How to remove freckles from your face: recommendations from a cosmetologist, home care. How to get rid of freckles and pimples? How to remove freckles forever at home

Freckles are imprinted on the face like a scattering of sunbeams. In childhood, these charming spots are perceived calmly and naturally. But young girls increasingly want to whiten their skin, getting an even, beautiful tone. After thirty, an active fight against age spots on the face begins, which add age to their owners. You can cure your skin from existing blemishes using both the achievements of modern cosmetology and proven recipes from nature.

Why do freckles appear on the face?

Round light yellow, brown and copper spots usually appear, if at all, by the age of five. But even after reaching adulthood, you can receive such a gift from nature. They can be located not only on the face, but also on the shoulders, chest, back, and come in different sizes, both large and very small, pinpoint freckles.

Causes of freckles:

  1. Hereditary factor, even if this phenomenon was observed in a great-uncle, you can easily get gold coins on your face;
  2. Most often they tend to appear on fair-haired and red-haired people with blue and green eyes, but natural brown-haired/brunette women often develop brown and almost black freckles;
  3. They appear or become more saturated in color in the spring-summer period, as soon as the first rays of the sun warm up, this is a signal of an insufficient amount of melanin, which turns an even tan into separate spots;
  4. Stress and chronic diseases cause a decrease in the protective properties of the skin, slow renewal processes and lead to the inability to repel the attack of aggressive ultraviolet radiation;
  5. Improper cosmetic care, abuse of peelings, scrubs, facial cleansing, lack of hydration and nutrition prevent the restoration of the immune properties of the dermis;
  6. Diets and unbalanced menus lead to hypovitaminosis, a deficiency of minerals and vitamins vital for the health of the epidermis.

How to prevent the appearance of freckles

Facial skin care begins not only with cosmetic jars. First, you need to exclude factors that stimulate the appearance of freckles, especially for genetically predisposed girls with wheat and fiery curls.

For prevention, you need:

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

  • enrich your diet with fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, also pay attention to buckwheat porridge, poultry and liver;
  • use creams and emulsions with different SPF factors all year round; for late autumn and winter, an indicator of 15 is enough, starting in spring, gradually increase to a maximum of 50 (in summer);
  • with the first rays of the sun, purchase a wide-brimmed hat that creates a life-saving shade for the face;
  • you can prepare your own sunscreens, the main components should be olive, cocoa, coconut, shea butter, coffee grounds, but you should avoid products with esters, otherwise you can, on the contrary, provoke pigmentation;
  • use cosmetics with a whitening effect, night creams are especially effective.

Skin care with freckles

Face cream

You can also make your own home remedy. Combine zinc ointment in equal proportions with any of the vegetable oils - jojoba, almond, peach, grape or rice germ. Long-term use of bleaching products is not recommended, especially for dry and sagging skin. It is enough to use for a month, then take a break, or apply not daily, but two/three times a week, combined with a moisturizing emulsion.

To lighten the skin, it is recommended to use various pharmaceutical products with effective natural extracts. Whitening cream with milkweed helps reduce the intensity of the color of freckles; regular use makes the complexion even.

Facial skin massage

Traditional manipulations aimed at maintaining elasticity and youth should be used to remove freckles on the face. Only instead of the usual massage cream you will need to prepare a special composition. Cucumber, lemon, pomegranate, tomato, apple or onion juice are mixed with your favorite vegetable oil in equal parts. The resulting product is distributed first with smoothing, then driving movements into problem areas with increased pigmentation. After five minutes, you can cleanse with thermal water. Carry out a course of ten/fifteen sessions, then apply a nourishing cream, otherwise peeling and dryness, and the appearance of premature wrinkles are possible.

Rubbing ice along massage lines is very effective. For the base, use the same dairy products, fruit juices, berry fruit drinks and decoctions of medicinal herbs.


For daily cleansing, you should use natural products that combine whitening and moisturizing properties. There is no need to focus on one thing, the skin requires a complex of minerals and vitamins, so each product, decoction or lotion has its own turn.

You can remove freckles thanks to:

  1. Kefir, curdled milk, milk, they are useful for both dry and problem skin, they refresh well and even out the tone;
  2. Infusions of lemon and ginger peels - tone and lighten spots, allow you to quickly get the desired effect;
  3. Decoctions of celandine, milkweed, parsley and parsnip do an excellent job with age-related pigmentation, saturating the dermis with minerals and acids.

Washing your face must be completed with the subsequent application of a nourishing product with a protective factor against sun rays.

Folk remedies for freckles

If nature has generously bestowed the sun's rays, you shouldn't be upset. You can whiten your skin by making the spots less noticeable or completely removing them. Folk remedies against freckles work effectively and make the skin light and soft.

Video: Ways to get rid of freckles at home

Potato mask

Result: A natural home remedy can easily help clear your face of freckles. Healthy, glowing skin without pigmentation is available to everyone.


  • 5 drops of chamomile essential oil;
  • 2 drops of grapefruit essential oil;
  • 5 ml peach oil.
  • potato.

Preparation and method of application: add a composition of esters to a fatty vegetable base, grind the root vegetable in a kitchen machine. Having combined the components, distribute on the steamed epidermis. Wait half an hour and remove the residue with a damp disc.

Cucumber mask

Result: you can remove age spots, as well as refresh and moisturize the epidermis by resorting to proven effective recipes.


  • 15 ml cucumber juice;
  • 5 ml cream;
  • 1 gr. ginger

Preparation and method of application: squeeze cucumber juice using a press or gauze, add chilled cream and spices. Distribute the liquid mass with a flat brush, covering the entire surface covered with freckles. After resting for about thirty-five minutes, you can wash your face.

Kefir mask

Result: lighten freckles by two/three tones, improve skin tone, saturate with organic acids easily with home procedures.


  • 15 ml kefir;
  • 10 gr. rice flour;
  • 5 drops lemon essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: add rice powder and citrus oil to warm sour milk. Distribute on the face after cleansing, in a thin continuous layer, leave for fifteen/eighteen minutes. After the expiration date, wash your face.

Tomato mask

Result: a tomato mask helps whiten the face, remove dead epithelial cells, and clears away pigmentation after sunbathing. Carry out the procedure in combination with moisturizing masks, no more than once a week.


  • tomato;
  • 15 gr. yeast;
  • 4 drops rosewood essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: having made incisions on the vegetable, pour boiling water over it, carefully remove the hard skin. Then grate the scarlet pulp on a fine grater, add yeast granules and wood oil. Distribute the resulting mass on the face, avoiding the eyelids and nasolabial triangle, and leave for about twenty minutes. After washing, apply restorative cream.

Onion mask

Result: natural recipes against freckles remove pigment from tissues, restore uniform color, and accelerate the process of cell renewal.


  • bulb;
  • 10 ml yogurt;
  • 6 drops bergamot essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: to reduce the tear-producing ability of the onion, peel and cut into halves and place in the freezer. After ten minutes, remove, chop, add warm kefir and aromatic oil. Spread the prepared pulp on the covers, leave for about fifteen minutes, then remove with a damp cotton swab.

Video recipe: Get rid of freckles on your face with bodyagi

Whitening mask made from sour cream

Result: it is worth using face masks for freckles and for age-related, flabby dermis. They will not only lighten the surface, but improve elasticity and firmness, and correct the contour of the oval.


  • 25 gr. sour cream;
  • 10 gr. oatmeal;
  • 5 ml dandelion juice.

Preparation and method of application: grind the flakes into powder, combine with sour cream and juice. Distribute on cleansed skin using a cosmetic spatula, leave the product for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse with cold water.

Lemon Brightening Mask

Result: freckles after sunbathing will quickly disappear thanks to an effective recipe.


  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of yogurt.

Preparation and method of application: combine fresh citrus juice with sodium bicarbonate and yogurt without additives or flavorings. Wipe the skin with thermal water and apply the prepared mass along the lines of lymph movement. Leave for no more than ten minutes. To increase blood flow and improve complexion, wash with cold water.

Video recipe: Homemade mask for freckles and pigmentation on the face

Dandelion lotion

Result: it will not be difficult to prepare a cosmetic product for freckles that deeply cleanses and tones the skin. It is good to use after a summer vacation, when you urgently need to even out your complexion.


  • 4 plants;
  • 150 ml vodka/alcohol;
  • 90 ml mineral water;
  • 1 tangerine peel.

Preparation and method of application: dandelions need to be dug up with roots, choosing only flowering plants. After washing and drying on a paper towel, chop with a knife; you can simply tear the peels with your hands. Place the resulting mass in a tightly closed bottle and fill it with a high-proof drink or alcohol. Leave for about nine days, shaking daily. After preparation, dilute ten ml of infusion with mineral water and pour into a cosmetic bottle. Wipe your face twice a day every day.

Parsley decoction

Result: you can lighten the sun's glare on your face using a proven product.


  • 50 gr. parsley root;
  • 250 ml water.

Preparation and method of application: chop the root into slices, fill with water, put on the stove, after boiling, reduce the pressure and cook for another ten minutes. Strain the cooled liquid and pour into a cosmetic bottle. Wipe skin three/four times a day.

Video recipe: Parsley and lemon lotion for freckles and age spots

How to get rid of freckles forever

Sun spots show their maximum brightness until the age of twenty-five, and after that they gradually become dim, and by the age of forty they can completely disappear. But by that age, you will need to direct efforts to maintain firmness and elasticity, and whiten age-related pigmentation. Having decided to get rid of freckles forever and not wait for the effect of homemade masks and procedures, you should turn to the achievements of modern cosmetology.

You can quickly get rid of freckles in the salon using the following methods.

To remove freckles permanently using these methods, it is possible that it is only necessary to take into account a long rehabilitation period, and complications, the likelihood of which cannot be excluded.

Preventing the occurrence of freckles on the face

To keep your skin healthy and beautiful, you can use the following rules:

  • gradually accustom your face to tanning, from March to October - half an hour of sunbathing will be enough, but from June to August, it is better to abandon aggressive ultraviolet radiation;
  • be sure to use protective emulsions and sprays, also choose decorative cosmetics with an SPF factor;
  • Introduce orange-colored vegetables and fruits into your diet; they help distribute melanin evenly, and don’t forget about cereals, protein and dairy products.
Video: How to quickly get rid of freckles at home

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try different products, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm in

Freckles (scientific name - "ephelides") - increased pigmentation of the skin. Small spots of yellow or yellow-brown color appear on the skin of the face, hands and other exposed parts of the body. The first manifestations of freckles occur on the skin of children aged 3 to 7 years. Red-haired people with blue eyes are more susceptible to the appearance of freckles. Their skin has a small amount of melanin.

Causes of freckles

Plays a major role in the appearance of freckles hereditary predisposition person. Impaired production of melanin cells leads to the appearance of freckles. They are, in a way, the body’s protective reaction to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which prevents sunburn.

In addition to heredity, the appearance of freckles is influenced by hormonal imbalance, stress, vitamin deficiency, diseases of internal organs- liver, intestines and gall bladder. Pigmentation is most pronounced in the summer and spring seasons, when the level of ultraviolet radiation increases. In winter they are less noticeable.

Getting rid of freckles yourself

Getting rid of freckles becomes most important in spring and summer, when an increased dose of ultraviolet radiation contributes to their appearance in large numbers. There are many ways to get rid of them, for example, lightening. Lotions prepared at home will help lighten pigment spots: from cucumber, parsley leaves, with apple cider vinegar.

If lightening does not give the desired effect, you can resort to camouflage freckles. You can disguise unloved freckles by applying makeup. Light makeup can be done using translucent foundations with an emphasis on the eyes or lips. The ephelides will be less noticeable. Concealer, thick foundation and powder will help to completely disguise freckles.

Cosmetic masks

Cosmetic masks will help cope with pigmentation. To prepare the mask you will need 3% hydrogen peroxide and bodyaga. Add two teaspoons to a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and mix until foam appears. Apply to face with a cotton pad for 10 minutes. The mask has a wound-healing effect and is suitable for dry skin types.

For deeper penetration of beneficial substances into the skin, it is necessary to exfoliate before using cosmetic masks.

Prepare an alginate mask with vitamin C:

  1. Dilute the alginate mixture according to the instructions;
  2. Apply 1 ampoule of 5% ascorbic acid solution to the face;
  3. Spread the finished mixture over the entire face, avoiding the nostrils;
  4. Remove the frozen mask after 25-30 minutes;
  5. Wipe off the remaining mask with a damp cotton pad;
  6. Apply nourishing cream to your face.

It is better to do face masks in the evening to protect your skin from the sun.

For cooking blue clay masks You need to mix a spoonful of blue clay with clean water. Add 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide to the resulting mixture.


Before using medications, you should consult your doctor. This will prevent side effects from occurring.

In most cases, a deficiency of vitamin C and P in the body causes the appearance of age spots. That is why it is indispensable for the skin restoration process. drug Ascorutin. The pharmacological composition includes the required dose of vitamin C and P, as well as antioxidants. You can buy Ascorutin at a pharmacy at an affordable price. It comes in tablet form and is intended for oral use. The daily dose is 2 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a month.

Zinc ointment It will help lighten freckles perfectly. It is best mixed with castor oil or baby cream. This will help avoid drying out the skin. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to use the product up to 6 times a day. Apply to cleansed skin using pointed movements.

Castor oil can be used as an independent remedy in the fight against freckles. To do this, you need to wet a cotton pad and treat problem areas. Blot the remaining oil with a dry piece of cotton wool 30 minutes after application. After 2 weeks of regular use of castor oil, freckles will become less noticeable.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is no less effective in the fight against freckles. The main advantage is the naturalness of the components and their availability. Simple recipes will help you get rid of freckles.

Pumpkin lotion has a whitening effect. To prepare it you will need:

  • Chopped - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Water - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Honey - 1 tsp.

Mix crushed pumpkin seeds with warm water. Leave the resulting mixture for 1 hour, then strain and add a spoonful of honey. Use the prepared product to wipe problem areas several times a day.

For potato mask you will need:

  • Grated potatoes - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Almond bran - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • Kefir - 3 tbsp. l.

Combine grated potatoes with almond bran, add olive oil and kefir. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the face once a day for 20 minutes.

Mask of currants and melon whitens skin well. Grind all ingredients. Apply the resulting paste to your face for 20 minutes. Afterwards, wash with cool water and apply moisturizer.

For cooking onion masks You will need chopped onions and honey. Mix onion and honey in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15 minutes. Afterwards wash with warm water.

Cosmetic removal

You can get rid of freckles or reduce their rich color in various ways. There are a great many traditional medicine recipes that help reduce the intensity of freckles at home. The advantage of this method is its low cost. But you can completely get rid of freckles only through cosmetic methods. The best option for getting rid of freckles is to go to a beauty salon. They will help you choose the best option for removing freckles:

  • Chemical peeling;
  • Phototherapy;
  • Laser removal;
  • Cryosurgery.

Chemical peeling It is produced by applying chemicals containing fruit and lactic acids to the skin. Thus, a chemical burn occurs in the upper layer of the epidermis, where freckles appear. Then it is deleted. The advantages of this method are a short period of skin recovery, high efficiency, a minimum number of contraindications and a relatively low price for the procedure.

Phototherapy - This is an effective and painless way to remove freckles. Before treatment, you need to consult a cosmetologist to determine your skin color type and sensitivity to light. If there are no contraindications, then the procedure can be performed. It involves exposing the deep layers of the epidermis affected by freckles to light pulses. To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to carry out at least 2-3 procedures with a certain time interval between them.

The advantage of phototherapy is that it can be performed on any area of ​​the skin: face, hands, legs, décolleté, neck and feet.

After completing the procedures, protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight using creams with spf factor.

At laser removal The essence of the procedure is to point the laser beam at pigmented areas of the skin. Before the procedure, you need to cleanse the skin. To ensure a tighter fit of the device, a special gel is applied to the skin. After the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic. Crusts appear at the site of laser exposure. Full recovery occurs after 7-10 weeks. The number of procedures is determined by a cosmetologist.

Cryosurgery is a surgical treatment with extremely low temperatures in the form of liquid nitrogen. Areas of skin with increased pigmentation are locally frozen. A safe method of getting rid of ephelides is used without anesthesia and with minimal recovery time.

Preventing the appearance of freckles

It is best to prevent the appearance of freckles with the onset of spring, when the sun's rays are not so aggressive. To do this, you need to increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins C and PP, the deficiency of which leads to increased pigmentation.

How to take care of your skin to avoid freckles:

  • It is not recommended to go outside during periods of high ultraviolet radiation activity from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • If, nevertheless, staying on the street is unavoidable, then before going out you need to cover the areas of the skin where freckles form.
  • Before going outside, apply products with a high content of SPF protection.
  • Use powder that contains quinine or salol. They will help protect your skin from sun damage.

It is better to avoid using tonics, lotions and other cosmetics containing alcohol. This element makes the skin more susceptible to sunlight.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! The company is not responsible for possible negative consequences arising from the use of information posted on the website

How to get rid of freckles at home? This question becomes relevant with the onset of the spring-summer period, when the hot rays of the sun begin to send an increased portion of ultraviolet radiation to the human body, as a result of which the face is immediately dotted with freckles. For some, such a scattering does not cause much trouble, but adds charm and a certain charm. For others, they become a real problem, which can be easily solved by turning to traditional medicine recipes. How to remove freckles forever at home?

Freckles are often called the “kiss of the sun”, and their owners are called “sunny people”

Freckles are small pigment spots, most often light-colored. Their appearance may be caused by:

  • hereditary factor
  • ultraviolet light, which provokes the active production of melanin.

The process occurring in the skin layer is not a disease, so there is no need to treat such a “flaw”. A cosmetic defect (if freckles can be called that) can be easily corrected yourself at home.

Cucumber will whiten freckles

One of the effective widely used folk remedies is a cucumber mask, which has whitening properties. This simple vegetable is the basis of the cosmetic composition; it consists of 80% water. The remaining 20% ​​contains a lot of substances that are beneficial to the skin and help not only whiten freckles, but also:

  • eliminating dryness and flaking,
  • moisturizing
  • protection from negative factors,
  • rejuvenation,
  • correct "breathing"
  • getting rid of acne,
  • cell renewal,
  • regeneration of damaged tissues,
  • smoothing out wrinkles.

To prepare a whitening mask for freckles at home, the cucumber should be peeled, grated or ground in a blender. Apply the prepared pasty mass to the facial area. The vegetable can be cut into slices and applied to freckled areas. Cucumber juice obtained from vegetable pulp by squeezing helps in a similar way.

Advice. To prepare masks, it is recommended to use a pre-chilled product, and during the procedure it is advisable to take a horizontal position, which facilitates better absorption of nutrients by relaxed muscles.

There is also a use for cucumber peels: a small amount of peeling should be poured into ½ liter of water (boiled and cooled to a warm temperature). Leave for 4-6 hours. Use for morning washes.

Lemon will hide freckles

Lemon juice, which is an effective basis for many cosmetics, will help you whiten your face from freckles at home.

Recipe No. 1

Lemon juice for freckles should be combined with egg white (pre-beaten) and 1 teaspoon of sugar. This composition, optimally suited for dry skin, is recommended to be applied to the face for 15-20 minutes three times a week. The duration of whitening procedures is from 2 to 4 weeks.

Recipe No. 2

Using a blender you need to grind 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal. Add 2 teaspoons of sour cream and the same amount of lemon juice to the prepared mass. Keep on face for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to thoroughly clean areas of skin with excessive pigmentation before the procedure to remove any remaining cosmetics and possible contaminants.

Helpful advice. After bleaching freckles, the skin becomes more susceptible to sun damage. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out home cosmetic procedures at least a few hours before going outside. The best time is in the evening, before bed.

Recipe No. 3

Those with oily skin can get rid of freckles using the following composition:

  • juice of 1 lemon,
  • 4 grams of glycerin,
  • 100 ml vodka,
  • beaten egg white.

Connect the components. Wipe problem areas with the resulting cosmetic product. It is advisable to carry out bleaching over several weeks.

Recipe No. 4

A toner based on apple cider vinegar, boiled water and lemon juice, taken in equal proportions, will help eliminate excess pigmentation. Use every day until the number of freckles decreases.

There is parsley - no freckles!

How to remove freckles at home? Parsley is an excellent assistant in cleansing the face of pigmentation. The herbal pulp of the plant, obtained by grinding in a blender or through a meat grinder, is recommended to be applied to the facial area for about half an hour. Then rinse off and use nourishing cream.

A little history. Women have always tried to get rid of freckles. Thus, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece considered pigmentation to be bad manners and tried to even out their skin color with the help of cucumber, lemon, and horseradish juice. These methods are also successfully used by modern representatives of the fair sex.

You can enhance the whitening effect by mixing parsley with sour cream (for dry skin) or yogurt (for oily skin). The natural composition should be applied to the face, allowed to dry and washed off after 15-20 minutes.

Ordinary parsley will help you get rid of freckles forever at home. A mask based on its juice and honey, measured in a tablespoon, as well as a few drops of lemon juice, is applied to the facial area for 35-40 minutes.

How to remove freckles quickly at home? You can solve the problem of excessive pigmentation with the help of alcohol lotion. To prepare it, 50 grams of parsley (a small bunch) needs to be poured with ½ liter of vodka. Seal the bottle with the composition well. Leave for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. Filter. Use for daily wiping of problem areas.

Everything at hand helps

You can lighten freckles with a decoction based on dandelion flowers. Its preparation is not difficult: 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed raw materials need to be brewed with 1 liter of hot boiled water, boil for half an hour in a water bath. Filter and use for daily wiping of freckled skin areas. The decoction can be frozen in the form of ice cubes and used to wipe your face in the morning.

This is interesting. The dandelion lives according to a clear biological rhythm: it wakes up exactly at 6:00 am, opening its yellow baskets towards the sun, and falls asleep at 3:00 pm.

A potato mask will help remove freckles. Grated raw mass in the amount of 2 tbsp. combine spoons with 3 tbsp. spoons of sour milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of almond bran and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

A bran mask will help you remove freckles forever at home.. Almond, wheat or oatmeal product needs to be diluted to a paste with milk and applied to the face for 25-30 minutes. It is recommended to use within 1 month.

Berry masks

Berries will help you get rid of freckles forever at home: currants, watermelon, strawberries, grapes. The paste-like mass prepared from them should be applied to the face for approximately a quarter of an hour.

Important! It is advisable for girls with overly sensitive skin to look for another alternative, since berry masks can provoke allergic reactions.

You can remove freckles at home using melon. The peeled product along with the middle should be boiled for several minutes. Then strain and apply to the facial area. It is useful to wash your face with the water remaining after boiling the melon, and apply the peel of the sunny fruit to problem areas.

Radish mask

Radish contains bleaching agents, so juice based on a garden product can partially reduce excess pigmentation.

To prepare a healing mask, you need to grind the radish through a meat grinder. Add orange or lemon juice to the vegetable mixture, then apply the mixture to the skin. Let dry and rinse with warm water. The radish-based composition is also effective against acne.

What if I disguise my freckles?

If bleaching does not have the desired result, you can try to disguise freckles. Freshly squeezed carrot juice will help with this, as it can give the skin a light tanning effect, which will make pigmentation less noticeable.

Note: The vast majority of men believe that freckles add attractiveness and charisma to girls.

You can disguise freckles with the help of sauerkraut juice, which is available in the bins of almost every housewife. A folk remedy that should be wiped daily on the face can not only hide light red spots, but also deeply cleanse the skin.

Preventive actions

It is easier to prevent any problem than to solve it later. In order to prevent increased pigmentation, it is recommended to protect the face as much as possible from the effects of sunlight. Caps, hats, and panama hats will help with this. At midday on hot summer days, it would be wise to refrain from walking.

A properly composed diet is fundamental to the health of the skin and the body as a whole. Important ingredients that prevent excessive skin pigmentation are foods with a high content of vitamin C (cabbage, kiwi, oranges, apples), vitamin K (tomatoes, cucumbers, olive oil, oatmeal, eggs, bananas), vitamin A (parsley, sea buckthorn, carrots, peaches).

Often, people who don't have freckles find these speckles on their face very cute. However, many owners of ephelides (this is the scientific name for freckles) categorically do not like them, and they want to remove freckles from their faces. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to a beauty salon and see a good cosmetologist, but you shouldn’t be upset. You can quite successfully fight freckles at home.

Freckles don't get such a cute name for nothing; they really become more noticeable in the spring. And the bright sun is to blame for this. It is because of the action of sunlight that special cells begin to actively produce the pigment melanin. That's why The most effective preventative measure is to protect your skin from the sun..


  • Every day before going outside in the daytime, use creams with ultraviolet protection;
  • in summer, try to wear hats that cast a shadow on the face (hats with brims, baseball caps) and sunglasses;
  • do not visit the solarium, if you really want to become darker, then it is better to use a self-tanner;
  • It is advisable not to be in the sun between 11 pm and 4 pm, when the sun is most active.

Remember! These preventive measures must also be applied during the period when freckles are being combated. Otherwise, any home whitening methods will be ineffective.

What methods of struggle exist?

You can remove freckles at home using:

Do you have freckles?

Of course have!No and no need!

  • pharmaceutical drugs– ready-made whitening creams and masks, as well as some preparations for preparing homemade compositions. Hydrogen peroxide, bodyaga, aspirin, cosmetic clay will help whiten the skin;
  • folk remedies– prepare masks, compresses, lotions using herbs, fresh vegetables and berries, dairy products.

But you need to immediately adjust to the fact that it is impossible to quickly and permanently get rid of ephelides at home. The first results can be seen after two weeks of regular use, provided that the skin is protected from sunlight.

To be successful, you need to use whitening products regularly. A mask made once is unlikely to achieve the desired result. In addition, it is necessary to choose the right time for the procedures. Creams and masks should be applied in the evening. If you perform the procedure before going out in the sun, you can get the opposite effect - pigmentation will become even more noticeable.

To get results, it is best to use a set of measures, for example, apply whitening cream daily and make whitening masks a couple of times a week.

Do not forget to do a skin sensitivity test before using any product that is new to you (ready-made or prepared yourself). This simple procedure will save you from big problems.

Pharmacy products

At the pharmacy you can buy a variety of products for lightening freckles - creams, masks, serums. You can also buy ingredients for making homemade masks.

Ready-made cosmetics

There are cosmetics on sale from well-known brands or less advertised brands that are no less effective. When choosing, it is better to pay attention not to the brand, but to the composition of the product.

The most effective products are those that contain hydroquinone. This substance not only discolors the pigment, it acts on the cells that produce melanin. That is, it eliminates the main cause of freckles. Using a cream with hydroquinone can significantly lighten freckles within a week. But not everything is so rosy.

Do you like your freckles?

Oh yeah! Certainly!No, it's a nightmare!

Hydroquinone is a toxic substance, it can cause irritation and even cause the development of dermatitis. Moreover, there is an opinion that the use of cosmetics with hydroquinone increases the risk of developing melanoma. Therefore, it is fashionable to use such cosmetic compositions only at your own peril and risk, and only in short courses.

Cosmetologists advise choosing whitening formulations containing less toxic substances. Arbutin can be an alternative to hydroquinone. Cosmetics containing this substance are quite effective and safe. One more deoxyarbutin is a safe and effective whitening component.

Whitening cosmetics often contain organic acids that help exfoliate the top skin cells containing melanin.

In addition, whitening preparations may contain vitamins, plant extracts, and valuable oils. These components soften the effect of bleaching agents and nourish the skin.

How to apply whitening cream? The rules are quite simple:

  • The product should be used in the evening;
  • Before application, carefully remove makeup and cleanse the skin;
  • apply a thin layer of the product to the areas of pigmentation and leave overnight;
  • you need to apply the cream every evening, the course can last 2-3 weeks, then you will need to take a break;
  • If, while using the cream, a feeling of tight skin or irritation appears, you should stop using the cosmetic product.
  • In addition to creams, you can find ready-made whitening products on sale. masks. They should be used according to the instructions on the label.


Badyaga is a freshwater sponge. It has long been used in medicine to treat bruises and eliminate scars. Badyaga will also help in the fight against freckles. However, this remedy cannot be used by everyone.

It is prohibited to lighten freckles with badyaga in the following cases:

  • in the presence of any wounds on the skin, including inflamed acne;
  • for herpes rashes and exacerbation of any other skin diseases;
  • if there is excessive growth of facial hair;
  • in the presence of a visible capillary network or rosacea.

To whiten freckles, you can use natural badyaga powder or ready-made preparations containing this substance, for example, Badyaga Plus gel. Ready-made gels are gentler, but they are less effective than simple powder.

To carry out the procedure, in addition to freshwater sponge powder, you will also need a ready-made 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Carrying out the whitening procedure:

  • cleanse the skin well. If the epidermis is prone to dryness, it is better to use an alcohol-free toner for cleansing. For normal skin types, it will be enough to wash your face with a special foam. It is advisable to lightly steam the oily epidermis;
  • Apply thick cream or cosmetic Vaseline to the area around the eyes and around the mouth. The composition with badyagi should not reach these areas;
  • Now you need to mix the badyagi powder with the peroxide solution so that the resulting mass resembles a cream in thickness. When preparing the composition and applying it, you need to use rubber gloves;
  • Before applying the prepared mass, it is recommended to insert pieces of cotton wool into the nostrils. This precaution will prevent the composition from entering the nasal passages;
  • It is more convenient to apply the composition using a small sponge; when applying, you can lightly massage the skin in a circular motion;
  • when performing the procedure, a tingling sensation occurs, since the powder contains many “needles” of silica;
  • after ten minutes, carefully rinse off the composition (it is very important not to let the substance get into your eyes!);
  • To complete the procedure you need to apply a rich cream or a mask of sour cream;
  • the skin will turn red after the procedure and begin to peel off after a few days;
  • after the final restoration of the skin (about a week), the procedure must be repeated;
  • The maximum number of procedures in one course is five. Then you should take a break for at least six months.

When using the finished gel, the procedure is carried out according to the algorithm described above, only the gel does not need to be mixed with peroxide, it is simply applied to the prepared face, and removed after a quarter of an hour.


The whitening properties of hydrogen peroxide are widely known, so it makes sense to use it to combat freckles. The procedure for using this product is extremely simple: you need to soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply the liquid to the area where the freckles are located. There is no need to wash your face after the procedure.

This product is well suited for those with oily epidermis; if the skin is prone to dryness, then using peroxide can be harmful.

Do not use concentrated solutions of hydroperite under any circumstances. This may result in burns! Use only a ready-made pharmaceutical 3% solution.


Using glycerin helps remove freckles. But this remedy must be used with great caution.

You need to apply the product spot - only on freckles with a cotton swab. Therefore, this method is recommended for those girls whose freckles are rarely located.

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not use the product if your skin is prone to dryness;
  • do not apply pure glycerin to the entire face, use accurately;
  • do not use the product for more than one week;
  • After the procedure, use a moisturizer or natural oil, such as olive.

Castor oil

The well-known castor oil can help get rid of freckles. This product is inexpensive and can be found in any pharmacy. The oil contains recinoleic acid, which helps even out skin color.

  • heat 10 ml of oil in a water bath or in a microwave oven to a temperature of 40 degrees;
  • wipe the pigmentation areas with lemon juice and let the skin dry;
  • soak cotton pads or gauze pads with warm oil and apply them to the skin treated with juice;
  • after twenty minutes, remove the compresses and wash;
  • if the skin is prone to dryness, then oil compresses should be made without lubricating the skin with lemon juice.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Surely, in any home medicine cabinet there is a pack of aspirin. It is a well-known antipyretic and analgesic. But it can also be used to whiten facial skin.

To prepare the composition, you need to grind several tablets into powder. Here are some recipes:

  • With honey. This composition is gentle but effective. For 10 grams of liquid honey (if there is no liquid, you can heat the thickened one) you need to take three crushed aspirin tablets and 5 ml of oil. You can take any unrefined oil. The composition is applied to pigmented areas with massage movements and should be washed off after a quarter of an hour.
  • With salt. Salt should be taken as finely ground as possible, preferably sea salt. Take half a teaspoon of powder made from four aspirin tablets and 10 grams of liquid honey. Quickly mix the composition and apply to areas of pigmentation for ten minutes.
  • With lemon. This composition is effective in whitening, but it is not suitable for sensitive skin. Take powder from four aspirin tablets onto a tablespoon of skin. The mixture is used to treat areas of skin with freckles. Wash off with a weak solution of baking soda. This composition is absolutely not suitable for sensitive skin.


White clay will help lighten freckles. Kaolin can simply be diluted with kefir or whey and applied to pigmented skin for twenty minutes. But it is better to prepare a whitening mask with the following composition:

  • kaolin (white clay) 20 grams;
  • yogurt or kefir – 15 ml;
  • melted honey – 5 grams;
  • lemon juice – 5 ml.

The prepared composition is applied to the skin with freckles for twenty minutes.

Folk remedies

Using masks made from natural products, you can achieve significant lightening of freckles. It is recommended to make masks twice a week. Here are some effective and simple recipes.

  • Tomato and sauerkraut. This set of products will be useful not only for preparing cabbage soup, but also for eliminating freckles. It is necessary to grind (preferably in a blender) one small tomato, freed from seeds and skin, 50 grams of sauerkraut, and a small chicken egg. Pour oat bran into the mixture in such an amount to form a thick mass. It is applied in a thick layer to the areas of pigmentation for twenty minutes.
  • Berries. Simple berry masks effectively whiten freckles. Grind about half a glass of berries in a blender, then pour 10 ml of natural apple cider vinegar into the mixture. Add starch for thickness. The creamy mass is applied to the ephelide sites for half an hour. To prepare the composition, you can use different berries - strawberries, currants, gooseberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries. You can take a mixture of several types of berries. In winter, you can use frozen berries or fresh kiwi.
  • Parsley. The whitening properties of this spicy plant are widely known. You can prepare a decoction from the leaves or roots and use it for daily rubbing of the skin or making cosmetic ice cubes. But a mask made from a mixture of parsley and sour cream will be even more effective. Both products are taken in equal volumes (pre-chop the parsley). Those with dry skin can add a teaspoon of lemon juice to this composition. Apply the composition for twenty minutes.
  • Cucumber. This vegetable can be safely used to whiten any skin type. Masks made from this fruit not only lighten freckle spots, but also moisturize, so they can be applied to the entire face, and not just to the areas of pigmentation. You can simply wipe your skin with cucumber juice or cut the fruit into thin circles and spread it over your face. But it’s better to prepare a mask by mixing equal volumes of grated cucumber and thick sour cream.

  • Lemon. Sour citrus juice is an excellent whitening agent, but it is not suitable for sensitive or dry skin. You can make a simple homemade tonic. To do this, you need to boil 200 ml of water, add one small lemon cut into small pieces into a pan of water, bring to a boil again and immediately remove from heat. Cover the saucepan and leave for at least three hours. Drain the liquid. Use to wipe skin covered with freckles. The following version of the mask also effectively whitens ephelides: cut the lemon into thin slices and sprinkle with salt. While the lemon is “infused”, you need to apply a layer of Vaseline to the locations of the freckles. Then place the prepared lemon slices on top of the Vaseline. After ten minutes, remove the composition.
  • Onion. Onions will also help in the fight against freckles. Grate the peeled onion, mix with an equal amount of grated apple, one yolk, a dessert spoon of natural apple cider vinegar and 10 grams of honey. Apply the finished mixture to areas with freckles for twenty minutes, then rinse and make a kefir mask by wiping your face with a swab soaked in kefir and leaving the fermented milk product on the skin for a quarter of an hour.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Cosmetologists believe that fighting freckles at home is possible. But you need to not only use ready-made creams and make masks from natural products, but also very carefully protect your face from direct sunlight. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain, freckles will appear again and again.
If you don’t want to regularly make masks at home, you can go to a beauty salon, where cosmetologists will offer a number of procedures to help eliminate ephelides.

Women's opinion

You can whiten freckles at home. This is confirmed by reviews from women.

Alena, 24 years old:

I really like peeling with badyaga because it is inexpensive and the effect is excellent. I use this procedure to combat freckles. At first I was afraid to apply the prepared mass on my face, but instead did peeling on my back (I also have a scattering of freckles there). I liked the effect, so a week later I repeated the procedure on my back and applied the composition to my face. After three procedures, the freckles became much paler, they were practically invisible. In addition, the procedure perfectly removes blackheads.

Alina, 20 years old:

I didn’t expect that such a simple remedy as aspirin would help me cope with freckles. I made a scrub with the addition of jojoba oil and honey. The freckles noticeably lightened and a healthy glow appeared. But you need to use aspirin without fanaticism, so as not to dry out the skin.

Lyuba, 19 years old:

To get rid of freckles, I bought expensive whitening creams and was pleased with the results. But one day my grandmother suggested that I make sour cream masks. I am delighted with this product, it quickly lightens freckles. Now I won’t spend money on creams anymore, because I always have an excellent whitening product in my refrigerator.

Maria, 26 years old:

I heard that parsley and lemon are great for helping with freckles, but I didn’t really trust it. But still I decided to try. I made masks from three components - lemon, parsley and sour cream. The result is simply gorgeous! After three masks, my skin tone became much more even and my freckles became lighter. I will continue to use this recipe.

The predisposition to the appearance of freckles on the skin, or, as they are scientifically called, ephelides, is transmitted with genes. They usually appear in women with very fair skin and hair that has a golden or reddish tint, and freckled children are born to freckled parents. The color of freckles depends on the amount of melanin in the skin and the amount of sun it receives, and can range from a subtle golden shade of a light tan to a dark brown. Girls of the “Spring” and “Autumn” color types most often suffer from freckles, and freckles usually appear not in early childhood, but at the age of four or five, and after thirty-five to forty they begin to fade. Scientists believe that the main gene responsible for freckles is the MC1R gene, which is responsible for skin color, hair and the production of melanin: with its certain mutations or reactions with skin proteins, freckles occur.

Many people believe that golden spots on the skin suit them very well and give them a special charm. If not, the question is “How to get rid of freckles?” acquires particular relevance. Moreover, it is very easy to “purchase” them; for many, it is enough to just stay in the sun for 10-15 minutes, but it takes much more time to “remove” freckles.

1. Use of whitening creams, serums, etc. In the fall, when the sun becomes less active, it is the ideal time to start using mild whitening products. Our great-grandmothers lightened freckles with the juice of parsley, cucumber, sour apples, lemon, and made whitening masks with lingonberries and cranberries, sour milk or sauerkraut. All these ingredients are successfully used in modern cosmetology, as well as the main whitening components of these simple “homemade” remedies to combat freckles - lactic, malic, phytic, glycolic and kojic acids, arbutin, vitamins A and C... “These ingredients - a good alternative to hydroquinone,” says the professor Rebat Halder, Head of Dermatology Department Howard University in Washington. Hydroquinone, which 5-7 years ago was considered the “gold standard” for combating any hyperpigmentation, is recommended by most modern dermatologists to be used only to combat serious pigmentation disorders, which do not include freckles.

How to get rid of freckles: 5 proven methods

Serum to combat aging and skin hyperpigmentation Phloretin CF Gel, SkinCeuticals with antioxidant complex based on vitamin C and ferulic acid

How to get rid of freckles: 5 proven methods

Brightening complex for facial skin CoffeeBerry Brightening Facial Complex, Priori with blueberry, yeast and licorice root extracts, vitamins A, C and E

How to get rid of freckles: 5 proven methods

Skin tone-evening serum for dry sensitive skin Even Skintone Sensitive, Ultraceuticals with bearberry extract, AHA and BHA

How to get rid of freckles: 5 proven methods

Cream to even out complexion and nourish the skin “Perfect skin” Vinoperfect Day Perfecting Cream SPF 15, Caudalie with plant extracts, papaya enzymes and citric acid

How to get rid of freckles: 5 proven methods

Corrective foundation Melaperfect, Darphin with sun filters and whitening complex based on trameta mushroom extract

How to get rid of freckles: 5 proven methods

A lightweight brightening lotion for pigmented and photodamaged skin Clarifying Lotion, Environ with whitening complex SepiWhite-MSN

How to get rid of freckles: 5 proven methods

Brightening Moisturizer Hydra Radiant SPF15, Rexaline with vitamin C and lactic acid

How to get rid of freckles: 5 proven methods

Intensive anti-pigmentation serum Repair Whitening Serum, Swisso Logical with papaya extract, sunscreens and lactic acid

How to get rid of freckles: 5 proven methods

Whitening serum for age spots and freckles Peel & White Bright Serum, VYON with kojic acid, vitamin C and licorice root extract

2. Gentle exfoliation of the skin. Using masks and gommages with enzymes and fruit acids that exfoliate and accelerate skin cell renewal will help you get rid of freckles faster. It’s true that the tan will fade faster, but you’ll have to come to terms with that. The main thing is not to overdo it: the skin needs time to recover, so the interval between home exfoliating procedures should be at least 4-5 days.

3. Professional peelings. Modern peelings - chemical, laser (neodymium or alexandrite laser), gas-liquid or mechanical (diamond microdermabrasion, etc.) can cope with even the most stubborn freckles. However, for those who live in southern latitudes, it is better to wait until mid-autumn: the southern sun is much more active than the northern one, and fighting small freckles can lead to severe hyperpigmentation. You will need to constantly use sunscreen. You should also be patient and plan your time in advance: four to ten procedures will be required. For maximum results, dermatocosmetologists offer an integrated approach. You will be able to get rid of freckles faster if you add home care using AHA-based products to salon procedures, combine peelings of different types, and include phototherapy, which is very popular today, in your skin whitening program. In anti-freckle programs, doctors often recommend including mesotherapy with cocktails that reduce the increased activity of tyrosinase - with vitamin C, kojic and phytic acids, licorice or mulberry extracts, etc.

Elena Sibrina

cosmetologist at the Petrovka-Beauty Center for Medical Cosmetology, specialist in dermatosurgery and dermatocosmetology

One of the effective ways to combat hyperpigmentation is retinoic peels based on retinoic acid, suitable even for those with sensitive skin. They normalize keratinization processes, restore extracellular structures of the dermis, have a targeted whitening effect, and the rejuvenating effect of retinol on skin cells persists for another four months after the procedure.

4. Using sunscreen. Make it a rule and continue to use it all year round, even in cloudy and bad weather, in winter SPF 20-30 is enough, in summer you will need SPF 50, because in order to prevent new freckles from appearing, the skin must be protected as thoroughly as possible from ultraviolet radiation. If freckles appear not only on the face, but also on the body, you need to protect all exposed skin from the sun. Ultraviolet rays increase the activity of the enzyme tyrosinase, which, in turn, stimulates the activity of pigment cells, which begin to actively and unevenly produce the pigment melanin.

5. Proper diet. To ensure that freckles appear in smaller quantities, provide the body with vitamins - primarily vitamins A, C and PP, which reduce the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and normalize melanin production. Nutritionists also advise ensuring that there is a sufficient amount of protein in the diet: it is needed for the normal production of collagen fibers, and its disruption and pigmentation disorders are often associated.

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