What happens if you wear only skirts? Why is it good for women to wear long skirts?

Ecology of consciousness: Psychology. Skirts became a point of change. Point of no return. A sweet experiment that turned my whole world upside down.

One of our responsibilities is to be a woman

The “pantsless vow” happened to me by accident, but this accident changed my life.

Preface for skeptics:

In dresses and skirts I:

  • I travel (trains, planes, cars, boats, etc.);
  • I play and walk with the children - I run, jump, climb;
  • I ride a bike (albeit rarely);
  • I do housework;
  • I go during the hot season;
  • I walk in the cold in winter;
  • I walk during rains and slush;
  • walking during pregnancy;
  • I even swim most often in bathing dresses;
  • I do everything that other people do.

And I feel comfortable, comfortable, warm. In a skirt, in 2011, I climbed the Etna volcano in Sicily, in a skirt (or rather, in a sari) I performed parikrama around Govardhan (this is 23 km) and around Vrindavan (about 12 km), and also for about 3 years out of these six in total I lived in St. Petersburg - well, you understand what the weather is like there, especially in winter, spring, autumn and summer.
Yes, I also once believed that wearing a dress would make you cold and dirty faster. But in practice everything is different.

We can talk about this endlessly. But still.

But let me tell you what it gave me. Many are skeptical about all this, but in vain.

Skirts are truly life changing.But not themselves and not directly. It’s not like if you put on a skirt - and here you immediately have flowers, money, health, peace and harmony in the family. No.

They create certain conditions in which you yourself have to change. They force you to act differently and think differently. And if you give in and move on, you can find treasures. But just putting on a skirt and not changing anything about yourself, continuing to carry heavy bags, rushing around like a draft horse, expecting everything to transform itself is stupid, to say the least.

In general, the chain I personally ended up with is this:

1. Stopped wearing trousers and jeans. At all. They weren't in the closet and still aren't.

2. I had to change the pace and lifestyle (You can’t jump around like that in a skirt anymore, and there’s no need).

3. The range of responsibilities has naturally changed(you can no longer carry heavy bags, and your hands are often busy with the hem of your skirt and children).

4. Other people began to perceive me differently - including my husband (I remember he was in slight shock).

5. I had to take more care of myself, dress up and so on - remember what it was like and learn again.

6. The attitude towards oneself, the perception of oneself and everything else has changed (a natural consequence of taking care of oneself).

7. I began to hear and feel better about myself and my path.– this is also a natural consequence of what is happening.

8. Only then did my husband begin to change. Not quickly, not immediately, periodically remembering the past. It's like icing on the cake - beautiful, pleasant, but not the main thing.

And yes, then EVERYTHING began to change.

Actually everything.

In many places - it’s like it’s happening.

And this is logical. After all, my husband and I had been together for more than 6 years by that time, and he was used to me doing this and that myself, I don’t ask for help, I don’t ask for money for myself, I make scandals, control, bargain “you for me, I for you” , I manipulate, I deceive in small things, and so on.

And then suddenly, something changes.

Of course, there was resistance, mistrust, and a desire to return everything back. I also looked unusual, but he liked it, and this made my task easier.


It is said that when a person follows his dharma, that is, his destiny, fulfills his duty, follows his path, then many things in his life become easier, as if on their own. Higher powers help him in this.

Let's start from the fact thatone of our responsibilities is to be a woman.

Not the only one, but an important one.

It’s not just that we have a female body, which means there is a deep meaning in this.

And what if you stop pretending that this is an absurd accident, but find it in yourself and try to reveal it? Maybe a lot is already changing in this place?

I felt this myself when I stopped resisting the fact that I was born a woman and began to learn to fulfill my responsibilities. It is better to perform one’s duties imperfectly than to perform someone else’s duties perfectly.

I still won’t be able to become a man in the end, although it’s easier for me to perform his functions.

But my task in this life is to learn to fulfill my feminine responsibilities and learn to be a woman.

Why not try it?

And when I became the person I was born into this world, that is, a woman, many problems resolved themselves.


It’s the same for me personally with travel. My nature is the nature of a wanderer and an emigrant, and as soon as I agreed with this and left a comfortable and convenient environment, going to where the unknown and scary, I found everything I dreamed of. And even more. But I won't get distracted. Let's get back to skirts.

Yes, some changes could be achieved in jeans (probably), but it would be more difficult and take longer. Maybe if I gave them up partially, I would get the same thing. Don't know. If I had just one pair of jeans left in my closet, the experiment would have failed, because putting them on is always easier than figuring out what to choose from a huge closet. And then, I’m sure, all the changes wouldn’t have happened. And here - there were no options. Everything happened.

By that time, I had already listened to lectures for a long time and forced myself to do a lot of things through force, without feeling any particular craving for it.

And although a lot has changed - knowledge cannot fail to work - I did not feel happiness inside, and I was still missing something important.

The joy of being a woman.

Skirts became a point of change.

Point of no return.

A sweet experiment that turned my whole world upside down.

The experiment began when I was 28 years old, we lived as a family in St. Petersburg, we had two children, we did not travel, because my husband’s work required him to be in the city.

We had a credit car, we rented an apartment, all my things fit on one shelf in the closet, I had no jewelry, except for a wedding ring and a pair of earrings.

I sat at home with the children, helped my husband, and didn’t know what I wanted.

I tried to conduct some trainings, but it was too difficult for me, especially recruiting a group.

It would take a long time to describe the “before” point. In short - a lot of stress, still difficult relationships, unpleasant relationships with yourself.

Today I am 34. I feel that I look better and younger than 6 years ago. I already have four children. And the same husband, who reveals a new side every year. Now we live in Bali. Two years already. But this does not mean that we spent the entire two years here.

We travel extensively and return here. Our daughter was born here. My husband is planning to buy me a new closet to accommodate my outfits. We have already published 7 books, and a dozen more are in the works - in different stages. My life is full of all kinds of surprises, but I like it.

Today we rent a house, rent a car - it’s more convenient for us now, because we don’t know where we want to be tomorrow. And we sold our favorite car in St. Petersburg for the same reason a year ago.

I like life today better.


During these six years I gave birth to two more children. Although I am older, the pregnancies were easier, and the birth itself also turned out completely different. The fourth were completely domestic. Coincidence?

The cycle has changed. Became permanent, stable, painless. Before this, I never knew when it would start, and I always took pills for the first two days.

With my eldest two sons, after giving birth, my cycle was restored within 2–3 months - in my frantic rhythm of life. Now I have a year, or even a year and a half, left. Which is very nice and useful.

The pregnancy itself came faster and easier, I remember how we were expecting our second son for a year and were already starting to worry about this topic. The third son arrived in a couple of months, the daughter - about the same. Without a strong fixation on this topic, given that I have gotten older and in theory it should take more time.

I treat myself differently, my body, my soul. More carefully. More neatly. With more love and care. It’s already completely unpleasant for me to torment my body with some kind of fast food, rush, stress.

The emotional background is much more stable, without wild mood swings, PMS and the like. My husband says I’ve become more adequate, well, he knows better. At the same time, I don’t suppress my feelings, I live them all so as not to accumulate anything.

Over these 6 years, my husband gave me so many flowers and decorations that were not even close to the previous 6 years. Ten times more. Or even at twenty. Even during courtship there was not so much. It has become natural to receive a gift for a holiday and just like that, to receive flowers for no reason.

I have learned a lot over these six years in the women's sphere, which was previously closed to me. For example, asking for, accepting help and compliments. She also mastered many women's arts and crafts. But I always considered myself an obvious hand-mmmmmmm - how can I say this more decently...

Today I almost don’t care what other people think about me. Finally, I can say that I live my life, and I will live it, even if someone doesn’t like it. I no longer play the role of the good girl and try to please everyone. Yes, many people are not happy with this, but that’s okay.

The husband became the head of the family. Previously, I only dreamed about this, while tormenting both of us with my claims to the throne. And nowI'm really protected . And our relationship only benefits from this.

I stopped working. Before that, I worked in the office, and together with my husband I worked hard. That is, I did something that I didn’t like, but I had to do it because I got paid for it. Or, according to the principle, I’ll do better so that the money stays in the family. In general, I was such a notorious workaholic - heaping work and affairs on myself and then dying from the heaviness. For the last six years I have been doing only what I like. Everything else is done by other people. And it's an amazing feeling, I tell you.

For six years now I have hardly carried heavy bags. I don't go grocery shopping, for example. Once every few months I go to a store without anyone - and then I have to carry something, my dresses, for example. Although more and more often I take one of my older sons with me and they help carry the bags. The only heavy loads I carry are children. And I think that's right.

I learned to delegate. Not completely and not all. But very, very much. My husband, our employees, and even my home have had a cleaning assistant for a year now. This makes my life much easier, leaving only pleasant and favorite responsibilities - children, husband and food.

I get a lot more done now that I'm not in a rush or trying to get things done. With four children, I do much more than I once did with two or even without children. And all this with virtually no stress.

Dreams come true. Thank God, for the last five years I have been living the way I dreamed. We have traveled all together to 52 countries, and this is not the end, it’s just that now we like to live where we like, and not look for something new.

My husband started earning more. This is a consequence of him becoming the head of the family. The consequence is that I stopped proving something to him. We became a team where he is the main one .

I now have real friends who are close in spirit, and I also have “family” friends that we had only dreamed of before.

And I got readers. After all, these are two different facts - you can write to nowhere, but here are real grateful readers. More precisely, readers, they are special to me. The best.

It was during these six years that I became a writer. When I talked about this as a child, many people laughed and no one believed it. Even I didn't believe it. And now I hold my eighth published book in my hands and cry with delight. How beautiful she is!

It’s interesting that the Lord actively manifested itself in my life after changing my wardrobe. And the need suddenly appeared, and He immediately responded to it. And trips to Holy places began, amazing meetings that were countless, and many, many big and small miracles. And it all started with a skirt.

That's not all. I can talk about this day and night. What else should I add? Plus two children, a beloved and loving husband, 52 countries with the whole family, 7 books and about ten more in the works at different stages, many wonderful readers, and plenty of unfortunate haters who write stories about me (I can’t live without them). And much more love, harmony and happiness.

Are skirts the only reason for all this? No.

But skirts were the first important step in this chain. And without them, I am sure, much would not have happened.

Therefore, if you are wondering whether it is worth it or not, make up your mind.

Worth it, definitely.

Not as quickly as you want, maybe not even in the way you dreamed, but life will definitely change.

Step by step, as you change too. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

The About.com portal invited visitors to the "women's fashion" section to answer this question. And this is what came out of it:

Exciting! I like men in skirts. - 71%
Horrible! Put on your pants! - 0%
I don't care. People should have the right to wear what they want. - 27%

The portal also provided an opportunity for male “skirt wearers” to leave their impressions and thoughts about wearing skirts. These are the stories:

Story 1: Why I wear a skirt

Any that are called masculine or unisex.

Only my fears.

The skirts are very comfortable. They are great for driving on hot days. Plus, there are many colors and shapes to choose from.

How I started wearing skirts:

My wife took the risk of letting me wear a short denim skirt for one day. This was the beginning, but the further it went, the more pleasure wearing skirts brought me. Now I wear skirts all the time. 14 skirts and 3 pairs of blue jeans. Most of the time I wear knee length denim skirts with 4 or 5 pockets (pleats?). I also wear corduroy skirts. I became the owner of a tshirt skirt (?).

Tips and Tricks:

* Just look at how it sits on you, whether it fits correctly.

Story 2: Guys in skirts

What type of men's skirts would I like to see:

Any, because they are not viewed at all!!!

What problems have I encountered while wearing skirts:
Windy days.

Why I like to wear skirts:

They don't have crotch seams that chafe, and the skirts are much cooler than the pants!!!

How I started wearing skirts:
I had rashes on my inner thighs that could not be cured without access to air. The doctor recommended that I try walking in a skirt to help keep the air in contact with the rash!!! It worked and I found that I loved the feel and look of the skirts!!! I tried to wear skirts and dresses when I was a little 9 year old boy and I liked them, but I was told that boys don't wear that!
Now I am 41 years old, and I will never give up my skirts - these are the best feelings!!!

Tips and Tricks

* For the full experience of wearing a skirt, shaving your legs is a must!!!

Story 3: My skirt story

What type of men's skirts would I like to see:

I would like to see a greater variety of colors and styles that can be worn with casual shirts or polos.

What problems have I encountered while wearing skirts:

Skirts that are too tight or made of stretchy (lycra) material will reveal an unattractive "unsmooth" surface on the front. We need skirts tailored to the male anatomy.

Why I like to wear skirts:
It's very different from what everyone is used to, and also because they are comfortable and stylish, I think these are the main reasons for using skirts.

How I started wearing skirts:

It all started about 5 years ago when I was shopping with my girlfriend (at the time). I recommended that she buy a tight denim miniskirt, an idea that caused her indignation. She said that if I liked them so much, then I could become a skirt buyer myself. And... that's exactly what I did.

Tips and Tricks

* Try to combine styles and colors as best as possible. Just because skirts themselves don't mean you can ignore everything else. Remember that you will be an eye-catcher so every little detail will be noticed.
* Act natural, and if it's a short skirt, keep your legs together at all times.

Story 4: Kilts and Skirts

What type of men's skirts would I like to see:

Knee-length or miniskirts with comfortable deep pockets.

What problems have I encountered while wearing skirts:

Right outside the door at first! Problems with a wife who hates the idea.
Airport security searches! (I have a pacemaker)

Why I like to wear skirts:
They are comfortable and do not press in the groin. They are also different from boring pants, pants, pants, and sometimes shorts.
I prefer to wear sports shorts at home, and spend a lot of time outside in them in the summer (unfortunately not at work).

How I started wearing skirts:

I wore a borrowed kilt over 5 years ago and received encouraging compliments when I walked around in it (50 year old Scotsman who had never worn a kilt before - amazing!). I have since purchased my own and wear it on special occasions. However, it is quite heavy for everyday wear.
My son wore a 14-inch faux leather miniskirt and a pink and black sequined skirt that was even shorter when he was in costume dancing. This got me thinking.
I researched the Internet and found a lot of sites for men in skirts, so I thought - why not try this?
I bought a couple of skirts through e-bay - a 17" khaki cargo skirt and a 14" denim mini - and decided to try wearing them.
The first time this happened was at a gas station - I was wearing a skirt when I arrived there. It wouldn't look good if I got cold feet and drove away, so I got out of the car, got gas, and paid at the cash register. There were several people there, including a couple of policemen. They were drinking coffee and should have noticed me, but no one paid any attention. In fact, it almost disappointed me.
Now I wear various skirts to supermarkets, malls, DIY stores, and travel by bus, train, and plane.
All this without any unpleasant comments at all. Just a few belated sidelong glances in the back.
I also wore a denim miniskirt to a 10-mile breast cancer charity marathon and was met with many smiles and support. One female assistant said: “Wow! A man in a skirt! Cool!”, which greatly increased my confidence.

Tips and Tricks

*Buy via e-bay - but make sure the exact measurements are included in the quote. Women's sizes are notoriously unpredictable.
*Exude confidence! - even if your heart is about to jump out! You are not doing anything wrong!
* Start with small shops - along highways, for example, or in shops you don't usually frequent.
* Register on websites for men in skirts - there are many like you.

Story 5: My story about wearing skirts

What type of men's skirts would I like to see:

The skirts I favor range from kilts, through kilt-like robes, to regular knee- or ankle-length skirts. The colors I prefer are solid colors like blue, red-brown and black.

What problems have I encountered while wearing skirts:
Acceptance in society, especially in a country that proclaims itself to be liberal, free-thinking, etc. while in reality people are conservative and Calvinistic. I was ridiculed by various people.

Why I like to wear skirts:
The reason for wearing a skirt at first was curiosity, after trying it I noticed that the comfort is simply excellent, when sitting for a long time the trousers have to be lowered regularly to give freedom to the “family jewels”, this is not necessary with a skirt. I've done a lot of road trips over the last year, about 800 miles a day, and there's a huge difference in comfort when you do it in a skirt versus pants. Therefore, comfort is the reason.
Also, since my wife has cancer and apparently wearing a skirt can reduce the chance of getting it as well, all's good.

How I started wearing skirts:
The first time my wife suggested it was for a bedroom game. There was no real continuation of this, but discussion of the topic arose from time to time. Not knowing if I would like it, I tried it when my wife was not at home, and at first I was still in awe. After wearing a skirt a number of times, I started experimenting with combinations, one of the combinations being a russet skirt with a brown plaid jacket and tie, russet stockings, and brown moccasins. I once dressed like this for work (in the office and at home), and noted the comfort. In the meantime, we discussed the possibilities several times and my wife indicated that she would like to look for a kilt. I had previously “tested the waters” (scouted the situation) using a large bath towel many times, and she didn’t even raise an eyebrow. One day my wife discovered that I had gone further than a towel. It's a long story, but after all the conversations, she gave her consent. At that very moment she was full of enthusiasm... A few months later she changed her attitude, said that I must be a pervert, homosexual, etc., and filed for divorce (meanwhile she herself wears my socks and shirts; double standards?). Now, several years later, we are still in divorce proceedings as she tries to get all my property.
NB: When my wife announced that she wanted a divorce, she was being treated by an oncologist and a psychiatrist, so the question arises whether she fully understood what was happening, and in addition to this, she was manipulated by a friend who was always putting a spanner in our relationship. wheels. At that time, my wife spent more time on the welfare of this friend than on family matters.

Now that we live separately, I can wear a skirt whenever I want. Walking outside, I was surprised that the knee-length skirt and tights combo was actually warmer than the pants I was wearing just 30 minutes earlier.

I advise anyone who works in an office, or often has to travel long distances like truck drivers for German breweries, to try wearing a skirt.

Tips and Tricks

*Make sure your spouse supports you.
* Make sure your partner is willing to support you now and in the future.
* Pair this with conventional men's attire consistent with today's norms.
* Don't try to look ostentatious, or look like a transvestite who wants to play the role of a different gender (like women wearing trousers, jackets, flat shoes, and maybe ties...).
* Don't be confrontational.
* Since I attract attention even when dressed in a suit and tie, or even casual clothes, since I am quite tall, I tend to limit wearing a skirt to outside the house, and to late evening walks when walking the dog.
* Be yourself.

Story 6: Men in skirts

What type of men's skirts would I like to see:

All types marked as unisex. Most agree that women's sizing charts are extremely inappropriate. In my wardrobe there are about 200 skirts made of different types of fabric, with buttons, pockets, zippers, pleated, long, etc.

What problems have I encountered while wearing skirts:

Not much, actually. There were problems with teenage girls wearing ripped jeans. The kind that I would never wear in public.

Why I like to wear skirts:

Comfort. So many different colors, patterns, variety.

How I started wearing skirts:
In response to a call from my daughter. It was a hot summer day. What a shame, I was the man who couldn't wear a miniskirt on a hot, muggy summer afternoon. But I did it. I shaved my legs, as my daughter advised. Then I switched to an epilator. I started with a denim miniskirt. Added a denim jacket and a denim shirt. Increased diversity from that point on.

Tips and Tricks

* The label is located at the back, regardless of the position of the zipper or buttons.
* Use the size chart. Every seller seems to have their own idea of ​​what a size 15 might be. I have a size 12 skirt that is larger than a size 18 skirt. Keep this in mind.
* Avoid wearing a short pleated skirt on a windy day.
* Don't let the hem of your long skirt get caught by your car door.
* Look in the mirror. The back edge of the skirt may not cover what you intended to cover.
* Run your fingers along the edge as you stand up. Is your skirt out of place?

My comments:

I have two remarks about all of the above.
First- Of course, each of these “skirt lovers” - enthusiasts, can be suspected of something “such”, and hung with the appropriate label - one with transvestite inclinations, the other a fetishist, the third has simply gone crazy in his old age. And in general - would a “normal” person want to go against the “mainstream”?! Just think - billions of men wear pants all their lives and are happy, but this, you see, makes them want to put on skirts! These are the weirdos! But there is another, completely banal consideration - without eccentrics, society begins to stagnate. Social changes always come from “freaks”, not quite normal, from the point of view of the “average” person.
Second- It seems to me very much that all these famous couturiers, “fashion houses”, and other institutions that create new “trends” are outright bullshit. It would seem simpler - conduct a similar survey, take into account the wishes, add the necessary elements of “masculinity” to existing female models based on them, and promote a revolutionary product under the slogans of functionality, “coolness,” and convenience... But no! Instead, we are witnessing a process of “creative (sorry) defecation,” looking at the results of which we want to spit in our hearts and forget, like a nightmare, the very phrase “men’s skirt.”
So? Saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves! That's what we live with...

For almost 5 years I have only worn skirts and dresses. I came to this intuitively, not knowing anything then about how important it really is for the female body and female nature.

It was autumn 2011. I, like most girls 25+, couldn’t get out of my jeans. I ran to work in them, went on visits, and went for walks. These clothes were familiar and comfortable, and I had no intention of changing my wardrobe. And suddenly I felt that I was uncomfortable in jeans. The jeans were not new, they were loved, well worn, they did not pinch or rub anywhere... The discomfort was not physical. They just began to constrain me on a more subtle level, disturb me, and cause some kind of disgusting feeling.

Without hesitation, I bought myself a short woolen dress, and did not want to take it off all winter. I was pleasantly surprised by how I felt in the dress. I felt free, as if my body had been tied for a long time, but now I was able to untie myself. Since then, my wardrobe has been completely updated, and there is no longer room for jeans and trousers, but there is a lot of skirts and dresses.

And you know, I'm very glad that I switched to skirts, because it brought me tangible results in my health and mental well-being. And also, in accepting oneself as a woman, so beautiful, fragile, flying and feminine...

So the results:

  • Forgive me for my frankness, but my cycle, which had never been established since my youth, became regular a few months after switching to skirts. And the severe pain that always accompanies me these days, although it has not disappeared, has become significantly less.

This is a coincidence, someone will say. I also admitted this idea until I got a job where it was customary to wear work clothes - a shirt and trousers. In the first month of work the cycle went wrong. I left this job after 2 months, and the cycle was restored after another 2, which I again did not get out of my skirts.

  • My pregnancy (which began after 3 years of dating) was easy and active. I never learned what toxicosis and other “pregnant” ailments are. And at the same time, my husband and I visited 3 countries and traveled a lot, radically changing climate zones 2 times. I walked a lot and conquered hills :), naturally in skirts.
  • The birth was also easy and quick. 5 hours after the onset of noticeable contractions, I was already holding my baby in my arms.

I’ll make a reservation that an easy pregnancy and childbirth is unlikely to be the result of a purely “skirt life.” I consciously prepared for these processes both physically and psychologically (lifestyle, nutrition, yoga, swimming, books, courses, working on myself). But there is a feeling that this played an important role. During pregnancy, I felt especially comfortable in a skirt, as opposed to the Indian bloomers that I wore to yoga classes.

Probably, skirts have only one drawback - they are addictive :)

Intuitively, I always felt that women need to wear skirts :) We have even discussed this topic with you.
At home I most often wear long skirts.
On the street - it happens less often, although this summer I also bought a long skirt.

I don’t understand anything about the “torsion field” and other terms, but maybe this article will motivate some of you to put on a skirt :))

Original taken from evakutsueva in SENSATION: A long skirt creates a torsion field

In!!! I always knew that there was something like that, today I found an explanation, and I realized that since the summer I was drawn to long skirts and dresses.

The text is not mine, but I agree with everything)
It is believed that a woman takes her energy from the Earth, this helps her strengthen her roots and gain strength for motherhood.

For a woman, it is important that the energy flows downward, since the downward energy flow is associated with reproductive function and female hormones are produced in the lower part of the body. It must be remembered that female beauty depends on the level of female hormones: if it decreases, both beauty and health go away.

All costumes for oriental dance, as you yourself understand, have long skirts... It’s not accidental.

In addition, domed skirts add fragility, mystery and femininity to a woman. The manner of dressing, strange as it may sound in our fast-paced and urban world, greatly influences not only women’s health, but also increased magnetism on the part of men. If a woman wears a long skirt, it affects the woman's perception of herself as a woman, as well as a man's perception of a woman. Thereby improving and harmonizing relationships. There are known cases where giving up trousers and switching to wearing skirts and dresses helped women who had been diagnosed with infertility become pregnant.

Length matters too

If we turn to ancient traditions, we will see a woman in long robes. Why and why? It is the long skirt that serves as an assistant in the correct collection and preservation of the received energy of the Earth, which is the basic feminine energy - the material energy of fertility and goodness, stability and peace.

The long skirt, reaching almost to the ground, forms a triangle with it, which helps to conduct and retain the necessary nutritional force for the woman.

Wide hem, swaying and twisting when walking, forms torsion fields, (here it is!!) again contributing to the flow and strengthening of the energy of the elements of the Earth. It turns out that if you wear a short skirt, the triangle decreases, and accordingly, the supply of femininity resources decreases. An incomparable feeling of your beauty and femininity comes with dresses and skirts. Having experienced all the positive effects on ourselves, we will give you six reasons why a woman should wear skirts at least sometimes:

Here, in this photo we are all wearing long skirts :) Take my word for it

  1. “A long and wide skirt with its contour creates the correct energy cone. It forms energy according to the female type: little above, much below, making us stable downwards. In addition, the wide hem acts as a protective circle. The sacred meaning of the hem is a protective circle around you. And, besides, the movement (swaying) of the hem when walking creates two vortexes around you, building your energy according to the feminine type, and this is very important. The hem protects our sexual centers, the proper functioning of which ensures women's health and good reproductive function. In addition, the hem helps maintain a woman’s purity and chastity, which affects her mental strength.

  2. According to ancient Slavic teaching, wearing skirts and dresses restores connection with the energy of the family line through the female line.

  3. Based on ancient knowledge, it turns out that the secret of a woman’s attractiveness lies in the ability to replenish and accumulate vital and sexual energy from the surrounding world. Moreover, a woman receives most of her energy from the earth, and wearing a long skirt increases her feminine attractiveness and strength. The hem of the skirt, twisting in a spiral clockwise when walking, helps transfer energy upward, and the dome-shaped shape of the skirt allows it to accumulate energy.

  4. There is a rule - do not wear trousers on the first 7 (!) dates if you want to really charm a man. In this case, the woman becomes more attractive and seductive.

  5. It has been established that constantly wearing trousers has a negative effect on the female organs. So this habit may be related to infertility and problematic pregnancy, because... the necessary energy is missing. There are cases where women who love trousers, who could not get pregnant for a long time, realized their desire as soon as they switched to wearing skirts and dresses! Surprising but true.

  6. By putting on a skirt (even an everyday one), a woman, without noticing it, is transformed internally, her mood, the most important thing for a woman, changes for the better. It is this internal state of celebration of the soul that attracts men so much. Notice how your gait changes as soon as you put on a skirt or dress!

The younger sister wore a skirt only when the older one was engaged. Petticoats were sewn to an ordinary skirt.

It was believed that a woman takes her energy from the Earth, this helps her strengthen her roots and gain strength for motherhood.

For a woman, it is important that the energy flows downward, since the downward energy flow is associated with reproductive function and female hormones are produced in the lower part of the body.

It must be remembered that female beauty depends on the level of female hormones: if it decreases, both beauty and health go away.

In addition, domed skirts add fragility, mystery and femininity to a woman.

The manner of dressing, strange as it may sound in our fast-paced and urban world, greatly influences not only women’s health, but also increased magnetism on the part of men.

If a woman wears a long skirt, it affects the woman's perception of herself as a woman, as well as a man's perception of a woman. Thereby improving and harmonizing relationships.

There are known cases where giving up trousers and switching to wearing skirts and dresses helped women who had been diagnosed with infertility become pregnant.

A skirt is an essential attribute of femininity, and not because it is beautiful.

Wearing a skirt has its own sacred meaning. If we remember how women of ancient civilizations were dressed, we will see them all in a dress or skirt: a Slavic woman in a sundress, a Greek woman in a tunic, an Egyptian woman in a kalaziris (a piece of material that wraps the figure from the ankles to the chest, supported by one or two straps), a Roman woman in a tunic, Indian women in a sari, Japanese women in a kimono.

But why? In those days, due to less information pollution, people felt a much fuller and brighter connection with their inner nature, and clearly understood that a man and a woman differ from each other not only physically, but also energetically.

A woman is designed in such a way that she receives energy from below, from Mother Earth, this is the energy of matter, including that expressed in all material goods; it is not for nothing that the Earth personifies abundance, expressed in the fruits that she has given.

A man takes energy from above, nourishing and strengthening his spirit with the energies of the air.

The uterus is a vessel where feminine energy accumulates.

Men do not have this organ, they have nowhere to accumulate energy with such qualities, so they can only receive it from women.

But when a woman puts on trousers and jeans, thereby blocking her energy channel of communication with the Earth, she pinches all the pelvic organs, clogs the movement of blood and energy, thereby leaving her sacred vessel empty, and she has nothing to share.

And female energy, gifted to a man, makes him more balanced, stable, calmer, directing his actions towards creation.

Aggressive, rude men are those who are deprived of a woman’s love, her soft, caressing energy.

As a result, it turns out that on the subtle plane the exchange of energies is disrupted, a woman nourishes her spirit, strengthening and strengthening it according to the male type, and interacts with a man like a man.

On the physical plane, this is expressed in illness, quarrels and scandals.

She dared to be the first to wear pants in public Coco Chanel, she introduced them into fashion. Thus, it was as if a dam had broken and women received a pass into the male world, placing themselves on an equal footing with men, but equality never happened (and it couldn’t! What’s the point of equalizing opposites?) - only competition emerged in society, and as a result, in the family .

Unfortunately, now many women cannot imagine themselves without trousers; the main argument for them is convenience. Yes, in jeans it is more convenient to do a man’s work, carry heavy objects, move faster and more dexterously.

The dress and skirt create natural inhibition, which is good for a woman, because... Its main harmonious state is peace.

It would never occur to a real woman to carry heavy things, she will calmly wait until a man appears on the horizon, and gently, in a feminine way, ask him for help, and in this case he will not be able to refuse, because this is a manifestation of his masculine nature.

When putting on a dress, you instantly feel how your state changes, you become more playful, alluring, not to mention the aspect that a man always prefers a dress on a woman to any cool jeans.

If we turn to ancient traditions, we will see a woman in long robes.

It is the long skirt that serves as an assistant in the correct collection and preservation of the received energy of the Earth, which is the basic feminine energy - the material energy of fertility and goodness, stability and peace.

The long skirt, reaching almost to the ground, forms a triangle with it, which helps to conduct and retain the necessary nutritional force for the woman.

The wide hem, swaying and twisting when walking, is formed by torsion fields, which again contribute to the flow and strengthening of the energy of the Earth element.

It turns out that if you wear a short skirt, the triangle decreases, and accordingly, the supply of femininity resources decreases.

The hem also has its own sacred meaning - it is a protective circle.

The hem protects our sexual centers, the proper functioning of which ensures women's health and good reproductive function. In addition, the hem helps maintain a woman’s purity and chastity, which affects her mental strength.

A long skirt protects against lustful glances, which can penetrate the lower chakras and cause a leak of sexual energy, and as a result, vitality and female attractiveness.

And as a result, the woman simply becomes poor in terms of energy, and she has nothing to give to the man, so she becomes little noticeable and uninteresting to him.

It’s not just that there were traditions and customs in Great Rus', everything had great meaning!

Even the fact that a woman covered her head with a scarf also has its own sacred meaning!

This helped her not to be “carried away into the air” by her consciousness, like a man. After all, a man feeds his spirit with the element of air, through the upper part of his body.

And now the scarf has become a rudiment, but it also took part in the formation of female energy - little above, much below, making us stable downwards.

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