How to make beads, master class. Air Beads Materials and Tools

Most often, a passion for jewelry begins with scattered beads. What to do? First of all, estimate the total weight of the future beads. If these are long beads made of wooden, plastic or felt beads, or short beads made of glass, metal or stone, then an ordinary fishing line of average quality will do. For heavy beads, it is best to use other materials, which I will discuss later.

Choosing a fishing line is quite simple. Come to a fishing store and ask the seller to pick you up a transparent fishing line with a thickness of 0.25 mm and a price of about 50 rubles per 100 meters.

Advantages of fishing line: invisibility, low price, strength, ease of stringing and fastening. Standard quality fishing line does not stretch in light and medium weight beads and lasts a long time. Yes, I also heard many times that the fishing line breaks and deteriorates from sunlight. I think this referred to Soviet-made fishing line. I have been weaving with beads for 6 years now and during this time it has not broken or fallen apart in any of the products.

You will also need a thread tip, two wire rings with a diameter of 3-5 mm and a lock. Which one to choose is a matter of your budget. If it is small, then the sale is full of Chinese tips and cheap carabiner locks. But, of course, it is good form to use high-quality fittings. It does not peel or change color, lasts a long time and looks great.

First you need to attach the tip to the end of the fishing line. To do this, we pull the fishing line into the hole in the tip and tie a double knot. Tighten it carefully! Place a clamp on the fishing line and place it on the knot. Pinch it with pliers. Now close the tip. If you only plan to collect these particular beads, you can slam the tip shut with your fingers or your husband/father/brother's huge, awkward pliers. And if you like the assembly process, then you will definitely want to buy the “right” jewelry tool.

Now you need to string the beads. I usually measure the length of line I want, mark the middle with a marker, then lay out the beads on the table and start stringing. Special supports for assembling beads are a great help, but I don’t have one yet, unfortunately. When you are finished, you need to put on the second tip and tie a knot, the same as in the first. But here it will be a little more difficult for you. You need to advance the knot in such a way that there is no free line left at the end of the beads. A thick needle or awl will help you with this. We insert the tip into the knot and move it towards the tip. Happened? Now for the second time :) We carefully check everything and close the tip flaps. Now we take the wire ring and open it like this.

We thread the lock and close the ring. The rings are needed so that if the lock breaks, you can easily and simply change it. The loops of the tips look rather flimsy and I don’t risk opening and closing them several times.

If the beads have a front and back side, then make sure that the lock is on the right side, and the ring on the left if you are right-handed, and vice versa if you are left-handed. We thread a ring with a lock into the loop of the tip and clamp it. We do the same with the second part of the lock at the other end of the beads. We carefully examine the creation :) And wear it with pleasure.

We learn how to correctly assemble beads on a thread. Master Class

We learn how to correctly assemble beads on a thread. Master Class

Collect beads on a string... It would seem that what could be simpler? However, it is not. As in any business, there are little tricks here. Not everyone knows what thread to use, how to choose and attach the lock correctly. When I first started collecting jewelry 5 years ago, I tried to find a good master class on this topic, but I was unsuccessful. I had to learn by trial and error. But now, in my opinion, I can teach you this too, dear friends.

I hope this simple master class will be useful to many.

I deliberately do not dwell on design issues. Knowing the basics of assembly, you can always come up with a design yourself.

Materials and tools.

It's easy to guess that we need beads, thread and a lock. The beads can be anything you like. Threads and locks will be discussed below. The only tools you need are small scissors and a lighter or matches. You will also need a piece of fishing line 0.3-0.5 mm thick and 10-20 cm long (I use jewelry cable, but not every home has it, fishing line is quite suitable). And no needles!

Choosing threads

The thread should

  1. Be strong
  2. Do not stretch under load
  3. Do not become shaggy when rubbing
  4. Melt when heated

Only polyester meets these conditions. We reject cotton, silk, nylon (nylon) immediately.

Thread thickness - the thicker the better. The thicker the thread, the better the beads will lie. But don't overdo it double The thread should fit into the hole of the bead without effort. If the threads you have are not thick enough, fold them several times.

Choose a castle.

Locks for beads come in different types: carabiners, screw locks, magnetic locks, toggle locks.

It is better if the carabiners are sold already with rings (No. 1, 2, 3 in the photo). Their sizes vary. The larger the beads, the larger the lock should be.

Carabiner No. 4 - without a ring, which means you will also need a ring. Important: Never use split rings. The ring should be double, like for keys, but, of course, small.

Lock No. 5 is also suitable, although it is not a carabiner. It is especially good if there is not enough length, and it is convenient to fasten it.

Now everything is ready, let's start assembling.

Description of work

Let's prepare the thread. We measure the length of the future beads, add 10-15 cm and multiply by 2. So for beads 45 cm long, the length of the thread will be 110-120 cm. Fold the thread in half, tie a knot at the end so that the beads do not jump off when stringing. If the thread is not thick enough, use double or even triple thread.

We take a piece of fishing line, fold it in half and insert it into the loop in the middle of our thread (at the far end from the knot) and begin stringing beads, threading both ends of the fishing line into the hole at once. Like this:

As we string, we move the beads from the fishing line to the thread.

Now all the beads are strung, let's start attaching the lock.

We pass the loop of our thread (the end on which we threaded it) through the ring of the lock.

We pull the opposite end of the beads into the loop...

And we tighten it. The ring is in place!

Now the most difficult part is the design of the second end of the beads.

We remove the lock itself from the ring, cut off the knot and insert the end of the thread into the lock ring.

We take the thread by the end, the lock moves towards the beads.

Take the fishing line again and press the middle tightly to the junction of the beads and the lock

We wrap the end of the thread tightly around the joint, one turn is enough

We thread the end of the thread into the loop of the fishing line

and pull the ends of the loop. The thread is threaded through the knot!

This is what happened. Such a knot will never come undone, and if you pull it, it will only tighten more tightly.

But what to do with the end of the thread? A simple way is to simply trim, leaving 2 -3 mm, and melt the tip.

But you can do it more carefully. We pass our fishing line through the last bead in the opposite direction and pull the thread

Then the tail will be between the last two beads. That's where we'll cut it and melt it.

This is what the finished attached lock looks like:

To make it even clearer, I'm including a diagram. The photographs may not show the stages well enough.

I hope everything works out for you. If something is unclear, ask, I will be happy to answer.

Bracelets, beads, necklaces, pendants - the assembly of these types of jewelry, in most cases, is completed by installing a clasp. Beginning craftswomen often have the question of which clasp to choose when creating a particular piece of jewelry. After all, there are quite a few types of fasteners. This article is dedicated to. It provides a classification of clasps, describes in what cases and how they are used, and provides examples of photographs of jewelry with different clasps.

Clasps/clasps are a type of jewelry fittings used to fasten bracelets, beads, necklaces, and pendants. The size of the fasteners ranges from very tiny (only 5-6 mm wide) to very large (more than 4 cm).

Most clasps have permanent loops; connecting rings and end caps may be needed to attach the clasp to the decoration (photo 1). Some clasps have a detachable loop, so the clasp can be directly attached to the end or chain on which the jewelry is assembled (photo 2). You can also do without connecting rings by using end switches with detachable loops (photo 3) or end switches with brackets (photo 4). In addition, there are adhesive end fasteners that are directly attached to the decoration (photo 5).

All fasteners can be divided into two groups: fasteners for single-row and multi-row jewelry (such fasteners have 2 or more loops/holes). Fasteners of the first group are more common and universal, since in almost all cases a multi-row fastener can be replaced with a single-row one using special adapters or multi-row ends (you can read about ways to complete multi-row decorations).

Let us now consider what types of fasteners there are, depending on the principle of their operation:

1. Carbines

In addition to standard carabiners, there are carabiners that open outward (beak/claw clasp), as well as carabiners without a protrusion, which open by directly pressing the movable element (they can be either the usual shape or, for example, oval):

Carabiners are most often used in neck jewelry. You can also install carabiners on bracelets, but you may need someone's help when fastening the bracelet. The most convenient for bracelets, in our opinion, are carabiners with a rotating base.

Lobster clasps are usually made with one loop, but they can also be used for multi-row jewelry, as mentioned above.

One of the undoubted advantages of carabiners compared to many other types of fasteners is that carabiners can be installed together with an extension chain. Thanks to this technique, the length of the decoration can be easily changed within a few centimeters. This can be very useful for bracelets and necklaces designed to sell.

Examples of finished jewelry with lobster clasps are presented below:

2. Rings

4) Type of decoration: Almost all types of clasps are suitable for neck jewelry, but for bracelets it is better to use more reliable clasps that will not unfasten on their own when your hand rubs against clothes or other objects. In addition, for bracelets it is better to use clasps that you can unfasten or fasten yourself while putting on the bracelet. Despite such limitations, you can choose a suitable clasp for a bracelet in almost any type of clasp - the main thing is to take into account all other factors. In our opinion, the most convenient clasps for bracelets are toggles, sliders, strong magnetic clasps, carabiners (if you get the hang of fastening them yourself).

5) Ease of use: when assembling jewelry, you must take into account the fact who will wear this jewelry. For people with low vision and impaired fine motor skills (for example, older people), it is better to use large, easy-to-fasten/unfasten clasps. For small children, it is better, on the contrary, to use clasps that are difficult to unfasten on their own - this reduces the likelihood that the decoration will be lost.

6) Does the length of the decoration need to be adjusted?: if the jewelry is made for sale, it is better to install a clasp that allows you to change the length of the jewelry, for example, by using an extension chain. Such fasteners include: carabiners, rings, hooks, snap fasteners. If the jewelry is created for a specific person, you can make the jewelry of a fixed size and use any type of clasp. Note that all types of fasteners can be used for transformable jewelry that has variable length. Even if the clasp does not have the possibility of extension (it consists of two parts that can only close on each other), you can make a decoration with several such clasps. That is, the decoration will consist of several parts, each of which can be fastened either on its own or attached to another part of the decoration. In this way, you can make beads/necklaces that can change length, or a bracelet and necklace that can be worn as a set, or can be clasped together and worn as long beads, as shown in the photo below:

7) Decoration Design: Of course, when choosing a clasp, you should definitely take into account the design of the jewelry. The clasp should not stand out from the overall style of the decoration or draw attention to itself (unless, of course, it is the central element of the decoration).

In some cases, you can do without a fastener. For example, when assembling jewelry on, or when creating long beads worn over the head or tied in a knot. On bracelets woven from, the clasp can be replaced with a slip knot or a button clasp can be formed. Wide textile or leather bracelets can be laced. Examples of jewelry created without the use of clasps are presented below:

And finally, let’s consider non-standard options for using fasteners. For example, carabiners are often used to decorate keychains, bracelets, bookmarks, and sometimes earrings with pendants: the carabiner pendant can be easily detached and replaced with another, which makes the jewelry/accessory more versatile. Toggles themselves are sometimes used as pendants, and this applies to both rings and toggle sticks. Below are examples of the use of fasteners “not for their intended purpose”:

This article was prepared by employees of the Stylish Thing store specifically for the site. You may not post this article or parts of it on other websites, print it in books, magazines, etc. without obtaining written permission from us. However, if you want to save some information for personal use, we are not against it.

Collect beads on a string... It would seem that what could be simpler? However, it is not. As in any business, there are little tricks here. Not everyone knows what thread to use, how to choose and attach the lock correctly. When I first started collecting jewelry 5 years ago, I tried to find a good master class on this topic, but I was unsuccessful. I had to learn by trial and error. But now, in my opinion, I can teach you this too, dear friends.

I hope this simple master class will be useful to many.

I deliberately do not dwell on design issues. Knowing the basics of assembly, you can always come up with a design yourself.

So let's begin.

Materials and tools.

It's easy to guess that we need beads, thread and a lock. The beads can be anything you like. Threads and locks will be discussed below. The only tools you need are small scissors and a lighter or matches. You will also need a piece of fishing line 0.3-0.5 mm thick and 10-20 cm long (I use jewelry cable, but not every home has it, fishing line is quite suitable). And no needles!

Choosing threads

The thread should

  1. Be strong
  2. Do not stretch under load
  3. Do not become shaggy when rubbing
  4. Melt when heated

Only polyester meets these conditions. We reject cotton, silk, nylon (nylon) immediately.

Thread thickness - the thicker the better. The thicker the thread, the better the beads will lie. But don't overdo it double The thread should fit into the hole of the bead without effort. If the threads you have are not thick enough, fold them several times.

Choose a castle.

Locks for beads come in different types: carabiners, screw locks, magnetic locks, toggle locks.

It is better if the carabiners are sold already with rings (No. 1, 2, 3 in the photo). Their sizes vary. The larger the beads, the larger the lock should be.

Carabiner No. 4 - without a ring, which means you will also need a ring. Important: Never use split rings. The ring should be double, like for keys, but, of course, small.

Lock No. 5 is also suitable, although it is not a carabiner. It is especially good if there is not enough length, and it is convenient to fasten it.

Now everything is ready, let's start assembling.

Description of work

Let's prepare the thread. We measure the length of the future beads, add 10-15 cm and multiply by 2. So for beads 45 cm long, the length of the thread will be 110-120 cm. Fold the thread in half, tie a knot at the end so that the beads do not jump off when stringing. If the thread is not thick enough, use double or even triple thread.

We take a piece of fishing line, fold it in half and insert it into the loop in the middle of our thread (at the far end from the knot) and begin stringing beads, threading both ends of the fishing line into the hole at once. Like this:

As we string, we move the beads from the fishing line to the thread.

Now all the beads are strung, let's start attaching the lock.

We pass the loop of our thread (the end on which we threaded it) through the ring of the lock.

We pull the opposite end of the beads into the loop...

And we tighten it. The ring is in place!

Now the most difficult part is the design of the second end of the beads.

We remove the lock itself from the ring, cut off the knot and insert the end of the thread into the lock ring.

We take the thread by the end, the lock moves towards the beads.

Take the fishing line again and press the middle tightly to the junction of the beads and the lock

We wrap the end of the thread tightly around the joint, one turn is enough

We thread the end of the thread into the loop of the fishing line

and pull the ends of the loop. The thread is threaded through the knot!

Buy a bead clasp, preferably a metal one. It may consist of a carabiner, a knot clip, and a small connecting ring. The fittings need to be selected so that they match the color and style of the decoration as best as possible. The most important thing to pay attention to is the quality of the connecting ring. The reliability and durability of the fastener will depend on how strong and reliable this small metal part is. It is best to consult with a qualified seller, who will select the appropriate connection for your lock. If you purchase the correct connection to the carabiner, then you should not have any problems and the question of how to attach the clasp to the beads will be solved very easily.

After the nylon thread or fishing line is folded in half, you need to take a thick needle and use it to string the beads. The remaining piece of thread must be threaded into the hole located at the very edge of the knot clamp. Next, you need to tighten the fittings more tightly to the last bead of the row and tie two strong knots. The excess thread must be cut so that there remains a free end about 3 mm long. To fix the thread, you need to carefully burn the end with a lighter or match and a ball will form. For greater reliability and reinsurance, you can apply a few drops of Super Glue or Moment to the knot.

Then you need to connect the clamp and the metal ring. After this, place the ring so that the connection is on top, then press one end with one pair of pliers, and pull the other with the other. Then simply close the ring using pliers. Having successfully completed this task, you will become an expert in mending beads and will be able to explain to your friends how to attach the clasp to the beads.

It turns out that you have already installed the ring and the clip at one end, now you need to install the carabiner on the other side of the beads. The carabiner also has a knot clamp that needs to be fixed at the end of a nylon thread or fishing line. The thread must be threaded into the hole, the fittings must be secured well, and then two fairly strong knots must be tied. Then you will need to cut off the excess thread and leave only a small piece 3 mm long. For greater reliability, use matches again or use a lighter to burn the edge of the thread to form a small ball. And finally, it’s fashionable to drop a couple of drops of glue.

A new and reliable bead clasp has been made. To check how it works, open the carabiner lock, insert it into the connecting ring and close it again. Repeat the procedure several times to ensure the quality of the work done.

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