When people hug each other. Friends hugging

If in a dream you hug your relatives, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to gather them all on the occasion of a big family celebration.

Warmly hugging those who have come from afar after a long absence of friends foretells a brilliant course of affairs and excellent prospects in the future.

Hugging strangers means meeting your future partner.

Loving embraces with women - you will be suspected of committing a dishonorable act.

Hugging your husband - you will receive a gift from him, if he hugs you - he will drink away his salary.

Hugging children in a dream is a sign of family joys and peace in the house; if they wrap their arms around you and kiss you, you will be courageous in misfortune with your loved ones, not giving free rein to tears.

Desired, affectionate hugs mean success and prosperity.

If in a dream you avoid the embraces of a hateful hanger-on or tipsy Don Juans, in real life you will experience a painful feeling of loneliness and orphanhood.

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Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Hugging - If you dreamed that you were hugging your chosen one and could not contain your feelings, you were promised peace and many years of happiness.

If feelings are muted, then you are not destined to be together.

Interpretation of dreams from

We all know that people with different personality types behave differently. For example, walking style can tell a lot about a person. Thus, self-confident people have a firm gait, while introverts, as a rule, move quickly with their heads down. But what can you say about people's relationships when they hug each other?

After all, for example, physical contact with the mother is very important for the baby. And it does not lose its significance as a person grows older. This is why hugs are so important to us. Due to the fact that all people are different, there are many varieties of physical contact of this type. And each of them is able to reveal the whole essence of the relationship between partners. We invite you to consider together several types of hugs and find out what they mean.


This type of hug implies that one of the partners takes care of the safety of the other. So, a person, standing from behind, wraps his arms around his partner’s waist, as if calming and protecting him. This position demonstrates a high level of trust in relationships and suggests that caring for each other is very important to people.

A pat on the back

If people allow each other to pat them on the back while hugging, then this indicates their confidence in each other. After all, the back is a very vulnerable part of the body. You can't see her. Therefore, allowing your partner to touch your back shows subconscious confidence in him. In addition, this position is intended to remind that people in a couple care about each other.


This hug reflects friendly, camaraderie. One person pats the other on the back, signaling to them that they are comfortable in the moment. We are not talking about any romantic emotions here at all. So, such hugs are very often used by parents and children, friends or colleagues. So if someone hugs you and pats you on the back, be sure that this person is comfortable in your company.

"A slow dance"

This type of hug has a purely romantic interpretation. The partner puts his arm around his partner's waist while she wraps her arms around his neck. This “slow dance” is typical of the early stages of falling in love. But if you still continue to hug your partner after many years, then this indicates that your relationship is still not at all alien to romance. We can only congratulate you on this!

Half hug

When one person hugs another, placing his hand on his shoulder, this indicates that these people are connected on an emotional level. And this action is intended only to demonstrate and confirm this connection. Often good friends, colleagues who are working together on some task, etc. hug in this way.


With such a hug, you may get the impression that the partners are simply afraid to let each other go. After all, they are literally intertwined, clinging tightly to each other. “Castle” indicates the deepest desire of partners to always be close. After all, if you hug a person tightly, you probably don’t want to let him go.

"Air" hug

In this case, one of the partners tightly wraps his arms around the other and lifts him into the air, or one of the partners hangs on the other while jumping. This kind of hug speaks of passion. And even if people are not connected by deep love feelings, they are probably attracted to each other in the physical sense. Therefore, if you hug your partner in this way, then think about whether your relationship has any serious future.


This term describes hugs when two people try to maintain distance between themselves. So, partners hug only the upper part of the body, while they try to keep the lower parts of the body away from each other. This position demonstrates that there are a lot of disagreements in the relationship, or that the partners are dissatisfied with each other. It is possible that people simply do not want to be close to each other, so they try to distance themselves as much as possible.

"Eyes to eyes"

This type of hug speaks of a spiritual connection between two people. After all, regardless of how the partners hug each other, it is very important for them to maintain eye contact. We can say with confidence about the relationship of such a couple that they are very strong and unshakable. After all, partners understand and enjoy each other’s company very well.


This is what they call a hug when one of the partners literally squeezes the other, but he, in turn, does not respond in the same way, but goes limp, like a rag doll. This position demonstrates the deepest imbalance in the relationship. After all, obviously, one of the partners tries to bring much more to the relationship than the other. Be that as it may, in this case both should think about it.


This type of hug speaks of comfort and ease. In this case, the hands of one or both people hugging are lowered into the partner's back pockets. This pose clearly demonstrates that people feel good and calm together. They don't need to work hard on the relationship since everything is already going great. Most likely, in this case, the partners love and deeply trust each other. And such relationships have every chance of becoming more than serious.

So we've looked at several types of hugs. Some of them are relevant for lovers and people in serious relationships. Other varieties are also found among friends, colleagues, relatives, neighbors, etc. In any case, remember that the way we hug other people reflects our true attitude towards them. It is very important to be able to recognize such signals given by a person on an intuitive level. And if, for example, when you meet, you hug your loved one tightly, and he hangs limply in your arms, then this is an alarming sign. So, it’s worth thinking about whether he treats you just as seriously and whether he responds to your love with the same feelings. After all, if this is not the case, then perhaps it makes sense to end a hopeless relationship before it finally reaches a dead end. But if your loved one always tries to look into your eyes during hugs, then there is nothing to worry about. Surely, he is deeply attached to you and will not want to part with you for anything in the world!

Incredible facts

Who doesn't like hugging? We do this unconsciously, without thinking about what a hug means.

We hug children, parents, friends and loved ones. But just like kisses, hugs are different.

Read also:

The way you hug someone can tell you how you feel about them. You may not even realize it until you read about these 11 types of hugs.

If you feel like you did it wrong, go to your loved one and give them another hug.

Types of hugs

Hug from behind

This is a sure sign that he is in love. This helps him feel one with you and is also a protective gesture. This action suggests that he is demonstrating his masculinity, strength and dominance. Your partner can also do this if there are problems in the relationship and he is afraid of seeing rejection in your eyes. He is afraid to look you in the eye because he is worried that your feelings are not mutual.

Hug with a pat on the back

Sometimes we need a little reassurance that everything will be okay. When we rub our partner's back during a hug, we make a promise to be with him through good times and bad.

It can also mean as simple as a desire to touch something more intimate. The back is a rather vulnerable part of the body; you cannot see your back, and touching your back can be scary. This is an innate demonstration of desire and need for attention.

Hug and pat on the back

Patting on the back is different from stroking. Patting is not intimate and confirms friendly feelings. It can also be a friendly hug between ex-partners, and means that although the spark of love has passed, there are still feelings of friendship between them.

In addition, this may be encouragement from a partner, or typical of those who do not like to publicly express their feelings.

Hug around the waist

When your partner wraps his arms around your waist, it is a sign of protection. Thus, it gives you a feeling of security and love at the same time. This close hug means he wants to connect with you physically and isn't afraid to show it.

Hug while sitting astride

This is one of the most sensual acts that can often be seen among lovers. Such a hug is a good sign and is a sign of passion and desire.

The meaning of hugs

Hug with a hand in your pocket

When your partner hugs you with his hand in his pants pocket, it is a very intimate act. This way, he tries not to show affection too publicly, and also communicates that he is relaxed and comfortable around you.

Hug, looking into each other's eyes

The ability to look into each other's eyes while hugging confirms the connection that you have between you. This way you communicate on a soul level.

Shoulder to shoulder hug

When you place your hand on your partner's shoulder, it is a sign of a strong friendship, not a romantic relationship.

Hug from a distance

If you hug while maintaining distance in the lower part of your body, this means that you are not comfortable enough with the person. Perhaps you doubt him or don't know him well. In any case, this is not an intimate act.

Slowly dancing, hugging

If you break into a slow dance while hugging, then you want to leave the outside world behind. Your partner wants to make you feel truly connected and alive.

A very tight hug

The realization that you're in love can be overwhelming. A tight hug that feels like you can't let go may be the only way to let them know how real your feelings are.

In addition to verbal communication, there are many non-verbal ways to express your attitude towards a person. One of the most common of them is the beloved hug.

However, you can hug in different ways. Here are some examples of hugs and what they say about the relationships of those involved.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Two people hug without getting too close to each other. You simply lean down until your head touches the other person's head, maintaining distance between your bodies.

Robot hug

One type of formal hug. There is nothing binding you, you are simply paying tribute to politeness. Remember how opponents hug after a match.

intimate hug

Two people move slowly towards each other and hold their partner tightly in their arms. The space between them disappears. These are the hugs you give to people you love with all your heart.

Suffocating Hug

When a person is really happy to meet you, but you don’t really share his opinion on this matter. You continue to stand like a pole, trying to get out of the grip of his hands.

"Who is stronger"

The hug you give your best friend after a long time apart. You hug so tightly it's as if you're trying to strangle him. This is all in jest, of course.

"Patting" hug

A discreet hug as a gesture of affection or concern. Usually this is how grandparents are hugged.

Gentleman's hugs

If you meet someone you don't know very well and you just hug each other above the waist. This is a hug with the least amount of physical contact.

Perverted Hug

As the name suggests, this type of hug is a hug in which the person tries to prolong the physical contact of your bodies or touch taboo areas. One of the most awkward hugs ever.

Friendly hug

You walk next to your friend, throwing your arm behind his neck. This hug shows a kind of platonic and affectionate connection between you.

Hug of long-term partners

This is a hug when two people have been in a relationship for some time and feel quite comfortable with each other.

While hugging you, your boyfriend will not hesitate to stick his hand into the back pocket of your jeans. And you don't see anything strange in this.

A hug lost in time

It's one of those moments where you get lost in each other's arms, oblivious to what's going on around you. These hugs tend to last longer than other hugs.

Loooooong hug

People just don't want to let go of each other. They are so comfortable in this position that the hug ends only when there are good reasons for it.

Grab from behind

If you want to suddenly surprise someone by sneaking up and hugging them from the back, you use this type of hug. At first the person may be scared or confused, but then they begin to smile.

Formal hug

When you see someone you don't know very well and you just formally tap their shoulder as a greeting.

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