New Year is a holiday in nature. New Year celebration: history and traditions

Mikhailov Andrey 12/23/2014 at 18:30

On December 20, 1699, Russian Tsar Peter I signed a decree on Russia’s transition to a new calendar and the postponement of the beginning of the year celebrations from September 1 to January 1. Since then, we have been celebrating the main holiday of the year on this day. In general, the history of the New Year in Rus' is quite interesting. At different times, in addition to the above dates, we celebrated it on March 1, March 22, and September 14.

But first, let's return to the young Russian Tsar. By his decree, Peter ordered on January 1, 1700 to decorate houses with pine, spruce and juniper branches according to the samples exhibited in Gostiny Dvor, as a sign of fun, be sure to congratulate each other on the New Year and, naturally, on the new century.

As historical chronicles say, fireworks, cannon and rifle salutes were set off on Red Square, and Muscovites were ordered to fire muskets and launch rockets near their houses. In short, the order was to have fun with all the might of the Russian soul, albeit in a European manner! The boyars and service people were ordered to dress in foreign costumes - Hungarian caftans. And the women also had to be dressed in foreign dress.

In Peter’s decree it was written: “...On large and well-traveled streets, noble people and at houses of special spiritual and secular rank in front of the gates should make some decorations from trees and branches of pine and juniper... and for poor people, each at least a tree or branch for the gate or over their temple put..." In fact, the decree was not talking specifically about the Christmas tree, but about trees in general. At first they were decorated with nuts, sweets, fruits and even various vegetables, and they began to decorate a specific beautiful Christmas tree much later, from the middle of the last century.

On January 6, the mighty festivities ended with a religious procession to the Jordan. Contrary to the ancient custom, the tsar did not follow the clergy in rich vestments, but stood on the banks of the Moscow River in uniform, surrounded by the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments, dressed in green caftans and camisoles with gold buttons and braid.

In general, the celebration of the New Year in Rus' has the same complex fate as its history itself. The old folk tradition, even after the officially introduced changes in the calendar, preserved ancient customs for a long time. Here's what Pravda.Ru told about the New Year's story Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Nikolai Kaprizov:

“In Rus', in the old, still pagan times, there was a long period of passing, that is, the first three months, and from March the summer month began. In honor of it, they celebrated Ausen, Ovsen or Tusen, which later moved on to the new year. Summer itself in ancient times consisted in the current three spring and three summer months - the last six months consisted of winter time. The transition from autumn to winter was shaded like the transition from summer to autumn. Presumably, the New Year was originally celebrated in Rus' on the day of the spring equinox, that is, March 22. The New Year was celebrated on one day. Winter was driven away, which means a new year has come.

Well, along with Christianity, that is, after the Baptism of Rus' in Rus' (988), naturally, a new chronology appeared - from the Creation of the world. A new European calendar, the Julian, also appeared, with a fixed name for the months. March 1 began to be considered the beginning of the new year. According to one version, at the end of the 15th century, and according to another in 1348, the Orthodox Church moved the beginning of the year to September 1, which corresponded to the definitions of the Council of Nicaea.

In general, the reform of the calendar system was carried out in Rus' without taking into account the working life of the people, without establishing any special connection with agricultural work. The September New Year was approved by the church, following the word of the Holy Scriptures. In the Old Testament church, the month of September was celebrated annually, as if to commemorate peace from all worldly worries.

Thus, the New Year began to be celebrated on the first of September. This day became the feast of Simeon, the first pillar, which is still celebrated by our church. This holiday was known among the common people under the name Seeds of the Summer Conductor, because on this day summer ended and the new year began. It was both a solemn day of celebration and the subject of analysis of urgent conditions, collection of quitrents, taxes and personal courts.

Well, in 1699, Peter I issued a decree according to which January 1 was considered the beginning of the year. This was done following the example of all Christian peoples who lived not according to the Julian, but according to the Gregorian calendar. Peter I, in general, could not immediately transfer Rus' to the new Gregorian calendar, despite all his determination - after all, the church lived according to the Julian calendar.

"New Year" New Year! The most wonderful holiday! Night.. 12 o'clock. Chiming clock. President. Firework. The clink of glasses. Joy. Laughter. This holiday is celebrated in different ways. But they wish the same thing: happiness, good luck, health. New Year! Wonderful holiday! We are waiting for you! Come soon!

"New year's night" New Year's Eve is the most wonderful and magical night of the year. After all, millions of people of different nationalities, in different parts of our planet, do not sleep that night, as usual, but celebrate with their family and loved ones New Year's Eve- replacing the old year with a new one.

“New Year” This joyful and beloved holiday, frosty and colorful New Year In our family, it is customary to meet in a quiet and warm home environment, in the circle of dear and close people who sincerely enjoy each other’s company. We are never bored together, and I will always prefer a family feast to the company of cheerful peers.

“Favorite holiday - New Year” New Year is the best holiday in the world! Since childhood, he remains in our hearts and lives forever... Every year we expect magic, striving to finally touch a miracle, a magical holiday!

How much joy do New Year's troubles bring? How many worries do they portend? And only when the chimes strike we can breathe easy and enjoy this unforgettable moment. Smells.. How many magical New Year's scents do we know? The smell of a Christmas tree, tangerines, we look forward to the smell of our favorite sweets and cakes, and of course the smell of a miracle visiting the house! My heart is filled with joy at these moments! It's so good that there is such a thing New Year holiday!

About “New Year” New Year is a holiday that everyone loves very much. Although many nations do not celebrate the New Year (for example, the British celebrate only Christmas), in Russia they really look forward to New Year's Eve. On New Year's Day There are a lot of treats on the table, obligatory Olivier and tangerines. Everyone is cheerful and happy, waiting for midnight. Everyone probably loves this wonderful holiday.

"New Years is soon!" New Year is coming very soon! - a favorite holiday for children! Children happily play in the snow and go sledding. And the best thing is that Grandfather Frost will come and give you long-awaited gifts. At matinees and New Year's celebrations, the guys will have fun with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden! All children love and look forward to the New Year!

"Why I love New Year" Of all the holidays of the year, this is my favorite New Year. Why? You ask.

First of all, you look forward looking forward to next year. You know that next year you will become one year older.

Secondly, you gather at the table with the whole family, counting how many seconds are left until the first of January. You open a gift and rejoice with your loved ones. It is especially joyful to give a gift with your own hands; imagining the face of the person you receive, you are more happy than he is. Looking out the windows, you see the joyful faces of people holding sparklers.

Here why do I like this holiday!

The history of the New Year is distinguished by many ancient Russian traditions combined with borrowed customs and rituals from other countries. It is known that the holiday dates back to ancient times.

The incredible interweaving of ancient Slavic, European, Asian and Christian traditions makes this holiday truly unique. How did the New Year begin and what interesting facts lie behind its origins?

13 facts about the New Year holiday

  1. New Year of the ancient Slavs. The ancient Slavs celebrated the arrival of the New Year in the spring. In March, the awakening of nature began, a new period of life for plants and animals. It is believed that New Year among the ancient Slavs- This Maslenitsa, and it is after the farewell to winter that the New Year comes. According to other sources, the main winter holiday of ancestors is considered Kolyada. The winter solstice holiday was celebrated in late December - early January. The echoes and customs of this holiday have merged with the modern New Year. It was from those times that fortune telling began, the tradition of decorating one’s home and treating mummers. There is also a mention of an ancient winter holiday called Avsen. It was celebrated at the same time. According to legend, the ritual character Avsen lit the sun wheel, which symbolized the beginning of a new life.
  2. New Year after the baptism of Rus'. With the adoption of Christianity, the New Year is celebrated March 1. A new chronology appears - the Julian calendar, according to which the year was divided into months and given names. Before the adoption of Christianity and chronology from the creation of the world, counting was carried out by seasons. For several centuries in a row, March 1 was considered the beginning of the year. This was the case until 1492, when John III did not issue a decree - since then New Year began to be celebrated on September 1. The celebrations were solemn: a magnificent celebration was held in Moscow every year, a cannon shot sounded at midnight, and church bells rang. Despite the fact that the holiday was celebrated in the fall, it is quite similar to the modern New Year.
  3. New Year twice a year. So, New Year was celebrated on September 1 from 1492 to 1699. In 1700, Peter I issued a decree according to which the New Year celebration was to take place on January 1. Many people did not like this decision - the winter New Year was not accepted by the people for a long time. People had to be literally forced to have fun and celebrate the holiday. Thanks to the tough character of Peter and the ingenuity of Elizabeth I, who organized lavish celebrations and masquerade balls, the tradition nevertheless took root. However, for many years the holiday was celebrated 2 times: according to the old custom - in September, and in winter - as prescribed by decree of the Emperor. Many generations passed before the autumn New Year was finally abandoned.
  4. New Year traditions until the 20th century. During the reign of Peter The symbol of the New Year was birch or spruce branches. New Year's toys were also absent - they came to us much later, in the 19th century. Instead, apples, nuts, eggs and sweets served as decorations, that is, everything edible that could be found in the house, having a round shape. The tradition of drinking champagne also came a little later, after the defeat of Napoleon. Since then, drinking French champagne has been a New Year's tradition. By the 19th century, the New Year became the most beloved and long-awaited holiday. Residents all over the country organize lavish balls and mass feasts, and roast pigs and radishes are invariably present on the festive table.
  5. Soviet ban: New Year without a Christmas tree. According to scientists, decorating the Christmas tree began in the 16th century in Germany - this is where the tradition began throughout Europe. In Russia, this custom was introduced by Peter I, but the ritual became widespread only in the 19th century. With the coming to power of the Soviet government, it was forbidden to celebrate Christmas and decorate the Christmas tree. In the planned fight against religion and Orthodox holidays, the New Year tree was called a “priestly” custom. The ban was lifted 17 years later, in 1935. And since 1947, January 1 was officially considered a holiday. During Soviet times, there was also a new custom that has survived to this day - Olivier salad. It was invented to replace the missing French ingredient with boiled sausage. During the same period, Father Frost and Snegurochka, two favorite folk characters, appeared.
  6. How the old New Year appeared. The history of this holiday takes its toll started in 1918, when the Soviet government decided to keep up with progressive countries by issuing a decree on a new calendar - instead of the Julian Gregorian calendar became official. Since the 20th century, the difference between the two calendars is 13 days. Due to the refusal of the Russian Orthodox Church to accept the new calendar, 2 holidays appeared: New Year and old New Year. According to the Gregorian calendar, January 14 corresponds to January 1 of the Julian calendar. Thus, Russians celebrate the New Year together with the rest of the world, without denying themselves the church holiday. The name Old New Year is the result of the fact that it appeared before the modern one.
  7. Christian Church: irreconcilable contradictions. For Christian believers, celebrating the New Year according to Russian canons is problematic. Adhering to a strict 40-day fast, which lasts until Christmas, that is, until January 7, there is no way to feast at the festive table. According to religious rules, on January 1 you need to give up animal products, alcohol and fun. It turns out that the traditional New Year, which has been celebrated in Russia for more than 300 years, contradicts Orthodox traditions. Unlike the Orthodox, The Catholic Church celebrates Christmas on December 25, so Catholics celebrate the New Year without breaking fast.
  8. As you meet, so will you spend. In Ancient Rus', on January 1st, Vasiliev’s Day took place, which can be considered the New Year of our ancestors. All the best was always placed on the festive table, and it was always decorated with roasted piglets in honor of Vasily, the patron saint of swineherds. The celebrants wore only new clothes, not worn, and drank vodka, beer, and mead. According to ancient belief, the whole year will pass as you meet it, so you have to try, not sparing your belly. How could it be otherwise, since the whole year is at stake! You need to work hard at the table to make the year go well, so... Celebrating the New Year for 14 days is an ancient tradition, not a fad. Russians know that they need to celebrate the holiday according to ancient traditions, the modern way of life, and at the same time not to forget about the church.
  9. Source of fun: crackers, sparklers and fireworks. Tradition is fun and bright celebrating the New Year with the help of firecrackers and fireworks came to us from Ancient China. Residents of China celebrate the New Year on a grand scale - gunshots and claps thunder throughout the whole day. But if for Russians this is simple fun, then Asian countries believe that they drive out evil spirits in this way. According to legend, evil spirits are looking for shelter at this time, and if you don’t scare them off properly, they will settle in the house and cause many different troubles to the owners. Despite the fact that we do not use firecrackers and firecrackers on such a large scale, hardly any holiday today is complete without this ritual. Bengal lights also come from Asia, more precisely from Indian Bengal. The history of their appearance is unknown, which does not prevent you from lighting a bright sparkling fire at your favorite holiday.
  10. Snowmen and snow women. Another ancient Slavic tradition that has survived to this day is the sculpting of a snowman and a snow woman. In the old days, residents believed that winter would not be too harsh if a snow woman was made on the day of the winter solstice. And the snowman was considered the spirit of winter, from whom you can ask for help. With the help of a broom in their hands, snowmen could fly to the sky - it was there that they commanded snow and fog, which is why solemn rituals were organized in honor of the heavenly inhabitants.
  11. The story of Santa Claus. The first mentions of Santa Claus are found among the ancient Slavs: the winter spirit Morok, aka Morozko, sent severe frost and cold, and covered rivers with ice. Unlike the modern Grandfather, who himself gives gifts, his ancestor, on the contrary, received gifts. Pancakes, jelly and other treats were placed on the windows of the stern spirit to appease it. The first mention in literature about Santa Claus is found in Odoevsky’s “Tales of Grandfather Iriney” in 1840.
  12. Father Frost's birthday. Writing a letter to Santa Claus before the New Year is an important ritual for every child. The absence of a birthday for a favorite character was very upsetting for children, so they came up with a date for Santa Claus when they could congratulate him on his birthday. Since 2005, children have celebrated this holiday on November 18 - this date was invented by the children themselves. The day was not chosen by chance. The birthplace of the birthday boy is Veliky Ustyug. In mid-November, cold weather comes to this region and the rivers become covered with ice. True, the exact age of Santa Claus is unknown - it is believed that he is more than 2000 years old. Both local children and tourists can congratulate their favorite character. A mailbox is specially opened for these purposes. Father Frost is so beloved that the Pension Fund employees awarded him the title “Veteran of Fairytale Labor.”
  13. Snow Maiden. At the Snow Maiden's, like Santa Claus, I have a birthday that falls on April 5th. The Snow Maiden's homeland the village of Shchelykovo, in the house-museum of the writer A. N. Ostrovsky, who created this fairy-tale character by writing the play of the same name. According to Ostrovsky's play, the Snow Maiden was Father Frost's daughter. In Soviet times, when the Kremlin Christmas trees were held, according to the scripts of popular New Year's plays, the Snow Maiden and Father Frost are each other's granddaughter and grandfather. The Snow Maiden became widespread as an integral part of the New Year in the 50s of the 20th century.

New Year is one of the most long-awaited and magical holidays. Its amazing story speaks of the great love of our ancestors for this holiday, which has reached us hundreds of years later.

Valentina Seregina
“The history of the New Year holiday” How to tell children about the New Year holiday

What is this New Year holiday?

On New Year's Eve, multi-colored lights are lit on the beautiful forest tree, Christmas decorations sparkle, and under the tree Grandfather Frost himself leaves various, expected gifts. But if you ask Santa Claus why under New year he appears in every home and arranges such a wonderful holiday to all of us and our children, then he will tell this story:

All countries on Earth celebrate this fabulous festival once a year. holiday, and all the children, without exception, love and look forward to it. Turns out, New the year does not come to different countries at the same time time: somewhere in the summer or autumn, and somewhere in the winter, like here in Russia.

New Year a holiday is a holiday solstice and originates from ancient times, when the sun was considered the main deity, giving life to plants, animals and humans.

When the shortest days of the year arrived and the sun barely rose above the horizon, people were afraid. That the sun will leave and never return. Therefore, they began to light fires, torches, bonfires, and spin burning tar barrels, imitating the movement of the sun across the sky, believing that they were giving the sun new forces, double his energy to return to people. This is how various rituals of celebrating the New Year appeared, born of beliefs and legends from different countries of the world.

Once upon a time in Russia New The year was celebrated twice - on the first of March according to the church calendar and on the first of September according to the secular calendar. But one day Tsar Peter I issued a decree on December 15, 1699, in which everyone was ordered to count holiday New Year from the first of January. From that time on, the first common winter holiday in Russia.

On New Year's Eve they fired cannons, rode in troikas, burned tarred torches and barrels in the squares, and decorated houses and gates with spruce and juniper branches. “And as a sign of joy, congratulate each other on New Year» - ordered Peter I. Everyone liked this handsome and cheerful holiday.

Much time passed, and it was decorated with original Slavic images: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, funny buffoon clowns, and a beautiful Christmas tree appeared in every house. Decorating the New Year tree is a joyful and troublesome ritual for parents and children.

It is believed that Santa Claus lives in an ice hut and gives gifts to those who drop by to see him, and to obedient children, he quietly comes into the house at night. How? It's a secret! The main thing is that he leaves gifts under the tree, under the pillow, or hides them in his shoe. Father Frost has a granddaughter, Snegurochka, a sweet, cheerful girl who helps him entertain the children. In Russia they believe that how you celebrate New Year's Eve is how you will spend it. Therefore in New Every year it is customary to have fun and give gifts. Let New the year will bring peace and happiness to everyone.

13. 12.2015

Catherine's blog

Good afternoon, readers and guests of the “Family and Childhood” website. The New Year holiday is a magical holiday that both adults and children look forward to. It breathes magic, beckons with brilliance and bright lights into the fairy-tale world of unusual creatures. This holiday, like all others, has its own history, traditions and characteristics.

History of the New Year holiday

The history of the New Year goes back many centuries. It was celebrated even three thousand years before the birth of Christ. Julius Caesar, the well-known ruler of ancient Rome, set the beginning of the year on January 1 in 46 BC. This day belonged to the god Janus, and the first month of the year was named after him.
In Russia, January 1 began to be considered the first day of the year only under Tsar Peter I, who signed a corresponding decree in 1700. Thus, the emperor moved the celebration to the same day on which it was customary to celebrate the New Year in Europe. Before this, New Year's festivities took place in Rus' on September 1. Until the 15th century, it was believed that the year began on March 1.

If we talk about history closer to our days, then January 1 first became a holiday in 1897. In the period from 1930 to 1947, this was a normal working day in the USSR. And only in December 1947 it was again made a holiday and a day off, and since 1992 another day was added to it - January 2. And quite recently, in 2005, such a thing as the New Year holidays appeared, which last for a whole 10 days, including weekends.

New Year's traditions are many and varied. Each of them carries a certain meaning and has its own history. Thus, the New Year tree is an integral attribute of the holiday. In Russia, houses were first decorated with fir branches by decree of Peter I, who imitated Europe in everything.

And the custom of placing and decorating a green beauty for Christmas appeared already at the end of the 19th century. He was taken from the Germans. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was forbidden to put up a Christmas tree, but in 1936 this ban was lifted, and the green beauty again began to bring joy to children and adults.

It’s worth talking about separately. In ancient times, green trees were decorated simply. Usually they hung vegetables or fruits, usually apples, nuts and various products of labor. Moreover, each individual decoration carried a certain meaning. And only in the 17th century the first toys appeared, which served as a prototype for modern Christmas tree decorations. It was then that the first glass balls appeared in Germany.

This happened in the town of Thuringia in 1848. And in 1867, the first plant for the production of Christmas tree decorations was built in Lauscha, Germany. It is worth noting that the Germans rightfully held the lead in this matter for a long time.

And the tradition of decorating the top of the Christmas tree with a figurine of Christ originated in Scandinavia. Later, it was replaced by a golden angel. And closer to our time they began to decorate it with a spire. In the USSR, in every house there was a red star at the top of the Christmas tree.

Over time, not only the appearance of the toys changed, but also the styles in which the Christmas tree was decorated. Thus, bright sparkles and tinsel were replaced at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries (as in our days) by the fashion for a Christmas tree in restrained silver tones. Later, figures made of paper and cardboard gained popularity. But fashion is cyclical, and bright, sparkly jewelry soon returned to its place in homes.

It is interesting to note that the history of our state is directly reflected in Christmas tree decorations. In the USSR there were many figurines of vegetables and fruits during the time of Khrushchev. During the Second World War, figures of paratroopers were hung on branches.

Under Stalin, Christmas tree hockey players and figurines of circus characters were produced. In addition, toys with state symbols were widely distributed, for example, the already mentioned star on the top of the head.

Nowadays it is fashionable to make toys with your own hands. For this, a variety of technologies and materials are used. They are knitted, glued, cut out and these different techniques are combined. Almost every home today has a toy or garland made by the hands of children and their parents.

Another tradition is New Year's gifts. Without them, a holiday is not a holiday. Boxes of different sizes, wrapped in multi-colored paper, are placed under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve. And in the morning, these gifts discovered by children will be a source of joy and good mood. The obligatory guests of the New Year's holiday are Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka. According to legend, they are the ones who bring gifts to children in bags.

The image of the fairy-tale Santa Claus is collective. It is based on Saint Nicholas and the Slavic folklore character Moroz, who personifies winter frosts.

If prototypes of Father Frost exist in many national cultures, then the Snow Maiden is a purely Russian heritage. It appeared relatively recently. Most likely, it was first mentioned in fairy tales in the 18th century. And in 1873, A.N Ostrovsky composed the play “The Snow Maiden”, where she is depicted as the fair-haired daughter of Father Frost and Red Spring, dressed in a blue and white hat, fur coat and mittens.

And in 1936, the image of the Snow Maiden received its completed form, when, after the official permission of the holiday, she began to appear on a par with Father Frost in manuals for organizing New Year's matinees.

Features of the celebration

As you know, New Year is a family holiday. On this night, the whole family gathers at the table, various delicacies and treats are prepared. There is such a sign: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” Therefore, the table, as a rule, is bursting with a variety of dishes, so that in the coming 365 days such abundance will be on the table every day. This can also explain the desire to dress in new beautiful outfits.

In the last few years, New Year celebrations have increasingly begun to move from cozy houses and apartments to cafes and restaurants. In order to have a fun night, hosts are invited to organize competitions and offer other interesting entertainment. New Year's tours are also gaining popularity, which provide the opportunity to celebrate this holiday in other cities and even countries.

According to custom, at 23:00 on December 31, they say goodbye to the outgoing year. The celebration of the new year begins at midnight with the chiming of chimes and the clink of filled glasses. Many people believe that if you manage to write your cherished wish on a piece of paper while the chimes are ringing, burn it and sip champagne, then it will definitely come true.

New Year's mood is also given by television programs and programs dedicated to this holiday. As December 31 approaches, the airwaves are flooded with good old films about the New Year, music television programs, and fairy tales. Every resident of our country has seen “The Irony of Fate” at least once, without which not a single New Year goes by.

“Blue Light” and other music programs are shown on every channel. The whole country has the opportunity to watch the president’s speech and his congratulations. This tradition dates back to 1970, when Leonid Brezhnev spoke to the citizens of the country for the first time.

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine New Year's Eve without festive fireworks. They launch it both centrally and privately. From midnight until one o'clock in the morning, multi-colored stars and artificial lights scatter in the sky non-stop.

This action looks especially grandiose in big cities, where impressive pyrotechnic shows are staged. In addition to fireworks, sparklers are lit in every house and firecrackers explode. You can read about how to choose it correctly.

The use of fireworks, firecrackers, firecrackers and other pyrotechnics during the New Year holidays originates in China. It was believed that on this night evil spirits, expelled from their previous habitats, were looking for a new home.

Having found it, they will cause its owners various troubles and troubles all year long. And the loud noise and bright lights from gunpowder explosions can scare them away. This tradition gained wide popularity and spread throughout the world.

The celebration of the Old New Year is common only in Russia and some CIS countries. It is celebrated on the night of January 13-14. It was on this day that the new year began according to the Julian calendar. In fact, it represents an echo of the change in chronology during the transition to the Gregorian style. For Russian people, this is another reason to gather at the festive table.

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