Funny 25th wedding anniversary cards. Cool congratulations on your silver wedding

And even platinums begin their march in the following years after this date. An anniversary of a quarter of a century is a solid reason to organize a grand celebration and invite all relatives and friends.

A silver wedding has a special charm: the celebrants are still young and full of energy, which means there is still strength to make the “wedding sing and dance” again, like twenty-five years ago.

Having lived with each other for more than two decades, the couple became wiser and more tolerant of each other. Their love acquired respect and mutual understanding, became stronger and more valuable, so it’s not for nothing that this anniversary has such a symbol. The strength of the relationship is on par with silver - a jewel that is harder than gold, but still has the softness to be called a metal. The relationship between the “young people” also became strong, but at the same time acquired pliability and softness. Spouses understand each other perfectly, treat their spouse more patiently and respectfully. Purity and chastity reigned in their relationship, like silver of the purest standard.

It is not for nothing that the innocence of such family relationships is associated with this anniversary. Silver has amazing cleaning properties. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, in ancient times and still today it is used to purify water and help preserve food. Ions of this metal destroy microbes that can cause diseases and infections. In addition, silver has a positive effect on the heart and vision. It is silver that guards purity and the purification process itself.

Silver is also credited with high moral qualities. For example, this metal is associated with wisdom and reliability, its flickering is compared to the glow of the moon. Previously, it was often used in various rituals, endowing it with magical abilities. People believed that silver could protect against evil spirits and witchcraft. This metal was the main one in many rituals and ceremonies.

The silver wedding anniversary, like the golden one, was one of the first to be invented. They were given names that were associated with noble metals. Their best qualities were attributed to marriages that, having survived so many years, were able to become stronger and more beautiful, like their symbols.

Twenty-five years of marriage are called silver for a reason. Over the years, the family has finally formed, the children have matured. Sincerity, tenderness, care and complicity have found their rightful places in relationships. These are very important qualities that have yet to be preserved, and the magical nature of silver is designed to help in this.

Features of the celebration

As a rule, the celebration of a silver wedding takes place on a grand scale. Be sure to invite true friends to the holiday, who over the years have become closer and more trusted, and therefore more valuable. Relatives should not only be present at the event, they should also help organize the holiday. Over the many years of marriage, the spouses have become so accustomed to each other that the next anniversary is not always a reason to change anything in their usual life. Children and close relatives should influence the decision of the heroes of the day, persuading them to have fun on this day. The idea of ​​the holiday, and possibly its budget, should come from their initiative. The influence of the younger generation will play an important role in the spouses’ decision and will help them remember the amazing day that once connected them together.

Specific traditions and customs of a silver wedding are not defined. Each married couple puts forward their own options for spending their anniversary in the family circle. If the celebrants are lucky and their parents can be present on the significant day, then it is worth asking about their experience in this regard. Perhaps the older generation can offer some good advice or a silver anniversary tradition. If circumstances turn out differently, it’s never too late to root your own traditions.

You should prepare in advance for a noisy and cheerful celebration. As a venue for the celebration, it is best to book the same establishment where the wedding was celebrated twenty-five years ago. Such a nuance will amuse the heroes of the day and pleasantly stir their hearts. Places that newlyweds once passed on their wedding day are worth visiting again, partly turning back the hands of time. Over the past years, we have experienced a lot of joy and bitterness, defeats and victories, but everything is forgotten over time, under the influence of everyday life. This kind of return to the past will help you relive pleasant moments and exciting experiences again. Grown-up children will have a chance to observe the birth of their parents’ love and draw conclusions regarding the formation of their own family.

As with any other anniversary, the silver jubilee celebration should have a lot of surroundings corresponding to the symbolism. Decorating with real silver will not be cheap, but you can use its color as an alternative. For example, balloons can be chosen in a silver shade, just like tablecloths on tables or fabric napkins. To prevent the abundance of gray shades from being boring, they can be diluted with pink, lilac or blue accessories. You can use family photographs of the anniversaries as decoration.

Gifts for a silver wedding

You must come to a magnificent and solemn event with a gift appropriate for the respectful occasion. Of course, the main gifts for a silver wedding should be made of the same metal as the anniversary symbol. The cost of silver items is not too high to deny this joy to the heroes of the day. As a gift for a married couple, you can present a beautiful silver figurine, a picture in a silver-plated frame, a vase or a silver table set.

You can give separate gifts to spouses. The wife should choose a beautiful silver jewelry, such as a bracelet, earrings or pendant. A brooch or hairpin made of this metal is also suitable. For your husband, you can choose a silver cigarette case, business card holder, chain or cufflinks.

Congratulations to the heroes of the day can be more modest, but no less significant. A gift in the form of an edited film from old family videos will fit perfectly on this day. Collected over twenty-five years, this collage of memorable moments will be received with the greatest gratitude.

Congratulations on your silver wedding

On an important day for spouses, kind and sincere words are especially important. Therefore, in order to congratulate them, one cannot skimp on wishes and congratulations. If your creative streak allows, you can compose a song especially for the celebrants of the day or compose a beautiful poem. You can also choose congratulations for a silver wedding in verse from those already compiled.

Once upon a time you were bound together by a feeling,

It’s not for nothing that everyone calls him love.

And here you are together, long and skillfully,

You carry out this work every day.

And a quarter of a century flew by quickly.

We wish your life to flourish,

Not allowing you to whine or be bored!

Marriage is the most beautiful thing

If he is twenty-five.

I can confidently congratulate you

And good luck!

A quarter of a century - that’s really cool!

Not a second, not a minute,

And this is not a month or a year!

Let family be your stronghold

Every year it only gets stronger,

And love crowns him!

Congratulating you on your silver wedding,

We ask you to remain silent about the years.

Don't think about sorrows today.

Sit down and receive congratulations!

You raised beautiful children,

You have walked a difficult path together,

But it was not in vain

After all, on this day you are filled with love!

Today your couple is twenty-five!

Many years have passed since this wonderful date.

And on your anniversary I wish

We want you to be rich!

Rich in feelings, mutual understanding,

Children and grandchildren, of course, friends!

So that you have enough attention for each other,

And you always took care of what you created!

Your marriage is like the value of silver!

That time to realize, understand,

How fate is favorable and kind,

After all, together you are already twenty-five!

We wish you strong feelings,

So that your passion does not subside.

Touch your own lips,

And continue to love as you did at first.

On the silver anniversary I want to say a lot of beautiful and benevolent words. On this day, hearts sing, joyful speeches sound and tears of happiness flow. On this day, the countdown begins for new and strong relationships.

A quarter of a century flew by unnoticed. This joyful day has come when you can remember the emotions you experienced and once again immerse yourself in the holiday atmosphere. The couple is waiting for congratulations on their silver wedding from relatives and friends. But the most exciting thing for them is to hear the words of their now adult children. 25 years ago this family was just getting started. And now it’s time to sum up the first results and be proud of the excellent results.

The couple celebrates their quarter-century anniversary in different ways. Someone celebrates in a quiet family circle. Someone is organizing a lavish outdoor event. However, regardless of plans, children must be nearby on this day. No hassle, concern or business should prevent you from congratulating your parents. A family's birthday is a defining date for the entire generation.

A wedding anniversary is a vivid example of how to take care of relationships. Everything is intertwined in the celebration: tribute to traditions, respect for elders, and reverence for family values.

The younger generation does not have much experience. Children may have difficulty finding words. It is difficult for them to understand what it means to be together for 25 years. Children cannot give advice or guidance. But they have the power to thank their mother and father for their cloudless childhood, for their family, for this stone support, which, alas, not everyone has.

  1. Dear, beloved! Mom, father, Congratulations, barely holding back tears. Twenty-five years ago you walked down the aisle And began to share happiness and dreams. You are an example - you couldn’t find anything better in the world. And we are proud that we are your children. On this holiday, we want to wish you to live together for a century.
  1. You are my loved ones, dear and good, My heart is happy that this anniversary has become proof that you are like a garden blooming near the steppe fields! How I would like to wish you, my parents, On your silver wedding (I will tell you a toast) Be like this when you saw each other, And carry that feeling to your gray hair!
  1. We've been married for so many years - is it really possible? Dear Mom and Dad, Congratulations are accepted. How did you save such worthy feelings? Oh, I wish I could find out! Preserving them is an art Until the silver wedding! You are newlyweds again. We sincerely congratulate you! And we wish the parents in love the Sea of ​​​​happiness!
  1. Please accept congratulations from your children on your joyful anniversary together! Today the Family turns 25, and we will congratulate you! We wish for our father and mother to love them, and more often to give flowers just like that, and for our mother we wish that you always support your father in everything!
  1. Today is your day - silver wedding day! I congratulate you, my dears! I wish you happiness, love each other! And make your hopes come true! May your dreams and wishes come true! Parents, happy holiday! I love you! I wish you joy, laughter, smiles, May only goodness and comfort reign in your home!
  1. I want to congratulate my dearest and closest people on their anniversary and say a huge thank you for living on this earth. Dear, beloved, family, May fate send you many years, So that your health does not fail you. There is no one more precious to me in the world.
  1. Happy anniversary, my dearest! May you always be happy. I love you, dear ones. Let the years pass joyfully, You are a mountain for each other. I can easily solve all problems, If I know, you are with me. I will never tire of wishing you warmth and health. I congratulate you with love, May you live for many years!
  1. Dear mom and dad, This day is sacred for us. On this day you were once married to fate. Your wedding anniversary is celebrated by the whole family, You are like two captains For your native ship. We wish you good health. May God give you strength and love, so that you are young and do not know worries.
  1. Happy silver wedding to you, dad and mom! You have become a wonderful and glorious union, Nothing broke you, nothing separated you, I wish that everything will continue to be the same. Let your love continue forever And be an example for everyone, of course, Be happy all your life, my dear ones, Always remain young in soul.
  1. One fourth of a century flew by like a moment of happiness. Today we, all your children, thank you heartily! For our sunny childhood, For the happiness of seeing you, loving you, For the fact that we are yours - We wish you a long life. Until the golden wedding and beyond, To marry more great-grandchildren, “I love you!” say more often, Always forgive each other everything!

Funny wedding anniversary greetings for relatives

Blood ties often unite completely different people. Family ties are destined for us by fate. We cannot change or abandon our kinship. And we choose only our spouses.

In the circle of relatives, anything can happen: friendship and disagreements. But a 25th wedding anniversary is a reason to unite and forget what was left unsaid. Relatives have been watching the family for the entire quarter of a century. We managed to see the spouses from different sides. Congratulations and wishes are probably ripe in their minds.

On this holiday, I want less seriousness, more mischief and joy, like in those young years 25 years ago.

Congratulations from relatives can be quite bold. These people are allowed almost everything, because they know how to not only make fun, but also lend a helping hand in difficult times.

  1. 25 - not more and not little, In general, you did well, We want to congratulate you on the beginning And we want to congratulate you on the end. To begin with, our wishes for Happiness, youth and love. So that at dawn, instead of ringing, only nightingales wake you up, So that you always stay close, Help each other in difficult times, So that all family obstacles In this life are not for you. As for the end, it’s easier. We would like to humbly wish you that all your problems and worries end at the number 25.
  1. 25 is a great time to learn a lesson. It openly talks about how easy it is for two people to get along. Your couple is something! Share your worries, happiness, joy and luck together. Our blessing to you! And we hope, of course, that your love will last forever. What more could you want? Only 50 to celebrate!
  1. Marriage is a good thing, If the marriage is “twenty-five.” We can safely congratulate you and wish you success. A quarter of a century is cool, this is not one minute. And not a month, and not a year. May your family stronghold only grow stronger year after year, May love crown it!
  1. It’s not easy to live 25 years, to understand each other, to endure - We wish you until ninety to wait for each other, love, want each other! May your relationship bring happiness and continuous positivity, may future love be true, may good luck always await you!
  1. If the couple is twenty-five, the wedding is celebrated again. Guests again, “Bitter!” again, and so much love and happiness! It’s already breathtaking, Mendelssohn is soothing to the ear, It’s as if our “young” are celebrating their wedding for the first time. Look how the groom became embarrassed and became quiet. And the bride calmed down and turned red like a bright rose. Dear “young people”! Always be the same as in that year, on that day and hour, When passion overtook you. Let the discreet light of love Be with you for many years, Like an unfading dawn. For love! For happiness! Bitterly!
  1. They stayed afloat in the family boat for a quarter of a century, And they didn’t throw the oars into the storm, And they didn’t break on the rock. Apparently, a good team was chosen from the two of you. Let your scow sail on the sea of ​​happiness and love. We present you with a silver medal. Mentally, of course... We wish you to swim across the waves to the first and golden place!
  1. Congratulations! A quarter of a century has flown by unnoticed: Don’t dream of escaping, But love selflessly. Don’t be afraid to look around carefully and exchange your wife for two new ones - younger ones. Let your feelings grow and strengthen, There will be no place for sadness, Everything will be great: Everyday life, home, success, feelings!
  1. Anniversary of an exemplary, positive and faithful family! Twenty-five already! Hooray! And it seemed like yesterday the Rings, the registry office, the veil and the dress... And today the guests - here: Twenty-five already! Hooray! Like the properties of wine: The older you are, the richer, And love is stronger, brighter! Twenty-five already! Hooray! Peace, happiness and goodness!

How to congratulate friends on the Silver Wedding

Friends help us share not only hardships, but also joyful moments. They willingly take on help in organizing the event. Perhaps they knew the couple even before that significant moment and had the honor of being present at their wedding.

If so, then that's just great! On the anniversary day, you can remember together how the first event was celebrated. Look through the photos and mentally move back 25 years.

It’s good when there are people nearby who have walked a similar path and understand better than anyone how you feel at these moments. Friends help you realize the full value of the moment. They shower admiration and approval. They want to follow their chosen path for many years and feel young until their very old age.

  1. You have been together for exactly 25 happy, long years and I want to wish you good luck and victories! You have a wonderful family! We are proud of you! And there are children and friends nearby, They wish you love!
  1. On your wedding day, I want to wish my friend to live with his wife five times 25 times, so that a world record can be set, so that people never love like that, so that you are always happy, great love for many years, I want to wish you today, and understand each other every moment!
  1. The silver wedding is knocking on your door. There have been so many ups and losses in life! But you did not break the thread of love that connected you on the path of life. We wish you longevity, warmth, family comfort, health and goodness, look into each other's eyes and feel the thrill, and hug with love on starry evenings!
  1. You have lived together for a quarter of a century. We congratulate you, keep it up! There were both strife and joy. But you were able to restrain each other. And your love gives birth to pride. We will experience it to the fullest. We congratulate you on your silver medal today. Let a wave of happiness cover you!
  1. Congratulations on your silver wedding! Friends, you have reached such an anniversary, which only a few achieve. Let it not be the last peak. Always love each other unchanged, Love is like wine, only better over the years, There is no limit to its perfection, And then great happiness will be with you.
  1. We have known you for an awful lot of years, You can’t count on four hands, And there is no more important and joyful day than this date - exactly twenty-five! A silver wedding is not jam, Not a pound of raisins and not a tuft of wool. We wish you love and inspiration, and give you this congratulations!

Short congratulations and short poems

25 years of marriage is a monumental date. Unfortunately, not everyone manages to go such a long way. Therefore, a wedding anniversary is a very important holiday for a large circle of relatives and friends.

On this day, spouses are in great demand. Congratulations pour in on them from all sides. Everyone needs at least a minute of attention. It's hard to maintain composure during the holiday rush.

Share the excitement of the spouses. Give them a little peace. Choose only the most important words. They can be read on the eve of the celebration or sent via virtual message.

The quatrain decorates a greeting card or envelope. Small poems are suitable for a feast. Among those gathered there will be many who want to speak, so as a sign of respect for each other, remove unnecessary words from the words and leave only the most important things.

  1. A quarter of a century is a wonderful date, There is a magical power in tender feelings - Love once married you, Gave you happiness forever.
  1. It’s amazing, because two wonderful people have been together for a quarter of a century. Congratulations on this important date and we wish you guys love!
  1. You are two wonderful people! And your marriage lasts a quarter of a century! I wish you a more joyful celebration of your twenty-fifth anniversary! Let the glasses be in your hands, Beautiful fireworks in the sky, Smiles of loved ones and relatives, And the whole world for you two!
  1. One of the best days in life Today we celebrate together - your Silver Anniversary! We congratulate you on this day!
  1. You have come a long way together, the two of you have reached silver, let’s quickly raise our glasses, so that your home is full of happiness!
  1. Congratulations on your silver wedding today, my dears! With admiration, delight, love, I wish you health and happiness!
  1. Silver wedding is a date. A span of life of as much as twenty-five. Kiss, hug like you used to, Well, turn back these years!
  1. May you find peace on your silver wedding. We wish you a lot of happiness and live to see the golden age!

Congratulations in your own words

The respectable date evokes deep respect. People who managed to maintain relationships over such a long period of time clearly unraveled some secret. Each of the circle of friends and acquaintances wants to touch their little secret.

It is impossible to ignore this reason. The strongest words should be spoken here. Show your deepest respect. Congratulate the spouses with a speech prepared personally.

  1. Dear newlyweds! I raise my glass to the fact that in a quarter of a century you have not dropped the high title of the spouses, have not added the worthless prefix “ex-” to it, and have raised high the banner of devoted and happy love.
    We are glad and congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you happiness, health and longevity. Long live our “newlyweds”!
  2. Congratulations with all my heart on the 25th anniversary of your family life - on your silver wedding. I sincerely wish you the same beautiful, happy and successful journey through the second half of your journey to your golden wedding. I wish your home well-being, peace and true love.
  3. You have been married for a quarter of a century and all this time you have taken care of, helped, respected and, most importantly, loved each other. And today, on the day of your silver wedding, I would like to wish you warmth, luck, prosperity, happiness, smiles, tenderness. Enjoy life and each other to the fullest!
  4. Congratulations, my dears, on a wonderful date - 25 years of happy married life! You have already been through a lot: both good and bad. But these circumstances did not break your family idyll, and I want to wish you that it will be like this for many more decades. Let everything be great for your family: income increases, love increases, trust grows and doubts never arise about each other. Many, many positive and bright days to you, kind, gentle words. Continue to love and go through life only together, without opening your family’s hands. Happy silver wedding!
  5. I sincerely congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of your marriage, on your silver wedding. I wish that your happiness shines and shimmers like silver in the sun, that your feelings always warm your hearts and fill your home with comfort, that there are no disappointments in your life together, that many more joyful events and happy holidays await you ahead.
  6. Our dear newlyweds! Today is exactly 25 years since the day you started your life together! It was not always dotted with flowers, it was not always even and smooth, but you managed, were able to, and survived those moments of happiness that this life gave you, because they were paid for at a high price - your love, patience, wisdom and forgiveness! May the remaining three times of 25 years become continuous, lasting happiness and great joy for you!
  7. You have been living together for twenty-five years, walking through life side by side, sharing happiness and hardships between the two of you! Congratulations on your silver wedding day! I wish you to live until your golden wedding in good health, vigor and joy! Carry your youthful love and friendship through your entire difficult life, wait for your great-grandchildren and pass on to your descendants your great life wisdom, easy disposition and infectious optimism! Be healthy, happy, cheerful and lucky! Love each other and receive a blessing from the Lord for a long, good, prosperous life!
  8. You are a role model who should be respected and appreciated. Having been married for 25 years, you have maintained love, warmth and affection for each other. I sincerely wish you that quiet, family happiness that you have earned throughout your life. Thank you for being in this world! Live happily ever after!

Not everyone can speak beautifully. But on this special day you want to fit in and show your best side. We are happy to help you. Choose from our tips the one you like the most.

Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary
This day is so special
And so important for all of us
For a silver wedding
Everyone was gathered at this hour.
Numerous guests
The whole family from all sides
Congratulations and wishes
Continue to live in unison.
So that silver feelings
It hasn't gone dark for many years.
To shine with freshness
Radiating the light of happiness.
For patience, understanding
Created an ideal
Exemplary tender couple
Whose life experience is not small.

Let your home be filled
Snow-white silver.
It's not just twenty-five
For many years to love, to suffer,
Conquer all challenges
Live in great understanding.
Happy anniversary,
And we wish you the best!

The silver wedding is knocking on your door.

And on starry evenings to hug with love!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
There were both strife and joy.

We will experience it to the fullest.
Let a wave of happiness cover you!

Wishes to parents
You have become more beautiful today
Even more beautiful than yesterday
After all, today in your house -
Silver wedding.
And now let’s not forget
For you on your life's journey:
This is a saying, but a wedding
Gold is ahead!
May they be with you forever
And good luck and goodness!
Let's celebrate the golden one together,
In the meantime, here's to silver!
Protected for a quarter of a century
You are your love for each other.
Loyalty was carried into the heart -
This is the highest merit.
Preserve the network of marriage ties
It takes a lot of talent.
Your silver union
More precious than a diamond.
Your path in life was bright.
Don't grow old at heart
So that later you can meet with dignity
Your golden anniversary!
Today we wish the spouses
Endlessly falling in love with each other
So that happiness shines again
Twenty-five more are with you!

Congratulations to the husband from the wife
I'm having a hard time finding words now,
To convey how happy I am with you.
We divide all adversities in half,
And we multiply joy with love.
When we started living together,
Everything seemed new, unknown,
We created our own cozy home
And they looked for common interests.
And on our wedding anniversary I will say:
We succeeded, and even very well.
Sorry, I can't find any more words
And as a sign of love I’ll put an ellipsis...

Congratulations on the silver wedding in prose
"newlyweds"! I raise my glass to what you haven't done in a quarter of a century
dropped the high rank of the spouses, did not add to it the worthless
prefix “ex-” and raised high the banner of devoted and happy love.

We are glad and congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you happiness, health and longevity.
Long live our “newlyweds”!

Silver wedding congratulations to parents
Here we are together for a quarter of a century
You've walked through life!
There were springs, there were songs,
Many dreams have come true.
The sky was bright blue.
Good happiness is in the family.
Your life will be even more beautiful in future
And be happier on earth!
Silver at the temples,
Fate has silver.
Don't let your home be abandoned
Love and kindness!
May the remaining years
never ending light
Will be the same hope
And warmed by friendship.
May you be loved everywhere
May you always be appreciated
And it doesn’t go out over you
Living star
Under which you are together
We've been through so much
Difficult but memorable
The paths of the earth.

Congratulations on your silver wedding
At the temples there is silver,
Fate is silver.
Don't let your home be abandoned
Love and goodness.
May the remaining years
Endless light
Will be the same hope
And warmed by friendship.
May you be loved everywhere.
May you always be appreciated
And it doesn’t go out over you
Living star
Under which you are together
We've been through so much
For difficult ones, for memorable ones
The paths of the earth.

Silver wedding - congratulations from children
On the path together -
A significant milestone.
You lived together
Exactly a quarter of a century!
And the wedding has come to you
In the shine of silver.
At least the house is not an estate,
But there are darkness in it!
Twenty-five years already
We walked together.
Joys and troubles
We've seen a lot.
And friends are always
Were close to you
And for so many years
How relatives became.
Shines like silver
A quarter of a century date.
Sounds like music
Rich in joy.
Happy anniversary!
You are among us now
At its apogee
Glory and love
Pleased with yourself.
You still have to go
Gold for the wedding.
We wish you a lot
Happiness on the way.
Let the road be bright
There will be more to come!

Cool congratulations on your silver wedding from friends

Congratulations on your Silver Wedding!
And we want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts
To you: health, success, good luck,
And always understand each other.
Quarter of century! After all, this is a lot,
To check your feelings.
We'll fill our glasses today
On this holiday of great LOVE!

Silver wedding - family anniversary,

A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one! A quarter of a century is a wonderful date,
There is magical power in tender feelings -
Love once married you,
Gave you happiness forever. The silver wedding is knocking on your door.
There have been so many ups and losses in life!
But you didn't break that thread of love,
What united you on the path of life.
We wish you longevity, warmth,
Family comfort, health and goodness,
Look into each other's eyes and feel the thrill,
And on starry evenings to hug with love! We hasten to congratulate you on your silver wedding:
You had to go through a lot.
However, we wish you to continue this path
And you can’t leave your hand out of your hands for a moment.
Such unity is unknown to many,
For you, it is family law. Silver wedding means

And a smile will light up your faces! Today is a long-awaited date,
The silver wedding is desired,
And we wish the young
Intimacy so that it is always cool,
So that peace reigns in every corner,
And there was no place for trouble,
Love burned like a star
And so that your dream comes true,
So that the union is strong as steel,
And let spring sing in my heart! You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
We congratulate you, keep it up!
There were both strife and joy.
But you were able to restrain each other.
And your love gives birth to pride.
We will experience it to the fullest.
We congratulate you on your silver medal today.
Let a wave of happiness cover you! Surprisingly, after a quarter of a century
Two wonderful people together.
Congratulations on this important date
And we wish you love, guys! Silver wedding - twenty-five!
What kind of toast can we say here?
And who could come up with the perfect idea?
For a case like this, a poem?
No, all the words sound clumsy here,
And a long toast is completely, completely unnecessary.
And all you need to say here is:
You are as happy as the morning of your wedding!
Let the gray hair silver the temples,
But your ardor has not cooled! Silver wedding - feelings burn in hearts,
A great holiday - a masterpiece for art!
The husband is serious, and the wife is beautiful and colorful!
Looking at you, my eyes are happy.
And the bright shine of silver,
He says that life is not in vain!
We do not wish for wealth at all,
And we wish you happiness and love without guile! You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
And today is the wedding anniversary!
There is no more reliable person in the world -
You are the most valuable thing to each other!
We wish you peace and care,
Be a little wiser every day.
Let all adversity bypass your home,
Have sunny and joyful days! Dear friends and spouses!
For the twenty-fifth anniversary
You came through showers and blizzards,
Keeping the sparks of love in our souls,
At the time of school, the ovary gave birth.
I believe, feelings of hardening
You have enough to live on that everyone will envy.
Congratulations and I am glad with all my heart,
What a worthy distance has been covered.
So I wish love to flare up,
So that you can bask in its warmth,
And when the date will be tripled. On your wedding day, silver to you
I wish you peace in the family!

I wish you joy, laughter,
You don’t know sadness and grief! Silver anniversary today
The most wonderful people!
So pour it, quickly, don’t regret it,
Let's celebrate this glorious anniversary!
After all, a quarter of a century is behind them,
And how many cases were solved between two!
And how many restless days there were!
And, of course, sweet nights!
Guys, you are so great!
There is fire in the eyes, there are youngsters in the soul,
Keep your love, we remind you,
That the next wedding is golden! You are two wonderful people!
Your twenty-fifth anniversary
I wish you a more joyful meeting!
Let the glasses be in your hands,
Beautiful fireworks in the sky,
Smiles of loved ones and relatives,
And the whole world for you two! It's not easy to live 25 years,
We wish you until ninety

And they carry a lot of positivity,
May good luck always await you!
He lived up to his name.
Your anniversary is famous,
And the flame of love did not go out.
Never lose love.
Children bring joy and help! Girlfriend, these lines are for you!
I wish you love and warmth!
I also wish you pure happiness!

Peaceful sky, goodness in the house,

Silver wedding (25th wedding anniversary) - SMS congratulations

How quickly the years fly by -
They cannot be returned or caught up.
You have a silver wedding,
You are together exactly twenty-five!
You are an example for us to follow,
Anyone will envy you.
Now we wish you the main thing -
Live until the golden wedding!

4 SMS - 223 characters

I sincerely congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of your family life - on
silver wedding I sincerely wish you the same beautiful, happy and
successfully complete the second half of the journey to the golden wedding. Wish
prosperity to your home and peace, true love and good luck.

4 SMS - 245 characters

You have come a long way together,
The two of us reached silver
Let's quickly raise our glasses,
So that your home is full of happiness!
I wish you stress-free
Now to get to the gold!
And only great pleasure
Always get something out of life!

4 SMS - 219 characters

You're both young again
At least to your union
Today is exactly 25!
Marital ties,
Like first-class wine
Everything gets stronger over the years.
May life be lived in cinema
It warms your soul.
And you still have ahead,
We really believe in this
Many years, many wonderful dates
And many anniversaries!

4 SMS - 252 characters

The date is worthy of respect,
You are together exactly twenty-five.
You walked towards each other to get closer,
To strengthen relationships.
And now everything is smooth for you:
Family life, cozy home.
May everything continue to go so sweetly
So that the two of you can be happy.

4 SMS - 234 characters

Silver wedding - 25,
I heartily congratulate you.
I wish you to live your whole life together,
I wish you well and happiness.
And let the years go by,
Don't pay attention
Be faithful and love
Celebrate your wedding every year!

4 SMS - 231 characters

Ah, the silver wedding.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Let it never happen
It's winter in a relationship.
25 years is a long time,
So we want to wish,
So that the figure is three times larger
I had a chance to celebrate.

3 SMS - 187 characters

Silver wedding. Bitterly!
We congratulate you, friends.
We lived steadfastly for a quarter of a century,
You have a wonderful family.
You through thunderstorms and bad weather
There was a spark of hope.
We wish you great happiness,
Good luck, loyalty, love!

4 SMS - 213 characters

You have lived a quarter of a century
Only in harmony, in love.
Happy anniversary.
This holiday is for two!
Let the silver wedding
It will only give you peace.
We wish you a lot of happiness
And live until golden!

3 SMS - 196 characters

We are happy for you, dears!
You have lived twenty-five years.
And they became more than family,
Give care and light.
And we all want to get together,
After another similar period.
Let him shelter from evil misfortunes,
Lord, your cozy little world.

SMS congratulations on your silver wedding

“You are two wonderful people!”
You are two wonderful people!
And your marriage lasts a quarter of a century!
Your twenty-fifth anniversary
I wish you a more joyful meeting!
Let the glasses be in your hands,
Beautiful fireworks in the sky,
Smiles of loved ones and relatives,
And the whole world for you two!

"Happy anniversary to you!"
Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can't forget about it!
Silver wedding is the most beautiful ceremony,
Silver wedding - a big parade of love!
Silver wedding is an exciting moment,
Silver wedding - the wealth of shared years!
Celebrate the Silver Wedding with all your heart,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one! "To a friend"
You've been a wife for 25 years,
What should I tell you, dear?
I'll drink to the bottom for you,
And I wish you luck!
Let only the family grow stronger
To make you happy
Stay forever
The best and most beautiful! “What can I wish you on this holiday?”
What can I wish you on this holiday?
You spent a quarter of a century together!
Congratulations on your silver wedding!
Let your dreams come true at once!
May life give you gifts!
Let the family be friendly!
We wish you success and happiness,
There is peace, kindness and warmth in the house! "To my wife"
25 distant years ago
I met you, dear!

Today I want to wish
So that you smile more often,
May your dreams always come true! "Anniversary Wishes"
The day of the silver wedding has arrived -
Your couple is celebrating!
Silver is a precious metal
It protects the owner from harm!
So these properties are magical
And a guarantee for your happiness!
Be joyful, believe in the best!
Take your piece of luck! “Girlfriend, these lines are for you!”
Girlfriend, these lines are for you!
I sincerely congratulate you on them!
I wish you love and warmth!
I also wish you pure happiness!
I wish you a silver wedding
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Peaceful sky, goodness in the house,
And in your affairs - only success! "To parents"
My beloved parents
In my destiny, irreplaceable,
You've been together for 25 years,
I wish you longevity,
May you celebrate your centenary
Golden life together,
And may love make you happy! "Congratulations from the children"
Please accept congratulations from the children
On your joyful anniversary together!
Turned 25 today
To the family, we will congratulate you too!
We wish our father to love our mother,
And more often he gave flowers just like that,
And we wish mom that she always
You supported your father in everything! «»
Today is your day - silver wedding day!
I congratulate you, my dears!

Let only goodness and comfort reign in your home! “It’s not easy to live 25 years”
It's not easy to live 25 years,
To understand each other, to tolerate -
We wish you until ninety
Wait for each other, love, want!
May your relationship be happy
And they carry a lot of positivity,
Love in the future real,
May good luck always await you! "Silver wedding"
Silver wedding means
That the Lord destined you for each other,
So may your dreams always come true,
We wish you happiness and love.
In the future, you help each other,
Support and don't be discouraged!
Let all good things happen
And a smile will light up your faces! “Today is the wedding anniversary!”
Let the house be full of guests,
Today is the wedding anniversary!
Your marriage shines with silver,
Family happiness and goodness!
You have lived 25 years!
We wish you no troubles,
Take care of your family, preserve it,
Love each other reverently! “You’ve been together for exactly 25 years”
You've been together exactly 25
Happy many years to come
And I want to wish you
Good luck and victories!
You have a wonderful family!
We are proud of you!
And there are children and friends nearby,
We wish you love! "Silver is a precious metal"
Silver is a precious metal
He lived up to his name.
Your anniversary is famous,
And the flame of love did not go out.
May you be happy
Never lose love.
May there be peace and comfort in the family,
Children bring joy and help! "To my husband"
I've been with you for 25 years,
You are still a hero
You are my beloved husband,
Know - unique!
I wish you happiness
Let the bad weather go away
Troubles will not touch
Joy will return! “May everyone in the house be healthy!”
On your wedding day, silver to you
I wish you peace in the family!
So that you live together, happily,
Well, just like in a fairytale dream!
May everyone in the house be healthy!
Let there be only grace in him!
I wish you joy, laughter,
You don’t know sadness and grief! "To a friend"
I want to wish my friend on his wedding day

And understand each other every moment! "To parents from children"
You have passed the test of a quarter of a century,

And on the way there is only warm sunshine! “Friend, with a silver medal!”
Friend, with a silver medal
For the family and for the children!
After all, the silver wedding
You're celebrating now!
Now set the task
You reach and golden!
I wish you happiness
With all my heart and all my soul!

Beautiful poems of congratulations on your silver wedding

You are two wonderful people!
And your marriage lasts a quarter of a century!
Your twenty-fifth anniversary
I wish you a more joyful meeting!
Let the glasses be in your hands,
Beautiful fireworks in the sky,
Smiles of loved ones and relatives,
And the whole world for you two!

It's not easy to live 25 years,
To understand each other, to tolerate -
We wish you until ninety
Wait for each other, love, want!
May your relationship be happy
And they carry a lot of positivity,
Love in the future real,
May good luck always await you! Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can't forget about it!
Silver wedding is the most beautiful ceremony,
Silver wedding - a big parade of love!
Silver wedding is an exciting moment,
Silver wedding - the wealth of shared years!
Celebrate the Silver Wedding with all your heart,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one! You've been a wife for 25 years,
What should I tell you, dear?
I'll drink to the bottom for you,
And I wish you luck!
Let only the family grow stronger
To make you happy
Stay forever
The best and most beautiful! I've been with you for 25 years,
You are still a hero
You are my beloved husband,
Know - unique!
I wish you happiness
Let the bad weather go away
Troubles will not touch
Joy will return! 25 distant years ago
I met you, dear!
And since then I haven’t looked away,
And in my love I found a pier.
Today I want to wish
So that you smile more often,
She deserves not to suffer
May your dreams always come true! My beloved parents
In my destiny, irreplaceable,
You've been together for 25 years,
And I believe you couldn’t be happier!
I wish you longevity,
May you celebrate your centenary
Golden life together,
And may love make you happy! You have passed the test of a quarter of a century,
At the same time, preserving the family hearth,
And celebrate the silver anniversary
You can deserve it now!
Thank you for raising us!
Live happily, health and goodness to you!
We love you! We wish you success!
And on the way there is only warm sunshine! I want to wish my friend on his wedding day
Live with your wife five times 25,
To set a world record,
So that people never love like that,
May you always be happy,
Much love for many years to come
I want to wish you today,
And understand each other every moment! Today is your day - silver wedding day!
I congratulate you, my dears!
I wish you happiness, love each other!
And make your hopes come true!
May your dreams and wishes come true!
Parents, happy holiday! I love you!
I wish you joy, laughter, smiles,
Let only goodness and comfort reign in your home! Silver wedding - love's reward!
You walk side by side hand in hand.
And it seemed that more was not needed,
How to feel cared for by your loved one.
May you live together amicably for another hundred years,
Know neither grief nor sadness of days!
We shout “Bitter!” bride and groom!
May your fire of love burn stronger!
You are so close! Isn't this a miracle!
And an example of great love for friends!
The intertwining of your two true destinies,
Like the embodiment of a young dream! There is no family more beautiful than yours,
She is twenty-five long years old,
There is no more beautiful bride
The husband is handsome to match, even a grandfather,
We are all gathered to congratulate you,
And wish you good health,
So that for a golden wedding,
Don't forget to call us
Let silver shine for you
They give happiness and warmth,
Happy anniversary,
Be together for the evil of everyone! And the silver period flew by,
And the grandchildren have already grown up.
But it calls to its beautiful limit
The love that arose once upon a time.
But she, having matured and passed
Thirty years along endless roads,
The pure joy of a new day
It illuminates your home for a reason.
May her journey never end
And hopes, always young,
Never in a hurry to rest
And they shine for you like for the first time! Twenty-five living together
This is a huge time
And your glorious one has grown up a long time ago,
Very smart son
Achieved a lot together
Your house glows with warmth,
It’s not for nothing that this wedding
Everyone knows silver
We wish you pure thoughts,
Inspiration for the soul,
So that you don't know sorrows,
May your dreams come true! Your family was not built easily,
You created it brick by brick,
It happened that your marriage bridge collapsed,
But you didn’t give up, you took care of love,
We congratulate you on your silver wedding,
Many years have passed quite unnoticed,
We can't imagine a more beautiful couple
There is no more reliable couple in the world,
May your happiness from marriage never fade away,
May your family always be healthy,
May troubles and sorrows go away forever,
Kindness always accompanies life! Silver wedding - a quarter of a century!
Your love has ruled the show for many years.
It would be a sin for us not to celebrate such a date,
May every day bring you sunshine!
And the silver that we give you for happiness,
May it bring good luck and joy.
And it is in your power to preserve love,
Live together - there is sweetness in this life! Let tears of happiness shine in your eyes -
The silver date has arrived!
And all that was – joy and bad weather,
You have become more valuable, twice as much!
Today marks a quarter of a century since our wedding!
I wish you to always love me,
I wish you happiness, sincere laughter,
Capable of keeping your love! You are like a thread and a needle,
You've been together for a quarter of a century,
There is a lot of sense in your marriage,
Children, grandchildren have been acquired,
Go everywhere together
You can't live without each other,
Every evening you don't mind
New to discuss a trifle,
The years have united you,
You have become even kinder
Forgave yourself a lot
There are no more fun people in the world! So what if you were arguing?
You've been together for a quarter of a century,
Children and grandchildren were born,
You're still just as in love
Although scandals are inevitable,
Each of you is always right
You tamed it a little
Unbridled temper
Be happy, healthy,
Let your eyes burn with passion,
Happy new wedding, happy new life,
Always be there!

Marriage is a good thing
If the marriage is “twenty-five.”
We can safely congratulate you
And wish you success.
A quarter of a century is cool
This is not one minute.
And not a month, and not a year.
Let your family be your stronghold
Year after year it only gets stronger,
Let love crown him!

silver wedding
Clear as the sound of a stream
At least up to a hundred years
I wish you to live.

The same strong couple
A wonderful family
To live in love until the very end
Until the wedding, golden!

Congratulations with all my heart on the 25th anniversary of your family life - on your silver wedding. I sincerely wish you the same beautiful, happy and successful journey through the second half of your journey to your golden wedding. I wish your home well-being and peace, true love and good luck.

Your wedding shone with silver,
We are coming to you today with congratulations.
May luck always favor you
And let the family hearth burn brighter.

May you live together for many more years
Without sorrows, without worries, insults and troubles.
And when you celebrate 25,
We will congratulate you on your golden wedding.

The wedding is twenty-five today!
And the heart confuses its beats -
Such honor and grace
Congratulate the glorious heroes of the day.

You have been together for so many years and winters,
That they became an indivisible whole.
And I want to wish both
All the best in the world! No limits.

May this wedding be silver
Brings happiness to your couple.
Prosperity, goodness,
Gives warmth of love and joy!

The event today is difficult -
Silver wedding, wonderful day,
Years passed without any stagnation:
Not a year, not 2, not even 7,
But 25 have already been lived together.
Oh, how much happiness you have received.
And to you, as the groom and as the bride
We wish you to be in love now
We were 25 times larger than each other,
And we gained more joy,
So that the wallets are much thicker,
May you spend more years together.

Congratulations on your silver wedding,
You live without troubles and worries,
Many more wonderful, beautiful years,
May good luck come to visit you!

Serene, bright happiness,
So that things always go uphill,
Forget worries, bad weather,
Life will be kind and bright to you!

You're both young again
At least to your union
Today is exactly 25!
Marital ties,
Like first-class wine
Everything gets stronger over the years.
May life be lived in cinema
It warms your soul.
And you still have ahead,
We really believe in this
Many years, many wonderful dates
And many anniversaries!

You gave me the keys to my heart
For each other for so long,
They took care of them tenderly, tightly,
Protected from everything!

And today precious
Your holiday is coming,
Dear, long-awaited wedding
And silver now.

In marriage, everything happens often,
And problems, difficult life,
It's good that you are patient
And they could show love!

You can live successfully in a union,
Keeping it just as carefully,
And let the wedding be golden
It will be accomplished in your days!

The path is paved with silver,
What guides you gently through fate,
May your palms be full of happiness
Life will measure out on the anniversary day!

Twenty-five most beautiful years
You meet the dawn in love,
I really want to wish you well,
The most tender and blooming years!

We are happy for you, dears!
You have lived twenty-five years.
And they became more than family,
Give care and light.

And we all want to get together,
After another similar period.
Let him shelter from evil misfortunes,
Lord, your cozy little world.

Silver wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

A pleasant addition to your gift will be your sincere wishes and warmest words addressed to the heroes of the day.

I sincerely congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of your marriage, on your silver wedding! I wish that your happiness shines and shimmers like silver in the sun, that your feelings always warm your hearts and fill your home with comfort, that there are no disappointments in your life together, that many more joyful events and happy holidays await you ahead!

Congratulations with all my heart on the 25th anniversary of your family life - on your silver wedding! I sincerely wish you the same beautiful, happy and successful journey through the second half of your journey to your golden wedding. I wish your home well-being and peace, true love and good luck!

Congratulations on this wonderful silver day! A family is a living organism based on mutual understanding. You have proven that you are capable of loving and understanding each other. Therefore, I wish you to always live in harmony, in peace and love, and most importantly, take care of each other! So many years of mutual patience, attention and care were not in vain! You are one whole, and this whole is wonderful! Congratulations on the fact that you managed to create your own unique, kind, cozy world that we love so much! Happy twenty-fifth anniversary to you!

We have watched you over all these years and want to say that this union is the strongest and happiest. You have proven that love can be preserved for a quarter of a century and not lose a single drop of happiness. We wish that in the future your union will be as strong as the rings you exchanged today. We want to wish you that on your golden anniversary you can meet the dawn as happily as you do today!

25 years is a quarter of a century, that’s more than nine thousand days spent next to your loved one! This is worthy of the greatest praise. Let love and harmony continue to reign in your life, and let every day become better than the previous one, because your loved one is nearby! Happy Anniversary!

Congratulations, dear ones, on a wonderful date together, on your silver wedding! You have been together for 25 years, which means that a silver age has begun in your life, which will definitely give you poetic lines of sweet moments and happy stories of family life. I wish you a wonderful mood and constant comfort in your home!

Dear spouses, today your family life was marked by the silver figure of 25 years! Over these years, you have become one indivisible whole, created a strong family, and went through difficulties together. We would like to wish you the joy of being together for many years, love, harmony and prosperity!

Kids! Twenty-five years is a significant age, especially for a joint union! May it be as pure as silver, prosperous and indestructible! I wish you happiness, be healthy and cheerful in spirit, support each other in all your endeavors!

Dear Mom and Dad! You have been together for so many years that it’s hard to imagine. You have a silver wedding and this has been a whole quarter of a century. May your marriage continue to prosper, full of happiness and love! I wish you to celebrate your wedding anniversary many, many times!

Happy wedding anniversary! Today's date shines with the silver of the 25th anniversary of what you have passed together! We wish that every day of your life together gives you only love, mutual understanding, support and revenue, tenderness and care. Be truly happy for many years to come!

You are a role model who should be respected and appreciated! Having been married for 25 years, you have maintained love, warmth and affection for each other. I sincerely wish you that quiet, family happiness that you have earned with your whole life! Thank you for being in this world! Live happily ever after!

Congratulations on the wonderful 25th anniversary of your family life, on your silver wedding! I wish you bright and sparkling joy, strong and faithful love, reliable prosperity and unquenchable happiness, a friendly family and joint success!

The biggest test for love is time. Therefore, only a real feeling like yours can conquer the years! Congratulations on this victory! May your love conquer all the adversities of life! I wish you health, warmth, comfort and calm family happiness!

Your family is the stronghold of love and reliability that more than one generation can look up to. You lived 25 “silver” years of life in harmony, avoiding all the pitfalls of marriage. We wish you serene happiness, pleasant moments and a well-deserved rest, which will become a real earthly paradise for you! We are happy to congratulate you on this wonderful event!

On this wonderful day, we congratulate you on successfully overcoming a difficult distance - twenty-five years! There were many obstacles on your way, but you successfully overcame all the obstacles, because good guides led you forward - love and mutual understanding. You rightfully deserve a silver medal! And we wish you the same success in completing the next distance on the way to the gold medal!

You have been living together for twenty-five years, walking through life side by side, sharing happiness and hardships between the two of you! Congratulations on your silver wedding! I wish you to live until your golden wedding in good health, vigor and joy! Carry your youthful love and friendship through your entire difficult life, wait for your great-grandchildren and pass on to your descendants your great life wisdom, easy disposition and infectious optimism! Be healthy, happy, cheerful and lucky! Love each other and receive a blessing from the Lord for a long, good, prosperous life!

Happy 25th wedding anniversary! This noble silver date has made you a magnificent couple living in peace and harmony for so many years. With all our hearts we wish you a feeling of complete happiness, unity, spiritual closeness and joy from the fact that you have each other! Be healthy, love and enjoy life!

Dear spouses, let me congratulate you on a wonderful significant date, which your family has approached full of love, mutual understanding, comfort and prosperity! Love each other as passionately as in the first year of marriage, appreciate every day you live together, don’t be separated for long!

Congratulations on a wonderful date, a silver wedding! 25 years of marriage means care and tenderness, love and support every day! We wish you to always be young in body and soul! So that every moment of life lived together brings a feeling of dizzying happiness!

Happy 25th wedding anniversary! Let this silver wedding be filled with sparkling champagne, romantic mood, tenderness and devotion, love and mutual happiness! Let your dreams come true, all the desired paths open up, luck keeps pace with opportunities and a warm feeling inspires you for a long and wonderful life together!

Dear anniversaries! I raise my glass to the fact that in a quarter of a century you have not dropped the high title of spouse, have not added the unnecessary prefix “EX” to it, and have raised high the banner of devoted and happy love. We are glad and congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you happiness, health and many years to come!

Our dear newlyweds! Today is exactly 25 years since the day you started your life together! It was not always dotted with flowers, it was not always even and smooth, but you managed, were able to, and survived those moments of happiness that this life gave you, because they were paid for at a high price - your love, patience, wisdom and forgiveness! May the remaining three times of 25 years become continuous, lasting happiness and great joy for you!

You have been married for a quarter of a century and all this time you have taken care of, helped, respected and most importantly loved each other. And today, on the day of your silver wedding, I would like to wish you warmth, luck, prosperity, happiness, smiles, tenderness. Enjoy life and each other to the fullest!

Our dears! Today is a wonderful day, and we want to congratulate you on a wonderful event in your life - your silver wedding. Not every couple will reach this solemn day together, but you have reached it very successfully - you have raised wonderful children, and now you are helping to raise your grandchildren. You did not lose your love, your talents, the kindness of your hearts along the way. They didn’t lose their friends either. So let me congratulate you on this wonderful date, and may your home always remain the happiest!

25 years of living together is a big date, a bright holiday! Let the symbol of your anniversary make your life as brilliant, shining, strong and bright. May your love not fade away, may your joy grow day by day, I wish you health and happiness, warm your family hearth with a bright fire!

A wonderful holiday, when we have been together for 25 years, I sincerely congratulate you on your silver wedding! I wish you to carry the banner of a happy family year after year, filling your home with comfort and joy, goodness and understanding. Let silver be only second place, let it be an incentive to achieve a gold medal. I wish you strong and unquenchable love, prosperity and cheerful songs of life!

Congratulations on a wonderful date, on the 25th anniversary of family life! May your happiness flow through life like a silver stream, may your love never become weaker! I wish you peace and understanding in the family, harmony and prosperity in your home!

I congratulate you on your silver wedding! I wish you, my dears, that your family will always be so friendly, cheerful, durable and strong. I wish you good health, immense family happiness, wisdom, patience and kindness! May your love only grow stronger and stronger every day, and may it bring you many more pleasant moments and events!

For you, dears! On this happy and joyful day for you - the day when you got married 25 years ago, with all my heart I want to wish you to celebrate more than one wedding anniversary together! May your love and respect for each other grow! Here’s to you, our beloved silver anniversaries!

Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary! All these years you walked hand in hand, shared hardships and joys! Your family chest is already full of silver, and now there is a road ahead leading to gold mines! Good luck on this journey! Let love inspire and support you!

A wonderful and still loving couple, a happy and wonderful family, congratulations on your 25th anniversary of conscience, on your silver anniversary! I wish you bright sparks of joy and inspiration in the family hearth, I wish you unquenchable and blazing love in your hearts, I wish that your dreams and hopes sparkle with silver and will definitely come true in the end!

Congratulations on your silver wedding! I wish that harmony and mutual understanding reign in your relationship, as before! So that nothing in this changing world knocks the ground out from under your feet, so that you always love each other the same way and live happily until your golden wedding!

Today we have gathered here to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of great joy! Our heroes of the day have been together for 25 years, so let them continue to go through life together, hand in hand! May happiness be with them forever, throughout their long lives! For you, your love and prosperity! Here's to a happy longevity together!

From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you today on your silver wedding, on the wonderful 25th anniversary of your family! I wish you undoubted happiness in every day and great luck, great ideas and wonderful mood, family happiness and home comfort, unfading love and good hopes!

Congratulations on your family’s well-deserved silver, on a great achievement and a big date! You have been together for 25 years, holding hands tightly and caring for each other, overcoming all life barriers and obstacles on the path to good and happiness. I wish you just as bravely and beautifully to continue your journey together, not to let your love fade for a minute, to achieve everything you want together and always!

Today is your big holiday, the great silver anniversary of your marriage! Congratulations on your silver wedding and I want to wish you bright and sparkling happiness in your family, good health and unquenchable strength, memorable and dear moments to your hearts, true love unbreakable by time and circumstances!

Congratulations on your silver wedding, on a successful quarter of a century! Dear ones, I sincerely wish you the same brave and beautiful life, love each other tenderly and carefully preserve your happiness, I wish you good luck, a bright world and good prosperity!

There is a family-patience, relaxing to the point of loss of self-awareness. There is a competitive family that irritates and exhausts spouses. But today I raise a glass to a family of happiness, in which husband and wife understand and forgive each other for 25 years, to a family in which there is harmony with time and circumstances!

How much good you have lived, but we will not remember the bad. I wish you to preserve your love and closeness of souls until old age. Let your family be a model for everyone! Let your loved ones always feel your support! I wish you grateful children and loving grandchildren!

Today, dear newlyweds, you have an important date - your wedding anniversary, and not just an ordinary one, but a silver one! You have lived together for a long period of life, you have not been broken by failures and disappointments. And now, looking back, you can safely say that you are a worthy couple! So let the invisible thread continue to tightly bind your hands, everything in life works out, and your feelings become stronger and tempered!

Today is a wonderful day, and we want to congratulate you on a wonderful event in your life - your silver wedding! As the classic said, “not every bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper.” Not every newlywed couple will reach this special day together. And you got there and got there very successfully. You raised wonderful children, now you are helping to raise your grandchildren. You did not lose your love, your talents, the kindness of your hearts along the way. They didn’t lose their friends either. Let your home always remain bright, warm and open to everyone who enters it!

Congratulations, my dears, on a wonderful date - 25 years of happy married life! You have already gone through a lot: both good and bad, but these circumstances have not broken your family idyll, and I want to wish you that it stays that way for many more decades. Let everything be fine in your family circle, income increases, love multiplies, trust strengthens and doubts never arise about each other! Many, many positive and bright days to you, kind gentle words, continue to love and go through life only together, without opening your dear hands! Happy silver wedding!

Nature loves the color silver: silvery clouds, silvery streams of rain, silvery river surfaces and snowy frost. So you are now having the best and most wonderful period of your life! And I wish you, our dear spouses, traditionally, real long happiness, mutual love and prosperity!

Today we will celebrate the 25th wedding with you! You know, your business is difficult, that you cannot live without each other. You have gained a lot of wisdom, since you have been married for so long. You have been around for a very long time, and we wish you forever. Love each other, live peacefully, and raise your grandchildren together!

Dear children! Twenty-five years is a long time! Here you can only rejoice and wish a huge cup of happiness, which will only fill up as more years pass. Let love not fade away, but shine like a comet rushing across the sky!

Those couples in which the wife has a golden character and the husband has iron self-control live to see the silver wedding. It is these qualities that helped our heroes of the day reach this milestone. So let them not lose these qualities in the future and celebrate their golden wedding! Happy silver wedding to you!

Today we have gathered to witness the big and significant 25th anniversary of family life! We are happy that the luck that helped you meet has not left you. May she continue to be your good companion and may your journey together be filled with good luck, love and happiness!

We were present at your wedding, we said congratulations on your tenth anniversary, but, perhaps, on this day we received the greatest honor! Today we are present at such a beautiful anniversary, today you have a new wedding! I wish you happiness as huge as the starry sky on a July night; mutual understanding, as complete as the glass of wine that I hold in my hands; love as hot as the sun's rays; money, as light as feathers, and, of course, health, as strong as steel. But that’s not all - I want you to be able to celebrate your next anniversary as fun and fervently as this one!

25 years of legalized life together is a huge reason for pride, because your feelings were able to overcome a number of difficult challenges and not lose their former fervor. You are like heroes from a beloved, kind book who could become an example for many, since you, like no one else, know what support and understanding are. On this special day for your union, it is with great pleasure that I would like to wish you an amazing life, ease, harmony and happiness. Carry your love through many years, thereby becoming an example of true feelings. You have been together for a quarter of a century, live three times longer, and have passed through many other anniversaries!

Our dear anniversaries! Congratulations! On this day, your family turned 25 years old. Half of our lives have been lived, and we want to wish the second half to be much happier and more successful!

Mom and Dad, since we could not congratulate you on your marriage for the first time, today we want to correct this oversight by congratulating you on the 25th anniversary of your union. Today you exchange rings again as a sign of love and fidelity. May this exchange, this second marriage between you be even more fruitful and happy. But our wishes don't end there. We also want to see you holding hands and making not only plans for the future, but also your future family life!

This wonderful date, the beautiful 25th anniversary, means that your union is very strong and happy! You have proven that love can be preserved for a quarter of a century and not lose a single drop of happiness! We wish that your family will continue to be as strong, that you will always remain as young, beautiful, happy and always love each other! Live in happiness for many years! All the most beautiful and wonderful things to you, and may life give only the best, only joy, pleasant events and bring the most wonderful news!

Silver wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

Your twenty-fifth anniversary

I wish you a more joyful meeting!

Let the glasses be in your hands,

Beautiful fireworks in the sky!

Smiles from loved ones!

And the whole world is for you two!

Marriage is a good thing

If the marriage is “twenty-five.”

We can safely congratulate you

And wish you success!

A quarter of a century is cool

This is not one minute.

And not a month, and not a year.

Let your family be your stronghold

Year after year it only gets stronger,

Let love crown him!

Let your home be filled

Snow-white silver!

It's not just twenty-five

For many years to love, to suffer,

Conquer all challenges

Live in great understanding.

Happy anniversary,

And we wish you the best!

25 is not a date yet

It's only a third of the way

How many years have you been married?

Three times as far as you can go!

We lived together for a quarter of a century

And they treasured their love.

May it be your best reward

Many more years to be together, close!

Let troubles and quarrels pass by -

You are always a support for each other!

Silver wedding. Bitterly!

We congratulate you, friends.

We lived steadfastly for a quarter of a century,

You have a wonderful family!

You through thunderstorms and bad weather

There was a spark of hope.

We wish you great happiness,

Good luck, loyalty, love!

The joyful wedding broke out -

25 joyful years!

Silver shines again

The aroma flows through the bouquet.

Dear ones, congratulations,

And we wish not to grow old,

25 wonderful years

Lived like one day.

I wish you happiness today,

People are not lazy at all.

Happy silver wedding today,

I warmly congratulate you!

Live the same amount of time - in peace,

I wish you love and care!

You have come a long way together,

The two of us reached silver

Let's quickly raise our glasses,

So that your home is full of happiness!

I wish you stress-free

Now to get to the gold!

And only great pleasure

Always get something out of life!

Your wedding day in noble silver

Today the bonds of marriage are illuminated,

It is everywhere - at the festive table,

And in the hair, and in the way the look shines...

And you two are like the same metal,

They could bend but not break!

And therefore the ball is still in full swing -

You will remain in love for a long time!

What a wonderful occasion

I gathered all the guests today,

Silver wedding,

Family life anniversary!

May happiness never leave you,

Let the hearth of home not fade away,

Love burns even stronger in hearts.

And the golden wedding is coming!

Ah, the silver wedding.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Let it never happen

Winter in relationships!

25 years is a long time,

So we want to wish,

So that the figure is three times larger

I got to celebrate you!

silver wedding

Oh my God, what a date!

It's already been a quarter of a century

You are happily married!

May there be in your life

Happy hundred days!

Let your union grow stronger

Stronger every year!

The sound of silverware

Cake and food on the table.

Everyone perfectly believes in a miracle,

This couple on Earth.

Let today the cries of “Bitter”

Fill the house with happiness.

Let there be so many emotions

So that there is enough for later!

You have lived a quarter of a century

Only in harmony, in love!

Happy anniversary.

This holiday is for two!

Let the silver wedding

It will only give you peace.

We wish you a lot of happiness

And live until golden!

Silver wedding,

Silver in the temples.

25 years together

Everyone shouts “bitter.”

Your kiss is tender,

And love is strong.

In the ocean of life

Everything is clear without words.

Let your eyes shine

Happiness and warmth!

And joy flows

Bright silver!

Year after year - twenty-five!

Beyond the empty wilds

Outsiders can't understand

Silver anniversary.

It looks silver

It seems inconspicuous

After all, it’s like a demon in the rib

Newlyweds again.

A quarter of a century is behind us.

Would you be patient?

Like medicine, put

In our generation!

You are strong and rich in each other,

Your bonds are strong and imperishable!

Your destinies are intertwined together

For two - one life's road,

You are like two halves of a whole,

You were created for each other by God.

May your marriage be like a thousand springs

Blooms with love and passion!

And fate will bring it on a tray

Happiness in your silver glasses!

We are happy for you, dears!

You have lived twenty-five years.

And they became more than family,

Give care and light!

And we all want to get together,

After another similar period.

Let him shelter from evil misfortunes,

Lord, your cozy little world!

Your marriage is like the luxury of silver!

Just enough time to understand for sure

That fate has been kind to you -

We wish you equal feelings,

But so that the passion does not subside,

Touch your own lips

And love again like at first!

Happy beautiful, wonderful anniversary!

You have been together for 25 wonderful years!

May your life remain happy,

And keep the secret of joy!

As before, walk hand in hand

Along life's long path,

Respect each other, adore each other,

To save love from different storms!

Silver wedding - love's reward!

You walk side by side hand in hand.

And it seemed that more was not needed,

How to feel cared for by your loved one.

May you live together amicably for another hundred years,

Know neither grief nor sadness of days!

We shout “Bitter!” bride and groom!

May your fire of love burn stronger!

You are so close! Isn't this a miracle!

And an example of great love for friends!

The intertwining of your two true destinies,

Like the embodiment of a young dream!

What, have you made some good?

Have you accumulated silver?

Twenty-five is such a thing,

You'll never miss it.

May grace come to you,

And I want to tell you:

You are young again

You are twenty-five today.

We just came to visit

And we want to congratulate you

Happy silver day.

Pour it now!

How quickly the years fled into the distance

And they covered your heads with silver.

Yes, everything is fleeting, but it doesn’t matter:

You are together! You are family! And that's great!

Take care of your silver

Take it as a badge of honor!

Let there be only goodness in your home!

Live joyfully and simply prosper!

You have been together for 25 happy years,

We are celebrating the silver wedding.

And on this day filled with goodness,

We all wish you continued love!

Let the gardens of desires bloom in your soul,

And the rivers will gently flow with honey.

And the most wonderful years

It's just beginning for you two!

You've been married for a quarter of a century!

Peace and happiness to you two!

With such a glorious date

We want to congratulate you.

Twenty five! What happiness

Understand everything and forgive everything.

In both weather and bad weather

Love the same!

Don't bend from the blows,

Don't become pessimists

Stay young

Having lived together for twenty-five!

Days and years pass in succession.

Foliage and flowers are replaced by snow flakes...

You're halfway to the golden wedding -

And that means we’ve been together for a quarter of a century!

We wish you no further quarrels!

Long live the silver wedding!

Silver wedding - silver medalist,

The high peak of life's difficult mountains.

Silver horses will not reach the goal,

When the good family harmony does not rule on the road.

Hand in hand always - both in happiness and in adversity,

The crystal string rings on the most tremulous note.

And the wealth of love will grow a luxurious garden,

The Silver Wedding is worth more than all the awards!

Well, first of all, our wishes -

Happiness, youth and love!

So that you always stay close,

Supported me in difficult times

So that all family obstacles

Wouldn't be a hindrance for you!

Well, to make life easier,

We would like to humbly wish you -

So that all the problems and worries

We ended at number 25!

Silver at the temples

And my soul is warm.

You, our dear ones,

Together for so long!

You're next to me in life

For many years.

Kindness and happiness!

And you don’t know troubles!

What a blessing that you were able to carry

Your love through these twenty-five!

I wish you well on your married journey

Do not encounter any troubles or disagreements!

Let your hearts sing in unison,

Live in peace, harmony and prosperity,

There will be no end to happiness,

May everything always be in order with you!

You have achieved in love and fidelity

Unnoticed number 25!

The family temple was erected slowly!

And they were able not to lose their ardor!

And now, silver date

You should celebrate with pride!

You have both children and grandchildren!

And you need each other just as much!

Silver wedding – 25,

I heartily congratulate you.

I wish you to live your whole life together,

I wish you well and happiness.

And let the years go by,

Don't pay attention

Be faithful and love

Celebrate your wedding every year!

25 years, shine of silver,

Silver wedding

It's time!

And let the gray hair

Silver at the temples,

Love as before

Sparkles in the eyes!

The groom kisses the bride again,

You have divided your life into two.

Let it be given

Happiness by fate

May she take you to the wedding

Leads golden!

Your love is worthy of admiration,

It’s even difficult to convey in poetry

All the importance and solemnity of the moment,

It's no joke - changing a quarter of a century!

Glasses are now clinking only in your honor,

And noble wine flows,

After all, your couple is better and more beautiful,

There is no one in the world anyway!

25 is a great time

To learn a lesson!

It openly states

How easy it is for two people to get along.

Your couple is something!

Share your worries together

Happiness, joy and luck.

Our blessing to you!

And we hope, of course,

That your love is forever.

What more could you want?

Only “50” to celebrate!

One of the best days of my life

Today we celebrate together -

Your silver anniversary!

We congratulate you on this day!

We wish you good health,

Prosperity and harmony,

Let things go well!

Much love - and much happiness!

Once upon a time you were united by a feeling,

Which everyone calls love.

You've been together ever since. Isn't this art?

Art! And hard work too.

Let a quarter of a century fly by quickly,

We wish life to be in full swing again,

Not allowing you to cry and get bored!

Your family is twenty-five today!

How many years have passed since the cherished date,

Today we want to wish you,

So that you are rich in life:

You are rich in love and understanding!

Rich in children, grandchildren, friends!

May you have enough tenderness and attention!

You create your own happiness!

Your wedding shone with silver,

We are coming to you today with congratulations!

May luck always favor you

And let the family hearth burn brighter!

May you live together for many more years

Without sorrows, without worries, insults and troubles!

And when you celebrate 25,

Let's congratulate you on your golden wedding!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century.

And today is the wedding anniversary!

There is no more reliable person in the world -

You are the most valuable thing to each other!

We wish you peace and care,

Be a little wiser every day.

Let all adversity bypass your home,

Have sunny and joyful days!

Happy silver wedding to you today,

My dears, congratulations!

With admiration, delight, love

I wish you health and happiness!

Anything has happened in life - so what?

You will preserve everything in your soul sacredly.

Every year you are somehow younger,

Even though we’ve been married for twenty-five years.

There will be time to pass unnoticed,

The years will fly by and you won’t catch up.

How many years have passed? No!

Just a quarter of a century for two!

The date is worthy of respect,

You are together exactly twenty-five.

You walked towards each other to get closer,

To strengthen relationships!

And now everything is smooth for you:

May the two of you be happy!

Ah, silver - a solemn date,

And your grandchildren are sitting next to each other.

God grant that it’s exactly the same as before

Have you met a series of upcoming dates!

And accepting our congratulations,

They confessed their love to each other again,

As in my youth, understanding with all my heart,

That the world is ruled only by love!

How quickly the years fly by -

They cannot be returned or caught up.

You have a silver wedding,

You are together exactly twenty-five!

You are an example for us to follow,

Anyone will envy you!

Now we wish you the main thing -

Live until the golden wedding!

Congratulations on your Silver Wedding!

And we want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts

To you: health, success, good luck,

And always understand each other!

Quarter of century! After all, this is a lot,

To check your feelings.

We'll fill our glasses today

On this holiday of great Love!

Sweet, faithful, gentle -

The path you have walked is not easy,

To the beautiful, silver date,

As if they had come to victory.

Life was overcome by troubles,

Believed in the power of love -

And with amazing ease,

They resolved their own disputes.

Love has become your reward,

The best companion in fate,

And I would like to wish you -

Live in happiness, love and dreams!

Today the silver rain fell,

Your union lasted twenty-five years!

We wish that the sun always shines for you,

And the power of heaven helped in everything!

Be happy and inspired

May your paths be incomparable,

Lucky, beautiful, worthy, kind,

May your cherished wishes and dreams come true!

Wedding ring,

Brought so much happiness!

Everything around is turning silver,

A ringing heartbeat can be heard.

25 - lived together,

You can't tell by the bride.

There were different things in fate,

You haven't broken down anywhere.

We wish you only health,

On your brilliant anniversary.

And we hope that happiness

It will last for many days!

On this day you celebrated your wedding!

Much water has passed under the bridge since then!

A quarter of a century in joy and sorrow!

Silver sparkles at the temples!

Congratulations on your silver wedding!

But we wish you not mountains of silver!

May you be rich in love and happiness!

And may luck be generous to you!

The silver wedding is knocking on your door.

There have been so many ups and losses in life!

But you didn't break that thread of love,

What united you on the path of life.

We wish you longevity, warmth,

Family comfort, health and goodness,

Look into each other's eyes and feel the thrill,

And on starry evenings to hug with love!

Already a quarter of a century! And as if only

At the wedding they shouted sweet “Bitter!” to you.

And now the family date turns silver,

And there it will imperceptibly reach gold!

We wish you happiness, health, success

May your bright life be calm,

Thoughts and hands do not know fatigue,

Children and grandchildren warm you with warmth.

Let comfort in everything decorate fate,

Let difficulties never bother you!

We wish you on your anniversary year

Have fun and happy troubles!

So that you sit over champagne,

To have fun, sing songs,

So that this anniversary feast

Brought health, happiness, peace!

Whatever you have in mind, let it come true!

Let only the good be remembered!

Let your eyes glow with happiness,

And may you meet good people!

It will be useful for everyone to know

About the fact that you are all twenty-five

Fierce winters, very hot years

That vow given to each other

We resolutely kept it in our hearts,

And every year they only loved

More and more sincere and more and more powerful!

About your entire hectic life

Many books can be written

But I want to wish you

Keep romance, loving.

You have the most important thing - family!

Today is not just an event,

Today is our anniversary,

How glorious our parents are,

They are proud of their family.

After all, a quarter of a century has passed,

How they go through life together,

And let the gray hair flash,

Live with a young soul

Both mom and dad are beloved,

We speak from the heart,

Be as happy as you are

We love and honor you dearly!

Let the days and years fly

You've been here for so many years

Solve your worries

Always soul to soul!

It's nice to look at you -

There are plenty of reasons for that.

The wife is incredible!

The husband is the best of men!

And we congratulate you

With a silver ring

And we want to see you

Gold at the wedding!

Without hesitation, without doubt

I am pleased to announce today:

Silver is a priceless metal!

Your years will confirm!

Let the whiskey turn silver -

It is wisdom that colors them;

Let youth disappear far away -

Eternal happiness for two!

If only I wouldn’t get tired of life,

Rejoicing at her every time...

I'm happy with the silver wedding

Congratulations today!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century!

We congratulate you, keep it up!

There were both strife and joy.

But you were able to restrain each other.

And your love gives birth to pride.

We will experience it to the fullest.

Congratulations on your silver medal today!

Let a wave of happiness cover you!

From a fun wedding time

The days quickly fly away,

Marriage bonds are a pleasant burden,

If you don't mind anything.

Days and years, wrath and mercy,

All the best from the heart,

Tempered, transformed

In expensive silver!

Let the gunpowder not diminish,

Let the flame not go out!

You are at the golden wedding

Call me sometime!

When the first snow falls on your hair,

A person becomes wiser.

The price, believe me, is not blind passion,

And the tenderness is quiet, simple!

I always want to thank you

That you’re not tired of giving yourself to me,

For all those twenty-five years together -

Happy life with the dropped ticket!

Thank you dear,

That you are always by my side,

Let's go down the same road

And we feel each other's gaze!

I wish you joy

Good health and strength!

You know that on the mainland,

I love you, my best, dear!

Congratulations to you, my wife.

I'm happy to celebrate our quarter-century anniversary!

I officially declare to you,

There is nothing closer to me in the world than a person!

You are the most beloved, dear!

It’s easy for me to walk through life with you!

So give me your hand, darling!

I love you as before! Always be with me!

I'm having a hard time finding words now,

To convey how happy I am with you!

We divide all adversities in half,

And we multiply joy with love.

When we started living together,

Everything seemed new, unknown,

We created our own cozy home

And they looked for common interests.

And on our wedding anniversary I will say:

We succeeded, and even very well!

Sorry, I can't find any more words

And as a sign of love I’ll put an ellipsis...

We've been with you for a quarter of a century

We while away the time together.

How can we live without each other?

We don't know anymore.

Congratulations, dear husband,

Happy anniversary!

Everything related to family

It will only be holy!

I wish us to live forever

Peacefully and with love!

I admire you, my dear,

I'm always with you!

Gently sparkles with silver -

Wedding anniversary!

Let prosperity reign

Only in your estate!

Let love warm you in a blizzard,

With happiness - life will be filled with happiness,

With a gentle, trembling breath, -

Joy will burst into the house!

Let luck be a ringing song,

It flows like in a fairy tale

Let the days become more interesting

And only in bright colors!

This day is so special

And so important for all of us

For a silver wedding

Everyone was gathered at this hour.

Numerous guests

The whole family from all sides

So that silver feelings

It hasn't gone dark for many years!

To shine with freshness

Radiating the light of happiness!

For patience, understanding

Created an ideal

Exemplary tender couple

Whose life experience is not short!

Silver wedding,

Silver tune,

Silver feelings

How many years have we been together?

Only 25

Love is a great gift

And we congratulate you,

A fire of feelings is raging.

Keep your happiness

Despite all the years,

And let your waltz sound

And don’t take your hands away!

Stop the years for a moment,

Take your time! Time, don't rush!

Love and joy to you, eternal bloom,

I sincerely wish, from the bottom of my heart!

I wish you happiness and live without growing old,

More joy for you, less sadness,

And may troubles never knock on you!

Good health to you! And never be sad!

Live to be a hundred years old in a good mood!

There is silver on the temples, silver on the date!

May Love and Goodness never leave your home!

May the remaining years be endless light

It will be warmed with love and friendship!

May you be loved everywhere, may you always be appreciated,

And your lucky star does not go out,

Under which you have gone through so much together

On the difficult, difficult roads of the Earth!

You have been walking hand in hand for twenty-five years,

You set a good example for us,

In how to respect, love,

Make each other happy and be close!

Grandfather, grandmother, keep it up!

We wish you to fully experience happiness,

Feelings sincere, inspired, wonderful,

Happy and interesting days together!

We lived together for a quarter of a century,

Today is a very important day!

After all, two wonderful people,

With love as strong as flint,

The silver wedding is celebrated.

Another 25 years of happiness like this,

Nobody excludes!

There are different things in life,

But you can't be changed

You are together forever,

They promised to please, appreciate,

We wish you to live as long in love!

The couple has been together for a quarter of a century -

Millions of tender words

The groom tells the bride,

I'm ready for anything for her.

Even though the groom is already experienced,

But the bride is young.

We will just say one thing now:

So let it be forever!

Our wishes are not new,

What more could you ask for?

If you have saved the base,

When you are already 25!

You have preserved love like a hearth,

You took care of her every day.

And that's why we all today

We have come to you for a holiday of happiness!

Eye to eye, intertwined hands

And understanding thoughts with a glance...

How nice it is to be around

Reliable friend and interlocutor,

Your personal critic and advisor,

Your own doctor, cook and mediator,

And sometimes your own scout.

Walking this path together,

You have survived 25 winters.

And if you return it again,

You wouldn't change anything.

We wish you a happy life

At least another half century!

Surround with love and happiness

A loved one in a person's life!

They once asked an old man: did you want to divorce your wife?

He looked at his wife and thought - I don’t want it yet!

Here you are, no matter how you look at it, but a quarter of a century behind you,

You have been one family for so many years and it’s great, friends!

We wish you to always protect and take care of each other,

You are tightly bound for years, so God bless you for all the years

Smiles, happiness, changes, and renewal among grandchildren,

Good health to your gray knees, and let there be no boredom in the house!

Love, love, love, love,

The one you keep in your hearts,

Give each other joy

And always be happy!

Over the years you have become more beautiful,

Nice to see you two together!

In honor of your silver wedding

We send you news in verse!

You have become dearer to each other,

And the fire of passion burns.

To your family circle

Everyone has been jealous for a long time.

We wish you good health!

Follow your dreams!

Come together and with love

Until your golden wedding!

Confess how you found the secret

Unraveled the secret of happiness -

How to live your whole life in love,

How without grief and bad weather

Only joy is earned.

You are an example for many. Know!

All glory and honor to you!

Silver wedding, bells ringing,

And each of you is newlywed,

We wish you to take care of yourself,

More amorous meetings for you,

So that the kids don’t get on their nerves,

So that you are faithful to each other,

So that there is plenty of money,

So that the blizzard goes away,

Hold each other tight

It's as if you were welded together with a paper clip!

Silver wedding is yours,

Dear grandparents!

Brighter than the holiday and more beautiful

There never was and is not in the world!

So young, light, healthy,

Beautiful, like a long time ago!

It's not cow's milk for you

We drink sparkling wine!

There is no trace of Godkov on their faces,

There is no fatigue or sadness!

We praise our grandparents -

Live together until you're a hundred years old!

Today is a long-awaited date,

The silver wedding is desired,

And we wish the young

Intimacy so that it is always cool,

So that peace reigns all around, everywhere,

And there was no place for trouble,

Love burned like a star

And so that your dream comes true,

So that the union is strong as steel,

And let spring sing in my heart!

The wedding is twenty-five today!

And the heart confuses its beats -

Such honor and grace

Congratulations to the glorious heroes of the day!

You have been together for so many years and winters,

That they have become an indivisible whole!

And I want to wish both

All the best in the world! No limits!

May this wedding be silver

Brings happiness to your couple!

Prosperity, goodness,

Gives warmth of love and joy!

Congratulations on your silver medal,

We wish you sincere love,

Let happiness fill the house,

Let luck beckon to you!

We wish you many bright days,

Be each other's strong shoulder,

We wish you bold ideas,

And don’t be sad about anything!

We wish you not to be discouraged,

Let gray hair not upset you.

We dream of taking a walk together

Gold at your wedding!

Happy anniversary to you, wife,

You've been together for a quarter of a century,

So congratulate each other

With new owl wisdom!

You deserve silver

We will scream bitterly

So that we can be friends like this all our lives,

And don't back away!

Your union has developed strong,

Let it grow stronger every day,

And your ancestors are proud of you,

So that the house is full of happiness!

Today you, my dears,

Champagne splashes like a wave,

We came to congratulate you on your wedding,

After all, you are celebrating silver,

We wish you to be together

Let the family ship sail

Songs would sound for you,

None of the relatives forgot

Let your children and grandchildren be happy,

May your health be at five levels,

Wouldn't you know that there's boredom?

We dreamed and loved again!

You're both young again

At least to your union

Today is exactly 25!

Marital ties,

Like first-class wine

Everything gets stronger over the years.

May life be lived in cinema

Warms your soul!

And you still have ahead,

We really believe in this

Many years, many wonderful dates

And many anniversaries!

Life together - twenty-five!

And you, parents, are still the same:

Young and in love again,

And your feelings are just as fresh!

You are the perfect family

And there is no better couple in the world!

I want to be like you!

Congratulations on this date!

And here is the silver date -

One of the kindest dates

And everything you once lived with,

Now it’s a hundred times more expensive!

Years have passed, feelings remain,

Which simply have no price,

Although sometimes it's a little sad,

That the past spring cannot be returned.

Let the silver lie invisible

For your many years, -

Each other needs you

Today is the same as always!

They gave forks and spoons

And other junk

And bracelets and earrings,

And the silver service!

After all, the silver wedding

Celebrates magnificently!

In a restaurant or estate,

Since they give you income.

We wish you a lot of money

And live until golden!

Let the road be common

It will be wonderful and simple!

I look at you and know for sure

That there is love in this world!

Your marriage has been strong for a quarter of a century,

And here there is no need for unnecessary words.

You have figured out the secret of happiness,

You are a model for other couples!

We wish you not to know sadness

And look in one direction!

Love each other madly

Live without betrayal and falsehood!

And so that eternal May sings in our hearts!

Congratulations on your silver wedding -

Twenty-five wonderful long years!

I could replay them like a film,

To be happy to unravel the secret.

I wish the bonds to grow stronger

So that love does not leave the heart!

So that marriage does not become a burden for you,

And passion made the blood boil more often!

To only please the children,

May your home be full!

Be the happiest in the world

And on a golden anniversary!

Celebrating the silver wedding

We ask you to remain silent about your age,

Don't think about illnesses and sorrows,

Just to receive congratulations!

You raised two beautiful children,

You have come a long way together!

All this was definitely not in vain,

You are still filled with love today!

The date is crowned with silver,

And on a beautiful, solemn day,

We once linked our destinies,

And they stepped on the step of happiness.

We ran 25 and still,

Your feelings are as strong as then,

After all, there is nothing more valuable in the world than family,

And love that goes through the years!

Let feelings not fade from difficulties,

And the years don’t take away the warmth,

Living in love is also an art,

So keep it forever!

Twenty-five is experience, this is twenty-five term,

Twenty-five is a round date!

Today you and I are young again,

Young again as before!

Let's gather all our family and friends around the table!

Let congratulations ring in our honor!

After all, today is our family’s anniversary -

It's her twenty-fifth birthday!

Let the glasses clink with silver,

Let your hearts beat like silver!

You have lived together a lot,

So be there until the end!

Let the music play in your soul,

It's like a bell ringing!

And what you're missing is

Let him give it now!

May your grandchildren always love you!

And you love, don’t be discouraged!

And so that there is no separation,

Waiting for your golden wedding!

For a silver wedding

You won't be recognized today

Every year it becomes more beautiful

Become more and more assertive!

Let the years pass by

Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,

How old are you, dears?

Well, of course twenty-five!

Who said twenty-five?

Between you two you are seventeen,

You can start again!

I'll tell you about your family,

What I don’t know is stronger and more friendly,

And I catch myself thinking,

Which of course I envy her!

25 whole happy years,

In the midst of adversity you were able to save

That love that is better!

I wish you many, many days

Live in complete agreement with you,

Celebrate your next anniversary,

And continue to love each other!

Silver wedding is a lot:

Roads passed next to each other,

Half of my life lived in one apartment,

There is no one closer, dearer in the world!

I wish you to live fifty years,

In health to wait for great-grandchildren,

Understanding and loving each other,

Forgiving and tolerating all mistakes!

Let beautiful love flare up again,

To enjoy life again and again,

Only joy, happiness from children,

May you have more fun every day!

You've been together for a quarter of a century!

Yes, dreams come true!

Your house is bright and cozy,

And your union is simply wonderful!

Family life with goodness -

The holiday will be with silver!

Wishing you many years,

To live together and without troubles,

Full of young life -

So, golden before the wedding!

Fifty dollars if divided

into identical parts,

Let's get many years of love

All-consuming happiness!

And let it shine with silver

The lunar path is behind you!

So that you always, as long as you are together,

They wrapped their hearts around each other!

We're having a wedding for the twenty-fifth time!

And it’s okay that the bride is without a veil,

After all, the groom still doesn’t take his eyes off

Spellbound, he does not move from his place.

And at twenty-five you are young at heart,

It's nice to hold your hands!

Although the gray hair has already appeared,

You still love to hug!

Silver wedding and the ringing of rings again,

What does a quarter of a century mean to loving hearts?

After all, it seems like a lot of days have been lived through,

But the road ahead is now even brighter!

You have become one in twenty-five years,

You are not afraid of any storms now,

After all, the sails were filled with love!

So let the wind be fair,

There will be no tears, sorrows, troubles,

So that you can be happy for half a century,

Although, what is there - a whole century!

You are the bride and groom, as it was then,

Your pure love is not subject to years!

We built a house together and shared our dreams!

Over the years, heart and heart have become forever closer!

And the silver wedding bell rings,

He sings to you that you still have a lot of life to live,

We've walked so many roads together for many years,

And patience is not the last thing here!

You have enough wisdom to forgive and understand,

Enough power of love to start something again!

So that your family hearth burns forever,

At home - a full cup and joy in your eyes!

I have never met a more beautiful couple

Love once bound you tightly together.

And now silver is your talisman,

I hope there will even be a diamond!

I wish you a life without quarrels,

Love will solve any discord!

Let the children bring good news,

Live for at least two hundred years!

Celebrates the 25th year brightly

Wonderful, beautiful family!

I look and believe - miracles happen.

Love to you, happiness, tenderness, kindness!

The eyes sparkle as before, on the day we met,

It's like we just met yesterday!

All the same trepidation, without any pretense,

And your hearts beat in unison!

I wish you another twenty-five years

Love still just as much, just as strong!

I want to go to the golden wedding

And shout the word “Bitter!” 50 times.

Silver wedding,

Silver in the temples

What tenderness is with you,

What a happy look!

And the air turns silver,

And the guests gathered

I wish you today,

May life become a fairy tale!

And may your peace be in your family

It was colorful, cozy,

And every new day -

With recognition to each other!

On this important day for you -

You have linked your lives.

And after many years -

There is no better couple in the world!

Your trembling feeling

You carried it through the years!

Forever young bride

And the groom is no matter where!

The separation did not strike you down,

The bitterness of life is a difficult moment.

Didn't get bored together

And the fire of love burns!

How many long years have you lived together?

Experienced grief, joy and sadness,

You are still like the same bride and groom

You notice every detail in each other!

We wish you love so strong,

So that over the years it hardens like steel,

May the cupid of love, that accurate shooter,

Awakens feelings, holy as a tablet!

On your wonderful day - anniversary

Friends, we decided to congratulate

Be proud of your love!

You kept her in your heart

For twenty-five whole years now -

And believe me, this is not little,

God bless you from all troubles,

May life fulfill all your dreams!

Let health and happiness

Settle in the house forever,

And your life will be turned into paradise!

We wish you endless love!

How quickly a quarter of a century has flown by...

The years are flying by, and we are always in a hurry!

Happy wedding anniversary to mom and dad

Today I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Live long, laugh, don't swear!

Be healthy and always happy!

And stay young forever,

After all, the one who loves never grows old!

Today is a wonderful day:

Not five, not ten - twenty-five!

And of course we are very happy

Congratulations on this date!

Husband and wife, it's very simple:

Live together, eat and sleep together...

Still give each other joy,

Love, protect and respect!

We wish you a lot of happiness

And a sea of ​​stars above your head,

May the road lead us all

For the Golden wedding celebration!

The event today is difficult -

Silver wedding, wonderful day,

Years passed without any stagnation:

Not a year, not 2, not even 7,

But we’ve already lived 25 years together!

Oh, how much happiness you have received!

And to you, as the groom and as the bride

We wish you to be in love now

We were 25 times larger than each other,

And we gained more joy,

So that the wallets are much thicker,

May you spend more years together!

May your wedding be silver

Everyone is surprised by the cleanliness

You radiate goodness

Blinding with spiritual beauty!

May it never fade

There is an intensity of love in dear hearts,

After all, it’s better than a pair, gentlemen,

I have never seen it in my life!

May your tenderness and kindness

And the beauty of relationships is

Live until the golden wedding!

My dear wife,

There is no woman dearer!

For 25 years you have been giving light

In my crazy life!

Happy anniversary

And thank you for everything!

Know that you are like the day you met,

I love you just as passionately!

Take care of our fragile hearth,

Save our feeling!

I wish you and I to live

In understanding and love!

An important day today: anniversary,

And you are a role model for everyone!

There is a very important reason for this,

And this is what it contains:

You have been living together for 25 years,

And there were many successes and misfortunes.

But you made it through all the adversity

Carry love and friendship.

We wish you sunny weather

On your life's journey!

And the feelings are not inferior to habit!

Perfect family,

And today is a holiday for you!

Congratulations, friends,

Happy silver wedding!

Twenty five long years

You lived soul to soul!

Keeping your love

All adversity has triumphed!

So live for a hundred years,

And let there be only happiness!

Never know troubles

Conquer all bad weather!

One quarter of a century

It flew by like a moment of happiness!

Today we, all your children,

We sincerely thank you!

For our sunny childhood,

For the happiness of seeing you, loving you,

Because we are - yours -

We wish you a long life!

To marry more great-grandchildren,

"I love!" say more often

Always forgive each other everything!

Once you guys lived together for 25 years

You know what this date means for life!

You are so smart that you have always valued marriage,

After all, you loved each other faithfully and affectionately!

You can only wish good luck,

They will cherish and simply adore their grandchildren!

You have owned everything else for a long, long time.

And they can win any family dispute!

Such a wonderful idyll you have!

Let the light in your souls never go out, either tomorrow or now!

Over the years, it only gets stronger, becomes stronger,

And more sensual, and more affectionate, and only more tender!

You've been with each other for a quarter of a century,

Awesome family

Children at the table and grandchildren,

After all, it’s impossible to live without them!

It was not in vain that you once

The two of us went to the registry office!

We didn't want a big wedding

They insisted on their own!

And today you can’t hide,

The joy of years lived,

Congratulations and wish

So that there is only light in life!

It's already a silver wedding -

So many years have already passed!

You never forgot

How bright a feeling came!

You gave each other joy,

Lighting the way with love;

Stayed faithful without trying

At least somehow cheat fate!

Love in the soul feeds strength -

Always remember this

And no matter how life “kneads” you,

Let trouble not touch you!

Exemplary family anniversary,

Positive and true!

Twenty-five already! Hooray!

And it seemed like yesterday

Rings, registry office, veil and dress...

And today the guests are here:

Twenty-five already! Hooray!

Like the properties of wine:

The older you are, the richer you are,

And love is stronger, brighter!

Twenty-five already! Hooray!

Peace, happiness and goodness!

Twenty-five is no longer ten,

A quarter of a century is a long time.

You have lived these years

A strong, friendly family!

Maybe there were disputes

It doesn't matter to us - we see

That today you are into each other,

As before, in love!

May the past bad weather

They will instantly melt away like smoke!

Twenty-five is a number for happiness,

Let's shout "bitter!" young!

Women's portal - Bonterry