How to get rid of hangnails on your fingers. How to treat hangnails on fingers at home

Almost every one of us has encountered such a small nuisance as a hangnail near a nail. However, not everyone knows that they only seem harmless. In addition to the fact that hangnails on the fingers create discomfort and look unsightly, they can become very inflamed and cause pain, and in the future they can break out. In addition, epidemiological data confirm that even through a small wound a dangerous infection can enter the body.

Causes of hangnails on fingers

The reasons for the appearance of hangnails on the fingers can be very different. Let's look at the most common ones.

When cleaning or washing dishes, it is very rare for anyone to protect their hands with rubber gloves. And in vain. The skin becomes very dry due to the effects of household chemicals. And the main risk factor for the appearance of hangnails is skin with roughened nail folds.

A poorly done manicure can also cause hangnails to appear on your fingers. This happens when a master who does not have sufficient experience injures the skin near the nail. Although if you don’t do a manicure and don’t take care of your nails at all, you can find the same problem.

Very often you can notice hangnails on the fingers of a child who has only recently been born. This is due to postpartum dryness of the epidermis.

Another common cause of this pathology is the bad habit of biting nails.

The reason can be much more serious - hangnails arise as a result of a dermatological disease, the focus of which is located near the nail fold.

A significant factor in the pathogenesis of the development of the disease, as a result of which the skin becomes very dry, are atopic dermatitis, eczema and others.

The formation of hangnails can be associated with dysbiosis, disruption of the functioning of any organs, or a deficiency of microelements ( gland and calcium) and vitamins A, E, B2 and nicotinic acid.

Complications and consequences

The main mistake that many people make when a hangnail appears is tearing it off. Such actions are dangerous because this place will become inflamed and cause pain; a secondary infection may occur, which is fraught with serious consequences and complications: paronychia and felon.

Paronychia is a purulent inflammation of the cushion near the nail. In severe cases, inflammation can lead to nail deformation or peeling. If the disease is mild, paronychia can be treated with medication and various procedures, but in advanced cases, surgical treatment cannot be avoided. Paronychia is characterized by infiltration or suppuration, a local increase in temperature. Then the patient may complain of a tugging pain. Pus may ooze from the wound. When the process can be brought under control and the treatment produces results, you may notice the appearance of cavities or a disturbance in the shape of the nail.

Panaritium is a purulent inflammation of the fingers. Typically, staphylococcal infection plays a major role in infection. Complications of this disease are extremely dangerous, including sepsis. With panaritium, severe pain, swelling, and increased temperature appear at the site of inflammation. In the most difficult cases, there is a significant increase in body temperature and severe intoxication. In severe forms, the prognosis may be unfavorable regarding further restoration of the functioning of the fingers.

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Diagnosis of hangnails on fingers

There is usually no need for any specialized diagnostics. When, with proper care, hangnails appear on your hands again and again, you need to consult a specialist. An experienced dermatologist, armed with the results of additional tests (biochemical blood test, analysis of microelements, analysis of dysbacteriosis), will be able to establish the true cause of the development of this pathology.

Treatment of hangnails on fingers

In case of vitamin deficiency, complex therapy for hangnails is carried out, which will include physiotherapeutic procedures (most often, local darsonvalization) and taking vitamin preparations.

Treatment of hangnails on fingers at home

If you notice a hangnail on your finger, the best solution is to cover the area with a band-aid and cut it off at home. As a last resort, you can carefully cut off the skin with nail scissors, and then treat the wound with any antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, chloramphenicol).

Before removing the hangnail, soak your fingers in warm water for a few minutes. Then the skin will have time to steam and it will be easier to remove the hangnail without consequences.

If, after removing a hangnail, the skin begins to become inflamed, you can resort to using deperzolone, oxycort, geocortone, or another similar topical antibiotic.

Traditional treatment

There is no doubt that the best way to fight is prevention. If hangnails do appear, folk treatment offers many recipes.

The simplest and most effective means of treating hangnails on the hands are baths. Preparing a bath is very simple, and it also takes excellent care of the skin of your hands and nails. Any warm vegetable oil is suitable for the bath, but olive oil is ideal. The bath can be done as often as you like, even every day. If hangnails have already appeared, you need to add regular soda to the bath. For prevention, you can take baths with sea salt and the addition of essential oils, for example, orange and tea tree. All baths - oil, soda, salt - will help in the fight against hangnails. You can alternate different baths, but do them regularly.

If there is slight inflammation, hot pepper will help. It is cleaned of stems and seeds, and vodka is poured into the pepper itself. A finger with a hangnail is dipped in pepper so that a small amount of vodka remains in the pepper, and a bandage is made. It is better to leave the bandage on all night. If the wound still hurts because of it, then the bandage should be kept on as long as possible.

Heat cocoa butter and honey mixed in equal proportions in a water bath and apply to your hands.

You can make beer compresses: apply cotton wool previously soaked in heated beer.

If you lubricate your fingers with sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil, then the wounds will heal quickly, and the skin near the nail plate will soften.

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Herbal treatment

To make hangnails on your fingers heal faster, apply a compress of crushed fresh chicory leaves to the wound twice a day. The compress is bandaged and left for a while.

Bandages are also made from shredded wheat. It is applied to the wounds, covered with a cabbage leaf, and then bandaged. This bandage is done twice a day.

Indoor plants can also help deal with hangnails. For example, Kalanchoe juice is famous for its antiseptic properties and ability to relieve inflammation. Thanks to the use of Kalanchoe, hangnails will quickly heal, and your hands will look much more attractive.


Women whose skin vessels are located close to the surface and male hormones in excess have rough cuticles. If you cut it deeply, the cuticle will give a torn edge, which can cause hangnails later. Then it is better to cut it off not completely.

Be careful with the tools you use to perform a manicure. If the tool becomes dull, the cuticle will not be cut, but will be torn off - and, as a result, burrs will appear.

The best prevention is careful and regular skin care:

  • Minimize contact with harsh chemicals.
  • take softening herbal baths weekly;
  • regularly lubricate the cuticle with a specialized nourishing agent;
  • if the skin has come into contact with household chemicals, apply nourishing cream;
  • After washing your hands, dry your skin;
  • When cleaning or doing laundry, wear rubber gloves;
  • In winter, pay extra attention to hand care. During this period, the skin dries out and becomes chapped faster, so do not forget about hand cream.

The appearance of a hangnail not only spoils the appearance of the hands, but also interferes with the performance of everyday actions, clinging to everything that comes across - gloves, tights and other clothing. And if it tears the adjacent skin, then a big problem is just around the corner. However, to forget about hangnails on your hands forever, you just need to be patient and don’t forget about regular skin care, proper nutrition and protecting your hands from contact with household chemicals.

Often, hangnails on the fingers are not only a cosmetic defect, but also a medical problem, since their constant appearance may indicate problems in the body.

There are also cases when the only reason for the detachment of the epidermis around the nails and, as a consequence, the occurrence of a similar problem is a poorly performed manicure.

Troubles with the skin around the nail often occur after an improperly trimmed manicure performed at home or in a beauty salon by an inexperienced specialist.

To prevent the formation of burrs, the following rules must be observed:

  • Firstly, too frequent cutting of the cuticle leads to a deterioration in the condition of the epidermis, causing cracking and inflammation. To slow down the regrowth of the skin, it is recommended to use special gels.
  • Secondly If your nails or the skin around them look unhealthy, you need to consult a dermatologist, not a beauty salon. Identifying and eliminating the cause of a health problem is the key to flawless appearance of your fingers.
  • Third, if you do not have sufficient skills in performing a trim manicure, it is better to choose its European version. This procedure eliminates the possibility of infection, is perfect for children and people with fragile superficial capillaries, prevents the formation of skin tears, and slows down the regrowth of the cuticle.
  • Fourth, supporters of trimmed manicure must definitely use disinfected tools, a warm bath to soften the skin before the procedure and nourishing oil or cream after it.
  • Fifthly, you should avoid baths with sea salt, as this makes the skin dry and rough and leads to splitting of the nails. You cannot cut the cuticle too much to avoid injuring your finger.

How to trim the cuticle correctly to prevent the appearance of hangnails on the fingers? The use of keratolytics, cuticle softening agents, as well as the correct cutting technique allows you to make the procedure safe and avoid injury to the living and tender nail fold.

Basic rules for cutting cuticles safely:

  1. The cuticle is softened in two ways: “dry” and “wet”. The first option is to apply a keratolytic agent for the time specified in the instructions. The second option involves using a warm bath. The use of a keratolytic makes the procedure safer, since controlled softening of the tissue makes it possible to see the line of separation of living and keratinized skin.
  2. The cut line should be clearly defined, which runs along the deepening of the cuticle. The upper jaw of the forceps should be aimed at this line to prevent damage to living skin, which is the main cause of painful hangnails.
  3. The lower branch of the nippers should constantly slide along the nail plate, and the upper branch should cut the free edge of the skin.
  4. First, you need to make a guide cut, then, using successive movements, with a smooth change in the angle of the nippers, carefully cut the cuticle clearly along the curve of the nail bed in the form of an even thin strip.
  5. After mechanical removal of the cuticle, to prevent the phenomenon of evaporation of moisture from a fresh cut, drying out the skin and the formation of peeling and tearing, special oil should be applied. The drug is applied carefully with a brush, avoiding additional trauma to the damaged tissue. The resulting oil film will perfectly replace the natural protective function of the removed skin.

Why hangnails appear on fingers: main reasons

If, despite a perfectly executed manicure, problems with the periungual area still exist, you should find out why hangnails appear on your fingers.

Not only is this necessary to keep your finger looking flawless, it's likely that hangnails are an important sign of poor health.

Often, hangnails on the fingers are a sign of an incorrect attitude towards oneself or an unpleasant symptom of dangerous diseases.

Causes of hangnails on the fingers associated with lifestyle disorders:

  1. Refusal to use protective gloves if it is necessary to perform work that involves constant exposure of the hand to water, earth, household chemicals, paints, lime, cement and other aggressive chemicals. This doesn't only apply to women.
  2. The bad habit of biting the epidermis around the nail plate or sucking fingers.
  3. Careless handling of paper in the office, which can lead to cuts, as well as excessive pressure on a pen or pencil, leading to thinning of the epithelium on the fingers.
  4. Using low-quality soap, frequent hand washing without subsequent complete drying and application of moisturizer.
  5. Insufficient fluid intake, which leads to general dehydration of the body, especially the skin on the fingers and toes.
  6. Refusal to wear gloves during the cold season.

Causes of hangnails on fingers associated with health problems:

  1. Hypovitaminosis, including if there is a lack of retinol, biotin, vitamins C and E, rutin, as well as a deficiency of certain microelements such as calcium, silicon, iron.
  2. Diseases of the endocrine system, stomach and intestines, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, renal failure, gastritis.
  3. Skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, ichthyosis.
  4. Lack of proteins and lipids due to an unbalanced diet or the use of mono-diet; dystrophy.
  5. Disruption of the normal balance of natural intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis).
  6. Chronic intoxication, allergic diseases, constant stress.

How and how to treat hangnails on fingers

To answer the question of how to treat hangnails on the fingers, you first need to determine the cause of their appearance. If improper care and attitude towards yourself can be corrected on your own, then health problems can only be solved by a specialist.

When hangnails appear on the fingers, treatment should begin by eliminating the cause of its formation.

  • If there is an internal cause, first of all, treat the underlying disease. If the disease is chronic, you need to consult a specialist on how to eliminate dry skin and reduce its tendency to damage. In the presence of many diseases, in order to prevent cracking around the nail plate, it is enough to carefully care for your hands.
  • It is necessary to adjust the daily diet so that the body receives all the necessary compounds for the formation of a healthy, elastic epidermis. If there is a deficiency of nutrients and minerals and it is impossible to obtain them in sufficient quantities from food, additional use of food supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes is necessary.


Before choosing a diet for weight loss, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you what type of diet is suitable, taking into account contraindications. This will avoid many problems, including skin ones.

To maintain normal water balance, so that the skin is sufficiently hydrated, you should drink at least 2 liters of fluid daily. To remove intestinal dysbiosis, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are prescribed in the form of capsules, as well as homemade yoghurts prepared using special starter cultures.

To prevent dry skin and get rid of the need to answer the question of how to treat hangnails on your hands, it is enough to follow simple preventive measures.

You should:

  1. Always use protective cream and gloves when in contact with damaging factors.
  2. Fight the habit of biting nails and sucking fingers, this is especially important in children.
  3. Maintain a sufficient level of humidity in work areas and at home.
  4. Use gentle detergents, preferably “baby” soap or hand washing gel.
  5. Dry your brushes thoroughly, do not leave them wet, apply moisturizer with frequent contact with water, not only at night, but also during the day.
  6. Lubricate the skin of your hands before going out into the cold with a special or nourishing cream, at least 20 minutes before your walk. Be sure to wear mittens.
  7. Choose a professional manicurist or learn how to do the procedure correctly yourself.
  8. When a hangnail appears, be able to remove it correctly, without additional damage and infection of the wound, which can lead to serious consequences in the form of panaritium or deformation of the nail plate.

Hangnails on the fingers become inflamed, painful, and suppuration may occur. You can get rid of this problem thanks to creams, ointments and folk remedies.

Hangnails are small pieces of skin that cause a lot of problems and pain. Hangnails can cling to clothing, they become inflamed and ruin even the most perfect manicure. If a woman has such a problem on her hands, it is difficult for her to do household chores, she experiences discomfort and pain.

Why do dry hangnails appear on the fingers? Causes

Some people become aware of this problem in early childhood. Others, when they grow up, and others don’t know about it at all. Few people know why dry hangnails appear on the fingers? The reasons can be very diverse, and they include:

  • incorrect manicure technology - using dirty tools, improper cutting of cuticles
  • poor diet - the diet lacks fresh vegetables, but contains a lot of flour products and sweets
  • prolonged contact with water and abrasive cleaning agents - at home during cleaning
  • lack of proper hand care - after washing, hands must be lubricated with cream
  • The habit of biting nails is a bad habit from childhood that needs to be combated.
  • exposure to other substances on the skin of the hands - at work, in hazardous industries

Contact with water and chemicals dries out the skin, causing it to crack and develop hangnails. If you do not take care of your hands and do not remove hangnails in a timely manner, this can develop into a huge problem - inflammation of the finger or nail fold.

What causes a hangnail on your big toe?

Hangnails can appear not only on the arms, but also on the legs. Some men and women wonder what causes a hangnail on their big toe? The reasons may lie in poor foot and nail care.

Important: Every day before going to bed, wash your feet and dry them with a cotton towel.

It is necessary to visit a pedicurist who can clean the skin of your feet from corns and calluses on which bacteria can accumulate. In addition, the master will carefully trim your nails. If you take care of it yourself, you can harm the skin around your fingers. An infection will get into it, and hangnails will begin to appear.

REMEMBER: If you trim hard hangnails on your legs yourself, you should do it carefully so as not to injure the skin, which can become inflamed and hurt for a long time.

IMPORTANT: Do not pull out burrs with tongs! This is a disease that must not only be carefully removed, but also treated!

What vitamins are missing when you have hangnails on your fingers?

Hangnails are not only a cosmetic defect, but also the cause of serious problems. A small piece of skin begins to rot if it becomes infected. Such a wound may occur if the body lacks vitamins and microelements.

So, what vitamins are missing when you have hangnails on your fingers? The elasticity of the skin begins to decrease if the body loses vitamins A, E and group B. The skin near the nail becomes keratinized, peeling begins and a hangnail appears.

A hangnail on the finger is inflamed and festering. What to do?

The skin near the nail may appear red, painful when pressed. Then swelling and pus appear under the skin - this means that the hangnail on the finger is inflamed and festering. What to do in this case and how to get rid of the problem?

If a person has a weak immune system, the source of infection spreads and then a problem arises that must be dealt with immediately so that blood poisoning does not begin and life is not threatened. You should do the following:

  • remove any remaining loose skin. Cut carefully so as not to touch “living” tissue and not provoke bleeding.
  • rinse the area of ​​suppuration with warm water
  • treat the wound with iodine, brilliant green or any alcohol antiseptic
  • cover the wound with a bactericidal plaster

Treatment can be carried out using potassium permanganate.

Dissolve a few crystals of this substance in warm water and soak your hands in this solution. Do this daily until the abscess disappears completely. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use salt or soda. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt or soda, or half a teaspoon of salt and soda together in one container with warm water. Lower your hands and hold until the water cools down.

Aloe or Kalanchoe juice helps a lot with this problem. Simply lubricate the area of ​​the abscess with the cut plant. Do this several times a day.

Hangnails on a child's fingers. Reasons and photos

The reasons for the appearance of this problem in a baby include the same factors as in adults. The main reasons include:

  • poor hand hygiene
  • nail biting
  • injury to hands and nails
  • eating a lot of sweets

If such a problem arises, then it is necessary to immediately remove hangnails on the child’s fingers. Reasons and photos will help parents recognize the problem in their baby and help him in a timely manner.

Why does a newborn have hangnails on his fingers?

Young parents always panic if something happens to their newborn baby. The baby constantly cries, refuses to eat, and sleeps poorly. The reason for all this may be hangnails. Few parents know why a newborn has hangnails on his fingers?

  • The skin of a small child is very delicate and thin.
  • If there is dry air in the room where the baby lives, this can negatively affect the condition of his fragile skin.
  • If parents swaddle their baby tightly, the skin does not breathe. It begins to peel and flake off in places where there is a particularly large accumulation of microbes, including near the fingers
  • A newborn baby should be bathed every day before bed with herbal decoctions or in water with the addition of a few crystals of potassium permanganate.

To prevent your baby from developing such a problem as hangnails, you need to bathe him every day, ventilate the room and dress him in loose clothes.

IMPORTANT: Nail trimming for newborns is done once a week. Burrs are trimmed carefully. You should not cut them at the root, so as not to damage the “living” tissue.

The child tore off a hangnail, his finger became inflamed and broke out. What to do?

A child may have a bad habit of biting his nails and picking off hangnails. Often the problem appears sequentially: a child has torn off a hangnail, the finger becomes inflamed and breaks out. What should parents do in this case to avoid consequences?

TIP: Make a strong brine solution - one teaspoon of salt (regular or sea). Dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water. Lower your finger and hold until the water cools down. Dry the skin well and treat with an antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide. Cover your finger with adhesive tape.

After 2-3 days of such procedures, you can completely forget about the problem. If your finger continues to break out, then you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment. Perhaps this was caused by other, more serious problems.

Remedy for hangnails on fingers

To prevent hangnails from appearing, it is necessary to constantly moisturize the skin. Baths, various creams and hand masks are suitable for this. An excellent remedy for hangnails on fingers is any antiseptic that will disinfect the damaged area of ​​skin. You can nourish the skin after treatment using cosmetic oil. Almond oil, which contains many trace elements, is perfect for this.

It’s easy to make your own good cosmetic oil to nourish your skin.

RECIPE: Take refined vegetable oil. Pour into a small jar or bottle and drop in a sprig of sage. Place the container with the grass in a dark place for two weeks. After this, drain the oil into another container and add 10 drops of vitamin E (sold at the pharmacy) per 50 grams of oil. Pour the resulting solution into easy-to-use bottles and apply to the skin daily.

How to smear hangnails on fingers? Folk recipes

A good way to get rid of hangnails is to treat the skin with antiseptic agents. But if the problem does not disappear, then what should you use to smear the hangnails on your fingers? Traditional recipes will help get rid of this trouble.

RECIPE 1: Heat the olive oil in a water bath until it reaches a temperature that is pleasant for the body. Dip your fingers into it for 10 minutes.

RECIPE 2: Warm one liter of water to body temperature. Add 5 drops of bergamot oil, a teaspoon of sea salt and the juice of half a lemon. Place the solution and immerse your hands in it for 15 minutes.

RECIPE 3: Steam your hands in warm salt water. Apply an alcohol lotion to the affected area. After 15 minutes, remove and spread the skin with St. John's wort or calendula oil.

RECIPE 4: Infusion of birch buds helps a lot. Pour boiling water over two teaspoons of the herb and leave in a steam bath for half an hour. When the infusion has cooled, soak a cotton pad in it and lubricate the hangnails and the skin near them.

How to get rid of hangnails on fingers with the help of medicine?

Many people do not believe in traditional recipes and therefore ask the question: “how to get rid of hangnails on fingers using traditional medicine? Anti-inflammatory ointments are great help. If the process of skin decay continues for a long time, then you should give preference to ointments with antibiotics. The following ointments should be used:

  • chloramphenicol ointment
  • tetracycline ointment
  • Vishnevsky ointment
  • ichthyol ointment
  • Levomekol
  • Baneocin

Important: Apply ointments as a bandage at night. The effect will be visible after the first use.

How to cure hangnails on fingers? Cream for hangnails on fingers

In addition to all the above methods, you can try various creams to treat hangnails. If you have dry skin, then you may have this problem. Therefore, you need to know how to cure hangnails on your fingers. Cream for hangnails on fingers:

  • any baby cream
  • Dexpanthenol cream (analogues of Panthenol and Bepanten)

Advice: Any baby cream sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores will be effective in treatment.

Why do burrs appear after a manicure?

Many women develop hangnails after trimming their manicure. In this case, it is necessary to replace it with an unedged one. If after this the question arises as to why hangnails appear after a manicure, then you should look for another reason. Perhaps the master has soft and old tools that he does not process after each client.

ADVICE: During a manicure, ask to push back the cuticle with an orange stick - this is safe and will prevent problems with the skin around the nails.

ADVICE: You should not give up manicure completely, since the complete absence of a manicure also entails the appearance of hangnails. Visit the salon once every two weeks and ask the specialist to use treated tools.

How to remove hangnails after a manicure?

If hangnails appear after one or two days after visiting a beauty salon, then the following actions should be taken:

  • steam your hands in warm salt water
  • dry your skin with a soft towel
  • treat the skin with an antiseptic
  • cut off the hangnail using special nail scissors (the tool must be sharp)
  • treat with antiseptic again
  • Apply any moisturizing cream to your hands and skin near your fingers.

Women often have questions about how to remove hangnails after a manicure, since not all salon technicians are conscientious about their work. They must process not only the tool, but also the workplace after each client.

This problem cannot be considered harmless, since it can develop into a serious disease, which is an infectious inflammation of the skin. Therefore, as soon as you notice painful peeling of the skin, you should immediately treat hangnails on your fingers.

Advice and feedback will help you act correctly in this situation. After all, some people, when any trouble arises, begin to panic and cannot immediately figure out what to do and where to run.

Follow the advice to avoid unpleasant consequences and not get complications in the form of paronychia.

  • To prevent hangnails, use moisturizing creams and cosmetic oils
  • For treatment, you need to use anti-inflammatory ointments and creams that relieve swelling of the skin and cope with suppuration
  • Apply creams with massaging movements and treat your hands with antiseptics
  • Thanks to this, you can forget about the problem of hangnails. Take care of your hands and nails and don't get sick

Video: How to quickly get rid of hangnails?

Many people have hangnails on their fingers. What to treat and what the most effective methods should be known in order to prevent the development of complications.

This problem seems harmless only at first glance. In addition to a lot of inconvenience, hangnails can cause inflammation and abscess if an infection gets into this area.

Hangnails are tears in the skin of the nail folds. They usually appear on the side ridges, on the sides at the base of the nail, since these places are most exposed to mechanical stress.
In this case, a slight itching occurs in the affected area; upon contact with water, a moderate tingling occurs.

For what reasons do burrs and complications occur?

Burrs can be small or large, multiple or single. Constant companions of such injuries are pain and bleeding.

In addition to the unaesthetic appearance of the hands, exfoliated dermis complicates everyday life, clinging to clothes and hair, which causes discomfort.

There are internal and external factors that cause damage to the integrity of the dermis.

Internal include:

  1. Deficiencies in the body of vitamins A, C, E.
  2. Insufficient fluid intake.

Gastrointestinal diseases. In particular, dysbiosis. At the same time, vitamins are not absorbed in sufficient quantities in the intestines.

External factors include:

  1. Exposure to aggressive chemicals (detergents, cleaners and other chemicals). At the same time, the dermis becomes dry, which increases its traumatic potential. This also includes the use of building mixtures, paint, and fertilizers without gloves.
  2. Temperature changes. If a person does not wear gloves in the winter, or does not protect his hands from ultraviolet radiation in the summer, then he is guaranteed to develop hangnails. Temperature changes contribute to the development of dry dermis.
  3. Poor quality manicure. Trimming manicure techniques, especially if the tool is dull, will lead to detachment of the dermis. This also includes nail extensions, which use chemically aggressive substances that dry out the cuticle.

The problem can occur on both fingers and toes. Not regularly caring for the skin of your hands and nails, lack of vitamins and minerals, and the habit of biting your nails lead to hangnails on your fingers. Causes and treatment are two interrelated concepts. After all, the treatment of this disease directly depends on the causes.

Many people try to tear off the exfoliated skin. Worth remembering! This is absolutely not allowed! Tearing off the skin will lead to disruption of the integrity of healthy skin, and if an infection is added to this, then it is possible that an abscess, inflammation of the periungual fold (in medicine called paronychia), acute purulent inflammation of the tissues of the fingers (in medicine - panaritium) may occur.


Many people think that hangnails are absolutely harmless. But this, to put it mildly, is not true. Any damage to the integrity of the skin is a kind of “gateway” for infection that can come from outside - streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, fungi.

Some of the serious consequences are panaritium and paronychia. With such diseases, you can no longer do without the help of medicine. Moreover, paronychia can become chronic and then haunt a person for the rest of his life. Therefore, if there is a detachment of the dermis on the fingers, it is better to immediately remove them correctly and follow preventive measures in the future.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnostics will help identify the true cause of the problem. Indeed, in addition to the influence of external factors, the cause of this problem can be the lack of vitamins and dysbacteriosis.

For diagnosis, you should take a biochemical blood test, an analysis for the presence of vitamins in the blood, and a stool test for the presence of dysbacteriosis. A clear sign of a lack of vitamins, especially group A, are flaky spots on the body, in particular on the face, legs and palms.

If in childhood we are not particularly bothered by hangnails on our fingers, then older girls perceive them as a disaster. They spoil the appearance of well-groomed hands and manicured fingers. So few women treat them as an annoying little thing. Note that men's hands (as well as children's hands) are also not decorated with hangnails. And they sometimes appear even on the most well-groomed hands.

It’s good if the burrs are not deep and quickly go away, seemingly on their own. It is much worse if they begin to become inflamed, and sometimes even fester. Then this becomes a serious problem requiring medical intervention. So where do they come from? And is it possible to somehow fight them? Let's try to figure it out.

Why do burrs appear?

There are many reasons for the appearance of hangnails on fingers. Our hands, as you know, never get bored! Even if we have household appliances in our household arsenal, we are still forced to use all kinds of cleaning products, cook, wash, etc., etc. And we don’t sit idly by at work either. What causes hangnails to appear?
  • Household chemicals. These products perfectly clean off dirt, but at the same time have an aggressive effect on the skin of the hands. Even the most modern powders, gels and pastes that we use during washing and cleaning dry out the skin. Thinned hand skin loses its elasticity, and hangnails appear on it.
  • The habit of biting your nails also causes wounds that are invisible to the eye to appear on the skin near the nails.
  • Working in an office can also lead to the formation of hangnails. It would seem like a clean job that doesn’t hurt your hands! Paper also dries out the skin, and you can cut yourself with paper. Microtraumas on the fingers and dry skin can also cause them to appear.
  • People with stomach or intestinal problems also often develop hangnails. And the reason for this is a lack of nutrients and vitamins.
  • Trim manicure. A manicure done incorrectly or too frequently can also lead to the appearance of hangnails. And what? Slightly injure the skin near the nail or push the cuticle too deep - and here’s an unpleasant surprise for you!

Hangnails on your fingers not only spoil the appearance of your hands, but also cause some discomfort. Often they are simply bitten off or torn off, which should not be done under any circumstances. Such actions can provoke inflammation of the cuticle and more. So, how should you get rid of hangnails?

Rules for deburring

When a hangnail appears on your finger, it is best not to try to tear it off or bite it off with your teeth. Firstly, you are unlikely to be able to do this painlessly, and secondly, there is a risk that the skin will peel off even more and deeper. If possible, you just need to cover your finger with a band-aid in the place where the skin peels off. If you have sharp nail scissors or tweezers in your cosmetic bag, then cut off the hangnail and disinfect the wound with hydrogen peroxide, lubricate it with brilliant green or iodine, or simply spray it with perfume.

At home, before removing a hangnail, you need to steam your hands a little. Make a warm one for your hands and hold your hands in it for ten to fifteen minutes. You can add chamomile decoction to your bath water, which acts as a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent.

After that, proceed with removal. It is much easier to cut it off from softened skin. In addition, this procedure will be painless. To avoid causing subsequent peeling of the skin, cut the hangnail horizontally, bringing the blades of the scissors directly under the root. And do not pull back the peeled skin, otherwise the hangnail will come off and the skin tear will become even deeper.

Special pliers will help you get rid of a hangnail. However, for those who do their own manicure or who simply need these tweezers. They will not apply to you if hangnails often appear on you or your loved ones.

If, despite proper care, hangnails still appear on your fingers, then pay attention to the general condition of the body. Drink plenty of fluids (plain, clean water is best). Eat more fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. In the off-season (autumn and spring), take complex vitamins.

And don’t forget that manicure is necessary not only to maintain the beauty of your hands, but also to prevent the appearance of hangnails on your fingers. If possible, use the services of professional craftsmen. Well, if this is not possible, then purchase a high-quality manicure tool. Remember that the miser pays twice! But you shouldn’t skimp on health and beauty. Stay beautiful always and in spite of everything!

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