Three year old child pees. A child pees at night - what to do?

Your child pees at night - what to do?

All parents raising a baby dream of “dry” nights finally arriving. Who doesn’t get tired of the picture of constantly changing clothes, washing, drying?

Mom waits a month, two, three, is nervous, and the baby perceives the night’s incidents as his own shortcoming. Nothing helps - neither explanations, nor scolding, nor ignoring this fact. Are you familiar with this situation?

Enuresis or urinary incontinence is much more common in the world than many people realize. Just think about the statistics: approximately 500,000 children who have not yet turned 16 years old wet their beds at night.

Why does a child pee at night? Is it possible to somehow combat this phenomenon? If yes, then how?

Let's try to figure this issue out together.

So, why does a baby pee at night?

The main cause of nocturnal enuresis is age. Yes, exactly age. Babies cannot control urination as much as adults. In an adult, everything happens as follows: when the bladder is filled to a certain level, it sends a signal to the brain and the person wakes up. In children, this signal is very weak, so they do not always wake up.

The dependence is this: the younger the toddler, the less often he correctly responds to the signal about the filling of the bladder. This process is poorly regulated up to 5 years. Therefore, if your baby pees at night before the age of five, you just need to survive this period and outgrow it.

The second reason for nocturnal enuresis is that the child’s urinary system develops slowly and a full bladder cannot withstand long without emptying. The child must also outgrow this feature over time.

The third reason is the child’s psychological distress. If a child is constantly overloaded, he is under pressure from adults, he becomes tense and quickly gets tired mentally. Being in the state of a hunted animal during the day, the child relaxes greatly at night and does not feel the urge to urinate.

The fourth cause of enuresis is various diseases such as diabetes, urinary infection, kidney disease. In this case, involuntary urination occurs not only at night, but also during the day.

If your baby wets the bed periodically, this may be caused by some kind of stress. For example, problems in kindergarten, school, family, jealousy towards a younger child, etc.

What to do if the child does not control urination at night?

It is very important not to blame the toddler for anything. You can’t yell at him, scold him or blame him for the current situation. It's not the baby's fault that he woke up in a wet bed, he just can't control himself in his sleep.

Try to pay more attention to the baby, monitor his emotional state, avoid everyday conflicts at home, especially in the presence of the baby. If you have another child, don’t forget about the older one. He must understand that he is still important to you and loved by you.

Do not let your little one drink a lot before going to bed. Try to ensure that the bulk of fluid enters the body in the morning and afternoon.

Make sure your child goes to the toilet before going to bed.

Avoid any drinks that contain caffeine.

Come up with a simple but effective reward system if your baby has a dry night. Then he will have an incentive to overcome this weakness.

Take care of protecting your baby's crib so that his nocturnal enuresis does not cause you much trouble.

You can create a special urinary incontinence calendar. Let the baby draw the sun in it after each “dry” night. This way he will develop a feeling of joy for success.

If you go to bed later than your child, ask him to go to the toilet. This should only be done when the child is fully awake. You cannot sit a half-asleep baby on the potty or toilet.

Train your bladder. If the child wants to write, ask him to be patient. You can do this while walking, on the road, or in the store. Also, teach your baby to stop urinating for a short time so that he understands that he can control this process.

Do I need to put a diaper on my baby at night if he wets the bed?

Experts believe that this will only delay the process. The baby will feel dry, he will not experience any discomfort, so there will be no need to control urination.

Should you wake your baby up at night to ask him to pee?

Of course, if you notice that the baby has woken up and is tossing and turning from side to side, be sure to offer him to pee. But if he is fast asleep, it’s not worth it.

Finally, I would like to note that if the problem drags on for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor.

Today, traditional medicine offers a drug that allows you to cope with the problem of nocturnal enuresis. These are tablets or Desmopressin nasal spray. It reduces the amount of urine that is produced at night.

Be always healthy, don't get sick!

A large number of children and teenagers around the world sleep in wet beds at night. Nighttime urinary incontinence in children can occur for multiple reasons.
The main mistake many parents make is that they scold their child for it. This should under no circumstances be done; on the contrary, you need to explain to him that he is not the only one who pees at night and there are other children who also suffer from this. Then the child will not think that he is lonely.

Causes of nocturnal enuresis

Why does a child wet the bed? - There are various causes of nocturnal enuresis, among which are the following:


Each child is individual, and, therefore, can learn to go to the toilet at different ages. Independent night control in 3-year-old children is observed in 70% of cases, in 5-year-old children - in 80% of cases. Relying on these statistics, it is possible to confirm the presence of nocturnal enuresis in a child only after reaching 4-5 years of age. Based on this, doctors recommend not giving your baby plenty of fluids before bed, and also avoiding drinks that contain caffeine.

Genetic trait

Nighttime urinary incontinence in children can occur due to the slow development of the regulatory system, due to which the bladder may not be emptied for several hours. Over time, the child’s regulatory system will develop and the problem will disappear on its own.

Symptoms of another disease

It happens that the cause of nocturnal enuresis in children is associated with the occurrence of diseases such as urinary infection, kidney disease, as well as endocrine diseases such as diabetes, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. In such situations, the baby pees both at night and during the day.

Do not forget about diseases such as epileptic seizures at night or blockage of the upper respiratory tract at night, which also has a side effect such as bedwetting. It is also worth mentioning that some drugs can cause a reaction in the form of bedwetting, such as thioridazine and valproate. Here you need to seek help from a doctor so that he can determine the true cause of the disorder.

Temporary difficulties

Bedwetting in a child may result in temporary difficulties. - There are situations when a child pees unexpectedly at night, since this has not been observed before. In this situation, there is no need to talk about the presence of nocturnal enuresis in the child; most likely, this case arose due to the influence of stress on the baby’s nervous system. Such stressful situations include: family problems, adaptation period at school or in kindergarten.

In such a situation, all parents’ efforts should be aimed at eliminating the psychological pressure of their child and strengthening his nervous system.

Physiological deviations

Why do children become incontinent at night? The most difficult form of nocturnal enuresis to eliminate may be urinary incontinence, which occurs due to disorders in the fetal brain - in the event of pathological processes occurring during pregnancy and childbirth, as a result of hypoxia or injury.Medical certificate:

Such pathologies cause a lag in the formation of the central nervous system of children and the production of hormones, as well as vasopressin. In this situation, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist. A neurologist can examine the baby for congenital pathologies of the genitourinary system and changes in the nervous regulation of the bladder. For the latter case, the main symptom is urinary incontinence at night and sometimes during the day. And pathological changes in the secretion of antidiuretic hormone contribute to the fact that the baby pees only at night. - This hormone is responsible for regulating the amount of urine produced - if the blood contains a large amount of it, then less urine is produced. - What is typical at night, when the level of this hormone in the blood, in a normal way, increases. In the case of enuresis, the exact opposite situation occurs - when the hormone is not produced in the required volume.

Troubleshooting methods

  • If you find or suspect that your child has at least one of the above symptoms of serious diseases or pathologies, you should immediately consult a doctor. But if the problem of bedwetting in a baby lies in skills or temporary difficulties, it can be solved by introducing some rules:
  • limited intake of tea, water or juice 2-3 hours before going to bed;
  • going to the toilet before going to bed;
  • oblige the child to replace wet pajamas and sheets immediately after they become wet;
  • For older children, you should limit the consumption of drinks that contain caffeine.

For children over 6 years old, the so-called enuresis alarm clock can help eliminate bedwetting. - Its action is aimed at waking up the child to go to the toilet when only a couple of drops of urine fall on the bed. - This device allows children to solve the problem on their own - developing skills in the problem of urinary incontinence at night. The effectiveness of its use is 70-85% of cases. But it takes some time to develop skills - during the first time of use, the child can wake up only after complete urination. And over the course of a few weeks, he will be able to wake up and stop urinating. As a result, the need to pee will wake him up instead of the alarm clock. The need for such a device may completely go away after 3 weeks, but in some cases a longer period is required.

In any case, the problem of enuresis can be solved and parents must understand that bedwetting is a fairly common problem, such a disorder can be cured, so the child should not feel guilty and withdraw.

A specialist talks about the diagnosis and treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children:

It's high time to part with diapers, but your baby pees at night. Is this normal? Until what age does a baby have the right to have troubles at night, and when is a wet bed already a problem?

A child pees at night: norm and pathology

Let's start with the fact that modern parents often suffer from the desire to speed up the development of their children. Therefore, be vigilant and treat with healthy skepticism your neighbor’s stories that her daughter has been “asking” to use the potty since she was four months old, or persistent proposals to start preparing her child for school at the age of three. Throughout childhood, all the child’s organs and systems gradually mature, and only by the age of sixteen does the teenager’s body begin to function in the same way as the body of an adult.

Young children learn to control urination gradually. In an adult, as the bladder fills, a signal from it is sent to the brain, and the person experiences a conscious urge to urinate. If this happens at night, the sleeper wakes up. In children, the formation of this process occurs, according to experts, during the first three to five years, and if before the age of five a child pees in bed at night from time to time, this is absolutely normal. Moreover, such an “accident” can happen during the day if the child is playing enthusiastically or some other activity has completely captured his attention.

How should parents behave in such cases? If your child pees in the bed or pants from time to time, do not scold or punish him under any circumstances. Punishments here are meaningless, because the baby simply does not yet know how to fully control himself. Moreover, overly strict parents, inclined to scold and punish their son or daughter for such “accidents,” can provoke neurotic enuresis in their child in the future.

If the “accident” happens during the day, simply help the child change clothes and kindly remind him that it is better to go to the toilet on time than to have trouble with wet pants. If the child pees at night, then make sure that you can quickly eliminate the consequences. To protect the mattress, it is better for a preschooler to put oilcloth on his crib and use washable blankets. To prevent your child from being afraid to get up to go to the toilet at night, leave a burning nightlight in the room.

Do not give your child too much liquid in the evening. You should also avoid drinking watermelon, carbonated drinks and caffeinated drinks before bed. Make sure that the room where the child sleeps is maintained at a comfortable temperature - children who are cold in their sleep pee much more often at night. In the spring-autumn period, it is better to wear warm pajamas for the child, since rooms without heating are quite cool, and children very often open up during sleep and begin to freeze.

Some parents try to keep the bed dry by putting the child on the potty at night. However, experts do not recommend this method. In children, these actions will not help the process of urinary control develop faster. But the child will definitely experience discomfort from several forced awakenings at night. To see this, just imagine that you were woken up three times during the night to make you go to the toilet.

However, it happens that a child has already learned all the hygiene skills and has not wet himself at night for a long time, and suddenly begins to pee in bed again. This is already a signal that something is wrong and parents will have to think about why the child is peeing at night again. Parents of children over three years of age who regularly wet the bed also need to look for the cause of enuresis.

Child pees in bed: reasons

The cause of nocturnal enuresis in a child may be physiological problems. So, a child pees at night with organic lesions of the spinal cord or brain, when the signal about a full bladder simply does not reach the brain. Enuresis also affects children with congenital malformations of the genitourinary system. However, doctors usually detect such pathologies quite early. If a dry bed has long become the norm for a child and suddenly he begins to urinate at night, then you should consult a doctor and get tested for infections that lead to inflammation of the genitourinary organs. Nocturnal enuresis may be one of the symptoms of pyelonephritis, cystitis or urethritis.

In children, infections of the genitourinary system can occur in a latent or erased form, therefore, if your child pees at night, pay attention to whether he has other symptoms of diseases of the urinary system: fever without manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections, periodic pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region , lethargy, daytime leaking of urine.

Enuresis in a child can also provoke constant psycho-emotional stress. A difficult atmosphere in the family, when adults constantly quarrel or live in a state of hidden conflict, often becomes the reason that a child pees at night. Enuresis often affects children, to whom adults make excessive or contradictory demands. Such children are almost constantly in a state of psycho-emotional stress during the day, the psyche gets tired and complete relaxation, which occurs as compensation at night, leads to the fact that the night urge to urinate becomes very weak, and the child wets the bed. The complexity of such cases is that parents may not always be aware of their own problems or pedagogical errors, and often sincerely believe that everything is fine in the family.

How to understand whether the cause of nocturnal enuresis is psycho-emotional problems in a child? If your baby does not have any infections or physiological abnormalities, and enuresis does not go away, then you should seek advice from a neurologist and a good psychologist. A professional psychologist will definitely offer the child a number of drawing techniques that will allow him to fairly objectively judge the situation in the family. Most often, in cases of enuresis with a psycho-emotional nature, it is not only and not so much the child who needs correctional work, but the adults close to him. Enuresis can be stopped with medications, but if the situation in the family does not change, the child’s neurosis will remain and after some time may manifest itself in the form of bronchial asthma, allergies or some kind of phobia. Experts advise all parents to remember that problems in children under eight years of age are a signal of obvious or hidden trouble in the family or problems in parent-child relationships.

Another reason why a child pees is the arrival of a newborn in the family. In this case, enuresis is a kind of protest, expressed in regressive behavior (regression is a movement back into more childish forms of behavior). The child sees that everyone is touched by the newborn, he gets maximum attention and care, despite the fact that he doesn’t know how to do anything, and besides, he also soils the diapers. The protest behavior of the elder in this case can be expressed not only in wet sheets at night and panties during the day - the child may begin to speak worse, demand a pacifier or bottle, and become capricious over trifles.

In order to avoid such a situation, try to prepare your elder for the arrival of a baby in the house in advance. Don’t coo or fawn over your newborn in the presence of your older child; try to allocate time so that you can walk, read, or go somewhere with your older child alone at least from time to time. Emphasize how great it is to be big, because you can ride a bike, eat candy, play with friends, watch your favorite cartoons - but kids can’t do all this. The most important thing here is not to scold the child, not to demand certain behavior from him just because he is the eldest. If you show patience, understanding of children's feelings and are able to find time during the day intended only for the older child, the problem will gradually be resolved.

Some children who start attending kindergarten have a rather difficult adaptation period. A different daily routine, a group of children, and the demands of teachers cause psycho-emotional stress and, as a result, the child pees at night. A similar situation may arise during adaptation to school. Try to take this calmly, do not scold your child for “accidents”, explain to him that any changes in life cause anxiety - this is normal. Over time, a person gets used to changes and stops worrying. Support your child during the adaptation period, help him cope with new impressions, and if adaptation enuresis drags on, seek help from specialists. First, you should consult a pediatrician and psychologist.

Baby peeing at night
What to do?

All parents raising a baby dream of “dry” nights finally arriving. Who doesn’t get tired of the picture of constantly changing clothes, linen, washing, drying the mattress?

Mom waits a month, two, three, is nervous, and the baby perceives the night’s incidents as his own shortcoming. Nothing helps - neither explanations, nor scolding, nor ignoring this fact. Are you familiar with this situation?

Enuresis or urinary incontinence is much more common in the world than many people realize. Just think about the statistics: approximately 500,000 children who have not yet turned 16 years old wet their beds at night.

Why does a child pee at night? Is it possible to somehow combat this phenomenon? If yes, then how?

So, why does a baby pee at night?

The main cause of nocturnal enuresis is age. Yes, exactly age. Babies cannot control urination as much as adults. In an adult, everything happens as follows: when the bladder is filled to a certain level, it sends a signal to the brain and the person wakes up. In children, this signal is very weak, so they do not always wake up.

The dependence is this: the younger the toddler, the less often he correctly responds to the signal about the filling of the bladder. This process is poorly regulated up to 5 years. Therefore, if your baby pees at night before the age of five, you just need to survive this period and outgrow it.

The second reason for nocturnal enuresis is that the child’s urinary system develops slowly and a full bladder cannot withstand long without emptying. The child must also outgrow this feature over time.

The third reason is the child’s psychological distress. If a child is constantly overloaded, he is under pressure from adults, he becomes tense and quickly gets tired mentally. Being in the state of a hunted animal during the day, the child relaxes greatly at night and does not feel the urge to urinate.

The fourth cause of enuresis is various diseases such as diabetes, urinary infection, kidney disease. In this case, involuntary urination occurs not only at night, but also during the day.

If your baby wets the bed periodically, this may be caused by some kind of stress. For example, problems in kindergarten, school, family, jealousy towards a younger child, etc.

What to do if the child does not control urination at night?

It is very important not to blame the toddler for anything. You can’t yell at him, scold him or blame him for the current situation. It's not the baby's fault that he woke up in a wet bed, he just can't control himself in his sleep.

Try to pay more attention to the baby, monitor his emotional state, avoid everyday conflicts at home, especially in the presence of the baby. If you have another child, don’t forget about the older one. He must understand that he is still important to you and loved by you.

Do not let your little one drink a lot before going to bed. Try to ensure that the bulk of fluid enters the body in the morning and afternoon.

Make sure your child goes to the toilet before going to bed.

Avoid any drinks that contain.

Come up with a simple but effective reward system if your baby has a dry night. Then he will have an incentive to overcome this weakness.

Take care of protecting your baby's crib so that his nocturnal enuresis does not cause you much trouble.

You can create a special urinary incontinence calendar. Let the baby draw the sun in it after each “dry” night. This way he will develop a feeling of joy for success.

If you go to bed later than your child, ask him to go to the toilet. This should only be done when the child is fully awake. You cannot sit a half-asleep baby on the potty or toilet.

Train your bladder. If the child wants to write, ask him to be patient. You can do this while walking, on the road, or in the store. Also, teach your baby to stop urinating for a short time so that he understands that he can control this process.

Do I need to put a diaper on my baby at night if he wets the bed?

Experts believe that this will only delay the process. In the diaper, the baby will feel dry, he will not experience any discomfort, so there will be no need to control urination.

Should you wake your baby up at night to ask him to pee?

The interesting thing is that many experts do not recommend doing this. Because at night children grow and gain strength. And by interrupting such important processes, parents only make things worse.

Of course, if you notice that the baby has woken up and is tossing and turning from side to side, be sure to offer him to pee. But if he is fast asleep, it’s not worth it.

Finally, I would like to note that if the problem drags on for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor.

Until the baby is 3 years old, parents are calm about wet sheets at night, but if even after three years the child pees at night, mothers begin to sound the alarm. Is it normal for a three to five year old child to “swim away” at night, what can cause nocturnal enuresis and how to deal with it?

Normal or pathological?

The diagnosis of “enuresis” is made by a doctor only when the baby pees at night, although according to age standards he should already have established self-control over the functioning of the bladder. It is generally accepted that 5 years is the age at which children have established voluntary regulation of urination, including at night.

However, age 5 years is a relative value. Research shows that at the age of 4 years, about 30% of children regularly pee at night, and at the age of 5-6 years, bedwetting is observed in 20% of children. In boys, nighttime troubles can occur periodically until the age of nine, in the absence of any health problems - and this is also a variant of the norm.

“A 6-year-old child pees at night. No matter what they thought of, and even though it was freezing, I slept in warm socks; and they began to limit the fact that he drinks a lot of water before going to bed. On the Internet, various sources indicate that up to 10 years of age, night urination may be normal. But, they consulted a doctor. First, we underwent an ultrasound of the genitourinary system, making sure that the kidneys and ureter were normal. The pediatrician sent me to a neurologist. We went through a course of treatment (I won’t describe it on purpose so as not to harm anyone, the treatment is prescribed by a doctor) diuretic herbs in the morning + raisins and dried apricots (as a source of potassium), vitamins, nootropic drugs, massage, physiotherapy. Then they underwent an EEG examination. It turned out that everything was normal. Then the neurologist gave the following recommendations (you can try them without a doctor’s prescription):

  • After 17-18 pm, do not give your child sweet, spicy, salty, or fatty foods.
  • Before going to bed, limit your water intake (at least 2 hours before bedtime).
  • After the child has fallen asleep, after about 1 hour, wake him up (specifically, wake him up so that he understands what he is doing) and take him to the toilet.
  • In the morning, the child himself (!!!) must write down in a notebook, “+” if he peed, “-” if he did not pee in the bed, and so on every morning. This already influences the development of the subcortex of the brain at a more “subtle” level.

Be healthy) Julia.K"

The age at which the urinary regulation system is fully formed also depends on heredity and the gender of your child. Thus, girls develop self-control, as a rule, earlier than boys, and if a healthy child pees at night even after 5 years, it often turns out that one of the parents or grandparents developed a system for regulating urination with a slight delay.

We can talk about the presence of nocturnal enuresis only if a child of 6 years old pees at night, and this is not a hereditary delay in the maturation of the urinary regulation system. Doctors divide enuresis into primary and secondary.

They speak of primary if a child over 5 years old has not had “dry” periods. If there were any, however, after several “dry” months (or even years), the baby again began to wet the bed at night - he is diagnosed with “secondary enuresis.”

Why does a child pee at night?

The causes of primary and secondary enuresis are different. Primary can be caused by a number of congenital pathologies, for example, pathologies of brain development, pathologies of the genitourinary system, or nervous regulation of the bladder. The causes of primary enuresis can also be disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system or epilepsy. Therefore, a baby with primary enuresis, if its causes are not clear, is carefully examined.

Secondary enuresis can be of an infectious or non-infectious nature, complicated or uncomplicated. Complicated secondary enuresis can develop in the presence of infections of the genitourinary system, as well as kidney diseases. Complicated also appears with the development of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the endocrine system, and even as one of the symptoms of ARVI.

The most common cause of uncomplicated secondary enuresis is a psychological factor. Children may begin to pee at night from stress caused by the arrival of another child in the family, frequent family conflicts, or parental divorce. Often children begin to pee in bed at night after entering kindergarten or first grade - this is how the body reacts to the process of adaptation to kindergarten or school.

Secondary enuresis can appear in a baby even after hospitalization. One of the most common causes of neurotic nocturnal enuresis is increased anxiety in the child due to the extremely high demands placed on him by one or both parents. The baby's fear of losing the love of his father and mother if he does not meet these requirements. And also because of the conflicting demands of loved ones. The enormous tension in which the child is during the day in these cases causes excessive relaxation at night by a compensation mechanism, and the overflow of the bladder becomes impossible to control. To identify the psychological factors of bedwetting, the baby and parents can be referred for consultation to a psychotherapist.

Another cause of uncomplicated secondary enuresis may be the use of certain medications, such as thioridazine or valproate.

Diagnosis of enuresis consists of a number of procedures. If secondary enuresis is suspected, diagnostic measures begin only after the child has had involuntary urination at night for more than three months.

The list of diagnostic measures includes a rectal examination, ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs and bladder, tests are prescribed to detect the presence of diabetes mellitus and disorders of the endocrine system.

If there is a suspicion of pathology of the organs of the urinary system, then the baby may be prescribed tests such as nephroscintigraphy, cystography, cystoscopy, urofluometry and urography.

If all of the above examinations do not clarify the cause of bedwetting, then the child may be referred for a consultation with a neurologist to examine the pathology of the development of the spinal cord, as well as for a consultation with an otolaryngologist.

An otolaryngologist examines the baby for the presence of inflammatory diseases that lead to enlarged tonsils. After all, enlarged tonsils can make it difficult for children to breathe during sleep, which, in turn, leads to problems with the spread of signals to the cortical centers and involuntary urination.

What to do if your child pees at night

The parents' action plan for bedwetting in children should consist of several steps:

Step one. Decide whether you are really dealing with nocturnal enuresis: this is most likely primary enuresis if the baby is over five years old and has never had “dry” periods. If there was a “dry” period, and it consisted of several months, and then the child began to wet the bed again, then we can talk about secondary enuresis.

Step two. If you most likely suspect that your baby has primary or secondary enuresis, then consult a doctor. Only a doctor can diagnose the problem and determine whether your child has complicated or uncomplicated enuresis. If enuresis is complicated, then it is necessary to treat the disease that caused bedwetting, since enuresis in this case is only a symptom.

If bedwetting is caused by decreased bladder tone, a special drug may be prescribed to increase bladder volume and relieve spasms. Such children are prescribed medications that increase smooth muscle tone and are prescribed therapeutic exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

Step three. If the doctor has diagnosed uncomplicated enuresis, then the main task of both you and the doctor will be to identify the traumatic factors that led to incontinence. Next, you should prepare yourself for a fairly long period of psychocorrectional work. At the same time, it is important to understand that you will also have to change your behavior and habits, especially if nocturnal enuresis is caused by a conflict situation in the family, contradictory or excessively high demands on the child from loved ones.

The most important thing if you have a problem with bedwetting is to never scold or shame the child, such tactics will only worsen the situation with uncomplicated secondary enuresis. In the process of treating bedwetting caused by psychological factors, doctors recommend that preschool children drink less before bed, remember to go to the toilet before going to bed, and also keep a special diary and reward the child for several “dry” nights in a row.

For children over 6 years old, the doctor may prescribe medications that normalize metabolic processes in the cerebral cortex and physiotherapeutic procedures. To alleviate the child’s condition, do not give him drinks containing caffeine in the afternoon, and at night you can put a spare set of underwear near the bed so that the child can eliminate the consequences of his night “swim”.

In some cases, for children over the age of seven with nocturnal enuresis, the doctor may prescribe a special device called an “enuresis alarm clock.” This device, when the first drops of urine appear, begins to make a sound, forcing the child to wake up and go to the toilet. Practice shows that the use of such a device gives a good effect in the treatment of bedwetting in children of primary school age and adolescence with tactful behavior of parents.

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