How to care for your hair at home. How to care for highlighted hair

Nothing shows a person’s health more clearly than the condition of their skin and hair. Any malfunction in the body will sooner or later affect the appearance of the hairstyle. But masking the presence of problems is more difficult than preventing their occurrence. In reality, maintaining beauty is not so difficult, but we are hampered by bad habits, lack of time and ignorance of certain nuances.

Hair care at home should be done daily. Some of its features are determined by the type of curls, but the basic rules are the same for everyone. Unfortunately, few of us, due to our lifestyle, manage to follow all the instructions, but this is worth striving for.

There are medical recommendations regarding the frequency of washing your hair depending on its type, but most women prefer to carry out this procedure without waiting for the moment when their hair becomes unkempt. Daily cleansing activities do not benefit the curls: sebum is washed off every now and then, and the hair is left without protection. But beauty requires sacrifice, and the only thing that can be done here is to reduce the “traumatic” nature of washing.

  • Use a shampoo that suits your hair type. It should not contain weighting additives (silicones, parabens), as well as sulfates (especially if you have colored or damaged curls). Avoid universal products and “2 in 1” complexes: they are useless at best, dangerous at worst. Shampoo, no matter how good it is, needs to be changed at least once every six months.
  • The water should be soft and warm (up to 50 °C). If your hair is oily, increasing it by a few degrees is acceptable. Too hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands, which means that after the procedure the curls will remain clean for a short time. Rinsing is done exclusively with cool water.
  • During the washing process, you do not need to rub or shake your hair too intensely: you can simply tangle it or even damage the cuticle. Apply and distribute the shampoo with gentle movements, massage the skin lightly and carefully.

Combing and drying

  • Do not comb wet hair - this will damage its structure.
  • Don't wrap your head in a towel after washing; instead, blot your hair a few times and let it dry naturally. Of course, the temptation to use a hairdryer every time is very great, but remember that hot air has a destructive effect on the hair shaft.
  • Don't go to bed with wet hair.
  • Get a wide-toothed wooden comb. Plastic and metal ones provoke electrification of hair. In general, the best option is a massage brush made of natural bristles, but in recent years models made of special plastic have appeared that allow you to comb even wet hair without damaging it.
  • You need to start combing from the ends, and only then move on to the roots. It's important to take your time. You should comb your curls no more than 4 times a day. Passion for this ritual and excessive haste lead to hair being damaged or pulled out.
  • If the strands are tangled and stiff after washing, you should spray them with leave-in conditioner or lubricate them with a special light cream before combing.

Styling and protection

Styling with a hairdryer, curling iron or flat iron requires prior application of a heat protectant. Hard plastic, wooden and even silicone curlers should be replaced with foam rubber ones. Clips and pins are only suitable for healthy, elastic hair, and leave kinks on damaged and thin hair. It's safer to use soft, wide elastic bands and avoid hairstyles that are too tight.

As for styling products, if they contain alcohol, they dry out your hair. This is even advisable if you have oily ones, but even in this case you need to know when to stop. If the strands are damaged or colored, the composition of the styling foam or mousse should be given special attention. The weaker the hair, the more delicate the modeling composition should be, and vice versa: it’s not for nothing that the industry produces varnishes of varying degrees of fixation.

Choose a product based on the type and condition of your curls: for some, an airy mousse is enough, while others cannot do without a heavy gel. But, be that as it may, do not overdo it with the quantity and do styling only when it is really necessary. Give your hair a chance to rest, and before going to bed, be sure to wash off or comb out all the “chemicals” from it: the scalp should breathe, and the sebaceous glands work especially intensively at night, and there is no need to interfere with them.

Features of care at different times of the year

In winter, to protect your curls from the cold, you need to wear a hat, despite the fact that under it they wrinkle and quickly get dirty. In winter, the air is dry (and indoors is also hot), causing the hair to lose moisture and become electrified. The solution may be to purchase an air humidifier (it will also be useful for the skin). But there are also less radical measures - in particular, the use of thermal protective sprays, mild moisturizing shampoos and balms, and special masks. In addition, you need to drink at least two liters of water daily.

Cold air constricts blood vessels in the scalp, causing the hair to be poorly supplied with nutrients. Therefore, doctors recommend periodically doing a light massage in winter to help improve blood circulation.

Spring is a time of unstable weather, winds and high humidity. But the main problem of this season is vitamin deficiency, which is easiest to combat by taking special complexes.

In summer, hair is exposed to UV rays, fades, becomes dry and brittle. Frequent bathing causes hair strands to lose their softness and become dull. In this case, again, drinking plenty of fluids and special protective equipment will help.

When visiting a bathhouse or sauna, wear a felt cap, and in the pool do not neglect a cap.

Normal hair

Owners of this type of curls are definitely lucky. They do not need to carry out any special procedures beyond those listed above. The main thing is to maintain the health of the strands through proper nutrition and supply them with vitamins. It is important to choose a good shampoo and conditioner for it. You can make masks: moisturizing, for shine and silkiness, but not necessarily in courses. It is enough to carry out such procedures every 2 weeks.

Normal hair should not be washed too often, otherwise the sebaceous glands will begin to work more intensely than necessary.

Hair masks of this type are made from vegetable oil (for example, almond or burdock) with the addition of honey, cognac, and aloe. Sometimes colorless henna compresses are used for preventive purposes.

In general, hair care is not too burdensome if the hair is normal. All you have to do is keep them that way.

Greasy hair

Accept that you will have to wash them often. But still, not twice a day, otherwise you are guaranteed a vicious circle: you will wash off the skin secretion every time, and the glands will begin to produce it at an accelerated rate in order to protect the hair. To correct the situation, avoid fatty foods and flour products, eat vegetables and fruits and drink as much water as possible (including mineralized water). Buy only hair cosmetics that are suitable for daily use. It is acceptable to occasionally use dry shampoo.

Increased greasiness is often accompanied by the formation of dandruff and seborrhea. To make oily hair look fresh and stay clean longer, you need to use masks based on kefir, blue or white clay, mustard, aloe and lemon juice, and salt. You can add base oils to them, but only relatively light ones - for example, coconut or grape seed. They go well with essential oils - rosemary, juniper, lemon. Masks are applied mainly to the scalp, especially if the hair is of mixed type. Dry ends can be lubricated with special nourishing serums or fluids. Mixed-type curls urgently need protection from the sun; they need to be trimmed every few weeks.

Oily strands are rinsed with lemon or vinegar water, fresh (this is important!) decoctions of mint, horsetail, nettle, yarrow, calendula and oak bark. The listed herbs help narrow pores and inhibit the activity of the glands that produce skin secretions. Decoctions must be chilled.

Dry or damaged hair, split ends

Most often, curls become dry after bleaching, dyeing, chemicals, or as a result of regular heat exposure. They cannot boast of strength and volume, they tear easily, split ends, and fall out. Dry scalp causes itching and dandruff, which is a serious cosmetic problem. Hair must first be saturated with moisture and protected from loss. Stimulation of the sebaceous glands also helps: in order for them to produce fat that envelops and protects the hair shaft, the scalp must be massaged daily.

  • Dry hair is sensitive to various types of chemicals; you need to wash it with soft, cool water and natural shampoo, without aggressive additives (sulfates, parabens). It’s good if care products contain lanolin, lecithin, proteins, and artificial keratin. These substances help curls become more elastic, stronger and shiny. In general, dry hair is easy to wash, so you can skip store-bought products and use beaten egg yolk, curdled milk or whey with the addition of rye bread instead of shampoo.
  • Rinse dry hair with a decoction of nettle or chamomile, but you can replace them with an aspirin solution (at the rate of 2 tablets per 1 liter of warm water). This product fights dandruff and provides curls with a beautiful natural shine.
  • Hair masks are prepared on the basis of fatty oils: castor, burdock, peach, olive. They add honey, aloe extract, egg yolks, sour cream or cream, garlic and onions. It is useful to supplement these compositions with a few drops of essential oils: for example, geranium or lavender. Masks are made weekly, in courses. They are applied to the hair along the entire length and kept, as a rule, for at least an hour under a towel or hood.
  • Those with dry hair should be especially careful with styling products. It is better not to wear tight elastic bands, hairpins and metal hairpins.
  • Split ends should be trimmed regularly (at least once a month, if possible every two weeks) with hot scissors. They cannot be cured, but they can be successfully masked (glued together) with special products that can be found in any cosmetics store. Some women, however, apply castor oil to their ends, claiming that it acts in a similar way.

Grey hair

In terms of their properties, they are close to dry, so you need to care for them in much the same way. In addition, you need to replenish your arsenal with shampoo that gives a noble shade to gray hair. It is important to protect your hair from cigarette smoke and smog. .

Lifestyle and balanced nutrition

To prevent your hair from slowing down, falling out, starting to turn gray prematurely and losing its shine, it is important:

  • Avoid stress.
  • Get a good night's sleep. The importance of this point is usually underestimated, but in vain!
  • Don't get carried away with diets.
  • In the off-season, take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Reduce or completely eliminate the consumption of fatty, sweet, salty and sour foods, flour products.
  • Balance your diet and make sure it contains cereals, meat and dairy products, nuts, fruits, berries, vegetables, fish and seafood, and seeds.
  • Avoid coffee, cigarettes, energy drinks and alcoholic drinks.
  • Exercise regularly and spend as much time outdoors as possible.
  • From time to time, do a short and gentle head massage.
  • Use hair cosmetics that suit you.

There are probably lucky women in the world who have luxurious hair that looks great in any weather, is easy to style and does not cause any trouble to its owner. But, if you believe the statistics, there are not so many such women, and the vast majority of ladies have one or another problem with their hair. And this is not surprising, because the bulk of the modern population lives in conditions, let’s say, far from ideal. People constantly have to deal with various negative factors, such as stress, poor ecology, unfavorable climatic and weather conditions, excessively dry indoor air, and vitamin deficiencies.

In addition, many women often like to experiment with their curls, subjecting them to dyeing, perming, exposure to various styling devices, etc. As a result, once healthy and beautiful hair becomes weak, brittle and dull, takes on a sloppy appearance and begins to fall out rapidly. .

In fact, such troubles can be completely avoided if you provide your hair with comprehensive care. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to become a regular client of one or several beauty salons, because all the necessary manipulations can be carried out independently at home. What does comprehensive hair care include and what nuances need to be taken into account when performing it?

Determining hair type

To provide your curls with complete care, taking into account all their needs, you must first determine what type they belong to. There are several types of hair, each of which has its own distinctive features, disadvantages and advantages. For example:

  • Normal hair. They shine beautifully in the sun, are soft and silky to the touch, easy to style, remain fresh for a long time after washing, and are not prone to splitting. This type of curls is characterized by the presence of a sufficient amount of natural fatty lubricant and its uniform distribution along their entire length. Normal hair does not require any special care, but this does not mean that it can be completely ignored, because if you do not take care of it, it will lose its attractiveness over time. To maintain the health and beauty of such curls, you need to choose the right shampoo and conditioner, preferably from the same line. Daily massage using a soft comb with natural bristles is also recommended.
  • Dry hair. They often look dull, do not have a natural shine, are very fragile, constantly get tangled with each other, easily tear and break off if handled carelessly, and are susceptible to electrification. The main advantage of such curls is that they do not need frequent washing (they do not get greasy for a long time), however, due to the weak activity of the sebaceous glands, their ends constantly lack moisture, and therefore almost always split and split. People with dry hair often suffer from dandruff and scalp irritation. For curls prone to extreme dryness, you need to select mild detergents, preferably on a natural basis and with a neutral pH. It is better to rinse not with ordinary tap water, but with herbal infusions (from chamomile, mint, nettle).
  • Greasy hair. As a rule, they have an unhealthy greasy shine, get dirty quite quickly after washing, and do not hold volume well. Due to excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, wet dandruff often appears. Curls of this type require regular cleansing, which must be done using special shampoos and masks. The composition of such products must necessarily include components with drying and fungicidal properties - extracts of coltsfoot, nettle, horsetail, sage, seaweed, as well as vitamins (A, K, C), proteins and zinc. Oily curls are positively affected by home treatments such as rubbing sour milk and fresh aloe juice before washing your hair, clay masks and rinsing with water acidified with lemon juice or vinegar. It is not recommended to frequently massage the head or comb the strands with a hard brush, so as not to provoke increased activity of the exocrine glands.
  • Combined (mixed) hair. Oily at the roots and excessively dry at the ends. Most often, this feature occurs in women with long curls (this is due to the uneven distribution of sebum along the entire length of the strands). Caring for this type of hair should consist of two stages, one of which is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands (for these purposes, you need to use products with a drying effect), and the second - at moisturizing and restoring dry ends (here cosmetic oils and serums come to the rescue and leave-in balms).

It should be noted that when caring for your hair, you need to take into account not only its type, but also its structural features, as well as the general condition of the hair. Thus, thin curls require very careful treatment: they must be washed exclusively with soft water and neutral shampoos. To comb such hair, it is advisable to use a brush or a wide-toothed comb, and it is better to dry it naturally. The same applies to damaged hair that is prone to brittleness and splitting. Thick and hard ones need deep cleansing and the use of cosmetics that contain emollients (lanolin, silk proteins). To care for hair that has been dyed, you should choose shampoos and conditioners that are appropriately marked “for colored hair.” Such products contain components that prevent the rapid leaching of artificial pigment.

Stages of comprehensive hair care

Home comprehensive hair care for any type should consist of several stages.


Not only the hair itself needs regular cleansing, but also the scalp, on the surface of which dead particles and secretions secreted by the sebaceous glands constantly accumulate. Mixing with each other, they become fertile ground for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the development of various dermatological diseases. In addition to regular hygiene procedures, it is recommended to exfoliate the scalp using scrubs 1–2 times a week. The easiest option for home use is a scrub made from sea salt and water (these components must be mixed in equal proportions until a thick paste is obtained). The finished composition should be applied to the scalp with massaging movements, and after 3-5 minutes, rinse with water. If the skin is damaged, peeling should not be done.

As for cleansing the hair itself, there are also certain nuances. The first is the choice of shampoo, which should be carried out in accordance with the hair type and the existing problems. For oily skin, it is better to use detergents designed for deep cleaning. They contain components that can effectively remove all kinds of impurities and allow you to keep your hair and scalp clean and fresh for a long time. In addition, they neutralize the effects of various harmful substances deposited on the hair every day. Owners of dry type hair should give preference to soft, neutral shampoos that contain moisturizing ingredients (vegetable and essential oils, green tea, cucumber and aloe extracts), and for normal hair, almost any cosmetic product with the appropriate marking is suitable, the main thing is that it does a good job with contaminants and did not cause side effects.

The frequency of water procedures is selected individually; normally, hair should be washed as it gets dirty (1-3 times a week). But if you constantly use styling products or your hair gets greasy quickly, you may need to wash your hair daily. Before washing, the strands must be thoroughly combed or separated with your fingers and moistened. The shampoo should first be applied to the roots, then whipped into foam and distributed throughout the hair. To rinse off the shampoo, use warm (not too cold or hot) water. Hot water stimulates sebum production and dries out hair, while cold water impairs blood circulation in the scalp. After water treatments, it is useful to rinse your hair with herbal decoctions or infusions. You can comb clean curls only after they are completely dry.


Most factory-made shampoos contain alkali, surfactants, preservatives and other “chemicals” that may not have the best effect on the hair structure. To neutralize its harmful effects, restore the acid-base balance of the scalp and soften the curls, you should use balms and conditioners after each hair wash. They should be distributed evenly along the entire length of the strands, avoiding the root zone (otherwise the hair will quickly become greasy), and washed off after 3-5 minutes with water (some products do not require rinsing). It is advisable to purchase balms and conditioners from the same series as shampoo. Products marked “2 in 1” should be used in exceptional cases, for example, you can take them on a trip to save space in your suitcase. But it is not suitable for regular use.


Hair, like skin, needs regular nutrition. For these purposes, you can use masks selected according to your hair type. If you prefer to prepare masks yourself, be responsible when choosing products to create them. In formulations intended for oily hair, you need to add components that have drying properties (lemon juice, sour berries, apple cider vinegar). Those with dry hair should include products in their masks that have a moisturizing and softening effect (natural oils, cream, sour cream). Apply such products to clean, slightly damp hair for 20–40 minutes. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to insulate curls treated with the composition using cling film and a towel. Masks should be washed off with warm water with or without shampoo (depending on the composition of the mixture); the last rinse of the hair is best done with a herbal decoction (for example, chamomile or nettle).

For dry, brittle and weakened hair, in addition to masks, it is also recommended to do oil wraps 2-3 times a week. For these purposes, you can use any cosmetic oils in pure form or in combination with other components (concentrated esters and liquid vitamins). It is not difficult to carry out such procedures, you just need to heat a portion (about 50 ml) of any oil (burdock, olive, almond, etc.) in a water bath and add 2-3 drops of ether or 1-2 ampoules of liquid vitamins (A, B3, B6, B12). The finished mixture should first be applied to the scalp (massage movements), and then the residue should be distributed along the entire length of the curls. Then it is recommended to wrap your hair in plastic and wait an hour and a half (if desired, you can leave the compress on all night). Oily compounds should be washed off with shampoo in two steps.

When carrying out comprehensive hair care, you need to take into account that it requires nutrition both outside and inside. That is, you need to not only use balms, masks and other cosmetics, but also monitor your diet. Your daily menu should contain foods containing sufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins necessary to maintain the beauty and health of your curls. But the consumption of semi-finished products, too spicy and fatty foods should be minimized or completely eliminated (this is especially true for those with oily hair).


In addition to regular cleansing, conditioning and nutrition, hair of any type needs protection from the negative effects of external factors. To ensure this, you must wear hats (both in the cold and warm seasons), use sunscreen in the summer (for example, special hair sprays with UV filters), and avoid contact of your hair with chlorinated and sea water. You should also minimize the use of hair dryers and electric straightening or curling devices. To avoid hair dehydration, you need to drink enough liquid per day (at least one and a half liters).

General recommendations for hair care at home

To ensure that your hair always looks great, is soft, manageable and shiny, without breaking or splitting, remember a few simple rules regarding caring for it:

  • Never comb wet curls, as they are very susceptible to mechanical stress and are easily damaged and torn. Most experts advise starting to comb your hair at least 3-4 hours after washing, so that its natural oils have time to accumulate.
  • Take a responsible approach to choosing a comb. Try to give preference to products made from natural materials that do not damage your hair or cause static electricity. Be sure to keep your combs clean and regularly clean them of dirt using a soap solution.
  • Comb your hair from the roots to the ends so that the oil secreted by the sebaceous glands is distributed along the entire length of the strands. If the curls are very tangled, you need to first sort them out with your fingers and then comb them. It is useful to carry out aroma combing several times a week. To do this, you need to drop 5-7 drops of any essential oil onto a wooden comb, and then comb your hair with it several times. Thanks to such manipulations, the curls acquire a beautiful shine, become softer and more manageable.
  • Visit your hairdresser regularly (at least once every 3 months) to have your split ends trimmed. If possible, carry out this procedure using hot scissors. If split ends are not trimmed, the hair may eventually begin to split along its entire length.
  • If you have dandruff, do not delay treatment, since the condition of your hair largely depends on the health of your scalp. Any dermatological diseases can lead to weakening and degeneration of hair follicles and, as a result, to slower growth and hair loss. To eliminate dandruff, you can use special products (shampoos, pastes, balms), but it is better to carry out therapy under the supervision of a specialist.
  • If you like to often experiment with hair color, use either natural products or professional dyes for these purposes. Do not forget that curls exposed to synthetic dyes require special care, which involves the systematic implementation of restorative procedures and the use of special products for colored hair.
  • Keep in mind that the external beauty of hair largely depends on the internal state of the body, so try to take care of your health, eat right, exercise, get enough sleep and avoid stress. Give up bad habits, as they are often the cause of various problems with curls.

In order to have healthy and attractive hair, it is quite possible to do without visiting beauty salons and expensive procedures. After all, home care, carried out regularly and taking into account all the rules, can be no less effective. However, if you have any problems that you cannot cope with on your own, you should still contact a specialist.

For competent and effective hair care, it is important to correctly determine your hair type, as otherwise there is a risk of worsening its condition. Hair is divided into normal, dry, oily and mixed. Hair normal type reflect light well and shimmer in the sun. If your hair is elastic, almost does not split, is easy to style and comb, has a lively appearance and retains these qualities for several days after washing your hair, it means that you are competently and correctly caring for it with the help of products that suit you and your hair is healthy.

Features of different hair types

Unfortunately, problem-free hair is rare. Greasy hair have a characteristic dull shine, a short time after washing they stick together and begin to appear dirty and untidy. The oiliness of hair depends on the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, which, in turn, is purely individual and genetically determined. To some extent, the amount of sebum produced depends on the type of diet and the amount of carbohydrates (primarily) and fats consumed in food.

Dry hair reflect light poorly, as a result of which they look dull and lack gloss. They tear easily, get tangled, are difficult to comb, and split at the ends. Often, dry hair is the result of improper care, and not a consequence of reduced activity of the sebaceous glands.

Hair mixed type - This is, as a rule, long hair - oily at the roots and dry at the ends due to the fact that it is not sufficiently lubricated with fat along the entire length. The ends of this type of hair, without receiving the necessary lubrication, often split. They need combined care using various special products and an adjusted diet.

Hair care

What does proper hair care include? Of the entire range of hair care procedures, washing is the most important component, since it serves both hygienic and cosmetic purposes. For healthy hair that is not damaged or depleted, proper and timely washing is the minimum sufficient care procedure.

Hair washing

The question of the frequency of washing is decided purely individually: from washing your hair every day to once every 8-10 days. There is only one rule here - you need to wash your hair as often as you need it. Those who use hair styling products (gels, mousses, hairsprays) daily are recommended to wash their hair every day, because... These products weigh down the hair, which has a bad effect on its quality. For daily washing, you should use mild shampoos specifically designed for this purpose.


It is not recommended to wash your hair with too hot or too cold water: the optimal water temperature is 35-45C. The oilier the hair, the cooler the water should be. In addition, you should not apply shampoo to dry hair: first you need to wet your hair with water, then pour a little shampoo into your palms, rub it and slowly and gently rub it into the scalp, and just rinse your hair with the resulting foam, trying not to rub it too much against each other. friend, so as not to damage the hair shaft and cuticle. You need to soap your hair at least twice: this is due to the fact that during the first soaping, only part of the dirt, dust and sebum is removed from the hair, and the therapeutic effect of the shampoo occurs only with its second application. Do not forget also that after using shampoo and other products, the hair must be thoroughly rinsed with water, avoiding any detergent elements remaining on its surface.


It is believed that hair that is well combed before washing will be better combed after. It is recommended to comb short hair from the roots, and long hair from the ends, gradually moving towards the roots. It is better not to comb wet hair, and if necessary, do so not with metal combs, but with plastic or wooden ones. The best way to dry is to let your hair dry naturally, sometimes using a warm towel. Using a hairdryer is often not recommended, but if your hair requires blow-drying, you should use the cold drying setting whenever possible, holding the hairdryer at least 40 cm away from your head.

Hair washing products

Now about the main thing - how to choose the right hair wash. Firstly, why soap is absolutely not suitable for this purpose: it completely destroys the protective water-lipid emulsion film from both the hair and scalp. After such washing, the hair becomes excessively dry, damaged, difficult to comb, and becomes duller. In order not to cause such harm to the hair and at the same time still wash it from accumulated grease, dust, exfoliated cells, there are shampoos: They have a slightly acidic environment, natural for our skin and hair, and are noticeably gentler than soap.


To choose a shampoo, use a simple principle: carefully read the text on the package and use the shampoo that is intended for your hair type, and after starting use, analyze the results. Positive results of using shampoo can be considered clean hair, no oil on it, shiny hair after drying, good combability and manageability, and no irritation of the scalp. To understand that this shampoo is not suitable for you, one or two uses are enough, but in order to come to the conclusion that this shampoo is just for you, you need to use it regularly for at least several weeks. In addition, a good shampoo should remove static electricity from hair, and most importantly, compensate for the loss of proteins, moisture and nutrients. The statement that shampoo needs to be changed from time to time is a myth: if you have chosen a shampoo that you are completely satisfied with, you should only change it to another if the condition of your hair changes.

Conditioner and rinse aid

After using shampoo, it is recommended to apply to hair rinse aid. It performs several functions: it facilitates drying and combing, and gives elasticity to the hair. It is better to use shampoo and conditioner of the same brand - they match each other in composition, and the effect of the conditioner most effectively complements the effect of the shampoo. The combination of shampoo and conditioner from different lines does not benefit the hair and in some cases can even lead to allergic reactions. Often the rinse aid is contained in a 2 in 1 shampoo, but this is a “travelling” option: using the rinse aid separately is much more effective.

Special products are designed to restore damaged hair. means for express treatment- they “smooth” the hair, have a restorative and nourishing effect on the hair follicle and are designed for quick and easy restorative action.


For a longer, more complete and deep therapeutic effect, there are masks- they are applied to the hair for 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a week.

It is very important to understand that caring for your hair, like caring for any other part of the body, is a lifelong endeavor. You can’t take care of your hair for a month or two and then forget about it, hoping that it will now be healthy for the rest of your life. Be consistent and don't leave your hair without care.

Text: Irina Sergeeva

Proper hair care is especially important for residents of large cities, who never have enough time and energy for themselves. If you approach the matter wisely: by enlisting the advice of experts, literally building a program for optimal care for your hair, taking into account its type and characteristics, you can significantly save both money and time. Some procedures from this program need to be carried out only in the salon, but there are some things you can do for your hair at home.

Proper hair care is a lifestyle, not a quick fix

Proper hair care just like a proper diet is not a quick measure, but constant, regular, everyday care of your health and external attractiveness.

Proper hair care means, first of all, the absence (or at least minimizing) of traumatic factors. Even the densest and healthiest curls are unlikely to undergo one or another procedure, improper drying, or perm, albeit a small one. Putting such procedures on stream is not the best solution. Attention and care are what is important, especially if you dream of growing really long and healthy shiny hair.

Wash your hair correctly

Hair washing is the most frequent procedure that we carry out with our hair, and therefore, first of all, it should only have a positive effect on our curls. What do you need to know?

The question of the frequency of this procedure is decided purely individually. There is only one rule here - you need to wash your hair as often as you need it. Those who use styling products (gels, mousses, varnishes) daily are advised to wash their hair every day, as these products weigh down the strands, which is bad for their health and appearance. For daily washing, you should use mild shampoos specifically designed for this purpose.

Don't discount such an important detail as water temperature. It is not recommended to wash your hair with too hot or too cold water: the optimal water temperature is 35-45 degrees. The oilier the hair, the cooler the water should be.

In addition, before applying shampoo, you first need to wet your hair with water, then, pouring a little shampoo into your palms, rub it and slowly and gently rub it into the scalp, and just rinse your curls with the resulting foam, trying not to rub them too hard against each other, so as not to damage the shaft and cuticle. You need to wash your hair at least twice: this is due to the fact that during the first soaping, only part of the dirt, dust and sebum is removed, and the therapeutic effect of the shampoo occurs only with its second application. Do not forget also that after using shampoo and other products, the hair must be thoroughly rinsed with water, avoiding any detergent elements remaining on its surface.

After using shampoo, it is recommended to apply conditioner to your hair. It performs several functions: it facilitates drying and combing, and gives elasticity to the hair. It is better to use shampoo and conditioner of the same brand - they match each other in composition, and the effect of the conditioner most effectively complements the effect of the shampoo. Combining shampoo and conditioner from different lines is not beneficial and in some cases can even lead to allergic reactions. Also, do not lock yourself into the “2 in 1” framework - shampoo and conditioner - this option will not bring the desired benefit.

The best way to dry is to let it dry naturally, sometimes using a warm towel. Using a hairdryer is often not recommended, but if your hair requires blow-drying, you should use the cold drying setting whenever possible, holding the hairdryer at least 40 cm away from your head.

Combing your hair correctly

For daily care, choose a good brush. It is best if it is made of natural pig bristles, wood or plastic. Do not use a metal comb. It’s better not to let your strands feel the metal at all. Replace it with plastic, wood.

To improve blood circulation and enhance hair growth, massage your scalp. Massage the crown and back of your head every morning for five minutes. It is also recommended to make about 50 comb strokes in the morning and evening. Rub special oils into your scalp twice a week.

As for combing after washing, it is believed that hair that is well combed before will comb better after this water procedure. It is recommended to use a comb from the roots for a short haircut, and from the ends for a long haircut, gradually moving towards the roots.

Should you take the weather into account?

If your hair is thin and constantly gets tangled even from a light breeze, try to let it down as little as possible outside. Try to reduce the friction of your curls on woolen, coarse fabrics, especially in the collar area. The best way out is ponytails and braids!

During the cold season, hide your curls under clothing to avoid exposing them to low temperatures. In summer, try to hide from the sun and wind. In winter, it is worth compensating for the drying effects of central heating and air conditioning with moisturizing and nourishing products.

Eating right to keep your hair healthy

Don't forget how important vitamins and microelements are. It is best to get everything you need from food, rather than buying multivitamin complexes, since beneficial elements from food are better absorbed by the body. Include protein-rich foods in your diet: tuna, chicken, egg yolk - they supply your hair with keratin, as well as carbohydrates (potatoes, bread, rice). Amino acids are needed (fish, vegetables, fruits). Spinach, oatmeal, corn, and grains contain iron, and it plays an important role in nourishing the roots and supplying them with oxygen. Vitamin B3 improves blood circulation, B5 accelerates growth, B6 makes the rods strong and the ends neat. Nourishing hair masks will also be no less useful.

Girls, hello, my dears!

In today’s article, I have collected for you all the “delicious” things from my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

How to care for your hair so that it is healthy and beautiful, well-groomed and looks like Luxurious Beauty! ☺

I described everything that I consider necessary to pay attention to and “must be followed” if you really, really want the condition of your hair to please our eyes every day!

And for us girls, this is SO important, right?

From this article you will learn:

How to care for your hair to keep it healthy and beautiful?

Of course, any issue must be approached COMPREHENSIVELY, as they say, “attack” from all sides

Then the result will be completely different than “take something like that out of context...”, try to do it, not see the result after a couple of such attempts, abandon everything, and say: “Well, well... it doesn’t work!” ...

It works, HOW it works, girls!☺

You just need to do it RIGHT:

  1. approach the issue comprehensively, as they say, both from the outside and from the inside,
  2. try different options,
  3. see what can be improved
  4. adjust not YOURSELF to the recommendation, but the RECOMMENDATION – “to suit you”

We are all different, we (all!) have different “initial data”: different preferences, different hair condition, hair type, different state of health, which is very important!

Therefore, you yourself will have to choose, experiment, give up something in the process, understanding that it is NOT yours... But something (what gives results) - leave and continue to use it!

And to the skeptics who say that their hair “naturally” is not wow, and that nothing can be done about it, I will say: “If you do, you will do it!”

Yes, genes are genes and, as they say, you can’t “trample” against nature

And you won’t be able to COMPLETELY change your hair (well, maybe do extensions...). But to qualitatively IMPROVE their condition, even SIGNIFICANTLY qualitatively improve - it’s quite possible, girls, quite!

Inspired? I think so!☺

What do you need to keep your hair always healthy and beautiful?

They need to be properly CAREED!!!

And this means:

  1. Cleanse your hair properly.
  2. Properly moisturize and nourish them.
  3. Strengthen and heal hair with massage.
  4. Cut your hair correctly.
  5. Paint them correctly.
  6. Properly protect and style your hair.
  7. Eat healthy food, one that will contribute to the beauty of your hair.
  8. Take additional “superfood supplements” for Beauty and Hair Growth.
  9. Move actively and exercise.
  10. Think correctly (positively).

That’s basically all... In my opinion, not so much, huh?...

And for those who are immediately “soured” by so much that will need to be done, I’ll say right away - it’s WORTH IT!!! And you decide for yourself.

Regarding what “right” is, I want to say this: “right” is NOT what I or anyone else says...

“Right” is when something suits YOU, something that is comfortable for you to use and gives the results you want!

I do not claim to be the “ultimate truth”, no! I simply share what is “right” for me, what suits me personally.

And you try and decide whether this is right for you, whether this will be EXACTLY “right” for YOU and will give results!

Proper cleansing or washing of hair

It seems like, what’s so and so? I chose a shampoo according to my hair type and that’s it, I washed it for my health, what’s so complicated about that?

And I used to think so... Until I realized that “choosing a shampoo according to your hair type” is not everything...

Moreover, I’ll tell you, girls, this: WHAT shampoo is not the most important thing in hair care AT ALL! Well, in general, shampoo will not be in first or even second place!

The main thing is that it BE and does NOT harm your hair!!!

1) Shampoo

The purpose of shampoo is to cleanse effectively, nothing more.

To enhance the effect, you can enrich it with essential oils; they are absorbed instantly and have a certain effect immediately.

And there is no point in any other nutritional components.

Firstly, the contact time between shampoo and hair is too short. So that these nutritional components work well.

And, secondly, for these nutritional components to work, they must be applied AFTER washing, to clean hair.

As I like to say in this case, “you must first WASH the plate, and only then put on a new portion of food,” otherwise it will turn out to be nonsense...

2) Salt peeling

This is a very, very, very important point in properly cleansing your hair and scalp, girls! I attach very great importance to this moment.

This is as important as cleansing your face and body with a scrub.

Clogged pores, skin covered with a layer of sebum, dust and other secretions, does not “breathe”, suffers, and looks bad.

And she cannot, with all her desire, absorb everything that we apply to her in the form of masks and creams, wanting to improve her condition... Right? And hair and scalp are the same!

3) Water temperature

Only warm water is suitable for washing your hair, and not hot!

Often those who have oily hair, trying to get rid of the annoying “to hell” oiliness of their hair, try to thoroughly wash their hair until it is “squeaky clean” and wash it with too hot water, thereby doing a “disservice” to their hair.

This doesn't make your hair any less oily!

The next day - the same thing again... Just like you didn’t wash it...

4) How often should you wash your hair?

Read more about this

5) Enrichment of shampoos

The composition of any shampoo can be improved by enriching it with a few drops of high-quality essential oils (if you are not allergic to them).

Choose any that suit your hair type and will meet your needs.

To do this, you just need to study the properties and effects of various esters on hair.

I wrote more about essential oils for hair in this

6) Final rinse of hair.

It will be simply wonderful if you make it a rule, after each wash of your hair, to rinse it with herbal infusion or do an aroma rinse!

For more information about herbs for hair, see.

This will perfectly strengthen, revitalize, heal your hair and add even more Luxurious Beauty to it!

Old “grandmother’s” advice: the last water for the final rinse of hair should be cool-cold. In this way, we will help to “close” the hair “scales”, and the hair will look smoother and healthier, and will be less damaged when combing.

7) My favorite “trick” every time I wash my hair.

I wash my hair not under running water, standing in the shower, but after it, over the bathtub, tilting my head down.

This helps improve blood circulation in the scalp, blood flows better to the hair follicles, which means the hair becomes stronger and healthier. That's one thing.

And secondly, before every wash, I always massage my scalp, at least a little.

And then while washing I actively continue to massage the skin.

Necessarily! As a result, a few minutes of massage BEFORE and DURING washing your hair give a simply WONDERFUL effect, girls!

Proper hydration and nutrition of hair

After washing your hair, you must moisturize and nourish it.

For this we will need conditioners, masks and special hair tonics.

1) Conditioner.

This is the first step after washing your hair. It, like shampoo, would also be good to enrich with essential oils, if they are not included in the balm.

The most universal and most “working” for hair are lavender, rose, neroli, ylang-ylang. Mint (for those who want freshness and those with oily hair), tea tree (for dandruff).

It is also very welcome to add to balms.

They will also nourish the hair, since the balm still contacts the hair longer than shampoo, so it must be “given a chance” to work even more effectively for the Beauty of our Hair

A trick that I personally use, and which, by the way, is recommended by many experienced hairdressers: keep the balm on your hair not for a few minutes, as is usually written in the instructions, but for half an hour (ideally), or at least 15 minutes! If you have time, of course...

And then our balm (to which we previously “added oil”) will work like a hair mask!

2) Hair mask

It can be either homemade, home-made, or “from a tube.” Not always and not everyone has time to tinker with natural masks, I understand...

In addition, there is now such a huge selection of excellent, natural and perfectly “working” masks that many people don’t even want to “bother”...

Personally, I combine: I use both store-bought and . And I like the effect!

I would like to draw your special attention to hair masks with keratin. This substance is very important for the beauty and health of hair! Shampoos and conditioners are also enriched with keratin.

It can also be purchased separately in special online stores. And then use it yourself, adding it to your homemade hair masks! A hairdresser friend recommended this to me. I'll have to try, I still can't get my hands on it...

3) Hair tonics

They are intended for hair and scalp. Great stuff, girls! Highly, highly recommended!

They are made on the basis of some kind of hydrosol, enriched, as a rule, with herbal extracts, essential oils, etc.

Tonics moisturize curls just super!

Moreover, their active components strengthen hair follicles, stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, thereby reducing hair loss and activating hair growth.

There are also components that protect hair from harmful environmental influences, and so on...

The compositions of such products are very different, and you can always choose for yourself exactly the tonic that will meet your needs!

Using tonics for hair and scalp is super easy: the bottle is usually equipped with a special sprayer, which is very convenient! Another convenience is that you can always take the tonic with you. A bottle of tonic is usually no more than 100 ml. and can easily fit even into a small woman's purse!

What I have noticed when using hair toners is that my hair stays fresh and shiny for much longer.

In my opinion, an excellent result! Especially important in the summer heat, don’t you think?

Large selection of natural hair tonics, you can find Here

1) Hair protection products

Their use is a must! Fortunately, the choice is now wide, and every girl can choose the product she needs.

Personally, immediately after washing, rinsing and toning my hair, I always apply a special fluid oil to my hair. It can be applied only to the ends, or to the entire length of the hair, if desired.

It contains a lot of natural oils and other natural plant components.

The principle of “working” of the fluid oil is to envelop each hair with the thinnest invisible film, which will protect the hair from various damages (mechanical - during styling and combing, thermal - when the hair is exposed to hot hair dryers, curling irons).

This fluid oil is also designed to protect hair from solar radiation.

An invisible oil film prevents moisture loss, so hair can remain moisturized, and therefore fresher and more beautiful, much longer!

When applied to the hair, this oil does not interfere with the access of air, the hair “breathes” and is able to function perfectly.

Moreover, the wonderful natural oils included in its composition wonderfully nourish the hair, and it becomes vibrant, shiny, strong, elastic, and less brittle, which will help you grow long hair much faster if you have such a task!

Oils perfectly nourish the ends of the hair and restore their structure, protecting against further delamination. When I started using this fluid oil, I noticed that my ends were now much less split!

In addition, this product is very, very economical; you only need a little bit of it to distribute throughout your hair! And for use only on the ends of the hair - even less...

N.B.! When applying any hair protection products (especially oil-based), it is important not to “overdo” the amount, otherwise the hair will not look clean...

2) Styling products.

Good hair styling products contain various hair-protecting ingredients.

And VERY good products - they also do not harm the hair too much, because their composition is as much as possible “freed” from the most terrible chemical components (which, by the way, harm the hair in the most “brazen” way, worsening its condition simply terribly!).

So it's best to choose more natural, organic hair styling products. You can easily find them in any online store of natural organic cosmetics.

For those who really, really don’t accept anything like that, we can, of course, advise styling their hair with beer. And what? An ancient and 100% natural method that was used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers

I once tried styling my hair with beer as an experiment. The styling is simply reinforced concrete! But I don’t need this effect, besides, I don’t like this feeling on my hair, so I don’t do it anymore...

3) Gadgets for hair styling.

These are all kinds of special hair dryers, straightening irons, curling irons, cones, etc.

Very good ones are equipped with all sorts of additional features that are designed to carefully protect the hair from the destructive effects of styling, and, in addition, they also improve the appearance and health of the hair!

This is a very broad topic, and I will not go into it now.

I can simply advise you to study this issue, take an interest in all the new products and achievements of the industry in this area. Believe me, there are so many interesting things there now!

Perhaps you, like me, will also be pleasantly surprised by how many wonderful “things” for hair styling are offered today!

But remember that any device for drying and styling hair (even a super-modern one), at least a little, still spoils the structure of the hair, dries the hair, makes it duller, brittle, etc.

So it's best, of course, to minimize blow-drying and styling with cones and flat irons as much as possible.

1) How to dye your hair?

Any hair dye, even the most super-duper-natural one, still worsens the quality of the hair and spoils its structure.

Because it cannot be that the composition of a paint that is positioned as a permanent dye (and not a hair tone), will not wash off for a long time, and which will cover gray hair 100%, contains EXCLUSIVELY NATURAL components.

There may be few of them. They may not be too aggressive, yes. But they will still be there.

The exception is henna. It is completely natural. But it still doesn’t cover gray hair completely. Especially when there are not “one or two” gray hairs, but already quite a lot...

And if the first effect is such that the gray hairs seem to have been painted over, then after two or three “washes” of the head, the gray “spangles” again proudly begin to shine in sunlight...

In addition, pure henna (or henna + basma) cannot be used often; it dries out the hair very much and therefore is not suitable for those who already have dry, brittle and damaged hair...

You need to know this. So as not to be upset later.

For many years I exclusively used henna to color my hair.

Then I started using henna-based hair dyes, they are also called Ayurvedic dyes. I really liked it, my hair was smooth, shiny, not dry...

The problem with such dyes is that the choice of shades is not so great... And I’m simply tired of always wearing the same shade of hair year after year...

2) When should you cut your hair?

Well, any girl can tell you when to cut her hair, right?

Of course, on the Waxing Moon! Then they will grow better and faster, and will also be stronger. This has been proven for centuries!

By the way, even if you have long hair, the ends of your hair need to be trimmed regularly! First of all, it will give your hair a more well-groomed and neat appearance overall.

3) Personal hairdresser

It is best to choose one hairdresser for yourself and get your hair cut only by him. In general, your personal hairdresser, like a gynecologist, dentist and cosmetologist, should be permanent!

It will be very good if this person is pleasant to you, if it is easy and comfortable for you to communicate with him.

Who will not only be a master of his craft, but who will also understand you well, your requests, as they say, “without words.”

Which will feel like the best option for you right now. It will be just great if your tastes, preferences and visions regarding hairstyles coincide with him!

These are important points, a lot actually depends on them, and they should be taken into account so that the result after visiting your hairdresser pleases you.

This is from my personal experience)

Scalp massage for luxurious hair

Girls, this is a very, very, very important point in caring for your hair if you want it to be healthy, beautiful and make you happy every day!!!

Massage will strengthen your hair, promote its growth, improve and maintain its good appearance, and help get rid of dandruff.

Moreover, a head massage before hair masks is a guarantee that the result from the mask will be many times better!

A “side bonus” from regular head massage is the disappearance of headaches! And also such a state when they say “cloudy head” - that is, a fuzzy consciousness, the inability to think clearly and concentrate quickly, some kind of sudden “loss” of logical thinking! Checked!

For those who want to quickly grow hair and stop hair loss, regular massage should be like the “Our Father” - you can’t do without it!

You can do a massage yourself, you can visit a salon for this purpose - as you wish... But there should BE a regular, high-quality scalp massage!

I understand that now everyone’s pace of life is so fast that not everyone has the opportunity to sit down straight and do a targeted massage, devoting a certain amount of time to this activity...

There is an exit! You can successfully “introduce” massage, integrate it into your life, so to speak, “in small batches”, little by little, but more often:

  1. In the first paragraph - “Proper cleansing (washing) of hair” - I talked about my “massage trick” that I use while washing my hair. Here you go, there is already something you can use...
  2. Further: I often massage my scalp when I'm doing something else, something that doesn't require my hands to be present and doesn't require full concentration.

I combine, so to speak... And time is saved, and the job gets done!

Movement, exercise and sports for beautiful hair

Everything is simple here: the more we move (especially in the fresh air), the better our blood circulation, which means the whole body functions many times better!

Hair is a part of the body, which means that everything will be much better with its health and appearance!

Correct (positive) thinking

Yes, my dears, hair also loves to be loved! ☺

And this is not just another “esoteric retreat”, this is how it is! I have tested this on myself many, many times.

You can’t treat your hair “automatically” - wash it, comb it, style it and run... ☺

They REALLY need to be loved! Any manipulations with hair should be done not from the position of “what a horror, I urgently need to wash and comb this nightmare...”, but from the position of “I love you, that’s why I’m taking care of you.”

I think you understand what I mean... ☺

Hair is alive, it is part of the body, and the body really doesn’t like it when it is treated unconsciously. Automatically, it regards this as dislike for itself and gets offended...

Proper nutrition for hair

I wrote a whole article about how important nutrition is for the beauty of our hair.

Alena Yasneva was with you, See you and bye-bye!

Women's portal - Bonterry