Construction from a cone. Artistic design

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Rice. 1. Mental “objectification”

natural material

At the first stage (fundamental), children were taught to analyze natural material as a basis for obtaining different images using the method of “objectification” (Fig. 1). They were shown roots, branches, twigs of different configurations, similar to something specific, and then they were offered similar material in which they could “see” 2-3 images in each configuration. At the same time, children mastered the basic techniques of constructing an image: changing the spatial position of the base, completing construction and removing unnecessary things. The latter significantly influenced the development of imagination, since children built a new whole by removing unnecessary things from another whole they already had as a result of a mental enumeration of options.

The teacher's questions and actions determined these techniques and contributed to their mastery by the children. Two types of questions were used: “What would it be like if this or that part was removed?” (unnecessary was closed) and “What will happen if you add something to this figure?”

Rice. 2. Using basic design techniques when creating crafts from natural materials

The method of “objectification” is a fundamental point in the development of imagination, since it allows you to develop the ability to see the whole before the parts. Moreover, it can be carried out at a very high level, contributing to the creation on one basis of several original, significantly different images. It is in the depths of this method that another is born - the method of “inclusion”.

At the second stage, children solved problem problems involving the construction of images in the two above methods using new material.

For this purpose, children were offered two types of tasks: they were given natural material, which they had to use as part of something whole (for example, shells as ears, or tail, or eyes, etc.), and natural material, which acted as the basics of future designs (for example, a tied bundle of straw, two connected acorns, etc.). This ensured the generalization of the first method (expanded the scope of its functioning) and mastery of the second, when the material given as the basis was used as a significant element of the holistic image. As a result, children were able to use the same material multifunctionally: both as a basis, and as a part, and as a detail of the image. At the same time, along with the techniques mastered at the first stage, they widely used combination (Fig. 2).

At the third stage of organizing plot construction, the themes of children's crafts expanded, the search for conveying their expressiveness intensified, and the process of creating them became emotional and meaningful for children (Fig. 3). At the same time, children built an image based on both natural material and ideas associated with the plots they had invented, which expanded the palette of children's associations and made the images more dynamic.

Of particular importance was extensive experimentation with natural materials in order to determine its properties: it bends or breaks (and if it gets wet, it will bend), twists; soft or hard; rough or smooth; fluffy or smooth; barbed; color change under different lighting (moss in the sun is emerald, light green, and in the shade it is dark, almost blue), etc. This significantly expanded the children’s associations, which sometimes led to unexpected constructive solutions and the creation of original images using the properties of the material that they discovered for themselves. After such training, a control experiment was conducted with two groups of children (experimental and control groups, 25 people each) to identify the level of development of creative imagination in the following activities: designing from natural material according to plan; children experimenting with a new toy “Drone”; completing the drawing of uncertain figures (a variant of E. Torrance’s technique, developed by O.M. Dyachenko).

As a result of training, the average coefficient of originality in children in the experimental group increased from 2.5 to 7.5, and in the control group - only from 3 to 4.

The results of the experimental work showed that the majority of children had developed imagination and creative design at a fairly high level. Such training had a great positive impact on the development of initiative in children. figurative emotional speech of a descriptive nature. Children also began to show more respect for nature.

Rice. 3. Composition “Birds”

  1. Lesson notes for the preparatory group on artistic design

Summary of a lesson on artistic design in the preparatory group “Magic Cylinders”

Program content

Introduce the method of twisting a rectangle into a cylinder. Start getting acquainted with the technique of paper sculpture. Show the rich possibilities of combining planar and volumetric curvilinear (cylindrical) elements in one design.

Preparation for class

The teacher creates an object-game environment on a flannelgraph: flat figures of a gnome, a house, pets, trees, as well as a blank square for demonstrating the method. Prepares in advance figurines of circus animals, made on the basis of a cylinder (Fig. 4). A number of sample crafts are also selected (Fig. 5). For each child, the following material is prepared: squares of writing paper of different colors and sizes and, in addition to them, several types of blanks for parts (paper squares, strips, circles, as well as threads for beads and glue). The teacher will need exactly the same material to show how to create various crafts using this method.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher draws the children's attention to the figures located on the flannelgraph and begins the story.

Rice. 5. Sequence of making a cylinder from a rectangle (left) Crafts based on a cylinder (right)

Rice. 4. Flat and three-dimensional (made on the basis of a cylinder), figures for creating a game situation on flannelgraph for the lesson “Magic Cylinders”

In the village where the gnomes lived,

Everything was flat, bodies of water

Houses, glades and oaks,

And the beds and mushrooms in the forest

Cows, goats, even cats

And they looked like cakes

And here from across the seas

Once upon a time the Circus of Animals came

And there are elephants, dogs, otters

Looked like cylinders

Seeing them, the Dwarf thought,

Why would such an animal decorate the house?

He sent a telegram to the Doll,

Where he tearfully asks this lady

How to solve the problem

Make your own cylinders

And the Doll answered the Dwarf:

"Let's take a simple square first,

Making a rectangle.

Now we will work with him.

Rectangle, without crushing,

Let's twist it into a cylinder, understanding

What two short sides

We must block each other."

“Nothing,” thought the Dwarf.

On the Sabbath He boldly set to work.

I made a dog. And she

It was the size of an elephant.

While reading poetry, the teacher shows animal figures that have a cylindrical base, and also gradually demonstrates the transformation of a square into a rectangle, and then into a cylinder. Then he invites the children to independently repeat these actions and remember their verbal description (highlighted quatrain), repeating it two or three times. Next, he shows pre-prepared samples of crafts made from cylinders (without explaining or showing the process of their manufacture) for choosing an object for the upcoming work.

Summary of a lesson on artistic design in the preparatory group “Magic transformation of a circle”

Program content. Continue to introduce paper sculpture techniques. Show children how to twist a circle into a cone (“low cone”). Develop the ability to independently “incorporate” the design method into the process of making various crafts. Activate your imagination. Improve the ability to independently analyze finished crafts from the point of view of highlighting the general method of their creation.

Preparing for the lesson.

The teacher places on one side of the flannelgraph several circles of different sizes (diameters - 5, 7, 9 cm) and colors, and on the other - a cone 5 cm high. For each child prepares several circles of different diameters (from 3 to 5-9 cm) , scraps of paper of different colors and sizes for making the necessary additional parts, paints, glue, felt-tip pens and other materials.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the geometric shapes located on the flannelgraph and begins to tell a funny story.

“It was a summer day. The brothers sat in circles on a bench. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an interesting figure appears - a cone. He rolled up to the circle and said: “Glad to see you, brothers!” The circles were surprised and asked: “What kind of brothers are we?” The cone laughed and exclaimed: “How come you didn’t recognize me!” I’m also a circle, but I just turned into a cone.”

“How did you manage to do this?” - asked the circles. “Very simple,” answered the little red cone and sang its song.

The paper circle has it

Just in the middle is the point.

Make an incision for it, my friend,

And twist the circle into a cone.

(Shows this process).

And then the circles asked: “Why did you turn into a cone?” And the small cone answered them. “I did this because a cone can make a lot of different interesting toys.”

Then the teacher invites the children to twist the circle into a cone, determine what crafts can be constructed from the resulting “low” cones, and make one of them. Children name what can be made from cones. And then the teacher shows several finished crafts (Fig. 6).

Upon completion of construction, children analyze the finished toys, highlighting what is common and different in them; If desired, they tell small stories about them and combine them into a single composition.

Rice. 6. Making a low cone (left). Crafts based on low cone (right)


Creative design classes are intended to develop preschoolers' creative abilities in the field of designing various crafts from paper and cardboard and combine the development of fine motor skills, artistic taste, orientation in space and on a plane, figurative and spatial thinking; formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for successful work.

Creative design classes combine work, cognitive and play activities. The introduction of game elements encourages preschoolers to solve assigned problems independently. Children willingly begin practical exercises, where they can quickly see the results of their activities. Content

1. Paper construction
2. Construction from natural materials
3. Lesson notes for the preparatory group on artistic design
Summary of a lesson on artistic design in the preparatory group “Magic Cylinders”
Summary of a lesson on artistic design in the preparatory group “Magic transformation of a circle”

Construction of "Alyonushka"

create conditions for the formation in preschool children of attention to the spiritual culture of their people, interest and respect for their past;
continue to teach children how to build a toy based on a cone;
independently cut and connect the parts together in the specified sequence and according to the pattern;
develop children’s artistic and constructive abilities, aesthetic perception;
develop aesthetic taste, sensory experience, creativity, fine motor skills;
cultivate interest in the Russian national costume and traditions of the Russian people;
cultivate perseverance and hard work.
This is the kind of Alyonushka we’ll get:
parts stencils
red cardboard and cardboard in a circle, yellow, red and white paper, felt-tip pens or pencils, scissors, glue - pencil, oilcloth.
1. We start making our Alyonushka by tracing all the details on a stencil and cutting them out.
2. Take a yellow strip and glue it in the middle of the future sundress. Glue the yellow semicircle along the bottom of the sundress and roll this part into a cone.
3. Next, take the fourth part of the circle, cut out of red paper, and roll it into a cone; do the same with the second quarter. These are the sleeves
4. Glue the sleeves to the sundress.
5.Then we glue a circle cut out of white paper to a scarf cut out of cardboard into a circle and draw the face.
6. We coat both parts of the scarf with thick glue and “dress” it on the sundress. Our Alyonushka is ready.

Master class on paper design in the preparatory group on the topic: "Alyonushka"

Master class on paper design, designed for children of the preparatory group
Topic: “Alyonushka”
Khaliullina Anastasia Aleksandrovna, teacher of the first qualification category, MADOU kindergarten No. 381, Kazan

Description: The work can be done with children 6-7 years old. The material may be useful to teachers of older preschoolers and parents.

Purpose of work: The work can be done in kindergarten when the topic “Clothing” is studied.
create conditions for the formation in preschool children of attention to the spiritual culture of their people, interest and respect for their past;
continue to teach children how to build a toy based on a cone;
independently cut and connect the parts together in the specified sequence and according to the pattern;
develop children’s artistic and constructive abilities, aesthetic perception;

Develop aesthetic taste, sensory experience, creativity, fine motor skills;
cultivate interest in the Russian national costume and traditions of the Russian people;
cultivate perseverance and hard work.
This is the kind of Alyonushka we’ll get:

parts stencils

red cardboard and cardboard in a circle, yellow, red and white paper, felt-tip pens or pencils, scissors, glue - pencil, oilcloth.

1. We start making our Alyonushka by tracing all the details on a stencil and cutting them out.

2. Take a yellow strip and glue it in the middle of the future sundress. Glue the yellow semicircle along the bottom of the sundress and roll this part into a cone.

3. Next, take the fourth part of the circle, cut out of red paper, and roll it into a cone; do the same with the second quarter. These are the sleeves

4. Glue the sleeves to the sundress.

5.Then we glue a circle cut out of white paper to a scarf cut out of cardboard into a circle and draw the face.

Tatyana Vlasova

Paper construction. "Mouse round dance". Working with paper using the cone making technique.

Goal: Continue working with paper, practice the ability to glue a paper cone; -glue other elements.

Objectives: To cultivate strong-willed qualities: perseverance, patience, diligence; ability to complete work;

Cultivate interest in paper design;

To consolidate knowledge about a cone as a geometric figure.

Materials: Printer paper of suitable shades, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens.

The cheese is made in advance.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher tells the children a story.

One day they brought cheese to the grocery store. When the boxes of cheese were being unloaded, one piece of cheese fell out. No one noticed this because the cheese rolled behind the large refrigerator.

What do you guys think, who found the cheese?

Children: Mice!

Educator: Of course, it was a little mouse. The piece of cheese was too big for her. Guess what the mouse did?

Children: She called her mice friends for help.

Educator: Correct! We will do them with you now.

Children do work

The eyes and nose were drawn with a felt-tip pen.

Physical education lesson: “The mouse came out.”

The mouse came out one day (steps in place)

See what time it is. (turns left and right)

One, two, three, four, (claps hands above your head)

The mice pulled the weights (arms up and squatting with arms down)

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing: (claps in front of you)

The mice ran away. (running exercises)

Glue on the ears, paws and tail.

That's how many friends the mouse has made!

Everyone dragged the cheese into the hole together and had a friendly round dance.

Publications on the topic:

"Kitty." Summary of GCD for designing from paper using the origami technique on designing from paper using the origami technique Topic: “Cat” Purpose: Development of memory through the design of origami crafts. Tasks:.

Abstract of GCD designing from paper (origami) in the preparatory group of the kindergarten “Karandashik” of the OO “Artistic and Aesthetic.

Summary of GCD for paper design in the senior group. Collective work “Maple tree” Summary of GCD for paper design in the senior group. Collective work “Maple tree” Abstract directly educational.

“Cheerful little mice” (using origami technique). Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development.” "Artistic and aesthetic development."

Goal: Making a valentine card using the origami technique. Objectives: - introduce children to the holiday "Valentine's Day"; - develop.

Summary of a lesson on drawing in an unconventional technique (imprint with crumpled paper) Topic: “Tulips” Goal: To introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique (printing with crumpled paper) Program objectives: To expand children’s understanding of spring.

Objectives: learn to depict a vase in watercolor using a spiral method; consolidate the ability to draw a lilac branch using the technique of imprinting with crumpled paper;

Adjamatova Tamangyz Arslanalievna



Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Novy Urengoy

1. Developmental:

Develop speech and business communication; develop the child’s interaction with adults and peers; develop emotional responsiveness and empathy; to form positive attitudes towards various types of creativity.

Cognitive development: consolidate children's knowledge about the signs of winter; remember the name of the tree; consolidate the name of the color in the children’s memory: green; develop imagination and creativity; continue to teach children how to work according to a pattern, how to construct from paper.

Speech development: continue to develop speech understanding; encourage the child to follow verbal instructions; expand active vocabulary;

Artistic and aesthetic development: develop a child’s sense of rhythm; continue to improve the ability to perform movements in accordance with the lyrics of the song.

Physical development: develop the ability to run in a certain direction; perform movements in accordance with the text.

2. Correctional: develop fine motor skills of the hands, speech breathing.

3. Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to admire its beauty.

Materials: colored paper in green and red, scissors, glue, napkins, substrates, ready-made cone template for each child.

GCD move:

Welcome Ritual: The teacher greets the children:

“All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let’s smile at each other!”

(hold hands and look at each other with a smile).

Finger gymnastics: “Palms”.

"Palms up, palms down,

And now they’re on their sides and squeezed into a fist.”

Main part:

Educator: Guys, listen to a very interesting riddle and tell me what it says?

“Winter and summer in the same color?” (herringbone)

(Shows a picture of a Christmas tree and trees in winter).

Educator: That’s right, it’s a Christmas tree.

"Christmas tree, Christmas tree

That's what she is like

Slender, beautiful,

Bright, big."

Look how green it is, instead of branches it has paws, instead of leaves there are needles, they are prickly. Look, there are no leaves on the trees, by winter they fly away and everything is white all around - white, there is a lot of snow. The sun comes out little into the sky and does not give us its warmth, does not warm the earth. It's cold outside. Puddles turn to ice. Snow falls. What time of year do you think this happens? What time of year are we in now?

Children: Winter.

Educator: Correct. If snowflakes fall to the ground and there is snow everywhere, then winter has come to us.

(Draws attention to the picture “Winter Forest”). Look how she painted everything around! I covered everything with a white blanket! Do you like it, kids?

Educator: Now let’s go with you to the winter forest.

Game "Our feet walk."

We will follow each other along the path in single file (they walk like a snake)

They stood on their toes and ran towards the forest (running)

We raise our legs higher and don’t step on the snowdrift.

And again our feet walk along the path. (walking)

Educator: So we came to the winter forest. Children, look how beautiful it is around? The trees are shrouded in a blanket of snow.

Game motivation.

Guys, look who came to visit us! Yes, this is a snowman rushing to the animals with a Christmas tree! Look what kind of Christmas tree he has? (Children's answers: green, prickly, branched, fluffy needles...).. The Christmas tree is beautiful, but the snowman is in trouble, he has only one Christmas tree! So the snowman is afraid that every forest child will want to decorate the Christmas tree in his house. How can we help him? (Make Christmas trees for the animals).

Then let's not waste time and get to work. Watch carefully and remember how we will make the Christmas tree. In front of you lies a ready-made template, green paper, scissors and glue. Take the paper and cut it into strips. Then we glue the ends of the strips and glue them onto our template. And so on until the very top. Now, guys, look and tell me what we are missing from our Christmas tree. (Children's answers, stars) That's right, guys. Children cut out a star and stick it on the Christmas tree.

Physical minute “Herringbone” (p Alchikova gymnastics)

There is a Christmas tree in front of us: (The fingers are intertwined, the top of the “Christmas tree” is made from the thumbs)

Cones, needles. (Fists; index fingers extended).

Balls, lanterns, (“Balls” from fingers up, down).

Bunnies and candles, (“Ears” from the index and middle fingers; both palms are folded, fingers clenched)

Stars, people. (Palms folded, fingers spread; middle and index fingers on the table or looking down).

Soon we will dress her up for the holiday.

Now let’s go back to the tables and once again remember how we will work. (Children take turns naming the stages of work, based on the samples, and get to work).

(During the lesson, I provide assistance to children who are experiencing difficulties and give reminders.)

Educator: Snowman, look what different green beauties we have made and now there will be enough of them for all forest dwellers to celebrate the New Year!

Guys, the snowman told me that now he is not afraid, and that he liked ours, let's take the snowman and show our group:

“They clapped their hands together,

They stamped their feet together.

Everything we played here

We remembered with you.

They said goodbye to everyone

And we went home."


What did we do today?

What tree did we meet?

Where did we go?

Who did you meet in the forest?

Why was the snowman afraid?

How did we help the snowman?

Did you like it?


1.Z.A. Efanova, O. V. Simonova, O. A. Frolova Complex classes on the “Childhood” program, 2016 edition.

2. Archive of photographs from T.A. Adjamatova’s album.

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