Tattoo with a girl's name on a man. Tattoos in the form of names: beautiful fonts for inscriptions

When you don’t want a big tattoo, but leaving a memory of a person is important, many people choose tattoos with names. How to make a tattoo with the name of a loved one or child and not make a mistake with the choice, read

When you don’t want a big tattoo, but leaving a memory of a person is important, many people choose tattoos with names. How to make a tattoo with the name of a loved one or child and not make a mistake with the choice, read on.

Name tattoos - the best way

Any spatial phrase will fit here: “taste and color”, “of course, it’s up to you”, “see for yourself”. Such tattoos are often popular with those who want a modest and often unnoticeable tattoo, but we believe and know that even in modest designs, quality comes first, the idea comes second. There are millions of unprincipled, low-quality tattoos with names on search engines; people are looking for cheaper ones, but cheap does not equal “good.” See what happens when you turn to highly professional craftsmen:

Tattoos with your name deserve a separate discussion: don’t do that. In the professional tattoo community, this is considered a little strange. It is better to choose a symbol that reflects your character well or is close to your heart.

Tattoo with the name of a loved one

For the query “tattoo names cover ups,” search engines return a lot of images with alterations of unsuccessful tattoos of separated people. Nothing is eternal. It's sad, but this is a fact of life, so think many, many, many times before typing the name of your loved one. If you get a couple tattoo with some abstract image, it will be much cooler - the drawing will remain with you, will be a warm reminder and will not irritate your new partner :)

Tattoo with a child's name on the arm

The most popular name tattoos are children's names. Parents are filled with love for their child and want to capture the bright moments as a memory.

This is a matter of taste, but the important components - quality and idea - remain in the first place. Love is a beautiful and bright feeling, even if tattoos with children’s names turn out beautiful, of high quality, with an idea.

Interesting: celebrity tattoos with names

A common theme in tattoos also applies to those who walk on red carpets. Celebrities write the names of parents, lovers, children, decorate them with monograms and abstract paintings, and choose different fonts and colors. And sometimes, if a mistake of youth has occurred, they stop you or interrupt you :)

People began to be given names before our era. Evidence of this is the notes of Chrysippus. The ancient Greek philosopher identified names as a separate group of words 2,500 years ago.

There is no earlier evidence. But scientists are inclined to believe that people began calling out to their neighbors back in Paleolithic times. They began to live in communities. Speech skills developed. It wasn’t always possible to come up and pull my hand.

The voice came to the rescue. A proper name was required to make it clear who exactly was being addressed. At first, they relied on external similarities. Red means the Sun. Your eyes are wet all the time, which means Dazhd. In a civilized society, tactics have changed. The main thing in the name was the quality that they wanted to reward the child with.

Elena, for example, is the enlightened one translated from ancient Greek. The name still remains the calling card of a person. No wonder so many people do tattoo names. Let's talk about them.

The meaning of tattoos with names

In addition to the generally accepted meanings of names associated with their etymology and history, there is also an individual meaning. Usually, it has an emotional, sensual overtones. Someone is stuffing tattoo with child's name. Someone immortalizes the initials of a loved one on their body. There are tattoos with the names of parents, friends, idols. Most of them are evidence of warm feelings, respect, admiration.

Tattoo "Children's names on hand" may be supplemented with your own initials. The latter, most often, indicate pride and contentment with one’s name. This is confirmed by Zemfira. Back in the 1990s she had a “Z” near her right shoulder. The letter became a symbol of two favorite names at once - one’s own and the musical group’s.

Esotericists say that inscriptions-names - tattoos, capable of enhancing human energy. We are talking about using your own initials for tattoos. Each letter carries a certain “charge”. The more often signs are used in a person’s life, the stronger he is. Some physiologists even say that character formation is connected with this.

Each sound affects specific areas of the brain. Repeating a name over and over again uses the same areas. They are more active and developed. Here are the main personality traits. A drawing is not an audio recording. But the visual image in the form also evokes a characteristic sound.

If the name of a loved one is used for tattooing, this serves as a kind of oath of allegiance. Tattoo names of girls they talk about the seriousness of feelings, the confidence that they have found the one. Mariah Carey's husband, for example, put her name not only in his heart and passport, but also tattooed it on his back.

It is located horizontally in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The singer's husband Pink also applied his beloved's initials to his body. Motorcycle racer Hart wears name tattoo on wrist, stomach, back. In total, five tattoos are dedicated to the wife. Pink herself is in no hurry to display the name of her beloved on her body. There are objective reasons for this. Let's move on to them.

The nuances of applying tattoos with names

Photo Celebrities who are disappointed with their tattoos are not uncommon. Basically, negativity is associated precisely with the names of loved ones. Today it seems like it will last a lifetime. Tomorrow, I have to go to the salon to remove the tattoo. Angelina Jolie did the same.

She did tattoo on hand. Name Billy Bob was emblazoned on his shoulder. The rocker became the second and, as she thought, the last husband of the actress. However, the marriage broke up a couple of years after the wedding. The large inscription began to irritate Jolie. Pink is afraid of this too. Refusal of tattoos with the husband’s name is a kind of amulet for their marriage.

Disappointment, as a rule, does not overtake the carriers tattoos with children's names. Photo For example, David Beckham posted such tattoos online. Among Russian celebrities, we can mention Ksenia Borodina, Alena Vodonaeva, Katya Zhuzha and Aiza Dolmatova. The ex-wife of rapper Guf has a son named Sami.

Isa wears it name on hand. Photo Borodina’s tattoos are also shown by the inscription on her hand. The daughter of the TV presenter is Marusya. Zhuzha also has a daughter, her name is Nicole. Vodonaeva placed the name of her son Bogdan on the elbow of her right hand.

Men's name tattoos and women apply not only in their native language. For tattoos, any alphabets are used, even those not used today. So, for example, you can emphasize the origin of the name. What if it's Latin? In the 21st century, only doctors, biologists and other scientists know a few words in this language. So, let's look at the options for alphabets used for tattoos with initials.

Beautiful tattoos with names in different languages

Let's continue the topic of Latin names. There are hundreds of them, for example, name Maxim. Tattoo with it in the native language it looks like this: - “Maximus”. The meaning is akin to the modern word “maximum” - the largest. The same singer Zemfira has a Bashkir name. The artist chose the English “Z” for the tattoo. But the Bashkir inscription would more accurately reflect the character of the girl.

Bashkir, Thai, Mongolian inscriptions are a rare request. Still in the lead tattoo names in latin, in English, Japanese and Chinese. True, the use of Asian alphabets can distort the meaning of words. Tattoo hieroglyphs "Names" selected by sound.

That is, the tattoo should read similar to the sound of the original source. At the same time, Pavel is no longer small, Alexander is not a winner, Elena is not bright. Often, the translation of the inscription does not contain even a hint of the person’s name, and can be provocative and unpleasant. This is worth considering when viewing tattoo sketches “Names”.

Names written in Hebrew or Arabic script are gaining popularity. However, not all initials have a historical relationship to these languages. On the other hand, adherence to one religion or another can often be traced. Thus, adherents of Judaism want to display an English or Russian name in Hebrew, and followers of Islam in Arabic.

In these languages, each letter does not have its own meaning, like hieroglyphs. Therefore, there is no reason to worry about deciphering the tattoos. Only the sound of the name matters. Even if it is of European origin, it may end up on the Eastern list.

A striking example is Arthur. Origin English. But in Armenian there is a phrase that sounds almost identical. It is translated as “given by God.” Therefore, the name quickly took root among the Easterners.

People take their choice of body design seriously. Each sign, element, symbol can tell about the character, interests, and values ​​of the tattoo wearer. By applying a tattoo with a name, a man wants to emphasize his feelings for his child or his beloved. Every day the inscription will remind him of his promise to love and care for a loved one.

Why do you get tattoos with children's names?

This is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on the arm, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 PHOTOS

Recently, the demand for name tattoos has been gaining popularity. Movie and show business stars like to have a picture on their body with a child’s name.

Among them, the most famous:

1 Sylvester Stolone– chose a place on his right hand to declare his love to his three daughters.

2 Angelina Jolie– depicted on her beautiful body the names of her relatives and adopted children.

3 David Beckham– got four tattoos in honor of each of his children.

4 Ksenia Borodina– she decorated her left hand with the inscription Marusya, in honor of her beloved daughter.

5 Sergey Lazarev tattooed the letter N on his neck - the initial of his son Nikita.

The prevalence of this type of tattoo is associated with the desire to always remember your beloved children, to carry them not only in your heart, but also symbolically in the form of names on your own skin. Not everyone will decide to tattoo the name of their beloved, because it is unknown whether they will be together until the end of their days. Parents love their child all their lives, regardless of their age and distance from their home.

VIDEO: Tattoo with name

Tattoo with a name, examples of photos of finished tattoos

In this section of the catalog we invite you to look at photos of tattoos with a name in a wide variety of options.

Fathers and mothers often combine a name tattoo with a small symbolic design. This could be a baby's footprint, a palm print, or a date of birth.

Some parents worry whether a tattoo with a name will affect the future fate of the child. In fact, There are no restrictions or warnings in this matter.

The only thing worth thinking about is about the mention of the baby's name associated with the death of the baby during childbirth. A woman needs to think about whether she wants to constantly hear questions related to her tattoo and remember the tragic events of her life.

You will also have to take the choice of tattoo location seriously.

Choosing a place on the body and style of inscription

Having decided to make a tattoo with the child’s name, all that remains is to determine the location of its application. Open places on the body that are visible to strangers are chosen by parents who want to tell everyone around them about their love for their children. For those who prefer not to advertise their feelings, inconspicuous, hidden areas of skin are suitable.

Popular places for tattoos with children's names are:

  • wrists;
  • the outer side of the arm from the elbow to the hand;
  • upper neck;
  • area under the heart;
  • collarbone;
  • part of the back between the shoulder blades.

Sometimes, instead of the full name, they prefer to depict initials. The letters look beautiful framed in swirls, hearts, and decorative elements. The original solution would be to choose a name in Latin, Chinese, Sanskrit hieroglyphs.

When choosing a font, take into account some features:

1 For small areas of the body, such as the wrists, thin openwork lettering is preferable.

2 Gothic fonts will require a lot of space, so they are often selected for the back, shoulder blades, and lumbar area.

3 Hieroglyphs are traditionally depicted vertically, they are placed along the line of the neck to the shoulder blade, to the right or left down from the spine.

Men's tattoos with children's names are often different from women's. They prefer hidden places on the body to show warm feelings, express love and affection. Some “star” fathers, such as Pavel Volya, shockingly demonstrate their paternity by depicting whole portraits of your kids.

Tattoo with a girl's name

You need to approach the application of a declaration of love to your body thoroughly. When dedicating an inscription to his beloved, a man should be sure that he can have warm feelings for her all his life. Much can change, but the girl’s name will remind you of her for many years.

The initials of your beloved will look original in foreign languages: English, Arabic, Chinese or Japanese. It is better to double-check the subtleties of the translation first. Men prefer to depict girls' names on the shoulder, chest, and outer side of the wrist.

For those who prefer strict lines, come t style minimalism. Women's names surrounded by flowers, inscribed in a heart, and decorated with a crown look impressive. Men who devote a significant amount of space on their body to a name tattoo can depict it in the form of hieroglyphs surrounded by bamboo branches.

A tattoo with a name written next to a fading, gothic rose is most likely a reminder of a loved one who is no longer alive. You should not write the initials of a living partner in this style, even as a sign of sadness about parting with him.

Sometimes a couple in love decides to consolidate their declaration of love in the form tattoo with initials in place of a wedding ring. Some even draw rings, writing the first letters of their partner’s name into them. Such a couple holding hands looks beautiful and romantic.

Other ways to declare your love with a tattoo

Sometimes, a couple who wants to record their oath of fidelity in the form of a tattoo does not want to limit themselves to inscriptions. An alternative sign of mutual love would be paired tattoos. A guy and a girl get identical designs on certain parts of their bodies.

The most popular areas of the skin for this symbol are the ring fingers. On them, lovers often depict:

  • wedding date;
  • infinity symbols;
  • Celtic ring design;
  • key and lock;
  • sun and moon;
  • swans;
  • heart with wings;
  • crowns;
  • a puzzle that folds when you connect your fingers.

Wanting to apply a larger design, the couple chooses for it wrist area. Tattoos should be in harmony with each other, forming a single image when a guy and a girl hold hands. The following are good options for this:

  • birds;
  • small animals (mice, cartoon characters, lizards);
  • halves of the heart (must be connected);
  • dolphins;
  • female and male silhouette;
  • a phrase that can only be read by joining your wrists.

Before tattooing the name of a loved one on your body, you should think about whether you are really ready to wake up every morning with a tattoo that will remind you of a specific person. If, after a series of similar thoughts, you still have not given up on your idea, the next step is to carefully select a place for the tattoo.

If a tattoo with a name is not your first experiment in body art, then you should choose a place that harmoniously combines with other tattoos on your body. Try to fill your body with tattoos symmetrically and evenly. If a tattoo with a name is your first tattoo, then we will recommend you a number of suitable locations. Guys might consider places like:

Girls should pay attention to such places as:

  • Forearm;
  • Small of the back;
  • The area below the navel.

Original ideas

Today, you won’t surprise anyone with an ordinary trivial inscription on your body. The tattoo subculture requires maximum effort from a person in his creative expression. But where do you get inspiration? It's simple - we offer you several interesting tattoo ideas that may give you an unusual idea:


Famous people often “sin” with tattoos with their names. We present to you a list of popular people who have names tattooed on their bodies:

  • Ireland and Hailey Baldwin have their last names tattooed on their middle fingers.
  • Nicole Richie got her last name tattooed on her neck.
  • Zoe Kravitz has the name Lola stamped on her wrist.
  • Lena Headey has her husband's and child's last names tattooed on her wrist.
  • Katy Perry emblazoned "Jesus" on her wrist.
  • Chanel Iman got her name tattooed on her neck.
  • Nikki Reed got the name of her ex-boyfriend from Russia “Luchny” tattooed on her body.
  • Kelly Osbourne's body is decorated with the extravagant inscription "Jack".

Name tattoos are quite popular among lovers of body designs and inscriptions. A beautiful font applied to the body will become a unique decoration that will carry deep meaning for the owner. In this article we will look at tattoos with names dedicated to children, soul mates and, of course, ourselves.

Men's name tattoos

Men's tattoos with names are most often performed either in a minimalist style or in a Chicano style. These two directions are able to best convey the masculinity and brutality characteristic of the strong half of humanity. Initial tattoos are best applied to the areas of the forearms, shoulders or neck. These are those parts of the body that are open to others.

Tattoo Alexander

It is worth paying attention to the fact that when applying the inscription you must choose a larger font. Large letters will not merge over time into unreadable and blurry letters, unlike small characters. It is especially important to take this fact into account when applying a name tattoo on a finger or wrist.

Women's name tattoos

For girls, feminine and ornate fonts are considered more attractive. This is due to the fact that in the future a personalized tattoo can be easily decorated with various decorative elements. The most popular jewelry among women are flowers, stars, hearts, feathers, dates, patterns, crowns, etc.

Tattoo with the name Christina

Mostly girls prefer to tattoo names in Latin or their native language. As a rule, most women have a tattoo on their arm, namely on the wrist or the outer side of the forearm.

Tattoo with the name Anna

Tattoo Marina

Tattoo with the name of a loved one

There are many ways to declare your love to your other half. However, one of the most amazing is to tattoo the initials or full name of a loved one on your own body.

Tattoo with the name Andrey

This solution is used by both young couples and newlyweds, as well as spouses who have lived in a place for decades. New sensations gained in the process of applying and showing a tattoo to your other half can bring a lot of vivid emotions to a relationship.

As a rule, people who dedicate tattoos to their loved ones apply them to various parts of the body: fingers, wrists, ribs, under the chest, on the back, etc. The choice of place to apply the inscription depends on what message it will carry. Some people want their initials tattoo to be visible only to their loved one, while others want to shout about their feelings to the whole world.


Tattoo Zhenya (Evgeniy)



Tattoo with children's names

Many new parents want to get a tattoo of their child’s name. They are provoked to decide to take this step by the explosion of positive emotions associated with the birth of the long-awaited baby. Tattoos in honor of a daughter or son are often complemented with various childish elements: hand or foot prints, ribbons, balloons, date of birth, etc.

Sofia, Sophia

Children's names look great on the chest, sides or shoulders of men. For women, the areas of the hands, fingers, ribs or back are more suitable.

Sometimes, along with the child’s name, a realistic photo portrait is applied, which allows you to always “stay” close to the child, even if you are far from each other.

Tattoo honoring the birth of a child

Average cost of tattoos

Name tattoos are subject to the same pricing scheme as other tattoos. Factors that will determine the final cost include the artist's work, the size of the lettering, the complexity of the design, and the salon's rating.

A small black and white tattoo will cost about $50. However, the cost can increase as the complexity of the design increases.

Caring for a tattoo in the first days

After your session, you will go home with a bandage covering your new tattoo. Upon returning home, it should not be removed, but left in place for at least 2-4 hours.

In order to avoid infection of the wound, after removing the protective bandage, it is necessary to wash off the ichor with warm water using baby soap. After the procedures, the tattoo should dry naturally on its own, if time permits. If this is not possible, you can blot it with a paper towel.

After the skin has dried, apply a thin layer of regenerating cream to it. To restore the skin, professional cosmetics or pharmaceutical products that contain Panthenol are perfect.

Over time, the inscription will begin to become covered with crusts, which are strictly prohibited from being removed. Otherwise, paint particles will come off along with them. In turn, this defect will require immediate correction, and, consequently, new waste of money.

Photos and sketches of tattoos with names

Below are photos of finished works by various artists from around the world. We hope that the ideas presented will help you decide on the choice of your future inscription dedicated to a loved one.

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