Algorithm for measuring patient height and weight. Research project "how to measure your height" How to measure your height

Anthropometry is the main method of anthropological research, which consists in measuring the human body and its parts in order to establish gender, race, age and other characteristics of the physical structure, which make it possible to give quantitative characteristics of their variability.

Life is a continuous process of development, including the stages of maturation, adulthood and aging. Development and growth are two interdependent and interconnected aspects of one process. Development is characterized by qualitative changes, differentiation of organs and tissues and their functional improvement. And growth represents quantitative changes that are associated with an increase in cell size, mass of tissues and organs, and the entire organism as a whole.

Physical development is one of the most important indicators of human health and age-related standards of improvement. The practical ability to correctly evaluate it contributes to raising a healthy generation. In this article we will talk about an algorithm for measuring height and weight.

Factors that influence anthropometric indicators

The processes of energy exchange and metabolism continuously occur in the human body, and they determine its developmental characteristics. Weight, height, consistency in the increase of different parts of the body, proportions - all this is programmed by hereditary mechanisms. The sequence of development may be disrupted under the influence of certain external and internal factors. The first include social conditions, a sedentary lifestyle, unfavorable intrauterine development, poor nutrition, improper work and rest schedules, bad habits, and the environment.

Internal factors include heredity and the presence of various diseases.

Knowing the algorithm for measuring height and weight, you can clearly assess

Conditions for conducting the study

Anthropometry requires the use of carefully adjusted and tested instruments: stadiometer, scales, dynamometer, etc. It is recommended to take measurements in the first half of the day on an empty stomach or two to three hours after eating. The clothes the person is wearing should be light, knitted. If measurements are planned to be taken in the afternoon, you should take a horizontal position for ten to fifteen minutes beforehand.

For subsequent assessment to be effective, an algorithm for measuring the patient's height must be followed. It should be remembered that the analysis of anthropometric indicators is the most important element in the study of how physical development corresponds to age standards. Detected abnormalities may be a sign of a specific disease or a risk factor.

Measuring height while standing

Since in the evening a person becomes one or two centimeters shorter, which is due to natural fatigue, flattening of the arch of the foot and intervertebral cartilaginous discs, and decreased muscle tone, it is advisable to measure height in the first half of the day. The algorithm includes three stages: preparation for the procedure, measurement and completion of the procedure. Let's talk about each of them.


  1. In accordance with the instructions, prepare the stadiometer for use.
  2. Introduce yourself to the patient, tell him about the upcoming procedure and obtain his consent.
  3. Clean hands hygienically and dry them.
  4. Place a napkin on the stadiometer platform (under the patient’s feet).
  5. Ask the subject to remove his hat and shoes.
  6. Raise the bar of the stadiometer above the expected height of the subject.

Taking a measurement

  1. The patient should stand on the stadiometer platform so that the back of the head, interscapular area, buttocks and heels touch the vertical stand.
  2. The subject's head should be positioned so that the tip of the nose is on the same horizontal line.
  3. The stadiometer bar must be lowered onto the patient’s head without pressing down.
  4. Ask the subject to leave the site and, if necessary, help him do so.
  5. Determine your height using the bottom edge of the bar on the scale.

End of the procedure

Measuring height while sitting

The patient's height in a sitting position is somewhat different from that described above.

  1. It is necessary to ask the subject to sit down on the folding seat of the stadiometer, previously covered with oilcloth.
  2. The patient should sit so as to touch three points - the shoulder blades, the back of the head and the buttocks - to the vertical bar with the scale.
  3. The subject's head should be positioned so that the earlobe and the tip of the nose are on the same horizontal line.
  4. The measuring bar must be lowered onto the patient's crown, pressed against the scale and asked to stand up.
  5. You need to take readings on the left side of the scale, then lower the bar.
  6. Similarly to the above, record the results and inform the patient about them.

Measuring the height of a pregnant woman: algorithm

First, you need to explain to the pregnant woman the goals and progress of the procedure. The algorithm for measuring height is as follows:

  • Stand to the side of the stadiometer and raise its bar above the level of the expected height of the subject.
  • Ask the pregnant woman to stand on the stadiometer platform so that her buttocks, heels and shoulder blades touch the stand of the device, and her head is in such a position that the outer corner of the eye and the tragus of the ear are on the same horizontal line.
  • The stadiometer bar should be lowered to the crown of the pregnant woman and the number of centimeters from the bottom level of the bar should be determined using the scale.
  • The obtained data must be entered into the patient’s individual card.
  • The height gauge should be treated with a rag soaked in a solution (0.5%) of calcium hypochlorite.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly.

Body weight measurement

To conduct anthropometric studies, it is not enough to know only the algorithm for measuring height; you also need to be able to determine a person’s weight. Body weight is measured using floor scales. The patient must stand still on the platform so that the weighing error does not exceed +/-50 grams. Unlike height, weight is an unstable indicator and can change under the influence of many factors. Thus, daily fluctuations in body weight can reach one to two kilograms.

Knowing how height is measured, weight will be extremely easy to remember. The procedure also consists of three stages.

Preparing to measure your weight

  1. First, in accordance with the instructions, you should check the accuracy and serviceability of the medical scales.
  2. It is necessary to establish the balance of the device; if mechanical structures are used, close the shutter.
  3. You need to place a napkin on the scale platform for one-time use.
  4. The person performing the procedure must explain to the patient the sequence of upcoming actions.

Executing the procedure

  1. The subject should be asked to undress to his underwear and also take off his shoes. Ask him to carefully stand on the scale platform in the middle.
  2. When standing on the scale measuring panel, the subject must be held by the hand; during the measurement process, it is important to monitor his balance.
  3. If a mechanical design is used, the scale shutter must be opened.
  4. Following the instructions for use of the device, it is necessary to determine the body weight of the subject.

End of the procedure

  1. The patient should be informed of the weight measurement results and helped to get off the measuring panel, holding his hand if necessary.
  2. You need to remove the napkin from the scale platform and place it in a container intended for waste.
  3. Hands should be sanitized and dried.
  4. The results must be recorded in appropriate documentation.

Algorithm for measuring height in children of different ages

The most stable indicator of physical development in children is height. It reflects the development process of the child’s body. As a rule, significant growth disorders are accompanied by pathologies of other systems and organs. Thus, in the case of slowing skeletal growth, differentiation and growth of the brain, myocardium, and skeletal muscles often slow down to a lesser or greater extent.

How is a newborn's height measured? The algorithm requires a stadiometer in the form of a board 40 centimeters wide and 80 centimeters long. On the left side of the device there should be a centimeter scale with a fixed transverse bar at the beginning and a movable transverse bar at the end that easily moves along the scale.

Technique for measuring baby growth

  1. The baby must be placed on his back so that his head touches the fixed transverse bar of the stadiometer. It should be positioned so that the upper edge of the ear tragus and the lower edge of the orbit are in the same horizontal plane.
  2. The baby's mother or the measuring assistant should firmly fix the baby's head.
  3. The newborn's legs should be straightened by lightly pressing on the knees with the palm of one hand, and with the other hand, the movable bar of the stadiometer should be brought tightly to the heels, while the feet should be bent towards the shins to a right angle. The distance from the fixed to the movable bar will be the child’s height. It is necessary to mark the length to the nearest millimeter.

How to Measure Height in Older Children

The algorithm for measuring the growth of a child under one year old was presented above, but what technique of performing the procedure is suitable for older children? In this case, a stadiometer is required in the form of a wooden block eight to ten centimeters wide, about two meters long and five to seven centimeters thick. The front vertical surface of the bar should contain two division scales in centimeters: on the left - for measuring height while sitting, on the right - while standing. There should also be a movable twenty-centimeter bar. A bench is attached to a vertical bar at a level of forty centimeters from the wooden platform to measure height while sitting.

The algorithm for measuring height in children aged one year and older is similar to that used for adults.

Child's body weight

Compared to height, a baby’s weight is a more labile indicator, which reflects the degree of development of the muscular and skeletal systems, subcutaneous fatty tissue, internal organs, and depends not only on constitutional characteristics, but also on environmental factors, such as mental and physical stress, nutrition etc.

Usually the algorithm (like the height measurement algorithm) does not cause difficulties. Children under three years old weighing up to twenty kilograms are weighed on a cup scale consisting of a rocker arm and a tray with lower (in kg) and upper (in g) division scales. Children aged three years and older are weighed on lever scales.

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website has prepared a simple way to independently measure whether your weight is normal, regardless of body composition and the ratio of muscle and fat mass.

Some believe that you need to check whether your weight is normal by measuring your body mass index, which is defined as:

BMI = weight in kilograms / square of height in meters.

In fact, another method is more reliable - measuring a person’s height and waist circumference, because with the same BMI indicators, a person can have either a fit, athletic body or be obese. This is because the places where fat is distributed are not taken into account. And the most dangerous thing is abdominal fat.

By the way, these are the indicators used by the World Health Organization.

How to measure height correctly

It is better to measure your height in the morning to get a more accurate result. During the day, the spine may become compressed.

We will need: centimeter or tape measure, pencil, book, mirror.

  1. Choose a place where you can stand with your back to a wall, preferably near a doorway. This way you can guide the measuring tape with minimal error. The floor must be hard, level, without baseboards or carpet.
  2. Straighten up and stand so that your head, shoulders, back, buttocks and heels touch the wall.
  3. Place a book on your head so that it touches the wall at a right angle. Check with a mirror, mark the area with a pencil and measure.

How to measure your waist correctly

Often, when measuring waist circumference, many questions and doubts arise. A few technical points:

  1. A measuring tape is wrapped around the waist parallel to the floor.
  2. The tape should be pressed tightly, but so that two fingers can be inserted.
  3. Exhale in a relaxed manner, but do not suck in your stomach.
  4. Keep your back straight.

We will need: measuring tape and a thin elastic band.

For people with a thin waist. It is enough to attach one end of the tape to the navel and, wrapping it around the waist, take a measurement.

For people of average build. Tie a thin elastic band around your waist and walk around with it for a couple of minutes. You can squat, do bends - the elastic band itself will roll into the narrowest place. Measure along the elastic band with a measuring tape.

For people with big bellies. Place the measuring tape 2-3 cm above the navel and wrap it around parallel to the floor in the same way. Measure three times and take the average value.

Formula for calculation

Using a calculator, calculate the ratio:

waist (cm) / height (cm) * 100

and compare with the results below:


  • Ratio 35 to 41.9: very thin.
  • Ratio between 42 and 48.9: normal weight.
  • Ratio between 49 and 53.9: overweight.
  • Ratio 54 to 57.9: obese.
  • Ratio over 58: dangerously obese.


  • Ratio less than 35: exhaustion, underweight.
  • Ratio 35 to 42.9: very thin.
  • Ratio 43 to 52.9: normal weight.
  • Ratio between 53 and 57.9: overweight.
  • Ratio between 58 and 62.9: obesity.
  • Ratio over 63: dangerously obese.

For example: you are a woman, your height is 165 cm and your waist size is 72 cm. It turns out: 72 / 165 * 100 = 43. Your weight is normal.

Bonus: a couple of exercises for a beautiful waist

  • Leg rotations from a lying position

Lying on your back, raise your straight legs at an angle of 90 degrees and, without lifting your back from the floor and keeping your legs together, begin to tilt your legs first to the left, then to the right. It is enough to do 20 times 3-4 times a week. The exercise works well on the side abdominal muscles and helps remove excess fat.

Research Project How to measure your height? Completed by: 8th grade students of KGKSKOU SKSHI VIII type No. 12 in Vyazemsky Supervisor: mathematics teacher Antonova N.A.

Introduction During an elective lesson, the teacher suggested we watch the cartoon “38 Parrots”, where a boa constrictor measured his height in monkeys, elephants and parrots. We wondered how you can measure a person's height? What measures of length were used in the old days?

Purpose of the work: Consider ancient measures of length. Find out their origin. Measure your height. Compare your height with other length measures.

What did we do? In order to find out what length measures for measuring height were used in the old days, we turned to Internet materials and books. It turned out that there is very little literature devoted to this issue. But nevertheless, we learned something. In the old days, 2 ways of fully expressing height were used for a person: 1. A combination of height - elbows, spans. 2. Combination of height - arshin, vershkov.

Ancient measures of length Ancient measures of length Metric measures of length 1 finger 2 cm 1 inch 2.54 cm 1 vershok 4.4 cm 1 small span 18 cm 1 large span 22 - 23 cm 1 cubit 38 - 46 cm 1 arshin 71 cm 1 step 70 cm 1 fly fathom 1m 76 cm 1 oblique fathom 248 cm 1 verst 124000 cm 1 mile 7.468 km 1 line 2.54 mm

Ancient measures of length Elbow is a native ancient Russian measure of length, known already in the 11th century. The value of the Old Russian cubit was obtained from a comparison of measurements in the Jerusalem Temple made by Abbot Daniel, and later measurements of the same dimensions in an exact copy of this temple - in the main temple of the New Jerusalem Monastery on the Istra River (XVII century). The cubit was widely used in trade as a particularly convenient measure. In the retail trade of canvas, cloth, and linen, the cubit was the main measure. From the 16th century it was gradually replaced by the arshin and in the 19th century. almost never used.

Ancient length measures

Ancient measures of length Arshin is an ancient Russian measure of length, equal, in modern terms, to 0.7112 m. The root “AR” in the word a r sh i n - in the Old Russian language (and in other neighboring ones) means “EARTH”, “surface of the earth”. When determining the height of a person or animal, counting was carried out after two arshins (mandatory for a normal adult).

Ancient length measures The name “VERSHOK” comes from the word “top”. The vershok was equal to 1/16 of an arshin. In modern terms, 4.44 cm.

Ancient measures of length Pyad (pyatnitsa) is an ancient Russian measure of length. Small span – the distance between the ends of the spread thumb and index fingers = 17.78 cm. Large span – the distance between the ends of the thumb and little finger (22-23 cm). A span with a somersault is a span with the addition of two joints of the index finger = 27-31 cm. Our old icon painters measured the size of icons in spans: “nine icons - seven spans.” Icon of "George the Great" four spans.

Ancient measures of length Sazhen - dating back to the 11th century. The name comes from the word “to acquire”, i.e. reach for something. Hence the word “unattainable” - about a place where it is impossible to reach, about a person whose merits cannot be repeated. There were two types of fathoms: fly and oblique.

Our growth in different measures F.I. section Height, cm Fingers Inch Vershok Elbow Arshin Small span Vasilyeva Stesha 153 76.5 60 34 3.8 2.15 8.5 Rychkova Maria 163 81.5 64 37 4 2.2 9 Dmitrieva Ksenia 164 82 64 37 4 ,1 2.3 9.1 Shchetinin Mikhail 181 90.5 71 41 4.5 2.54 10 Tsios Vladimir 162 81 63 36 4.05 2.28 9 Dubina Tatyana 151 75.5 59 34 3.7 2.12 8.3 Kunitsa Tatyana 157 78.5 61 35 3.9 2.2 8.7 Lukashik Evgeniy 172 86 67 39 4.3 2.42 9 Kompasov Alexander 163 81.5 64 37 4 2.2 9

Average height of 8th grade students cm inch arshin finger vershok cubit small span 162 63.6 2.26 81.4 36.6 40 8.95

Conclusion Of course, human height has never been measured in parrots. All calculations of our height are in ancient length measures. But in modern life you cannot use approximate measures. Accurate knowledge is required. For example, in construction and other fields of science. Therefore, ancient Russian measures of length are no longer used; a transition has been made to the metric system of calculation, which is more accurate.


  • Ask someone to measure your height, it will be easier to measure and the result will be more accurate.
  • Try to measure your height immediately after waking up in the morning, as the spine stretches to its maximum during sleep. During the day, the spine usually sits. So, if you wake up at 6 or 7 am, measure your height about an hour after you wake up. The next mark should be at the same time.
  • Pay attention to your clothing size. If you notice that pants that were once very long now don't reach your ankles, then you've clearly grown up. However, clothes can shrink after washing if they are not washed properly.
  • Don't focus on growth. There is little that can be done to speed up the growth process. Some people grow very slowly, but then, at a certain period, such people experience a sharp jump in growth.
  • It is useful to walk barefoot, it strengthens your legs.
  • Take some old clothes that you haven't worn in a year or a few months and see how they fit. When were these trousers too big for you? But now they are just right for you! So you are growing!
  • Height should be measured very carefully and in one position. Subject to change, it is important to take correct measurements.
  • If you have a problem with your height, wear wedge shoes and avoid very tall people.

How to do it rightmeasureweight.

Let's figure out how to do it right measure weight,

and also measure height, Solovyov index, waist size, hip size, determine body type and other important parameters for every person losing weight.

If you want to lose weight or simply control your weight, know that a lot depends on how correctly you measure your weight. As well as some other, besides weight, important anthropometric measurements.

To calculate the ideal weight and determine excess weight, we need to know not only our real, current weight, but also our exact height, sometimes age, waist size, hip size and body type.

For all these measurements we will need the following correctly adjusted and tested instruments: scales, usually floor scales (measurement range 20-160 kg) and a measuring tape. It's enough.

How to measure weight.

And now - in detail about how to correctly measure weight.

Weight measurement(weighing) is carried out on floor scales. It is better to take electronic scales; the measurement error of the scales should be no more than +/-50 g. For any weight measurement and to determine the ideal weight, use the results of the same scales, then the calculations will be the most reliable.

To measure weight, stand with your feet in the middle of the scale, without touching walls or adjacent objects, and do not move for 5-10 seconds. Wait until the numbers appear on the scale display - now you know your real, current weight.

Weight, unlike height, is a more variable indicator and can fluctuate even throughout the day depending on many factors. Daily weight fluctuations can be up to 1.5-2 kg.

To eliminate as much as possible possible average daily weight fluctuations, all weight measurements are taken in the first half of the day, exclusively BEFORE eating and drinking, on an empty stomach, and after visiting the toilet. Best of all - at the same time, before breakfast. You should be as undressed as possible - this is ideal, but underwear or light clothing in winter is quite acceptable.

Although you can gain weight in just 1 day - for example, immediately after a feast, step on the scales and see how many kilograms you have eaten. Unfortunately, when losing weight, it’s the other way around—stable weight loss can take hold only after 2-3 days.

How to measure your waist.

To measure Waist, you need a flexible measuring tape, preferably made of a hard material that is not subject to stretching. It’s better not to take a cloth or oilcloth centimeter - there are “craftsmen” who can stretch the tape an extra 2-3 cm, or even more.

Correctly measure your waist - without clothes or in light underwear, so that the measurement is carried out on the skin.

Measure your waist at the narrowest point on your stomach. Unfortunately, if the excess weight is significant, then it can be difficult to measure the waist “by eye”; then the waist volume is measured in the middle between the edges of the costal arch and the crests of the iliac bones (the highest point of the pelvic bones).

To measure your waist, you need to stand straight, relax your stomach and let your arms hang freely along your body. The measuring tape itself must be positioned strictly horizontally, without tension.

The resulting dimensions are noted at the end of normal exhalation.

Try to measure correctly! Remember, be honest and careful when measuring your waist - this is a very important parameter for losing weight, here every centimeter is of great importance.

How to correctly measure thigh volume.

To determine your hip size, the measurement rules are the same as when measuring your waist.

I will briefly repeat: to determine the size of your hips, stand straight, heels together, buttocks and legs relaxed, arms at your sides.

Place the measuring tape strictly horizontally, without tension, around the hips at the level of the most protruding part of the buttocks and measure the hips. The volume of the hips should be measured without clothes.

How to measure height correctly.

Since a person’s height gradually changes with age, one should measure one’s height every 5-10 years. If you use height data from 20 years ago to calculate excess weight, you may calculate incorrectly due to changes in height over this period. To avoid this, you need to correctly measure your height again before losing weight. To accurately measure your height, you need not an oilcloth meter, but a “construction meter” - with a rigid measuring tape made of hard metal that cannot stretch. You will also need an assistant. Correctly measure height in a room with room temperature: +18...+26 C. Measure height in the morning, because in the afternoon a person’s height may decrease due to the vertical position of the body and the load on the spine - the vertebrae are several " “sag” and by the evening the height value changes by 2-3 cm less than it was in the morning. And while sleeping in a horizontal position, the muscles and ligaments of the spine relax and return to normal, so it is correct to measure height in the morning after sleep.

To measure your height, follow these steps:

Stand up straight with your back against a flat wall.

Legs are straightened, knees and heels are closed together. There should be no shoes on your feet; it is better to be barefoot or wear thin socks.

Place your arms along your body, shoulders back, back straight.

Raise your head parallel to the ground: so that the lower jaw is directed horizontally along the floor line, look straight ahead.

The heels, protruding parts of the buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head should touch the wall.

When you have taken the desired position, the assistant places a flat board or book at the top point of the head (crown), “squeezing” the hair - it can add 1-2 cm to the height value.

Then a pencil mark is placed on the wall against which your back is leaning, at the level of the bottom edge of the measuring board. Measure the distance from this mark to the floor level with a centimeter - and you will get your exact height.

How to determine your body type. Solovyov index.

To determine your ideal weight, in some cases you will need to know your body type (body type). This can be done “by eye”, but the correct way is to measure the Solovyov index and use it to determine your body type.

Solovyov index - this is the diameter of your wrist in centimeters, it is determined by measuring the length of the wrist circumference on the working hand (usually on the right hand). Since the Solovyov index is an approximate indicator that allows you to judge the thickness of the bones of the skeleton, based on your Solovyov index value you can determine your body type.

Conventionally, there are three types of figures:

1. Asthenic body type (“thin bone”).

External features of the figure: the longitudinal dimensions of the body prevail over the transverse ones: long and thin limbs, neck, chest, thin bones; relatively weak development of muscle tissue.

Rib angle: acute, that is, less than 90 degrees;

Solovyov index: for women = less than 15 cm, for men = less than 18 cm.

2. Normosthenic body type

External features of the figure: proportional build, average development of muscle tissue, all transverse dimensions are proportional to the longitudinal ones.

Rib angle: straight, that is, equal to 90 degrees;

Solovyov index: for women = 15-17, for men = 18-20 cm.

3. Hypersthenic body type (“wide bone”)

External signs of the figure: the transverse dimensions of the body prevail over the longitudinal ones: short and powerful limbs, chest, neck, massive bones; relatively high development of muscle tissue.

Costal angle: obtuse, that is, more than 90 degrees;

Solovyov index: for women = more than 17 cm, for men = more than 20 centimeters.

Now we know how to correctly measure weight, as well as measure height, Solovyov index, waist and hips, and determine body type.

This means that we can now correctly determine:

Or simply calculate your body mass index.

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