Ensemble of drummers. Ensemble of drummers Girls drummers for the holiday

Are you looking for an unusual show program for your holiday? Do you want to organize a grand opening of your event, an awards ceremony or a meeting of honored guests? Are you organizing a parade or procession? Then we know what you need. An ensemble of drummers will highlight your musical and entertainment program, make it memorable, truly festive and solemn, and will certainly receive a standing ovation from surprised, grateful spectators.

The Drum Ensemble is not your average drum corps. The tradition of women's drum corps has a rich history.

In the 19th century, drum majors were in the service of the French army - leaders of military bands, drummers-conductors. At the beginning of the 20th century, during the reform of the army, Emperor Nicholas II borrowed this position from the French, establishing a vestibule major. The girls who played drums in the army wore ceremonial hussar uniforms; not a single solemn procession or parade of the tsarist army was complete without them.

A revolution happened, and ensembles of drummers - tambour majors - began to perform at demonstrations and rallies. During the twentieth century, majorettes acquired more and more independence, becoming a full-fledged musical and pop movement. They finally separated from the army, their costumes changed, but retained their solemn ceremonial style of hussar army attire. In the majorettes' performances, the drum ceased to be the main character - now the girls captivated the audience with the synchronization of their movements and complex choreography. The spectacle of the performing ensemble of drummers-majorettes is truly captivating - the beauties, all as one, marching out with their drums, performing their numbers without faltering, like a huge clockwork, accompanying their incomprehensible dance with a clear rhythm of drumming.

That is why the performances of the ensemble of drummers are always a huge success - the audience is simply breathtaking from such a spectacle. Orderly rows of beautiful women, the rhythms of drumming, elegant costumes, the brilliant splendor of the ceremonial drum band of the imperial hussar regiments - that’s what the ensemble of drummers is.

Book a drummer ensemble performance at your event. Such a show will be remembered by your guests for a long time; they will appreciate your care for them and your original taste - there are few places where you can see something like this.

To order an ensemble of drummers for your celebration, just write or call us. We will be happy to book the date of your holiday for you, draw up a program, select the lineup and costumes of the participants. You will receive an incredible show and an unforgettable experience at your celebration!

We are a community of musical groups, so you can order not only a majorette drum show performance from us. We have a dancing drum band, an ethnic drum show, a light drum show and a theatrical drum show with dancing and acrobatic performances. In addition, with us you can order a performance by a brass band of Santa Clauses, a string orchestra, jazz musicians or a music group. For you, we can organize a performance of a choir or vocalists, and we also have incredible choreographic numbers from our show ballets. By contacting us, you can order famous musicians and artists for your event, for example, the famous orchestra of Oleg Menshikov. We also have completely exotic performances - for example, a performance by an orchestra and a team of cheerleaders.

By contacting us, you work directly with the performers, which means you do not overpay agents and intermediaries. We are happy to offer a discount or other bonus when ordering several musical groups for an event.

The combination of choreography and musical skills of the participants creates a complete feeling of delight, vivid impression and pleasant surprise.

The design of exclusive costumes amazes and pleases the viewer's eye. The created style combines elegance, femininity, beauty, elegance, the era of the past combined with the modern.

LED lighting of the drums allows you to work in different lighting conditions. But this is not the main thing! The purpose of this idea is to further amaze the viewer with its unusualness, effectiveness and beauty.

Variety and choreographic training of participants from the age of 5, as well as each girl was trained to play the drums at the age of 10 and has extensive experience of CONTINUOUS performances and work for 15 years.


Minimum order amount: RUB 15,000.
Composition 5 people
Official program including transfer within the Moscow Ring Road - 15 thousand rubles
Modern program including transfer within the Moscow Ring Road - 20 thousand rubles

Composition 4 people:
Official program including transfer within the Moscow Ring Road - 13 thousand rubles
Modern program including transfer within the Moscow Ring Road - 18 thousand rubles

We also offer a service for welcoming guests (photos with guests), award ceremonies, etc. We go to such events with a lineup of 2-5 drummers.
The final price is negotiated depending on the conditions and event.

There are many ways to add solemnity to an event, but the best of them is without a doubt drummers! Slender girls in hussar clothes, who march beautifully and beat the rhythm with drumsticks, leave no one indifferent.

The range of applications of such groups is quite wide. They are invited to the opening and closing of major events, such as exhibitions and festivals. Any industrial or other “boring” professional exhibition needs a good environment, and drummers can easily lift the spirits of guests and attract their attention to certain stands.

They look especially beautiful at the head of a festive column, when carnival processions are organized for any reason. Also, female drummers will look great during a large corporate event, opening the ceremonial part and attracting the attention of all those present. When organizing a presentation of a new product, opening a store or office, also do not forget to invite beauties with drums. They will instantly turn a standard event into a celebration!

You can invite drummers yourself or make their performance part of a large holiday program. We will help you organize it by selecting artists and musicians according to the format and time of the event. In addition to them, you can have a brass band, saxophonists, accordion players, a vocal-instrumental ensemble or other professional musicians perform. Live music always has a positive effect on the mood of event guests!

By inviting a Drummer show, you can emphasize the solemnity of your holiday. The show of drummers will look especially beautiful at the beginning of the holiday, or at its climax.

The spectacular appeal and originality of the genre makes the show popular in the widest creative range.

Our Drummers have taken and are taking part in popular TV shows: “Good Evening, Moscow”, “The Magnificent Seven”, “Brain Ring”, “Six Encore Songs”, “Leon Izmailov’s Show Dossier”, etc., and starred in films: “Nastya”, “New Odeon”, “Schizophrenia”, “Champagne Splashes”, “Old Nags”.

Drummer Show - a regular participant in various corporate events in the capital: holidays, presentations, as well as ceremonies and openings of international exhibitions and major sporting competitions. Show Drummers performs in solo numbers of famous Russian pop performers: O. Gazmanov, I. Kobzon, S. Pavliashvili and other Russian pop artists.
One of the best ensembles in its genre. This is a professional team with excellent choreographic training, this is a serious professional creative team in which the age of the participants is 16 - 23 years.

VIDEO (performance at the 20th anniversary of the program "FIELD OF MIRACLES") >>>

VIDEO (speech at the official reception) >>>

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Women's portal - Bonterry