All international holidays and their dates.

September is coming soon, so I invite you to see what holidays await us in September 2018. I read somewhere that a holiday is not a calendar concept, it happens where it is felt and expected.

Yes, there is something in these words; you can arrange a holiday for yourself and bring joy to your loved ones without any specific date. But, whatever one may say, we still can’t do without a calendar, because there are dates that are important not to miss.

How we work and relax in September 2018 in Russia

September will not give us an additional day off, since there are no public holidays this month. The production calendar for September 2018 looks like this: 20 working days and 10 weekends.

Orthodox holidays

According to the church calendar, there are 78 holidays in September, 3 of which are considered Great.

  • September 11 - The beheading of John the Baptist; this day is accompanied by strict fasting.
  • September 21 ‒ Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • September 27 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross; this day is accompanied by strict fasting.

International, professional and unusual holidays in September 2018

The date of approval of the holiday is indicated in brackets. For some holidays, the date changes every year, as it is fixed by the day of the week of the month.

  • Knowledge Day - (1984), a national holiday celebrated by schoolchildren and teachers, students and teachers of higher and secondary special educational institutions. Another name for the holiday is the First Bell.
  • Trade Union Day for Peace
  • Day of the Peoples of the Middle Urals - (2002)
  • Republic Day - Kabardino-Balkaria - (1997)
  • Autumn birthday

  • Nuclear Support Specialist Day (Nuclear Engineer Day) - (2006)
  • International Taekwondo Day - (2006)
  • Birthday of the game “What? Where? When?" - (1975)
  • Relaxation day
  • Day of Unfamiliar Roads

  • Day of units for countering extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - (2009)
  • Day of flights above the ground
  • World Duchenne Awareness Day. Duchenne myopathy is a disease of boys; girls never get this disease. The average life expectancy of these patients in Russia is 22 years. In Europe - 28 years. In Europe, patients often live to 40. In Russia, there is only one such patient. Duchenne myopathy (muscular dystrophy) is a genetic breakdown in the X chromosome, the gradual death of muscles throughout the body - from the legs to the heart.
  • World War Toy Destruction Day - (1988)
  • Drummers' Festival
  • Summer Travel Storytelling Day

  • Day of Remembrance of Russian soldiers who fell during the defense of Sevastopol and in the Crimean War of 1853-1856.
  • International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism - (1962), celebrated on the second Sunday of September
  • Tankman Day - (2006), celebrated on the second Sunday of September
  • International Beauty Day - (1995)
  • Graphic Designer Day
  • Tester Day
  • Lake Baikal Day - (1999), celebrated on the second Sunday of September
  • World Crane Day - (2002), celebrated on the second Sunday of September
  • All-Russian Onion Day is a healthy vegetable and is popular in many countries. You can celebrate this day, for example, with onion soup, which is one of the signature dishes of French cuisine.
  • New Habits Day

  • Day of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for ensuring the safety of persons subject to state protection - (2008)
  • United Nations South-South Cooperation Day - (2004)
  • Family Connection Day
  • Day of looking through windows
  • Programmer's Day - (2004), celebrated on the 256th day of the year - September 13 or 12 (in a leap year). 256 is two to the eighth power, where 8 is the number of bits in one byte, and the number 2 is associated with the binary number system.
  • Founding day of the Krasnodar Territory - (1937)
  • Penicillin's Birthday - (1929)
  • Hairdresser Day in Russia
  • Iron Materials Festival
  • Bionics Birthday - (1929)
  • Day and autumn pies
  • Day of hearing rustles
  • Celebration of get-togethers
  • Day of formation of the sanitary-epidemiological service of the Russian Federation
  • Memorial Day of Prince Oleg - During his reign (882-912), Prince Oleg, nicknamed “The Prophetic”, did the impossible - he united the scattered Slavic tribes into a single state - Kievan Rus.
  • International Day of Democracy - (2007)
  • Birthday of the environmental organization Greenpeace - (1971)
  • Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan - (2010)
  • World Lymphoma Day - (2010)
  • Software Freedom Day - (2007), celebrated on the third Saturday of September
  • International Juice Day (1971), although each country that joins this day sets its own date for celebration. In Russia it is celebrated on the second Saturday of September.
  • Losing weight day is a great reason to sit down, for example, now is the time for her.
  • International Dot Day - (2003)
  • Dream Coincidence Day
  • All-Russian running day “Cross of Nations” - (1971), consists of 2 stages. Everyone is welcome to participate in Stage 1. It is held in all regions of the Russian Federation on the third Sunday of September. Those who take 1-3 places can take part in stage 2. The Cross of Nations final (grand prix) is held in Moscow on the fourth Sunday of September, in 2018 it is September 23.
  • Forest Workers Day - (1980), celebrated on the third Sunday of September
  • International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer - (1994)
  • Talk to the City Day
  • Tickle Day

  • Public Service Person's Day
  • Recruiter Day - (2001), a recruiter is a manager or recruitment consultant, a person who must know the labor market, have the skills to search for candidates, and understand labor legislation. And what’s interesting is that the profession is serious, responsible, and in demand, but our universities do not train such specialists.
  • World Rice Day - (1950)
  • Spontaneous tea party day
  • The day of the victory over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo - (1995), the battle on the Kulikovo Field (1380) seriously undermined the military power of the Golden Horde and accelerated its subsequent collapse.
  • The day of the birth of Russian statehood - the initiator of the holiday was Emperor Alexander II in 1862. Later this day was removed from the holiday calendar. The celebration was revived in 2009 in honor of the 1150th anniversary of Veliky Novgorod.
  • International Day of Peace - (1981)
  • World Day of Russian Unity - (2009)
  • World Alzheimer's Day - (1994)
  • Secretary's Day - (2009), celebrated on the third Friday of September
  • World Gratitude Day
  • Day of searching for fairy tales

  • Memorial Day of the commander Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration - (1812)
  • Ticking Clock Day
  • International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons - (2013)
  • European Day of Languages ​​- (2001)
  • World Contraception Day - (2007), the motto of this day is “Contraception: It’s Your Life, it’s your responsibility”, which translated into Russian means the following: “Contraception: it’s your life, it’s your responsibility”
  • Birthday of the gramophone - (1887)
  • A day to meet old friends

  • World Rabies Day - (2007)
  • International Right to Know Day
  • CEO Day
  • Nuclear Industry Worker Day - (2005)
  • Business Book Day in Russia - (2015)
  • The pawnshop's birthday is on September 28, 1618, in Brussels (Belgium), the first such institution, the House of Lombardi, began operating, the services of which were used by many noble personalities, including members of royal families. It is noteworthy that this establishment functions in its original form to this day.
  • World Multiplication Table Day - celebrated on the last Friday of September
  • Little Things Day
  • World Heart Day - (1999)
  • Otolaryngologist Day (ENT Day)
  • All-Russian Walking Day - (2015)
  • Birthday of the rock group "Chaif" - (1985)
  • Autumn Solitude Day

These are the holidays awaiting us in September 2018. Don’t forget to congratulate your loved ones, friends and colleagues on their professional holidays, as well as those born in September.

Elena Kasatova See you by the fireplace

September is the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar, one of four months with 30 days. It is considered the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and the beginning of spring in the southern hemisphere. The arrival of September is associated by many with the end of a carefree holiday and the beginning of everyday work. And this is not surprising, because we all studied at school, college, and every time the beginning of September meant gaining new knowledge and increasing vitality. However, this month pleases us with the first autumn holidays. What holidays are there in September 2018 years are waiting for us? The very first day of September - the Day of Knowledge - already fills with a huge charge of vivacity, which is enough to “move mountains”. And then, even more holidays related to the development and improvement of humanity and, as a consequence, technology. Not for nothing professional holidays in September You can count about 20, and church holidays are also expected in September. What other month can be so invigorating?

Funny September holidays 2018

International Pirate Day- translated from English “International Talk Like A Pirate Day” literally means “International day during which you need to talk like a pirate.” This unofficial parody holiday, which originated on September 19 in 1995, gained popularity through publication in newspapers and the television show "Wife Swap" in 2006.

Smiley's birthday. Carnegie Mellon University scientist Scott Elliot Fahlman is the author of the first emoticons. They had to get on the university bulletin board to distinguish serious messages from jokes. He suggested using J and L for this purpose. Original message posted September 19, 1982.

Calendar of all September holidays in Russia in 2018

date Event

Russian Guard Day

Police Patrol Day

Military Glory Day - Day of the end of World War II (1945)


Russian Nuclear Support Specialist Day


International Literacy Day

International Day of Solidarity for Journalists

Russian Financier Day


International Beauty Day


International Day of Democracy


International Pirate Day

Smiley's birthday

HR Manager Day


Recruiter Day in Russia


Secretary's Day in Russia

International Day of Peace

It can also be said that the first autumn month of September is very rich in holidays and memorable dates. At the same time, both global and domestic levels. There are also many significant events that are celebrated in various countries of the world on all five continents. Today there are more than a dozen such holidays, memorable events and significant dates.

Review of September holidays

On September 2, all countries of the anti-Hitler and anti-Japanese coalitions widely celebrate the end of World War II. This happened in 1945. In the beginning there was a great victory over the Nazis and was marked by the capture of Berlin and the hoisting of the Red Banner of Victory over the Reichstag (May 45). The Kwantung Army continued fighting in our Far East and Chinese territory. And the USSR declared war on it. In less than five months it ended with the complete defeat of Japanese militarism and its unconditional surrender. In honor of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory on May 9 in Moscow, and on September 3 in Beijing (2015), grandiose parades were held dedicated to these great dates, which were attended by heads of state of dozens of countries, veterans - living participants in past fierce battles with a monstrous enemy. Representatives of the victorious armies also took part in the parades.

On September 2, another important date is celebrated all over the planet - World Heart Day. And this is by no means accidental. Just think about it - over seventeen million people die from cardiovascular diseases every year in the world! In Russia alone, there are 250 heart patients per thousand people. And the numbers continue to grow alarmingly. This is because many people smoke, abuse alcohol, use drugs and lead a sedentary lifestyle. While in ancient times the brilliant physician, philosopher and writer Hippocrates (remember the text of his oath for doctors!) persistently recommended getting rid of bad habits and doing more physical exercise.
Our academician N.M. Amosov, a famous cardiologist, author of a number of popular scientific publications, who during the Great Patriotic War operated on over four thousand wounded people and thereby saved their lives, also spoke a lot about the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. He developed and published a whole range of physical exercises that prevent cardiovascular diseases.
The initiative to celebrate World Heart Day was taken back in 1999 by the World Heart Federation, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNESCO. Since then, it has been widely celebrated on the planet.
But the fifth of September is Teacher's Day in India, where there are as many as one hundred and fifty million students! The figure is quite comparable to the population of several European or other countries combined. As in Russia, children come to school on this day in formal clothes, with flowers and gifts, and warmly congratulate their mentors and teachers on their professional holiday. There are no classes, but sometimes the lessons are taught by himself and the students. Unlike us, in India, children's education is treated zealously and responsibly. The poorest village has its own school, albeit small. And even with free food for the kids. Under Soviet rule, we also had schools everywhere (remember the film “The Village Teacher”!). Now (2015), as a result of thoughtless reforms and optimization, many rural schools have closed, and children have to walk far or take buses to get an education.
Teacher's Day in India is associated with another important event - the birthday of the great scientific humanist, writer, and so on and so on in order Sarvepalli Radhakrishna, who, for his great services to the state, was elected its president, and ruled the country for five whole years, not counting his vice -presidential term. The statesman and politician, educator made an invaluable contribution to the development of domestic education, including higher education.

An amazing holiday is the Day of Uncharted Roads, celebrated throughout the world on September 4th. And what outstanding names he is associated with! With Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of America. Vasco da Gama - who paved the shortest route from Europe to India. Our Afanasy Nikitin, the author of the famous “Walkings across the Three Seas”, who visited Persia, India, and Turkey. Finally, Fedor Konyukhov, who sailed alone across the Atlantic fifteen times, conquered several of the highest peaks in the world, painted thousands of paintings and published several books about his unforgettable travels.

As you know, our people love holidays and know how to celebrate them with their characteristic breadth. I wonder what the holidays will be like in September 2018? Will Russians have additional days off? Those who are interested in these issues can use our material.

Production calendar as a source of information

In Russia, this calendar is a reliable source of information regarding holidays, weekends and working days. It is an excellent tool for personnel officers and accountants for calculating working hours and payroll at enterprises of any form of ownership. If you want to plan your time in advance, then there is no better option than looking at the production calendar. In it you can find complete information about how we rest in a particular month and what the working days will be.

So, looking at this document, we see that in September:

Calendar days: 30
Working days: 20
Weekends: 10
Postponement of holidays: No
Shortened working days: No
Holiday weekends: No

Even though there are no public holidays in this calendar, this does not mean that other holidays will not be celebrated in our country.

Calendar of all holidays in September:

Professional holidays

Our country has a wonderful tradition of honoring people of different professions. They are congratulated by work colleagues, relatives, friends and acquaintances. Congratulations from the state are often heard. Responsible government officials try to support workers in various areas of society. In order for you to prepare for these holidays in time and to congratulate your relatives or friends in a timely manner, here is a complete list of professional days in September:

  • 09/02/16, Sunday - Oilman's Day, Guardsman's Day, PPS Day;
  • 09/04/18, Tuesday - Nuclear Support Specialist Day;
  • 09/08/18, Saturday - Financier Day;
  • 09.09.18, Sunday - Tankman Day, Tester Day, Designer Day;
  • 09/11/18, Tuesday - Day of the Specialist of the Educational Work Authorities of the Armed Forces;
  • 09/13/18, Thursday - Programmer Day, Hairdresser Day;
  • 09.16.18, Sunday - Forester's Day;
  • 09.19.18, Wednesday - HR Manager Day, Gunsmith Day;
  • 09.20.18, Thursday - Recruiter Day;
  • 09/21/18, Friday - Secretary's Day;
  • 09.27.18, Thursday - Teacher's Day;
  • 09/28/18, Friday - Nuclear Scientist Day, General Director Day;
  • 09/29/18, Saturday - Otolaryngologist Day;
  • 09.30.18, Sunday - Mechanical Engineer's Day.

International holidays

Our country is a full member of the world community, therefore we hold world holidays and special days in high esteem:

  • 09/02/18, Sunday - Day of the end of the Second World War (1945);
  • 09/03/18, Monday - Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism;
  • 09/08/18, Saturday - International Day of Solidarity for Journalists, International Literacy Day;
  • 09.09.18, Sunday - International Beauty Day;
  • 09/15/18, Saturday - International Day of Democracy;
  • 09/17/18, Monday - International Juice Day;
  • 09.21.18, Friday - International Day of Peace, World Day of Russian Unity;
  • 09/24/18, Monday - International Caravan Day;
  • 09.27.18, Thursday - World Tourism Day;
  • 09.29.18, Saturday - World Heart Day;
  • 09.30.18, Sunday - International Translation Day, Internet Day.

Holidays of historical value and social significance

  • 01.09.18, Saturday - Day of Knowledge;
  • 09/08/18, Saturday - Day of the Battle of Borodino (1812), Day of the Novorossiysk Military Military District;
  • 09/11/18, Tuesday - Victory Day of the Russian squadron at Cape Tendra (1790);
  • 09/21/18, Friday - Victory Day of Russian regiments in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380);
  • 09/25/18, Tuesday - All-Russian running day “Cross of the Nation”.

Unusual holidays

  • 09/11/18, Tuesday - Cut Glass Day, Sobriety Day;
  • 09.19.18, Wednesday - Smiley’s birthday.

Orthodox holidays

In our country, more and more people are returning to their roots. They begin to go to church and celebrate church holidays. Therefore, we decided to show which Orthodox holidays are celebrated in September:

  • 09/01/18, Saturday - Don Icon;
  • 09/08/18, Saturday - Presentation of the Vladimir Icon. Martyrs Adrian and Natalia;
  • 09/10/18, Monday - St. Job of Pochaev;
  • 09/11/18, Tuesday - Beheading of John the Baptist;
  • 09.12.18, Wednesday - Blessed Princes Alexander Nevsky and Daniil of Moscow;
  • 09/14/18, Friday - Church New Year, St. Simeon the Stylite;
  • 09.17.18, Monday - Icons “The Burning Bush”;
  • 09/19/18, Wednesday - Miracle of the Archangel Michael in Khoneh;
  • 09.21.18, Friday - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • 09/27/18, Thursday - Exaltation of the Holy Cross;
  • 09/29/18, Saturday - Great Martyr Euphemia the All-Praised;
  • 09/30/18, Sunday - Martyrs of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

Muslim holidays

There are entire regions in our country where the Muslim population lives compactly. Therefore, we considered it necessary to mention Muslim holidays in our review:

  • 09/05/18, Wednesday - Eid al-Mubakhila;
  • 09/11/18, Tuesday - New Year according to Hijri;
  • 09.17.18, Monday – hike to Khaybar;
  • 09/19/18, Wednesday - Tashua of Imam Hussein;
  • 09.20.18, Thursday - Day of Ashura or remembrance of the prophets of the messengers of Allah.

People of other religions often live next to us, and therefore, for better mutual understanding, sometimes we just need to know a little more about their lives.

Probably, few people know that Muslims celebrate their New Year in 2018 on 09/11/18. This is due to the fact that they live according to the lunar calendar. Their New Year is completely different from ours. They don’t have a Christmas tree, they don’t drink champagne at the festive table and they don’t set the table on New Year’s Eve. They completely dedicate this day to the Prophet Muhammad, go to the mosque and pray.

And who knows that according to the Muslim faith, heaven, angels and the first man were created on September 20? However, for Muslims, this is not a holiday. On this day, believers of this religion are in mourning and engage in self-torture in every possible way.

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