How to be the most beautiful girl in school? How to be the most beautiful in the class How to look like the most beautiful at school.

To be the cutest girl in school, looks alone are not enough. Take care of your body, watch your diet, exercise, take care of your skin and nails - this way you will not only look better, but also feel much more confident. Working on your appearance (especially choosing clothes that fit you best) and working on your behavior will help you look and feel better.


Take care of your body

Correct behavior

    Don't be cruel. Nowadays, due to popular culture, it is a common belief that the most beautiful girls are usually the most cruel. To become beautiful, you don't need to be rude. On the contrary, it will only reduce your attractiveness. Be kind to people, take an interest in their lives, offer your help if you see that they are having a hard time.

    Smile more. People who smile often tend to look more beautiful than those who always frown. Smiling will make you more attractive, and it will also make you seem more approachable.

    Be yourself. Have you ever noticed how people who already know who they are, who are not afraid to be themselves, seem more attractive to others? Stick to your style, be it your makeup, clothes or accessories - it will help you look more beautiful. One of the easiest ways to be yourself is to follow your intuition, which is sometimes called your “sixth sense.” If something seems wrong to you - be it a certain type of clothing, makeup, or an activity that your friends and acquaintances expect of you - you shouldn’t do it.

  • Learn to love yourself. This will greatly improve your self-confidence.
  • Don't bite your nails!
  • Always be a few steps ahead. In the evening, think about what accessories and clothes to wear, what makeup to do in the morning. This will help you be more organized and also reduce your stress levels. In addition, preparing for morning preparations in advance will give you the opportunity to sleep better - and this will improve your well-being and appearance.
  • Try to choose your clothes for the next morning in advance and be sure to take care of your personal hygiene.

Do you know how to become beautiful at the age of 12 in a couple of hours, if your figure has physical defects, your head is filled with complexes, and your face is decorated with acne? Any girl can turn into Cinderella, but to remain a princess forever, not only external but also internal transformations are needed. Let's explore female beauty in more depth.

What does it mean to become beautiful and well-groomed in the understanding of adults?

For adults, beauty often coincides with the concept of “health.” This is understandable: a girl with red, watery eyes, a runny nose and dull hair is unlikely to evoke admiring glances from others.

But there are also internal diseases that leave a negative imprint on external beauty. When a girl is bothered by pain, then, willy-nilly, a grimace appears on her face instead of a smile, and instead of good nature, aggression and whims “break out.” There are malfunctions in the body that lead to the appearance of acne on the face, hair loss or graying, obesity, etc. Therefore, you first need to improve your health, and it is easier to correct your beauty.

In addition to health, adults value intelligence and beautiful speech. Do you remember the saying where you are greeted by your clothes, but seen off by your mind? This is true for both women and men, since no one wants to be in company with a girl who cannot put two words together. Boys quickly get bored with beautiful and stupid young ladies. How to become intellectually beautiful at 12 years old? Listen to the advice of teachers of Russian language and literature, read books on ethics and speech culture, works of classics.

Smile, good nature, cheerfulness - these are the next components of beauty. In essence, we have touched upon the inner world of man. If you love life, then in your eyes there will always be a sparkle and sparkle that makes you be alive and active, creative and cheerful.

Of course, the figure and face have meaning in the adult world, but everyone has their own meaning. Some men prefer slender and elegant ladies, others look at curvaceous figures, others are only interested in long legs... Therefore, this term is being replaced by such a concept as “elegant appearance”.

Let's summarize: adults are one hundred percent sure that you can become beautiful as a teenager without surgical interventions, tons of cosmetics, fashionable clothes and a bunch of accessories.

Beauty in the understanding of teenagers

What is beauty in teenagers? Judging by reviews on forums and conversations on platforms, girls see beauty in fashionable clothes, high heels, cosmetics, stylish trinkets (jewelry, handbags, belts), iPhones, crowds of fans, bad habits (this is obscenity, jargon, swagger, arrogance, tactlessness , smoking, alcohol).

What’s so special about it when it’s minus 10 degrees outside, and a girl in a miniskirt or torn jeans in the latest fashion and a short top is chattering her teeth and standing with a smile? Why imitate the boys and compete to see who can spit and swear the most, smoke cigarettes and drink bottles of beer? will humiliate the weak and “bring a stroke” to the pensioners present.

Yes, boys can whoop and say, “That’s a girl!” - but none of them will ever consider such a person as their girlfriend. Why? It’s just that every boy wants to see a princess next to him, just like every girl wants to see a prince next to her! And then, imagine if his mother hears your bad expressions... Rest assured, a tactful mother will do everything possible to ensure that her son communicates with a well-mannered, polite, educated and beautiful girl.

Cool and sophisticated iPhones, tablets, expensive jewelry and other accessories arouse short-term interest among normal teenagers. These expensive things only attract greedy individuals who do not value your personality. Also, crowds of fans around you attract girls who try to bask in male attention at your expense.

What is the conclusion from all this? We work not only on external beauty, but also on the inner world. First, we’ll look at how to become beautiful in a day, and then we’ll study a long-term daily plan for ourselves.

Clothes and accessories

Clothes should be in the rhythm of the times, stylish and neat. Even if you don’t follow fashion or can’t afford expensive things, watch the girls around you. There is no need to wear long grandma's dresses and mother's sweaters; choose clothes within your means, but at the same time stylish and youthful.

Some teenagers prefer “acid colors” in clothes and a mixture of bright colors. Here you need to pay attention to the following. You can wear whatever you want for walks with friends. To school, to museums, galleries, and to serious events, it is better to wear classic clothes in colors that “do not hurt the eyes.”

Dress appropriately for the weather. A girl in a light jacket down to her navel and jeans with slits in rainy and windy weather does not look beautiful, but stupid. Choose clothes and accessories so that all things are in harmony with each other. A bright lime top with huge red beads, and bright pink sneakers that look like balls on a Christmas tree. Then how to become beautiful in the summer when it’s hot? First of all, make sure your body is clean so that there are no unpleasant odors, and then choose clothes in accordance with the event. For the beach - bright and light outfits, and for the gallery and theater - classic models.

Clothes must be ironed and clean. Even a beautiful girl in a wrinkled shirt and dirty jeans looks sloppy. You may not be perfectly neat in your clothes, but do not allow obvious stains, folds, or sloppiness. Express your individuality and bright character in accessories - a bright belt, bracelet, bow or original elastic bands. Most importantly, choose clothes that will help hide figure flaws.

Hiding imperfections with the right clothes

So, how to become beautiful at 12 years old with the right clothes? For thin girls with small breasts, it is better to choose a bra with a foam insert. Just don't overdo it with the lining, otherwise you may end up in a stupid position. Dresses with horizontal stripes or large flowers will help round out your shape.

If your figure is similar to a man's (pronounced shoulders and narrow hips), then choose models that will visually increase your shape. These can be tapered trousers or skirts with frills and pleats.

Overweight girls should not wear tight, baggy clothes or sweaters. Determine what type of figure you have (apple, pear or hourglass) and choose clothes that will highlight your strengths. Don't wear the same set, so that you don't get stuck into wearing only trousers or only long skirts. Always be different, but not vulgar and frivolous.

For little girls, vertical stripes and shoes with low heels can make them look taller. But tall girls should not wear miniskirts and short tops, which visually make you look incredibly tall.

Shoes and jewelry

All girls want to wear high heels, believing that they will give them femininity and elegance. However, walking in high heels and platforms can negatively affect the spine and the formation of the foot. The heel should be no more than five centimeters. Choose comfortable shoes so that your feet do not get tired, swollen or swollen.

Clothing should be in harmony with shoes, despite fashion trends. Nowadays, most girls prefer pink sneakers with white laces. They wear this model with jeans, a skirt, a dress, and a tracksuit. And while a short suit somehow harmonizes, a long dress with sneakers does not go well.

In this case? Look at what the girls in your school, class, district are wearing and choose an outfit in the same style according to your capabilities. Costume jewelry is popular among young people, with their arms hung with elbow-length bracelets, three or four chains or a lot of beads on their chests, and huge earrings on their ears. Be elegant, but not funny. Focus on one set of jewelry.

And one more thing: you don’t need to repeat and copy your friends. They might go with sunglasses like Tortila the turtle, a commander's watch and necklaces made of large beads, but these accessories can make you look funny and even ugly. Choose jewelry that will highlight your dignity. For example, a belt with a beautiful plaque focuses attention on your waist, a long chain or brooch on your chest, rings on long fingers, and so on.

Skin, hair, nails, hygiene

Wherever you go, make sure your skin is clean, free of sweat odors, and your hair is washed and combed. These are old truths, but they are still relevant today. At home and on the street, you can dress up in bright clothes, pick up original accessories or use cosmetics to emphasize your individuality, but how can you become beautiful at the age of 12 at school, where cosmetics are prohibited and school uniforms are introduced?

Right! Clean hair and a neat hairstyle immediately draws attention to your face. In this direction, girls prefer long, flowing hair, considering it their dignity. But believe me, a long braid or an original braided hairstyle attracts more admiring glances from others. Loose hair makes girls look unkempt and frivolous.

Clean skin eliminates the appearance of pimples, blackheads and unpleasant odors. Don't forget about hygiene of your mouth, teeth, and ears, especially if you wear rings or earrings without taking them off. The metal oxidizes and an unpleasant odor appears, so wipe your jewelry, the skin of your ears and fingers. And take care of your nails if you wear jewelry. They should not be long, uneven, bitten or flaky.

Cosmetics at home and at school

Before going out in public, girls are interested in how to become beautiful at 12 years old in 1 day at home. Most often we are talking about cosmetics that can make you irresistible or ridiculously ugly. Cosmetologists advise teenagers to wear light makeup. What does it mean? Just highlight your beauty, but nothing more. For example, if you have long and thick eyelashes, then use a pencil to carefully highlight your eyes; beautiful then use lip gloss.

What cosmetics can teenagers use:

  • Eyeliner;
  • shadows;
  • gloss and light lipstick;
  • blush;
  • powder or foundation.

But you shouldn’t use all the items at once. During the day, you apply barely noticeable makeup: highlight either your eyes or lips.

How to become beautiful at 12 years old at school with cosmetics? In this case, you need to be the most careful. Use clear nail polish, the same lip gloss and eyeliner. In rare cases, when you need to hide acne, blackheads or oily shine on your face, use powder. For disco, parties and evening walks, you can do more catchy makeup.

Please note that makeup is not makeup. Many girls emphasize their individuality with black eyes, green nails and bright red lips. Such eccentricity can frighten and shock others.

How to become beautiful at 12 years old if you are ugly...

Alas, you hear such phrases from most teenagers. Every woman had a hard time, but then turned from an ugly duckling into a beautiful princess. And it was not a matter of physical new formations, but a restructuring of thoughts.

You need to remember that there are no ugly girls! Yes, hormonal imbalance in the body can provoke the appearance of acne, pimples, and obesity... But all these problems can be solved over time. Many girls simply talk about themselves and do not see their beauty. Some people don’t like glasses, others don’t like a full figure, others don’t like thin legs, others don’t like the nose, others don’t like thin hair, etc.

Here's how to become beautiful at 12 years old in 1 day at home in this version? No way! Understand that the hormonal, physiological and psychological changes in your body may last a couple of years. You can become a beauty in just one summer, or your transformation will take place within the walls of the university. No doctor will interfere in the process of your growing up, but can only advise you to adjust something.

For example, glasses can be replaced with lenses or more stylish frames; with thin hair, get a short, fashionable haircut or take care of it (wash it with herbs, make masks); Correct crooked teeth using braces; curvaceous forms - not by hunger strike and diets, but by physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.

Your inner attitude towards yourself shapes your outer beauty!

Self-esteem is the foundation of beauty. If you tell yourself every day about your ugliness, you will turn into a monster. Do you know why? Our thoughts are material. When you focus on a pimple on your face, you are not just talking, but confirming your words with negative emotions. Our brain does not understand irony, it senses your emotional emphasis on the pimple, and therefore clearly fulfills your demand, covering the skin with various rashes.

If you don't love yourself, then why do you think anyone will pay attention to you? Do everything you can to speed up your transformation into a princess. Then how to become beautiful at 12 years old? Write down your shortcomings on paper and see how you can get rid of them. For example, you are overweight, then make a plan for a new lifestyle, where you prescribe proper nutrition, daily routine, physical activity, and psychological auto-training.

Don't just tell yourself every morning how much you love yourself, but demonstrate it to your body. Start caring for yours by washing them with herbs, doing masks and scalp massages - and you will see how one day they will become thick, strong and healthy.

To be adequate towards yourself, write about everything in a diary and paste photographs. For example, you decide to lose weight, then measure your parameters in centimeters and weight, attach a photo, and in a month you will see the difference.


“I want to become beautiful!” - this is what every girl tells herself, but desires without action will not lead you to results. If this thought begins to visit you often, then you urgently need to make psychological adjustments.

First, carry out an exercise with writing out disadvantages and advantages, as described in the previous paragraph.

Secondly, for every bad thought about yourself, urgently find at least three advantages, learn to compliment yourself.

Beautiful clothes, fashionable shoes, expensive jewelry, cosmetics - this is not beauty, but a tool for expressing your personality. Think about how to become beautiful at 12 years old without makeup? This means that you need to pay attention to hygiene, beautiful speech, education, nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, and spiritual harmony. Watch a beauty contest and you will see that it is not enough to be beautiful, you need to be smart and witty, and be able to express your individuality.

When talking about fashion, we must not forget about this concept in relation to the stage of schooling. School fashion is not only an ethical, but also a psychological aspect, an opportunity for self-expression. What is hidden behind the desire to become the most beautiful in school?

How to become the most beautiful in school

About how to be the most beautiful in school

At school, you can declare your individuality and occupy a certain niche in this small society precisely through a bright and unique appearance. It is a mistake to think that by putting on a brighter blouse and a shorter skirt, a student will completely abandon her studies and become an object of envy or ridicule. Conclusion: you can and should think about how to be the most beautiful at school. What is needed for this?

There are basic concepts, following which helps you become your best self:

  • uniqueness
  • naturalness

You shouldn't imitate anyone. Even if it seems that that girl is perfection. If it can be repeated, then it already runs the risk of not being unique. You need to learn to choose and wear those things that stand out, but do not look vulgar. The miniskirt from the Britney Spears video won't surprise anyone.

Women's charm and charm are a combination of clothing details and behavior

Sophistication, romance, elegance. Even under a strictly tailored jacket, there may be a blouse with thin lace or a fancy pattern. The main thing is not to forget about such details.

Not everyone can boast of natural beauty. This means that the main task of a fashionista is to make people believe in her “naturalness”. And since we are talking about clothes, you need to choose them from natural fabrics that are pleasant to the touch, and in the warm season - from flying, light, flowing fabrics.

With the advent of women's classes, the most beautiful girl in the school (gymnasium) became the one whose wardrobe was either completely hand-made or foreign.

How to dress beautifully and simply for school

If the school dictates a certain type of uniform, you must obey it. But it is not forbidden to supplement it with something of your own. These could be original shoes, an interesting bag and accessories: watches, hairpins, scarves, belts. Moreover, although such additions may be brighter, they still must be combined in style and have some of the rigor of forms inherent in the classics.

As you move from primary to secondary school, you begin to care more about your appearance. You want to please boys or just be pretty. Use our tips to look attractive without making it seem like it's all you think about.


  1. 1 Maintain good hygiene. Nobody likes dirty or unkempt hair or bad breath. Carry deodorant in your bag if necessary, and never forget to brush your teeth in the morning.
    • Cleanse your face morning and evening, as oily shine and pimples don’t make anyone look good. If you find a pimple or two, don't worry—just cover it up with a concealer.
  2. 2 Consider changing your hairstyle. If you don't have money for a hairdresser, buy styling products and use a thermal brush or curling iron. You can find lots of great ideas in teen fashion magazines (like Yes! or Elle Girl), so pick out some hairstyles and experiment!
    • Examples of cute haircuts and hairstyles: a short haircut with bangs and a cute bow, a medium-length cascade, long straight hair, braids, curls framing the face, a neat bun tucked into a net, two high ponytails, a messy bun.
    • Floral hair clips and soft headbands, pink hair ties and beads for braids are welcome.
  3. 3 Use very little makeup. Be sure to ask your parents for permission to wear makeup, as they may not approve. "All the girls wear makeup like that!" – this is NOT a reason to use cosmetics and not a criterion for choosing it. Makeup is needed to enhance your beauty, and often the less it is, the better!
    • Don't overdo it with makeup. If you want to highlight your eyes, line them slightly and apply mascara. You can add a little shine.
    • If you want to wear eyeshadow, avoid bright blue or pink shades. Choose shadows in muted tones, such as browns or dark greens. Choose colors that really suit you.
    • For your lips, a clear balm or gloss is all you need. Carry it with you to touch up your makeup throughout the day. You can tint your lips pale pink, but remember that you are going to school, not to a party.
  4. 4 Be yourself! This is the most important thing. Even if you don't always feel comfortable, be proud of who you are. Don't let anyone dictate who you should be; live your life.
  5. 5 Be smart. Doing stupid things is not your way. Spend time studying and do all your homework. Just because you're going to a party doesn't mean you can leave your homework undone!
  6. 6 Wear a light perfume. The smell should be gentle, not harsh. Find a suitable scent in the store, but not too heavy.
  7. 7 Dress fashionably. Wear soft jumpers in pastel colors, short (within reason) skirts and shorts, cute short-sleeve T-shirts, ballet flats or flat sandals. To go with it all, you can pair it with a matching blazer, black Converse sneakers (don't worry, the teachers won't notice), frilly or patterned socks, and a small pendant.
  • Smile - this is the most important thing! A smile decorates absolutely everyone. Besides, guys like smiling girls.
  • Love yourself. No guy will like a girl who is constantly yearning and sad. They love cheerful, cheerful girls.
  • Don't worry about what others think of you. Do what you think is right and be confident in yourself! Such people are admirable.
  • The most important thing is to remain yourself. Don't try to imitate anyone, be it your older friend or a TV star.
  • You can carry a hair brush, a couple of spare rubber bands, and bobby pins in your bag in case your hairstyle gets unkempt. Your friend will also need them (invisible ones, not a brush - everyone should have their own).
  • Change your look periodically. Show everyone that you are unique!
  • Don't gossip if you don't want to get a bad reputation.
  • Don't follow those who are considered cool. Spend time with people you really want to be friends with.
  • Respect others and be friendly. Don't worry about what people think of you, don't get upset over trifles - just enjoy life.
  • Be funny - it's charming.
  • If you are overweight, try going on a diet (just don't go to extremes) and be sure to exercise!
  • Be yourself!


  • Don't try too hard to please boys. You need to be liked by yourself, and not just your pretty face.
  • Don't be superficial and don't date a guy just because he's handsome. There is a high chance that your heart will be broken.
  • Avoid foundation for as long as possible. It can cause irritation or breakouts - who likes that? Some girls with perfect skin start using foundation too early, and then live with problem skin for many years.
  • Don't pretend to be friends with people you're not really friends with.
  • If you're dating someone, don't flirt with others behind their back. You may embarrass yourself.
  • If you decide to use perfume, do not choose strong fruity scents. Some people may love the smell of oranges, but others may find it intrusive.
  • Be careful with makeup. For a natural look, choose shades that complement your skin and eye color. It’s nice when they look at you and think not “she’s wearing makeup,” but “she looks so natural and so cute.” Choose makeup that suits you.
  • Do not wear a push-up bra unless you are at least 16 years old! You will look ridiculous, especially if you have large breasts for your age. It’s better to look for tips on how to visually enlarge your breasts and not overdo it.

Appearance and beauty play a big role not only in the lives of adults, but also in the circles of the younger generation. This issue is especially acute in primary school and adolescence, since it is during this period that boys and girls begin to show their first sympathy for each other. Accordingly, a more beautiful and pleasant-looking girl has a better chance of acquiring fans. Therefore, it is not strange that many young representatives of the fair sex often wonder how to become the most beautiful in the class.

I know that I am beautiful

Every girl is beautiful in her own right, it’s just that not all of them can show it to others in the class. And very often this is explained not by the lack of expensive and fashionable clothes or the inability to wear makeup, but by the most banal lack of self-confidence and unwillingness to work a little on oneself. Of course, becoming proud, arrogant and constantly telling myself and others that I am the most beautiful in the class is not the answer. After all, this must be justified by something. You need to remember that sometimes beauty is not even easy work. And it is not always important for people to say that you are the most beautiful in the class. Learn to present yourself, master new makeup techniques, develop your taste, lead a healthy and active lifestyle, learn to deny yourself something. Also, develop your confidence. And the reward will be great. Not only will you be considered the most beautiful girl in the class, but also attractive, sweet, sociable, you will be respected and appreciated, which may not have been the case before.

7 simple rules

First rule. First of all, you must learn to recognize your strengths. Do you consider yourself the most beautiful girl in the class - that is the main question. If yes, then this is already good. So, you don’t lack self-confidence. But if not, then think about what advantages you have. You can even write them down on a separate piece of paper. And over the course of several days, ask your loved ones and acquaintances what they think about how to become the most beautiful in the class, as well as what they can say about your appearance, your style and ability to stay in a circle of people.

Second rule. Don't hide your charisma, develop it. After all, the queen of the ball is not always the most beautiful girl in the class, but the one who is more active, sociable and confident compared to the rest. This means that people around her perceive her as stylish and fashionable, and as a result, the most beautiful.

Third rule. Try to emphasize your own style, which may not always be similar to the style of the general mass of people. Don’t be afraid to stand out from others, because if you are afraid to show what you really are, then how can you be noticed or considered one of the most beautiful in the class. Be individual. And don't be afraid of it at all. Besides, if you are fashion-conscious, then why not use it to highlight your attractiveness. This will only make it easier for you to become the most beautiful and cool girl in the class.

Fourth rule. Do not be afraid to accept the support of your elders; moreover, this can become your main weapon. If you want to experiment with your appearance, consult your elders about this. After all, it is not always necessary to follow their instructions and accept their advice. Sometimes it’s just useful to listen to someone’s opinion on issues that interest you. And perhaps one of your advisers in their youth also wondered how to become the most beautiful in the class.

Fifth rule. Do not forget that beauty must be maintained. This also applies to caring for your body, your belongings, and your behavior. After all, all this combined makes you the most beautiful in the class.

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