Opening up the world to kids: classes to familiarize themselves with their surroundings in junior kindergarten groups. Notes on the world around us in the first junior group “such different friends” Conversation about baby animals



« Beloozersk basic secondary school

Yalchik district of the Chuvash Republic"


by section "The child and the world around him"

for the first junior group

for the 2nd academic year

Read a song to the children. To develop the ability to listen to poetic text; pronounce onomatopoeic words; perform the movements mentioned in the lyrics of the song; clearly pronounce words up and down, and at the request of the teacher, perform actions corresponding to these words. Improve the ability to understand the teacher’s speech. Encourage attempts to independently carry out actions with objects and name them. Help you understand the meaning of the words up, down


(Ijunior group)


The working curriculum is compiled on the basis of the comprehensive program “Program of education and training in kindergarten” (edited by V. V. Gerbovaya, Moscow, 2010) and supplemented by a national-regional component, which is compiled on the basis of the program “Education of a preschool child” ( under the leadership, Cheboksary, 1995). The leading goals of the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” are: creating favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physiological qualities, in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in the modern world. society.

Currently, increasingly high demands are placed on the organization of education and upbringing of children in preschool educational institutions. At the age of 2-3 years, the foundation of a child’s mental development is sensory education and orientation in the surrounding world. The basic program for studying the section is the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten”, edited by.

“The program of education and training in kindergarten” assumes in the section “Child and the world around” the content of three components: the subject environment, the phenomena of social life, the natural environment.

In introducing children to the phenomena of social life, the themes “Family”, “Kindergarten”, “Native Country”, “Adult Labor” are highlighted.

Mental education in the Program is organized on the principles of communicative and cognitive activity of children and enriched with modern developmental content. It provides the tasks of education and training:

· expand the experience of orientation in the environment;

Enrich children with a variety of sensory experiences;

· form ideas about objects in the immediate environment, about the simplest connections between them;

· cultivate interest in natural phenomena and respect for plants.

The national-regional component is implemented in accordance with the program “Raising a Preschool Child” edited by the section “Cognitive Activities” as part of the lesson and is combined with the topics “Native Country” and “Natural Environment”.

The task of the national-regional component:

· develop cognitive interest in objects and phenomena of the surrounding world of the native land.

The preschool educational institution provides priority social and personal development and health improvement for children under the “Renaissance” program. – N. Novgorod, 1999, “Cultural education of preschool children: Methodological manual. - Issues 1 - 6.


Explanatory note

Work on the cognitive development of children 2-3 years old is built in accordance with their age-related psychological characteristics, adequate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction with children are selected. Introduction to the objective world involves the formation of ideas about the subject, and in familiarizing children with the phenomena of social life, the core topic is the life and work of children. The basis of introducing children to nature is to help the child understand himself as an active subject of nature. The implementation of program tasks is carried out in the process of both everyday communication with children and in the process of educational activities.

This program was compiled taking into account the main educational program of preschool education of preschool educational institutions, for implementation during the 2017 - 2018 academic year and is aimed at familiarizing with the subject environment, familiarizing with the social world and the natural world of children 2-3 years old.

Direct educational activities in the first junior group under the section “familiarization with the outside world” are carried out once a week, lasting up to 10 minutes, with a subgroup of children. The adaptation period of September and October is excluded. Total 28 in year.

Implemented directions

  1. Familiarization with the subject environment
  2. Introduction to the natural world

Main goals and objectives of the program

- form ideas about the simplest connections between objects in the immediate environment;

Continue to introduce children to the names of objects in their immediate environment: toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture. Encourage children to name the color, size of objects, the material from which they are made (paper, wood, fabric, clay); compare familiar objects (different hats, mittens, shoes, etc.), select objects by identity, find the same one, choose a pair), group them by method of use (drink from a cup, etc.).

Explore a variety of ways to use objects

Exercise in establishing similarities and differences between objects that have the same name (same blades; red ball - blue ball; large cube - small cube). Encourage children to name the properties of objects: big, small, soft, fluffy, etc.) Encourage the appearance of general concepts in children’s dictionaries (toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture, etc.). Familiarize yourself with the vehicles in your immediate environment.

Introduction to the natural world

Learn to recognize domestic animals (cat, dog, cow, chicken, etc.) and their babies in nature, in pictures, in toys and name them; recognize some wild animals (bear, hare, fox, etc.) in pictures, name them.

Introduce children to accessible natural phenomena.

Observe birds and insects in the area (butterfly and ladybug)

Teach children to feed birds.

Learn to distinguish vegetables (tomato, cucumber, carrot) and fruit (apple, pear, etc.) by appearance.

Help children notice the beauty of nature at different times of the year.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants and animals. Teach the basics of interaction with nature (examine plants and animals without harming them; dress according to the weather).

Promote the development of a responsible, caring attitude towards nature; develop a sense of responsibility for your actions in relation to representatives of wildlife.

Introduction to the social world

To form basic ideas about the growth and development of a child.

Strengthen the ability to say your name. Develop the ability to name the names of your family members. Develop ideas about the positive aspects of kindergarten, its commonality with home (warmth, comfort, love, etc.) and differences from the home environment (more friends, toys, independence, etc.). Develop the ability to navigate the group premises and area.

Remind children the name of the city (village) in which they live.

Forms of work

Group form of training organization (individual-collective). The group is divided into subgroups.

  • viewing, observation
  • demonstration of visual aids
  • experimentation game
  • research activities
  • design
  • educational game
  • excursion, situational conversation, story, integrative activity, conversation, imaginary problem situation.

. Features of the development of children in the target group

In the development of mental functions of children 2-3 years old, perception dominates. Children of this age are maximally connected with the current situation; all their behavior is impulsive.

Thinking in children 2-3 years old is clearly effective. Children of this age develop intellectually under the condition of clarity of objective activity. In interaction with adults, children learn ways of operating with a variety of objects.Around the age of 2, children begin to develop a primary form of self-awareness. A sign of this self-awareness is recognizing yourself in the mirror. Then children call themselves by name, and closer to the age of three the pronoun “I” appears.By the age of three years, children’s object-related activity has already been formed, at least in relation to those household items that children of this age use.Most children aged 2-3 years begin to move from absolute execution of an action to its symbolic representation. Children 2-3 years old begin to use the functional purpose of an object for their ideas and game plans, focusing on its physical properties and qualities.Children 2-3 years old have developed sensations, perception, attention, memory, thinking (active, practical), elements of imagination, which are developed through objective activity.

Planned results of mastering the program.

Can form a group of homogeneous objects.Distinguishes between one and many objects.

Distinguishes between large and small objects and names their size. Distinguishes and names objects in the immediate environment. Names the members of his family and teachers.

Recognizes and names some domestic and wild animals and their young. Distinguishes some vegetables and fruits (1-2 types). Distinguishes some trees in the immediate environment (1-2 species). Has a basic understanding of natural seasonal phenomena

Assessment of a child’s individual developmentHeld twice a year (October, April)

according to the method of Korotkov N.A., Nezhnov P.G. “Tracking the development of a preschool child in the educational process.”


Familiarization with the objective world

Introduction to the natural world

Introduction to the social world


Long-term calendar and thematic planning




Program content


"Friendly family"

Introduce children to the concept of “family”; develop communication skills; general motor skills; cultivate interest in dramatization games.

Game "Find and name"

Introduce children to objects in their immediate environment - toys; learn to answer questions, describe a toy and actions with it, compare and distinguish plastic, rubber, fabric toys by touch; develop speech; tactile sensations; enrich vocabulary on the topic..

Game “Find bowls for cats and kittens”

Introduce children to pets: cats and kittens, teach them to answer questions, pronounce onomatopoeia, compare objects according to several characteristics (size, color)

Fairy tale dramatization

K. Chukovsky “Chicken”

Exercise children to listen to a fairy tale in a dramatized version; introduce poultry, the appearance of a rooster, its habits; continue to reinforce the concept of “family”; cultivate interest in fairy tales.


"Forest Dwellers"

Clarify ideas about winter and its signs; teach to note weather conditions, distinguish seasonal clothing (winter), help memorize the sequence of dressing for a walk; develop attention, speech, general motor skills

Game “What kinds of


Exercise to distinguish the number of objects (one-many); learn to listen and observe carefully; to develop children’s ability for dialogical speech; learn to answer questions in words and sentences consisting of 3-4 words; practice onomatopoeia with the sounds of birds, enrich and activate vocabulary on the topic; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds in winter.


Let's dress the doll warmly

Practice looking at a plot picture, answering questions about the image, and reproducing specific actions with movements. accompanying them with speech; develop auditory perception, skills of correlating visual images with auditory ones; activate the dictionary on the topic “Winter”.

Clothes for dolls. Game "Guess the description"

Introduce the concept of “clothing”; items of clothing; teach the sequence of dressing for a walk, develop attention, perception, speech, general motor skills; cultivate a neat attitude towards clothing and a desire to put things back in their place; enrich the vocabulary with the names of items of clothing and footwear, definitions.


New Year's Eve is coming soon


Clarify and enrich ideas about the upcoming event - the New Year holiday; learn to look at objects (Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations) and answer questions while looking at them, develop attention, speech, fine and gross motor skills, perception, and activate vocabulary on the topic “New Year’s holiday.”

“Find each snowman a Christmas tree”

When observing, practice identifying the most striking characteristic features; to develop children’s ability for dialogical speech;


Practice listening and observing carefully; to develop the ability for dialogical speech; activate vocabulary on the topic; learn to compare objects, select and arrange them by size, understand the words “big” and “small”.

"Winter Fun"

Clarify ideas about winter games, teach how to look at a plot picture, answer questions about the image,


Game "What are they doing"


To give an idea about wintering birds, teach to observe birds, compare them, develop attention, speech, memory, cultivate love for living beings and the desire to help them (feed).

Looking at the painting “Bird Yard”

Introduce children to the names of poultry; practice onomatopoeia with the voices of poultry; enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic; develop a caring attitude towards animals.

Examination of cars, buses, trams (toys)

Exercise to distinguish by appearance and name trucks and cars, buses, trams, as well as their main parts: cabin, steering wheel, body, wheels, windows.

Compiling the story “The driver drives a truck”

To give children an idea of ​​the profession of a driver, to develop vocabulary and horizons, to learn to group words into simple sentences, to name the color and size of objects, to promote the development of speech as a means of communication.


"Mom's Day"

Give an idea about the holiday, cultivate a desire to help mom.

"Mom's Helpers"

To give an idea that the mother takes care of her family; give an idea of ​​​​helper objects (broom, dustpan, mop, bucket, basin) and their purpose; learn to group objects according to method of use. Cultivate a desire to help mom.

"Matryoshkas visiting"

Introduce children to objects in their immediate environment - toys; learn to answer questions, describe a toy and actions with it, compare and distinguish plastic, rubber, fabric toys by touch; develop speech; tactile sensations; enrich vocabulary on the topic.

"Urban professions"

Create conditions to listen and observe carefully, develop children’s ability for dialogical speech, enrich and activate vocabulary on the topic.


“Who needs what?” (cook, doctor, driver)

Introduce children to the work of adults; practice naming objects and their qualities, correlating work with profession; activate the names of tools and professions (cook, doctor, driver) in children’s speech; develop auditory perception; group objects by method of use, select objects by identity.

"Signs of Spring." We dress the doll for a walk.

Learn to distinguish and name the signs of the seasons (spring, it’s warm outside, the snow has melted, the sun is shining brightly, etc.), changes in people’s clothing, select objects for their intended purpose, name colors, expand your vocabulary.

"Forest animals in spring"

Clarify children's ideas about who eats what (birds, hares, mice). Learn to distinguish between adult animals and their young, compare by size (large - small; long - short). Activate the dictionary on the topic. Promote the development of imagination)

"Birds in Spring"

Identify and systematize children’s knowledge about birds, expand vocabulary, auditory attention, horizons, promote the development of speech as a means of communication..

M ay


Practice observing insects on the site, familiarize yourself with the behavior of insects and birds in summer; expand your vocabulary. Foster a caring attitude towards nature, promote the development of speech as a means of communication

"Bugs and Spiders"

Practice listening and observing carefully. Foster a caring attitude towards nature, promote the development of speech as a means of communication

"Summer is Ahead"

To form basic ideas about summer, seasonal changes in nature, and people’s clothing.

"Summer Plants"

Exercise children to compare plants, expand knowledge about berries and fruits. Expand knowledge about plants on the territory of the kindergarten (tree, bush, grass), consolidate concepts (tall-short, thick-thin, many).


1. Dybina O.V. The objective world as a means of developing creativity in children, 2002.

2. Kozlova S. A. My world: introducing a child to the social world, 2000.

3. Basic educational program of preschool education / Ed. NOT.

Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - 3rd ed., M.: revision. and additional - M.: MOZAYKA

SYNTHESIS, 2016.-328 p.

4. Pomoraeva I.A., V.A. Pozin Methodological manual “classes on the formation

Elementary mathematical concepts. – 2008

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world

In the first junior group.

Topic: “To the Bunny in the clearing”

Expand children's understanding of the world around them. Introduce children to wild animals, teach children to distinguish and

Name the parts of the animal's body (tail, paws, ears, head,


Activate children's vocabulary with new words (fur,

fluffy, soft).

Integration of educational areas: “Communication”, “Cognition”,


Educational: provide knowledge about wild animals, develop speech,

Learn to listen to the teacher, answer questions,

Repeat after the teacher, teach how to perform play games

actions, cultivate love for animals, desire

Take care of them. Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Developmental: Develop speech skills, memorize new words.

Educational: To cultivate a desire to take care of animals and feed them.

Preliminary work: talk with children about animals, look at pictures of animals.

Demonstration material: toy hare, fox, bear. Small

clearing with stump, trees, flowers.

Progress of the lesson:

The children, together with the teacher, go to the clearing and sit around.

A bunny is sitting in a clearing.

Voss: We came to visit the little bunny,

To the long-eared minx

A bunny lives in the forest

The bunny is afraid of the fox.

Guys, let's say hello to the bunny. - Hello, bunny (children repeat). Let's look at the bunny, kids.

What kind of fur does a bunny have? (gray, white, fluffy, soft, warm).

What is this? (shows ears) children's answers - ears, what kind of ears does a bunny have? – long.

What is this? -tail. What kind of tail? – children’s answers – small, fluffy,


What is this? That's right, eyes. What kind of eyes? – cheerful, shiny, black.

What is this? That's right, spout. What spout? Answers: small, round,

Children, what is the affectionate name for a bunny? Answers: bunny, bunny, bunny.

Educate Reads a poem-

Under a bush, a white bunny sits,

His tail is shaking...

Kids, let's show how a bunny's tail trembles

Articulation gymnastics with the tongue:

(Tab left, right).

Playing with movements. "The gray bunny is sitting"

Educate The gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears

This is how he moves his ears.

The bunny is sitting cold and needs to warm her paws like this. This is how her paws need to be warmed.

The bunny is standing cold, the bunny wants to jump

This is how the bunny wants to jump.

(children repeat the movements after the teacher)

Our bunny is hungry

Well, guess what the bunny likes to eat?

(educated. Shows - tomato)

Does the bunny eat a tomato?

Children - no.

Maybe the bunny is eating sausage?

Children - no.

Maybe the bunny eats candy?

Children - no.

What does the bunny eat?

Children - carrots, cabbage.

Well done, you know what the bunny eats. Let's treat the bunny with carrots,

Cabbage, and let's play ourselves.

Children, look carefully, who else is in the clearing?

Children: bear.

That's right, but we won't touch the bear, let the bear sleep.

Who else?

Children are foxes!

The fox is the sister, the red one is the tail, the sly eyes are. Show me how a fox can walk

Children walk on tiptoes across the clearing,

How does she sneak?

Children walk on bent legs.

Well done. Let's invite a bunny and a fox and play a game with them.

Game: "The Bunny and the Fox."

After the game, the children treat the bunny and the fox with carrots. The teacher treats the children with carrots.




In the first junior group.

Topic: “To the Bunny in the clearing”

Educator: Myshanskaya N.V.

Stanitsa Tatsinskaya

September 2019

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world

In the first junior group.

Topic: “To the Bunny in the clearing”


Expand children's understanding of the world around them. Introduce children to wild animals, teach children to distinguish and

Name the parts of the animal's body (tail, paws, ears, head,


Activate children's vocabulary with new words (fur,

fluffy, soft).

Integration of educational areas: “Communication”, “Cognition”,



Educational: provide knowledge about wild animals, develop speech,

Learn to listen to the teacher, answer questions,

Repeat after the teacher, teach how to perform play games

actions, cultivate love for animals, desire

Take care of them. Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Developmental: Develop speech skills, memorize new words.

Educational: To cultivate a desire to take care of animals and feed them.

Preliminary work: talk with children about animals, look at pictures of animals.

Demonstration material: toy hare, fox, bear. Small

clearing with stump, trees, flowers.

Progress of the lesson:

The children, together with the teacher, go to the clearing and sit around.

A bunny is sitting in a clearing.

Voss: We came to visit the little bunny,

To the long-eared minx

A bunny lives in the forest

The bunny is afraid of the fox.

Guys, let's say hello to the bunny. - Hello, bunny (children repeat). Let's look at the bunny, kids.

What kind of fur does a bunny have? (gray, white, fluffy, soft, warm).

What is this? (shows ears) children's answers - ears, what kind of ears does a bunny have? – long.

What is this? -tail. What kind of tail? – children’s answers – small, fluffy,


What is this? That's right, eyes. What kind of eyes are they? – cheerful, shiny, black.

What is this? That's right, spout. What spout? Answers: small, round,


Children, what is the affectionate name for a bunny? Answers - bunny, bunny, bunny.

Educate Reads a poem-

Under a bush, a white bunny sits,

His tail is shaking...

Kids, let's show how a bunny's tail trembles

Articulation gymnastics with the tongue:

(Tab left, right).

Playing with movements. "The gray bunny is sitting"

Educate The gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears

This is how he moves his ears.

The bunny is sitting cold and needs to warm her paws like this. This is how her paws need to be warmed up.

The bunny is standing cold, the bunny wants to jump

This is how the bunny wants to jump.

(children repeat the movements after the teacher)

Our bunny is hungry

Well, guess what the bunny likes to eat?

(educated. Shows - tomato)

Does the bunny eat a tomato?

Children - no.

Maybe the bunny is eating sausage?

Children - no.

Maybe the bunny eats candy?

Children - no.

What does the bunny eat?

Children - carrots, cabbage.

Well done, you know what the bunny eats. Let's treat the bunny with carrots,

Cabbage, and let's play ourselves.

Children, look carefully, who else is in the clearing?

Children: bear.

That's right, but we won't touch the bear, let the bear sleep.

Who else?

Children are foxes!

The fox is the sister, the red one is the tail, the sly eyes are. Show me how a fox can walk

Children walk on tiptoes across the clearing,

How does she sneak?

Children walk on bent legs.

Well done. Let's invite a bunny and a fox and play a game with them.

Game: "The Bunny and the Fox."

After the game, the children treat the bunny and the fox with carrots. The teacher treats the children with carrots.

Tatiana Paramuzova
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment in the first junior group “I am a person in the world”

Summary of joint activities of the teacher and children of the first junior group to familiarize themselves with the environment on the topic: “I am a person in the world”

Paramuzova Tatyana Alekseevna

Goal: To create conditions for the formation of an idea of ​​oneself as a person.

Educational: Create conditions for the formation of an idea of ​​yourself as a person. Make it clear that a person has arms, legs, and a head.

Educational: Create conditions for the development of cultural and hygienic skills.

Developmental: Create conditions for developing the ability to correlate your movements with the words of the song.

Equipment: Toy cat, audio recording by E. Zheleznova “The giraffe has spots.”

Progress of educational activities.

Introductory part:

Educator: Hello, guys! Let's say hello to you!

Hello, palms! Clap-clap-clap!

Hello legs! Top-top-top!

Hello cheeks! Plop-plop-plop!

Chubby cheeks! Plop-plop-plop!

Hello sponges! Smack-smack-smack!

Hello, teeth! Click-click-click!

Hello, my nose! Beep-beep-beep!

Hello guys!

Main part:

Educator: Guys, you are my kids and you came to kindergarten today! There are many of us today! You and I are people. And one is a man. There are a lot of people living on Earth. And everyone is similar to each other. Everyone has arms (let's raise them up), there are legs (let's jump with you) and of course a head (let's shake our heads!

Educator: Guys, look, a cat came to visit us. Let's say hello to her! Hello, cat!

Cat: Hello guys!

Educator: Guys, let's look at the cat!

A cat has paws, and a person has arms and legs.

A cat has a tail, but a person does not have a tail.

A cat has soft fur, and a person has skin.

The cat meows, and the person talks.

That's how different we are! A cat is an animal, and you and I are people.

Educator: Let's say goodbye to the cat, thank you for coming to visit us!

Now let's play a game with you! The game is called "Where are our children"

Game “Where are our kids?”

Where are our pens? Here they are! (put your hands in front of you and clap)

Where are our legs? Here they are! (stomp our feet)

Where are our kids? (cover their face with their hands)

Here they are! (Open their face and smile)

Final part:

Educator: Guys, one is a man!

And when there are many of us, who are we? (People)

What body parts do we have? (arms, legs, head)

Educator: Well done guys! Now let's dance a little.

Song by E. Zheleznova “The giraffe has spots - spots” (perform movements according to the song)

Publications on the topic:

"A general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of the development of pupils."

A comprehensive lesson in the first junior group on familiarization with the environment using a homemade didactic game “Seasons”.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the first junior group “Be Healthy”(integration with the areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development” - drawing).

Educator: Alexandra Aleksandrovna Savinova Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the 1st junior group. Topic: “Teach Tanya the doll.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the first junior group “Furniture for Katya’s doll” Topic: “Furniture for Katya’s doll” Educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, physical development. Objectives: teach children.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the first junior group “Let’s help Mishutka recover” Lesson summary: familiarization with the outside world in the first junior group (development of sensory standards) Topic: “Let’s help the bear recover.”

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world for the first junior group “Getting to know the nesting doll”“Acquaintance with the matryoshka” Purpose: To introduce children to the Russian folk toy “matryoshka”. Promote the development of thinking and perception.

Current page: 1 (book has 6 pages in total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]


100% +

Olga Dybina

Classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world in the second junior group of kindergarten

Class notes

Library “Programs of education and training in kindergarten” under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova


This manual will help teachers successfully organize work to familiarize children of the second junior group with the world around them (the subject environment and the phenomena of life around them).

The manual includes activities, educational games, and didactic games for children 3–4 years old.

To make it easier for teachers to plan work to familiarize children with the world around them, we present the content of the work by topic. To cover each topic, an approximate course of a lesson, game-activity or game is proposed. This gives teachers the opportunity to be creative when planning lessons and to include variable game and problem situations. It is advisable to complete the study of each topic with a final task, which can be used as puzzles, riddles, drawings, answers, etc. Similar game tasks are presented in the manual by O.V. Dybina “I get to know the world”: Workbook for children 3–4 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005.

Teachers should pay special attention to the fact that when introducing children to the world around them, they should not:

Limit yourself only to a monologue-story about objects, phenomena of reality - it is necessary to include as many actions as possible in your classes (sit on a chair, sofa, put on clothes and walk around in them, invite your mother, treat your grandmother, etc.);

Overload children with a large number of questions;

Use only the form of educational activities in your work.

Work to familiarize children 3–4 years old with the world around them must be built in accordance with their age-related psychological characteristics, choosing adequate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction with children and trying to make this process more accessible and effective.

The manual provides additional material - options for games, activities, exercises that can be used in working with children outside of class, during a walk.

To familiarize children of the second youngest age group with the outside world (subject environment and phenomena of the surrounding world), 3 lessons per month are allocated.

The teaching staff of preschool educational institution No. 179 “Snowdrop” in the city of Tolyatti, the head - Nadezhda Petrovna Palenova, the methodologist - Natalya Grigorievna Kuznetsova, took part in the development and testing of classes to familiarize adults with labor.

Distribution of material for the academic year


Lesson 1

Theme "Transport"

Program content. Teach children to identify and distinguish between transport, types of transport, basic features (color, shape, size, structure, functions, etc.)

Lesson 2

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Furniture theme

Program content.

Lesson 3

Theme: “Dad, Mom, Me – Family”

Program content.

Lesson 4

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme "Clothing"

Program content.

Lesson 5

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme “Wonderful bag”

Program content. Give children the idea that some objects are made by human hands, while other objects are created by nature.

Lesson 6

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

The topic is “Who lives in the house?”

Program content. Teach children to remember the names of their comrades, pay attention to their character traits and behavioral characteristics.

Lesson 7

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme "Help Dunno"

Program content. Encourage children to identify, distinguish and describe objects of the natural and man-made world.

Lesson 8

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme "Teremok"

Program content. Introduce children to the properties of wood and the structure of its surface.

Lesson 9

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme “Varvara the beauty, long braid”

Program content. To acquaint children with the work of a mother, to give an idea that a mother cares about her family, about her beloved child. Build respect for mom.

Lesson 10

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Topic “Find objects of the man-made world” Program content. Encourage children to identify, differentiate and describe objects in the natural world and the man-made world.

Lesson 11

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Topic: “It’s good in our kindergarten”

Program content. Teach children to navigate in some rooms of a preschool institution. Cultivate a friendly attitude and respect for preschool employees.

Lesson 12

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme: “Our little bunny is sick”

Program content. Give children the idea that a mother cares about her family, about her beloved child; Mom knows how to examine the throat, skin, put on a thermometer, measure the temperature, put mustard plasters. Build respect for mom.

Lesson 13

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme "Wood block"

Program content. Continue to introduce children to some of the properties of wood; learn to identify the characteristics of a tree.

Lesson 14

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme "Adventure in the Room"

Program content. Continue to acquaint children with the work of a mother at home (cleaning, washing dishes, cleaning carpets, rugs, caring for indoor plants, wiping dust, washing and ironing clothes). Develop respect for mom and a desire to help her with housework.

Lesson 15

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Radio theme

Program content. Encourage children to compose stories about an object based on an algorithm (conventional symbols: material, purpose, components, belonging to the natural or man-made world), to determine a generalizing word for a group of objects.

Lesson 16

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme "Funny drawing"

Program content. Introduce children to the properties of paper and the structure of its surface.

Lesson 17

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme "My hometown"

Program content. Teach children to name their hometown (village). Give basic ideas about your hometown (village). Bring children to understand that there are many streets, multi-storey buildings, and different cars in the city. Cultivate love for your hometown (village).

Lesson 18

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme: “That’s right, mother, golden!”

Program content. Continue to introduce children to the work of mothers and grandmothers, show their business qualities; to develop respect for mother and grandmother, a desire to talk about them.

Lesson 19

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme "Golden Mother"

Program content. Introduce children to the properties of fabric and the structure of its surface.

Lesson 20

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Topic: “How Funtik and I carried sand”

Program content. Give children the idea that dad cares about his family; Dad knows how to drive a car, transport cargo and people - he is the driver in his house. Build respect for dad.

Lesson 21

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Topic: “What we do in kindergarten”

Program content. Continue to acquaint children with the work of preschool workers - teachers, teach them to call teachers by name, patronymic, and address them as “you”. Cultivate respect for the teacher and his work.

Lesson 22

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme “Clay plate”

Program content. Introduce children to the properties of clay and the structure of its surface.

Lesson 23

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme "Nanny washes dishes"

Program content. Continue to familiarize children with the work of preschool workers - assistant teachers; teach them to call them by name, patronymic, and address them as “you”; show an adult’s attitude towards work. Cultivate respect for the assistant teacher and his work.

Lesson 24

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Topic: “Which is better: paper or fabric?”

Program content. To consolidate children's knowledge about paper and fabric, their properties and qualities; learn to establish relationships between the material from which an object is made and the way the object is used.

Lesson 25

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Theme “Gifts for a bear cub”

Program content. To consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of various materials and the structure of their surface. Improve children's ability to distinguish materials and perform various actions with them.

Lesson 26

(subsection “Phenomena of surrounding life”)

Theme “Gift for Gena the Crocodile”

Program content. Introduce children to the work of a cook, show the importance of an adult’s positive attitude towards his work. Cultivate interest in the work activities of adults.

Lesson 27

(subsection “Subject environment”)

Topic: “Describe the subject”

Program content. Improve children's ability to identify essential features of an object and establish basic cause-and-effect relationships between objects.

Sample lesson notes


Lesson 1

Theme "Transport"

Program content. Teach children to identify and distinguish transport, types of transport, highlight the main features (color, shape, size, structure, functions, etc.).

Material. Pictures of an airplane, car, bus; flannelograph, toys - airplane, car, bus.

Progress of the lesson

Kitty (a child from a preparatory group for school dressed as a cat) comes to visit the children. The cat came with gifts: he brought riddles and object pictures.

Educator. Our cat loves to ask riddles. Try to guess them.


Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,
A beetle is running down the street.
And they burn in the beetle's eyes.
Two shiny lights.

The teacher invites the children to find the answer among the object pictures laid out in front of them and pick up the desired picture. Children find the answer; one child puts a picture of a car on a flannelgraph.

What a miracle - the blue house,
There are a lot of kids in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it runs on gasoline.

The teacher invites the children to find the answer and pick up the desired picture. Children find the answer; one child puts a picture of a bus on a flannelgraph.

The cat asks the following riddle:

Floats boldly in the sky,
Overtaking birds in flight.
Man controls it.
What is this?

The teacher invites the children to find the answer and pick up the desired picture. Children find the answer; one child puts a picture of an airplane on a flannelgraph.

The cat and the teacher invite the children to tell them about a car, a bus, an airplane, but first, Kitty asks the children to listen to how he can talk about transport: “This is a bus, it’s blue, it has wheels, a cabin, windows, doors, the driver drives the bus.” Then each child talks about their favorite modes of transport. The cat and the teacher praise the children and give them pictures of transport (the children are allowed to take the pictures home).

Lesson 2

Furniture theme

Program content. Teach children to identify and distinguish furniture, types of furniture, highlight the main characteristics of pieces of furniture (color, shape, size, structure, functions, etc.); group objects according to characteristics.

Material. Parcel box, pieces of doll furniture (chair, table, bed, sofa, wardrobe); doll room, Katya doll in the crib; dummies of vegetables (cucumber, carrots, turnips) and fruits (apple, pear, banana), 2 trays.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the elegant doll Katya and says that today is the doll’s birthday. There is a knock on the door. The postman comes and brings a parcel for Katya's doll - a birthday present from friends. Doll Katya and children examine the parcel. The parcel box contains doll furniture and food for the holiday table.

The doll Katya asks the children to help her arrange new furniture in the doll's room and put treats on the tray.

Children divide all objects into groups, accompanying their actions with generalizing words (“this is furniture”, “this is vegetables”, “this is fruit”). Children arrange furniture in the doll's room, naming all the types of furniture presented. Then place vegetables on one tray and fruits on another.

The teacher invites the children to talk about a piece of furniture (for example, a bed, a table), its color, shape, size, structure and method of use. For example: “This is a bed, it is white, it has a back, legs, and a mattress.”

Then the children set the table and congratulate the doll Katya on her birthday. Next, at the request of the children, the role-playing game “Birthday” unfolds.

Lesson 3

Theme: “Dad, Mom, Me – Family”

Program content. Form initial ideas about the family. Cultivate a child's interest in his own name.

Material. Doll Katya, photo album with family photographs of the children of the group.

Preliminary work. Individual conversations with children on the topic “Your family” (Who do you live with? Do you have a grandmother, grandfather? What is the name of mom, dad? Do you have a brother, sister?)

Progress of the lesson

A game situation is created: the children, together with the teacher, look at the photo album “My Family” with family photographs of the children in the group. The doll Katya “enters” the group and greets the guys.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the Katya doll and her upset voice. The children, together with the teacher, ask Katya why she is upset.

The Katya doll tells the children that she is angry with her mom and dad because they did not buy her the toys she wanted.

The teacher invites the children to ask the doll Katya about her mother and father, and ask them to name the names of her parents. The doll Katya tells the children the names of her parents and asks the children to name the names of their mothers and fathers.

Children find photographs of their loved ones in a photo album, show the doll Katya and say their names (“In the photo is my mother, her name is Valentina”, “This is my dad, his name is Mikhail”, etc.).

The Katya doll invites the children to remember situations when their parents were unable to buy them the toys they wanted, and tell them how they acted in this situation. Children, with the help of a teacher, talk about situations (they were offended, cried, screamed, stamped their feet if their parents did not buy toys, etc.).

The teacher invites them to think about whether children are doing the right thing by demanding toys, and brings them to the understanding that parents care about them, and when the holidays come, mothers and fathers delight their children with toy gifts.

Doll Katya says that when it was her birthday, mom and dad bought her a set of children's furniture. Congratulating her, they called Katya “daughter, Katyusha, Katenka.” The teacher invites the children to remember what their parents gave them for their birthday and how affectionately and lovingly they congratulated them (for example, “They gave me a beautiful doll, and they called me “daughter, Mashenka, sunshine”).”

The teacher and the children look at their family photographs. Asks to name all family members and their names. Brings children to understand that mom, dad, daughter, son are a family; that there are small and large families. The teacher asks each child to remember and determine what kind of family he has - small or large, and to name all family members by name. For example: “We have a big family: mom Tanya, dad Kolya, me Sveta, brother Olezhek, grandmother Nina and grandfather Seryozha,” “We have a small family: mom Irina, dad Sasha and me, Denis.”

Then the teacher plays the game “Whose things?”, in which children must identify objects that belong to their loved ones. The children look at objects brought from home: beads, glasses, balls, books, napkins, etc. At the teacher’s signal: “Sveta, find your grandmother’s things” or “Denis, find your dad’s things” - the children find the necessary things. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly found the belongings of his family members.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher leads the children to the conclusion: dad, mom, children, grandparents - this is a family, all members of which love each other, care and help each other.

Educator. Guys, our dolls also have their own doll family and today they have a family holiday - the birthday of their youngest daughter Katya. They invited us to a holiday.

Lesson 4

Theme "Clothing"

Program content. To train children in the ability to identify and distinguish clothes, to highlight the main characteristics of items of clothing (color, shape, structure, size); group objects according to characteristics.

Material. Parcel box, items of doll clothes (shirt, dress, fur coat, skirt, jacket, trousers), dummies of vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, turnips), tray, box, object pictures (furniture, clothes, transport).

Progress of the lesson

A postman comes to the group and brings the children a parcel and a letter from Dunno. In the letter, Dunno asks the guys to help him sort the items into two groups: “Vegetables” and “Clothing.” The teacher opens the package, invites the children to look at the items and take them out.

Children divide all objects into groups, accompanying their actions with generalizing words (“these are clothes,” “these are vegetables”). Children lay out clothes, naming all types of clothes presented; lay out vegetables, naming them.

The teacher invites the children to talk about an item of clothing (for example, a jacket, dress, shirt), its color, shape, size, structure and method of use. For example: “This is a shirt, it is white, it has a collar, sleeves, buttons, it is made of fabric, it is worn on the body, etc.”

The teacher plays a game: “Who is faster?”, in which children practice their ability to combine objects into groups according to the way they are used. The teacher gives all the players object pictures depicting pieces of furniture, clothing, transport, etc. Invites them to look at the images in the pictures. Introduces the rules of the game - at the signal: “One, two, three,” children must perform the following actions:

“One, two, three” - everyone who has pieces of furniture, run to me!”

“One, two, three” - everyone who has items of clothing, run to me!”

“One, two, three” - everyone who has transport items, run to me!”

Lesson 5

Theme “Wonderful bag”

Program content. Give children the idea that some objects are made by human hands, while others are created by nature.

Material. A bag with items: doll utensils (pot, frying pan, ladle, knife, spoon, fork) and dummies of vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes); two trays with symbols of “man-made world” and “natural world”.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher shows the children a tied bag and says: “Look what kind of bag the bunny sent us. The bunny asked us to help him. This is what happened to him. Grandfather was driving from the market through the forest. He was carrying some shopping for his old woman in a bag, but he didn’t notice how he dropped the bag. A bag lies under a bush, and a bunny jumps past. The bunny is curious: what's in the bag? I looked into it and decided: I’ll take what grew in the garden for myself, and let what I bought in the china shop stay in the bag. Grandpa will look for the loss, find it and take it to grandma. She can’t do without these items in the kitchen. What do you think was in the bag? (Vegetables, dishes.) Why do you think so? Where did the vegetables at the market come from? (They grew up in the garden and were brought for sale.) Why did the bunny decide to take for himself what was growing in the garden? (It's edible.) What are vegetables for? (Children's answers.) Guys, objects that a person receives from nature and does not make with his own hands can be called “objects created by nature.” They can be classified as part of the natural world.

Why didn't the bunny need dishes? (He is an animal, lives in the forest, does not cook food, eats raw vegetables.) What are the dishes for? Where did it come from in the store? (It was made by craftsmen from metal and brought to sell.) Guys, objects that a person makes with his own hands can be called “objects created by human hands.” They can be attributed to the man-made world

This is the bag the bunny found in the forest. Let's help him find out what's in the bag and divide the objects like this: put the objects of the natural world - vegetables - on one tray, that is, leave them for the bunny, and put the objects of the man-made world - dishes - on another tray, and then put them back in the bag for grandmothers."

Children take turns approaching the bag, putting their hand into it, feeling the object, listing the identified signs, naming the object, and determining which world it belongs to: man-made or natural.

The teacher asks leading questions to make it easier for children to determine the size of an object and its shape: “Which object: hard or soft? Long or short? Small or big? Is this object round? What parts does it have? What can you do with this item? What is it for? What's it called? Does this object belong to the natural or man-made world?

The child takes out the object, makes sure that he named it correctly, and places it on the appropriate tray.

After all the items are named and placed on trays, the teacher summarizes: “What did we put on this tray? Are these objects of the natural or man-made world? Why do you think so? Which tray should we leave for the bunny? Which tray should we give for grandma?” (Children's answers.)

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