Classes for children aged 4-7 years. Development of thinking in four- to five-year-old children

Developmental activities for children 3 - 4 years old “The world around us”

At the age of 3-4 years, a child should be able to determine the time of day without difficulty.

Assignment for a child: Look carefully at the picture and tell me what the artist mixed up, what he drew incorrectly, why?

A child aged 3-4 years usually already knows that different vehicles are driven by different people. Tell him the name of the professions “machinist”, “tanker”, so that these words will enrich your child’s vocabulary.

Assignment for the child: Pick a pair. What kind of transport does this or that driver drive?

R The child must answer your questions. It is important to present everything in the form of a game.

Assignment (questions) for the child:

1. In the morning the sun rises, and in the evening... (sets)

2. It rained, and... (puddles) appeared on the asphalt

3. Birch has leaves, and pine has... (needles)

4. In winter it often snows white, fluffy... (snow)

5. Water flows from the tap. And when it freezes, it turns into... (ice)

6 . Is the ice soft or hard? (solid). Can it flow like water? (No). Is it cold or warm? (cold). Is the water cold or warm? (can be cold and warm).

A 3.5-4 year old child must distinguish animals that can live in city apartments from animals living in the countryside.

Lesson with a child: look carefully which of these animals live in the village.

We teach a child to recognize a tree by its leaves. We study the names of flowers.

Assignment for a child: look at the leaves, from which tree did they fall (birch, maple, willow)? What are these flowers called (chamomile, rose, tulip, cornflower)?

A child of 3-4 years old, of course, already knows wild animals (from fairy tales, pictures, poems). He must be able to describe the animal and tell some of its features.

Lesson with a child: There are animals in the picture, name them. Which one of them lives, where does it live, what does it like to eat, what color is its skin, which one is bigger? What are the “legs” of a wolf (paws) called? What about the elephant's nose (trunk)? Which animal has the largest neck, ears, teeth?

A child of 3-4 years old should be able to separate vegetables from fruits and voice the fact that some fruits are vegetables (grow in the garden), and others are fruits (grow on trees).

Assignment for the child: Miraculously, the tree grew fruit. Name them. Look and tell me which fruits do not grow on trees. Where do they grow?

A child aged 3-4 years already knows that there are adults and children. But what are they called correctly?

Lesson with a child: Please tell me who is drawn in this picture (animals, beasts)? Please note that these are parents and their children. Do you know what they are called? (elephant (elephant) - baby elephant, bear (shema bear) - bear cub, cat (cat) - kitten, tiger (tigress) - tiger cub).

A 3.5-4 year old child should already know polite words and be able to use them correctly.

Lesson with a child: question answer. Ask your child to answer your questions.

  1. In the morning you woke up and went to brush your teeth, on the way you met your mother. What will you tell her? (Good morning).
  2. In kindergarten, the girl Tanya treated you to an apple, and you told her... (thank you).
  3. You have friends? What are their names? If your friend asks you to help him, what will you do? (I'll help).
  4. Do you go to kindergarten? What time of day do you come to kindergarten (in the morning), and when do your parents pick you up (in the evening).
  5. What do you say to your family when you go to bed (good night).
  6. You came to visit a friend, what will you say when you see him? (Hi Hello).
  7. Mom asked you to help her clean the room, what will you do? (I’ll help, collect toys, etc.).
  8. Grandma was knitting socks for you, and her ball of yarn fell, what will you do? (I'll pick it up).

Developmental activities for children 3 - 4 years old “Logic”

Children 3-4 years old are already able to group objects based on the main feature. The lesson is based on a small number of groups that a child constantly encounters in everyday life.

Assignment for a child: show where the clothes are drawn in the picture. Now look, what do the remaining items have in common? The child must not only show objects from one group, but also name this group (furniture, dishes, transport).

This activity is aimed at the child establishing a logical connection between “paired” objects.

Assignment for a child: Match each item you see in the picture.

Lesson with a 3-4 year old child “Question and answer”. Ask questions only if your child is interested in answering them.

Assignment for a child: Finish the phrase I say or answer the question.

  1. When they eat, they take a spoon, and when they drink, they take...
  2. It's dark at night, and in the morning...
  3. The bird flies, and the fish...
  4. An airplane flies across the sky, and a boat sails across...
  5. If the traffic light is red, you need to stand, and if it’s green...
  6. Pants and a jacket are clothes, but soup and porridge...
  7. People have arms and legs, but cats...
  8. Honey is sweet, and lemon...
  9. The butterfly flies, and the grasshopper...
  10. The duck has a lot of ducklings, and the chicken...

Children aged 3-4 years old often create fantasies using their imagination. Let's add logic to it. It’s good if the child explains why he thought one way or another (for example, a dog tells a funny story because he smiles).

Lesson with a child: Tell me what the animals are talking about? Who is the cat talking to and what do you think, why? What did the magpie say? etc.

This is an activity for children aged 3-4 years to develop attention.

Assignment for a child:

  1. Compare the objects in the picture and choose the extra object in each row, explain your choice (for example, all the cups are striped, one with circles, or all the Christmas trees have one half yellow and one half is not).
  2. Find in each row exactly the same object as the first. (1=4, 1= 3, 1=4, 1=2).

A child of 3-4 years old should already understand which items of clothing are intended for what, even if he himself does not yet know how to dress. It is important that the clothing items are “put on” in order (i.e. socks first, boots second). In this case, the baby must say what this or that item of clothing is called.

Assignment for a child: the girl Katya was getting ready to go outside for a walk. It's cold outside today. Help Katya get dressed so she doesn't freeze.

Classes for a 3-4 year old child to strengthen eating skills.

Assignment for a child: Vasya wants to eat. Help him do everything right.

1. How should you pour soup into a plate? (with a ladle)

2. What do you eat soup with? (with a spoon)

3. Fried potatoes in a frying pan. What should Vasya put it in and what will he eat it with? (on a plate, with a fork)

4. Vasya is thirsty. What will he pour the tea into? (in a mug, glass)

5. The boy likes his tea to be sweet. What does he need to do for this? (put sugar in tea and stir with a spoon)

6. Vasya ate deliciously. What will he tell his mother? (Thank you)

7. What should you do with the dishes after dinner? (wash, wash the dishes) Will Vasya help mom? (Yes, sure)

In this article:

Four to five years is one of the most interesting and important stages of child development. Preschoolers (that’s what they are already called) at this age are able to serve themselves independently, speak coherently using the parts of speech they know, listen and remember incoming information, and solve logical thinking problems.

Most children at this age have been attending kindergarten or attending early development schools for at least a year. This means that the adaptation period in preschool institutions has passed and the children have already mastered communication skills with peers and teachers.

At 4-5 years old, a child’s development is primarily associated with the improvement of mental activity. Children show increased interest in the world around them, learn to recognize and show their own emotions. By this age, almost for the first time, they are faced with new demands on themselves from adults, they try to justify trust and prove themselves to be adults and responsible - ready for school.

Basic criteria for assessing the mental development of a child at 4-5 years old

Psychologists and teachers have compiled a list of basic skills that children 4-5 years old should have. Parents can independently test their child and determine how harmoniously his development is proceeding and whether he will be ready to enter school in a year or two. So, here's what a four or five year old should be able to do.

To better assess the development of a child at 4-5 years old, he needs to be tested unobtrusively, in the form of a game. For example, you can check whether your child remembers the names of his friends in a simple way: by asking him to compete to see who can name the most friends. You can also playfully find out how well the child knows geometric shapes.

For example,
Invite him to find the square in the picture, while pretending that you don’t know what it looks like and need help. The kid will be happy to prove himself and show that he is as knowledgeable in this matter as an adult.

Don't worry too much if your baby can't complete all the tasks. It may not have received enough attention in the earlier stages of development. It’s not too late to catch up and instill in the baby the necessary knowledge and skills. It would be a good idea to contact a child psychologist who can help you create a lesson plan with such a child.

Developmental activities: homeschooling to get started

If a child goes to kindergarten or early development school, then teachers will take charge of his development. Parents will only have to periodically push the baby to something new in their free time. For “home” children, everything works out a little differently.

The extent to which their development will correspond to their age largely depends on their parents, who must find time for homework.
We are talking about both the physical and psychological development of the baby in order to reveal his natural potential.

It is important for parents to realize the difference between the desire to develop a child and the desire to turn him into a genius. The pressure that a preschooler faces from parents who dream of being a child prodigy is detrimental to his mental and physical health.

Psychologists recommend developing a lesson plan with
child, changing it as often as possible so that the child does not get bored with the activities. Naturally, the learning and development of the baby should take place only in a playful way and by mutual desire. A preschooler should look forward to a new lesson and take part in the proposed games with pleasure - only in this case will it be possible to positively influence his development without causing aversion to studying in the future.

It is best to formulate a lesson plan for each week based on the plan for the previous week and after analyzing achievements and failures. Boring or too complex (simple) games can be replaced with more interesting and useful ones.

Under no circumstances force a child to do something he cannot do. It is better to postpone this task until next time, when the baby has forgotten about the failure.

Use logic puzzles and games using various methods (for example, Nikitin games) to stimulate the development of memory, imaginative thinking and logic of the baby.

Sample lesson plan

Taking into account the developmental characteristics of a child aged 4-5 years, draw up an optimal plan for activities with him. As an example, you can take the option proposed below.

When planning physical development, parents must first decide on their goals. What are they trying to achieve? Prepare your child for professional sports in the future or simply instill in him a love of physical exercise? One way or another, you need to start with the mandatory points, which include:

  • charger;
  • running and walking;
  • swimming;
  • outdoor games.

At the initial stages of classes, it is important to show a sense of proportion, without insisting that the child perform absolutely adult exercises (push-ups, abdominal swings, etc.). Even if parents dream of a career as a professional athlete for their child, 4-5 years is not the age when serious workload is needed.

Physical training should take place in a playful way, arousing the child’s interest and desire to move. If he already has priorities, then it is advisable to build a physical training program based on them. For example,
For a preschooler who loves to run, you can come up with running exercises with competitive elements, and children with a developed sense of rhythm can be invited to try their hand at dancing.

An important stage of classes is associated with the development of fine motor skills of the child’s hands. Come up with so-called finger games for your baby. Invite him to put together small parts of a construction set, build a castle or make cakes from kinetic sand, or make an applique from shells or cereal grains. There are many such games - include in your plan those that will arouse the greatest interest in your baby.

Speaking of creative activities, it is worth paying special attention to creating crafts with your own hands. A child aged 4-5 years can be taught to draw, glue, cut out, lay out compositions, showing perseverance, patience and, of course, imagination. At this age, children are already quite confidently use a brush, scissors and glue, are able to think outside the box and copy pictures from the world around them.

You can train your memory and logic with the help of special educational games according to the Nikitins’ method. With their help, you can teach your child to more confidently navigate colors, shapes and volumes. Additionally, from time to time you can entertain your baby with board games, for example, “for a wish” or “prize for the winner.”

The development of speech with accompanying training in counting and reading by syllables is a mandatory item in the lesson plan for a 4-5 year old child. Remember that in a year or two the baby will need to go to school, and how good his academic performance will be will depend on the degree of his preparation. Use cubes with letters and pictures to teach your baby to read (while playing, form syllables and short words), learn numbers (you can use a magnetic board), and learn fun and interesting songs and poems together.

Additional Plan Points for Diligent Parents

Especially diligent and responsible parents, who at all costs intend to accelerate the development of their child at 4-5 years old, should think about etiquette lessons with the baby. It is very important to gently guide the preschooler so that he offers his parents help with housework, has his own responsibilities in the house, and behaves correctly in a group and at the table.

If you have time and desire, you can include in your child’s education plan a superficial acquaintance with the most interesting sciences, for example, with astronomy (tell your baby about space, stars, constellations), geography (you can study a world map or a children's atlas together), biology (show your baby the human structure using simple children's pictures, analyze the world of flora and fauna). Additionally, you can begin to study units of measurement by applying skills in practice.

In conclusion, we note that the development of a child at 4-5 years old is a complex and important process. But this does not mean at all that it should be turned into some kind of cult of knowledge, demanding more and more from the child. Develop together with your baby in a playful way, enjoy your child’s new achievements, and thanks to your efforts, by the time he enters first grade, his thirst for knowledge will only intensify!

As a rule, at a fairly young age, the child begins to express his desire to express the impressions that he receives in the process of growing up. He does this in different ways: voice, movements, actions. At a certain point, it is necessary to provide the child with the opportunity to express himself in a more varied way: give him pencils and paper, plasticine or construction sets, and teach him how to use them. The result of a child’s creative activity is an excellent means of monitoring and enriching his inner world. It is necessary to encourage children's creativity in every possible way in the form in which it is most acceptable for the child.

Fun game "Barbershop"

Purpose of the game: it doesn’t matter whether your child is learning to cut or is already a master of scissors, in any case, offer him a similar game: for beginners, learning by playing is more fun, and for the “advanced”, this is a new fun experiment!

You will need:

  • - sheets of A4 paper
  • - colored paper
  • - glue stick

How to make:

Fold the A4 sheet in half (if done in one layer, the paper will bend strongly due to the weight of the hair). Draw a man's face and cut it out. Cut out hair, mustaches, and beards from colored paper and glue them to the templates. Glue both halves of the paper together (the ends of the hair will remain inside) and you can get down to business.

This activity can be made more complicated, for example, you can make templates together with the child, or the child can make the templates themselves with the support and prompting of an adult.

The game "Barbershop" develops fine motor skills, attention, perseverance, and imagination.

Be sure to try this funny cutout too!

Modeling from plasticine

All parents try to spend their leisure time with their children usefully. No one will argue how useful modeling is for children. The very first material that children work with is, of course, plasticine. Small animals and insects from plasticine are the first things children learn to sculpt.

Modeling classes with children develop fine motor skills, develop imagination, help to master shapes, remember colors, develop imaginative thinking, cultivate neatness, accuracy and independence.

When talking about modeling for little ones, you need to think through all the details and look at the process through the eyes of your children. And let's start, perhaps, with the simplest.

Drawing lessons

Pencil drawing lessons step by step are activities that will help you master drawing techniques, regardless of ability or age. Drawing is really easy!

Just think how happy your baby will be when you tell her that from today we are learning to draw with a pencil! Why pencil? You need to start with something simple. And the easiest way to start is with light pencil drawings. Gradually you will master more and more complex skills. And, as a result, you can move on to working with paints. Drawing for children will become a favorite pastime and will gradually introduce kids to the wonderful world of bright images and favorite characters.

Drawing classes with children very well develop imagination, imaginative thinking, foster a sense of beauty, independence, accuracy, help in understanding the nature of surrounding objects, and develop fine motor skills.

Summaries of comprehensive developmental activities for children 4-5 years old. Complex.

5 blocks of notes on preparing for school for children from 4 to 5 years old.

Lesson notes on preparing for school for children 4-5 years old:

September-January + February-June

The notes are written in such detail that it can be taught by a children's club teacher who has any basic education, not just pedagogical education.
The notes include tasks for the formation of the knowledge, skills and abilities that a modern 4-year-old child needs to master: the formation of reading skills (familiarity with letters and sounds, reading words and simple sentences), writing in block letters, the formation of mathematical abilities (counting within 10 , solving elementary problems, simple geometry, etc.), preparing the hand for writing, developing mental processes (thinking, memory, attention, perception, imagination), developing knowledge about the world around us, drawing, appliqué, modeling, etc.
Each summary is accompanied by a worksheet, which is full of various tasks on two pages. Unlike thematic notebooks sold on the educational market (separately for reading, separately for mathematics, separately for the development of cognitive abilities, etc.), the worksheet includes tasks for reading, mathematics, and the development of mental processes ( attention, memory, etc.), as well as preparing the hand for writing. You do not have to purchase several workbooks for the club in order to solve all the tasks assigned to prepare children for school.
The basis for conducting classes are only those manuals and materials that are available in almost every children's club: brushes and paints, plasticine, cardboard and paper, soft toys and dolls, models of vegetables and fruits, cubes, pyramids, nesting dolls, etc. In our developments you will not find benefits that are difficult or impossible to buy.
The teacher will not have to come up with phrases out of his head that will captivate children in completing assignments - all such “enticing things” are written in the notes.
Classes are built along the lines of complication and each subsequent lesson reinforces previously learned material, and also advances children in mastering new material.
Our classes ensure children's learning and development. The results will be visible to parents in the shortest possible time!

The structure of a comprehensive developmental lesson for children 4-5 years old must include:

Math block
Reading training
Working on the syllable structure of a word
Sound-letter analysis of a word
Development of phonemic hearing
Preparing your hand for writing
Formation of knowledge about the world around us
Development of fine motor skills of the hand
Speech development
Development of mental processes (attention, memory, perception, imagination and thinking)
Outdoor games
Massage breaks with text and written equipment
Finger gymnastics
Modeling, drawing and applications.

Children aged 6-7 years usually come to first grade differently prepared. Some people have certain talents, while others find developmental classes more difficult and acquire all the knowledge they need for the future directly at school.

However, you need to understand that school material will be learned much better and faster if the child feels confident in the lessons and is prepared in advance. But preparing for school is a long-term event and you need to start working with children for two years already in a playful way to develop thought processes. And classes with children 4-5 years old will be aimed already to master the basics of mathematics, grammar and other disciplines.

You don't need to be a qualified teacher to practice at home. Today we will talk about recommended developmental activities for children 4 years old and older and how to conduct them correctly at home.

Planning and program

Starting from 2-3 years old, every game or walk can be turned into a developmental activity. But for parents, with this form of training, it is very important not to miss many aspects, so all classes must be conducted according to the prepared program.

It is recommended to plan educational activities with children 4-5 years old a week in advance. Thanks to this planning, you will be able to prepare the necessary materials for classes and understand what is more interesting for the child, and which aspects are best developed in the baby.

Just like in the preschool exercise, Regular classes with your baby should be carried out in the following areas:

  • logic and arithmetic;
  • speech and literacy development;
  • drawing, modeling, appliqué and design;
  • physical exercise;
  • activities that help develop your horizons;
  • literature.

Each of the subjects should be evenly distributed in the program throughout the week, depending on what is most interesting to the baby. For example, you need to teach him literacy and letters only when the child himself is ready for it. And this does not have to be done at 4-5 years old, perhaps earlier, and perhaps later.

An approximate plan for developmental activities might look like this:

As you can see, such activity planning for children 4-5 years old includes daily creative activities and physical labor. During the period of growth, babies must develop maximum coordination of movement and splash out their energy, as well as develop imagination and motor skills.

But it will be difficult to include all disciplines in one day. Children at 4-5 years old get very tired, and you shouldn’t overload them with activities, even if they are interested in them.

The number of developmental activities may vary, it depends not only on your child’s inclinations, but also on the schedule. So, after kindergarten or a development center it is not always possible to have time for additional activities, and children do not always have the strength to do something at home. And the work of parents also affects this; they usually conduct classes at home on weekends or in the evenings.

If your child attends some specialized clubs in certain disciplines, then at home you can devote time to the material that was studied there in order to consolidate what has been learned.

Practical tasks for children 4-5 years old

When a child turns 4 years old, he needs to work on his existing skills, as well as on deepening his knowledge. The tasks must become more difficult all the time.. The basic list of a child’s skills by the age of five is as follows:

  • the ability to use prepositions correctly;
  • understand where is right, where is left, behind and in front;
  • distinguish between the concepts “many” and “little”, “more” and “less”;
  • name nouns by number;
  • be able to count to 10;
  • have the skill of drawing lines with a pencil without lifting it from the paper.

When the baby can perform the listed actions, you cannot stand still. It is important that the activities develop the baby and are interesting to him, otherwise he may lose interest in learning.

Tutorials and examples

As for the practical tasks themselves, they can be found in large quantities in special manuals for children.

Series of special benefits for children contain the following:

  • story visual materials;
  • games with stickers;
  • tasks for the development of a child’s logical thinking;
  • tasks to develop writing skills and much more.

Reading and writing

If you want your child to learn to read and write before school, then take a specially designed primer for preschoolers, which contains visual material about merging letters into syllables; its methodology is fully consistent with school curricula.

Also use educational games. For example, in order for a child to remember letters and be able to identify the first syllable in words, offer to think of any letter and look for objects in the ABC book or in the picture that begin with it. If your skills are already sufficiently developed, you can play for speed, and also complicate the task to find words with 2 letters or a specific letter at the end.

Another skill development game is to glue letter cards onto household objects according to what letter they begin with. You can deliberately confuse the letters so that the child finds the mistake.

Flashcards and other visual aids

Regardless of what discipline you are studying with your child, you can actively use cards with different exercises or pictures.

So, if you want to teach your child where “right” is and where “left” is, then you can use a special poster with drawn palms or pictures with circled images in one direction or another.

And to strengthen your knowledge of numbers and counting skills, you can use coloring books, where you not only need to color the picture, but also connect the dots in order to find out what is shown.

Thanks to the plot pictures, you can develop your baby’s speech. For example, ask questions about them or ask them to write stories. With the help of paired cards, logical thinking develops well when you need to find one object for another that is connected with it. For example, a picture with shoes will go well with a picture of a leg, etc.

Thematic lessons and foreign languages

When the child has already mastered the basic skills for his age, he can move on to more serious activities. For example, you can conduct thematic classes, which will help develop the baby’s thought processes and his horizons. Topics may vary:

  • space;
  • household;
  • sport;
  • toy store, etc.

If your child’s speech skills are already quite good and he speaks his native language well, then you can start learning a foreign language with him. This can be done both at home and in special clubs, where learning takes place in a playful way.

Physical activity for children 4-5 years old

At this age, along with intellectual and creative development, sports development must also be present. And if parents do not have the opportunity to send their child to a sports club, then they need to study at home. The following is recommended:

  • ball games (football, volleyball, etc.);
  • morning work-out;
  • gymnastics;
  • outdoor games;
  • dancing.

Naturally, each baby develops differently; do not scold your child if you see that something is not going according to plan. Best suggest those games, with the help of which the child can develop certain skills.

Parents, of course, should be involved in the preschool development and education of their child; this is very useful. However, it is absolutely impossible to turn this process into a routine or labor obligation. Children should enjoy the activities and learn with pleasure and inspiration.

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