Congratulations on the day of police patrol workers. Congratulations on PPS Day Funny congratulations on PPS Day in prose

September 2 is associated with the creation in the NKVD (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs) of instructions for the policeman on guard, which outlined the duties and rights of policemen on duty and regulated their service. This was in 1923.
A few years later, guard service units were created in almost all cities. Also, in order to distinguish police officers, a special white uniform with a metal plaque on the chest was introduced for them. On the badge was the number of the station where the policeman served as a guard and his service number.
The main task of the patrol service is to maintain law and order in public places. It is public peace that is the purpose of serving as police officers. And the patrol officers carry out their service courageously and selflessly. More than five thousand police officers were awarded government and departmental awards.
The patrol service is the largest unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ensuring peace and order in the life of our country.

Congratulations to acquaintances and friends

On the street you are on duty,
It doesn't matter if it's raining or hot.
Yes, this service is not easy,
But how necessary it is!
You're the first to watch
So that there is order in this world,
So that everything is decorous and noble,
That's why you're in the people's teaching staff!
On PPP Day, let finally
Your dreams will come to fruition!
Let everything come true, let it happen,
Let the cherished come true! ©

The history of the creation of teaching staff is more ancient than it seems at first glance. Even before the formation of such a body as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the princes and the warriors and servants subordinate to them ensured public order and security during the times of Kievan Rus. These responsibilities were also assigned to free people called community members.

Congratulations on Patrol Service Day

Happy patrol day, guard!
Let there be fewer incidents!
I wish you with all my heart -
Never let your deeds be judged!

May luck always smile,
Let happiness just wink at you!
And never know sorrow!
And, of course, in your career – growth!

I am you, the keepers of order on the roads,
Happy Teaching Staff Day!
The anxiety of civilians goes away,
With you on guard, we can sleep peacefully!

Let danger bypass you in your service,
May the patrol always be calm,
And let your peace not be disturbed,
And may the official steering wheel be faithful!

I congratulate you on PPP Day!
And don’t let you get tired of serving!
True, service is not sugar, it’s a man’s job.
But you chose it yourself, and not someone else!
I wish you to be healthy and strong,
And I want to see you cheerful and happy.
Stay the same - a handsome man,
Be successful, joyful and loved!

Happy Patrol Service Day -
May good luck be with you!
And from my heart I wish you a generous
A sea of ​​happiness, resilience, warmth!

Be brave, brave, healthy and happy,
So that the management moves upward,
Be clever, of course, be lucky,
So that success awaits you everywhere!

Because there is order on the streets,
Because you're not afraid to walk,
Let the young ladies kiss you,
Let everyone say “Thank you.”
And on your bright and valiant holiday,
We wish you peace and goodness!
So that you are completely happy,
We will shout “Hurray” to the patrolmen!

Happy Patrol Service Day, boys and men!
We are proud of you, you are our clear light!
There is no reason for fear around you,
You are a shield and support from many troubles in life!
Thank you for your protection, for a calm city,
Because we walk the streets without fear!
It’s great that today we have this occasion!
We drink together to courage and good luck!

PPSnik! What kind of jokes are there?
Since you have such an important status?
You're at work around the clock
Protect peace and tranquility:
So that various evils pass us by,
So that no one gets into our apartment -
So that we can live calmly and quietly...
Congratulations on PPP Day!

If you want to rowdy someone,
It’s better to leave these thoughts at home without thinking!
Those who “look for adventure” will find trouble,
After all, police officers keep order on the streets!
These brave guys are on duty day and night,
At any moment they are ready to help the victim.
PPS is our reliable shield and protection in difficult times!
Be happy and healthy! Know that people appreciate you!

Pages: [in verse]

All employees of the patrol service of the Russian Federation can be congratulated on the holiday not only in poetry, but also in your own words. These specialists celebrate their day every year on September 2. In 2018, this important event was also not ignored.

On September 2, 2018, all employees of the patrol service must be congratulated on their well-deserved day. This will bring them pleasant emotions for a long time. If you can’t meet, you can turn to the Internet for help. Thanks to him, you can congratulate very quickly and easily, without making a huge effort. Not only adults, but also children can send pleasant wishes.

There is order and peace everywhere,

When you go to work.

To a patriot like you,

Even a playboy would be jealous.

May your heart burn forever

And the bosses will tell you the good news.

On the second of September every year,

You can celebrate the day of patrol and sweat service.

Let life be cloudless,

And the salary is exorbitant.

Keep a close eye on order,

And keep track of the shortcomings without any problems.

All violators will be punished

And they were mated without any problems.

Wishes in your own words on Russian Patrol Service Day

Every year, true professionals in their field, employees of the patrol service, celebrate their holiday. Today I wish you to take a little break from your important mission and relax. Spend this day in pleasant company. Let it bring bright and unforgettable emotions. And tomorrow you can again plunge headlong into your favorite activity.

Employees of the patrol service, we respect and appreciate you very much. Thank you for your efficient work and hard work. Thanks to you, we can sleep peacefully, because we all know that real professionals are monitoring our safety. Thank you for your hard work and patience. Thank you for being completely dedicated to your work, without sparing yourself. Happy holiday.

Dear colleague, I congratulate you on Patrol Service Day. You do your job truly professionally. All troublemakers run away when you go to work. I really envy you. I want to wish you never to be sad. Always remain as cheerful, cheerful and courageous. Happy holiday.

The history of the creation of the patrol service in Russia

The Russian patrol service began to exist almost 100 years ago. It was founded almost immediately when the Soviet Union appeared. This important event occurred on September 2, 1923. Therefore, this date is the professional day of these workers.

In 1923, employees of the patrol service for the first time received a document that spelled out their duties and rights. At once these professionals were only in some cities of the Soviet Union. Soon the government highly appreciated their work and began training them. After 3 years, representatives of this service were in all cities.

Patrol service workers were always dressed in the same uniform in all countries that were part of the Soviet Union. Professionals always closely monitored order in public places and always punished those who did not comply with them. In 1963, for its good work, this service received its own charter.

In the Russian Federation, the country's Patrol Service Day was not immediately adopted at the official level. Such an important event occurred in the fall of 2002. These workers are doing a very important job. They not only maintain order, but also prevent many illegal activities. All criminals fear them and cannot escape their watchful eye.

On September 2, various events are held in cities of the Russian Federation in honor of the country's Patrol Service Day. The authorities prepare an action plan for this day in advance. Many workers from this field of activity are awarded.

Working in a patrol service is not very easy, and sometimes even dangerous. Every day the boys face danger. They have not only good physical fitness, but also courage and sociability.

On September 2, 2018, not only those who are currently working in this service celebrate their holiday, but also those professionals who are now retired. They are never forgotten and always congratulated on their well-deserved day.

Patrol Service Day is a wonderful occasion for all colleagues to get together and discuss all issues of interest. Such a meeting will only be beneficial.

Date in 2019: September 2nd, Monday.

Patrol officers are the face of the Russian police. After all, they are the ones people most often encounter in everyday life. These brave guys will be the first to come to the rescue, rein in the raging hooligan and even stop illegal actions. Despite the scorching sun or severe frost, the police carry out their service. Every day they are at the forefront of maintaining order. And only at the beginning of September can they allow themselves to be distracted to celebrate their professional holiday.

Modern civilized society cannot exist without maintaining state order. And since society consists of a large number of individuals, the key point of regulation is the widespread control of the political and legal structure of social orientation. It is the state, represented by a special service, that takes upon itself the protection of the rights and freedoms of any citizen. The law enforcement agency in Russia is the police. It is the teaching staff that is closest to the people. Therefore, Police Patrol Day can safely be called a national day.

Who celebrates the holiday

The PPS is one of the structural divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and carries out its activities in close cooperation with other police departments.

Many citizens have the misconception that the tasks of police officers are only to patrol cities. It is with this view of this service that mixed reviews and the mocking attitude of certain ordinary people are associated.

But as many years of practice have shown, it is thanks to the police service that it is possible not only to stop crimes or find criminals, but also to carry out preventive work, which is important for maintaining public order.

Their duties are dual in nature, consisting of both general police functions and specific patrol duties.

This security organization protects the rights and freedoms of citizens and prevents the commission of crimes. The policeman is always at his post and is ready at any time to provide first aid to anyone who finds himself in a difficult situation. And this applies not only to those injured at the hands or acts of criminals, but also to citizens who are in an unconscious state and who find themselves victims of accidents.

Not a single public or mass event is complete without police officers.

And, you see, the mere presence of a person in uniform can stop a criminal. It is the teaching staff employees, especially in small towns, who know many by sight, the character and intentions of those around them. Therefore, they are able to carry out explanatory work and help find criminals without delay.

Many police officers begin their service with patrolling, learning the intricacies of the profession in practice.

Therefore, on September 2, 2019, Teaching Staff Day in Russia will be celebrated by both current employees and those who began their careers in this department. Law enforcement officers and grateful citizens will definitely remember them with a kind word. Festive events will be held in every city, every village and in the most remote corners of our country.

history of the holiday

The first patrolmen on the streets appeared in the 19th century. Policemen or internal guards kept order on city streets. With the advent of Soviet power, there was a need to strengthen control over public order. In a country devastated by civil war, crime threatened the very existence of the state. Therefore, militia groups were organized. And by 1923, all structural units were fully formed, as evidenced by the “Instructions for the Guard Policeman” published at that time. The date of publication of the main document of the Soviet police officers, September 2, later became the day of the formation of the service itself.

The main duty of patrol policemen was to maintain order in public places. Voluntary vigilantes came to their aid. To distinguish police officers from other employees, in 1926 a uniform uniform was developed with a distinctive sign in the form of a white shield, on which the number of the precinct and post was applied.

Times, authorities, laws have changed. But the role of the police, and later the police, still remained important for maintaining public peace. Therefore, in the new Russia, patrol officers still keep order, prevent crimes, and catch criminals. And to emphasize the importance of the service, the Minister of Internal Affairs signed an Order in 2002 on the establishment of a professional holiday.

Happy Teachers' Day postcards

It is only in appearance that the police are stern and angry. They have a great sense of humor and celebrate their holiday on a grand scale. Therefore, colleagues often make fun of their friends, and wishes are more like jokes. During the holidays, comic cards are especially popular, which they use as congratulations on PPP Day.

Congratulations in verse

You always serve at your post,

And in pouring rain, and in unbearable heat,

And even though life on duty is not entirely easy,

But it is very useful and many people need it.

Congratulations today on PPP Day,

And brave servants and very youngsters,

Let your service be without surprises,

And personal life is devoid of whims.

We would like to congratulate you together

Patrol service

Let her be carefree

Always your job.

Less hooligans

Violent, noisy, drunk,

So that everyone respects you,

And they gave out bonuses at work.

Larisa, September 1, 2017.

September 2 is celebrated as Patrol Service Day (PPS) in Russia. It is in this unit that most of the police officers work. They ensure order on the streets of the city, help those in trouble, and stop crimes, putting themselves at risk. And, of course, they deserve the warmest, most sincere congratulations on PPP Day.

A little history

The first instruction intended for police officers was issued on September 2, 1923. It was precisely this event that was dedicated to the professional holiday, the decree about which was issued in 2002.

The main duty of the guards was and still is to maintain order on the streets, go to the scene of an incident, detain suspects of committing a crime, and also prevent crime. After the revolution, when many gangs operated in the cities, police officers risked their lives every day. The patrolmen also showed themselves heroically during the Great Patriotic War.

Today, teaching staff serve in every city in the country. They are equipped with modern transport: cars, motorcycles, boats and helicopters. These are courageous, responsible people who bear the main burden of maintaining public safety. A professional holiday is an excellent occasion to express gratitude to them for their honest service.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart

On this holiday, patrol officers receive warm words from their bosses, colleagues, relatives and friends. It would be appropriate to recall situations when the hero of the occasion showed his best qualities, and tell why you value him so much. Such congratulations on Faculty Staff Day in prose will compare favorably with templates.

On this holiday you can wish:

  • easy and safe service;
  • calm atmosphere in the city;
  • zero crime;
  • self-control;
  • courage;
  • steel health;
  • a reliable rear in the form of a close-knit family and loyal friends;
  • good weather during duty;
  • law-abiding citizens on the way;
  • career growth;
  • an understanding and responsive boss;
  • adequate wages.

Funny congratulations

Patrolmen may seem stern while on duty, but in their free time they are not averse to a laugh. Cool congratulations on PPP Day will give those gathered a good mood. For example, these:

  1. Long live the guards, fearless warriors, well adapted to heat and cold! May all your cherished wishes come true in honor of the holiday! In order for the drunk to instantly sober up with one stern look, the hooligans joyfully ran towards the confession and put on handcuffs themselves. Let passers-by idolize you, let beautiful girls rock you in their arms, and let your bosses regularly reward you with bonuses in foreign currency.
  2. On this holiday, I want to wish all teaching staff that MOSK will firmly enter their lives! To sleep soundly, eat deliciously, live well, time in the service passed quickly, you didn’t have to use your service weapon, you worked easily and calmly.

Short congratulations on PPP Day in verse

You can please the patrolmen with poetry. Rhyming congratulations on the Faculty Day are original, well received by listeners and quickly remembered. You can read, for example, the following lines:

  • On PPP day, accept this wish:

Take all troubles and suffering under arrest,

So that there is no place for them in your life.

Let it be so, and no protests!

  • Patrolmen, please accept our congratulations.

Happy PPP Day! May this moment

Will disappear forever from the world of crime,

And hooligans will become addicted to reading books!

We wish you peaceful streets, stars on your shoulders,

Good health, courage and good luck.

So that on this solemn day all speeches

They sounded in your honor, nothing else.

  • Patrolmen, words are impossible

To describe you: you are simply ideal!

Brave, courageous, positive and reliable.

You are serving so that the city sleeps peacefully.

Let failures pass you by,

Let passers-by smile while on duty,

The sun is shining, tasks are being completed,

Health will be good, life will be luxurious.

SMS messages

If your brother, son or friend is located elsewhere in the world, you will still be able to contact him. You need to send a short SMS congratulations on Teaching Staff Day. This way you will show that you remember the holiday, appreciate the person and will always find a free minute or two for him.

The message sent in this way must be sincere, compact, vivid and memorable. Expressing everything you wanted in a few words is an art. Nevertheless, the most valuable congratulations are those that were written by the person himself. Perhaps they are not as beautiful and smooth as those taken from the Internet. But they contain true feelings and experiences. Only you know what the hero of the occasion lacks, what he dreams of. By wishing him exactly this, and not the stereotyped “happiness, health,” you will emphasize the importance of the person to you.

As an example, the following SMS greetings can be given:

  • From mother. Happy PPP Day, son! Know that I am proud of you and I am terribly worried. I beg you to be careful during the service. I wish you a festive mood, quiet duty, true friends, health and a guardian angel at your back.
  • From friend. I wish you a promotion,

So that the frost doesn’t bite you while on duty,

Don't forget our ancient friendship,

Fewer crimes and threats.

Congratulations on PPP Day to my husband

A professional holiday is a good occasion to express feelings. Tell your beloved man how much you love and appreciate him, let him know how dear he is to you. It might look like this:

“My dear! I congratulate you on your professional holiday. I am very proud of my brave husband, who will never leave his post and boldly neutralize all offenders. I wish you to see dangerous arrests only during training exercises, doctors - during medical examinations, a pistol - in a holster, and criminals - on TV. May you have fewer night shifts, more weekends, and your salary grows by leaps and bounds. May the stars fall from the sky on your shoulder straps, may you always have reliable, devoted friends nearby, and may the heart in your courageous chest skip a beat with happiness more often ". For my part, I promise you a strong rear, support in difficult times and a delicious dinner. My children and I are always waiting for you at home, come back to us safe and sound."

Original gifts for the holiday

Oral congratulations on the teaching staff day will become even more pleasant if it is supplemented with a small thematic gift. The hero of the occasion can be presented with:

  • comic certificates, medals or a notebook with police attributes;
  • souvenirs in the form of a pistol or knife (for example, a flash drive, an ice tray, a damask, a lighter, cufflinks, a mug);
  • a T-shirt or home apron with images of shoulder straps, weapons, funny inscriptions;
  • icon of the heavenly patron;
  • a piggy bank in the shape of a patrol car with a bonus inside it;
  • thermal underwear;
  • portable charger or shockproof phone case;
  • strong drinks in a bottle stylized as a vending machine;
  • a pillow with a guard's badge embroidered on it.

Gifts for teaching staff day from children

Every child is proud of their dad, especially if he is a policeman. A professional holiday is an excellent occasion to show your imagination and please your father. Gifts made by small hands can touch the sternest man.

Children can present to their father on this day:

  • a holiday card in the shape of a company car;
  • poster with congratulations;
  • a portrait of Dad in a police uniform, framed in a beautiful photo frame;
  • a cup made of thick cardboard "To the Best Guard", decorated with photographs, painted shoulder straps, beads and stones.

Patrol officers make our lives calmer and safer. Let our warm congratulations on Teaching Staff Day prove to them that we appreciate their work and feel sincere gratitude.

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