What to prepare for your child to eat. How and what to feed a child? Simple and delicious recipes

According to science, dinner should make up 20% of the daily diet. But children, especially small children, change their daily routine in their own way. Their life is filled with events: educational toys, games, learning “like adults” in kindergartens and development schools, and just a buzzing world around them. TV (and some were put on a computer from the cradle), fantasies bursting with a fragile but no longer sufficiently developed brain, observations, accumulated emotions... More and more often it is impossible to calm a child down in the evenings. More and more children are having trouble sleeping at night. The most accessible way for a child to get quick positive sensations is food. Babies “hang” on their chests, older children wake up at night: either kefir or water... and mothers again rack their brains: what to feed them more fillingly in the evening so that they can sleep soundly?..

Dinner should be light. This fact does not depend on the age of the child, but it depends on the individual routine and the amount of food that enters the body during the day. If the child goes to bed late (after 22-23.00), he should have dinner at 19.30-20.00 - and a second dinner in the form of a glass of milk or kefir at night is advisable. Children receiving breast milk or formula do not count, everything is fine with evening and night food, it is correct and easily digestible. In general, dinner at 20.00 is considered ideal for any person. If the child goes to bed at 21.00, dinner is shifted to 19.00 (plus or minus half an hour). And at night he can also drink kefir, bifidok or milk, this ritual prolongs the feeling of fullness and calms him down.

Night hunger: do you need a hearty dinner?

Many parents are concerned when their child wakes up several times during the night and asks to eat. Scientists have long found out that the feeling of hunger, which illogically (provided there is sufficient nutrition) torments us throughout the day and even at night, is actually a feeling of thirst. A person wants to drink, not eat. Our body gives signals: we need water. To dissolve and expel street toxins, tone yourself. Even an adult confuses thirst with hunger and grabs another piece instead of a glass of water. A child may also want to drink at night; for most children this is normal and is not associated with any abnormalities. But some children unconsciously transform the desire to “drink” into “eat.” Parents are people too, they want to rest at night, so they have to fight with constant night jumps and demands. But many children really need to drink water or kefir at night; this simple action is better to do than to deal with the consequences of weaning. Repeated requests (2-4 times a night) signal that the reason is not food or drink at all.

Everyone is familiar with the old grandmother's remedy: in order for the child to sleep soundly, he needs to be fed more thoroughly at night. In this case, the parents will get peace of mind, but not the child. His body will not rest; it will be busy digesting food. Often such excesses - semolina porridge or meat dishes at night - lead to gastrointestinal diseases. Drowsiness after eating is natural, but severe drowsiness caused by stomach “cementation” is not good for anyone. Yogis call this state “tamasic” - some food causes a state of “tamas”: lethargy, laziness, contamination with toxins. There are dozens of reasons why a child often wakes up at night, and hunger is just one of many. Without removing the main cause, feeding meat at night is pointless - one link will pull another, and the chain of problems will sooner or later close. Restless sleep is associated with a lack of attention (getting attention from parents whom the child has not seen most of the day), unconscious fear (something happened during the day, it caught your attention, haunts you), disturbed microclimate (dry air, heat, stuffiness), impaired breathing (slight nasal congestion). In all these cases, the child is free to wake up and demand something to drink and eat, in fact wanting to eliminate the real problem, without being able to formulate it, understand it, or calculate it on his own.

What is a hearty and light dinner? "Density" criterion

If you look closely at the recipes for breakfast, afternoon snack and dinner, you will notice that they are very similar in many ways. Variations of products, combinations of cottage cheese, fruits and cereal dishes, light soups and casseroles - all this is equally suitable for breakfast, afternoon snack and dinner.

Children's dinner includes products that the child did not eat during the day.
If there was a shortage of cottage cheese and fruits, we give cottage cheese and fruits. If the food was basically useless, then you need vegetables, salads, and cereals. Kindergarten children do not have enough “live” fermented milk products, egg dishes, almost all kindergarten food is thermally processed, so in the evening you can unload the stomach without offering it anything boiled or baked (eggs, raw vegetables, salads, yoghurts, cottage cheese). Well, if there was no dinner in the kindergarten, then we have dinner at home like adults.

They often ask: is it harmful to feed porridge for dinner, is it too heavy food. Look at the child! The child will always give a signal which food is preferable for him. If sleep is restless, the child cannot fall asleep for a long time, try experimenting with dinner. Porridge is a normal live food, it is better than sandwiches, convenience foods, cereals, cookies, and so on. Porridge can be harmful if a particular child does not digest it for some reason. In other cases, porridge may not be harmful. We found something to worry about - thousands of parents don’t know how to push anything into their child, while others are worried about the porridge - heavy, not heavy... normal! But if you still have doubts about the need for evening porridge, make it easier. Do not serve millet, semolina, or pearl barley porridge for dinner; if possible, do not use milk and sugar, replacing them with fruit puree, dried fruit, a spoonful of honey - or add milk mixture. “Light” porridge for the night is buckwheat, oatmeal and any “children’s” (powdered). Semolina porridge, among other stupefying properties, interferes with the absorption of vitamins and microelements accumulated during the day.

Even among pundits there is no agreement about food at night: what it should be, whether it is necessary, whether it is harmful. Some venerable nutritionists are of the following opinion: our body spends energy during the day and accumulates energy at night, food is fuel for accumulation, which means that eating at night is not forbidden. That is, the child can eat before bedtime - not at dinner, but right before going to bed. It happens. Some kids need it. It's OK. Children live by different laws than adults. If you find yourself in such a situation (when a child has dinner before bed), do not remember all the horrors of the world written by hardworking journalists about junk food at night. Everything requires an individual approach. The child sleeps well, he has no health problems, excess weight and excitability - this means that a plate of light porridge or omelet is not a problem that is worth attention and loss of nerve cells on both sides.

Also considered ideal dishes for dinner are:

  • Cottage cheese, cottage cheese dishes (casseroles, cheesecakes), cottage cheese with fruit.
  • Omelet, vegetables in an omelette, boiled eggs.
  • Vegetable mixtures, purees, stews, casseroles, cutlets and zrazy from vegetables, vegetables with rice, buckwheat. Raw vegetables.
  • Salads.
  • Fruits - bananas and green apples. Banana soothes, increases the feeling of satiety, and green apples are rich in “night” elements - calcium and iron, magnesium, potassium.
  • Baked fruits: apples, pears.
  • Any fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, bifidoc, acidophilus. Cheese.

Wrong dinner

The wrong dinner results from indulging the grasping reflexes of a child who does not know what to do with his energy and excitability after a busy day. This is especially true for “kindergarten” children; we discussed their dinner and the causes of “nervous hunger” here:

In the evening, an active child just as actively seeks the attention of adults, as if afraid of not being able to make it in time. He replaces the requests “stay with me” or “calm me down” with a demand for food that is more accessible to children’s understanding. He ate the first, the third, the tenth, begged for candy, the second, and still wants to eat, more... Be sure to ensure that your child does not stuff everything into himself, especially incompatible foods. Want to eat a lot? - Please, but only after breaks. I ate a plate of stew and read it. I drank yogurt, ate a banana and played. This is how we organize the evening “zhor” and help the child to competently understand his feelings.

Any child can learn one simple truth, if you don’t belittle his mental abilities in advance and don’t think “Oh my, never!” It is necessary to constantly convince the child that a hungry person will eat everything that is offered to him. Do you want to eat? - that means eat what they give you. A child demanding food often has a very specific cookie or hidden candy in mind. It kind of tests parental fortitude. The sooner you instill in your children the right attitude towards food, towards their own feelings, the sooner they will form their own food culture. Doesn't obey, runs away, throws a tantrum, cries? - anyway, repeat from time to time that a hungry person will eat what is offered, and sweet desserts and all kinds of sausages are not food for the hungry, but pampering for the well-fed. Of course, all this is not pronounced in the boring voice of an admirer of Leo Tolstoy, raising a finger over the curly head of a baby. In a positive, confident tone, carry your thought through the days and weeks - it will definitely be postponed.

Let’s not focus on the “harmful things”; each family has its own traditions on this matter, its own problems, its own worldview. You should not give chocolate rolls, sweets, ice cream, or hot sandwiches for dinner. Children are children, we love to pamper them, and no one has the right to blame parents for this. But still, for the sake of strengthening the immune system, for the sake of resistance to viruses and bacteria, for the sake of a healthy nervous system, you should gradually and in small ways change the quality of food, especially in the evening. In the evening and at night, the body gratefully accepts and digests clean food. At night it merges with space, and it would be nice not to spoil the feeling of flight and relaxation with food that spoils metabolism and specifically kills the “building blocks” of health (vitamins, microelements) received with daily food. Choose simpler sweets, avoid fried foods, cholesterol explosions in the form of melted cheese on bread, pasta and casseroles. In the evening, the child is not given meat dishes - the meat takes 4-6 hours to digest, and it does not bring any benefit. The exception is steamed fish, as well as canned meat for baby food; they are added in some quantities to dinner at any age. And, of course, it is extremely harmful to give a child sausages, sausages and other mixtures of chemicals and salts for dinner. Charlottes, pancakes and pancakes also cannot be called the right dish for dinner, but for variety they can be eaten in small quantities.

The most important thing is do not try to feed a hungry child in the evening if he is hungry only in your imagination. If he doesn’t want to eat, he can’t sit him down at the table - make jelly, fruit juice or compote, give him a healthy drink and calm down yourself.

Dinner recipes (ages: 1.5-6 years)

Risotto “Highlight”

200 g cauliflower, 2 carrots, 1 cup rice, 4 tbsp. pitted prunes, 2 tbsp. raisins, 2 tbsp. butter.

Grate the carrots, sauté in oil, add a little water, simmer for 10 minutes. Scald the cauliflower and separate into florets. Pour 2 cups of hot water over the rice, add salt and add prunes and raisins previously soaked in water. Add vegetables and simmer risotto for 40 minutes over low heat. Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Carrot-apple soufflé

350 g carrots, 60 g sour cream or milk, 30 g semolina, 1 apple, ½ egg, ½ tbsp. sugar, 2 tsp. butter, salt (to taste).

Grate the peeled apple and carrots. Grind the egg yolk with sugar, beat the white into a fluffy foam. Combine the apple and carrots, add sour cream or milk, yolk with sugar, semolina, salt, carefully add the beaten egg white, mix. Place the mixture in a greased baking dish, bake in the oven or steam for 30-35 minutes.

Omelette "Africa"

600 g carrots, 400 g milk, 4 eggs, 4 tbsp. grated hard cheese, 2 tbsp. butter, 2 tbsp. flour, 2 tbsp. orange juice, salt.

Boil and grate the carrots. Beat eggs, add milk and flour, cheese and juice, add salt and combine with carrot puree. Pour the mixture into a frying pan and fry the omelette until cooked - or bake.

Broccoli and yogurt soup

125 g plain yogurt, 1 cup broccoli, 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 tbsp. grated hard cheese, 1 tsp. olive oil.

Pour boiling water over the broccoli so that the water barely covers them, cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Grate the potatoes and carrots, sauté in olive oil with constant stirring. Add the sauté to the soup, cook for another 10 minutes, cool slightly. Pour yogurt into the soup, stirring constantly. You can add cheese.

Millet-curd porridge

2/3 cup milk or water, ½ cup cottage cheese, 1/3 cup millet, 2 tbsp. yogurt or sour cream, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. butter, salt.

Scald the millet and pour boiling milk over it. Add sugar, salt and cook the porridge, cool. Add cottage cheese, butter, yogurt to the prepared porridge, mix.

Buckwheat porridge with prunes and dried apricots

250 g buckwheat, 100 g pitted prunes, 100 g dried apricots, salt (to taste), 600 g water.

Soak prunes and dried apricots to swell, then boil them separately, chop some finely. Combine cereals and dried fruits, pour boiling water, add salt and cook until half cooked, stirring constantly. Bring the porridge to readiness in the oven.

Before serving, add melted butter to the porridge and decorate it with the remaining prunes and dried apricots.

Baby apricot puree with rice

Dried apricots - 100g, water - 375g, baby rice porridge powder - 2 tbsp. breast milk or warmed formula - 80 ml.

Combine dried apricots and water in a small saucepan and cook until soft for 20 minutes. Make apricot puree by adding water. Mix breast milk or formula with rice powder. Serve with 1 tbsp. apricot puree. Can be stored for up to 2 days in the refrigerator. Also, the puree can be frozen into cubes.

Curd pancakes

Wheat flour - 160 g, cottage cheese - 100 g, egg - 1 pc., sugar - 10 g, soda - 1/4 tsp.

Vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Beat the egg, grind with cottage cheese, add flour, sugar and soda. Mix everything thoroughly. Grease a hot frying pan with oil and bake pancakes in it.

Scrambled eggs with vegetables “Quail egg”

2 quail eggs, 1 carrot, 0.5 stalk of celery, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Cut the carrots into small cubes and lightly fry them in oil. Add celery cut into small pieces to the carrots. Add water to the vegetables so that it slightly covers the vegetables and simmer until tender over low heat. Beat the eggs, add them to the vegetables, mix. Cover with a lid and leave for 2 minutes.

Children's salad "Coral Reef"

200g cauliflower, 1 tomato, 1 apple, one and a half cucumbers, 2 leaves of green lettuce, 2 tbsp. sour cream, salt.

We disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, boil it in salted water, and cool. Cut a tomato, an apple and 1 cucumber into small cubes, combine them with chopped lettuce leaves. Salt the prepared salad, season it with sour cream, mix and place cauliflower on top. We cut out a crab figurine from half a cucumber and decorate our salad with it.

Curd and fish meatballs

Cod (fillet) - 60 g, cottage cheese - 30 g, milk - 160 ml, egg - 0.5 pcs., sour cream 10% - 2 tbsp. l., white bread - 30 g, vegetable oil - 15 ml, herbs, salt.

Soak the bread in milk. Grind the fish fillet in a meat grinder, mix with cottage cheese and finely chopped onion. Mix the bread with the resulting minced meat and grind it through the meat grinder again. Beat in the egg and mix. Form the meatballs, place them in a pre-greased pan and bake for 25-30 minutes. Then pour in sour cream and cook for another 3 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs.

Fish with vegetables and rice

90 g of any red fish, stewed in lemon juice with fresh parsley, 100 g of stewed vegetable mixture with carrots and onions. Garnish: 40 g boiled rice.

Frozen vegetables in batter

Frozen vegetables: cauliflower or broccoli, green beans separately or in a mixture - whatever the child likes. We make a batter (egg, sour cream, a spoonful of flour, salt), pour it over the vegetables - or dip them in individual inflorescences, if it is cabbage. A little breadcrumbs on top and into the oven until golden brown.

Vegetable hedgehogs with a surprise

Boil various vegetables until half cooked: potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, maybe beets. Cool, grate on a coarse grater. Add egg, salt, a little semolina or corn (buckwheat) flour, form small balls. Hide a quail egg in the middle of each ball. You can roll the hedgehogs in breadcrumbs. Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes until the vegetables are ready.

Potato cutlets with cheese

Boil 4 medium potatoes in their jackets, peel and grate. Finely chop 2 handfuls of spinach and mix with potatoes. Add 1 egg, cheese, green onions, parsley, and salt to taste to the mixture. Form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry or bake in the oven.

On photos: Max (Emma's mother), Egor (Mom Panda™), Nastya (mother

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 21 minutes


You should start preparing your baby for independent life from the diapers. It just seems that the little one will be a “disturbance” for mom while she is preparing dinner. In fact, a two-year-old child can already be trusted to beat eggs, for example. Or sifting flour. A 5-year-old child is already a more experienced assistant. He is capable of mixing a salad, decorating a dish, and making dumplings. Well, a child over 8 years old can already be allowed near the stove. But only under the supervision of mom! The main thing is to choose the right dish.

Here are the best recipes for young chefs!

Sandwiches for the holiday table

The simplest dish that even a 2-3 year old child can easily handle.

What to look for in bins:

  • Bread (sliced).
  • 6-7 leaves of green salad.
  • A couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise.
  • Sliced ​​ham and salami.
  • Sliced ​​cheese.
  • Greenery.
  • Polka dots.

And pickled cucumbers, olives and boiled carrots (which mom will first cut into circles).

There are no cooking instructions. Because in this case everything depends only on the imagination of the child (and the mother who helps him). Food, as you know, should not only be healthy and tasty, but also... aesthetically pleasing in appearance. And on sandwiches there is room for your imagination to run wild - mice, cats, Smeshariki, marine themes and much more.

Let's stock up on food supplies and get creative!

Crispy cucumbers in a tub - getting ready for a delicious winter

Yes, imagine, a child can cook this too. Real pickles, prepared by the hands of your own son (daughter) - what could be tastier!

Of course, you will have to help a little, but the main work is on the young cook (let him feel involved in the “great”). And if the child is also a fan of crunching a cucumber with potatoes, then cooking will be doubly more interesting. A real grown-up dish for a growing child.

Don’t worry, there are no glass jars or boiling brine in the recipe, and a child over 12 years old can handle this Russian dish on their own.

What to look for in bins:

  • The cucumbers are fresh and small. Quantity - in accordance with the container (about 5 kg).
  • Salt. For 2 liters of brine - 140 g of salt.
  • Various spices - fresh and washed. For 5 g of cucumbers: 150 g of dill, 15 g of garlic, 25 g of cherry leaves, 25 g of horseradish (leaves), 25 g of black currant (leaves) and 2.5 g of hot pepper (optional), bay leaf and peppercorns.
  • Sugar - a couple of tbsp.
  • 2 liters of water.

So, instructions:

  1. Wash the spices thoroughly.
  2. Peel and finely chop the garlic (if the child is not yet trusted with a knife, the mother can do this). We pound it in a mortar with a masher (and this is the child’s task).
  3. We sort the cucumbers, choosing the smallest and thin-skinned ones. Wash thoroughly and soak in cold water for about 5 hours (so that the cucumbers do not wrinkle in the brine).
  4. We take 1/3 of the spices and cover the bottom of the pre-prepared tub with them. Next is a layer of cucumbers, which need to be laid as tightly and vertically as possible (“standing”). Then another layer of spices and another layer of cucumbers. Afterwards, all the cucumber beauty is covered with the remaining spices, and horseradish leaves are placed on top of them.
  5. On top there is a bend on which the load is placed. And only then we water everything with brine. How to make it? Dissolve 140 g of salt in water that has cooled after boiling (warm, 2 liters) and pour in our cucumbers so that they are completely covered with brine.

It is done. Cover with a lid and forget about the cucumbers for a couple of days, leaving the “dish” in the kitchen or room.

On the 3rd day, as soon as the initial fermentation process has started, we hide the tub somewhere dark and cool for at least a month.

Fruit butterflies - for a summer mood!

This recipe is suitable for a child 7-9 years old if he is already allowed to use a knife. However, you can cook “butterflies” even at 3-4 years old, if your mother helps you wash everything, cut out the wings and plan the antennae.

What to look for in bins:

Grapes (for example, Quiche Mish and Lady's Finger).
Strawberry and kiwi.


  1. Orange slice - in half. And we lay these halves in the shape of butterfly wings.
  2. Along the “back” of the butterfly we place half a grape – the “body”.
  3. We put a small and round grape in place of the head.
  4. We cut thin stripes of antennae from the orange peel, apply them to the “head” and bend them slightly to the sides.
  5. Decorate the butterfly's wings with kiwi and strawberry slices.
  6. The eyes can be made with a couple of drops of melted ice cream.
  7. Place it on a plate and... make the family happy!

If desired, butterflies can be seated on a “meadow” of currant leaves or hidden among marzipan flowers. By the way, children also really like to create the latter.

Homemade apple marmalade

Tastes better than store-bought (and safer). Children will not only enjoy cooking this sweetness, but also eat it.

Recipe for a child aged 12-13 years. Or - for cooking with mom’s help.

What to look for in bins:

  • 100 ml water.
  • ½ cup apple/juice.
  • Gelatin - about 20 g.
  • Lemon zest - a couple of tbsp.
  • Two glasses of sugar.


  1. Pour fresh juice over the gelatin and leave to “swell.”
  2. Gently grate the lemon zest so as not to injure your fingers.
  3. Next, pour water into the sugar in a saucepan and add grated zest to it.
  4. Place the pan on the fire and stir thoroughly.
  5. After the sugar has dissolved, remove the dishes from the heat and add our swollen gelatin.
  6. Mix everything thoroughly until all lumps are completely dissolved.
  7. Strain the lemon zest through a sieve.

All. All that remains is to place in the molds, cool overnight in the refrigerator, then cut, generously roll in powdered sugar and place on a plate.

You can decorate with cranberries and mint leaves.

Tofifi candies - prepared with nuts and cranberries

An option for an adult child (from 12-14 years old) or for a baby who would not mind helping his mother create a small miracle.

What to look for in bins:

  • Hazelnuts - about 35 pcs.
  • 70 g dark bitter chocolate.
  • 9 tbsp cream (approx. 10%).
  • Creamy toffees (the most ordinary, stretchy, not crumbly) - 240 g.
  • One and a half spoons of plums/oil.
  • One and a half spoons of vegetable oil/oil without smell!


  1. Finely chop the toffee, add cream (5 tbsp) and melt in a water bath.
  2. Melted? Remove from heat, add butter and mix until smooth and shiny.
  3. We grease the mold (this is where the mold from the candy box comes in handy) with butter (or take a silicone “fancy” mold). Even a toddler can do this.
  4. Now we hand the baby a spoon and wait patiently while he pours the melted toffee into the molds.
  5. We clean the nuts (hazelnuts) in advance and lightly fry them, wash the cranberries.
  6. We give the child a plate with nuts and a plate with cranberries - let him decorate the candies.
  7. Meanwhile, mom melts the dark chocolate, gradually adds 2-4 tablespoons of cream to it (we look at the consistency) and pours the resulting mass into a container.
  8. We give the child a spoon again. Now his task is to “drench” each future candy with chocolate before it hardens.

Ready! Place our sweets in the freezer for 4 hours.

We arrange the candies beautifully on a platter and go treat dad and grandma!

Flowers for a tired mom after work

An original snack for a hungry mother who is exhausted after a hard day at work. Option for children who are already allowed to use the stove. Or for smaller children, but with the involvement of dad or grandmother in the process (dads also really like to misbehave in the kitchen).

What to look for in bins:

  • Thin sausages of good quality - several pieces.
  • Green onions, dill - for the bouquet
  • Regular baby noodles (a handful).
  • Products for decoration (whatever you find).


  1. Remove the film from the sausages and cut them into 5-6 pieces (of course, across the sausage).
  2. We carefully and creatively stick the noodles into our sausages so that they stick out halfway from the sausage. Do not portion it so that the noodles do not fall out during cooking.
  3. We put our “buds” into boiling water and wait 15 minutes for them to “bloom”.
  4. Carefully remove with a slotted spoon and let dry a little.
  5. Well, now the most important thing is creating a bouquet. We beautifully lay out the stems with leaves (onion, dill) on a dish, arrange our “flowers” ​​and, at our discretion, add, for example, vegetable butterflies (the principle is the same as for fruit butterflies - see above).

Mom will be pleased!

Mini pizzas - for the whole family

The cook's age is from 3 years. But only mom turns on the oven.

What to look for in bins:

  • A package of puff pastry dough (total 0.5 kg).
  • 100 g marinated chopped champignons.
  • Russian cheese - 100 g.
  • 150 g sliced ​​brisket.
  • Ketchup (optional - and mayonnaise).
  • Ingredients for decoration: shaved bell peppers, sliced ​​olives.


  1. Defrost and roll out the dough. The child diligently helps his mother with a rolling pin.
  2. Cut out exactly 8 circles of the same diameter.
  3. Decorating pizzas - giving free rein to your imagination! Smileys, animal faces, funny inscriptions - anything is possible!
  4. Bake until fully cooked in a preheated oven. Naturally, with my mother's help.

Ready! You can invite your family for afternoon tea!

Scrambled eggs Heart - for mom's breakfast

Well, what kind of mother would refuse such a breakfast!

Are they already letting you near the stove? Then go ahead and have a good mood!

What to look for in bins:

  • 2 long sausages.
  • Salt, drain/oil.
  • Of course, eggs (2 pcs).
  • Green onion and lettuce leaves - for “decor”.


  1. We cut each sausage (note - not all the way!) lengthwise.
  2. We turn it inside out and carefully secure the sharp corner of our heart with a toothpick.
  3. Heat a frying pan, melt the butter and lightly fry the sausage heart on 1 side.
  4. Fried? Turn over and crack the egg directly into the center of the heart.
  5. Don't forget to add salt.
  6. After cooking, place the “heart” with a spatula on lettuce leaves and garnish with red pepper.

You can bring mom breakfast!

Banana cocktail - impossible to stop eating!

Any child whose mother already lets him near the blender can handle this drink. An easy and simple recipe for a quick summer refreshing and nutritious drink.

What to look for in the bins (serves 4):

  • 2 .
  • 400 ml fresh milk.
  • Cinnamon.
  • 200 g of creamy ice cream.


  1. Place ice cream in a blender.
  2. Add chopped bananas to it.
  3. Fill the products with milk.
  4. Beat until the bananas are completely chopped.
  5. What's next? We coat the edges of the glasses with banana (do not overdo it) and, turning them over, dip them in cinnamon - that is, we decorate the rims of the glasses.

All that remains is to pour the cocktail itself over them and serve.

Berry ice cream made by a child

It doesn't matter that summer is over. After all, the best time for ice cream is always! And if you also learn how to make it yourself, then even your grandmother, who stubbornly refuses to eat “cold” food in the slushy autumn, will not resist.

As for the age of the cook, we note that again we cannot do without the mother.

What to look for in bins:

  • 300 g of ready-made berry puree (make in a blender in advance).
  • One egg.
  • 200 g drain/oil.
  • 150 g sugar.


  1. Mix the egg with sugar. Children love working with a whisk.
  2. Add the resulting mixture to our berry puree and cook this mixture over medium heat for 5 minutes, remembering to stir.
  3. Next, beat the butter with a mixer and slowly pour it into the now cooled fruit mixture.

Now you can pour the ice cream into molds and put it in the freezer.

Apples with cottage cheese

Healthy and tasty. The cook's age is from 12-14 years.

What to look for in bins:

  • 2 large apples.
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • A handful of washed raisins.
  • 1 tbsp honey.


  1. Cut out the cores from the apples.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with raisins and honey for the filling.
  3. Stuff the apples with the filling and sprinkle a little sugar on top.
  4. Place the dish in the preheated oven. You can also cook them in the microwave.

To check the readiness of the dessert, pierce the apple with a toothpick.

Rolls for dad

Even a 6-7 year old child can prepare such a snack.

What to look for in bins:

  • Pita.
  • Filling: 100 g cheese, garlic, mayonnaise, sliced ​​ham, washed lettuce leaves.


  1. Cut the pita bread into squares in advance (you can cut it with scissors).
  2. Grate 1 clove of garlic and cheese on the finest grater, mix with mayonnaise.
  3. Place the cheese mass in a thin layer on a square of pita bread, place a thin slice of ham and a leaf of lettuce on top.
  4. We roll our square with the filling into a neat roll.

Banana cookies for grandma

Who said cookies are only grandma's domain? It’s not true, everyone can cook! And the children will prove it to you.

The cook must be over 9 years old with the right to use a microwave.

What to look for in bins:

  • A few bananas.
  • Drain/oil.
  • Coconut flakes.


  1. Grind bananas in a blender. If you don’t have a blender or your mother still forbids using it, grind it with a fork or on a grater until smooth.
  2. Mix the mixture with coconut flakes.
  3. We form future cookies with our hands.
  4. We take a plate without pictures and gilded edges (allowed for the microwave), grease it with butter and carefully transfer our cookies.
  5. Dry the dessert in the microwave for 5 minutes.

We take it out, crumble crushed walnuts on top, decorate with cranberries and serve.

Vitamin salad for mom's lunch

We've been cooking without a knife since we were 4-5 years old!

What to look for in bins:

  • Grated cheese - 100 g.
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil.
  • Half a lemon.
  • A handful of pine nuts (hulled).
  • 10 tiny cherry tomatoes.
  • Green lettuce leaves (washed).
  • Greens and arugula - to your taste.


  1. Place the tomatoes in a wide salad bowl.
  2. Sprinkle with nut kernels and grated cheese.
  3. Tear the greens and lettuce leaves on top with clean hands.
  4. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto the salad.
  5. Add a little salt, a little pepper and pour vegetable oil over all this beauty.

Salad ready!

Curd tomatoes

The cook's age is from 7-8 years with the right to use a knife.

What to look for in bins:

  • Tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • A couple of green onions.
  • Cottage cheese - half a pack (125 g).
  • A clove of garlic and herbs.
  • Sour cream, salt.


  1. Wash the tomatoes and carefully cut off the tops.
  2. Carefully remove the pulp with a regular teaspoon.
  3. Place the tomatoes with the holes down to drain the juice.
  4. Chop the greens, crush the garlic, mix.
  5. Add the cottage cheese mashed with a fork, 3 tablespoons of sour cream and a pinch of salt to the mixture.
  6. Mix again and stuff our tomatoes with the mixture.

Bon appetit and good luck to the young chefs!

Before allowing your child to prepare simple meals on his own, study with him. It would be better if you prepare a colorful instruction sheet for your baby in the kitchen - which you can also draw with him.

What kind of dishes do your children cook? Share your children's recipes with us!

While the child is small, his main food is breast milk or formula. The food industry took care of complementary feeding. The first porridges, purees and juices can be freely purchased at a nearby store. But after a year, this is not enough for the baby. The question of what to feed a child is an acute one for parents.

Nutrition for young children

What to feed a child per year? The baby should eat 5 times a day. Dairy products remain the basis of the diet (700 grams daily). Kefir and natural cottage cheese are very useful. In the first half of the day, serve lean meat in the form of steamed cutlets or meatballs. Replace it with lean fish once a week. The baby should receive an egg every other day. Also add liquid cereals (for breakfast) and vegetables to the menu. Cut the fruit into small pieces.

At 2 years old, you can switch to four meals a day. It is best to have thick porridge for breakfast. Lunch should be the most high-calorie meal. In the third year of life, you can introduce your baby to legumes and liver. Stew vegetables in pieces, add garlic and onion. Among sweets, cookies, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, and cocoa are acceptable. With candy, cakes and soda, wait until age three. If you are wondering what to feed your child for dinner, give preference to light dishes: cottage cheese, vegetables, yogurt with fruit. Eliminate fried, salty and spicy foods and processed foods from your diet.

Preschooler nutrition

After three years, your child can eat almost all foods, with the exception of mushrooms and coffee. It is better to wait with them until 6-7 years. Teach your child to healthy food, avoid fast food. Include milk, bread, fruits and vegetables, meat, butter, and juices in your daily menu. Give your baby cheese, eggs, fish, sour cream, pasta 2-3 times a week, limit sausages to 1 time. Delicacies and smoked meats can irritate a child’s stomach, but on holidays you can eat a piece.

Four meals a day are optimal. For breakfast, the easiest way is to prepare porridge or an omelet, as well as cottage cheese with fruit. Lunch should consist of a vegetable salad (50 g), soup (200 g), a meat or fish dish with a side dish (80 g), juice or fruit. For an afternoon snack, offer fruit, a bun, or cookies. For drinks, serve milk, compote, juice, kefir or jelly. What to feed your children in the evening so that they sleep soundly? Recommended meals include cereals, cottage cheese, and vegetables 1.5 hours before bedtime.


Don't know what to feed your child for dinner or breakfast? Cook the porridge. Cereals contain many useful substances: starch, vitamins B and E, iron, amino acids, vegetable fats. Up to 3 years old, cook semi-viscous and viscous porridge for children. In the first case, 4 times more water is taken than cereal. For viscous porridge the ratio is 3:1, respectively. You can also make puddings and souffles from cereals.

To do this, take 4 tbsp. l. semolina or rice, cook a semi-viscous porridge. Add 4 tsp. melted butter. Grind the yolk with 4 tsp. sugar, dilute a little with water and pour into the mixture. Grated carrots, apples, peach or apricot puree will help make the dish tastier. Beat the egg white and carefully fold it into the mixture. To obtain a soufflé, the mixture is poured into molds and cooked in a water bath. To make the pudding, the mixture is baked in the oven.


What can you feed your child to satisfy the body’s need for vegetables, meat and water at the same time? Of course, soup. True, modern pediatricians are cautious about meat broth, since when it is cooked, extractive substances are released. It is difficult for an immature digestive tract to absorb them. Therefore, cook vegetarian soups for up to one and a half years. Later, use lean beef, veal or boneless pork for broth. You can cook the turkey or chicken whole. The best fish to choose is cod, perch or pike perch.

How to cook vegetarian borscht? Grate 50 g of beets and 20 g of sour apple, cover with water, add 0.5 tsp. butter and simmer covered for a quarter of an hour. Meanwhile, cut 40 g of potatoes, chop a circle of carrots, onions, and parsley root. Add them to the bowl and simmer for another 10 minutes. Then pour half a glass of water, add 50 g of shredded cabbage and a quarter of chopped tomatoes. After 10 minutes the borscht is ready. For a one-year-old baby, you need to put it through a blender, add sour cream, herbs and serve.


What should I feed my child so that his body gets enough vitamins? The best option is salads made from fresh vegetables. They should be prepared daily and served as a snack. Until one and a half years, vegetables are grated on a fine grater, after which - on a coarse grater. If your baby is over 2 years old, the ingredients can be finely chopped. Sour cream, vegetable oil, lemon juice, and yogurt are suitable for dressing.

You can prepare the following simple salads:

  • "Green". For it you take a cucumber, two or three onions and lettuce leaves.
  • "Beetroot". It is prepared from boiled beets and steamed prunes. Use vegetable oil and a drop of lemon juice as a dressing. You can also add sugar.
  • Apple and carrot salad with sour cream.
  • Cabbage salad with lingonberries. Add some green onions and season with vegetable oil.

Meat dishes

The kids are growing actively and need protein. During the week they need 4-5 meat dishes and 2-3 fish. It is preferable to use beef, veal, chicken, rabbit and turkey. It is better to exclude fatty meat (goose, duck). The same goes for fish. Recommended by-products include liver, tongue, and brains. Let's look at a couple of simple recipes. How to feed children so that they eat meat on both cheeks?

  • Steam cutlets "Mice". Take 50 g of lean beef. Soak 10 g of white bread in milk. Grind them through the meat grinder twice. Add 2 g butter, salt, form into oblong cutlets. Steam for 25 minutes. Before serving, make ears from carrot circles, eyes from green peas or peppers, and a tail and mustache from parsley. The mouse is ready.
  • Rice with meat. Cut 150 g of lean meat into pieces, boil and mince twice. 3 tbsp. l. Boil rice in water. Mix everything. Place the dish on a plate, forming the body and head of a sheep. Make legs from green onions, eyes from peas, and ears and a mouth from a cut red apple. Children will happily eat the funny character.

Dairy dishes

Each child should receive at least 500 g of milk and fermented milk products per day. Cottage cheese and sour cream can be given 3-4 times a week. All this is offered to children in its natural form, and is also used to prepare porridges, soups, casseroles and desserts.

How to make cottage cheese casserole? Pour a quarter glass of milk into a bowl, soak 1 tsp in it. decoys. While the mixture is swelling, grind 1/4 egg with 1 tsp. Sahara. Mix with semolina. Add grated cottage cheese (5 tbsp), a little apple or banana. Place the mixture in a greased pan and bake.

The finished dish can be topped with milk sauce. To prepare it you will need half a glass of milk. Initially, take just a little liquid, dilute 1 tsp in it. flour. Stir so that there are no lumps. Boil the rest of the milk and pour into the flour solution. Put 1 tsp. Sahara. Boil for exactly 5 minutes, add 1 tsp. butter. Cool and serve with cottage cheese casserole, cheesecakes or dumplings.


Instead of sweets and cakes, it is healthier to accustom children to fruits. A preschooler should eat 200-300 g of them per day. Juices are also necessary. You should be careful with berries, especially allergenic strawberries. For variety, you can make your own sweets.

How to feed a child if he demands something tasty? Let's learn how to make milk jelly. Take 150 g of hot milk, add sugar to taste, lemon zest and a little vanillin. While the drink is infusing, pour 5 g of gelatin with cold water. After an hour, when it swells, pour it into boiling milk. Move, strain and pour into molds for further hardening.

A hearty cocktail is prepared very quickly. For it you will need berries, including frozen ones, or soft fruits (bananas, peaches, etc.). Place them in a blender. Pour half a glass of oatmeal, pour milk, add sugar to taste. Beat the mixture well and serve.


Bread must be included in the baby’s diet. Among the sweet baking options, you can give your one-year-old baby baby cookies or crackers. From the age of one and a half, introduce your child to bagels, crackers, biscuits and oatmeal cookies. It is better not to give buns, shortcrust pastry, crackers until 3 years of age. They contain unhealthy fats and a lot of sugar or flavorings. Of course, the best option is homemade cakes.

What to feed a child to a loving mother? We offer to bake classic children's cookies. To do this, beat 3 eggs and an incomplete glass of powdered sugar with a mixer. The volume should increase 2-3 times. While stirring the mixture, add about 160 g of flour. Grease the baking tray. Squeeze the dough onto it from a pastry syringe in the form of long strips. If you don’t have a syringe, you can take a regular plastic bag and make a hole in it in one of the corners. You need to leave some free space between the strips.

The cookies are baked over medium heat until golden brown. The strips are removed with a knife. They can be given any shape: braided, bent in any direction. Older kids enjoy playing this game.

Where do the “unwanted people” come from?

Many adults wonder how to feed a small child. Children pick at their plates for a long time, spin around in their chairs and refuse tasty food. Parents have to put on entire theatrical performances in front of their whims, turn on cartoons to distract attention and shove another spoonful of porridge into their mouth.

Why is this happening? Let's look at the most common reasons:

  • Disease. A child may refuse to eat if he feels unwell or is in pain (for example, he is cutting a tooth).
  • Stress. Many children begin to eat poorly during the period of adaptation to kindergarten, when a younger brother appears in the family, and also in cases when the dinner table becomes a place for a “showdown.”
  • Individual characteristics. Thin children eat less than their well-fed peers.
  • Wrong mode. If the family leads a sedentary lifestyle, if the baby can always snack on candy or cookies, then he simply does not feel hungry.
  • Heat. In summer, both children and adults eat less.

How to solve a problem?

If your child has no appetite, follow this plan:

  1. Go to the doctor, get tested.
  2. Study the nutritional standards for children. Perhaps it just seems to you that your child is not eating enough.
  3. Every mother knows what to feed her child if he doesn’t eat anything. Chocolate, ice cream, and chips go well, as they curb your appetite. Therefore, we completely exclude snacks.
  4. The baby should move a lot and walk outside, then he will have time to get hungry.
  5. Buy attractive dishes, place a beautiful napkin on the table, and decorate the dish in an unusual way.
  6. Use small portions so that the child is not frightened by large amounts. Better to ask for more.
  7. Children eat better in company. Place your baby at a common table or place toys on chairs.
  8. Do not force your baby to eat, do not lure him with cartoons. Appetite often appears when adults stop being nervous and putting pressure on the child.

Selective appetite

How to feed a child if he refuses healthy vegetables or tasty soup? The problem of selective appetite lies in improper upbringing. The child realized that he could manipulate his parents and demanded only his favorite food.

The best solution if your baby doesn’t want to eat carrot soup is to calmly send him to play. After 2 hours, offer the same dish. Don't give up after the second or third try, pulling out the required mac and cheese from the bins. Be decisive but friendly. This is the only way to defeat the stubborn little one.

It will become a good tradition in the family to try all new dishes. If the product does not inspire confidence in the child, let him eat at least one spoon. Explain that by doing this we are thanking the person who prepared lunch for us.

Feeding a child tasty food is a difficult task, but it can be done. Cook with love for your kids, sit down at the table in an exceptionally good mood, and nutrition problems will solve themselves.

The article offers you recipes and menus for a 2-year-old child, as well as recommendations for his nutrition.

We can say with 100% certainty that by the age of two, a child already has his own food preferences. It is very simple to determine this: the baby eats some things with pleasure, but refuses others. It often happens that a child completely refuses to eat, which causes anxiety for the parents. To save yourself from unnecessary stress, every parent should study the following questions in detail: “ How much should a 2 year old child eat? " And " What should a child eat at this age? ».

The baby’s nutrition should fully satisfy his needs, both energy and needs for full development. Pediatricians believe that a 2-year-old child “requires” approximately 1,500 kcal, divided into 4 meals: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. The maximum amount of calories should come at lunch (about 50% - 700-800 kcal).

What can a 2 year old child eat?

The child's nutrition must be balanced, i.e. it must contain the correct proportions of protein, fat and carbohydrates. A clear ratio is 1:1:4, of which proteins should be 50-60 g, fats - 10-12 g, and carbohydrates about 200 g. Pay attention to protein foods, because most (70-75%) are There should be plant proteins and only 30-25% “animal”.

When creating a menu for your child, be sure to pay attention to dairy and fermented milk products, which should be quite abundant in the diet of children of this age. You should not accustom your kids to sweet cheese desserts and mousses, but just give preference to natural cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream and yogurt, which have a lot of calcium and protein.

At the same time, try to make your baby’s food varied, because he needs a lot of nutrients for the formation and development of all body systems. It is very important that food is prepared correctly, because the digestive system of 2-year-old children is not properly formed and it is difficult to digest “heavy” foods: fried, salty, sour, pickled.

IMPORTANT: Food should preferably be steamed, boiled, baked without oil, or cooked in a slow cooker.

Menu for children from 1 to 2 years old for every day: recipes, dishes

The health of a child from 1 to 2 years old is very closely related to what he eats. The menu for a small child should be planned correctly and in advance, using only environmentally friendly, light and permitted products.

Breakfast menu:

  • Boiled porridge, cereal breakfasts: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, millet, wheat porridge or semolina, pearl barley.
  • Sandwich with butter and cheese (a piece of wheat or rye bread).
  • Boiled eggs or baked omelet (with vegetables, milk or cheese).
  • Cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits or raisins (with the addition of semolina).
  • Milk soup (rice, buckwheat, semolina, millet).

IMPORTANT: Breakfast must include a warm drink (tea, compote of fresh or dried fruits, jelly, juice).

Lunch menu:

  • Vegetable broth, vegetable soup
  • Chicken broth, chicken soup
  • Borscht, rassolnik, beetroot soup, green borscht, cabbage soup
  • Cream soup
  • Porridge (any)
  • Pasta
  • Boiled vegetables
  • Vegetable puree
  • Steamed meatballs
  • Meatballs in gravy without oil or frying
  • Meatballs in broth
  • Steam cutlets from turkey, chicken, beef
  • Fish cutlets

Afternoon snack menu:

  • Curd and rice casseroles
  • Yoghurts
  • Baked and fresh vegetables
  • Vegetable or fruit salads
  • Cookie
  • Milk
  • Ryazhenka
  • Bakery

Dinner menu:

  • Vegetable casserole
  • Pasta casserole
  • Baked omelette
  • Boiled eggs
  • Pasta
  • Vegetable salad
  • Cottage cheese

What to cook for a 2-year-old child for breakfast: recipes for children from 1 to 2 years old

Sandwich with butter and cheese:

  • To make a sandwich, you can use any bread: white, serial, rye. You can take a piece of a bun or bran bread.
  • The bread can be toasted in a toaster or dried in the oven (frying it in a frying pan with butter is not allowed).
  • Spread a piece of butter (made from natural milk, high quality) on top of the warm, but not hot bread.
  • Place a small slice of 30% cheese on the butter (you can find special children's cheese in the store, choose low-fat cheese).

IMPORTANT: Sandwiches and toast with fruit jam, honey, nuts, and fresh fruit are also suitable for breakfast.

Cottage cheese casserole:

  • 0.5 kg of fresh natural cottage cheese (preferably not very fatty, up to 8-9%) should be crushed with a potato masher.
  • Add a few tbsp. sugar and continue grinding the cottage cheese.
  • Beat 1 egg and add 3 tbsp. semolina, continue kneading.
  • You can make the casserole in a slow cooker or oven.
  • Grease the edges of the mold with a minimum amount of oil and lay out the curd mass.
  • You can also add raisins or any chopped dried fruits to the cottage cheese (rinse them with boiling water in advance to wash off dust and dirt).
  • The casserole is baked for no more than 30 minutes at medium temperatures (up to 190 degrees).
  • Do not rush to immediately remove the finished casserole, let it cool for 30 minutes and then cut into small pieces.


  • Take 1 glass of milk
  • You can dissolve a couple of teaspoons in slightly warmed milk. sugar, salt on the tip of a knife according to your preference and a pinch of vanillin.
  • Pour 2-4 tsp into warm milk (about 30 degrees). dry semolina (the amount of cereal depends on the preferred thickness of the finished porridge), stirring constantly, bring to a boil.
  • Cover the saucepan with a lid and let the semolina steam under the lid for 5-10 minutes.

Millet porridge with pumpkin:

  • Rinse 0.5 tbsp millet and soak it for 10 minutes
  • Boil 1 cup water or milk
  • Add millet to boiling water (milk)
  • Add sugar (you can add a pinch of vanilla and salt)
  • Grate 50 g pumpkin on a fine grater
  • Add pumpkin to boiling porridge
  • Cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes
  • Let the porridge sit under the lid after cooking for up to 10 minutes.
  • Serve with a pat of butter

Oatmeal with milk:

  • Boil 1 tbsp milk, add sugar and vanilla.
  • Pour 0.5-2/3 cup of Hercules oat flakes into boiling milk.
  • Cook over low heat for 2-3 minutes
  • Steam covered without heat for 5 minutes
  • Serve with a pat of butter

Baked omelette:

  • Separate the whites of 2 eggs from the yolks
  • Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat them into a fluffy foam.
  • Gradually beat in the yolks one at a time, without ceasing to beat the eggs (it is advisable to do this with a mixer).
  • Pour 2 tbsp into the mixture. milk and add 1 tbsp. flour
  • You can bake the omelette in the oven or slow cooker (grease the bowl and pan a little).
  • Baking time is about 10-15 minutes (a tight crust should appear).
  • Cut into cubes and serve

Rice porridge with apple “Charlotte”:

  • Boil 1 tbsp. milk or water
  • Add sugar and vanilla to taste
  • Add 0.5 tbsp. round rice, cook over low heat with the lid closed for 7-10 minutes (add additional liquid if necessary).
  • Cut half an apple into small cubes
  • Pour the apple into the porridge, turn off the heat
  • Steam the porridge under the lid (up to 10 minutes)
  • Serve with a pat of butter and cinnamon (optional)

What to cook for a 2-year-old child for lunch: recipes for first courses for children from 1 to 2 years old

First courses occupy a significant place in children's diets, as they improve intestinal function and normalize stool.

Meatball soup:

  • Boil water in a saucepan
  • Send finely grated carrots (half) there.
  • From minced chicken (150-200 g). Form balls with your hands and throw them into boiling water.
  • Boil the soup until the potatoes are ready
  • Salt it a little. Add chopped herbs and let sit for 10-15 minutes.

Lenten red borscht:

  • Boil water in a saucepan
  • Finely chop half a small onion and add to boiling water.
  • Add finely grated carrots (half) there.
  • Grate half the beets on a fine grater and place in the pan.
  • Stir in 0.5 tbsp. tomato paste (or 1 finely chopped tomato).
  • Cut the potatoes into small cubes (2 medium-sized pieces) and let them cook.
  • Finely chop cabbage (50-80 g) and add to the pan.
  • Add a small bay to the borscht and a little salt, cook until the potatoes are ready.

Vegetable soup:

  • Boil water in a saucepan
  • Finely chop half a small onion, some carrots and add to boiling water.
  • Cut the potatoes into small cubes (2 medium-sized pieces) and let them cook.
  • Do the same with zucchini (approximately 100 g, can be replaced with zucchini).
  • Add 1 tbsp. any rice, salt (small amount). Boil the soup until the potatoes and rice are ready. Serve with greens.


  • Add half a finely chopped onion and a piece of grated carrot to boiling water (or chicken or beef broth).
  • Peel small beets, finely grate, add the entire amount to boiling water.
  • Cut the potatoes into small cubes (2 medium-sized pieces) and let them cook.
  • Cook until the potatoes are ready, squeeze out a little garlic (or chop 0.5 cloves), add dill.

Buckwheat soup:

  • Add some finely grated carrots and chopped onion to boiling water or broth.
  • Add bay leaf and 2 tbsp. washed buckwheat.
  • Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes, add to the soup.
  • Finely chop the parsley and dill and add to the saucepan. Cook until the potatoes are done.

Pasta soup:

  • Boil water or chicken broth
  • Add grated carrots to boiling liquid
  • Add finely chopped onion half
  • Cut the potatoes into small cubes (2 medium-sized pieces) and let them cook.
  • Choose small pasta (stars, letters, flowers, rings), 1-2 tbsp. will be quite enough.
  • Add a little salt and herbs, cook until the potatoes are ready.

What to cook for a 2-year-old child for lunch: recipes for main courses for children from 1 to 2 years old

Meatballs in tomato sauce:

  • Pour 1 tbsp into a multicooker bowl or saucepan. tomato juice and 1 tbsp. water.
  • Grate the carrots and chop the onion, add the vegetables to the tomato mixture, and place on the stove. Squeeze a clove of garlic there and put a bay leaf.
  • In a bowl, mix 300-400 g of minced beef without fat (pork lard) with 100 g of cooked round rice (not washed).
  • Add a little salt and form into balls.
  • Each meatball should be carefully lowered into the boiling sauce; the heat can be reduced only when all the meatballs are laid out on the bottom.
  • Cook the meatballs for about 40 minutes, during which time half of the liquid should boil away.

Steamed meatballs:

  • Pour water into the bowl of a multicooker or steamer and wait until it boils.
  • Form small balls from minced chicken (slightly salted in advance).
  • Place the meatballs on a grid and close the oven lid.
  • Steam the meatballs for 20-25 minutes.

Chicken cutlets:

  • Salt 0.5 kg minced chicken fillet
  • Add 1 egg to the minced meat, mix everything thoroughly
  • Soak 2 slices of white loaf in boiling water in advance, add the crumb to the minced meat, mix with 1 tbsp. flour.
  • Place the minced meat in the refrigerator for several hours
  • After a few hours, heat the Teflon frying pan
  • Lubricate it with a brush (just a little oil)
  • Form cutlets from the cooled and thickened minced meat and place on the bottom of the frying pan (the heat should be low).
  • They should be fried under a closed lid, sometimes adding water so that they do not burn.

Hake in tomato:

  • The fish carcass should be washed and cut into small pieces.
  • Pour 1 tbsp into a saucepan or multicooker bowl. tomato juice.
  • Add finely grated small carrots and half an onion there.
  • Wait for the juice to boil and place the fish slices into the boiling mixture.
  • Extinguishing time – 40 minutes

Navy-style pasta:

  • Boil a piece of beef (pulp) - 200-300 gr.
  • Boil the pasta, rinse a little
  • Pass the boiled meat through a meat grinder and add to the boiled pasta.
  • If desired, you can fry half an onion in a little oil and water and add to the pasta.

Vegetable stew:

  • Place diced potatoes (1-2 pcs) into the multicooker.
  • Cut the zucchini in the same way as the potatoes (1 small fruit).
  • 1 carrot should also be cut into cubes
  • Finely chop the onion and tomato
  • Cabbage (150-200 g) cut into cubes by hand
  • Fill everything with 0.5 tbsp. water, put 1 bay leaf and a pinch of salt in a bowl.
  • Simmer the stew for 30-40 minutes

What to cook for a 2-year-old child for an afternoon snack: recipes for children from 1 to 2 years old

Curd cheesecakes:

  • Pour 300-400 g of cottage cheese into a bowl
  • Add 1 egg and a pinch of vanillin there.
  • Add some sugar and flour
  • Knead the dough, make sure it is homogeneous
  • Using a brush, grease the pan with oil (a little).
  • Place balls of curd dough on a hot frying pan.
  • Fry them under a closed lid over low heat until golden brown on each side.


  • 1 tbsp. add kefir or sour milk to a bowl
  • Pour in a few tbsp. vegetable oil
  • Beat 1 egg, add a pinch of salt and vanilla
  • Add a few tbsp. sugar and add flour until the dough resembles sour cream.
  • The pan should be well heated and lightly greased with oil using a brush.
  • Spoon the dough
  • Fry without oil (not counting the first time)
  • Fry on both sides for 0.5 minutes

Banana fritters:

  • Puree one banana in a blender
  • Add sugar and egg to banana mixture
  • You can mix in a little baking powder and vanilla.
  • Gradually add flour until a batter forms.
  • Spoon the dough onto the frying pan and fry the pancakes on both sides for 0.5 minutes.

What to cook for a 2-year-old child for dinner: recipes for children from 1 to 2 years old

Milk soup with buckwheat:

  • Boil a glass of milk
  • You can add a little sugar to taste and a pinch of vanilla.
  • Add 3-5 tbsp. washed buckwheat
  • Cook after boiling for 10 minutes over low heat
  • Steam for 5 minutes before serving

Semolina pudding:

  • Pudding is prepared in advance
  • Boil 1 tbsp. milk with sugar and vanilla
  • Add 0.5 tbsp. semolina and cook for 3-4 minutes
  • Then cover with a lid and keep until cool.
  • Cut the cooled pudding into cubes
  • Serve with jam or preserves

Vegetable casserole:

  • Peel and wash the vegetable, cut the potatoes, carrots, zucchini, onions and broccoli into cubes (you can also add pumpkin, cauliflower, eggplant).
  • Pour the sauce over the vegetables and place in the oven.
  • Keep at medium temperatures (150-160 degrees) for about 30-40 minutes (the sauce should harden).

Pasta casserole:

  • Pour the boiled pasta into the mold
  • Prepare the filling sauce: beat 2 eggs with salt and a few tablespoons. flour.
  • You can add a little grated cheese to the sauce
  • Pour the sauce over the casserole and place in the oven for 30 minutes (160-170 degrees).

What to cook for a 2-year-old child if he doesn’t eat well?

There are only a few ways to interest your child in food:

  • In a playful way(when you try to make him imagine that the spoon with food is an airplane, a train or a car that wants to get into the garage - his mouth).
  • Offer an incentive(we are talking about the fact that you will encourage the child to eat well with something interesting for him: a walk in the park, joint entertainment, toys).
  • Show example(children often strive to be like their parents, so you should show how happy you are to eat this particular food and how tasty the food is).
  • Praise your child for every spoonful he eats.(this will encourage the child to “be good” for you and eat everything).
  • Tell other family members about your child’s “successes”(for example, tell this to your baby's dad and he will be proud of himself).
  • Offer to cook together(the baby will definitely want to try his food, it’s not difficult, for example: throwing vegetables into a salad bowl or stirring porridge).

What not to do:

  • Promise sweets(they set up the child to eat “not tasty” food before “tasty” food).
  • Threaten with punishments(this will cause the child to have negative associations with eating).
  • Forcibly inserting a spoon into the mouth, opening the mouth against one's will(this will compare the child’s eating to torture; allow the baby to “pick” at the food on his own, because this will interest him).

IMPORTANT: If the child is not attracted to the food, make it beautiful. Every child will appreciate porridge, a sandwich or hot food in the shape of a bunny, cat or bear. He will definitely want to try his nose, tail, ear, and so on.

“Beautiful” dishes for children, serving options:

How to increase the appetite of a two-year-old child?


  • Eliminate “accidental” snacks in the form of candy, cookies or cake. Give your child sweets 15-20 minutes after a hearty meal.
  • Do not feed your child in a bad mood or after a tantrum, try to interest him or cheer him up and only then start eating.
  • Make sure that the child has his own personal utensils and dishes, preferably bright ones and with colorful pictures. He can have special toys at the table that will also eat.
  • Give your child berries and apples 30-40 minutes before meals, this will stimulate gastric juice and increase appetite.
  • Maintain a drinking regime; the child should not feel thirsty; drinking enough throughout the day will improve metabolism and appetite.
  • Regularly spend time in the fresh air before eating; active walks always improve your appetite and lift your mood.
  • In “severe cases”, consult your doctor. He may prescribe you special medications and teas to improve your appetite.

Video: “Menu: Top 10 lunches for a 2-year-old child”

The child refuses food and does not eat. Or it happens that he eats, but only fried potatoes or pasta. But food for children should be balanced; children's meals should be not only nutritious, but also healthy. How to feed a child porridge, cottage cheese, vegetables, meat, fish?

Try to show a little imagination and approach the situation from a different angle. Pay attention to the design of children's dishes. Few children will remain indifferent to a cheerful face on a plate. And don’t be afraid of the lack of time, it’s really not difficult and will only take a few minutes.

Another option to avoid leaving your child hungry is to involve the child in the cooking process.

Even the smallest ones can perform basic actions - add a spoonful of flour, arrange the berries on a plate, fashion a “miracle-yudo” out of the dough, and children, as a rule, are delighted with this process. Of course, you’ll have to tinker with cleaning the kitchen later, but it’s worth it, because homemade food always tastes better!

I had a similar situation - my 2.5-year-old daughter categorically refused to eat cottage cheese. And once I suggested that she make lazy dumplings, knowing that she really likes to tinker with dough. After the dumplings were removed from the pan and beautifully arranged on a plate, I literally froze, waiting for her reaction. And so, when the first dumpling was eaten, a grimace of disgust appeared on my daughter’s face. I sighed and decided that the number didn’t work, and apparently cottage cheese was definitely not her food. But I was very surprised that my daughter, despite the fact that she clearly didn’t like the dumplings, ate the entire plate.

We didn’t cook dumplings anymore, but the situation is very indicative - the child, maybe without pleasure, but will definitely eat what he himself prepared.

Today I have prepared a selection of options for decorating dishes for children. These recipes for kids are super easy and only take a few minutes.

So, let's cook for the children together!

Baby porridge

Porridge and cottage cheese are the absolute favorites of the children's menu; there is no need to talk about their benefits. But, unfortunately, not every child is happy with a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, and the day does not start out very cheerfully. A little imagination, fruits and berries, and a fun breakfast is guaranteed!

Eggs for children

Scrambled eggs, of course, are not the best example of healthy food. A boiled egg will definitely be a more suitable option for a child. But sometimes, you can deviate from the rules and make it easier for yourself to find the answer to the question “what to cook for your child?”:

Sandwiches for children

An excellent option for an afternoon snack or a children's holiday table. Mashed potatoes and Olivier salad are for adults, but children should not go hungry at the holiday. These children's sandwiches will be an excellent snack for children, and they will be happy to take part in their preparation!

Pasta in a children's plate

Pasta made from durum wheat is a good food option for a child. When we prepare food for children, we use the same set of products as for ourselves, only we add a little extra sense of humor and imagination. This is a great way to once again demonstrate to a child that bringing joy is not difficult, and mom always succeeds!

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