Autumn bouquet scenario for the middle group. Scenario of the event for the Day of the Elderly "autumn bouquet of congratulations"

Characters: Autumn (adults)
Children: Tomato
Bear cubs

The hall is decorated in the shape of an autumn forest; Among the low bushes and trees there are garden beds with large vegetables on them - cabbage, turnips, carrots, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, etc. In the center of the hall there is an autumn tree, leaves lie near the trunk.) Presenter: The tassels of the rowan trees glowed brightly, the dresses of the aspen trees turned golden.
The sun is blushing the groves and forests, and our voices are ringing everywhere. Child 1: Autumn has gotten our feet wet on the path.
Picked up the leaves
Spun in a dance. 2 child: Outside the window the breeze is having fun -
Either he will jump, or he will hide.
And the leaves run along the path,
Like yellow mice from a cat. Song “Golden Leaves” by G. Vikhareva (after the song, children take leaves from under the tree and prepare for the exercise)
“Autumn exercise with leaves” by M. Krasev (children put leaves under the tree and sit on chairs)
Music sounds (CD Happy Baby - voices of nature), Autumn enters the hall in a golden kokoshnik, sundress, dances, greets the children: Autumn: I bring the harvests, sowing the fields again,
I send the birds south, I strip the trees.
But I don’t touch pine trees and fir trees. I am Autumn.

Autumn dances, arranges a “leaf fall” (rings made of light cardboard, painted to look like clouds, are attached to the ceiling, a large number of autumn leaves made of light paper are laid out on them so that they swirl and fall beautifully), invites children to collect the leaves and play with them.

Game "Collect leaves" L. Starchenko

Song “Leaf, yellow, red leaf...” by G. VikharevoyAutumn: Here, guys, accept everything that the forest is rich in.
Everything I collected, everything I stored in the summer.
And the bunnies worked in the garden and helped me. Playing with tools. (disc by T. Suvorova “Dance, baby-2” - 13 tr.) Autumn: For our cabbage to grow, we need rain. Child 1: Rain, rain, even more in the flowering meadows.
Rain, rain, pour all day long on the oats and barley. Child 2: Let the green wheat spike quickly.
Rain, rain, water - there will be a loaf of bread,
There will be rolls, there will be dried bread, there will be delicious cheesecakes. The song “About a Cloud” by G. Vikhareva (Autumn, like a cloud with rain, drives the children to their places) Autumn: Let’s see now, guys, what has grown in the garden?
A lot of dresses, a lot of crunch, what's her name?... - Cabbage!
A yellow side, a round side, a bun sitting on a bed,
Rooted firmly to the ground. What is this?... - Turnip!
The red spine is hidden, only the top is visible from above.
And if you pick it up deftly, you’ll have……..a carrot in your hands!
One summer a house grew under a leaf in the garden.
We took it from the ground and brought it home to us.
Not a hut or a palace, but a green one... Cucumber! Game “Get ready, people, we’ll go to the garden...” Starchenko L. Autumn: Now let’s see what kind of cabbage we’ve grown.
The tanned tomato started a conversation with the cabbage. Tomato: How white you are, completely untanned! Cabbage: Try to sunbathe if there are forty-five dresses.
While I’m taking off my dress, the sun will set. Autumn: What a wonderful cabbage the bunnies grew! Now I’ll reward them for their good work and give them an autumn bouquet! (Autumn gives the bunny an autumn bouquet) Autumn: The bunny runs along the path, rejoicing. Suddenly he sees mice dancing in the clearing!

Dance "Palms" (girls) (disc "Dance, baby-2" tr.6)

Autumn: The hare liked the way the mice danced, and he gave his bouquet to the smallest mouse. The mouse ran further with the bouquet, rejoicing, singing, and met a hedgehog in the forest. Child: The hedgehog is curled up into a ball, you can’t turn it around for anything.
This is a gray bun - it has a prickly side. Dance with handkerchiefs (handkerchiefs for girls) (r.n.mel.) Autumn: The mouse liked the dance, and she gave her bouquet to the hedgehog. Hedgehog: Is this for me? Mouse: For you! Hedgehog: A for what? Mouse: Just like that! Autumn: The hedgehog thanked the mouse and began to play with it.

Game "Cheerful Bunnies" by A. BureninaAutumn: And here are the bears and their mother playing in a forest clearing. Only one bear cub is not dancing. He is afraid of losing the basket of mushrooms. He sits and sulks. The hedgehog decided to please him, and gave the bear a bouquet. Bear: Is this for me? Hedgehog: For you! Bear: Why? Hedgehog: Just like that! Bear: Well, okay! Thank you! Autumn: Mishka decided to get home quickly, but he came across busy squirrels. Game with a tumbler. (Russian folk melody) (to the lullaby melody, the children sit in a circle, closing their eyes and putting their palm under their cheek, the driver walks behind the children and places a large tumbler for someone. A dance song sounds, the children get up and turn around to see who has toy. A child with a toy goes to the center of the circle and dances, performing familiar movements, the children clap. A lullaby sounds again, everyone crouches, the child again walks behind the children and chooses who to put the toy to, etc.) Autumn: It’s a pity to give a bear a bouquet for the squirrels, he began to back away, but he himself ran into the squirrel, and immediately hid the basket behind his back. Squirrel: Is this all for me? Bear: For you! (gives a bouquet) Squirrel: And for what? Bear: Just like that! Squirrel: Thank you very much! Bear ((holding out a basket): Here, take some mushrooms! Squirrel: Thank you! Autumn: Oh yes, bear, how generous he has become! Not at all greedy! Let's all start a round dance together near the birch tree! Let's enjoy the warm autumn sun!

Round dance "At the birch tree" by G. Vikhareva

Autumn praises the children, gives them a large basket of fruit, says goodbye and leaves.

Scenario for an autumn matinee for the middle group.



Autumn leaves - for every child; vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes) and four baskets - for playing; musical instruments (tambourines, rattles, wooden sticks) - for each child; autumn bouquet; teddy bear basket with berries; fruit basket.


Adults: Autumn , Leading

Children: Bunny, Teddy Bear, Hedgehog, Mouse, bear cubs, squirrels .



The brushes of the rowan trees glowed brightly,

The aspen dresses became gold.

The sun blushes the groves and forests,

1st child

Outside the window the breeze is having fun -

Either he will jump, or he will hide.

2nd child

And the leaves run along the path,

Like yellow mice from a cat.

Dance with leaves.

Game “Assemble a wreath of leaves” (oak, maple, birch)


In a golden sundress

And in a kokoshnik made of leaves

The girl is coming to visit us.

Who is she, guys?.....(Autumn)

Autumn enters the hall.


Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

We haven't seen each other for a whole year,

After summer it’s my turn.

Are you happy to meet me?

Do you like the forest outfit?

Autumn gardens and parks?


Yes! Your gifts are good!

The trees are all on an autumn day

So beautiful!

Let's sing a song

About golden leaves!


Will you sing a song now?

Well, I will listen to you!

Song about autumn.


Thank you, dear singers,

I praise you, you are great!


Here you go guys

Everything that I have in the forest is rich,

Everything I collected

Everything I stored in the summer.

(Autumn shows a basket with forest gifts (berries, mushrooms, leaves)

Autumn: In the fall everyone harvests. I would like to introduce you to a bunny who grew vegetables in his garden. Here he is. Meet me.

(bunny jumps)

Hello, bunny! What did you grow in your garden?

Hare: Hello! I will not only tell you, but also show you. Everyone get up in a round dance!

Round dance with a bunny “We plowed the garden”

Autumn: For a good harvest to grow, you need rain.

1st child

Rain, rain, more

Through flowering meadows.

Rain, rain, rain all day

For oats and barley

2nd child

Let the green wheat

It will start to sprout soon.

3rd child

Rain, rain, water -

There will be a loaf of bread,

There will be rolls, there will be baked goods,

There will be delicious cheesecakes.

(Russian folk chant)

Song about the rain(optionally)


Let's see now, guys.

What grew in the garden?

Lots of dresses, lots of crunch.

What is her name?.. (Cabbage.)

Yellow side, round side,

Gingerbread man sits on the garden bed,

Rooted firmly to the ground.

What is this?.. (Turnip.)

The red spine is hidden,

Only the top is visible from above.

And you will pick it up cleverly -

And in your hands... (carrot).

One day in the summer under a leaf

A house grew in the garden.

We took it from the ground

And they brought it home to us.

Not a hut or a palace,

And green... (cucumber).

Let's dance with the bunny and see what else he has grown in his garden.

Round dance “Ogorodnaya - round dance” by B. Mozhzhevelova

Presenter : This is how many vegetables the bunny collected in his garden. Let's help him sort them out.

Game "Harvest"

Four children participate: the 1st collects carrots, the 2nd collects potatoes, the 3rd collects tomatoes, the 4th collects cucumbers. The number of vegetables should be the same. The first participant to collect his vegetables in the basket wins.

Autumn. Well done, bunny! Grew a good harvest! For good work, I will reward you and give you an autumn bouquet!

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Just like that”(based on the cartoon)

Autumn gives the bunny an autumn bouquet.

Autumn. A bunny runs along the path, rejoicing. Suddenly he sees mice in the clearing getting naughty.

Russian folk melody “Like ours at the gate”

The "mice" children play noise instruments.

Autumn. The hare liked how the mice played in the orchestra, and he gave his autumn bouquet to the smallest mouse. The mouse ran further with the bouquet and met a hedgehog in the forest.


The hedgehog curled up into a bun,

There's no way you'll turn it around.

This is a gray bun -

He has a prickly side.

Song "Hedgehog" F. Leshchinskaya

Autumn. The mouse liked the song and gave her autumn bouquet to the hedgehog.

Hedgehog. That's for me?

Mouse. You!

Hedgehog. For what?

Mouse. Just.

Autumn. The hedgehog thanked the mouse for the gift and began to play with it.

Game "Hedgehog and Mice"

Autumn. And here are the bears and their mother bear playing in a forest clearing.

Dramatization of the song “Dance of the Little Bears with Spoons”

Autumn. Only one bear cub is not dancing. He is afraid of losing the basket of raspberries. He sits and sulks. The hedgehog decided to please him and gave the bear a bouquet.

Bear. That's for me?

Hedgehog. You.

Bear. For what?

Hedgehog. Just.

Bear. OK! Thank you!

Autumn. The bear decided to get home quickly, but he came across busy squirrels.

"Dance of the Squirrels"

Autumn. It’s a pity for the bear to give a bouquet to the squirrels. He began to back away and bumped into the squirrel himself, and immediately hid the basket behind his back.

Squirrel. It's all for me?

bear (holds out a bouquet). You!

Squirrel. For what?

Bear. Just!

Squirrel. Thank you very much!

bear (holds out the basket). Here, take some raspberries.

Squirrel. Thank you!

Autumn. Oh yes, Mishka, how generous he has become! Well done! Not greedy at all!

And I also prepared a treat for all the guys.

Well, it's time for me to hurry,

I'll tell you goodbye -

Don't worry, kids.

Grow up! Goodbye!

Autumn treats the children to fruit, says goodbye and leaves.

Scenario for the autumn holiday in the preparatory group

"Gold autumn"
Target: Create a festive mood and emotional upsurge in children.

1. Strengthen children’s ideas about autumn natural phenomena through their expressive performance of songs, dances, poems, dramatizations, and games.
2. Teach children to expressively perform songs and dances, move and play with the attributes “umbrella”, “leaves”, “acorns”, etc., without causing harm to themselves and others;
1. Develop children's musical and creative abilities.
2. Develop cognitive processes.
1. Foster love for one’s native land and respect for nature;
2. Develop children’s behavior skills at the event.
Preliminary work.
Examining reproductions from autumn landscapes.
Observation of autumn nature.
Reading stories, fairy tales, poems and riddles about autumn.
Conversations with children.
Drawing in different ways.
Listening to music on a topic autumn.
Materials and equipment: autumn leaves, replicas of vegetables, a bucket of acorns, a basket of vegetables, a basket of apples, a laptop, song records, umbrellas,
Progress of the holiday.
(Classical music plays.)
1. Presenter.

Hello, dear guests!
Today in our hall we have gathered you, friends,
So that children's laughter would ring on our autumn holiday,
So that friendship does not end, so that music sounds,
So that there are enough songs and dances for everyone.
2. Presenter. The rowan brushes are already burning with fire,
And the leaves on the birch trees turned yellow,
And the singing of birds is no longer heard at all,
And Autumn comes to us quietly...
(To the music, children enter the hall like a snake and stand in a semicircle in front of the audience.)

Child. We cannot live in the world without miracles,
They meet us everywhere.
Magic, autumn and fairytale forest
He invites us to visit him.
The wind will spin to the song of the rain,
He will throw leaves at our feet.
It's such a beautiful time:
Miracle Autumn has come to us again.
Song “Autumn is coming to visit us”Words and music:E. Gomonova
(after singing the song, children sit on chairs)
1. Presenter.
The call signs sounded
It's time for us to open the holiday,
But someone is missing -
We need to invite Autumn.
(The rustling of leaves sounds.)
2. Presenter.

Oh, guys, hush, hush!
I hear something strange:
Someone is in a hurry to visit us,
And it seems to rustle.
Whoever it is, come in
Have fun guys!
(Music sounds, Shurshiki enters)
Autumn sent us to you,
She asked me to deliver
Riddles, gifts and soon
Hopes to be here herself.
1. Presenter.
We see a basket with gifts.
And who are you yourself?
Believe me, we won't hurt you.
What is your name, dear guest?
Shurshiki(together): We are sh-sh-shur-sh-sh-chic!
On the strongest oak branch
I was sitting in a tight stomach.
The time has come and I'm from there
It flew onto a pile of leaves.
I rushed through the autumn foliage,
And every leaf rustled to me,
And the old oak tree laughed until he cried
And he called me a rustler.
2. Presenter.
Do you know, rustle, what Autumn sent in this basket?
The riddles there are not simple,
There are mysteries there, as if they were alive.
1.I am the only one in the world
Not just boiled, but in its uniform. (Potato)

2.Red Pan,
He fell into a hole. (Beet)

3. Round face, white face,
Likes to drink plenty of water,
She has leaves with a crunch,
And her name is.. (cabbage).

4. Fluffy and green tail
It grew proudly in the garden bed.
Vanya grabbed it deftly:
-Come out into the light..(carrot)

5. They plucked the golden feathers from Yegorushka,
They made Yegorushka cry without grief. (Onion)

6. Into a golden ball
The oak tree hid. (Acorn)

7.Both on the hill and under the hill,
Under the birch and under the fir tree
Round dances and in a row
Well done guys are wearing hats. (Mushrooms)

8. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)

Well done guys, you solved the riddles! And now I invite you to play with us.
Autumn has sent you a whole bucket of acorns, and now we will find out which of you is the most dexterous.
(Shurshik distributes acorns. Children stand in a circle. Shurshik is in the center of the circle.)
Game "Pick up an acorn"
Put the acorn on the floor
Show yourself dancing.
The music will stop playing,
You need to grab the acorn quickly,
Presenter after the game. Thank you, Shurshiki. You made us laugh.
2. Presenter. Autumn is a glorious time
Kids love autumn .
We are welcoming autumn ,
Let's sing a song.
SONG« We are waiting for autumn » , music and lyrics by S. Nasaulenko.
(after the song the children sit on chairs)
1. Presenter. You sang and played well
All the riddles have been solved
And somehow Autumn is not coming -
Apparently he won’t find the way.
--Where Autumn is golden?
Here's a riddle, here's a secret
We're singing songs here,
And she’s still not there.
Let's call her.
Let's all say the words together:
Where are you Autumn? Answer me! Where are you Autumn? Show up!
(Quiet music sounds, Autumn and her brothers enter.)
Hello guys!
Everyone calls me - Golden Autumn ,
I walked through fields and forests.
Congratulations to everyone on the autumn holiday !
How good, how fun we all are.
Do you like that Autumn is coming to you?
And pleases with its beauty?
Yellow outfits for forests and groves
I bring it with me carefully.
2. Presenter.
Come on in, come on in, Autumn!
Be our guest, we are very glad to see you!
The guest gave Autumn
Fruit harvests,
drizzling rains,
A body of forest mushrooms !
So let's praise Autumn
Song, dance and games!
The meetings will be joyful,
Autumn , this is your holiday !
I came to visit not alone, but with my brothers.
And now you’ll understand what the name is.
Cobwebs flew
Indian summer has arrived,
Tell me guys
What month has it come to you?
Our Queen, Autumn,
We will ask you together:
Tell your children your secret,
Who is your second servant?
Rain turns to snow,
The wind is blowing outside the window,
Sadness is in the air,
What is the name of the month?
They say about me: “In September, one berry is a rowan, and even that is bitter.”
October. They call me dirty. People say about me: “October loves neither wheels nor runners.”
November. And they say about me like this: “In November, winter fights with autumn,”
“November is capricious: sometimes it cries, sometimes it laughs.”
Autumn. I'm always happy for a holiday,
Come to your kindergarten.
I love to have fun
Play with the kids.
Game "Autumn"(We listen to poetry and perform various movements.)
Leaves are falling and flying.
Real leaf fall! (We wave our hands in front of us and to the sides.)
The leaves are spinning in the wind. (We are spinning in place.)
Leaves fall on the grass. (We squat and stand up.)
The wind plays with the leaves -
Raises, lowers. (We raise and lower our hands.)
A cloud is flying in,
Waters the leaves. (Shaking our hands.)
We won't be discouraged
Let's go for a walk anyway!
(We walk in place.)
Autumn. Well done.
1. Presenter. Everyone sees autumn in their own way. Look, Autumn, at these drawings. (Slide show)
Which one do you like best?
(An exhibition of children's drawings on an autumn theme. Autumn awards the authors of the best works.)
2. Presenter.
Thank you, Autumn that you are with us now.
Children love it very much autumn holiday and now they will read the poems,

Children read poetry.
Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors,
I quietly ran a brush across the foliage:
The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples glowed,
In autumn purple only green oak.
Autumn consoles:
- Don't regret the summer!
Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

When the branches cry.
The clouds are spinning
Gathering in flocks,
The road runs into the distance
Wet, empty,
And the leaves turn yellow
In a dark alley.
The sky is getting darker
And she is lighter.
What are the leaves whispering there?
Let's come and ask.
Leaves answer:
But the time comes
The yellow leaves are falling,
The paths are paved
Precious silk
Clouds are rolling down from the mountains,
The birds are hidden somewhere
The branches are getting stronger
They're crying
They're crying
They're crying...

Who said, that autumn -
Sad time?
Joyfully through the puddles
The kids are jumping.
yellow leaves
They are circling in the air.
Rain on the glass
They knock merrily
And they sang songs
There are cranes in the sky.
Shoals to the south
They are reaching out.
Who said, that autumn -
Sad time?
How many bright colors
She gives it to us!
1. Presenter.
Autumn is harvest time. But before you remove it, you need to
work hard.
2. Presenter: The people made up proverbs and sayings about this.
And now the children will be happy to tell them.
. What goes around comes around.
. Patience and a little effort.
. If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.
. Business before pleasure.
. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.
. The bee is small, but it still works.
. Not everyone sows bread, but everyone eats it.
. Put off idleness, but don’t put off doing things!
. Finished the job - go for a walk!
Autumn: Well done guys, you know a lot of proverbs and sayings about work.
Would you like to work?
The game is being played: "Transport the harvest from the field"
Staging "Vegetable Dispute"

Leading.Recently we heard a dispute between vegetables.
Our harvest is good
Born densely:
And carrots and potatoes,
White cabbage.
Blue eggplants
Red tomato
They start a long argument.
(Children come out playing the roles of vegetables.)
1. Presenter.

Which one of you, from vegetables,
Both tastier and more useful?
Who do we need when we are sick?
Will everyone be more useful?
2. Presenter.
The peas popped out
What a braggart!
Polka dots.
I'm so pretty
Little green boy!
If only I want
I'll treat everyone to peas!
1. Presenter.
Blushing with insult,
The beets grumbled...
Beets (important).
Let me say a word,
Listen first!
You need beets for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself -
There is no better beetroot!
Cabbage (interrupting).
You beetroot, shut up!
Cabbage soup is made from cabbage.
And how delicious
Cabbage pies!
Bunnies are tricksters
They love stalks.
I'll treat the kids
Sweet stump!
Cucumber (cheerfully).
You will be very pleased
eating a lightly salted cucumber.
And a fresh cucumber
Everyone will like it, of course!
2. Presenter.
There's a tomato pouting here
And he said sternly...
Don't talk, cucumber, nonsense,
Shut up a little.
The most delicious and pleasant
Of course, tomato juice!
Potatoes (modestly)
I, potato, am so modest -
Didn't say a word...
But you need potatoes
Both big and small!
1. Presenter.
To be beautiful, strong,
gotta love vegetables
All, without exception,
There is no doubt about it!
Each has its own benefit and taste,
And I don’t dare decide
Which one of you tastes better?
Which one of you is more needed?
Leading. All vegetables are healthy.
Game "Pick up the vegetables"
The task is to, blindfolded, sort vegetables (potatoes, apples and tomatoes) and put them in baskets.
The guys dance to fast music. There are (malyazhi) vegetables on the floor (one less than the participants). When the music stops, everyone takes one vegetable from the floor. The one who is left without a vegetable leaves the game. The game continues until the last participant remains.
Autumn. Well done! Now answer in unison.
Game "Say the word."
1. The bare branches are knocking,
Black jackdaws scream
Rarely shine through the clouds,
Autumn has come).
2. The ice cube will crunch thinly,
The bird will scream loudly,
As if he will ask for food,
Autumn has come)
3. The black nests are empty,
The bushes have become smaller.
The wind carries leaves,
Autumn has come).
Song about Autumn.
Leading. Somehow the guests became sad,
Apparently they wanted to dance.
Don't keep your noses down -
A little surprise for you.
The wind just blew
I did a lot of things at once:
Dispersed the clouds in the sky,
I tore the leaves from the tree,
Spun them high
Scattered them far away.
We will collect leaves
Let's go dance with them!
Dance with leaves.

How beautiful autumn can be ,
Let's remember its fall of leaves.
Autumn bunches of rowan
Fire burns bright red
Autumn. Leaves are flying in the wind,
This means leaf fall,
They fly around, they fly away,
They don't want to come back!
We'll take one leaf at a time,
We'll start playing with them
A game"Pick up a bouquet of autumn leaves »
Autumn scatters leaves around the hall, children collect a bouquet)
, you are a beautiful time of year, cheerful, fertile and fruitful.
The guys have prepared a gift for you.
Without a beautiful dance
The holiday is not bright
Accept it Autumn,
Our dance as a gift
"Dance with Umbrellas"
(All the children are dancing.)
Autumn, we thank you for the rich harvest, for the bright colors, for such a wonderful time of year.
Thank you guys, you made me happy.
You sang and played,
And they read poetry to me.
And for this - respect,
Have a treat!
I grew apples in the garden for you, kids.
I give you these apples and thank you for everything:
(autumn distributes apples)
Well, I say goodbye to you,
In the forest autumn I'm coming back!

Leading. Let's say, children, autumn - thank you!
Children: Thank you!
Autumn: Goodbye friends! Until next year!
(to the music " Autumn song"P. I. Tchaikovsky leaves the hall)
The autumn holiday came to every home ,
Because autumn is walking outside the window .
Autumn holiday came to kindergarten ,
To please both adults and children!
The holiday is over and it's time to say goodbye
But we don’t have to part for long.
We will be glad to see you and meet again at our holiday.

Margarita Samsonova

« Autumn bouquet» . Autumn holiday scenario for middle school children:

« Autumn bouquet» . Scenario of an autumn holiday for children of the middle group:

Children enter the hall.

Leading: That's Autumn, birds again

They are in a hurry to fly to a warm land,

And again autumn holiday

Comes to our kindergarten!

Child 1: Autumn golden walks along the paths

She has red boots on her feet.

Child 2: Cranes are flying south,

Hello hello, autumn!

Child 3: Come to our holiday -

We really, really ask!

Leading: Yes, it’s so beautiful in the hall today

We we celebrate the autumn holiday

Swing with golden leaves

A song about let's sing autumn.


words and music by N. Bobkova

Leading: Yes guys in autumn the leaves are falling off the trees, the birds are flying away...

Loud sounds coming from behind the screen “Kar-kar-kar!”

Leading: Oh, it seems that not all the birds have flown away, do you hear?

What kind of bird is still singing songs?

Guess what kind of bird

And not a dove, not a tit,

It's important to walk around the yard,

She scares the sparrows

She is so wise, cunning,

Kar-kar-kar! - screams in the morning.

Crow caws (behind the screen)

Children: Crow!

Leading: Well, of course, it’s her - Crow - Crow - a little black feather flying to visit us. Let's sit quietly and watch her.

A Crow appears on the screen

Crow: Karrr! Carr! Aaaapchhi!

Leading: Be healthy, Voronushka!

Crow: Oh, who is it here?

Leading: This is us, adults and kids,

They came to the music room,

To have fun playing

On a visit autumn awaits!

Crow: Autumn? What's good about it? In this very autumn?

When autumn is coming,

The wind howls loudly.

It's been raining since morning

It's time for the birds to go on their long journey. (Sneezes)

So as not to catch a cold at all,

Many forest birds

They fly to warmer regions.

Oh, I wish I could go with them!

But crows - everyone knows -

They don't fly anywhere...

Leading: So you, Voronushka, rain you're afraid of autumn?

Crow: Of course I'm afraid! Aren't you afraid of getting wet in the rain?

Leading: Guys, are you afraid of rain?

Children: No!

The sound of rain is heard (phonogram)

Crow: Well, we just remembered about the rain, and it’s right there. Look how it's pouring!

What should I do now - get wet in the rain? It won't take long to get sick! Kar-kar!

Leading: Don’t grumble, Voronushka, you won’t catch a cold. And you won't get wet.

At the festival, a magical one will save us from the rain...

Crow: Ball!

Leading: No! Listen to the riddle and guess -

What a bright painted

Has a circle opened up above me?

If you go for a walk in the rain,

Don't forget to take it.

Well, did you guess it?

Crow: Guys, help me quickly, what is this?

Children: Umbrella!

Leading: That's right, it's an umbrella! Autumn the signs are clear and simple

Magic umbrellas walk along the streets.

And now the guys and I will take a walk and play with these umbrellas! And we are not afraid of any rain!

2. ONGOING "GAME WITH UMBRELLA", music etc. A. Bobrova

Leading: You see, Voronushka,

We are not afraid of rain,

If our umbrella opened.

Crow: Oh, what a pity that I don’t have an umbrella.

Leading: Children, let's give Voronushka this beautiful umbrella so that she doesn't get wet in the rain.

Crow: Thanks guys!

I’ll fly and show my girlfriends the umbrella.

Goodbye, guys! (flies away)

Leading: Guys, it seems to me that our umbrella is not quite ordinary, but

magic…. Let's check it out!

Umbrella, umbrella, spin, Autumn come visit us!

Included Autumn

Autumn: Hello children. I am very glad to meet you.

Do you like it when I come? I bring beauty everywhere.

My autumn rain?

Leading: No! This wonderful umbrella saved us!

Autumn: It’s very good that you found my magic umbrella!

Although I have a lot of worries,

And I love to work

But with friends - kids

I'll dance and sing.

There are painted leaves in my basket,

Yellow and red, all so different.

Take the leaves now

Spin with them.


2 each autumn twigs for girls

Leading: Guys, this is it Autumn prepared an umbrella for us to make our holiday so interesting! Thank you, Autumn!

Autumn: Did you learn the song for me?

Leading: Of course of course!

We have prepared a song for you!


Autumn: What a wonderful song!

Leading: And we also learned poetry!

Autumn takes an umbrella

Autumn: Who will stand under the magic umbrella,

He will speak in poetry like a poet!

Want to try?

Children: Yes!

Leading: I invite you under the umbrella...

Poems are read by children under the Umbrella, one at a time.

Child 1: Again autumn outside the window,

The rain is falling like peas,

The leaves are falling, rustling,

How autumn is good!

Child 2: The cold rain pours and pours,

Doesn't let us go for a walk.

The road called the birds

This autumn has come to us.

Child 3: Autumn is dressed up brightly

And she came to us for the holiday,

AND autumn gifts

I brought it to all the kids.

Child 4: You are so Beautiful, Autumn,

Dressed in gold!

Red, yellow leaf

Flying outside the window.

Leading: What a wonderful umbrella, isn't it, guys?

Autumn: Here, guys, accept everything that I have in the forest.

Everything I collected, everything I stored in the summer.

And the bunnies worked in the garden and helped me.

You bunnies, come out,

Show us your dance.

5. PERFORMED “IN THE GLADE THE BUNNY DANCED”, words L. V. Kirillova, performed by Y. Seliverstova

Autumn: What a wonderful carrot the bunnies grew! I will now reward them for their work, I'll give you an autumn bouquet.

Fairy tale dramatization"Just"

(based on the cartoon)

Autumn gives the bunny an autumn bouquet.

Leading: A bunny runs along the path, rejoicing.

The bunny runs with bouquet in a circle.

Suddenly he sees mice in the clearing getting naughty.

6. PERFORMED BY ORCHESTRA "MICE", music G. F. Vikhareva,

Elena's backing track (VaLeRi) with musical instruments

Leading: The hare liked how the mice played in the orchestra, and he gave his autumn bouquet the smallest mouse. The mouse ran with bouquet further

To the music of Mouse with runs in circles like a bouquet.

And I met a hedgehog in the forest.

Mouse: The hedgehog curled up into a bun,

There's no way you'll turn it around.

This is a gray bun -

He has a prickly side. A. Blinov

Hedgehog comes out.

7. PERFORMED "THE HEDGEHOG SONG", music etc. S. Nasaulenko

Leading: The mouse liked the song and gave it her autumn bouquet for a hedgehog.

Hedgehog: That's for me?

Mouse: You!

Hedgehog: For what?

Mouse: Just.

Leading: The hedgehog thanked the mouse for the gift and began to play with it. Guys, come out and help the Mouse and the Hedgehog play.


Leading: And here are the cubs playing in the forest clearing.


Leading: Only one bear cub does not dance. He is afraid of losing the basket of raspberries. He sits and sulks. The hedgehog decided to please him and gave it to the bear bouquet.

bear: That's for me?

Hedgehog: You.

bear: For what?

Hedgehog: Just.

bear: OK! Thank you!

Leading: The bear decided to get home quickly...

The little bear comes with bouquet in a circle.

Yes, he came across busy squirrels.


Leading: It’s a pity to give it to the bear bouquet for squirrels. He began to back away and bumped into the squirrel himself, and immediately hid the basket behind his back.

Squirrel: It's all for me?

bear (holds out bouquet) . You!

Squirrel: For what?

bear: Just!

Squirrel: Thank you very much!

bear (holds out the basket): Here, take some raspberries.

Squirrel: Thank you!

Leading: Oh yes, Mishka, how generous he has become! Well done! Not greedy at all!

Leading: You guys come out and do a friendly dance.


Autumn: We played, had fun,

But they completely forgot

That everyone in the forest is waiting for me.

It's time for me to go to the animals and birds.

And that's why I'm parting with you for a while,

I'll be back here in a year.

And these are gifts from me to you.

Gift distribution Autumn. Photographs are taken for memory.


"Autumn Bouquet"

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

    Autumn leaves are crying outside the window and dancing in circles

your favorite ball is forgotten on the bench by the goal.

2 He was offended by my little red-sided friend

And dreams of jumping onto the track again

3.And I look at the rain while pressing my nose to the glass

Autumn-crybaby sheds tears for the departed warmth

4. The brushes of the mountain ash trees glowed brightly, and the dresses of the aspens became golden.

The sun is blushing the groves and forests and our voices are ringing everywhere

5. Outside the window the breeze is having fun, it will jump, or it will hide

And the leaves run along the path like yellow mice from a cat



Autumn: I bring the harvests of the field again sowing,

I send the birds south, I strip the trees

But I don’t touch pine trees and fir trees... I am Autumn

THE SONG “Yellow rug under your feet...” is being performed.

Autumn: Take it guys, I’m rich in everything in the forest,

Everything I collected, everything I stored in the summer

“Garden Round Dance” IS PERFORMED

Children take their seats

Autumn: For our cabbage to grow well, we need rain

1. Rain, more rain in the flowering meadows

Rain, rain all day long on the oats and barley

Let the green wheat sprout quickly

2. Rain, rain, water the loaf of bread

There will be rolls, there will be baked goods, there will be delicious cheesecakes


Autumn: Now, guys, let's see what has grown in the garden bed.

Lots of dresses, lots of crunch, what's her name...Cabbage

The red spine is hidden, only the top is visible

And you can pick it up deftly and in your hands... Carrot

One summer, a house grew under a leaf in the garden.

We took it from the ground and brought it home to us

Not a hut or a palace, but a green one... Cucumber

THE GAME “Harvest” is being played (team)

The poem is being staged

Autumn: A tanned tomato started a conversation with cabbage

Tomato: How white you are, not tanned at all

Cabbage: Try to tan when there are 45 dresses

While I'm taking off my dress, the sun will set

Autumn: This is the kind of cabbage the bunnies grew. Now I will reward them for excellent work and give them an autumn bouquet (Autumn gives a bouquet to the Bunny)

Autumn: The Bunny ran along the path, suddenly he saw his friends Bunnies frolicking at the edge of the forest


(Children of the Bunnies play at the DMI, at the end the child Hedgehog comes out to them and dances around them. The Babies sit down, the Hedgehog remains in the middle of the hall)

Hedgehog: The hedgehog is curled up into a ball, you’ll never be able to tell

This is a gray bun with a prickly side

Children become a semicircle


Autumn: The Bunny liked the song and gave an autumn bouquet to the Hedgehog

Hedgehog: Is this for me?

Bunny: For you!

Hedgehog: And for what?

Bunny: Just like that

Hedgehog: Well, thank you!

Autumn: Hedgehog Bunny thanked him for the gift and wanted to play with the guys.

THE GAME “Hedgehog and Children” is being HELD

Autumn: The Hedgehog walked through the forest and met the Little Bear.

Hedgehog: Bear, why are you sad? Do you want to dance with us and immediately cheer up?

(The hedgehog sits down)


(All dancers take their seats, in the middle of the hall are Hedgehog and Bear)

Autumn: The Hedgehog decided to give a bouquet to Mishka.

Bear: Is this for me?

Hedgehog: To you

Bear: And for what?

Hedgehog: Just like that

Bear: Thank you.

THE SONG “Autumn put on a sundress is PERFORMED...”

Autumn: Mishka decided to take the bouquet home as quickly as possible, but the naughty Squirrels came towards him.

(The bear sits down)


Autumn: Bear decided to be generous and give a bouquet to the Squirrels

Squirrel: Is this all for us?

Bear (holds out the basket) to you

Squirrel: And for what?

Bear: Just like that.

Squirrel: Thank you very much, let’s all dance together.



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