Oriental tattoo – oriental body painting. Oriental tattoo sketches Features of the execution technique

Oriental- a classic Japanese tattoo depicting carps, dragons, warriors, tigers, demons. Lotus or peony flowers are used as the background, and sometimes the main details of the design. Often the background for a Japanese tattoo is thick black waves arranged in a circle. Japanese tattoos are more popular among men, but there are also many girls who decorate themselves with large paintings in this style.

Style "Oriental"(English “oriental”, “Asian”) is a certain combination of traditional oriental motifs that can combine images and culture of eastern countries. Back in the 3rd century AD. Chinese chronicles described that people of noble origin in Japan wore drawings on their faces. Drawings for Japanese fables and epics confirm that tattooing in Japan was a privilege of the nobility. During the Edo era (1600-1868), tattooing in Japan began to develop and become an art form. The main motifs for the images on the body were carps, dragons and samurai, they were copied from engravings on wooden “ukiyo-e” tablets. The tattooists were the master engravers themselves, who were called “hori” (from the word “horu” - engraving), using for this the same tools that were used to make engravings - chisels, chisels and the unique “Nara” paint, which turned blue under the skin. Green colour.

With the beginning of the Meiji era (1868), tattooing was outlawed in Japan. Drawings on the body become a method of identification of the Yakuza (Japanese mafia). It is believed that after getting a tattoo, a member of the yakuza is excluded from ordinary society and cannot even marry a woman from a “good” family. To this day, many public places in Japan prohibit customers with tattoos, as they are considered representatives of the criminal world. But despite this, the popularity of Japanese tattoos among Europeans gradually increased. Even Russian Emperor Nicholas II adorned himself with a tattoo during his visit to Japan.

Oriental tattoos can be divided into two main ones "irezumi" And "gaman". First type - "irezumi"- was considered a tattoo of the underworld, and the “gaman” demonstrated the masculine qualities of the wearer, such as courage and patience. There was also a separate type of women's tattoos - "kakushi-boro". Rice powder was rubbed into the cuts on the skin and the pattern appeared only during excitement or after bathing.

Japanese tattoo artists to this day use bamboo tebori sticks with bundles of needles attached to them to apply designs on the skin, and do not use electric machines. To become a good tattoo artist, the student had to “become the shadow of the master” for several years and comprehend all the details of this art.

The process of applying a Japanese tattoo consists of five phases:

  • First(“suji”) - applying a sketch of the entire tattoo to the skin with black ink or special paint that lasts a very long time.
  • Second phase- securing the contour of the tattoo; for this, from one to four needles are used.
  • Third phase- filling the pattern with color with a large bunch of needles collected in a bunch. This pairing is called “hari”.
  • Fourth(“tsuki-hari”) - shallow pricking of large fragments of a tattoo. The needles are driven in with light strokes of the palm and then pressed deeper into the skin.
  • Fifth, technically the most difficult phase, helps to achieve the best shading effects in the drawing. The depth of penetration of the needles into the skin is precisely controlled by the swing of the master’s hand.

After every tattoo session, the client must take a bath so that the tattoo becomes effective.

Traditional Japanese tattooing is still done only by individual artists. Applying a design manually takes a long time - a typical Japanese "tattoo suit" can take up to five years of regular sessions, in addition to being painful and expensive.

The peculiarity of the Japanese tattoo is its extensiveness. A pattern performed over a long period of time can fill up to two-thirds of the body and take the form of a shirt, while leaving the center of the chest and abdomen, head, hands and joints free. Also characteristic features of traditional Japanese tattoos are:

  • clear identification of the main motif of the design with the obligatory decorative outline;
  • geometric exposure of the tattoo background and background details;
  • intensive, dense filling of the pattern with color;
  • using nipples and navel as elements of a tattoo, for example the eyes of a dragon or carp;

The theme of the Oriental style is very colorful and varied and it can be divided into 4 groups- plants, animals, religion and mythology. For example.

Oriental tattoos mean grace, elegance, harmony, wisdom, courage, strength, transience of life, luck, success.

The meaning of an oriental tattoo

In the 21st century, it has become a fairly common way to express yourself by decorating your body with tattoos. Tattoo artists from all over the world are improving their skills to offer new tattoo styles to those who wish.

Nowadays, quite a few different genres of tattoos exist, which are in demand among young people. One of these styles is oriental. This is a fairly old tattoo technique, but no less popular. As they say, a classic for the ages.

Oriental tattoos depict eastern culture. This style first appeared in Japan in the 18th century and found its fans among the samurai. But after only a few years, it has not lost its relevance and is quite in demand not only in the East, but also in the West.

People of the Western world strive to get to know the mysterious East as best as possible and gain a piece of it with the help of a tattoo.

Drawings in the oriental genre are quite colorful and original, but they are not so easy to execute. Not every master will be able to create a drawing in this genre. This makes the oriental genre even more valuable among tattoo fans.

The most popular motifs of the genre are, of course, the well-known symbols of the East, namely lotus, sakura, geisha, dragon, tiger, etc. Each tattoo has many meanings, so anyone can find a design to suit their taste.

Often people tattoo an image of a peony on their body. In the oriental style, the flower is usually printed in red. It is suitable for both men and women and symbolizes happiness, luck and love.

The lotus tattoo is also very popular. For girls, it means grace, fragility, beauty and harmony. For men, the lotus symbolizes courage, perseverance and fortitude.

Perhaps the most classic design for the oriental genre is the image of a tiger. The tattoo must be tattooed in large sizes, usually on the shoulder or the entire back. A person with such a tattoo is distinguished by special courage, honor and determination. Also, the image of a tiger will bring courage, wealth and success to its owner.

Another classic of the genre is the geisha tattoo. Geisha have long been a symbol of Japan and symbolize fragility, elegance, grace, beauty and skill. Tattoos with drawings of geishas are most often tattooed on girls who strive to resemble these light beauties of the East.

Geishas are often depicted with umbrellas or fans in their hands to convey all the beauty of the girls, because a geisha, first of all, created art. Another version of the design is a geisha with bare shoulders. Then the owner of the tattoo also seeks to emphasize her sexuality.

Well, the last drawing I wanted to talk about is the image of sakura. Truly, the sakura tree is the official symbol of Japan, and the flowers are particularly elegant and light. Sakura symbolizes beauty and femininity if the design is made by a woman.

For a man, a sakura branch means masculinity and will. Also, a tattoo with this design reminds of the transience of life and the need to enjoy every day.

Being oriental, tattoo designs in the Oriental style are a native Japanese art. The history of the Japanese tattoo style goes back over 25 centuries and has not yet undergone significant changes. Some craftsmen still use bamboo sticks for stuffing. tebori. For a good tattoo artist, working on a drawing is a kind of meditation, but this state can be seen especially closely in Oriental tattoo designs, since the Japanese school involves applying a so-called suit, a tattoo covering most of the torso. The suit is usually made piece by piece - the craftsman beats the hand while the design on the back heals - and the application process takes many months.

Oriental sketches, like many other tattoo designs, imply many conventions in the designation of images. The Japanese dragon, of course, cannot be confused with any other, but the meaning of this tattoo depends on the form, color, position it is depicted in, on what part of the body it is located or what flower it is combined with. People often come to the salon with a finished drawing or a photograph of the desired design, but true masters never copy or repeat sketches, and, of course, will always advise the client on what this or that oriental sketch means.

In Russia, it is not so much the suit that is popular, but individual elements in the oriental style.

The most common Oriental tattoo designs

  • Carp- a symbol of courage, perseverance and strength.
  • The Dragon combines the qualities of various creatures, just as in its appearance - their different parts (the paws of an eagle, the scales of a carp, the nose of a camel), so its symbolism is not precisely defined, it all depends on the place, shape and color of execution.
  • a lion means power, protection, strength and success.
  • peony flower depending on the combined element, it can mean both beauty and grace, and an element of belligerence.
  • Rat (ninja), oddly enough, means prosperity and wealth, and in some cases the art of camouflage, sabotage, and espionage.
  • Tiger- symbol of autumn, protector from demons.

Eastern culture has long become popular throughout the world. She has many fans. Oddly enough, Europeans especially fell in love with it due to its originality and mystery. Asian culture and the tattoo industry have not been spared. One of the most famous styles that firmly holds its position is the oriental tattoo. It combines images typical of many Asian countries: Japan, China, India and others.

Distinctive features of the oriental tattoo style

Oriental tattoos have a rich history. The storyline is also very varied. It includes:

  • Flora;
  • National representatives: samurai, geisha, monks, sumo wrestlers;
  • fauna;
  • Marine motifs;
  • Symbolism of Buddhism;
  • Episodes with the heroes' journeys.

The main characteristic feature of tattoos in the oriental style is the large size of the tattoos. Often ornaments cover almost the entire body. There remain only areas that are constantly open and in sight.

Playing with colors is encouraged. There are practically no restrictions, so the drawings are bright and colorful. Colorful transitions can be both sharp and smooth. The tones change unexpectedly, but the harmony of the image is not lost. A dragon made in red or gold will look great, combined with blue water and white lotuses floating in it. Less commonly, this mythical beast is made in green or purple.

Such colored tattoos amaze, are etched in the memory and leave a lasting positive impression. Oriental tattoos also include patterns or geometric designs that organically fit into the overall picture and make it more complete. An experienced tattoo artist will be able to skillfully play with different patterns, using the same components, and at the same time reproduce different elements on the body. Thanks to these techniques, the image acquires depth and becomes more saturated.

Due to the fact that tattoos often occupy large areas of the body, the design is applied in stages over several sessions. In Japan, they still do not deviate from the technology of pricking images with bamboo sticks with needles attached to them. The scheme for applying a picture necessarily includes five stages:

  1. The preliminary sketch is completely applied to the skin. For this, a special dye or black ink is used;
  2. Using a tool with needles, the general contour of the future tattoo is selected and secured;
  3. The composition is applied with needles collected in a bunch. This makes it easier to fill the picture with the required color and helps create the desired tone;
  4. Separate small parts of the overall picture are pricked without shading them. The needles are driven into the skin using gentle blows with the heel of the palm. Then the needles are pressed a little deeper into the skin;
  5. A deeper puncture is made, which is precisely controlled. In this case, the image is superimposed by a slight wave of the hand. This helps to achieve the desired shading effect for the entire composition. This stage is considered the most difficult.

Oriental tattoo designs and their meaning

Each oriental tattoo carries a deep meaning and a certain meaning, so you need to carefully choose an image that will stay with you for life.

Orietal tattoo designs are extremely diverse. You can find many photos on the Internet and choose from them an image to suit your taste. Also, each tattoo studio has its own catalog in which you will find various options. Let's consider the meanings of the most popular body paintings. First, let's define the representatives of the animal world.

  • Dragon - in Western countries is depicted as a fear-inspiring creature that spews flames and clouds of smoke. But in Eastern culture, it embodies strength, respect and wisdom. The appearance of this winged beast often combines several images. For example, the body of a snake, the eyes of a demon and the claws of an eagle. There are drawings of a dragon with a luminous sphere, which it holds in one of its paws. This symbolizes the animal's control over various natural elements. It is rare to find a cunning or dangerous dragon. Basically, he is always wise and benevolent.
  • Koi carp is not just a beautiful fish, but a symbol of striving for a goal and moving forward. This type of tattoo mainly adorns the bodies of men, showing the temperament of a warrior and personifying courage, perseverance and courage. Applied using bright golden tones, often combined with blue, symbolizing water;

  • The tiger is the main predator and king of animals in China. This animal personifies courage, strength, and is also a symbol of longevity. Sometimes images of a tiger can be found on the bodies of girls, where it symbolizes the cunning and femininity of its owner. In many drawings you can see a tiger fighting demons, so it is believed that this animal also protects from evil spirits;
  • The snake - in many countries is a magical animal with supernatural powers. In the East, it is believed that a snake can bring good luck, prosperity, and also protect against diseases and disasters. But it can also have another meaning - a symbol of a jealous woman. It all depends on how exactly the snake is captured;
  • Phoenix is ​​a prominent representative of the mythology of many countries. Symbolizes rebirth, the birth of a new life, the immortality of the soul. It also shows the onset of a new life stage. Basically, the phoenix is ​​always depicted against a background of fire.

The beautiful flora of the East does not go unnoticed. Girls treat him with special love.

  • Chrysanthemum is a symbol of perseverance, determination and confidence. Such designs were often made by samurai who were loyal to their master and could give their lives for him;
  • Peony has many meanings. Usually represents luck, wealth, prosperity, prosperity. On the female body it symbolizes harmony, tenderness, beauty;
  • Sakura - shows the transience of life, the futility of existence;
  • Lotus - the meaning of this flower is very diverse. He can show perfection, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of truth. For girls it symbolizes fertility, tranquility, and fidelity.

Samurai tattoos are popular. They are often depicted with weapons, ready for battle. Paintings with geishas are no less famous. These oriental beauties are depicted sitting in the lotus position or dancing.

This is not a complete list of sketches and stories. From the great variety, you can choose any one to suit your taste, or create a unique option yourself.

Oriental tattoos are equally suitable for both men and women. They are applied to almost the entire body, excluding only some areas. To completely complete the composition, you need to go through several sessions. Therefore, before you decide to take this step, think carefully.

To get a high-quality result, you need to find a professional tattoo artist who will follow all the necessary instructions and apply the composition step by step. It’s better not to try to perform pricking at home or by trusting an amateur beginner, because the images have a very complex execution technique.

Video: Sketches for oriental tattoos

After a hard day of work and a trip on public transport or standing in long traffic jams in a personal car, you, dear guests of the Design Museum, want to relax and unwind.

There are many different possibilities for this. An excellent addition to them is modern interior design made in Asian style. What are its advantages?

First of all, such a living space evokes a feeling of calm and peace of mind. A very valuable quality from the point of view of all people who have experienced the stresses of fast-paced city life.

If you want to engage in creativity, study or scientific work, in these apartments the thought process is better stimulated, it is easier to get rid of unwanted interference and focus on the clarity of images and formulations.

And one more favorable quality is the ease of creating the desired style of the room. Add some characteristic decorations and you're done!

At its core, Asian-themed design is a fusion of several different styles that range from Japanese and Chinese traditions to distinctly Indian exoticism. In general, all this can be additionally viewed in oriental influences.

Of course, any elements taken from these trends that dominated the Far East several centuries ago can be safely included in your home decor. And at the same time keep the fresh, modern atmosphere of your home intact.

1. Beautiful background

Asian designs and themes are heavily inspired by the colors of nature. Quite often, decorations imitate picturesque landscapes and interpret natural colors.

Therefore, it is best to make the background as neutral as possible. This doesn't mean that your only choice will necessarily be white.

Delicate cream, light blues and even an elegant gray tone work flawlessly. Remember that you are creating a soothing backdrop that offers a serene and relaxed atmosphere.

2. Vibrant colors

One of the popular misconceptions is that Asian styles are devoid of any bright and rich shades. Don't believe it! This, as they say, is exactly the opposite!

In this design, the interior truly comes alive only with bright accent colors that stand out when placed against the backdrop of a calm, neutral environment.

Pink and cherry, delicious red and luxury purple the colors are an integral part of the Far Eastern theme.

Those who love a hint of mystical charm will carefully add subtle black shades. They are the perfect choice for this option!

Another visually stunning effect is to combine a soft neutral backdrop with sophisticated gold tones to create a stately and formal living room.

The golden hue is not just fashionable these days, it is one of the most hot flowers, better to say, hits of recent seasons.

3. Visual balance of textures

When planning an Asian-style interior, we will constantly rely on the concept of “balance.” For it, this concept, is undoubtedly the cornerstone of oriental design.

And the importance of this aspect cannot be neglected. Balance is often the key to the entire ideology of this style. You need to correctly determine the harmony not only of color, but also of various textures and environmental elements.

If your home is one large concrete block, you should consider adding glass partitions, natural stone decorations, wood floors, bamboo blinds and a few organic textures.

4. Useful function of water

When talking about creating an atmosphere of balance, one cannot help but think of water. This is another element that participates in the formation of Asian style with ease and simplicity.

The sound of a flowing or falling stream, according to Feng Shui, is considered a harmonious and positive phenomenon. A little bit of life-giving moisture in a hallway, living room, or even backyard is a desirable element of a living space.

Reflection in pools, which there is no doubt, has a calming effect and is a very useful addition.

For those who want to add the living and sparkling function of water to their living environment, we recommend beautiful koi pond. Not only do water features add an element of fluidity, they can also be used as stunning sculptural pieces. art installations, which become the focal point of the room.

5. Merging styles

We've already talked about how popular Asian themes are actually a fusion of several different styles. It is important to know each of them and study the constituent elements before making a choice for your home.

The Japanese design style, with its many shades, is quite simple, minimalist and closest to nature. If you want to add an essence of zen to your residence, this is the theme for you.

Traditional Chinese decor is much more rich, expansive and grand with regal reds, lavish golds, intriguing jade and softened purple tones.

The typical Indian style is colorful, unabashedly showcasing the joy of traditional Indian motifs in sculptures and paintings.

If you are trying to create a fusion of Asian styles, then it is better to stick to Japanese decor in the common areas and choose moderate Chinese design techniques and colors in the bedroom.

Add some artwork and rich Indian inspired fabrics and you have a truly mixed balanced Asian style!

6. Lamp sculptures and paper lanterns

Lighting can change the look of your interior regardless of the theme you choose. In Asian style, it adds perfection to the visual experience and elegantly highlights the main motif.

Stylish hanging paper lanterns, sculptural installations in the lamp design and moderate, careful use of candles are the way to create a home whose image takes inspiration from the arts of the Far East!

For those who want to add a touch of timeless decor as a complement that bridges the gap between East and West and has a thoroughly modern silhouette, we suggest diving into the stunning collection of sculptures from Isamu Noguchi ( Akari Light Sculpture Collection from Isamu Noguchi).

7. Organics and ecology in design

One of the fundamental elements of Asian style is the desire to use objects from nature. Contemplating them, it is impossible to remain indifferent.

Yes, and from an environmental point of view, such decorative elements preferable to artificial imitations. To give the picture an ideal perfect look, as a rule, smooth polished stones are collected together, (in particular, river stones), eco-friendly bamboo blinds Instead of traditional curtains, intricately woven tatami, potted plants and shrubs bring in the beneficial breath of nature.

Small details like these significantly transform the atmosphere of a room.

8. The scent of nature

So, let's add traditional natural elements of Asian themes to the interior. When you have sandalwood, scented candles, beautiful bells, you will see the influence of the east rise to new heights. Let's add plants and shrubs in pots.

Sound and aroma, acting simultaneously, will shape our perception and immerse us in a pleasant atmosphere of peace.

You won't need to repaint the walls, but the aesthetics will change quite significantly, and in the most economical way.

9. Sleek minimalism

Clean and well-defined straight lines, minimalistic embellishments and sleek symmetry are a natural part of Asian design influenced by Japanese style.

These elements make it easy to incorporate the theme into a modern setting with a few simple pieces of furniture and subtle changes to the color scheme.

Provisions from the teachings of Feng Shui, tried and tested over the centuries, convince us that disorder is not absolute. Asian themes recommend that you surround yourself only with what you are absolutely delighted with!

10. Unique oriental decor

Are you not too sure about the suitability of your home for the application of oriental style? If you have a home that's already decorated in cool, neutral tones, all you need is a subtle decor change.

Small laughing Buddha statues, decorative fans, Asian scroll paintings, a few jade statues, oriental umbrellas, a room divider (or two), and a throwaway pillow in an Asian-inspired pillowcase should get the job done without forcing you to make a major remodel.

Asian themes give the home a special look. By using them for your home, you will receive a guaranteed environment of pleasant relaxation and good mood.

Visit art and consignment stores more often and purchase items for such decoration.

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