Supplement to pension for those who have reached 80 years of age. Payments for caring for disabled citizens

Economist. Experience in management positions in the manufacturing sector. Date: September 27, 2018. Reading time 9 min.

For pensioners who have reached the age of 80, the fixed part of the pension is increased by 100% - in 2018, the increase is 4982.9 rubles. Military pensioners are paid an additional 5,240.65 rubles. Elderly citizens receiving social benefits below the minimum monthly wage have the right to receive an additional payment in the amount of RUB 3,485.35. Able-bodied persons caring for an elderly person are assigned a compensation payment in the amount of 1,200 rubles. If a relative has the status of a disabled child, 5,500 rubles are paid.

For pensioners who have reached the age of 80, government support programs are in place to improve their quality of life. All additional payments and compensation payments to citizens of this category, as well as to persons caring for them, taking on the responsibilities of guardianship and/or maintenance, are approved at the legislative level.

Table 1. Regulatory documents:

Name of the law Contents of the document
Art. 17. Federal Law No. 400 dated December 28, 2013 (as amended on June 27, 2018) “On insurance pensions” Regulates the increase in the fixed payment of the insurance pension
Art. 17. Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-I “On the assignment of pensions to persons who served in military service” Reveals the conditions for assigning a pension supplement for long service
Federal Law No. 48 dated April 24. 2008 “On guardianship and trusteeship” Indicates the amount of payments to persons caring for elderly citizens
Art. 12 Federal Law–No. 400 On the inclusion of periods of care for incapacitated persons in the length of service
Art. 12.1 Federal Law No. 178 “On state social assistance” About additional payment to the social minimum

Types of additional payments for pensioners over 80 years of age

The type of pension supplement for citizens after 80 years of age depends on the type of payments received.

Pensioners who have earned labor pension benefits, including those based on length of service, can receive additional financial assistance. Military pensioners and their relatives receive special additional payments. Elderly citizens who receive social benefits can only count on an additional payment up to the subsistence level.

Regardless of the type of benefit paid, those caring for an elderly person are entitled to a monthly compensation payment.

Additional benefits and allowances for people over 80 years of age are provided at the local level on the basis of regional legislation.

Supplement to insurance pension

Upon reaching the specified age, citizens receiving insurance payments have their pension amount recalculated upward. This is due to the need for additional funds for maintenance: care, purchase of medicines, rehabilitation equipment, special nutrition, treatment, etc.

The fixed part of the pension provision is subject to recalculation, which increases by 100%.

In fact, 80-year-old pensioners are equal in part, to whom the pension fund is initially paid in double the amount. In this regard, payments to disabled people of the first group upon reaching the specified age are not recalculated.

Fixed surcharge amount

The amount of the supplement to the insurance pension is fixed, but is subject to annual indexation. Thus, in 2018, after the January increase, the payment increased to 4982.9 rubles. Accordingly, elderly Russians are paid 9,965.8 rubles.

Next year, the government promised that in absolute terms it would give an increase to the FV of 351 rubles. that is, for all pensioners this part of payments will increase to 5,334.19 rubles, and for 80-year-olds to 10,668.39 rubles.

Northern allowances

In addition to the fixed bonus, an increase in payments to eighty-year-old pensioners is provided:

  1. Living in the Far North or regions equivalent to them. In this case, the fixed premium is increased by the regional coefficient for the period of residence of the Russian in the specified areas.
  2. If you have 15 years of northern experience, the increase increases by an additional 50%.
  3. For those who have worked for more than 20 years in areas that are equivalent to the northern ones, the bonus increases by an additional 30%.

Important! An elderly applicant has the right to receive only 1 type of regional allowance.

Therefore, Russians are given the right to choose - to issue an additional payment with a regional coefficient or taking into account the northern experience.

When calculating additional regional payments, the list of regions approved on the date of recalculation, and not the date of retirement, is taken into account.

Registration of additional payment to labor pension

Upon reaching the age of 80, to apply for increased payments, the pensioner does not need to contact any authorities to submit documents or write an application.

The recalculation is carried out by the pension fund independently, without application, based on available personalized data. The pensioner must receive increased payments the next month after turning 80 years old.

Allowances for elderly military pensioners

Since their family members are also under the control of the military commissariats and are calculated on the basis of regulations different from the laws governing pensions for civilians, the increase in payments upon reaching the age of 80 is subject to different principles.

Moreover, there are many more reasons for military pensioners to receive increased payments.

Table 2. Grounds and amount of increase in benefits for former military personnel upon reaching 80 years of age:

The basis for calculating the bonus is the estimated amount of the pension, which is established as social benefits. That is, in 2018 it is 5240.65 rubles. According to Pension Fund forecasts, in 2019 this benefit will increase by 2.4%, that is, it will amount to 5,366.43 rubles.

Pensioners who receive two pensions at the same time: military and labor, have the right to apply only for an age-related military allowance. This is due to the peculiarity of assigning a second pension to military personnel - a fixed part is not included in the calculation formula.

Dependents' allowances

If an elderly pensioner supports minor grandchildren or great-grandchildren who have not reached the age of 18 or are studying full-time at any educational institution before reaching the age of 21, he has the right to receive an additional payment.

This type of payment is provided if:

  1. Dependents do not have parents or legal guardians (due to death, abandonment, deprivation of parental rights).
  2. The pensioner did not formalize official guardianship of his minor relatives.
  3. Grandchildren/great-grandchildren are not officially employed.

Reference! Age is not a limitation for receiving dependent benefits.

Therefore, capable 80-year-olds can receive additionally:

  • 1/3 of the fixed payment – ​​if there is 1 dependent;
  • 2/3 – 2 dependents;
  • 100% additional payment – ​​for 3 or more dependents.

Therefore, the total additional payment for an elderly person can reach 200% of the FV upon reaching 80 years of age and having 3 dependents.

If an elderly person, despite his advanced age, has to provide for 3 great-grandchildren or grandsons, he will be paid a total of 9,965.8 rubles in 2018, that is, the size of the financial contribution will be 14,948.7 rubles.

Note! Disabled spouses and relatives who have no means of subsistence can also be recognized as dependents of a pensioner.

Such additional payments are provided for by law, but in practice, 80-year-old people rarely have dependents, since in most cases they themselves need care.

Do social benefits increase when you reach 80?

Persons who were unable to earn work experience or did not work at all, upon reaching 60 years of age for women and 65 years of age for men, begin to receive old-age social benefits. However, once you reach age eighty, this type of payment does not increase. That is, a pensioner, regardless of age, receives payments in the amount of 5240.65 rubles. in 2018

The only way to receive a bonus is to apply for a social supplement before. But usually such an increase is issued, regardless of age parameters. Therefore, turning 80 does not change anything regarding pension provision.

Important! If insurance payments after age recalculation have not reached the regional PMP, the pensioner can apply for a social supplement at the local social security authority.

Eighty-year-old citizens who receive a social pension for disability or loss of a breadwinner have the right, if they have work experience, to submit an application to the Pension Fund for transfer to an insurance pension. In this case, they will receive the appropriate age allowance in the amount of a fixed payment.

Additional payments to relatives of elderly pensioners

Additional payments for 80-year-old pensioners, as dependents, are not provided, since people of this age in any case have income in the form of an increased labor pension or social benefit at the PMP level.

However, after 80 years old people are automatically recognized as requiring care. Therefore, relatives or strangers who help a pensioner have the right to receive compensation payments. Such a payment is symbolic and is paid only to able-bodied persons who have no other income.

That is, a working-age citizen at the time of making a payment should not:

  • receive a salary or pension;
  • unemployment payments;
  • social benefits;
  • income from business activities.

For reference! Social service workers cannot claim compensation.

To apply for compensation, you must submit to the pension fund:

  1. Applications from the pensioner and caregiver indicating the start date of care.
  2. Applicants' passports.
  3. Documents confirming the caregiver’s lack of income (work book, certificate from the employment center, etc.).

If a pensioner is cared for by a minor who has reached the age of 14, permission from his parents is granted. Students also submit a certificate from their place of study.

After reviewing the documentation within 10 days, a compensation payment in the amount of 1,200 rubles is assigned.

Increased compensation of 5,500 rubles. can be received by relatives who have been caring for a disabled person since childhood.

Payment of additional remuneration to the caregiver is carried out by the elderly person on a voluntary basis from his personal income.

Note! In Russian legislation there is no concept of “guardianship for an elderly person with the right to inherit housing.”

Therefore, a pensioner can register real estate in the name of a caregiver as a thank you for their care solely on their own initiative.

Additional benefits after age 80

Additional measures to support older citizens are provided at the regional level. Therefore, it is worth asking local social services what kind of assistance a pensioner is entitled to.

Typically, after reaching the age of eighty, an elderly person is provided with:

  • discount on prescription drug purchases;
  • extraordinary services in hospitals and clinics;
  • partial payment for joint prostheses;
  • medical and social patronage;
  • utility subsidies;
  • provision of places in nursing homes without waiting lists;
  • partial reimbursement of travel to the place of treatment.

Elderly citizens in critical situations can receive from local authorities and social services:

  • essentials;
  • Food;
  • hot lunches;
  • psychological and medical assistance;
  • lawyer consulting;
  • temporary housing.

Some regions provide benefits for travel on public transport, compensation for local communications and exemption from contributions for major repairs of an apartment building.

Education: Higher economics, specialization – management in the production sector (Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities).
September 27, 2018.

A citizen is entitled to compensation for care (talking, buying food and medicine, preparing food, cleaning, washing and ironing clothes, bathing, ...) about

  • disabled person of group I (with the exception of disabled people of group I since childhood),
  • a man over 60 years old or a woman over 55 years old (see), who, upon conclusion of a medical institution, need constant outside help,
  • a man or woman over 80 years of age.

How much do they pay for grandparent care?

Monthly an additional payment in the amount of 1200 rubles(One thousand two hundred rubles). An elderly person independently transfers money to an assistant.

For citizens living in areas with severe climatic conditions, the amount of compensation payment increases by the regional coefficient.

If you help several pensioners, then everyone will receive an increase in their pension. By caring for five elders over 80, you can earn 1200 × 5 = 6000 rubles per month.

The benefit is assigned from the month of application to the Pension Fund. That is, if the application was submitted on December 25, then the first payment will be due somewhere on March 1-7 of the next year in the amount of 1200 × 3 = 3600 rubles (for December, January, February).

Does the length of service benefit the caregiver?

Yes. According to 400-FZ, the period of care for one or more disabled people, is counted towards the insurance period on a par with periods of work (see Article 12 paragraph 6). For 1 full calendar year, the pension coefficient is 1.8 points(see article 15 paragraph 12). For looking after two bedridden patients at the same time, the same amount is assigned as for looking after one.

Reference: To assign an old-age insurance pension, men must be over 60 years old or women over 55 years old, at least 15 years of insurance experience and an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 points (see Article 8).

What are the requirements for a caregiver?

They can be an unemployed able-bodied person over 14 years old,

  1. residing on the territory of the Russian Federation,
  2. not receiving a pension,
  3. not receiving unemployment benefits,
  4. not receiving any income, including from business activities, as evidenced by the absence of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund,
  5. not undergoing military service in the army.

It is not necessary to be a relative or neighbor.

Therefore, children take care of their parents (their old mother and father), and eighty-year-olds look through their acquaintances for those who would contribute to the registration of a pension supplement:

  1. students,
  2. housewives,
  3. women receiving child care benefits for up to 1.5 years through the Social Security Administration, since their employer does not have a job retained for them,
  4. officially unemployed bloggers and freelancers.

What documents are needed to apply for additional payment?

To assign an additional payment to the body paying the pension, as a rule, Pension fund at the place of registration of the elderly, you need to provide the following set of papers.

Documents from the caregiver

  1. Passport
  2. Work record book (students and schoolchildren may not have it)
  3. Insurance certificate
  4. Certificate from the place of study indicating the number and date of the admission order and the expected date of graduation from the educational institution (only for students and schoolchildren)
  5. Birth certificate, written consent of one of the parents, permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities (for a child from 14 to 16 years old according to Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

The rest of the certificates, as well as applications (samples of them can be viewed on the website, are prepared and requested by Pension Fund employees themselves.

Documents from the person being cared for

  1. Passport
  2. Employment history
  3. Insurance certificate
  4. Power of attorney of the following sample (if personal appearance is not expected, it is not required in all branches of the Pension Fund of Russia)

    Power of attorney

    I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born 02/01/1970, place of birth Kuibyshev, passport 36 04 000000 issued Industrial Department of Internal Affairs of Samara 01/20/2003, registered at: Samara, st. Volskaya 13-1,

    I trust Sergeev Sergei Sergeevich, born December 1, 1990, place of birth Samara, passport 36 06 000000 issued Industrial Department of Internal Affairs of Samara 12/20/2005, registered at the address: Samara, st. Gubanova 10-3,

    be my representative in Office of the Pension Fund in the Kirov and Industrial districts of the city. Samara on the preparation of documents for registration, accrual and recalculation of pensions and other payments, sign and submit various types of applications, sign and carry out all actions and formalities related to the implementation of this order.

    The power of attorney was issued for one appointment.

    Date ______________

    Signature ___________

Additional documents from someone who has not reached 80 years of age

  1. Extract from the disability certification report sent by the federal state institution of medical and social examination to the body paying the pension
  2. Conclusion of a medical institution on the need for constant outside care

What are the main reasons for ending old age care benefits?

  1. Employment of a ward or caregiver
  2. Registration with the employment service
  3. Conscription into the army
  4. Departure for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation with deregistration
  5. Application for refusal of services of a specific caregiver
  6. Unfair performance of the duties of a caregiver, confirmed by an inspection report from the Pension Fund
  7. Expiration of the period for which disability group I was established

Within 5 days, you must notify the Pension Fund of the occurrence of circumstances leading to the termination of the compensation payment. What you can try to do on the website (at the time of writing this article is only possible by personally contacting the Pension Fund). Otherwise, the caregiver will have to return the overcharged money.

In accordance with the law, every pensioner has the right to receive an old-age pension benefit. In 2020, the basic pension amount was 4,559 rubles.

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Citizens who have reached 80 years of age are paid bonuses in the same amount. Thus, the basic portion for centenarians increases by 100%.

What does the law say?

Current legislation provides for doubling the basic part of insurance pensions. This is stated in paragraph 2 of paragraph 17 of article Federal Law No. 173 on labor pensions.

So, for example, if the fixed insurance pension for persons aged 60-70 years is 4559 rubles, then upon reaching 80 years of age the payment is already 9118 rubles.

The increase is due from the day of birth to all recipients, with the exception of disabled people of the first group (for this category of persons the base part is already increased). Also, after 80 years of age, compensation is paid to non-working persons caring for a pensioner.

Normative base

The increase in pensions after 80 years is stated in a number of legal acts:

According to these documents, pension benefits consist of two parts: a basic part (4,559 rubles) and a funded part, which is formed over the entire period of work.

After age 80, the fixed pension increases by 100%.

If a pensioner has dependents, a third of the basic portion is paid for each (but not more than for three people).
The increase is due to persons receiving insurance pensions.

Recipients of social benefits and survivor benefits are deprived of this privilege.

To double the payment you need to switch to an insurance pension.

Is it increasing and by how much?

Pensioners at the age of 80 are assigned another fixed payment to their insurance pension.

How it increases: payments are automatically increased by the entire base portion (by 4,559 rubles in 2020).

This rule has been in effect since Soviet times.

What payments are due?

Long-lived pensioners are entitled to three types of payments:

  • 100% increase in fixed pension;
  • compensation for persons caring for a pensioner;
  • fixed payments for dependents.

Installed size

The basic pension in 2020 is 4,559 rubles.

Consequently, for persons over 80 years of age, the amount of payments doubles and amounts to 9,118 rubles. The government indexes pensions every year, so payments regularly increase.

What an increase: the exact amount of indexation will be known in January of this year, Goskomstat will publish information on inflation. In 2020, the indexation percentage was 4%.

Pension after 80 years in 2020-2017

Recalculation of fixed payments after 80 years is carried out once. This is handled by the Pension Fund; pensioners themselves do not need to do anything.

It is important to remember that doubling the pension base is carried out for two reasons:

  • reaching 80 years of age;
  • presence of disability of the first group.

Therefore, for citizens for whom recalculation was made earlier (due to disability of the first group), the amount of payments remains the same.

Increases and surcharges

Recipients of a labor pension at the age of 80 are entitled to a guaranteed increase in cash payments. The pension is increased by doubling the fixed part.


Citizens receiving social compensation are not entitled to an increase. You can count on doubling only when switching to insurance benefits.

For family members - for caring for the elderly

Many elderly people need help from relatives or strangers.

If a pensioner is unable to take care of himself independently, and someone else does it, the right to receive additional compensation arises.

An additional payment is assigned to persons caring for a pensioner who are not registered with the employment service.

Requirements for caregivers:

  • ability to work;
  • lack of a registered pension;
  • lack of official employment;
  • lack of unemployment benefits;
  • age – over 14 years.

Amount of assistance to carers in 2020:

  • 1200 rubles (care for disabled people of the first group, persons over 80 years old, citizens who cannot independently provide care after hospital treatment);
  • 5,500 rubles (care for disabled children, disabled children of the first group, if a close relative provides care);
  • 1200 rubles – care for disabled children, disabled children of the first group, if assistance is provided by outsiders.

If the assistant has found a job, he needs to notify the Pension Fund within five working days. After this, the accrual of compensation stops.

If this rule is ignored, the Pension Fund has the right to recover the transferred amounts.

To apply for a supplement, you must come to the pension office at your place of residence and write an application.

The application indicates the full name of the pensioner and the caregiver, dates of birth, passport details, and addresses.

The documents you will need are:

  • passport;
  • work book (pensioner and caregiver);
  • certificate of no pension assignment;
  • certificate of absence of registration with the employment service;
  • certificate from the place of study (if a student is caring for you);
  • the pensioner’s statement of consent to the assignment of compensation;
  • consent of a parent or guardian to provide care (for persons 15-17 years old).

After receiving the documents, the pension fund employee issues a certificate indicating the date of submission of the papers.

The application processing period is ten working days. Compensation is provided after one month.

To receive compensation, it does not matter where the caregiver lives (together with the pensioner or separately, or whether he is a family member.

According to the new rules, caregivers are also awarded additional pension points (1.8 for one year of assistance).

If there are dependents

If an eighty-year-old pensioner has dependents, the additional payment is:

  • 10,584 rubles – for one dependent;
  • 12096 rubles – for two;
  • 13,608 rubles – for three.

Recalculation is carried out automatically by the Pension Fund. There is no need to submit any additional application. The supplement is only for three dependents, no more.


Supplements to military pensions are carried out according to general rules.

In accordance with Article 17 of Federal Law No. 4468-1, retired military personnel are entitled to:

  • 100% increase in the basic part - disabled people of the first group or citizens over 80 years old;
  • unemployed pensioners who depend on disabled persons - from 32% to 100% of the fixed pension;
  • 32% - for WWII participants who are not disabled;
  • 64% are WWII participants over 80 years old who are not disabled.

Toward a northern pension

Pension benefits for persons living in the northern regions are calculated taking into account regional coefficients.

Pensioners with fifteen years of work experience in the Far North, living in any localities, receive an additional 5,767 rubles.

Thus, residents of the northern regions can count not only on doubling the base, but also on additional funds, which are accrued taking into account regional coefficients. This provision can be found in Resolution No. 249 of March 18, 2020.

In Moscow

Residents of the capital and the Moscow region, like all other citizens of the Russian Federation, upon reaching the age of eighty receive a pension supplement in the amount of 100% of the basic part.

Additional payments are also provided to unemployed pensioners who have been registered in Moscow for more than ten years if their pension is less than the city social standard.

The surcharge increases the overall amount of pensions to the level of the capital’s social standard.

Persons registered for less than ten years are also entitled to accruals. But in this case, the amounts reach the level of the subsistence minimum, and not the social standard.

Payments are indexed once a year, the next indexation is January 2020. Documentary proof of actual residence is not required.

The total registration period must be ten years or more.

Disabled person of groups 1 and 2

Disabled people of the first group receive a recalculation regardless of their age. For this category of citizens, the basic part was initially increased, so after eighty years the pension remains the same.

Until January 1, 2010, disabled people of the second group with a third degree of disability were treated as disabled people of the first group. Fixed payments for them have also been increased by 100%, so when they reach the age of 80, no bonuses are provided.

It should also be taken into account that disabled people of the second group with restrictions on work activity of the third degree do not have the right to claim a compensatory additional payment for care. This is only possible after 80 years.

After 90 years

For some time, additional payments to pensioners over 90 years of age were carried out on the initiative of the leadership of individual districts from local budget funds. This was possible only if there was money in the budget for these purposes.

Lately, such assistance has not been provided. Federal pension legislation does not provide for pension supplements for persons over 90 years of age.

Upon reaching the age of eighty, the benefit increases according to the general rules.

How much do they pay extra?

How much will the pension increase: the basic pension portion in 2020 is 4,559 rubles; in 2020, these figures are not yet known, since the indexation percentage has not been announced.

The amount of payments for citizens over 80 years of age doubles and amounts to 9,118 rubles. The pension is increased every year - based on indexation.

How is the amount calculated?

The calculation occurs in the Pension Fund automatically based on the existing database. The pensioner does not need to go anywhere, since the pension fund employees have all the necessary information.

How to apply?

The Pension Fund calculates the bonus independently; no paperwork is required from the pensioner. The application is submitted only to obtain compensation for care. If an elderly person cannot appear at the pension department in person, the application must be certified by a notary.


Documents are submitted only in case of registration of compensation for care.

Relying on certain categories of persons. Typically, in order to receive such a monetary benefit and add it to their monthly pension payments, pensioners have to collect the relevant documents and make some effort to complete the process.

And only one type of surcharge occurs automatically - this is the supplement due to citizens upon reaching the age of eighty. Pension Fund employees perform the recalculation without the participation of the pensioner - in this case there is no need to write an application and collect a package of documents. The fixed amount of the insurance portion will increase in accordance with Article 17 of federal legislation.

Accrual of the allowance is provided only for persons belonging to two categories:

  1. citizens who have reached the age of eighty years;
  2. persons who received the first group.

This increase occurs only once. Repeated recalculation for the purpose of increasing pension payments is not provided for by law.

It should be noted that the additional payment is provided only for fixed insurance the amount relating to . That is, pension payments received upon achievement increase. The supplement has no relation to other types of pensions. For example, it is not provided for social payments accrued from the state treasury.

As soon as a citizen turns eighty, his labor pension payments increase automatically. PF employees do not send any special notifications. Therefore, in order to clarify whether the premium has been accrued, you must contact the local branch of the Pension Fund. Here they will explain the reason for the refusal to accrue, if any.

Accrual conditions

According to Article 173 of the Federal Law, the basis for recalculation is:

  • reaching the age of eighty years according to passport data;
  • receipt of the first disability group (recalculation in this case does not depend on age indicators!);
  • presence of a worker () - in this case, labor pension payments have already been accrued.

Only fixed payments due to a pensioner for a certain number of years worked are increased, with mandatory deduction of insurance payments to the Pension Fund. Only official employment is taken into account, since only in this case do employers pay monthly insurance contributions to the Pension Fund.

How to determine size?

Calculating the amount of payments is quite simple. Fixed payments are indexed annually, and their size does not change throughout the current year until the next planned indexation.

The size of the fixed part of pension payments in 2017 is set at 4,558.93 rubles. For some categories it may be slightly higher (for example, with an existing disability).

Upon reaching eighty years of age, the fixed part is doubled - an increase of 100% is made.

The required bonuses for length of service are added to the double fixed part, and then the regional coefficient is applied (if it is valid in a particular region).

In addition, additional financial assistance from the state is provided to everyone available. The amount of the increase will depend on the number of persons supported. This number is limited to three disabled (or minor) family members.

Federal Law No. 173 will remain in effect in the coming years. Citizens under eighty years of age do not have to worry about calculating bonuses - they will definitely receive them if all the basic conditions stipulated by law are met.

In addition, fixed payments are planned to be subject to another indexation at the beginning of next year. The increase will directly depend on the state of the economy and inflation rates.

How to make payments?

The pensioner does not need to take any action - as mentioned above, an increase in the amount of 100% of the fixed payment occurs automatically.

The employees of the Pension Fund take all care of this.

Another type of additional payment required for people over the age of eighty requires registration - this is the so-called compensation provided by the state to persons caring for a frail or sick pensioner.

What are state pensions and who is entitled to receive them? All the details .

Additional payment to family members for caring for an elderly person

If one of the family members or relatives has taken on the responsibility of caring for an elderly and infirm person, he has the right to count on compensation payments from the Pension Fund.

Such a voluntary assistant is subject to certain and quite stringent requirements:

  • he should not be registered with the employment center (listed as unemployed and receive);
  • It is unacceptable to receive any other type of pension payment (for example, for disability);
  • employment and, accordingly, receipt are prohibited (a working person cannot need additional payments);
  • a person applying to care for an old person must be adult(the minimum age is fourteen years, and for children under this age, permission from the guardianship authorities is required).

To apply for a supplement, you must contact your local Pension Fund office. You need to have with you:

  • two statements (from an elderly person requiring care and a caregiver);
  • two passports (of a pensioner and a relative caring for him);
    work book belonging to the applicant (to be presented only if available);
  • relevant certificates from the Pension Fund management (about non-receipt of a pension) and the employment center;
  • For students, a certificate issued by the dean's office is required.

If a pensioner, due to age, is not able to apply for registration in person, he can be replaced by an authorized person who has in his hands the corresponding document (power of attorney), certified by a notary office.

The employment of the caregiver is grounds for termination of payments!

In this case, the pensioner is obliged to notify the Pension Fund in writing. Otherwise, the accrued amount may be recovered from him in court.

The average compensation is 1,440 rubles. This is a relatively small amount, which, nevertheless, will be a significant increase in pension.

Compensation is most often issued when there are schoolchildren or students in the family. This is beneficial for the pensioners themselves. No one checks the transfer of compensation to the assistants, but the pensioner receives a certain amount for his needs. This design is done, of course, with the consent of the grandchildren. If a person is in the first disability group and his age is less than eighty years, payments can be made with the help of children.

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Not all pensioners 80 years and older at this age are able to care for themselves independently without assistance. Elderly people who need constant care can benefit from support relatives or unauthorized persons.

At the same time, due to the need to care for a person in need, the caregiver should not work. In order to financially support such citizens, a pensioner who has arranged for personal care is established to pay for the services of a caregiver.

What payments are due to citizens over 80 years of age?

Upon reaching the age of 80, citizens receiving the following acquire the right to additional financial assistance provided by law for this category of persons:

Any able-bodied person can care for an 80-year-old pensioner regardless of the presence of family relations with him. The fact that they live together does not matter either.

Compensation payment is made under the following conditions:

  • The caregiver must be able to work but not working: he cannot have an employment relationship, be an individual entrepreneur, engage in private practice (conduct advocacy, detective work, security, etc.), or perform work under civil law contracts.
  • Caregiver should not be a recipient of pensions and unemployment benefits.
  • The pensioner being cared for must also not engage in labor or other income-generating activities.
  • Not only adults can care for an elderly person, but also children over 14 years of age, as well as full-time students in their free time.

Payment of compensation is made monthly and is transferred to the citizen being cared for along with his pension. Payment for services to the person who provides assistance is made by the pensioner who is being cared for.

How to arrange care for an 80-year-old pensioner so that the length of service continues?

For a person caring for an elderly disabled citizen, such periods of activity can increase his insurance period for the purpose of a pension. This possibility is provided for in Article 12 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”.

Periods of care for a person who has reached 80 years of age, counted towards the insurance period caregiver For each year of caring for a disabled person, the caregiver is charged 1.8 pension points.

However, the law has a reservation: such periods are included in the insurance period only if before and after them the caregiver had labor or other activities during which they were accrued and paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In order to apply for a subsidy to care for an 80-year-old person, you must contact the authority that pays him the pension. These are bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or law enforcement agencies. The pensioner himself can apply there personally or through an authorized representative. When applying you will need to submit the following documents:

  1. Applications from the caregiver and from a pensioner who has reached 80 years of age and will be cared for.
  2. Certificates stating that the caregiver does not receive pension benefits and is not a recipient of unemployment benefits.
  3. Documents confirming the absence of labor activity of the persons applying (their work books).
  4. Passports of both citizens.

If a disabled citizen for whom care is planned receives pensions simultaneously from both the Pension Fund and Pension Fund, then you can contact any of these authorities. In this case, when applying to one of them from the other, you will need to obtain a certificate stating that the compensation payment for care was not assigned by this body.

Elderly care can also be arranged in person, over 14 years old, in this case you will need to provide consent or permission of one of the parents and the guardianship and trusteeship authority to provide care outside school hours.

Caring students or full-time students will need to additionally submit a certificate from the educational institution.

Amount of compensation payment

Compensation payment for caring for an 80-year-old pensioner is legally established in the amount 1200 rubles. Unfortunately she not subject to annual indexation. Of course, for an able-bodied person this is a very small amount, but it is only a small amount of help from the state for the period of caring for someone in need. In fact, the pensioner being cared for can pay for the services of the person who took care of him in the amount that they agree on among themselves.

Compensation payment is established one person for every citizen which he cares about:

  • The subsidy is assigned from the first day of the month in which the application for it was received with the submission of all required documents and is established for the entire period specified in the application.
  • For citizens who live in regions of the Far North, equivalent areas or other areas in which a regional coefficient is applied when determining the amount of pension benefits, the amount of compensation payment is increased by the corresponding coefficient.

In the event of circumstances in which care for a person in need ceases, the caregiver obliged within 5 days report this to the authority where the compensation was issued.

The following circumstances may serve to terminate the payment of compensation benefits:

  • death of the person being cared for;
  • the caregiver or person being cared for goes to work;
  • assigning a pension or unemployment benefit to the caregiver;
  • cessation of care.

Other benefits for pensioners over 80 years of age

In addition to financial assistance, the state provides various benefits to 80-year-old pensioners:

  • free medical care and social services;
  • provision of places in nursing homes, boarding houses for the elderly, boarding homes and other public medical institutions;
  • If the pensioner’s existing housing is unsuitable for living, if supporting documents are available, it is possible to resolve the issue of providing state-owned housing.

Senior citizens can take advantage of the provision of such social services as:

  • free legal assistance;
  • receiving a one-time hot meal or a set of products;
  • medical and psychological assistance;
  • home visit by a medical or social worker;
  • receiving targeted assistance in the form of hygiene products, clothing, shoes, and basic necessities.

With the entry into force of changes to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, older people have the opportunity to receive additional benefits.

Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to make a decision about complete liberation citizens living alone aged 80 years and older from paying contributions for major repairs common property in an apartment building.

In addition, at the regional level, this category of citizens may be provided with benefits such as free travel on public transport, compensation for using the telephone, discounts on utility bills, and others.

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