ahead of time. And I came to him to study intentionally, however, I thought that I had already studied enough basic astrology and wanted to sign up for prognostication, but Tatyana Volkova convinced me to take the initial course - which I don’t regret, because... I feel like I'm getting a higher education. The peculiarity of the course is its fundamental nature. And I am very impressed by Alexey Vladimirovich’s approach, as he says: “I’m giving you the right hand!” He gives the material systematically and completely. And he teaches us to distinguish the subtleties of definitions and nuances of various shades of the character of planets, signs, etc. - and this turned out to be quite difficult, but interesting and I am grateful to him for this - I have never encountered such a deeply corrosive and correct approach. Thanks a lot!

Natalia Saltanova

Ekaterina Averyanova

I would like to express my gratitude to Tasha Igoshina for the most interesting and informative Author’s course!

Tasha helped expand her horizons and take her knowledge of astrology to a whole new level!

Before meeting Tasha, astrology revealed to me the mental, emotional, physical level of manifestations! But learning about the world doesn’t end there!
A detailed analysis of working with a client, the possibility of correcting fate, answers to the riddles of the structure of the world!
How to learn not only to interpret a map, but also to “feel” it? Get insights? Develop the extrasensory abilities necessary for the work of a modern astrologer?!
How can you help unlock the potential contained in the card and change your destiny for the better?
How to become the master of your destiny and help others?
I found answers to these and other questions in this course!
Tasha is a wonderful teacher and professional in her field!
I recommend this course to those who want to become a professional astrologer and a bit of a magician!

Tatiana Burtseva

Hello! I’ve known about the Sotis Astrological Center for more than a year, but I really “met” it quite recently - in December, and I’m very glad about it. Everything has its moment!
Attended the open webinar by Tasha Igoshina “Rituals for solar and lunar eclipses”. To be honest, at first I thought - what else can you learn about eclipses - and I was pleasantly surprised! You can learn a lot!
Tasha is a deep professional both as an astrologer and as a lecturer, the material is selected very comprehensively, the way of presentation is clear and accessible. Of course, I took advantage of the knowledge gained and expect a favorable result.

The calculator will calculate the phase of the moon in which you (and, if necessary, the father of the child) were born. After this, the lunar phase is determined in which the probability of conception using the Jonas method is greatest (taking into account your location).

About the method

In the mid-50s of the 20th century, a young Slovak doctor Eugen Jonas made a discovery: in women, along with the menstrual cycle, there is a second, individual cycle, from which the greatest predisposition to conception can be calculated. This cycle is “set” at birth and is based on the position of the Moon.

The main point of the method:

A woman will have the greatest predisposition to conception (increased fertility) in the phase of the Moon that was at her birth. In this case, the peak probability of conception occurs on the lunar birthday (LBD).

In total, the Moon has 4 phases: 1st quarter, full moon, 3rd quarter, new moon. The beginning and end of the phases will be different for different time zones, which is why the place of birth and the place where the child will be conceived are important for the calculation of the method.

Interesting facts and calculations of the Jonas method that are circulating on the Internet

Statistics were collected according to which 85% of fertilizations occur during the moon phase favorable for a woman and 15% on ovulation days in other phases. That is, the fertile period often occurs at the intersection of favorable lunar and menstrual cycles (see).

According to Jonas, the period of conception also affects the quality of pregnancy. A study was conducted on more than 2,000 women suffering from miscarriage. It turned out that in 80% of cases, conception was carried out during the most unfavorable period according to their personal lunar fertility calendar. When patients began to follow cosmobiological recommendations, the number of miscarriages decreased by more than 6 times.

Favorable phases of the moon also helped those women who experienced non-pathological infertility. If the recommendations were followed, 352 women out of 360 subjects became pregnant within a year.

The method is also used when a couple’s inability to conceive a child is explained by the “weakness” of the man’s sperm. Jonas's research shows that when a man's lunar phase repeats, sperm counts increase sharply (by an order of magnitude or even several orders of magnitude). In this case, it remains to choose a period so that the woman’s ovulation coincides with the repetition of the man’s lunar phase.

Is it possible to plan the gender of a child using the Jonas method?

Jonas also spoke about the possibility of planning the sex of the child if you follow certain rules.

The Moon travels between the “female” and “male” signs of the Zodiac every 2.5 days. If your fertile period coincides with the period when the Moon is in a feminine sign (with a negative solar-lunar phase), then you are more likely to conceive a girl when you are in a masculine sign - a boy.

  • “Female” zodiac constellations (even signs): Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.
  • “Male” zodiac constellations (odd signs): Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Having determined the desired period, you need to have time to carry out PA, starting 24 hours BEFORE and ending 6 hours AFTER.

Currently, the calculator on the website does not calculate such periods (this requires collecting a database of the Moon’s positions relative to the zodiac signs), but if there are requests, the development of such functionality is quite possible. In the meantime, you can simply look in any lunar calendar where the Moon is during the period in which you are planning to conceive.

By the way, there are independent studies online that refute the possibility of planning the sex of a child using the Jonas method with a high probability. Here, for example, (it’s good that now any material can be easily translated using browser plugins, even without knowing the language).

The Jonas-Shulman method is not a panacea and does not guarantee 100% effectiveness, but according to statistics it is considered one of the most effective in solving family planning issues. Belonging to the field of modern cosmobiology, it helps not only to calculate the desired gender of the unborn child, but also to find out the most favorable periods for successful conception. In addition, correct calculations will help to avoid problems with bearing a baby and increase the chances of him being born healthy. Provided you are familiar with astrology, you can make the necessary calculations yourself.

Two scientific figures contributed to the existence and development of this technique: the Czech gynecologist and psychiatrist Dr. Jonas (since 1956) and the gynecologist-reproductologist Professor Shulman (in the 80s).

The basis of the Jonas-Schulman method

Already in ancient times, astrologers noticed a relationship between the distance of the Moon from the Sun at the time of a woman’s birth and her susceptibility to conception. In other words, a girl’s natal chart shows the time of her greatest ability to become pregnant. Such a period occurs for a woman once a month and precisely at the moment when the distance from the Sun to the Moon is the same as at the moment of her birth.

Scientist Jonas went further with this discovery, starting to work on this correlation further. He made an almost revolutionary discovery, arguing that a woman has not one cycle, but two: menstrual and individual. And it’s the second one that is responsible for the time of greatest fertility. An individual cycle is set from the very birth of a woman and accompanies her throughout the entire period of her reproductive life, with absolute accuracy. The second female cycle is oriented towards the phase of the Moon that preceded her birth.

Consequently, a woman’s fertile period, that is, the time of her greatest predisposition to reproduction, is easy to calculate: it will coincide with the return of the corresponding lunar phase, the one that was observed on the day of her birth. Calculate how many days have passed since the full moon or new moon, and you will find the period you need.

Calculating the best period of female fertility

Later, scientists conducted more detailed studies, which led to amazing results. It turns out that favorable days of the biological cycle known to us (menstrual) account for only 15% of cases of successful conceptions, and the cycle of changing the lunar phase accounts for 85%. At the same time, the highest rate of female fertility coincides with the intersection of both cycles.

Along with this discovery, the Czech doctor received the key to the ability to accurately calculate the most reproductive days of any woman, which he proved in his practical research. After selecting 360 women from the clinic who had been having problems conceiving for three years or more and were diagnosed with non-pathological infertility as a result, Jonas recommended that they adhere to his calculations regarding favorable and unfavorable dates for conception. The success of the method was stunning. 352 women became pregnant within a year, which in terms of efficiency was an unprecedented figure for statistics of 97.7%.

Calculating the gender of the unborn child

The Jonas-Shulman method allows you to calculate the period of conception of a child of a certain gender thanks to the movement of the Moon according to the signs of the zodiac. The path between different zodiac signs is 2.5 days for the Moon. In turn, the signs themselves are divided into female and male. Accordingly, if a child is conceived while the Moon is in a masculine sign, then a boy will be born. If the Moon was in a female sign at the time of conception, then a girl will be born. Dr. Jonas himself put the probability of such calculations at 98%.

Dr. Shulman subsequently confirmed Jonas's assumption about the influence of the day of conception on the sex of the unborn baby. The birth of female or male children depends on the solar-lunar phase (positive or negative) at the time of conception of the child. The method turned out to be effective in 92-98% of cases.

The approximate determination of gender depends on many factors. For example, calculations may be inaccurate if the favorable periods of conception of both female cycles are located nearby, because astrological phases will change between them. Also, if when compiling your natal chart you did not know the hour of birth and took the average option (usually 12 noon), then when choosing the gender of the child, you also need to be careful. In addition, deviations in calculations determine the survival of sperm, which can last for 2-5 days, during which the phase of the Moon may change, and the calculations will no longer be relevant.

The influence of the method on pregnancy and child health

Dr. Jonas identified another feature of the influence of periods of conception on the quality of pregnancy. Having studied 2000 women who suffered from miscarriage (miscarriages), he found that of all these cases, 80% of conceptions occurred at the most unfavorable time. After following the recommendations of cosmobiology, the number of miscarriages decreased by more than 6 times.

Dr. Shulman, in his statistical studies, revealed the relationship between periods of conception and the health of the unborn child. It is influenced by all the same factors, and a number of others are added. Thus, if conception took place at the time of a solar or lunar eclipse, then there is a high probability of having a baby with serious mental pathologies or even disabilities. Shulman also proved the fact that pregnancy is poorly tolerated by a woman who conceived a child during an unfavorable period.

Additional interesting facts

Jonas suggested that since ancient times, women's astrological and biological cycles coincided, because people lived in greater unity with the rhythms of the cosmos and nature. Thus, ovulation occurred at the corresponding phase of the moon.

Professor Shulman, possessing a considerable amount of statistical material, also supported this hypothesis. After analyzing information from maternity hospitals around the world, it turned out that the largest number of births occur either on the full moon or on the new moon. Accordingly, in girls born under these phases, fertility occurs during the full moon or new moon, which proves the existence of a natural rhythm in our days. Some women still have it.

Francesca Naish from America published research results that revealed the influence of solar-lunar activity on male sperm. She claims that it is precisely the repetition of the lunar phase that accounts for the rapid increase in male sperm levels. This hypothesis has found practical application in the case of familial infertility due to the male factor - weak sperm.

And although there is still no reliable, intelligible scientific evidence of the effectiveness of the Jonas-Shulman method, the statistics speak for themselves. Facts are stubborn things.

According to the observations of astrologers, the probability of conception, the course of pregnancy and the gender of the unborn child largely depend on the astrological situation at the time of intimacy. Therefore, if you are thinking about replenishing your family, you will be interested in the technique that will be discussed in this article. This is especially true for married couples suffering from infertility. Sometimes these kinds of problems can be solved thanks to a well-chosen day.

In 1968, the Czech gynecologist E. Jonas made a revolutionary discovery - it turns out that, along with the hormonal cycle of conception, there is a second, individual cycle of the greatest predisposition to conception, set already from birth and with incredible accuracy accompanying the entire reproductive period of a woman’s life. This second cycle is focused on the phase of the Moon that preceded the birth of a given woman. Dr. Jonas's discoveries in the field of family planning have been thoroughly tested in practice. He also developed an approach to choosing the sex of a child.

As the experience of people for whom the conception calendar was calculated using the Jonas method shows, this method works well: children are born, and of the exact gender that the parents wanted. BUT! It is very important to take into account the risk factor, which I always indicated in the calculations for each specific case! Because when conception occurs at a high level of a risk factor, the child is born with abnormalities - sometimes more serious, sometimes less. Therefore, do not trust calculations that do not take into account the risk factor. You can receive Dr. Jonas’ method, taking into account and indicating risk periods on our website by filling out the form. And now about the technique itself.

While still a student, Dr. Jonas became interested in astrology in 1947. In some Babylonian-Assyrian sources, he came across a statement that a woman can conceive during a certain phase of the moon. This discovery gave rise to research, and after some time Dr. Jonas headed the Astra clinic, which more than successfully solved four problems:

- Determination of sterile days when conception cannot occur.
- Determination of days of increased fertility for women who cannot conceive, despite the absence of physical obstacles to this.
- Determining the days when a boy or a girl is likely to be conceived, depending on the wishes of the future parents.
- Determination of the days when a healthy child, without developmental defects, is most likely to be conceived.

Conception - “official” and “unscientific”

According to the views of scientific medicine, conception can only occur immediately after ovulation - the stage in a woman’s hormonal cycle when the egg matures and is ready for fertilization. That is, in fact, for one or two days a month. As a result, a woman cannot conceive on other days of the month, as well as during those periods of life when ovulation does not occur - as a result of pregnancy, breastfeeding, or taking hormonal contraceptives.

However, even official gynecology knows many documented cases where conception occurred during menstruation, during pregnancy or while taking contraceptives. And how many cases when the real age of the fetus does not correspond to the period determined by the doctor remain undocumented... How can this happen?

Dr. Jonas discovered and proved as a result of his research that the probability of conception is very high during the period of time when the phase of the Moon (that is, the angle between the Moon and the Sun) repeats the phase that was at the birth of the woman. Moreover, the probability of conception increases sharply, regardless of what period of the hormonal cycle the lunar phase repeats. The probability of conception is highest when the repetition of the phase coincides with ovulation, but in second place in probability is, oddly enough, the coincidence of the repetition of the phase with menstruation.

Research results suggest that up to 85% of conceptions occur precisely during the repetition phase, and only 15% - during the scientifically proven period of readiness for conception. Mysteriously, the body is so committed to conception when the lunar phase repeats that any obstacles on this path may be ineffective. Official medicine, of course, considers all this unscientific. However, there are still many secrets in Nature that the official sages never dreamed of.

Where do the discrepancies come from?

And indeed, why does it happen that there is a hormonal period of conception, and there is a lunar period, which in general differs from it? Francesca Naish, in her book The Lunar Cycle (1989), suggests that ideally these two periods should coincide.

She found that in women who lead a healthy lifestyle, are free from significant stress and listen to the rhythms of their bodies, the lunar and hormonal phases eventually synchronize. In addition, for medicinal purposes, it is possible to shift the ovulation period, and along with it the other phases of the hormonal cycle, so as to synchronize ovulation with the repetition of the lunar phase.

Such synchronization not only generally favors health, but also provides purely pragmatic convenience. For example, if a woman wants to conceive, then the probability of conception if ovulation and the lunar phase coincide is very high. And if he wants to protect himself from conception, then only one clearly defined period will be “dangerous”.

A special case is when the inability of a married couple to conceive a child is explained by the weakness of the man's sperm. Studies show that when a man’s lunar phase repeats, all sperm parameters increase sharply, by an order of magnitude, or even several orders of magnitude. All that remains is to shift the woman’s ovulation so that it coincides with the repetition of the man’s lunar phase - voila! A child appears in those couples who have long despaired of having one. These are the tricks Francesca Naish performs.

Some numbers and facts

Here is a translation of the most interesting fragments from Francesca Naish's book.Her research shows that when a man’s lunar phase repeats, all sperm parameters increase sharply, by an order of magnitude, or even several orders of magnitude.In practice, this has become applicable in cases where the inability of a married couple to conceive a child is explained by the weakness of the man's sperm. Studies show that when a man’s lunar phase repeats, all sperm parameters increase sharply, by an order of magnitude, or even several orders of magnitude. All that remains is to shift the woman’s ovulation so that it coincides with the repetition of the man’s lunar phase. A child appears in those couples who have long despaired of having one.

The effectiveness of these methods turned out to be indecently high. Moreover, no intelligible scientific explanation for these phenomena (with a huge number of hypotheses) was ever given. But facts are stubborn things - and therefore the method, called the Jonas-Schulman method, is currently perhaps the most effective in the field of family planning.

Thus, knowing the phase of the Moon at the birth of a woman and taking into account the “risk factors”, we calculate the “individual fertility calendar”. Each date of potential conception is considered (there are 13 of them in a year) and the most optimal one is selected, from the point of view of cosmic configuration. There are a number of rules for choosing the best moment of conception.

Now about the possibility of predicting the sex of a child. Dr. Kurt Rechnitz, director of the Women's Clinic of the University of Budapest, took an active part in testing Dr. Jonas's ideas. He independently applied Jonas's ideas regarding sex selection and achieved an 87% success rate. In addition, he identified a factor, taking into account which the accuracy could be 100%.

One of the studies focused on birth control. It involved 257 couples who, for 6 months, used contraception only following the recommendations of Dr. Jonas. Only in 5 cases did an unwanted pregnancy occur. In January 1969, the commission processed data obtained from 1,600 women who used the method of birth control proposed by Jonas for 4 months. The efficiency was 98.5%.

Dr. Rechnitz, practicing in Budapest, obtained very good results in cases of infertility. There were few cases for statistical evaluation, but he claimed to have achieved a 98.2% success rate in birth control and 100% success in sex selection.

Dr. Farsky of Switzerland, who also used Dr. Jonas's technique to help his patients both conceive and avoid pregnancy, came to a similar conclusion: the combination of the lunar phase and menstruation is often the way out of the impasse in cases imaginary infertility.

Conception calendar

The one presented to your attention shows the probability of conception, the nature of the pregnancy and the predicted gender of the unborn child, depending on the date and time of intimacy.

When choosing the time to conceive, you should definitely take into account the Risk Factor. According to the observations of Dr. Jonas, if conception occurs at a high risk level. The risk factor is indicated in the table by a certain number of characters! - depending on the number of relevant astrological aspects. Ideally, at the time you choose for conception there should be no these signs at all, or, in extreme cases, no more than one.


1. Alexander Kolesnikov “Conception Calendar”

2. Francesca Naish "Lunar Cycle"

Planning the sex of a child is possible by constructing an individual Astrological conception calendar using the method of Dr. Jonas.

The possibilities of astrology in pregnancy planning are wide.

There are several areas of research that help solve the following problems:

  • Determination of periods during which conception cannot occur;
  • Determining the days on which it is possible to conceive a child of the desired gender;
  • Determining the periods of greatest likelihood of fertilization for couples who have problems conceiving;
  • Planning a pregnancy that will proceed without complications for the health of the mother and threats to the fetus.

In astrology, it is possible to predict the sex of a child. Research by astrologers in the field of planning and conceiving children has shown the importance of the influence of the Moon, or more precisely, its real position in the signs of the Zodiac at different periods of time on the likelihood of conceiving a child of a certain gender. A special contribution to research on this issue belongs to the Czech gynecologist and astrologer E. Jonas. Dr. Jonas has been conducting his research since 1968, which led to an important discovery that allows families to realistically plan the gender of their future children. Main conclusions: We can use astrology not only in predicting conception and the course of pregnancy, but also in choosing the gender of the child. If a couple dreams of a son or daughter, it is enough to use a specially calculated calendar.

Even without taking into account the features of an individual horoscope, this method gives an accuracy of 83-87%. The practice of using this technique by many doctors around the world has shown that children of a certain gender are actually born.

The proposed calendar will help in choosing a day during the month, conception on which will most likely lead to the birth of a boy or girl. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the days of ovulation (for the reliable determination of which there are special tests) and the most favorable period for conception.

Regardless of the skepticism of many people towards the idea of ​​taking into account the phases of the moon when planning the sex of a child, the criterion of truth here is practice. My conversations with practicing doctors confirm that this technique, taking into account the dates of ovulation, has been used for quite a long time and successfully.

Every astrologer who is familiar with this technique, who uses it when working with clients and who has his own statistics on it, will also confirm the reproducibility of its theoretical provisions in practice. The principles of repeatability, testability and reproducibility are the main criteria in any modern astrological research.

Here are a few interesting points from F. Naish’s book on this method:

After checking 250 birth records at a Bratislava maternity hospital and matching them with the mothers' birth dates, Dr. Jonas found an 87 percent correlation between the actual sex of the child and his calculations. Later, in a similar study, he achieved 94% accuracy. In another case, Jonas determined the sex of the child before birth. He was right in 83 cases out of 100. Dr. Kurt Rechnitz, director of the women's clinic of the University of Budapest, took an active part in testing Dr. Jonas's ideas. He independently applied Jonas's ideas regarding sex selection and achieved an 87% success rate. In addition, he identified a factor, taking into account which the accuracy could be 100%.

The effectiveness of the lunar method of predicting the sex of a child is combined with its simplicity. This method is based on the fact that a high probability of conceiving a boy is calculated when the Moon is in male signs of the Zodiac, and in female signs there is a high probability of conceiving a girl.

The female zodiac signs include the following: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

Representatives of male zodiac signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

When the Moon moves from sign to sign, the probability decreases and is 50/50. This point is important to consider.

In addition, it will be useful to take into account the current lunar day. Favorable for conception are 2, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 24, 26, 28 lunar days. You can find out the current lunar day using special calendars, which are now very common and are in demand for information.

This astrological calendar for planning the sex of a child was compiled taking into account the methodology of Dr. Jonas, and you can use this up-to-date information absolutely free on my website. Date and time are indicated at the latitude of the city of Novosibirsk.

Astrological calendar for planning the gender of a child for June 2015:

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