Send your child to summer camp. Which camp to send your child to: instructions for thoughtful parents

It also happens that a child who seems to be ready for anything suddenly begins to get lost in the camp and cry, asking to go home. To avoid getting into such a situation, you need to take a responsible approach to preparing your child for an independent vacation away from home.

Secondly, for the first time, choose a camp near your home so that you can go and visit your child any day. Also, a long trip to the camp depresses the child, he loses the desire to be there and communicate with anyone.

Third, talk to your child about camp. Tell us about your trips, fascinating stories, interesting incidents. Warn your child that it has its own rules and instructions, daily routine and nutrition. Also add that there are also fun moments - holidays, games, discos, swimming, excursions and much more.

Fourthly, look at the conditions of the camp for yourself. Find out about holidays, excursions, and counselors. Read on for your chosen camp.

Nowadays, children can have a cell phone with them to communicate with family. The younger children's phones are kept by the counselors so that they are not stolen or lost. They are usually issued in the evenings or weekends. Don't worry, your child will never be bored at the camp and call you, it's usually fun and there are a lot of friends to chat with. It is also not recommended to give children a tablet or camera on a trip. Children do not yet have a sense of responsibility for valuable things, so many items may be lost.

If your child is sociable, independent, organized, has a lot of friends and easily gets to know other children, then sending him to camp is nothing to worry about. He adapts easily, and then will have difficulty parting with new friends. But if your child is quiet and indecisive, then it will be difficult for him in the camp. Of course, if they don’t find an approach to him. “Calm” camps with an intellectual bent are often suitable for such children.

Parents are often afraid that their child will learn something bad at camp, or, God forbid, try something forbidden. By the age of 10, many children already understand perfectly well what is “good” and what is “bad.” Therefore, an adequate and properly raised child will be interested in everything that is offered to him, but will also draw the right conclusions.

Children's summer camp is an excellent way for children to relax from home, school, study, and parents. This is better than your child playing computer games every day, than walking around the city with someone unknown and where. Better than breathing exhaust fumes in a stuffy city and raising dust on playgrounds that have dried out without rain.

They are guaranteed by Federal Law No. 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation.”

According to this law, any Russian child can go on vacation. But parents must queue up in advance and collect the necessary documents. The number of tickets is limited.

It should be taken into account that the law is uniform, but each region of the Russian Federation implements it in its own way. Of course, there are also general requirements. We will talk about them.

Who gets free passes?

First of all, those children who have health problems and have fewer opportunities to relax for money. That is:
  • disabled people;
  • orphans;
  • sick children and children after surgery;
  • children from large, low-income and single-parent families.

A preschooler or a child who needs to be looked after can be accompanied by an accompanying person under the Mother and Child program. As the name suggests, Mom can always go. Regarding fathers, grandmothers, aunts and other adults, you need to check with a specific sanatorium or camp.

What can you get for free?

For the child, free stay, accommodation, meals with or without a diet, cultural events, supervision by a teacher and health workers.

The accompanying person will be accommodated and fed free of charge. But for him, health procedures are already paid.

But both the parent and the child will have to travel to the vacation spot at their own expense. Exceptions for disabled people, low-income citizens and residents of the Far North.

Are there huge queues for free tickets?

Not certainly in that way. Enrolling a child in a camp or sanatorium is a bureaucratic procedure. Some parents don’t know about it, others don’t want to understand it.

Therefore, you may well get a free trip that others were too lazy to apply for. But, of course, in the summer the competition is much higher. It is better to agree to a spring, autumn or even winter vacation if you like the institution, its location and other conditions.

Even if they tell you “There is nothing,” still stand in line. Several tours may become available in your region. People change their plans or complete paperwork incorrectly. Then the place is passed on to the next.

Where should I go to get a ticket?

Each region is allocated a certain number of vouchers, which are then distributed among clinics, schools, social insurance funds and other social agencies. That is, one child can get to the same sanatorium or camp with a voucher from the clinic, another - from the school.

The most common option is to apply for a trip through a clinic. If your child is sick with something, consult a specialized doctor. He knows what documents are needed from him to register for a sanatorium or children's camp. He will give directions for tests and tell you which institutions you can go to.

But there are also health and preventive programs in which a healthy child can participate. Ask your pediatrician about them.

If for some reason you do not take a medical course, you can try to take a school voucher. Such vouchers are given to children who study well, show success in sports, or participate in competitions (so keep different diplomas and certificates). You can ask the head teacher or director about vouchers.

You can also ask around:

  • Department of Social Protection;
  • trade union;
  • Department of Family Affairs.

When to submit documents?

Preferably now. Then there is a chance to get into the camp in the summer or early autumn.

What documents are needed?

To queue for a ticket, you will need:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the parent's passport;
  • information about the child’s registration at the place of residence;
  • a certificate from a medical institution confirming the absence of contraindications for relaxation in a sanatorium-resort center (if accompanied by an adult, the same for him);
  • referral for treatment for certain indications.

To register for a sanatorium or health camp when the voucher is already in hand:

  • sanatorium-resort card (taken from the pediatrician at the clinic after the child’s test results arrive);
  • certificate of no contact with infectious patients at the place of residence and in a child care facility (from a pediatrician);
  • extract from the medical history;
  • certificate of the epidemiological environment and vaccination calendar (from school);
  • copies of birth certificate and medical policy.

Some institutions may require some additional information. Check this on the website or by phone.

It is better to take tests when they have already called you and said that they are giving you a ticket. Results have a limited shelf life. Therefore, a situation may arise when a urine test, for example, is no longer valid, and you have not even been invited anywhere yet. Then you will have to take everything again.

There are cases when the child has already arrived at the holiday destination, and the parents send some certificate or updated analysis result that was lost in a hurry by email or fax. But it is better to have a complete set of documents on hand.

Does going to a sanatorium or children's camp mean skipping school?

Not necessary. In some institutions, children are taught according to the school curriculum. The list of items can be clarified in a specific camp or sanatorium.

If there are no lessons, the child will in any case be given a certificate for school. But he won’t be allowed to get bored or stand on his own: the teachers monitor the regime and conduct various activities.

How to get a ticket faster?

You can buy a ticket and then receive partial or full compensation for it. This way you will have more chances to choose your holiday destination and check-in time. The same documents will be needed for registration.

Compensation is guaranteed to everyone. But its size depends on the place of work of the parents, type, category of benefits. For example, low-income and large families and families where parents do not work for health reasons can receive a full refund.

They receive compensation after check-in from the Social Insurance Fund. You can check this in advance with the authorities where the voucher was issued. To receive you need to provide:

  • statement;
  • original and copy of the parent’s passport;
  • birth certificate or passport of the child;
  • documents confirming the benefit (if you have one);
  • return ticket from the camp;
  • Bank account number.

One parent can receive compensation once a year.

What helps you most to get a ticket?

Just in case, once again: the parent’s persistence helps.

Ask, clarify, call. And everything will work out.

All camps can be divided by type into seasonal, year-round and daytime. Geographically, they can be located in different regions; those located on the sea coasts are very popular. There are camps for health, sports, labor, linguistic, environmental, and developmental. When choosing a trip, think about the purpose of the trip; sometimes it can be useful to learn another language, develop leadership skills, or even earn money.

General health or sanatorium children's camps

You can combine a pleasant pastime in special institutions. Their difference is that children can significantly improve their health on site. The range of procedures provided is usually indicated on the voucher, but they are prescribed by the attending doctor. At the same time, children are under the supervision of teachers and under the supervision of doctors. Usually, a health program is drawn up for each visitor, which is then carefully implemented. Depending on the presence of diseases, different types of procedures are prescribed. All this helps prevent many diseases, reduce the symptoms of existing diseases, and generally strengthen the body.

Labor camps

Holidays in a labor camp are only suitable for children over 12 years of age. Typically, a camp provides an opportunity not only to relax, but also to earn money. During the first half of the day, but no more than 4 hours a day, all children do some kind of work. In most cases, this is work in the fields where seasonal help is needed. For this, each child receives a reward at the end of the month. Sometimes part of the money goes to pay off the cost of the trip; the conditions are discussed in advance before purchasing a place to stay for a shift.

Sports camp

Sports camps offer a large number of outdoor activities. They are usually equipped with special grounds for different sports; many coaches of school and sectional teams prefer such recreational areas. A trip to such a place provides an opportunity to have a good time, but at the same time improve physical achievements. Most of the events held are related to sports, competitions and achievements, while team spirit and the will to win are formed.

Training camp

Educational camps can be divided into two types: some for children who have learning difficulties, others for those who want to learn something beyond the school curriculum. The second type of institution offers to master certain skills, for example, language ones, in a playful way. At the same time, in games and performances a foreign language is often used, and sometimes everyone around them speaks only the dialect that needs to be mastered. You can go to such a camp abroad, because hundreds of offers are available to everyone today.

Which camp to go to in the summer is best decided jointly by the child and parents. After all, the holidays are a period of rest, and not every child agrees to work or gain new knowledge. And when choosing a trip, it is important to pay attention not only to the program for participants, but also to the living conditions, as well as the teaching staff.

Summer is coming soon - the most favorite and anticipated time for children. Already, many families are wondering where to send their child to rest? What to do with him for the long summer?

Give your child a vacation in a health camp, because this is an excellent vacation, full of exciting events and acquaintances, which he will remember for a long time. Children who go to camp can be roughly divided into those who are looking forward to the trip and are ready for an adventure, and those who are encountering camp everyday life for the first time. However, for all children, camp is a special, separate reality with new acquaintances, demonstration of their talents and abilities, temporary freedom from parental care and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Today, Vasily Ovchinnikov, General Director of the State Autonomous Institution “Mosgortur”, will tell you how to prepare your child for the first trip to camp, what to expect from the trip, and how parents can gain confidence and peace of mind before their children's trip.

Of course, every parent will worry whether the child will like the camp, how the holidays will go and whether he will be able to make friends with other children? Therefore, while still at home, you need to assess the child’s psychological readiness for the holidays in a new environment, without parents, acquaintances or friends.

Determining the child’s psychological readiness for going to camp

So, in the camp, as in any other community, there are clearly defined rules and traditions, therefore one of the key indicators of a child’s psychological readiness for the camp is his ability to follow certain instructions and calls from adults. This is especially important in the first days of the shift, when children get to know each other and the camp. If a child does not hear or does not fulfill the request, then it will be difficult for him to organically integrate into the life of the unit. So, the most problematic rules for children at camp are usually:

  • « Law zero-zero“- respectful attitude towards time, accurate attendance at all camp events without delay, adherence to time regulations.
  • « Law of the Raised Right Hand“- an “attention” signal, which requires you to stop talking, making noise, and calmly perceive information.
  • « Law of territory"- leaving the camp must be agreed with the elders; the presence of strangers in the camp also requires approval.

The next indicator of a child’s readiness for a trip is his ability to self-organize. If a child has difficulty maintaining a daily routine and lacks basic self-care and personal hygiene skills (Can the child brush his teeth, change clothes and underwear, tie his shoelaces, take a shower?), then it is too early for him to go to camp.

Another indicator of readiness for the trip is the child’s ability to accept failure. For example, in a camp soccer competition, the child goalkeeper missed the ball and because of this the team lost. The child found himself in a situation of failure. Here it is important for the counselor to prevent ridicule and reproaches towards the child from the squad. The competent work of a counselor in this situation is as follows:

  1. Analyze the current situation at the evening analysis of the day and convey to the squad that any victory depends on the work of the entire team.
  2. Create a situation of success for the child. To do this, the counselor invites the child to take part in another event of the day that can highlight his strengths.

The child himself must be able to accept the current situation and help the counselor competently resolve it.

A particularly important factor is the child’s ability to make contact with counselors, peers, and to be part of his team. Life in a health camp is built on clearly defined rules and traditions, relationships between groups of children, so a child’s ability to become part of a team is very important for organic life throughout the entire shift.

A child’s readiness for a children’s camp is primarily determined by his parents, since only they fully know the entire process of socialization of their child (whether he went to kindergarten, how he feels in class, how quickly he makes contact).

Before going to a children's camp, parents should talk with their child, set him up positively for the trip, arouse interest in the camp, choose a camp together and show photos of past sessions, tell him that new acquaintances and impressions await him. Parents should find out in advance about the daily routine and rules of camp life and tell their child in detail about them.

If from the conversation the parents conclude that for some reason the child is not ready to go to camp or will feel uncomfortable there, then perhaps there is a reason to contact a child psychologist. It is not advisable to send a child to camp if he does not want to go there himself. If a child is going to camp for the first time, then you can start with short-term, for example, spring and autumn shifts (up to 7 days).

Sometimes, due to certain circumstances, a teenager who has already been to camp may not be ready to go to camp. This can happen due to first love, the loss of a loved one, past negative experiences of going to camp, physiological changes that have occurred (excess weight, excessive sweating, hormonal changes), unfinished business, negative habits prohibited on the camp grounds (smoking) or injury, which will prevent the teenager from performing on an equal basis with other members of the squad.

What happens in children's health camps

The main person in the camp is the counselor, he is responsible for the life and health of children, their play and educational activities, preparation and conduct of squad meetings and general camp events, as well as for maintaining discipline in the squad and organizing the movement of children around the camp and during excursions. In children's health camps cooperating with the Mosgortur, there are counselors who have undergone special training, certification and certification and have all the necessary competencies, including the ability to correctly provide first aid. Many of them have pedagogical education.

Before starting work with the group, the counselor gets to know the children in absentia, takes into account the age characteristics of the group, so it is very important to provide the trip organizers with all the required documents, as well as report all individual characteristics and diseases in advance.

For example, knowing that the counselor will be responsible for a group of children primary school age (7-11 years old), he will take into account that representatives of this age category are usually extremely curious, energetic, impressionable, easy to contact and direct in communication. Their main way of exploring the world is through play. And thanks to various thematic master classes and competitions in the camp, children will learn a lot about the world around them, foreign languages, history, natural sciences, art, creativity and nature.

And the biggest problem of this age is the desire to return home and tears, especially in the first couple of days, until they have time to understand where they find themselves. At the beginning of the shift, almost everyone asks to go home. This is a temporary phenomenon associated with an adaptation period, which can last from 2-3 days to a week. It is necessary to give the child some time to get used to the new rules, get to know his peers, feel like an important part of the squad, and the counselor - the opportunity to interest the child in new hobbies. You should only worry if the child starts asking to go home in the middle or end of the shift.

When it comes to children adolescence (11-14 years old), then here counselors take into account the intensive formation of independence of judgment and action, their own moral attitudes, self-awareness, independence and initiative are developing. The range of interests becomes more selective and wider. Children at this age willingly participate in quizzes, competitions, concerts, festivals, team sports events and competitions.

Although there are also difficulties: children become less balanced, more stubborn and hot-tempered, and conflict situations arise more often.

For children senior school age (15-17 years old) Characterized by the development of logical and theoretical thinking skills, the need to communicate with peers and self-knowledge, the formation of self-affirmation, habits and lifestyle, the emergence of the first attempts at responsibility and mutual assistance. They willingly gather together as a group to have a heart-to-heart talk, sing with a guitar, and make a fire. For children in this age category, discussions, disputes and conversations on some “hot topics”, intellectual games, theatrical performances, and concerts are suitable.

This is a difficult time for a child, during which complexes worsen, self-esteem becomes unstable, and a desire for maximum independence appears.

Keeping in mind all these age features and based on their experience, counselors create unforgettable children's holidays.

Summer is the favorite time of year for every child. It is from June to August that children can play active games in the fresh air, participate in interesting activities, easily make new friends and gain health for the coming 9 months. Therefore, for many parents, the question of how to send their child to camp for free becomes relevant. Indeed, in modern times, few families can boast of a stable financial situation.

Ways to get a free trip to the camp

Let's take a closer look at how to get a free ticket to a children's camp legally. Only certain categories of citizens are entitled to it. Among them:

  • orphans;
  • children coming from single-parent or low-income families;
  • small disabled people;
  • children from large families;
  • children left without full parental care;
  • talented and brilliant children - winners of international and All-Russian (All-Ukrainian) Olympiads;
  • children recognized as victims of man-made disasters or global natural disasters.

As soon as you start finding out how your child can go to camp for free, you will most likely be told that this route is only available for schoolchildren from 6 to 15 years old. Indeed, in most cases it excludes a joint trip with parents. Therefore, when studying materials on the topic of how to get a ticket to a children’s camp for free, once again weigh the pros and cons and make sure that your child is capable of independent life.

If a child dreams of a full summer vacation and is ready for its difficulties, parents need to contact the district social protection department. There they will tell you how to get a free trip to the camp with minimal financial outlay. The state can compensate its cost partially or completely, depending on the type and location of the camp or sanatorium, as well as the preferential category.

Before sending your child to summer camp for free, you will have to collect the following documents:

  • certificate of registration of the future camp student at his place of residence;
  • a photocopy of the child’s birth certificate or passport, if the student has reached 16 years of age (in Ukraine) or 14 years of age (in the Russian Federation);
  • referral from a doctor;
  • a certificate of income (if there are parents or guardians) for 3 months or a certificate from the employment center if adult family members do not work;
  • medical certificate in form 070/U-04;
  • a photocopy of the passport of parents or guardians (if any).

Also, if you are seriously interested in how you can get a ticket to the camp for free, you must provide social protection with court decisions on guardianship or trusteeship (for orphans), a certificate of disability (for children with special needs), birth certificates of all children in the case of a large family , a copy of the death certificate of mom or dad, divorce certificate or single mother status (for children from single-parent families).

If you are trying to find out how you can send your child for free, do not forget that it will take about 10 days for the relevant authorities to make a decision.

In addition, if your baby either has chronic diagnoses, you should consult a doctor from the district clinic at your place of residence. You may be entitled to a discounted voucher to health facilities. The social security authorities will also tell you about this in more detail.

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