How to make a snowman for a photo shoot. How to make a paper snowman

If your child has been asked to make a New Year’s craft for the garden or school, then our article is for you. We will tell you how and, most importantly, what you can make a snowman out of.

How to make a snowman from a sock with your own hands

White socks are an excellent preparation for a snowman. Mom's or dad's things will turn into a large snowman, and small socks will be suitable for making snowmen.

So, we need one white sock, scissors, stuffing, thread or elastic bands.

  1. Cut off the bottom part of the whole sock.
  2. We tie one end with an elastic band and then turn it inside out.
  3. Fill a sock with any cereal. Bulk products will make the toy more stable and make it easy to shape it into the desired shape.
  4. We also tie the other end with an elastic band.
  5. Using our hands we give the snowman a slightly elongated shape. And to highlight the snowman’s head and torso, we tie the piece just above the middle. The bottom part should be slightly larger and thicker than the top.
  6. Now you can make a hat from the remaining part of the sock. A narrow piece of any fabric will replace a scarf for a snowman.
  7. All that remains is to make the eyes and nose, and glue two or three buttons to the bottom.

To get acquainted with the master class in more detail and learn better how to make a snowman from socks, watch the video.

How to make a snowman from plastic cups

A snowman made from plastic cups turns out to be large and charismatic. It can be placed in the classroom and in the children's room. Just leave more space!

The snowman will require more than three hundred plastic cups, a large stapler and glue. Our product will consist of two large balls. Let's start assembling the snowman from the bottom.

  1. We fasten the first row of 25 cups in a circle using a large stapler. We connect the cups to each other neatly and evenly.
  2. Now we place the following cups in turn on the resulting circle and connect them to each other and to the previous row. Thus, we complete the first half of the ball. By analogy, we perform the second half.
  3. The top part of the snowman is also done, but for the first row of the head, 22 cups are already taken. Glue the resulting balls together.
  4. We make the eyes and nose.

All that remains is to come up with a headdress for the snowman and choose a suitable scarf.

And the available video tutorial will clearly demonstrate the process of making a snowman from plastic glasses.

How to make a snowman from threads

The next master class will help you learn how to make aerial snowmen. They are based on balloons, glue and thread.

We choose PVA glue, it has good adhesion and does not leave yellow marks. We take white threads of any thickness.

  1. Inflate the balloons so that one is slightly larger than the other. Let's connect them with tape.
  2. Let's prepare the adhesive composition. To do this, pour a little PVA glue into a small container, then add water and mix everything.
  3. Soak the threads in glue and begin to wind them in random order, first on one, then on the other ball.
  4. After drying, you need to pierce both balls and pull out their remains through the threads.

The result was lace balloons. You can attach a thread or string to them and hang them on the Christmas tree. But we need a snowman made of threads. Therefore, we glue the balls together to make a snowman.

All that remains is to come up with a headdress and a scarf. Glue on the drawn eyes or buttons. A carrot-shaped nose is made from orange paper, folded into a narrow cone, or plasticine. Ready!

All the details of the master class are shown in our video.

DIY light bulb snowman (master class)

Don't rush to throw away your old incandescent lamps. Let's make cute snowmen from light bulbs that will decorate any Christmas tree. You can remove the internal parts of the lamp, but this will require carefully disassembling the top of the base. It's up to you to decide whether you will do this painstaking work.

  1. The first step is to paint the glass part of the lamp with acrylic paint, using a sponge to apply it evenly over the surface.
  2. After the paint has dried, the base is tied with a rope and a loop is glued to hang the toy on the Christmas tree.
  3. The eyes, mouth and nose are made using beads or painted with paints, as in the photo.

Light bulbs are quite fragile, so you should not leave children unattended while working with them.

The full version of the master class can be seen on the video.

How to make a paper snowman

Paper is the most popular material among children. It provides a lot of opportunities for making various crafts and souvenirs.

How to make DIY Christmas cards with snowmen

Here's how to make a New Year's card with a snowman applique.

Prepare a white sheet of thick paper, cardboard, cotton wool and glue.

  1. Fold the sheet in half widthwise and set it aside for now.
  2. From white cardboard you need to cut out two touching circles, one slightly larger than the other.
  3. We apply a layer of glue to the base of our snowman, and a thin layer of cotton wool on it.
  4. We cut off all the excess and glue the snowman onto the main sheet.
  5. We finish his hat, eyes and nose from beads.

Now let’s use our imagination and decorate the card at our own discretion. And our video will help with this.

DIY New Year's paper snowman in 3D

A gift card with a three-dimensional or so-called 3D applique looks interesting. This result is achieved by cutting and bending the elements of the postcard.

We will need two sheets of paper, and the white one should be 1 cm shorter in width and length than the colored one.

  1. Fold a white sheet of paper in half widthwise and make two parallel cuts. This is how we designate the lower part of the snowman.
  2. We bend the part resulting from the cuts and direct it inward.
  3. We make two smaller cuts on one of the folds. And we also direct the bent part inward.
  4. All that remains is to make the last two small cuts and again bend the resulting small element inward.

Now we open the card, and we get a three-dimensional snowman inside. Glue the wrong side of the white sheet onto the colored one. More details in the video.

The main element of such a card is a snowman made of several layers of paper, which give it volume and splendor.

  • For the base of the postcard, take a thick sheet of cardboard, or two sheets of different colors. Fold them in half.
  • The snowman is made from two circles. For a fluffy snowman you will need at least 20 circles of each size. We cut them out of white paper and bend each one in half.
  • We glue one upper and lower circle completely so that along the fold they coincide with the fold of the base sheet. Apply glue to the remaining circles only along the outer part of the fold, and glue them to the previous circle. And so on for all the top twenty pieces.
  • And then the bottom twenty.
  • All that remains is to decorate the card.

Detailed instructions - on video:

New Year's craft: paper snowman - garland

If desired, windows, walls and the Christmas tree can be decorated with a garland of snowmen.

  1. Fold a white sheet of A4 scale in half lengthwise and cut along the fold line.
  2. We put one part aside, and fold the second in half widthwise, and then again in the form of an accordion.
  3. Now on the front side we draw the silhouette of a snowman so that its handles end at the edge of the sheet. This will be the place where the garland adheres.
  4. We cut out the design along the contour, and we have part of our garland of four snowmen ready.
  5. We also make a few more links of our product, and then fasten the parts (where the handles are) together with narrow tape.

Here's how it was done in the video masterclass:

Snowman on the window

The windows of houses with New Year's paintings look beautiful. And if not everyone can take on Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, then even a child can handle a snowman. Two or three white circles, a mouth, nose, eyes, a bucket on the head - and one of the main characters of winter is ready!

Today we told and showed how to make a snowman from paper, thread, plastic cups, socks and even ordinary light bulbs. Don’t forget to use our material if you want to make an original decoration for your home or as a gift to friends, or if a craft competition is announced at school or in the garden.

Very different, but very snowy - snowmen!

The New Year is rushing towards us! Very different, but very snowy - snowmen!
Snowman made of burlap and jute rope.

To make such snowmen you need:

Foam balls (can also be made from papier-mâché or crumpled up from paper and tied with thread);
- burlap/linen fabric;
- jute rope/twine;
- buttons;
- paper towel/toilet paper reels;
- plaid fabric (for example, an old shirt);
- black felt/felt;
- pencil, scissors, stationery knife, kebab stick, glue.

Snowman made of burlap and jute rope

Take one foam ball and trim the edge to give it proper stability (photo 2). Cut the burlap into triangles, as in photo 3. The height of the triangle should be equal to the volume of the ball. Cover the balls with burlap (photo 4-5).

Wrap a foam ball for the snowman's head with twine or jute rope, use a hot glue gun (photo 6-7). Connect the balls using a kebab stick (photo 8).

Make a cylinder from a paper towel/toilet paper reel and cover it with black felt/fleece (photo 9-10). Cut a piece of pencil from which to make a carrot nose for the snowman (photo 12).

Glue on the button eyes. Make a scarf from an old shirt by cutting a piece into a rectangle. Decorate the finished snowmen at your discretion.

DIY snowman.

White and green terry cloth;
- fleece of any shade;
- padding polyester/holofiber (for filling);
- black beads for eyes;
- glue, threads.

DIY snowman step by step:

The snowman will consist of three fabric balls of different diameters. Each ball, in turn, will consist of six “wedges”. Fold white terry cloth in half and mark “wedges” (you need to make three elements of each size). Don't forget to leave space between the pieces. The diagonal dimensions of the wedges should be 10.5 cm, 8.5 cm and 7.5 cm (photo 1).

Machine stitch each piece on one side (photo 2). Cut out all the parts, making small indentations along the edges. As a result, you should get nine double elements (photo 3).

Then place all three elements of each ball together (photo 4) and secure with pins (photo 5). Sew (photo 6). Turn out and stuff. Get beautiful, round balls (photo 7).

Sew them together in the given decreasing order (photo 8). And admire the already formed snowman (photo 9)

Next, the snowman needs to make a carrot nose with his own hands. Make it from a piece of orange fabric, in this case knitwear was used. Fold the fabric in half and mark a triangle (photo 10). Sew, turn inside out and stuff with filling (photo 11). Sew the snowman to the head using a hidden seam (photo 12-13)

Sew on the eyes (photo 14). Give the snowman legs and arms. Fold the white terry cloth in half again and outline the arms and legs. The diagonal length of the handle should be 11 cm (photo 15). Sew, leaving an opening for filling (photo 16).

Turn out and stuff (photo 17). Sew up the hole (photo 18). Secure the handles with thread (photo 19). Do the same manipulations with the legs, sewing them with a hidden stitch (photo 20).

Next you need to dress the almost finished snowman with your own hands (photo 21). Start with the hat and cut out a rectangle of fleece (here it measures 21x15 cm) (photo 22). Fold in half (photo 23). Stitch. Get something like this. On one side, cut off the edge using zig-zag scissors (for decoration) - this will be the “fold” of the hat (photo 24).

On the other side, cut the fringe into strips (photo 25). Place the hat on the snowman's head and gather the resulting fringe into something like a pompom (photo 26). Next, glue the edges of the cap (photo 27-28).

Then make a scarf. To do this, fold a piece of fleece in half and mark a stripe for the future scarf. Strip size 25x6 cm (photo 29). Cut the ends of the scarf into fringes using the same scissors (photo 30).

Tie a scarf on the snowman. All that remains is to put on his mittens (photo 31). Also fold the fleece in half, mark the mittens, stitch, turn inside out (photo 32).

Decorate the edges with the same theme using zig-zag scissors (photo 33). You can also hand something to the snowman so that he doesn’t get bored. In this case, it was decided to give him a Christmas tree (photo 34). Mark the triangle and the bottom of the future tree on green terry cloth. The size of the triangle for the Christmas tree is 17x16 cm (photo 35).

Fold the triangle in half (photo 36). Sew, leaving an opening for filling (photo 37). Pin the bottom of the Christmas tree with pins for security (photo 38). Sew (photo 39). Turn inside out, stuff and sew up the hole (photo 40).

Sew the resulting tree to the finished snowman. Decorate the Christmas tree with multi-colored ones (glue it with glue) to make it look like New Year's.

Your DIY snowman is ready!

MK author: Marina Zrelova

Snowman made of pompoms.

To create a pompom snowman you will need:

White yarn;
- needle, scissors, thick cardboard,
- additional materials for creating eyes, nose and mouth, as well as his clothes (for example, a scarf and hat).

Pom pom snowman step by step:

First of all, you will need to create the pompoms themselves, for which you can wrap yarn around your fingers, as shown in MK, and also use cardboard rings.

The snowman can be made from either two or three pompoms. Pompoms should be of different diameters and have a spherical shape. You can create handles for a snowman using the smallest cardboard rings. The thread must be wound very tightly.

After creating the pompoms, they need to be lined up in decreasing order of size and sewn together in the center; you can also connect them with a kebab skewer.

Snowmen can be created with or without handles; you can also use twigs and anything else that comes to your mind instead of handles.

Make a scarf and hat for your snowman from pompoms. You can sew it from leftover fabric or knit it. It is advisable to make them from bright materials.

All that remains is to design the snowman’s face. For the eyes, use beads, buttons or threads, for the nose - orange fabric, which must first be rolled into a thin tube. You can also make a nose from tangerine peel. The snowman's mouth can be woven from red or dark thread in a pigtail. Sew or glue the finished parts.

Creating such a soft toy will bring a lot of pleasure to both children and adults.

You can also create other New Year's crafts from pompoms, such as Christmas trees and figurines of other New Year's characters.

Snowmen on the Christmas tree.

To make snowmen you will need:

Packaging polypropylene pallet (from the store);
- multi-colored threads, hook;
- thin needle;
- glue (you can use a glue stick);
- paper, pen/pencil, scissors;
- tangerine peel.

The process of creating snowmen for the Christmas tree:

Take a tangerine peel and cut out noses for snowmen and dry them.

On paper, draw a template of a snowman and mittens. Cut off the bottom of the polypropylene tray and trace the templates on it (tip: you can use a non-writing pen, which can only be used to draw an outline, then there will be no traces of ink left along the edges). Place the parts not end to end, then it will be convenient to cut them out.

Cut out the pieces. for 1 snowman you will need 2 pcs. torso and 4 pcs. mittens. The rest can be used to create the next snowmen. Knit a hat and scarf. You can also sew it from fabric (optional).

Draw a face for the snowman, glue on the nose and embroider snowflakes. Cut some dark thread to create handles.

Take the second piece and attach the handles to it, place the piece with the face on top, secure them and sew the edges (tip: don’t pull the thread too hard, otherwise it will cut through the polypropylene!).

Embroider a snowflake on one part of the mitten, place a thread handle on it, cover it with the second part on top and sew along the edge, repeat with the next mitten.

Dress up the finished snowman as a snowman with a hat and scarf (secure the hat with thread).

The snowman is ready to decorate your Christmas tree!

DIY sock snowman.

To create snowmen from socks you will need:

White children's knee socks (tights)
- socks with colored patterns
- an orange pencil rod for a carrot nose
- needle and thread
- on Moment-Crystal glue
- decor for snowmen: laces, ribbons, ties, buttons

Sock snowmen step by step:

Cut off the excess parts from the tights that we don’t need - the foot and the top.

Turn the snowman's future body inside out. Tie the top part with a string. Tie tightly enough so that the millet from the snowmen cannot fall out.

Add millet and tie the top.

Dress up a snowman: make a hat from the foot of a sock, and from the top part you will get an excellent blouse that can be decorated with buttons, ribbons, and bows.

The eyes and nose can be made from any materials. You can use buttons for the eyes, and a rod from an old orange pencil for the carrot nose. It will need to be sharpened, and for strength, glue it with Moment-Crystal glue.

Sock snowmen are ready!

Snowman. Dry felting technique.

To make a snowman you will need:

White carded wool (about 50 g);
- some orange and red wool;
- padding polyester for the base;
- two beads for eyes;
- large needle and coarse thread;
- sponge, glue, nail file;
- 4 fine needles and 1 coarse;
- dry pastel + brush.

Snowman using dry felting technique step by step:

Choose a picture of a snowman. You don't have to make an exact copy, but the ratio of the snowman's body parts is important.

Making the body:

The snowman's body will consist of three balls of different sizes and handles. Take the padding polyester, roll it tightly and sew it with thick thread. This will be the base for the largest ball. Fluff a small piece of wool and, applying it to a ball of synthetic padding, press it with a thin needle (photo 2). Cover the surface of the entire ball with a layer of wool. Try to avoid bald spots and ensure that the fur lies flat. Next, work with a coarse needle (photo 3-4).

Start making the next ball. For this you will need a small piece of wool, which must first be fluffed so that “creases” do not occur. Form into a ball, working carefully with a coarse needle. Start small and then add pieces of wool, while constantly turning the ball in your hands. Make it the size and density you need. It is important not to overload the workpiece (photo 5-6).

When starting to work, try to get the needle between your fingers. Make two balls of different sizes and try them on. Attach the center ball to the bottom ball. Cover the joint with a small piece of wool (Pic 7-10).

Start making arms for the snowman. Take two identical pieces and fluff them. Felt the wool, turning it in your hands, giving it the desired shape. You need to make two identical elements. You need to alternately form one hand and then the other. Add wool to achieve uniform size and density (photo 11-12).

Then fluff out the upper arm and secure it to the body (photo 13-15). “Attach” the arms to the body using wool. Compare the sizes of the handles (photos 16-18).

If the snowman turns out to be thin, add fur to the sides and belly (photo 19-20).

Making the head:

Move on to the next part - make a ball for the head. Seal it and measure it. Attach the head to the body, lining the joint with wool (photo 21-22). Deepen the eye sockets and glue/sew beads into them (photo 23).

Work on his facial expressions - make his cheeks and chin. Make an oval-shaped blank from a small piece of wool. We attach it to the head. Next, make two identical balls for the cheeks. Felt them, not forgetting about symmetry. Draw the mouth (photo 24-26).

To create eyelids, use a sponge. And to speed up the process, you can tie three thin needles using a money elastic band. Start by taking two pieces of wool of the same size. Fluff them and place one of them on the sponge (photo 27).

Gently seal the top, first on one side and then on the other. Form a smooth edge. Press the wool again on both sides. Make two identical elements (photo 28-30). Do the same for the upper eyelids. Start fastening from the lower eyelid (photo 31-32).

The snowman's facial expression will depend on the shape of the eye shape (photo 33-34). The eyes are ready - make a mouth. Deepen the mouth line using a coarse needle. And mark a place for the spout (photo 35-37).

To make mittens, use red wool. Begin to carefully create the desired shape by turning the wool in your hands. Make a couple of mittens at once and compare their sizes periodically. Make a finger from a small piece and attach it to the main part. Add wool if necessary. Leave the area where the mitten is attached to your hand fluffy (photo 39-44).

Make a nose for the snowman - form a cone from a small piece of orange wool and secure it in the intended place (photo 45-47).

Sanding the snowman:

After forming a dense body, proceed to grinding. Take a piece of wool the size of a penny. Fluff it well and gently roll it to the body using a thin needle. Lay the fur like fish scales, covering the entire surface of the toy (photo 48-50).

One handle can be lowered to make the snowman look natural. To do this, press on top of your hand and work well on the line connecting the arm and torso (photo 51-52). Don't forget to sand the mittens (photo 53). Attach the “buttons” by first felting three small balls (photo 54).

Snowman tinting:

For tinting, you can use dry pastel in earth tones. Grind the pastel on a file, and then tint the surface with a brush. Then dress the finished snowman in a scarf and hat.

DIY snowman made of threads.

To create a snowman from threads we will need:

A skein of white knitting thread (you can also use other colors)
- 4 balloons or fingertips
- PVA glue
- starch
- colored paper

The process of creating a snowman from threads:

First of all, you need to prepare a sticky mixture, for which take half a liter of water, 3 tbsp. l. starch. Cook for a while and cool the resulting paste.

Inflate 4 balloons in sizes corresponding to the parts of the snowman's body - head, torso and two arms.

Dip the threads into the paste, and then begin to evenly wrap each of the balls with them. During the winding process, it is advisable to keep the remaining threads in the adhesive mass all the time.

Leave the balls until the threads are completely dry. Then you need to carefully remove the ball, for which you first deflate it.

Next you need to connect all the parts of the snowman together. To connect the body to the head, make a recess in it, for which you spray a small space at the place of future connection with a spray bottle and carefully create a recess in a moistened place.

You can glue the body to the head using a paper circle coated with PVA glue on both sides. Leave until the glue dries completely.

By analogy, glue your hands. Decorate the snowman by making eyes, a carrot nose, and a smile from colored paper. The nose can also be made from threads, for which you twist a sheet of paper into a cone and wrap orange threads dipped in paste around it (the paste also needs to be tinted with orange acrylic paint).

As a headdress, you can make something like a bucket from an ice cream cup covered with brown paper.

Your DIY thread snowman is ready! You can create snowmen of any shape at your discretion, both with and without crustaceans.

Happy New Year!

Knitted snowman.

To create a knitted snowman you will need:

Threads of red, green, white gold;
- hook of the required size;
- a tennis ball and a bead, slightly smaller in diameter;
- needle and thread to match (thin);
- golden waxed thread;
- PVA glue + brush.
- two black bugles and two black beads;
- paper.

Crocheted snowman step by step:

To create the body of a snowman we will need 2 beads of different sizes. You can also use a tennis ball as a base for the body. The blanks for the head and body should be white so that the original color does not show through the knitting. To do this, use white beads or paint them with acrylic paint of the appropriate color (Fig. 1).

To tie round shapes, use the following algorithm.

2. You need to finish adding loops when the knitted piece and the ball are not equal in diameter (put the knitting on your ball and take the measurement, looking from above).

Figure 2 shows that you will need to knit at least one more row so that the knitted piece and the tennis ball are equal in diameter.

Figure 3 clearly shows that the diameters of the workpiece and the tennis ball are the same.

3. The middle of any round shape must be knitted without adding loops in the number of rows determined by eye. Thus, you will need to knit about 1/4 of the surface of the ball.

4. You need to decrease the loops according to the adding pattern, only in the reverse order. To complete the knitting, decrease the stitches until the ball is completely hidden under the knitting.

Figure 5-6 shows ready-made, tied blanks of the head and body of the future snowman.

To connect them firmly, you will need to thread the end of the thread from the body blank through the penultimate rows of the head blank (Figure 7). Pull tightly and tie in a knot (Figure 8).

Knit a bright-colored scarf for a snowman by casting on 10 loops with thin knitting needles and knitting the fabric with a regular elastic band about 20 cm long (Figure 9-10).

Make a nose from strands of glue. Roll a piece of paper into a bag, secure the end with PVA glue (Fig. 11). Pull the orange thread through the resulting workpiece (Fig. 12).

Now knit the hat according to the body knitting algorithm. Those. knit first by adding loops, then several rows without adding (Fig. 15).

Take beads and glass beads that will serve as eyes for the snowman. Sew them on. Tie a ready-made scarf (Fig. 16).

Attach the nose by threading a thread through the base of the nose (Figure 17). Using a needle, first fasten one end of the thread, pull the nose, and then fasten the other end of the thread (Figure 18).

Hang the snowman by threading gold waxed thread through the tip of the cap.

Winter is associated with the New Year, fun and snow. If you're lucky with the weather, you can build a snowman with a friendly group. But don’t be upset, even if the winter turned out to be not very snowy. You can make a funny hero from scrap materials. has prepared several options for you.

Crocheted snowman

Materials for creativity:

padding polyester or cotton wool;
white or red buckle;
hook 0.85;
two wooden beads.

Take a white buckle, cast on four chain stitches and create a circle. Make two stitches in each loop of the chain. Repeat the same in the second and third row. In the next row you need to make three stitches and one air loop. Next, two stitches in the fourth loop of the chain; knit the entire row using the same principle.

You also need to knit the next row, but keep in mind that you need to knit two stitches every seventh loop. Next, knit every 10th loop in the same way, plus three chain loops in each new row. Knit two more stitches in further rows. You cannot add new loops in the chain after the 19th loop; knit two more rows in this way, and then decrease. You can increase the size of the toy by knitting additional rows without adding loops. At the end of the work, leave a small hole for padding polyester or cotton wool. Having stuffed the product with them, be sure to sew up the hole.

You will get one ball. Using the same pattern, create two more and sew all the balls together. To make it more convenient to sew on other parts of the snowman, tie a buckle around the wooden beads - these will be the snowman’s arms. Make the nose from an orange buckle, attach the eyes with glue.

Snowman made from socks

Materials for creativity:

white socks;
cotton wool;
threads and needles;
pieces of colored fabric;

Making a snowman using this unusual method is very easy. Fill the sock with cotton wool and tighten it with thread. It should be a circle. Wrap white threads around several levels of the snowman, making equal parts.

The snowman will need a hat. Make it from colored fabric or socks. Stuff them with cotton wool and sew toys to the head.

Felt pens will help you make eyes, nose and mouth. By the way, it is better to make the eyes from beads, and embroider the mouth with red threads. Tie a small scarf around the snowman's neck.

Snowman made of corrugated paper

Materials for creativity:

colored polished cardboard in two colors;
3 balloons;
drape in two colors;

This snowman is unusual - he has a surprise. This New Year's craft will delight both children and adults. Few people will guess that there are sweets hidden inside the toy.

Inflate the balloons to the required size and give them a spherical shape using tape.

Mix the paste. This is not difficult to do: bring the water to a boil, add flour to it and cook the mixture for several minutes over low heat. Cover the balls with pieces of newspaper. Apply several layers of newspaper to the surface of each ball. The more layers, the stronger the snowman.

Now glue the snowman and attach a string to its bottom. Secure it around the perimeter of the craft with tape or glue.

So, the base of the snowman is ready. You can start pasting corrugated paper in a circle, first bending it in half and making cuts in increments of 2-4 cm. For the craft, you can use corrugated paper in a reel, or you can use regular sheet paper cut into strips.

Give the snowman eyes, nose and mouth. The scarf and buttons can be made from drape or other fabric, and the face elements can be made from cardboard.

When the snowman is ready, carefully cut a hole on the top of his head and pour sweets inside.

This New Year's craft can be used for playing outside or as gift wrapping from Santa Claus. A DIY snowman can decorate your outdoor patio.

Snowman made of balls and strings

Materials for creativity:

a skein of white thread (not thin);
balls (5 pieces);
PVA glue;
big needle.

Inflate balloons for the torso and arms.

Thread the thread through a needle and pierce the bottle of glue. Remove the thread from the needle. In the future, the entire thread will be saturated with glue. Coat each ball with sunflower oil and wrap it with thread in a chaotic manner.

It is advisable to wrap it in such a way that gaps are minimal. Then hang the resulting balls in a warm place for 20-24 hours to dry.

Pierce each ball with a needle and pull out the remains.

Good day everyone, we continue to make snowmen with our own hands and today I will show you WHAT SIMPLE CRAFTS FOR CHILDREN you can make in the shape of a snowman. These will be children's works - appliqués, 3D paper construction, modeling from paper dough, soap felting from felt and other snowman crafts. Teachers can take any of these ideas for classes in kindergarten, for creativity and technology lessons at school. The crafts will also be useful for the leaders of the “Skillful Hands” children’s clubs. You will learn how to make very beautiful crafts in the form of snowmen with your own hands. I didn’t just throw photos in piles, I gave detailed instructions for each idea that will make the whole process of making such a snowman clear and simple for you. And you will understand that all these snowmen are easy and quick to make yourself at home. Without fear, but with ease and pleasure.

So, it's time to start our parade of crafts.

Crafts for children


From paper or cardboard you can make these cute snowmen that hide inside a candy gift and a folded note with New Year's wishes. This craft can be easily done by children in kindergarten or elementary school students during a labor lesson at school.

The design of candy packaging in the shape of a snowman can be very different. For example, the snowman in the photo below has a hole on his tummy, thanks to which everyone can see the pot-bellied chocolate candy.

These candy snowmen can be made not only from thick paper, but also from a fashionable craft material - FORMIAMA (colored thick sheets that look like rubber - sold individually or in a set).


from snowmen.

You can make an elegant garland from a chain of snowmen. The paper is folded into wide strips - like an accordion. On the folded accordion we draw the silhouette of a snowman (so that the edge of the paw extends beyond the edge of the accordion), then we cut it all out, unfold it and paint it. From one A4 sheet you get 3-4 snowmen, then we glue these chains of snowmen into one long strip and hang them on a wall or window.

You can cut out all the snowmen separately from white paper, come up with colored decorations for them (hats, brooms of different styles and sizes) and then collect all the snowmen on a long string. The rope is stretched in two places of the snowman - on the left and right we pierce the snowman in the neck area and stretch the twine.

In order for the snowmen to hang on the twine at intervals (not to move the beads into one pile), you need to make a STOP at the point where the rope extends - it can be a paper clip from a stapler, click directly on the rope and the snowman will not slide along the twine, or it can be a lump of plasticine on rope, or a piece of tape. This way, each snowman will take its place on the rope and will not run into its neighbor.

If you don’t want the rope to be visible, you can stretch it behind the backs of the snowmen (put the snowmen on the table in a row - lay the rope on top of them - secure the rope with tape in two places on the snowman.

You can make a garland of white plastic plates and stick a nose and eyes on them. Or draw with gouache (to make gouache paint on slippery plastic, add liquid soap or dishwashing detergent to it).

Craft Snowman


Kids love making these snowman crafts that can be placed upright like a postcard.

Here is a postcard craft, the front of which is covered with scraps of white paper napkin. The result is a relief texture - very pleasant to the touch. On top of this relief roughness we make an applique of a scarf and a hat from thick colored paper. A beautiful craft that children in the middle group of kindergarten can do.

But here is a craft where the child needs to do it himself - cut a sheet of A4 paper diagonally - and then fold this sheet three times - we get this zigzag hill, similar to snowy hills - on such a hilly slope you can place snowmen, Christmas trees and other New Year paraphernalia. After this, we attach our paper fold to the back background sheet of cardboard, and then the craft can be placed vertically.

A sheet of cardboard can be designed as a stand for paper silhouettes of snowmen (photo below).

To do this, fold a sheet of cardboard in half - make a cut not reaching the edge (this cut will separate the high area of ​​the stand from the accordion area.
We do not touch the high zone (it remains sticking up). But we bend the second zone several times, forming an accordion.

I have attached a diagram of such a postcard-stand with snowmen below. I specifically figured out what was what and drew a template so that everyone could make such a beautiful craft with their own hands.

And here is a snowman craft, where we fold a sheet of paper into a small accordion, then we unfold it, draw an oval snowman tummy on it, cut it out and fold the accordion again along the same fold lines. In the folded accordion we make a hole with an awl, insert a cocktail tube or wooden putty into it, glue on a head, hat, scarf or bow tie, we get a snowman craft as in the photo below.


from large pieces of cardboard.

If you have access to large pieces of cardboard, you can make large snowman crafts.

Here's the first idea for a great snowman craft - which can be turned into an accuracy game. We will throw balls in order to get into the round hole on the snowman.

Or this craft-lamp in the shape of a snowman. We cut out the silhouette of a snowman from cardboard. We poke holes in it here and there. Along the back wall of the snowman there will be a regular New Year's garland with small LED bulbs. We put the light bulbs through the holes in the snowman. Thus, the garland itself is hidden behind the snowman and we see only the light points. The result is a beautiful New Year's lamp - an excellent New Year's craft for an exhibition at school or kindergarten.

Snowman made of paper strips.
volumetric 3D craft.

  1. Cut out of paper stripes- the lower part of the strip is thicker, and the upper half of the strip is slightly narrower.
  2. Next we cut it out of paper circle(this will be the bottom of the snowman). We glue the strips to the bottom circle - radially, like rays of the sun. When the glue sets well, lift each strip up.
  3. From another strip of paper we make ring. And we fasten the upper ends of the strips with glue onto this ring-rim - in a circle.
  4. Now bend each strip fingers in the place where it goes from thick to thin (we do the bend of the neck). We secure this fold with a ribbon tie.
  5. Leftover from paper fold your hat and put it on the snowman. You can make a hat from a jar of yogurt and paint it with black gouache. To prevent the gouache from sliding on a smooth jar, add liquid soap or dishwashing gel to it.

Snowman craft


  1. Take a roll of toilet paper. Tear into pieces and throw into a bowl.
  2. Pour boiling water over and leave to swell.
  3. Squeeze the swollen mass through a sieve or mosquito net.
  4. Add PVA glue to the squeezed mass. We make a snowman figurine from such dough.
  5. Dry on a sunny windowsill until it becomes wooden. Cover with white gouache, dry, and spray with hairspray.
  6. We draw eyes, buttons, mittens. We decorate with other decor from paper, fabric, thread, beads and other things.

Craft with snowfall.
Snowman in a snow bank.

You can make a REAL SNOW GLOBE WITH SNOWFALL and a snowman inside. Take a jar with an iron screw cap. We make a snowman out of plasticine, attach the figure firmly to the bottom of the lid (ideally, it is better to take a plastic snowman and glue it to the lid with thermal glue).

Pour salt water (a strong strong salt solution) into a jar. Add white and silver nail polish, sequins, beads and other tinsel to the water to act as snow. The salt water should reach the very edge of the jar. We put a lid on the jar (so that the snowman hangs upside down) and SCREW it TIGHTLY. Turn the jar upside down. And we watch how the sparkles and beads slowly settle in the water... and how the snow falls over the snowman. THIS SALT WATER prevents the particles from quickly settling to the bottom and causing them to swirl and dance. A beautiful craft - my daughter made me one for the dog’s year, we have a plastic dog in a jar under the snow.

Note 1- it is better to stick several layers of thick polystyrene foam (foam packaging) or other material that does not rot in water onto the lid - such a thick backing WILL RAISE THE SNOWMAN so that it is a little higher on an elevated surface. Or, for the same purpose, you can make a SLIDE from plasticine on the lid and only then stick a snowman to it.

Note 2- if you are afraid that your snowman will come unstuck in the water, you can provide a wire frame. We bend a piece of wire in half - we stick the wire inside the snowman, two branches of wire remain below - we bend them in different directions, and we embed these wire tendrils into plasticine stuck in a thick layer on the lid.

Crafts for the window

paper snowmen.

We are all used to covering the window with snowflakes made of white paper, or small figures, New Year's silhouettes.
If you are already making a silhouette white lining applique for the window, then let it be a large, respectable size. Here are some ideas for making two snowmen. You can print this picture enlarged and draw a template based on it. Or you can simply redraw it by eye - this is not a complex drawing (simple geometry of circles and stripes).

But it’s better to decorate the window in winter with COLORED applications with snowmen. Such crafts look more elegant and more festive.

Such crafts made from colored paper CAN ALSO be glued onto SOAP, just like white snowflakes. This way you won’t have to scrub the sticky tape off the glass later.

Come up with different funny snowmen yourself. And slap them on your windows - let the winter be bright with emotions and rich in entertainment.

Here is a pendant craft in the form of a snowman made of colored paper, on which snowflakes are held on strings. This applique is beautiful to hang on a window or door. Both decoration and crafts. In kindergarten, such work can be done collectively.

Here is a snowman craft on transparent paper. Fits baking paper or parchment for patterns or inner packaging from ordinary Soviet cookies.

We cut out a base ring from cardboard (we cut out the same ring from colored paper). We insert parchment between the rings and make a snowman applique on it. This beautiful craft is suitable for middle and high school children.

Craft snowman


There is already a large article on our website. Therefore, here I will only remind you of the idea itself, but you will find interesting works and snowman templates for applications in this article.

The snowman craft made from foam balls of two sizes (larger and smaller) looks beautiful and convex. The balls are easily cut into halves with a knife. And then they are glued to the cardboard with thermal glue. We sculpt noses and hats from plasticine. We assemble the panicle from chopped paper and cardboard.

In the older group of kindergarten you can make snowmen from paper rolls. Children themselves will bend the umaga strips into rolls and fix the gluing. And then they will assemble such a snowman and stick it on cardboard.

If you have a bright paper napkin, then HURRAY!!! you can make such a craft as an IMPRESSIVE SNOWMAN. Cardboard silhouette - a hat made of colored paper. Using a utility knife, make 2 slits on the tummy. We fold the napkin like an accordion, lift the slot with our fingers, push the napkin through, straighten the folds - and beauty. This craft is suitable for children of the middle group, who just this year are learning to fold an accordion out of paper.

Flat applications


For the New Year, you and your children can make greeting cards with snowmen. This will be a beautiful work that can be decorated with great artistic taste - add a paper openwork cutout (half or quarter of a snowflake), sprinkle sparkles imitating sparkling snow. Glue sprigs of pine needles or scales of a cone.

The basis for an applique with a snowman can be a print of a child's foot. We paint the child's foot with white paint, carefully press the foot onto a sheet of cardboard - the print is ready. Note - if you want to apply a paint print on GLOSSY cardboard (slippery shiny) - then be sure to add dishwashing detergent to the gouache; without soap, the gouache will simply form droplets and will not paint.

You will find a lot of templates for beautiful applications in the form of snowmen in the article

Anyone who knows how to work with the QUILLING technique can make a snowman craft from thin paper strips. But this is long and painstaking work for diligent adult children.


from waste materials.

An ordinary cardboard egg carton can become inspirational material for creating a DIY snowman craft. The hat for such a snowman is cut out from the same box (the arrow points to the pimples).

Quick craft SNOWMAN from old cardboard and toilet paper rolls.

From gray corrugated cardboard (packaging) we cut out the silhouette of a snowman and paint it with gouache. We attach toilet paper rolls to the back side - this is a support stand so that the snowman can stand upright and not fall. We line up these snowmen on a shelf or along a wall - let them stand as a delight to the eye and decorate the house for the New Year.

You can cut the sleeve in half - and from these halves make a snowman, decorate it with a ribbon, sculpt his nose from a paper napkin mixed with PVA glue, dry it and paint it with orange paint.

SNOWMAN from NEWSPAPER. You can make a snowman from an ordinary wad of newspaper. We crumple the newspaper into a lump, wrap the komak in a new sheet of newspaper, then in another, then in another sheet until our newspaper sack grows to the size we planned. Then we fix the bag with tape, hide the tape places behind pieces of pasted newspaper (we dip pieces of newspaper in PVA glue, apply them on top of the tape, dry them. We paint all the surfaces of the snowman with white paint, attach the nose, eyes, hands.

We make a hat from a jar of yogurt - we also cover it with pieces of newspaper wet with PVA glue, dry it and cover it with black gouache, fix the gouache with hairspray). You will find even more interesting newspaper shapes of snowmen in our article.

Snowmen are funny and funny from popsicle sticks. This material is available for free in the refrigerators of hypermarkets next to the ice cream. It is convenient to glue together, paint with gouache, paste over with colored paper

A plastic cup with foam balls poured into it can become capsule of New Year's mood. At the bottom of the cup we attach a cardboard silhouette of a snowman to plasticine, and we attach cardboard Christmas trees or trees to plasticine. We pour in the balls and plasticine fasteners are hidden under them. The craft is ready.

A white paper cup turned upside down can become a snowman candlestick (photo below). A wonderful and simple craft. Low yogurt jars also become small candle stands. A beautiful winter craft with snowmen for a good New Year's mood.

A puddle of HOT GLUE can become the basis for making a snowman - such a melted snowman can be used as a toy pendant for the New Year tree.

An unnecessary clay pot can be turned into a beautiful snowman. We paint with gouache, draw a muzzle on top, and spray with hairspray to fix the color and add shine. We put on a hat (a cut-off sleeve from an old sweater, or a piece of a woolen sock, tied with a ribbon on top)

Wine bottles can also be painted with gouache - to make the gouache stick to the glass, add liquid soap to it. We paint, draw, spray with hairspray. If you use acrylic paint instead of gouache, then varnish is not needed.


from a sock and a pack of salt.

And here is a SNOWMAN FROM A SOCK. IN Pour salt into daddy’s white sock - a lot, a whole pack. We tie the snowman on top with a rope. We tie another puffy sock in the middle with a rope - we form the snowman’s neck. From the second colored sock we make him a hat, vest or scarf. We make a carrot nose from a paper napkin moistened with PVA glue, dry it and paint it orange - sew the nose like a button with thread and a needle. The eyes are buttons, there are also buttons on the belly. You can make a fluffy pompom from threads and a fork in 1 minute (there are videos on YouTube to help).

Snowman made of FELT.

We go to a craft store and ask if there is white wool on sale, and we buy it. At home, we pour warm water into a bowl, add soap there - tear off a piece of wool with your hand, dip it in water and roll it into a ball with your hands in soapy warm water, it becomes small and dense. Once again we add wool to the ball and again roll it in soapy water with our hands (we mold it as if from plasticine) - the felt very quickly rolls into dense balls. We dry the balls on the window in the sun. We assemble a snowman from them and decorate it with knitted or sewn accessories.

You can make a nose out of felt in the same way - cone-shaped. And then paint it orange and glue or sew with thread to the snowman.


on a balloon.

You can make balls from threads. And make a snowman out of these balls. The method is quite simple. Any thread is suitable, even thick woolen ones. I showed and described in detail how to make such thread balls with my own hands in the article.

KNITTED snowmen
crochet crafts.

For those who are learning to crochet, the idea of ​​crocheting a New Year's snowman is suitable. It doesn’t have to be big, you can make a small snowman

Or make a crochet craft - a melted snowman. Just a quick job for those children who have been knitting for the first year.

You can crochet candy bowls - shells for candy bowls.

You can also knit covers for cutlery in the shape of snowmen. And make the snowman’s rosy cheeks with blush or pink eye shadow.

Craft snowman


Children love simple felt crafts. They are cut out like an applique - you don’t even need to sew them with threads, but simply connect the parts with hot glue.

You can make simple felt appliques.

Or you can make toys-pendants for the New Year tree.

You can make cutlery covers in the shape of snowmen from felt. And you can sew phone cases in the shape of a snowman too

These are the beautiful and easy crafts with snowmen we saw today. Many ideas were revealed to us for the first time. We figured out how to quickly and easily make these snowmen ourselves. Now we can please ourselves and our children with a new interesting activity.

Happy crafting!
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
If you like our site, you can support the enthusiasm of those who work for you.
Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

In this article we will show you what crafts in the form of snowmen you can make with your own hands from scrap materials.

Of course, you can and should make real characters out of snow! For example, :

But what if you live in the south, and there is snow only somewhere high in the mountains? Or is there enough snow outside, but you want to have a cheerful, never-melting friend at home? Or maybe there is an exhibition of winter crafts at a kindergarten or school and you urgently need to create a small miracle with your own hands?

Then our ideas, photographs and master classes on making snowmen are for you!

If you want to add to our collection, send a photo to the competition " ". So, what can you make a “Snowman” craft from? See the options with photos and videos.

Snowmen made of cotton wool

Cotton wool is a material that looks very similar to snow in its lightness and whiteness. It is not surprising that many crafts are made from it. In order for the snowman to keep its shape, a base is prepared from foil, plastic bottles, burnt out light bulbs or just lumps of paper, and cotton wool is already glued on top.

Step by step description

Cotton toys carry a special atmosphere. They are very light, pleasant in the hands and do not break. Everything needed for work can be found in every home. This master class by Svetlana Satina shows how to make a snowman from cotton wool and PVA glue.

- cotton wool,
- newspaper or magazine,
- foil,
- white paper napkins,
- threads,
- PVA glue,
- brush,
- toothpick,
- awl,
- twine thread,
- Red ribbon,
- acrylic paints or watercolors.


Roll three balls of different diameters from an old newspaper. We connect them together and secure them tightly with foil.

Zig-zag cotton wool is more suitable for creating toys. It easily splits into strips and is easier to work with. We divide the cotton wool into strips and wrap them around the snowman, wrapping them tightly with threads. White threads are more suitable for work, as they are easier to mask with pieces of cotton wool. We try to pull the thread so that it lies in different directions. We increase the cotton mass until we get a figure of the desired shape and size.
Keep in mind that wet work awaits us, after which the snowman will increase in volume.

The figure in rough outline is ready, now you can move on to the details. We dilute PVA glue in half with water to make it more liquid. If you don’t have such glue on hand, you can always replace it with paste. By the way, our ancestors worked with him. The only downside of the paste is that after drying it turns yellow.
Again we split the cotton wool into thin pieces and paste them over the workpiece, thoroughly coating the cotton wool with glue. While working, we try to smooth out all the layers as tightly as possible so that the toy turns out with a good crust after drying.

While we are working with wet cotton wool, we constantly smooth it with our fingers, trying to press harder to expel excess air.
We form handles from two identical strips of cotton wool and glue them to the body. We make a small cotton cone and glue it to the place of the nose. Use a toothpick to draw a line for the mouth, and use it to outline the eyes.

In general terms, the snowman is ready, it's time to send it out to dry. This takes several hours, sometimes even days. To speed up the process, some dry the figures on a radiator, then the material shrinks less smoothly.
When the toy is completely dry, we begin to shape it further. We make a hat from white paper napkins. We fold the dry napkin spontaneously, as if creating a headdress. We coat the improvised hat with a large amount of glue. We wait until the napkin is completely wet and make folds on the hat.

To make a scarf, cut the napkin in half, fold it several times in width, apply glue to the inside and smooth it with your finger directly on the table. Then we wrap the scarf around the snowman's head, beautifully distributing the folds. If anyone has plain colored napkins on hand, then you can use them to make clothes for a snowman; you won’t have to paint them in the future. At this stage, we send the toy to dry again.

How to color a snowman

Our snowman is dry and ready for further action.

To paint the toy, take yellow acrylic paint, dilute it with PVA glue and apply it to the scarf and hat. While the yellow color dries, paint the nose of the carrot orange. We draw the mouth in red, put black dots in place of the eyes, and outline the eyebrows. Using the same color, we apply light strokes on the carrots, imitating cracks.
Acrylic paint dries quickly and you can start decorating the scarf and headdress. We draw red stripes on the scarf and put white dots. We put red paint on a flat brush, lightly wipe it on a napkin and use a dry brush to pass along the top of the cap. Overall, the snowman is ready, but something is missing. Among the New Year's toys there was a small golden ball that fit well on the snowman's hand.
In this form, the cotton wool snowman has a complete image. If there is no goal of hanging it on the Christmas tree, then you can consider the work finished.

To decorate the New Year's beauty with a toy, you need to make a puncture in the upper area of ​​the hat with an awl. We thread a twine cord through the hole with a crochet hook, tie a knot and decorate with a red ribbon.

Now the toy is completely ready. And this is him paired with a friend.

The creative and cheerful Snowman Olaf from Frozen -

More options for how to make cotton snowmen; every child can do such crafts:

Simple but effective crafts are made from cotton pads.

"Snowman". Trushina Lydia, 8 years old.
The base of the snowman is made of paper and covered with cotton wool. Hat made of cardboard and lid. The Christmas tree is made of painted cotton pads.

Zakharova Olga Mikhailovna
The snowman is made of foam balls, the hat and scarf are knitted and decorated with snowflakes.

"Cheerful Snowman" Evseeva Varvara.
Paper threads, wire, padding polyester.

"Olaf." Solodovnik Anya Valerievna.
Snowman is a Christmas tree toy made of paper, legs made of thread. For decoration I used decorative eyes and a nose.

“I’m the only one so cool, snow-white and with a broom.” Kupriyanov Egor and mother Natasha.
Threads, cardboard, foil, cotton pads, twigs, beads.

"Snowman Postman" Solodovnik Igor.
The snowman and skis are made of triangular modules, the hat and mitten are folded according to an origami pattern, and the sticks are made of boiler tubes.

From plastic cups

"Snowman". Dmitrachkova Valeria Valerievna.

Video from YouTube channel on how to make a snowman from plastic cups:

Snowman from a plastic bottle -

"Snowman". Sorokin Artyom.
The snowman is made from flower pots glued together and painted white with acrylic paint. The cylinder is also made from a flower pot and a tray for it, painted with black acrylic paint. Eyes and nose are glued on. A mouth is drawn. Our snowman is decorated with a tinsel scarf.

Snowman made from a sock

Vorsina Lyudmila Leonidovna, work performed jointly with Vorsina Luchezara.

Snowman made from a sock. Materials: clean white sock, knitted scarf, sequins, beads, buttons, padding polyester inside.

Everything is sewn on with regular thread, the scarf is tied.

Video “A snowman made from a sock in 5 minutes”:

“Visiting the Snowmen.” Alferov Alexey.
The work is made from pieces of fabric and cotton swabs.

Snowman using sculptural textile technique - :

From fabric

Felt snowmen

The master class was prepared by Olga Mikhailovna Zakharova.


  • Felt: white, blue, red, orange, black, light blue,
  • glue "Moment"
  • braid,
  • needle and thread,
  • black half beads (for eyes),
  • two buttons,
  • a piece of white fur,
  • padding polyester (batting),
  • the roll is white.

Description of work, step by step:

1. From white felt, cut out a snowman according to the pattern (2 parts).

Between them there is a layer of padding polyester. Sew both halves together.

2. Cut out mittens, mittens, a hat, and a scarf from red (blue) padding polyester. Glue it onto the snowman using Moment glue.

3.Glue the braid onto felt boots, mittens, a hat and a scarf.

4.We cover the snowman with white braid (ruliks).

5. Cut out and glue the eyes, mouth, cheeks, nose. Glue the buttons.

Homemade snowman is ready!

Video on how to quickly sew a snowman from fleece:

"Snowman" Verenich Olga.
The snowman is made of cotton material and filled with padding polyester. Small details and the hat are made of felt. Painted with watercolors. The buttons are made of salt dough. The scarf is made of wool.

"Snowman". Zakharova Olga Mikhailovna.
Made of fleece, the hat and scarf are knitted and decorated with beads.

"The snowman is rushing to the Christmas tree." Shekhalev Yaroslav.
Sequins, beads, felt, cardboard.

"Snowman" Sudarikov Ilya.
Made from foam balls coated with acrylic relief paste “Snow”. Felt hat, scarf, mittens and nose. Wire handles with tinsel. Decorated with rhinestones.

"Snowman". Sementsova Natalya.
The work is made of cut threads.

"Snowman Olaf." Sudarikov Ilya.
Sewn according to a felt pattern.

Paper snowman

In this master class I will show you how to make a funny snowman from a cardboard tube from cling film, foil or toilet paper roll. Such a funny craft will not leave any child indifferent. You can decorate with it or perform a festive performance. Make several similar toys, and your winter collection of crafts will be replenished with new original characters.

To make a snowman you will need the following materials:

Using a black marker, draw a snowman's face and buttons on the tube. If you wish, you can color it with colored markers, pencils or paints. You can also decorate the craft with glitter, decorative glue, and stickers.

Glue bamboo skewers to the back of the craft using a hot glue gun. Make a nose in the shape of a carrot from plasticine. Glue the hair from colored paper. Make legs out of cardboard. To do this, glue two circles from below using a heat gun. This is the final snowman!

Made from paper napkins snowman. We mixed 1 third of water and 2 thirds of PVA glue, dipped white napkins in this mixture and rolled them into balls, put our blanks together while wet and let our snowman dry, then glued bead eyes, a cardboard nose and cap to it, and drew a mouth with a felt-tip pen . The snowman is ready. (from the master class "" of the Vasyukov family)

"Naughty snowman." Naumov Fedya and mother Sveta.
Cardboard, paper, twigs, paints.

New Year's decor of a chocolate bar in the form of a snowman

It is always pleasant to receive a sweet gift, and if it is also decorated in a special way, the surprise will be doubly pleasant. An ordinary chocolate bar can be decorated using the popular winter image of a snowman. This is a unique gift for the New Year. You can make it for a baby, put a yummy disguised treat under an elegant Christmas tree. Or the child himself can make such a New Year’s craft to give it to someone. The snowman will turn out to be cheerful and mischievous.

What you need to prepare to decorate the chocolate bar:

  • the chocolate itself - a traditional bar;
  • white paper, colored paper;
  • yellow and red fluffy pompoms;
  • green paper - plain or corrugated;
  • decorative tape with a beautiful pattern or grosgrain ribbon;
  • doll eyes or a black pen;
  • scissors;
  • glue or double-sided tape.

How to decorate a chocolate bar for the New Year step by step

1. Take a sweet gift and prepare everything you need for work - paper, fluffies, eyes. If there are no pompoms, then they can be replaced with real buttons or half beads. The snowman will be white, so a regular sheet of white office paper will be suitable as the main material. Any Christmas-themed items you have will work.

2. Carefully wrap the sheet around the chocolate bar, leaving a sweet gift inside. The top and bottom parts can be left unbent to use less glue. Seal only the back wall using a glue stick or double-sided tape. You can wrap the paper in one or several layers so that the pattern of the chocolate bar does not show through, and it is a surprise for the child what is inside. The excess parts at the top and bottom can be trimmed with scissors if desired. In front of you is a white rectangle, which is the basis of the craft. Next you need to turn him into a snowman.

3. Take a beautiful decorative or regular tape and stick it to indicate the head and torso, draw a small tail. The transverse stripe will visually divide the figure into 2 unequal parts. The ribbon will become the snowman's scarf. Attach doll eyes at the top or draw them with a black pen.

4. Attach 3 yellow pom-poms in the form of buttons at the bottom, and place a carrot near the eyes. This snowman decor is quite traditional. Cut out carrots from orange paper. This is the nose.

5. Make a hat using black or purple paper. Prepare a cylinder, glue 3 red pompoms on it and glue green leaves to make a Christmas flower.

6. When the hat is ready, stick it on the top of your head. Glue a decorative decoration – a heart – into the area of ​​the heart, adding rhinestones to it. An interesting sweet New Year gift for a child is ready. You can make a whole basket of such products, using not only the image of a snowman, but also the famous Father Frost, Snow Maiden, deer, penguin, and so on. Let your imagination run wild by introducing children who love candy to exciting creativity.

Another paper snowman -

Snowman made using papier-mâché technique -

“Snowman”. Gronskikh Sofia.
The snowman is made of colored paper and cardboard. Multi-colored napkins are used for decoration.

"Snowman" Svintsov Vadim.
The snowman is made of corrugated paper. Decorated with a knitted hat and scarf. Inside the snowman is filled with padding polyester.

Women's portal - Bonterry