What must happen for this. Photocopier of life or “Why situations repeat themselves

So I tell you: relax. What needs to happen will happen. What shouldn't happen won't happen, and you can't do anything here. Although your mind may answer: “I can do it.” What I'm saying is that what needs to happen will happen. You were supposed to come today, and you came.

- All the same, there is an idea that you need to think and decide, and then something will happen.

The mind wants to justify its necessity. How he does it? There is a reality in which something happens. The conditioned mind imposes its assessments, opinions, beliefs, beliefs on what is happening... And every fragment of your conditioned mind wants to affirm itself, prove its importance and necessity. Maybe you have heard about this way of making money. An applicant comes to enroll in a university. An important person comes up to him and says: “If you want to enroll, fine, I will arrange it for you, and I will take the money only after you enroll.” The applicant takes the exams just like everyone else. Let's say he managed to score the required passing grade. Then the important person appears again and says: “Hello. I had to do so much to get you accepted, now pay the amount we talked about.”

You see, he didn’t do anything at all, but he received the money. Great business, win-win. If you don’t pass, then you don’t pass, and if you pass, then pay. Who will check? This is kept secret. Now, the conditioned mind works in the same way. Everything happens as it happens. But the mind wants to make its profit. To do this, he needs to show that what is happening happened in connection with his intervention and efforts. Thus, he obscures a clear vision of what is happening. When I say that what is actually going to happen to you will happen to you, I am negating the need for mental effort. What happens to you is what needs to happen, and the mind has nothing to do with it. He just rattles, makes noise, yells, evaluates, and so on.

- Then why is nature given us intelligence? If everything happens without his participation, why is he needed?

You follow your trend very clearly. It's not good or bad, I'm just pointing it out. Now you are very involved in your question. The main thing is to see the tendency of your mind. If you are completely involved in your questions and answers, you will not be able to see her. It's not my answer that's important, what's important is that you see your tendency.

But if a question is asked, I will give an answer. In fact, we have already talked about this. My answer is that these are also some ideas, but if you get to the core, you may understand something important. Everything is One Consciousness. For some reason it decided to show itself. This is how the phenomenal world came into being, which we see with the help of our physical senses. However, it is simply one of the manifestations of the Unified Awareness. There is something beyond energy, matter, time and space. This is the One, self-aware Consciousness, capable of creating and managing all components of Existence, including the material Universe. Each of us is actually an aware consciousness, capable of controlling energy in different forms, including the most dense, that is, physical matter, as well as time and space. We use the body-mind as an apparatus that allows us to be and act in the physical world. The body and mind is a wonderful mechanism, but for a number of reasons, for the vast majority of people it is in a mismatched and faulty state. You can master its potential capabilities only by studying and understanding the principles of its operation. This is exactly what we do at our School.

In particular, in the mind itself one can distinguish the working and evaluating minds. For example, I am releasing a book. To do this, I must be able to write, formulate thoughts, that is, have certain skills. All these are functions of the working mind. When I do something using my "working" mind, I don't doubt. I just do it and that's it. But there is a “worried, appraising” mind. I will still do what I do, but when the “judging” mind turns on, it brings great confusion to everything that is being done, takes a lot of energy and gives nothing in return. It is the “worrying and evaluating” mind that is superfluous. It is he who creates all the problems. Everything that we are now talking about and will talk about as problems is the product of a “worrying and evaluating” mind.

- What about the working mind?

A working mind is necessary for the work done in the physical world. He simply does his job without claiming dominance, while the “worried and evaluating” mind constantly wants to prove that it is the most important. Its nature must be seen.

- This means that my working mind has fallen asleep. Why?

Why are you so worried? As long as you worry, your problem will persist. Do you understand what I'm talking about, do you hear me? You nod that you hear, but is it true? If you hear me, you will stop asking such questions. You will enjoy your stay here, and will not suffer, all the time thinking: “Why am I sleeping, and why are others not sleeping?”

- I don't think so. I have a lot of problems.

Try to see your problems as some kind of games that you play. Decide which ones you want to continue and which ones you want to leave behind.

- But I don't want to give up anything.

Now your cunning, conditioned mind is talking to me, which wants to keep all its problems, and not get rid of them. I see and feel it very well. You can be tricky with yourself, but it won’t work with me. I have already told you that you can solve any of your problems instantly, but as long as you are not interested in this, you will continue to drag everyone, including me, into continuing to play the problem created by your mind. You will ask me the same question to maintain the energy of your problem.

It's like a thief dressed as a policeman talking to me about how good it would be to arrest the thief. The thief covered himself with a police uniform and begins to discuss with me the problem of how to imprison the thief, but I clearly see that behind this police uniform is that same thief. And that he is not at all interested in putting himself in prison, but conducts all these conversations only so that he will not be discovered, so that they will believe that he is really a policeman. So that no one would look for him where he is now. Maybe you will be able to convince someone of this, but not me.

Help me answer the questions, please, if you don’t know, skip it, answer what you know for sure! Please!!1

Are the following statements true?
A) The concepts of “personality” and “individuality” mean the same thing.
B) Without society, a person cannot become an individual.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) A and B are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect.
- Choose all correct answers.
Knowledge of the world includes:
1) knowledge of the laws of nature
2) passion for music
3) weather observation
4) self-knowledge
5) study of sciences
6) study of social events and phenomena
3. Activities are:
1) game
2) study
3) sunrise
4) labor
5) collection of honey by bees
6) volcanic eruption
1. What is extra in the row? Underline the extra word and explain why you decided so.
Food, rest, beauty, maintaining thermal balance, safety.
5. Human social needs include:
1) need for sleep, rest
2) the need for respect, recognition
3) need for clothing, housing
4) the need for clean air and water
V. In the list below, all but one of the words relate to interpersonal relationships. Find and indicate a term that is not related to the concept of “interpersonal relationships.”
Mutual assistance, friendship, friendship, interaction, sympathy, citizenship.
T. Small groups include:
1) company of friends
2) class students
3) young Russians
4) readers of the magazine “Ogonyok”
8. What quality helps you communicate with other people?
1) antipathy
2) alertness
3) empathy
4) arrogance
U. Establish a correspondence between methods of behavior in a conflict situation and the nature of conflict resolution: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding positions from the second

(G. Nizami)
1 I. Mark the correct judgments with a “+” sign.
1. Good is the absence of evil
2. Good - an act aimed at personal benefit
3. Good is what is beneficial to you at the moment
4. Good - an act for the benefit of people
5. Good - following the golden rule of morality

12. Choose the correct judgment.
A) Fear is a harmful feeling because it prevents a person from performing worthy actions.
B) Fear never prevents a person from acting according to his conscience.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect
13. Make a plan to answer the question “What are virtues?”


please help me answer the questions:

1. What role do sensations play in cognition?
2 What is perception, how is it related to sensations?
3. How does truth differ from plausible knowledge?
4. How does knowledge of nature differ from knowledge of society?
5. Describe the features of the main types of cognition
6.What role does language play in the process of a person’s cognition of the world?
7. what makes up the “Image of the Self”
8.How can you increase your self-esteem? What significance does it have in a person’s life?

Answer the main question We are looking for an answer to the main question. Do you remember what our main question is? In this chapter we find out what family is. Have you purchased new ones?

knowledge about the family and, therefore, you can supplement your answer to the main question

PLEASE HELP ANSWER QUESTIONS!!! Moral life and pleasure

M. A. Antonovich (1835-1918) - Russian philosopher Unfortunately, such lofty words as “life”, “pleasantness”, “pleasure” are completely vulgarized by misinterpretations and abuses. By a good life they usually mean luxury, the opportunity not to be embarrassed by the most absurd desires; by pleasures we mean revelry, gluttony, drunkenness, voluptuousness, etc.; all of this together is called the “blessings of life”... Such a good life is contrasted with an unpleasant moral and reasonable life, far from pleasure, full of deprivation, self-denial and everything that constitutes violence to nature; therefore, it is not life, but a burden, a punishment. It is usually assumed that for every good and honest deed, for virtue in general, a person must force himself, overcome himself, overpower...
Could anything be more unnatural than this view and offensive to human nature?.. No, virtue is life, one of the needs and aspects of life; it has its basis in human nature itself. If a person strives for rational virtue1, then in order to make his life fuller, more pleasant, richer in pleasures, in a word, more natural.
Antonovich M. A. The unity of the physical and moral cosmos // World of Philosophy.- Part 2.-M., 1991.- P. 41-43.

Questions and tasks: I. Why does the author consider the view of moral life as a burden and punishment unnatural and offensive, as if it were contrary to human nature (i.e., the essence of man)? 2. It is known that the ideas of the “good life” described by the author have always been extremely widespread. What do you think people who hold this point of view are depriving themselves of? 3. Using the content of the passage, explain the statement: “A person who is satisfied with life only because he himself has a good life is a nonentity.” 4. How do you understand the author’s statement that a moral life should bring satisfaction?

Sometimes we find ourselves in a cycle of repeating situations. It seems to us that this is something from the realm of “abnormal”. After all, why, say, should a person live through similar relationship scenarios? Life is already short, but in our hearts we always want to gain new experiences. Who would like to go “in circles” of the same feelings all the time? But we often catch ourselves thinking such déjà vu: someone constantly meets representatives of a particular nationality without wanting it, someone can’t start a long-term relationship, someone constantly meets those who bring nothing but disappointments... Is there a connection in these repetitions? Eat.

Israeli psychologist and clairvoyant Goldie believes that “the purpose of our life is to work through our complexes, fears and karma.” Thus, certain (important) events will be repeated until we learn a lesson from them. After all, many of us do not know how to forgive, but this needs to be done, others become disappointed, instead of continuing to believe. So life is trying in its own way to “teach” us to forgive, accept, believe, love... And learning this means forgetting everything you knew about this issue.

In linguistics, a “repeated action in the past” is called habit. And from the point of view of metaphysics, this turns out to be quite fair. Getting rid of the habit of attracting, for example, only significantly older partners, turns out to be akin to forgetting about relationships altogether. We like to call it “fate,” forgetting that fate precisely adheres to the point of view that we can walk our path with any person; The main thing, at the same time, is to fulfill your karmic task on Earth.

“What should a person who has not met his soul mate do? Should I continue looking for her? You need to focus your efforts not on finding a soul mate, but go deep into yourself, turn to your source, where we are all one and there, in this depth, find agreement and attraction with almost any soul mate you meet!
With someone, attraction will occur at the first glance at each other, with someone contact will occur at a greater depth, and with someone you need to eat a pound of salt and go to the very foundation - to touch souls! We must always remember that unity can always be found, only this can happen at different depths of the Essence.
Thus, with the deepest revelation of love, you can come to the same agreement with many as with your other half, and do the same great things. But this requires great work on oneself. And on Earth this is possible! ( Anatoly Nekrasov “Halves”»).

I don't really like the idea Nekrasova that we can be happy with anyone. I believe that we are happy with those with whom our views on the world coincide. In consultations, Goldie advises people to close so-called “karmic relationships”, i.e. those relationships that stretch from past lives. In real life they are expressed by disharmony, misunderstanding, regular separations and reconciliations. Therefore, the clairvoyant advises to forgive and let go of your partner, because he is not the same “half”. “The purpose of a relationship is to help each other develop,” writes Goldie. “Such relationships bring joy, lightness and mutual understanding.”

At the same time, Nekrasov expressed a very interesting point of view that they do not look for halves outside. According to him, life is a big copier that reflects what is in a person. This means that you need to look for your soul mate in yourself: by giving the world the best that is in a person, he attracts the corresponding:

“Searching along the “horizon” begins when a person stops moving inward. Most often, when a person stops working on himself and his relationships, he begins to move along an “easier” path - searching for a more suitable soul mate in his environment. In this case, it is almost impossible to find a soul mate. The world takes a person away from his soul mate in every possible way, creates many difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex, again and again pushing a person to to reveal your best qualities, to show more and more love». ( Anatoly Nekrasov “Halves”»).

The author of the book “Soul Mates and Twin Flames” also speaks about the search for integrity. Elizabeth Claire Prophet. She gives an example when we demand some radical changes from the present. But such a need says only one thing: “we are not in harmony with ourselves” and “now I don’t have what I want”:

If we do not understand sublimation or "ascension", if we do not want to become more "ethereal", if we remain creatures of desire and demand - "I want what I want, and I want it now, and it must happen now" - then let's settle for a lower standard in our lives. And we actually do not have enough strength to attract to ourselves what is truly the implementation of the Divine meeting, as well as the Divine plan for this incarnation.
So, it's okay to recognize needs. But remember, any need is also a lack of integrity, and lack of integrity makes you incomplete. When you are incomplete, you are not focusing on the Divine magnet of wholeness that can attract to you the very thing you need to become whole. (Elizabeth Claire Prophet, Soul Mates and Twin Flames

We come into this world to learn to be happy. To walk your own path and help develop the path of the person closest to you. If at some point in life we ​​catch ourselves thinking that we are caught in a cycle of repeating situations where only the main character changes, then this is a reason to think about whether we have learned a lesson from this situation and what we want to change in the next one (if we want , Certainly!). And if we meet the “wrong” partner, the one we want to see next to us all our lives, then the question is what are we like at a given period of time, what are we filled with, what emotions? Well, if you have met your soul mate, then you can say with confidence that your world is harmonious and complete. But it is important to remember that life is development. And every day of life is a new step towards yourself.

Anastasia Skaryna

Have you ever thought about why certain events happen to you? And some more than once! Why Are we caught in a cycle of repeating events? Does it depend on ourselves or is it fate?

You got the new job you dreamed of. Full of enthusiasm and ideas. It seems to you that you have finally found your place for a long, long time, but... At some point you want to give up everything and leave. Which is what you do. Time passes, you find a new job. Everything is going great, you think: “Well, this is definitely mine. This is exactly what I dreamed of.” Life is filled with meaning. You happily fly to work in the morning, ready to move mountains... and after a while you leave again. And this situation is repeated more than once or twice. You realize that you are going in circles.

Or in relationships with men. You only meet one type of man. Although you cannot say that this is your type of man. And you see that this man is basically the same as the previous one, but you are again building a relationship with him. And then you reproach yourself for “stepping on the same rake.”

Situations familiar? Yes, and I didn’t take them out of my head. The first happens cyclically to my friend, and the second to me.

How many stories are there about women who marry alcoholics several times? Or people who are always in debt: and only after paying off the last debt, they again get into even more. Or girls who are always betrayed by guys. Yes, you can remember many such stories.

What if we look at your life? Surely, if you think about it, you are also haunted by certain situations and problems that repeat from year to year, from relationship to relationship.

Have you ever wondered if there is a connection in these repetitions?

I didn’t, until I stepped on my own rake once again. That's when this question came to me. Why does everything happen this way? Why can't I get off this path? I went online with this question. There I found a lot of information on this issue and a lot of explanations for such events. So…

Why is this happening?


Of course, everything can be explained with such a common explanation. Like, this is my fate. This is how I will run in circles for the rest of my life. I can't change anything here. You need to humble yourself and continue to “carry your cross.”

Fate? Maybe. Nobody argues, but why did you get such a fate? That's the question.

This is how the circumstances turned out

And immediately the question: Why do they develop exactly this way and for you? And with such enviable consistency. Of course, many things can be explained this way. But just think how many events (circumstances) must develop in a certain way for you, for example, to find yourself in a certain place at a certain time. And such circumstances should arise at least not for you alone!

But here again the question is: what brought you to this place?

Your choice

“How can I choose what I don’t want?” - you immediately ask. That's how.

Every day you are faced with a bunch of questions that require choice. Maybe insignificant, but still... Depending on what decision you make in a certain situation, your future life may turn out one way or another. Do you think that some small decision cannot affect your life as a whole? I dare to assure you - it can!

If you imagine your life as a web, in which each individual thread is an option of where to go, then every decision you make, no matter how small, leads you in a certain direction. In fact, the web of human life is very vast.

And depending on our choice, we may appear in certain places. But we appear in some given place and given situation! I wonder why?

Life gives a lesson

Israeli clairvoyant and psychologist Goldie believes that The goal of our life is to work through our complexes, fears and karma. Problematic and unpleasant situations will repeat in your life until you learn your lesson. At the same time, situations will get worse every time if nothing changes.

That is, certain events happen in our lives in order to teach us something.

Comes from childhood

“All the most important things are laid down in childhood,” any psychologist will tell you. And there is a lot of truth in this position. Indeed, much in a person’s character and destiny depends on the events and experiences of his childhood. A child is born into a certain family, with certain foundations and relationships within the family. And as he grows up, he unconsciously begins to remember what the attitude to work, health, and some principles should be like between mom and dad, with other people.

Remember how children play. How they talk to dolls, what situations they play out. If you watch a child play, you can see your family and yourself from the outside, through the eyes of a child.

So those same recurring events can be firmly connected with our childhood. At some point, the brain decided that everything should be exactly like this. And since then, our actions have been “programmed” to create just such situations. Is it possible to change this and reload your program? Of course yes. It is important to understand yourself, identify it and change it.

Life is a reflection of you

Anatoly Nekrasov, a psychologist, philosopher, leading specialist in the field of family and interpersonal relationships, has his own point of view on recurring events.

According to him, life is a photocopier that reflects everything that is in a person . This means you need to look for the reasons within yourself. A person attracts into his life what is inside him.

Here is one of the quotes from his book:

“Searching along the “horizon” begins when a person stops moving inward. Most often, when a person stops working on himself and his relationships, he begins to move along an “easier” path - searching for a more suitable soul mate in his environment. In this case, it is almost impossible to find a soul mate. The world takes a person away from their soul mate in every possible way and creates many difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex. , again and again pushing the person to to reveal your best qualities, to show more and more love " (Anatoly Nekrasov “Halves”).

Is it possible to break out of the vicious circle and move to a new level?

As a rule, a person becomes aware of his problems when they have already reached incredible proportions. Or when the situation has repeated itself a very large number of times. Why is that? We live most of our lives unconsciously. That is, in order to understand and realize the problem, you need this problem to “hit” you on the head with incredible force. When it seems that life is ruined and nothing can be changed. Many continue to live like this. Complaining about fate and seeing no way out.

But there are a few people who begin to delve into themselves. And look for answers to the question: Why does everything happen like this? Why is this happening to me? Can I change anything? If yes, then what needs to be done.

Again, many people stop at this stage of questions. Or, having found a bunch of useful information on the Internet, they begin to implement everything into their lives.

It is possible to break this vicious circle. In the language of psychology, fate is called a life scenario. All the events that happen in your life, attitudes, beliefs, fears, habits - form our life web. And by understanding what is behind certain situations, by changing it within yourself, you can change your own life.

I will not describe to you any methods or technologies I read from the Internet. Or tell them “the only right solution.” It is not in my competence. The fact that you are reading this article already means that you have begun to look for ways to change yourself and your life.

Changes are not safe!

Every change paves the way for other changes
Niccolo Machiavelli

Many people are concerned about the question: “How will my changes affect others? And will the people around me change?” The answer will be: “100% yes, they will change.” But how they will change is the second question.

To substantiate my answer, I will cite the experience of one of my friends. She had a very difficult relationship with her mother since childhood. And as she says, her mother inflicted on her all the psychological trauma that it was possible to inflict on a child. When this woman became interested in psychology and began to change her life and herself, her relationship with her mother also changed. Drastically. And she explains it all with quantum physics.

Yes, yes, exactly physics. According to the laws of quantum physics, if two particles were in contact for at least one moment, then they retain this information. And if you change one particle, the other one, which has information about it, also changes. This law of physics can explain a lot in our lives, but we are not talking about “much” now.

So, there is a connection with our parents, loved ones, husbands. Accordingly, our changes will sooner or later affect our environment.

You can learn more about the work of our brain and how it creates certain situations in our lives from Dina Gumerova’s intensive courses. The information she provides is unique and interesting, which will also help you make your life easier and more enjoyable. You can find a link to Dina’s courses in the article

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Hello, friends!

Today I want to talk to you about a rather interesting topic. Remember, I wrote that one of the most important conditions for your desire to come true is that you must “let go” of your desire. That is, stop “clinging” to him. The situation is approximately the same with some problematic or not particularly positive situations in your life.

Let's say that you have some situation that you don't really like. Well, first of all, of course, you need to analyze, what does the Universe actually want to tell you with this situation? It is very possible that this is a kind of help with which they are trying to help you move towards your Goal.

But it may very well be that this situation arose as a response to some of your negative thoughts. Think about what you've been thinking or saying lately. And were there any aggression, rejection, irritation, fear, etc. in your thoughts and words? All this can easily attract negative situations to you.

In any case, it is necessary to analyze the situation and understand where it came from and why. But analysis is one thing, but the real situation in life is here! And you have to somehow react to it. And this is what I want to talk about now.

What is the most common reaction to a negative situation? That's right, negative! :)) You are angry, indignant, perhaps scared or annoyed. What happens? You “feed” this situation with your energy, helping it develop and strengthen, taking an increasingly stronger position in your life. Then everything progresses - the situation worsens, you become even more irritated (angry, upset, nervous, etc.), again and again giving energy to the development of this situation. It turns out to be a vicious circle - the more you react, the more actively the situation develops. And the more actively it develops, the more strongly you react. And you know, this is far from an innocent “game of catch-up.” This state of affairs can lead to very bad consequences. I remember a similar situation with one of my friends. And it almost cost her her life. Fortunately, my friend survived and very dramatically changed her worldview and attitude towards life. And “miraculously” everything worked out for her. But it would be possible to do without extreme sports. How? Just stop in time and change your attitude towards the situation!

Here I must again remind you of such an important thing in life as. For only by living consciously can we through our attitude towards it. Remember, I wrote in that Every life situation given to us is a kind of fork in the road of our life. The road leading us to our Goal and to improving our lives goes in one direction. And in the other direction there is a road, following which we will move away from the Goal, moving further and further from the life we ​​dream about. And what determines which direction we turn? But it is our attitude that determines! Yes Yes! Not logic, not reason, not some “right decision”. And ATTITUDE to the situation!

Now I will explain in more detail.

Whatever situation you face, positive or negative, you can react to it either positively or negatively. And depending on your reaction, you turn onto the road that leads either to the Goal or away from it. Well, you ask, I had a negative situation, I reacted to it accordingly, so it turns out that in any case I will take the “bad road”? Yes, if only one reaction to a negative situation is possible for you - negative.

Is it possible to react positively to troubles?! Imagine, it’s possible! Moreover, it is necessary! If, of course, you want to turn at a fork in the road that will lead you to improving your life and making your desires and goals come true.

But how can this be done practically? Yes, I won’t lie, at first it’s very difficult to react positively to troubles. At first, I felt quite stupid about this and often snapped into the usual reaction in the form of irritation and anger. But gradually it started to get better and better. And most importantly, I saw the result! And he impressed me! And what I saw was that with a positive reaction to even the most negative situation, after a fairly short time this situation suddenly somehow gets better, and in such a way that I still win! This is such a wonderful thing!

So, let's take it in order. Firstly, in order to manage your attitude towards any situation, you first need awareness. Don't allow yourself to live on reflexes. Constantly ask yourself questions: “Why am I given this situation? What do I need to understand? Where will I end up if I react in such and such a way?” and so on.

Secondly, do not forget that any negative situation is given to you for a reason. The Universe wants to tell you something with it. Which means, first of all, you need to thank the Universe for taking care of you! I have already written about how powerful this tool is in improving life.

Third, enjoy this situation! I foresee the reaction: “Rejoice?! I was fired from my job, and I should still be happy?!” Yes! Just rejoice! That is, react positively! After all, it is very possible that this is your chance to find a new, much more attractive job for you.

In short, the most correct reaction to any life situation is: “Everything is for the better!!!” If you set your mind to it, then this is exactly what will happen. It is your attitude that determines how your future life will turn out.

You remember - the Universe gives us everything that we designate in our requests. But any of our thoughts is defined by the Universe - as a request that needs to be fulfilled. So imagine what happens if your attitude to the situation is negative. You think: “Everything is bad!” And with this thought you send such a request. The universe obediently tells you that everything is bad. And if you take into account that usually people, when faced with any troubles, begin to draw in their minds pictures of the expected development of the situation, one more terrible than the other, then it becomes clear where the phrase about trouble, which alone does not come, came from. That’s right, we ourselves invite a bunch of her “friends” along with her!

And what to do in this case?

Only a conscious change in attitude towards the situation from negative to positive can help here. Yes, like this, despite everything that happens to you, just repeat “Everything is for the better!” and believe in it (this is why we need awareness!). And gradually everything will begin to change for the better. The most important thing is not to return to your previous attitude. Remember that changes will not begin to appear in your life immediately (I wrote about this in the article). This should in no way lead you astray from your chosen path. Notice even the slightest improvements and be grateful for them. State: “Life is getting better!” Make full use of a positive attitude towards life.

In general, set yourself the attitude: “EVERYTHING that happens to me leads ONLY to best for me! And use it in any situation. But if it is still difficult for you to react so positively when troubles arise, you can adopt a more neutral phrase - “The Universe is taking care of me. Everything is fine." The main thing is that you do not start reacting according to the “old pattern” - like “problems have started”, etc.

Remember, what you focus your attention on is what you attract and keep in your life. It's up to you to decide what to tune in to - positive or negative.

And don’t forget that changing your attitude towards a situation from negative to positive can help you “pull yourself out” even from problems that seem completely insoluble to you!

Your Ekaterina:))

To set the mood! :)))

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