Should a girl shave her intimate area? What are the benefits of shaving a woman's intimate area?

  • 1. What is hair for?
  • 2. Is it worth shaving hair in the intimate area?
  • 3. Myths and facts about shaving
  • 4. Frequently asked questions
  • 4.1. When did you start depilating your intimate area?
  • 4.2. Should I shave my intimate area before giving birth?
  • 4.3. Do you need to shave your intimate area when you go to the gynecologist?
  • 4.4. Should you shave your private parts before a date?

What is hair for?

The growth of groin hair indicates the onset of puberty and is a secondary sexual characteristic. Experts say that pubic hair influences a person's sexual preferences. In addition, the vegetation in the groin performs three important functions.

  1. Ensuring thermoregulation of the genital organs at different ambient temperatures.
  2. Protection against infections that destroy microflora entering the body.
  3. Production of special pheromones that increase sexual attractiveness.

Should you shave your hair in your intimate area?

There is no clear answer. Cosmetologists and doctors express different points of view. But every girl makes the final decision whether to shave her pubic area herself.

Proponents of intimate area depilation argue their decision primarily based on a neat appearance. For example, in the summer you can safely wear a swimsuit without fear of vegetation sticking out in all directions.

It should be remembered that various bacteria accumulate in the hair, leading to the appearance of an unpleasant odor, especially during hot periods.

Current fashion also leaves its mark on depilation of intimate places - thin transparent fabrics can attract unnecessary attention from others to the hair in the groin.

Finally, some girls consider themselves more sexually attractive without pubic hair, but it is important to know your partner’s preferences and his attitude towards this sensitive issue.

Depilation of the intimate area has unpleasant consequences:

  1. The development of an infectious disease - genital warts, most often affects lovers of classic shaving.
  2. Irritation of the skin (swelling, pimples and itching) spoils the appearance and causes a lot of inconvenience. And repeated depilation only enhances this.
  3. Dull razor blades lead to ingrown hairs.
  4. The smoothness of the skin lasts only 2-3 days.

Myths and facts about shaving

There are myths about shaving the intimate area. Girls usually turn to the older generation, but their answers are often based on prejudice.

  1. Older people tell girls that they should start shaving their pubic hair and armpits as late as possible. They believe that after the first epilation the hair will grow back too quickly. However, it has long been proven that the rate of hair growth and hair removal are not related to each other.
  2. Another popular misconception is that after waxing, pubic hair becomes thick and coarse. In fact, this happens due to age: the older a person is, the thicker the nails and hair become, this happens for natural reasons that do not depend on the razor.
  3. Many women refuse to wax with a razor, believing the false claim that it leaves a lot of ingrown hairs on the skin. This situation is only possible if the procedure is performed incorrectly and bad blades are used. Those who carefully monitor themselves and follow all the rules do not suffer from such trouble.


When did you start depilating your intimate area?

Each nation has its own ideas about the presence of vegetation in the intimate area. For example, in the east and in India, a completely smooth body, including the groin area, was considered the standard of beauty. The ancient Egyptians and Romans also cut their pubic hair.

Slavic and northern women did not shave their groins for a long time; they considered pubic hair inviolable and took care of it. After all, they helped maintain body heat and prevented important organs from getting cold.

A special boom in hair removal in various ways occurred in the sixties of the twentieth century.

Should I shave my intimate area before giving birth?

During pregnancy, women often have to forego pubic hair removal. Because classic shaving becomes uncomfortable, and other methods of depilation are prohibited in an interesting situation.

In many maternity hospitals, women in labor must be shaved before labor begins; if they cannot do this on their own, then a midwife comes to the rescue. So, the procedure is mandatory for several reasons.

  • during childbirth, the medical staff closely monitors the baby’s condition, and hairs can interfere with this;
  • dense vegetation is an excellent environment for the development of bacteria that can harm a newborn;
  • you often have to put stitches at the end of childbirth, and hair interferes with the quality of the work;
  • After childbirth, a woman releases blood, which will be absorbed into the follicles and cause irritation and an unpleasant odor.

Therefore, depilation before childbirth is useful and necessary.

Do you need to shave your intimate area when you go to the gynecologist?

Many girls, especially those going to the gynecologist for the first time, doubt the need for hair removal before going to the doctor. For some specialists, hairs in the groin do not interfere with their examination, while others ask them to put everything in order there.

It is much more important to observe the rules of hygiene: the perineum should be washed well, and clean underwear should be worn. There is no need to be ashamed of a smooth pubis, now this will not surprise anyone. If you still want to remove excess hair before the examination, then it is better to shave the groin the day before the appointed date so that the initial irritation goes away.

Should you shave your private parts before a date?

Such a personal issue should be resolved within the couple; some people are turned on by dense vegetation, while others are disgusted by it.

You should definitely not epilate your intimate area immediately before a meeting; there is a high probability that sensitive skin will react to the razor with irritation, which will ruin the entire romantic mood. To make your pubic area look attractive, shave off excess hair in advance and according to all the rules.

Today, hair removal in the intimate area has become an integral part of the self-care process for every girl.

There are many reasons for this: from comfort and hygiene to the desire to remain attractive under any circumstances.

Shaving in intimate places is a process that has a number of features, and therefore women’s questions on this matter do not dry out, so in the article we will tell you how to carry out such a procedure as comfortably as possible at home.

Women's questions about whether it is necessary to shave in intimate places have two-dimensional answers. After all, many girls do not pay any attention to the hair in their bikini area and consider shaving their pubic area a waste of time. They only occasionally remove what might be visible under a swimsuit during the beach season. Such an opinion has the right to exist if the woman is comfortable and feels confident.

Nevertheless, the majority of the fair sex still believe that shaving hair in the intimate area is a mandatory procedure, and are looking for options on how to make it as fast, convenient and safe as possible.

It is worth noting that shaving a woman's pubic area will give her a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Moreover, according to statistics, about 80% of men prefer to see their women have smooth skin in intimate places rather than hair. So this is another reason to please your loved one and make shaving your bikini area your usual procedure.

Another benefit of getting rid of hair is feeling more confident at the beach or pool. Modern fashion every season gives the female sex new and more revealing swimsuit models, and in order to be able to shine in such an image, you definitely need to monitor the cleanliness of your body.

Did you know? Our distant ancestors also preferred to take care of intimate areas. In Ancient Egypt and Rome, for example, special tweezers were used for this purpose. At all times, clean and smooth skin in the intimate area was considered hygienic and beautiful.

Choosing devices for intimate haircuts

Today there are many devices for removing unwanted hair. This task is somewhat complex, so it is important to choose the best device for yourself that will simplify the procedure and relieve the woman of discomfort.

One of the options that will help a woman shave her intimate area at home is an electric razor. Using it, you can relatively quickly and, most importantly, absolutely painlessly remove unnecessary hairs from your body. This device is also called a trimmer.

A trimmer for shaving intimate areas looks very similar to a regular machine that is used to cut hair, but it is much smaller in size.

It will not be possible to completely remove hair, but the length of the hairs will be no more than a millimeter. In addition, hairs will not grow in after using it, there are no restrictions on its use, it is absolutely safe and hypoallergenic. The woman is not in danger of experiencing discomfort, pain, cuts or irritation.

Typically, the trimmer comes with several different attachments that help you shave your bikini area at home as quickly and comfortably as possible. Also, with the help of such attachments, you can choose the width of the cutting strip, create a unique intimate haircut design and not miss hard-to-reach places.

In addition, you can also shave women's intimate parts using a razor. At the same time, it must be of impeccable quality. Fortunately for the girls, today there are quite a few products of this type on sale. There are machines that are made specifically for the fair sex, they have a special strip for moisturized skin and comfortable shaving of female organs.

Razors are designed for multiple use and for disposable use. However, most of them work well with hair on the legs, but may not be suitable at all for the delicate and extremely delicate intimate area.

In such cases, you should buy a regular men's razor. They often have sharper blades, which will simplify the hair removal procedure.

Did you know? The opinion that after shaving hair grows faster, coarser and darker is wrong. This sensation is created due to the fact that after cutting the hair with a blade, it begins to grow with its blunt tip upward.

How to shave at home

Shaving a woman's intimate areas can be difficult for the first time. But if you do this procedure several times, it will take less and less time, and the skin will more calmly accept the razor without reacting with irritation.

Security measures

In order not to harm yourself in the process of removing unwanted hair, it is important to follow a number of recommendations that will help avoid injury.

  • It is important to remember that shaving your bikini area is very different from removing hair from your legs or other areas. Intimate shaving is especially important because during the process there will be direct contact with the mucous membranes of the genital organs, which means you need to be extremely careful not to get hurt.
  • Under no circumstances should you do this in a hurry; it is better to take care of removing excess hair in advance, and not carry out the procedure immediately before going to an important event, in a hurry.
  • The razor must be clean and the blades sharp. You must not use another person's machine under any circumstances.
  • The body must first be thoroughly cleaned and hands washed with soap.

Watch a video with tips on how to properly shave your bikini area with a razor:

Preparing your skin and razor

Women's skin is much more sensitive than men's, especially in the intimate area. That is why the process of hair removal must be treated as responsibly as possible. If the razor is recommended for one-time use, then it should not be used repeatedly on the intimate area. If you use it multiple times, you must thoroughly clean it before use; the blades must be sharp.

The skin and hair should also be prepared for the procedure. The intimate shaving machine is designed to remove short hair. On long hairs it quickly loses effectiveness. So if your hair has grown noticeably, you need to trim it on your pubic area first. This should be done extremely carefully so as not to injure yourself with the scissors. With a careful movement, you need to pull the hair up and away from you, leaving about 0.5 cm of length or less after cutting.

You should also take a hot bath or shower to soften your body hair.

Pubic hairs are quite coarse and hard, so if you don't steam them, shaving will be more difficult.

Also, a warm shower will soften the skin, which will help avoid irritation after the procedure.

Before shaving a deep bikini, it is recommended to treat the skin with a scrub. Thorough exfoliation helps remove dead skin particles and will also help align hairs in one direction.

Did you know? In a year and a half, the cutting unit and shaving foil are capable of cutting off about 6 million hairs.

Shaving process

To ensure that intimate shaving for women is as effective as possible, several important steps should be followed.

  • Be sure to use a special cream or gel for shaving the intimate area. This product helps soften the hair and prepare the skin for the procedure. You should not skimp and apply regular soap or shower gel to your skin, because we are talking about an extremely sensitive area of ​​the female body.
  • You need to take a convenient and comfortable position and start shaving your perineum. You should hold the machine in your right hand, and with your left hand, pull the skin tightly so that there are no folds that could cause cuts.
  • The movements of the machine should be as soft and smooth as possible. There is no need to press the blades hard on the skin.
  • You can avoid irritation by moving the razor along the hair growth. But to give smoothness to the skin, the repeated movement will need to be done against hair growth. The skin's reaction directly depends on its individual characteristics.
  • After each movement of the machine on the body, the skin must be washed with water.
  • After completing the procedure, the body should be washed with warm (not hot) water, leaving no residue of cream or hair.
  • Remove moisture from the skin using a soft towel. There is no need to press the fabric too hard on the body; you just need to gently blot the bikini area so as not to provoke irritation.

Watch a video about the intricacies of such a delicate matter as shaving private parts to avoid unpleasant mistakes:

Advice! Treat your skin after shaving with a special nourishing moisturizer, which is recommended for the intimate area. It should not contain dyes or flavors.

Shaving before childbirth and during pregnancy

Shaving the groin of pregnant women is more difficult. After all, a large tummy makes such a procedure very uncomfortable. You can seek help from a hair removal specialist, but it is quite possible to do it yourself using a mirror. It is important to observe extreme delicacy and hygiene rules.

Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and rinse yourself with warm water with the addition of potassium permanganate. You can also treat the skin with the drug "Miramistin" or "Octinecept". Be sure to apply shaving foam or cream; the blades in the machine must be new.

The procedure for shaving the labia is carried out in a standard manner. Upon completion, the skin should be re-treated. antiseptic solution. Excess moisture should be removed with a sterile cloth.

Despite the fact that today clinics do not require mandatory shaving of the perineum before childbirth, it is still recommended to carry out such a procedure.

Clean skin is needed to make it easier for the doctor to control the change in color of the perineum during childbirth. This is also an important disinfection factor and a mandatory step before an emergency or planned cesarean section.

Skin care after the procedure

Conduct An intimate shave without irritation will also help with proper care after the procedure.

  • You need to take a shower, the water should be warm, but not hot.
  • Then you should apply some aftershave product to the intimate area - cream or gel. They soothe and nourish the skin well.
  • It is better not to wear underwear immediately after shaving. The skin should be allowed to rest for 10-15 minutes so that it receives the proper amount of oxygen. Then you need to put on panties made of natural fabric.

Important! A cream containing mint or menthol is not suitable for caring for the skin in the bikini area.

Possible complications and safety measures

There are a number of complications that can arise after the procedure if the proper rules are not followed. Let's take a closer look at ways to solve such problems.


To avoid this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Old razors should not be used. Dull and rusty blades will not shave the hairs, but will tear them out, which will certainly cause irritation of the skin around the follicle.
  • It is better to carry out the procedure not every day, but at least every other day (preferably every two).
  • You need to scrub your skin. This way the skin is cleansed of dead particles. In addition to the scrub, you can also use a brush with soft natural bristles, a washcloth or a special mitten. If the skin is very sensitive, then peeling should not be done on the day of shaving.
  • It is not advisable to shave the same place twice.
  • The procedure should be carried out in the shower. Warm steam will soften your skin and hair.
  • If there is no time or opportunity to take a full shower, then you can soak a soft towel in hot water and apply it to the bikini area for at least 2-3 minutes.
  • If you don't have shaving cream or gel on hand, you can use hair conditioner. It cannot be used constantly, but in critical cases it is better than nothing.
  • Rinse off the cream and hair residues with lukewarm water. It can also be cold. It will close the pores and the skin will be less vulnerable to infections.

If you cannot avoid irritation, you can reduce its manifestations using various means and medications, examples of which are shown in this video:

Cuts and infections

Carefulness and lack of haste during the procedure will help you avoid this. However, even if everything is done correctly, there will still be microcuts on the skin. And this may already be enough for an infection to enter the blood.

This is why you should never, under any circumstances, use someone else’s razor. Even if there is complete confidence that the owner of the machine is not sick, he can still be a carrier of some kind of virus.

You should also change the blades on your razor as often as possible. Disinfection is also extremely important.

Hands should always be clean. If itching occurs, do not scratch the redness so as not to infect the body.

You need to use soothing lotions and balms.

The razor should not be stored in the bathroom, but in a dry place so that fungus does not form on the blades.

Ingrown hairs

For several reasons. Hair can grow back if it is stretched too much during shaving. Once contracted, it may begin to grow under the skin. This can also happen if the hair has a very sharp tip when shaving. Another reason that is most common is an abundant amount of dead particles around the hair, which forces it to grow in the wrong direction.

Important! The problem of ingrown hairs most often worries women with curly and curly hair.

To avoid such trouble, Before shaving, you should moisturize your skin not only with water, but also with special products. Thorough exfoliation of dead skin cells is a must before hair removal. You can use scrubs that contain salicylic acid. If belongings usually irritate the skin, then you can replace them with a regular washcloth.

Shaving the bikini area without irritation: common mistakes and useful tips

Shaving according to hair growth will help you avoid cuts., and not against him. There's no need to rush.

It is important to clean the razor blades after each stroke over the skin of the intimate area.

  • In the process of removing excess hair, the skin should be stretched a little higher from the beginning of hair growth.
  • Be sure to always use shaving gel or foam for the sensitive area.
  • It is not recommended to use products containing talc, so as not to cause even more severe irritation.
  • It is better to shave the bikini area no more than once every two to three days.
  • It is recommended to shower using antibacterial soap. Pat the skin dry with a soft towel.
  • Aloe vera will help avoid irritation in the bikini area after shaving.

Shaving the intimate area for a woman may seem like a difficult procedure at first, but if you get used to it and follow the general recommendations, in the future everything will go quite quickly and without negative consequences.

Shaving the bikini area is, of course, a question for those interested, but many men and women choose this type of hair removal. Let's look at it in more detail.

Women have always taken care of their appearance and did everything they could to achieve a slim body and smooth skin. And such an area as the bikini area requires even more careful treatment. It is known that even in ancient Egypt and Rome, women were very attentive to making their skin smooth in intimate places. And in eastern countries (and in such well-known harems), getting rid of excess hair was simply a necessary requirement. Let's take a closer look at this intimate but interesting topic for women.

Is it necessary and mandatory for a girl or woman to shave her intimate bikini area?

It’s worth noting right away that this is a personal matter. There are no strict rules. But, you must admit, it’s even more pleasant when the skin in intimate places is perfectly smooth. Perhaps there are also representatives who prefer natural coverage. To begin with, I wanted to dispel some Myths about shaving the bikini area:

  • The most common option is that hair will grow faster and in greater quantity. As if, two or three hairs will begin to appear from one bulb. Absolutely wrong assumption. No, this happens. But hair growth has nothing to do with shaving it. And the splitting of hair at the base is also in no way related to this action, but depends on completely different factors.
  • Another misconception is an increase in the rigidity of the hair itself. As we age, our hair becomes thicker, our nails become rougher, and this has absolutely nothing to do with getting rid of them.
  • Another aspect that requires special attention is ingrown hairs. Yes, this happens. But solely due to improper shaving or improper care after it.

If we talk about those cases when you need to shave the bikini area:

  • Of course, this gives an aesthetic appearance. And she gains confidence, and men are attracted to smooth skin.
    • By the way! According to statistics, more than 80% of men prefer it when women’s intimate areas do not have excess hair.
  • On the beach, it goes without saying that you need to at least align your intimate area with the silhouette of your bikini. Curly hair sticking out from under a swimsuit looks really ugly. It's a bit blunt, but it's a fact.
  • During oral sex, it is much better for both partners. The girl will relax more because she will gain more self-confidence. This means there will be more pleasure. For the male part of the population, I think it’s not worth explaining the advantages in detail.
  • By the way! It is known that hair falls out both on the head and in intimate places. Again, it is not entirely aesthetically pleasing to find such hair, especially after oral pleasure in your mouth.
  • And the unpleasant odor intensifies and lasts longer. This is a property of the hair itself (not just the reason for the location). They absorb various odors very quickly and remain stable for a long time.
  • And in general, there is a feeling of freshness and comfort.
  • By the way, without hair removal in the intimate area, a feeling of itching often appears. And the cause is unwanted hairs.
  • A visit to a gynecologist, by the way, will also be more aesthetically pleasing and will simplify the task of the examination itself.

Of course, pregnant women need to get rid of hair in intimate places immediately before giving birth. This issue requires special attention because it is of great importance.

  • The absence of hair simplifies the main task of doctors - to ensure that everything was normal. If any deviations occur, they are easier to notice.
  • It is believed that smooth skin will help prevent birth tears. And if incisions are necessary, the procedure is much easier and faster.

IMPORTANT% If hair gets into an open wound, then further complication is possible, which will manifest itself in inflammation and prolonged healing!

  • After tears or cuts, it is much easier and faster to apply a stitch.
  • In case of emergency caesarean section, the time will be significantly reduced. After all, before any operation, the hair is removed in order to avoid infection.
  • In general, the process of monitoring after childbirth is simplified. Yes, and in front of them too.

IMPORTANT: This procedure is very difficult to perform independently in the later stages. Yes, a mirror will help. Better yet (if you have a fairly trusting relationship), ask your spouse to do this.

Nobody requires you to shave your bikini area. There is no such rule, and no one will impose a fine for non-compliance. This is a personal choice of each girl (woman), which depends on personal tastes and beliefs. There is only one person who can influence the decision - this is your young man. If he is a supporter of smooth skin in intimate places, and you are ready to take such a step.

To shave or not to shave the bikini area for a girl or woman: pros and cons?

Again, this is a personal choice for each woman. And, as they say, each person will choose for herself the pros or cons. That is, a person who is a supporter of the absence of hair in the bikini area will find only positive qualities. And adherence to the natural hairline (by nature it is intended for protection) will highlight only negative qualities in shaving. In other words, we see what we want to believe. And your eyes will automatically be closed to all negative consequences.

It is worth noting that today there are several ways to remove hair in the bikini area (and not only):

  • Laser hair removal is the removal of the hair follicle itself using a laser. The operation itself is very quick and painless, but is a bit expensive.
  • Also, a similar method to the previous option is photoepilation. Removal occurs with the heat of the light flux. Also, it’s quick and not painful, but the pleasure is not cheap.
  • Waxing. Everyone knows its principle of operation, so we won’t go deeper. But don’t forget that the pubic part is very delicate and sensitive, and for some reason the hair on it is stiffer and coarser (even if the hair on the head is soft and fluffy). Therefore, it is a rather painful procedure that is very difficult to carry out on your own. But cheaper than the above versions.
  • Mechanical depilation is the process of pulling out hair using a special device (depilator). It is also very painful and can subsequently cause irritation.
  • Advertised depilatory creams are considered unsafe for this area. May cause skin irritation or damage. We will remain silent even if the cream gets on the mucous surface. And its effect is not enough - hair is removed in places and grows back quickly.

All of the methods listed (except for the cream) have a long-term effect, but have a number of contraindications. Therefore, they are not suitable for every girl and not everyone is ready to shell out a sufficient amount. Depilatory cream can even be safely called prohibited for the bikini area. And this concerns not only personal sensitivity and intolerance, but also, in general, for such a delicate area it acts as a very aggressive remedy.

What Pros of shaving the bikini area:

  1. Relatively cheap and accessible. Each girl can independently carry out such an operation, and it does not require large expenses.
  2. Relatively painless and safe method. Naturally, when compared with previous options.
  3. There are no contraindications.
  4. Does not negatively affect women's health. After all, for example, removing hair with a depilatory cream can have a number of negative effects if the product penetrates deeper or simply gets on the mucous membrane.
  5. And this is the fastest way! Yes, laser hair removal also does not take several hours, but this method also has other disadvantages (personal intolerance and high cost).

What are the disadvantages of this procedure:

  1. Relatively short effect time. As a rule, the very next day (but this depends on personal qualities, this date is different for everyone) the regrown hairs already begin to prick. On average, you have to shave quite often – every 2-3 days. To maintain smooth skin.
  2. There is a high chance of getting mechanical damage, that is, cutting yourself.
  3. The chance of ingrown hairs increases. This means failure to follow the necessary shaving rules, as well as failure to take the necessary precautions (not using, for example, aftershave cream).
  4. The possibility of infection or the development of harmful bacteria increases. After all, even with careful implementation and compliance with all requirements, the skin is injured and receives microtraumas. And in the bikini area, various microbes actively develop without obvious injuries.

Why is it considered harmful and dangerous to shave a woman’s or girl’s pubic hair completely, baldly, with a razor?

So we come to such a sensational topic lately - why it is harmful to shave the pubic area. Today, girls (and men) not only look after smooth skin in their private parts, but also get special haircuts for certain body shapes. That is, they create beautiful drawings and images. The central part of the pubis is considered especially dangerous. Let's look at the consequences of an intimate haircut and how to avoid negative consequences.

By the way! There are few positive words that can be said about intimate haircuts. This not only looks beautiful (in the literal sense of the word), but also gives a sexy look. And, as a rule, your sex life turns out to be more intense and varied with your young man. And, most men, such a creation delights.

First, let's delve a little deeper into the role of hair in intimate places. Everyone knows that our body is designed universally, and every detail has a very important role. Pubic hair is no exception.

  • Of course, like any other hairline, the function of the pubic “hair” is for protection. Yes, from those same harmful bacteria and germs.
  • Maintains the desired temperature around the genitals to ensure their normal functioning.
  • They retain and create an individual odor (this is what is created by pheromones) to attract sexual partners.
  • Hair prevents friction of the labia during sex and even walking. By the way, constant such friction contributes to their increase.

Which main disadvantages of shaving:

  1. Irritation is the first disadvantage of shaving the intimate area. Everyone is familiar with such unpleasant sensations as redness, slight swelling and small pimples. Moreover, all this causes a slight itching, and the appearance is not at all attractive. The next procedure only aggravates the condition, since it shaves off those very small pimples and causes infection. And it manifests itself in the same pimples, only in larger numbers. Or it may worsen and become an unpleasant disease.
  2. Next, pride of place goes to small cuts and microtraumas. Don’t try to see them; only a clear cut will become noticeable, which, by the way, sometimes happens. Especially if you choose the wrong razor or use it incorrectly.
  3. These microscopic cuts injure the hair follicles, leaving open wounds on them. Which leads to their rapid inflammation.
  4. Ingrown hairs are another negative side of shaving, which depends on improper execution of the procedure.
  5. Reproduction of bacteria. Microtraumas, high humidity and temperature, as well as a favorable environment for this - all this contributes to the development and emergence of microbes and bacteria. Group A streptococci are considered especially dangerous. And the absence of hair also opens the way for them to penetrate inside.
  6. Also, scientists have proven that by shaving our hair, we lose sexual partners (potential). The fact is that pheromones (responsible for sexual desire) accumulate around the genitals and, of course, are in the hair. And by shaving them off, we lose this energy.
  7. Increases the chance of injury or injury. After all, another role of pubic hair is protection from possible damage. They act like a protective cushion.

If the above reasons have not led you to the idea that you need to give up shaving, or you are so accustomed to smooth skin in the intimate area, then remember some recommendations. You need to shave your pubic area correctly.

  • An important requirement is the machine:
    • It is hygienic to use disposable machines. But! Their blades are not sharp enough, and the very structure of the head contributes to frequent cuts (we looked at what this leads to). Therefore, throw away disposable razors. They are not intended for shaving intimate areas.
    • If the razor is reusable, then you don’t need to have one for all occasions. That is, the intimate area should at least have its own nozzle. Ideally, it is better to get a trimmer. It is quite sharp and perfectly helps to make neat and even lines.
    • By the way, women's razors are more suitable for shaving legs (that's how the head is made). Although there is a softening strip. But for the bikini area, male attachments are better suited. They are sharper and smaller in size, which is more convenient for the intimate area.

IMPORTANT: It is not necessary to buy a men’s machine; you just need to install the necessary attachment. But don't use your husband's attachment! In general, shaving is a purely personal matter. And if you also change shaving machines, then all of the above negative consequences are guaranteed to you.

  • The second requirement is clean and steamed skin:
    • Under no circumstances should you try to dry shave yourself. Yes, there are times when girls want to quickly fix their haircut.
    • It is advisable not just to take a shower, but also to lie in the bathroom for half an hour so that the pores open and expand well. This will cause less damage to the boils themselves, and the procedure will be painless. By the way, the hair will thus become softer.
    • If you can’t lie in the bathroom, then apply shaving cream for a few minutes, they will also soften a little.
  • Now we have come to the stage of shaving foam (or other products). Don't skimp on this! As a last resort, replace it with hair conditioner or regular body lotion. But the bikini area must be shaved with some kind of emollient, which will also provide the necessary slip. It will also reduce the risk of microtraumas and cuts.
    • Do not use regular (even baby soap)! It dries the skin very much and is not intended for such purposes.
  • If we talk about the technique, then the movements should be slow and careful, and their direction should be strictly according to hair growth! You can't shave against the hair follicles! The fact is that this is when maximum damage to the follicles occurs. During shaving, the skin should be slightly stretched. Again, to avoid any cuts.
  • If we talk about the pose, then everything depends entirely on your imagination, ingenuity and how comfortable it is for you. A little tip - use a mirror. Then it will be possible to see the most inaccessible places without bending into an unknown letter.

  • The venue, of course, will be the bathroom. This procedure is not done while sitting in front of the TV.
  • Be sure to apply cream or lotion after shaving. Alcohol-free! Not only will it dry out the skin, but it will also be very stinging after shaving. Especially in such a tender place.
  • After the procedure, the razor should be thoroughly rinsed under running water. Dry (to prevent corrosion) and place in a special container. Do not forget that this is a purely personal item, and its purpose should only be for a specific place. The razor should be changed regularly as soon as it begins to become dull.
  • And one very important nuance - after shaving, you should not wear underwear for some time. This will cause unnecessary friction and irritation. Therefore, it is better to do it before bed or when you are not going to leave the house. The cream should be well absorbed and the skin should recover a little.
    • It is advisable to take underwear made from cotton materials, but it is better to avoid synthetic products.

  • If irritation does occur, a baby diaper rash cream will be an excellent solution.
  • Do not use powders, they are harmful to the female body.
  • Sometimes, even the sharpest razor can miss some hairs. Therefore, pluck them out with tweezers.
  • And also, don’t dry yourself with a towel, just dab it a little.
  • Don't forget to exfoliate periodically. A sugar scrub would be an excellent option, or you can replace it with regular soda. This will help not only cleanse the skin of impurities and dead cells, but also unclog pores. It will also prevent ingrown hairs and the development of infection.
  • Also, sometimes use egg oil. Yes, like a cream or lotion. It helps relieve irritation and the skin recovers faster. Just remember that you need to let the oil absorb well.
  • The movements should be smooth and there should not be a lot of them. That is, avoid sudden and short movements.
  • If you want to take care of only the bikini area and leave the pubic area untouched, that’s your right. But do not forget to trim your hair in this part to maintain an aesthetic appearance.

IMPORTANT: We said that you should shave only according to hair growth. But keep in mind the fact that then the minimum size hair will still remain. If you want to achieve a perfectly smooth bikini area, then you need to shave against hair growth. And there is an opposite side to this - this increases the chance of microtrauma.

Based on the information provided, everyone can choose for themselves how to care for the pubic area. The main thing is to follow the necessary rules of personal hygiene. By the way, this does not depend on the hair in the bikini area.

What do gynecologists say about shaving the bikini area?

Gynecologists do not strictly prohibit shaving the bikini area. After all, this choice is personal. They just give some warnings and recommendations for aftershave care. The negative consequences became known relatively recently, because the fashion for smooth skin in intimate places also recently took over the world.

We have already indicated what negative consequences can arise if shaving is done incorrectly and all requirements are not met. Therefore, we will add only minor concerns of doctors.

  • This does not mean that every person will develop this disease. But the chance of catching molluscum cantagiosum increases. This is a skin disease that occurs as a result of infection.
  • Another skin disease is genital warts. It also develops against the background of a viral infection, which can occur due to improper shaving.
  • The papilloma virus also has a greater chance of occurring. By the way, this disease is transmitted from another person if you use the same machine.

  • If you have diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or other forms of dermatitis, then you should refrain from shaving your intimate area. Because the situation will only get worse.
  • And in general, when immunity decreases, the chance of catching some kind of infection increases. After all, there is no such protective barrier as hair.
  • If you do not have a regular sexual partner, then gynecologists recommend not shaving your bikini area. Switch to alternative options or strictly monitor contraceptive methods.

According to gynecologists, there are more gentle means, for example, laser hair removal. But such pleasure may not be affordable for everyone. If you remain a supporter of shaving intimate areas, then follow all the above rules for caring for the bikini area so that unexpected incidents do not arise.

Video: How to properly shave your bikini area with a razor without irritation?

It’s common to ask about this in a quiet way – whether girls need to shave their intimate area. And believe me, not only the fairer sex is trying to figure out whether this should be done and in what cases.

From antiquity to today

Whether it is necessary to shave the intimate area of ​​girls - first of all, the girls themselves should decide. This is their body, these are their ideas about aesthetics, naturalness, as well as culture and hygiene. It should be noted that such a question, if it had been posed a hundred years ago, would most likely have caused what is now called culture shock. Although with all this, with all the puritanism, excess hair from the female body has been removed by a wide variety of methods, from plucking and shaving to hair removal using herbal remedies, almost since primitive times. Well, okay, even if not from the primitive, then from the ancients, including ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, as well as Ancient Rome. Written evidence has been preserved that they fought mercilessly with body hair. In Rome there were slaves whose only task was to pluck the hairs on the body of their masters (and, by the way, men too). The aesthetics of Russian society of the last hundred years suggested that the natural is very rarely ugly - well, unless completely ugly, then something needs to be done about it. But in general, removing pubic hair was considered a depraved act: decent women do not do this, this is the prerogative of the inhabitants of brothels.

It should be understood that among the many nationalities that inhabited the Russian empire, there were also different views on this problem (although, in general, it was not considered a problem). Thus, older women shaved the intimate area of ​​Tatar girls before the wedding (this was also practiced by other Muslims). The young wife had to appear before her husband on the first night with a shaved pubic area. It was a kind of personification of purity. Virginity came naturally, and it was mandatory.

If we consider times not so distant, then, say, back in the days of our great-grandmothers, even shaving the armpits was not mandatory. There’s no need to talk about the intimate area. Although the swimsuits of that time were so non-revealing that there was little point in shaving. But the real epilation boom began with the advent of bikini swimsuits. The patriarchal leotard was replaced by perky panties with narrow strips of material at the top and bottom.

And then something had to be done.

Hair is different

Whether it is necessary to shave, whether to shave completely or to shave under a swimsuit (I immediately remember Saltykov-Shchedrin and the heroine of one of his works, who asked her mother how to wash her neck - under a large or small neckline) - in our time, it is not only the owners of swimsuits who decide , but also for owners, excuse me, of hair in the intimate area. If in the 60s and 70s hairs escaping from under the edges of swimsuit panties were not considered anything out of the ordinary, then our time is the time of women’s skin without hair. The head, eyebrows and eyelashes are all areas where, according to fashion, hair is allowed to grow. And not without correction (those who haven’t plucked their eyebrows – throw a stone).

Recently, the pendulum of this fashion has swung slightly in the opposite direction. The world is moving towards veganism, environmental friendliness, and naturalism. Therefore, if a girl has completely natural small hair in a completely natural place, you can leave it alone, only slightly adjusting it. There is no need to shave off at all. There is even a fashion for haircuts in intimate areas. By the way, it appeared in southern countries, where women have a traditional tendency to hirsutism (increased hair growth).

But you also need to understand that shaving is a rather archaic way of dealing with excess hair. Although the popularity of this method can be understood if you try waxing or intimate area sugaring at least once, or pay the bill for laser hair removal. Shaving is the most economical, painless and it is also the most accessible. Any girl who has a razor at hand can shave hair in the intimate area. Other methods will require additional funds, investments, additional hands and a special environment.

To shave or not to shave, that is the question...

Fashion comes and goes, today men like the smooth pubis of their beloved, and tomorrow it is unclear how he will look at it... Let's abstract ourselves from men (although it is for them that we perform most of our far from painless feats) and think about what we do for ourselves.

First. Let's not force ourselves. If you like everything about yourself and your man too, then what is the debate about?

Second. Shaving stimulates hair growth. In the process, you trim the hairs at the border with the skin, and at the same time remove the top layer of the epidermis with dead cells with a razor. This stimulates skin renewal, nutrition of hair follicles - well, you understood everything yourself.

Third. Shaved hair grows back quickly. This is something to keep in mind. You don't want your partner to feel stubble instead of smooth skin... Okay, stubble! But this does not change the essence of the matter. And the bottom line is that a girl’s intimate zone is intimacy in every sense of the word. The girl herself must decide what to do. Therefore, most likely, only they themselves can decide whether girls need to shave their intimate area. By trial and error. If this method suits you, good luck. If you have abundant hair growth, then it is better to use more radical methods.

Today we decided to devote our article to a rather relevant question for both men and women: is it necessary to shave an intimate area?! From the moment of puberty, boys and girls begin to grow hair where there was none before - in the genital area. Then young people begin to think about shaving their intimate area, and how to do it correctly so as not to cut themselves and avoid complications in the form of irritation.


When a boy or girl asks for advice on whether to shave their private parts, very often they hear the answer: “Of course not! Once you start doing this, your hair will grow much faster.” This is a fairly common belief, although it is wrong. Whether you shave your hair or leave it on will not change its growth rate at all. After all, they have no sensitivity and cannot transmit a signal to the brain about what is happening to them.

The second point that needs debunking is that the hair becomes thicker and coarser. This is also not true. Yes, this happens, but not due to shaving, but during the natural aging process. Simply put, hair gets thicker as you age.

The third myth: shaving is the root cause. Of course, this is not true. Think about it, if this were true, then men who shave their chin stubble would have to spend a third of their lives actively fighting nasty ingrown hairs. In fact, such an unfortunate incident happens to those who do not carefully care for their intimate areas. More attention needs to be paid to this. If you answered yes to the question of whether you should shave your intimate area and started the process, then get ready to take care of a piquant hairstyle. First you need to treat the surface of the skin with a scrub, wash it with hot (within reasonable limits - you don’t want burns) water and wipe with a towel. Then apply foam or and start the process. At the end of the procedure, treat the pubic area with a cooling cream.

Should a man shave his private parts?

Why not? Certainly! Many men do this and do not regret it at all. In summer it’s not so hot, nothing pricks or tickles. Many men are first asked to do this by their partners, after which they begin to turn it into a daily ritual.

Things to consider before you start shaving

If you are 100% determined to clean up your pubic area, be prepared for the fact that you will have to do depilation every other day, and perhaps even every day, so that the skin remains silky smooth. You will also have to buy a good machine and replacement cartridges with blades, a special gel, scrub and lotions.

intimate place with a machine?

Step 1: Trim long hair with scissors so it doesn't dull the razor. In addition, this will make the process easier and painless.

Step 2: Take a hot bath or shower to steam your skin. When washing your intimate area, use an exfoliating scrub.

Step 3. Apply gel (or foam) to your pubic region and start shaving. Do not use soap or shower gel under any circumstances - they are not suitable for this! When shaving, pull the skin a little and, applying gentle pressure, move the razor. Try not to use too much force to avoid cutting yourself.

Step 4. Upon completion of the procedure, rinse off the remaining gel with warm water, wipe the pubic area with a towel and apply a cooling gel after shaving or This will help keep the skin soft and relieve irritation.

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