When the apple saved the year. Apple saved

Apple Spas is one of the most famous and ancient holidays, which represent a unique syncretism of religion and paganism: as you know, the roots of the holiday go back to the times of deep paganism, when the celebration was idolatrous in nature and was aimed at glorifying autumn and its gifts.

Centuries later, the celebration was equated with the great feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord for Christians - one of the 12 most significant religious celebrations, the essence of which lies not only in the veneration of Jesus Christ, who ascended Mount Tabor on this day, but also in the rebirth of the human soul, which on this day is cleansed of sins.

Knowing the fact that many church holidays do not have a fixed date, many wonder what date to celebrate and how to do it correctly. Church people, on the contrary, know that the Apple Savior is one of those few Orthodox celebrations that are held annually on the same day, namely, August 19, when the bulk of the apple harvest has already been harvested.

In addition to delicacies made from apples, on this day believers are allowed to relax the Fast and eat fish and wine.

As already mentioned, initially the celebration was associated with the end of the harvest: our pagan ancestors performed various rituals and sacrifices in glory and in gratitude to the gods for their generosity, prayed for the next year’s harvest, asked for a mild winter that would make the land even more fertile, and prepared the best collected fruits for the higher powers.

Later, when Christianity took root in Rus' and began to dictate its own rules for eradicating pagan traditions, it encountered opposition - the population accepted the religion, but did not stop honoring the old gods. There was no point in endlessly fighting with fire and sword, so the clergy used a trick and combined church holidays with the old, pagan ones. This, by the way, was done not only with the Apple Savior, but also with Maslenitsa, which also has pagan origins.

Combining two religious holidays and incorporating the best traditions of both, in mid-August they began to celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord - to bless apples, vegetables and thank the one God for a good harvest. By the way, according to all church rules, the Transfiguration should be celebrated exactly 40 days before the crucifixion of Christ, however, due to Lent, the date was moved to August 19.

According to biblical tradition, on this day Jesus Christ climbed Mount Tabor together with his disciples - Peter, John and James, where God's grace descended on him and he appeared before them as the son of God. It was on this day that Jesus learned that he was destined to die a martyr's death on the cross and be resurrected, thereby atonement for the sins of mankind.

The essence of the holiday is that on this day a person must atone for his sins and cleanse his thoughts and soul from bad thoughts. To do this, people bring apples to church, which are later distributed to the poor and homeless.

How to celebrate Apple Spas

Traditionally, on Apple Spas, you need to attend a service in the church and bless apples, to which, preferably, add bouquets of flowers or branches of an apple tree: it is customary to treat loved ones with blessed apples, as well as disadvantaged people - generosity towards the poor on this day promises to pay off handsomely and bless the donor for successful year. Twigs and flowers, on the contrary, are left at home so that they maintain a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere in the family hearth.

Devout Christians on this day usually visit the temple not only for the blessing of fruits and prayer, but also for repentance, during which they repent of their actions and ask the Lord for forgiveness for all their sins.

In addition to the main traditions, a certain belief has become entrenched among the people, according to which, before the onset of the Apple Savior, people should under no circumstances eat apples and delicacies made from them. This is due to the fact that during the Apple Savior in heaven, all the dead are treated to apples, including the apples of paradise (the same ones that Eve once tasted and came to know herself, which brought upon herself the wrath of the Lord).

Especially a lot goes to children who died at an early age. If the parents of these children commit a sin and bite off even a piece of apple before August 19, then their deceased children will not receive the treat. This is largely why at Apple Spas it is customary to visit the graves of relatives and bring apples to the memorial service - in this way relatives try to give apples to those who did not receive the heavenly treat.

And if the man who violated the ban will be forgiven for this sin, then the woman will not, since in this case she is likened to the first woman who violated the ban - Eve, and takes on part of her original sin.

After the end of the Transfiguration of the Lord, it is supposed to eat apples in large quantities, since according to legend, it is after August 19 that they receive healing properties and become especially useful.

Signs and customs on Apple Spas

Like any other holiday that has pagan roots, Apple Savior also has a number of special signs that are not related to the modern religious nature of the celebration, and are more inclined to the pagan heritage.

Thus, young girls love to tell fortunes about their betrothed and the future, and this despite the fact that the Orthodox Church denies fortune telling and equates it with demonism. The older “knowledgeable” generation conducts various kinds of rituals aimed at maintaining their health, the well-being of their home and the future rich harvest.

The main signs associated with the Apple Savior:

  • Bees flock to honey - to prosperity.
  • A clear sky without clouds means a fierce winter.
  • If the leaves begin to turn yellow on Apple Spas, autumn will come early.
  • Whatever the weather will be like at Yablochny Spas, the winter will be like that. It will be windy - winter will be angry, if it will be sunny - winter will be gentle.
  • “Whoever sews for salvation sheds tears all the time.”

It is also worth saying that, like any Christian holiday, Apple Savior still has some restrictions that must be observed in order to avoid sin. So, you can’t quarrel with anyone, especially with loved ones, since everything a person says will come back to him threefold.

In no case should you drive away or kill insects, since they are creatures that can fly, much closer to the Lord than all people living on earth, and their appearance in the house brings good luck and all kinds of benefits. Well, the main prohibition, which in modern realities is most difficult to implement, is the prohibition on working in the name of self-interest. Housework in the kitchen or in the field, on the contrary, is encouraged.


Apple Savior is a church Orthodox holiday of all Christians. It also has several other names: Summer of the Lord, Second Savior, Great Savior, Transfiguration of the Lord.

Several important facts about the history and signs of the Apple Savior holiday

  1. There are only three Spas, which were approved by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky: Honey, Apple. Walnut.
  2. Another name for the Feast of the Apple Savior is the Transfiguration of the Lord.
  3. Every year Apple Spas is celebrated at the end of summer, on August 19.
  4. At the festive service in the church, Orthodox believers bring gifts of the new harvest for consecration.
  5. According to ancient beliefs, it is believed that during the Second Savior, young girls can ask the apple tree for long youth and beauty.
  6. There are many different signs depending on the weather conditions on this day.
  7. The customs of the Summer of the Lord holiday associated with consecrated fruits can bring good luck, prosperity, and success in your personal life in 2018.

Apple Savior is an important and revered holiday among Orthodox Christians; its history goes back deep into pagan times. This holiday plays a big role for believers and is called differently - the Transfiguration of the Lord. The holiday marks the end of hot summer and the season of collecting nature's gifts. Apple Spas occurs annually at the end of summer, August 19. Next year 2018, this holiday will also be celebrated on this day.

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Video story about the holiday of the Apple Savior - the Transfiguration of the Lord

The story of how the Second Savior became a Christian holiday from a pagan holiday

The history of the origin of the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord has been known since ancient times, since paganism, when every element, every natural phenomenon, object had its own god. The holiday coincided with the new harvest season, and usually fell in the second half of August.

At this time, people in Ancient Rus' organized Harvest Days, turned to the gods with gratitude for their kindness and generosity, asked for the wealth of the future harvest, and performed various rituals, including offering the best fruits as gifts to the deities.

After the appearance of Jesus Christ before his disciples, the Great Savior became an Orthodox church holiday. In mid-August, Christians began to celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord. A celebration, the meaning of which is the embodiment in Jesus Christ of two essences - divine and human.

According to church traditions, it was on this day that Jesus Christ offered a prayer on Mount Tabor, after which the grace of the Lord descended on him, and he first appeared before his followers and all Christian believers as the son of the Creator.

Bible Quote Matthew 17-2: And after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain alone, and was transfigured before them: and His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as light.

Over time, the pagan festival of harvesting a new harvest of vegetables and fruits and the Christian day merged, and now they are celebrated on the same day. August 19 A solemn service is held in churches, after which the fruits of the new harvest are blessed, most often apples, flowers and medicinal herbs.

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The meaning of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord for Orthodox Christians

Celebration of the Apple Savior in the Orthodox Church

The meaning of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord lies in man’s desire to get at least a little closer to the divine through repentance and atonement for his sins. The celebration reminds Christians of the need to monitor their thoughts, do good deeds, strive to get spiritually closer to the Lord, and observe biblical instructions.

It is believed that during the service on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, God's extraordinary grace descends on people. It is very important to listen to the service on a holiday, undergo the sacraments of confession and communion.

Traditionally, believers visit churches, where, after a solemn service, they consecrate the ripe fruits of the new harvest, most often apples, sometimes adding flowers and medicinal herbs. The fruits brought from the church are eaten at the family table, treated to relatives, friends, the infirm and sick, as well as to everyone.

It has long been a tradition that if you treat someone suffering with an apple, good luck, health and prosperity will accompany you all year long. Usually people come to the temple not just to bless fruits, but mainly for prayer, repentance, and gratitude to the Creator for the gift of the harvest.

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Closely connected with the celebration of the Second Savior is the belief that until August 19 it is forbidden to eat the fruits of the new harvest. Such a ban carries several prerequisites. Our ancestors believed that relatives of deceased children should not eat fresh, unblessed fruits before the Transfiguration of the Lord. On this solemn day, the angels give apples to everyone, and if loved ones violate the ban, then their deceased baby will not get the treat.

The other story of the ban is simpler. It is known that in July apples are still unripe, and unripe fruits can cause intestinal diseases and disorders, especially in children.

After the Savior on August 19, the fruits of the new harvest can be eaten, both fresh fruits and jams and compotes. For a long time in Rus', people tried to use apples to set the table, prepare seasonal dishes, and also make supplies for future use.

Many church holidays have a second, so to speak, popular name. The Transfiguration of the Lord belongs to such calendar events and is better known among the population as the Apple Savior

It’s not difficult to guess why it received such a name – this day marks the peak of the ripening of the first apple harvest. Like some other Christian holidays, it has pagan roots, which influenced the formation of modern traditions and customs of its celebration.

history of the holiday

When people still worshiped various deities, this festival marked the end of the harvest. Such an important event was celebrated on a grand scale: sacrifices to the gods, prayers, various rituals, and so on. Thus, people thanked the gods for a good harvest and asked that future sowings also bring a bountiful harvest.

With the advent of Christianity, the eradication of pagan holidays began everywhere, but some were replaced by church holidays. So, instead of the Apple Savior, they began to celebrate another event - the union of human and divine essence in Jesus, which was called the Transfiguration of the Lord.

According to biblical stories, on this day Jesus, together with three of his disciples, climbed Mount Tabor to offer prayers to God. Here his transformation took place - God’s grace descended on him, and he first appeared before the disciples and other people as the son of the Lord.

What are the traditions of Apple Spas

The holiday is interesting for its traditions, most of which are directly related to apples. For example, their first harvest had to be blessed in the church, and all relatives, acquaintances and even neighbors had to be treated to them. They were also a special treat for the dead, which is associated with one of the beliefs.

It was believed that children who had passed on to another world, while in paradise, received heavenly apples on this day. But such a treat was intended only for those whose parents did not partake of the fruits of the new harvest until the day when the Apple Day came.

Children were rewarded for their parents' abstinence. Early in the morning, apples were blessed in the church, after which they were carried to the child’s burial site. If the grave is far away or unknown where, one could leave the fruits in the temple.

Over time, this tradition has changed somewhat; now blessed apples can be placed on the graves of any relative. However, not all regions of the country continue to observe this custom, which cannot be said about the more joyful traditions of this holiday, which are more related to pagan roots.

So, on this day the girls tried to see their fate by telling fortunes on apples. Fruits of different types were placed in the basket, and the unmarried girls took turns taking them out. A handsome groom was predicted to be a ruddy and strong apple, a lazy man and a drunkard - a flabby fruit with rot, a husband with some kind of flaw - a wormy fruit.

The festive table was also not complete without dishes where apples were one of the ingredients. Pancakes, pies, stuffed duck or chicken, sweet cereals and much, much more are put on the table on this day. Another obligatory treat on the table is honey, which is the sweetest and most fragrant during this period.

When is Apple Day celebrated in Russia in 2018?

In Orthodoxy, there is such a thing as the twelfth holidays - the most important events in Christianity. The Transfiguration of the Lord belongs to just such celebrations, second in importance to Easter and Christmas. Unlike the latter, it has a fixed date, which means it is celebrated annually on August 19. In the new year, Christians will celebrate this event on Sunday.

How to congratulate each other on this day

In addition to the above two names, there are several more names for this holiday, each of which is logically justified. For example, the Great Spas (or the Second), another option is Spas on the Mountain (since the transformation took place on the top of the mountain), Oseniny - the name is associated with the belief that after this day nature “turns to autumn.”

The congratulation itself depends on how you perceive this holiday. For example, for believers, a text mentioning a church event and a wish for spiritual transformation would be appropriate.

If you prefer the folk interpretation, cheerful and encouraging congratulations with wishes of abundance, love and happiness would be appropriate here. The tradition of treating friends and neighbors to ripe apples would also be appropriate. The festive table should also include dishes using these fruits.

In general, any of the options carries a positive thought, therefore the holiday should be joyful, which should be reflected in your congratulations and wishes. And in what way - by postcard, in words, by SMS message, in poetry or prose - everyone chooses, guided by personal preferences.

The church holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord is popularly known under a different name - Apple Savior. Many people know why this day was called Apple Day - the first bountiful harvest of apples is in time for the holiday. But the question of what date Apple Day is in 2018 will make most of us think.

The Transfiguration of the Lord is one of the few important holidays in Christianity, whose date is fixed in the calendar. This means that the holiday does not depend on the date of Easter and is celebrated annually on the same day - August 19.

Different peoples have several options for the name of the holiday. In addition to the Apple Savior, the Transfiguration was called the Second or Great Savior, Savior on the Mountain, Autumn, Pea Day, etc. And each of these names has its own justification. For example, the Savior on the Mountain is called so because of the biblical story that formed the basis of the holiday: the appearance of the Greatness of God occurred during prayer on Mount Tabor. Autumn - because, according to legend, after the Savior, summer “turns to autumn”, and the First Harvest Festival - because by this day most of the fruits ripen, which can already be harvested for the winter.

The church name of the Apple Savior is the Transfiguration of the Lord. This holiday in Orthodoxy is one of the twelve, that is, the second most important after Easter and Christmas. The holiday is based on the appearance of the Divine Majesty of Christ, described in biblical legends.

The plot of the Transfiguration is described in many biblical texts. Jesus, taking with him three of his disciples - Peter, John and James, went to Mount Tabor (according to some sources - Hermon) to retire for prayer. And there, on the top of the mountain, Christ was Transfigured - that is, he showed his Divine essence. His face shone, His clothes became white, and a cloud descended from heaven, from where a Voice said that Jesus was the Son of God.

Apple Spas: folk traditions and customs

The focus this holiday is on apples. And most of the folk traditions and customs are associated with these fruits. It was customary to consecrate the first bountiful harvest in the church; all friends, relatives and neighbors were treated to apples. But the main thing is that apples served as a kind of special treat for the deceased.

Initially, it was believed that deceased children in Paradise received ripe Paradise apples as a treat on this day. However, they were not given to everyone, but only to those whose parents did not eat apples from the new harvest until the Apple Savior. This kind of parental abstinence served as a guarantee of children’s reward in the next world. Ripe fruits, blessed in the church at matins, were to be brought by the mother and father to the grave of the deceased child. If the burial place was far away or completely unknown, it was allowed to leave the apples in the church.

Over the years, this tradition has undergone some changes. Apples blessed in the church were allowed to be placed on the grave of any deceased family member - the fruits became a kind of food for the deceased. By the way, in many regions of our country this tradition is still alive - and on Apple Spas in 2018, strong, ripe apples will appear in cemeteries.

But not only sad, funeral customs are associated with these fruits. There was a place for the apple in folk fun. So, late in the evening of the holiday, the girls told fortunes with apples - they pulled out an apple at random in the dark from a basket with the harvest. Whichever apple falls out, that will be the betrothed. Flabby and with a rotten barrel - the husband will be lazy and a drunkard; strong and ruddy - you will get a handsome and stately husband. An apple with a wormhole - there is some kind of flaw hidden in the future spouse that is not visible to the eye. Well, the juicy, ripe, sweet fruit promised a strong and happy family life.

Apples were also a constant treat on the holiday table. Pies, kulebyaki, baked poultry, porridge, pancakes and pancakes - there are many recipes for dishes with apples, and most of them have come to us from time immemorial. In addition to apples, honey was always present on the table. And although this was not the first collection, the honey on Spas was considered the best, most fragrant and sweet.

Apple Savior is one of the most famous and ancient Orthodox holidays, whose roots reach back to pagan times. According to church canons, it is known as the Transfiguration of the Lord and is of great importance for Christianity. Among the people, this celebration marks the end of the warm summer and often overlaps with harvest festivals.

Apple Savior and Transfiguration of the Lord is a holiday with a fixed date: every year it falls on August 19. Apple saved in 2018 will also be celebrated on this day.

history of the holiday

Like many other holidays, Apple Savior dates back to pagan times, when people worshiped various gods. This celebration is associated with the end of the harvest, which always occurred in mid-August. During this period, people in all settlements held a harvest festival: they performed various rituals, thanked the gods for their generosity, prayed for the success of future crops and sacrificed the best fruits to the deities.

When Christianity came to Rus', all pagan holidays were carefully eradicated, replacing them with church ones. So, in mid-August they began to celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord - a celebration marking the union of human and divine essence in Jesus Christ.

According to church traditions, on this day Jesus Christ offered a prayer on Mount Tabor, the grace of the Lord descended on him, after which he first appeared before all people and his disciples as the son of God.

According to all the rules, the Transfiguration of the Lord should be celebrated 40 days before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, but because of its celebration it was postponed to August 19.

Over time, the Christian celebration and the pagan harvest festival quietly merged and are celebrated as one. On this day, people bring apples, flowers and herbs to church for blessing, which traces the remnants of pagan rituals.

The symbolism of the Transfiguration of the Lord lies in man’s desire to get closer to the divine through the atonement of his sins. The celebration once again reminds believers of the need to constantly monitor their thoughts and deeds, strive for spiritual improvement and honor the commandments. On this day, during the divine service, God's grace and blessing descends on people, therefore it is during the Transfiguration of the Lord that it is important to visit the temple, confess and receive communion.

How to celebrate Apple Spas

You need to go to church not only to consecrate sweet fruits, but also for prayer and repentance. On the holiday, believers must visit the temple during worship, repent of their misdeeds and ask for forgiveness. Apple Spas is a good time to reconsider your attitude towards loved ones, clear your thoughts of negativity and start doing good deeds.

Associated with the celebration of the Apple Savior is a belief according to which apples should not be eaten until August 19, but after this date they can be eaten in any form. This prohibition has several interpretations. Thus, it is believed that people whose children have died should not eat apples until the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord: during this celebration in heaven, all children are treated to delicacies, including the fruits of the apple tree, and if parents violate the ban, their child will not be given sweets.

Another reason for banning apples is more pragmatic. As a rule, apples do not yet have time to ripen until mid-August; green fruits can cause stomach upsets and poisoning, especially in children. Because of this, it was believed that before the Apple Savior, apples did not carry any benefit and should not be eaten.

After August 19, apples can and should be eaten both fresh and in the form of drinks, jams and other dishes. During the Apple Savior, each housewife tried to prepare as many treats as possible from these fruits, including canning for the winter. In addition, our ancestors believed that if you make a wish while biting into a blessed apple, it will certainly come true.

Signs and customs at Apple Spas

The apple tree is associated with many signs that have survived to this day. So, on this day, our ancestors made sure to monitor the weather: if it is sunny and dry outside, then this promises a mild January without snowstorms, and if the day turns out to be rainy, then we can expect a lot of snow in January. In addition, it was believed that with Apple Spas the warm days ended and the weather gradually became colder, so during this period it was already possible to prepare for autumn.

Also, on this day, the ancestors performed various rituals to drive out evil spirits from the house and attract good luck and money. The girls at Apple Spas always told fortunes on apple peels, sang songs and danced around the apple trees. The girls got together and combed their hair with wooden combs made from apple trees to preserve beauty and youth.

On Apple Savior, people tried not to drive away flies, because they believed that if this winged insect landed on their hand twice, then next year they could count on good luck and success. In addition, it was considered a good omen to sit for a while under an apple tree: it was believed that on this day the tree gives health and peace of mind.

Apple Savior is a very joyful holiday that harmoniously combines Christian and pagan customs. On this day we should thank the Lord for all the good things in our lives, pray for the forgiveness of sins and get rid of unkind thoughts.

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