Wash the curtain in the washing machine. How to carefully wash thick or light curtains in a washing machine

Modern household appliances make life easier. Surely you rarely wash by hand, preferring to delegate this task to the washing machine. But not everything is as simple as we would like: in order to wash the curtains efficiently and not spoil them, you need to correctly set the operating mode of the automatic machine, not overdo it with the temperature, and choose the right cleaning agent. And in some cases it is necessary to take into account special washing conditions.

If you don’t know how to properly wash curtains in a washing machine, we suggest you get acquainted with useful recommendations for different fabrics and styles.

Machine washable classic drapes and curtains

Almost all simple straight curtains that are not decorated with glass beads, sequins and other accessories can be safely put into the machine - with rare exceptions, which will be discussed later. It is enough to study the manufacturer’s recommendations: ready-made curtains have instructions regarding the washing mode and permissible temperature. If you sewed the curtains yourself or ordered them from a studio, you need to know exactly what the fabric is called - and then find out the washing rules. Here are the main recommendations, arranged in descending order of the permissible temperature:

  • Curtains made of linen and thick cotton fabrics do not require a special washing regime and can be washed at a temperature of 50 - 60 degrees. But not all cotton fabrics are dense. For example, cambric is very delicate, and such curtains can only be washed in a washing machine on a delicate cycle. It is recommended to wash chintz by hand. There are exceptions for linen: washed (that is, soaked in special solutions) linen fabric should be washed at 40 degrees.

  • Blackout fabric is unpretentious. The durability of this mother allows it to be washed in any mode.

  • Taffeta can be washed at 50 degrees, but you should still remember its rather sophisticated nature. First, use products designed for delicate fabrics instead of regular powder. Secondly, instead of the standard one, it is better to run the gentle wash mode. And most importantly, you will have to give up machine spinning.

  • Curtains made of acrylic materials and viscose are washed at 30 - 40 degrees. Set the mode to gentle, without spinning. Choose a non-aggressive detergent. When washing acrylic curtains, it is recommended to use conditioner, since they “tan” from the sun.

  • Polyester curtains are washed in a gentle cycle, at temperatures up to 40 degrees, otherwise folds and creases may appear. Do not use strong detergents.

    • Curtains made of silk, veil, organza and semi-organza require gentle treatment. They are always placed in the drum only in a special bag! Washing such curtains in a washing machine is only permissible at temperatures up to 30 degrees, using delicate cleaning products or without them at all. It is best to select the “hand wash” mode if your washing machine model has it. And, of course, no spin.

    • Velvet curtains are washed at temperatures up to 30 degrees, in the most gentle mode (it is better to set it to “hand wash”). Set the operating time of the machine to the minimum so that the velvet does not shrink. Be sure to put it in the drum in a bag, folding it so that the wrong side is at the top. This is necessary to protect the delicate pile. It is better not to add cleansers at all.

    Which curtains should not be machine washed?

    There are some fabrics that cannot be machine washed at all. For example, wool is washed only by hand and using shampoo. It is also advisable to wash velvet curtains by hand (and if possible, take them to the dry cleaner).

    Another fabric that is best washed by hand is, oddly enough, cotton. This is chintz, which experienced housewives recommend washing in a bowl of salted water at a temperature of 30 - 35 degrees. After washing, it is useful to rinse chintz curtains with the addition of a tablespoon of vinegar.

    Is it possible to machine wash curtains with rich decor?

    If you decide to wash curtains with glass beads, beads and other decorative elements, then most likely you will have to do it manually. But if you still intend to use an automatic machine, be sure to use a bag to protect the fabric and accessories.

    Before washing, you need to remove all accessories that you can from the curtains. Sometimes - even flog.

    When choosing a detergent for washing curtains, you should prefer gels for delicate fabrics. And one more important point: do not load the washing machine drum more than halfway.

    How to wash curtains in a washing machine if they have slats? From Roman curtains, you must first remove the slats, from roller blinds, take out the weighting material, and only then put the curtain itself into the machine.

    Curtains with eyelets also require some preparation for washing. It is better to remove the plastic rings - this is not difficult, but there is no need to remove the metal ones. But when washing, it is necessary to protect both the coating of the rings and the drum. Again, bags for washing curtains in the washing machine will help.

    Wash curtains with eyelets using a gentle cycle and a temperature of up to 30 degrees, without spinning. To maintain the integrity of the ring coating, use only shampoo as a cleanser.

Preparing the product for cleaning

  1. To find out how often to wash curtains, which machine mode is suitable for them, and what material your curtain is made of, refer to the label.
  2. Brush off all visible dust.
  3. To wash a bathroom curtain the first time, test your chosen method on an inconspicuous part of the fabric.
  4. Remove the curtain from the curtain rod.

Washing curtains

Each fabric is special in its own way and requires an individual approach. Some are best taken straight to the dry cleaner, while others require a simple wipe with a sponge. I will talk about how to properly wash, dry and iron different types of curtains.

Type 1. Thread curtains

Thread curtains are quite unpretentious in care and cleaning. The only problem housewives face is the formation of knots after washing. However, complications can be avoided if you follow some rules:

Image Sequencing

Step 1

Divide the curtain into several parts and tie the threads into knots.

You can tie the curtains with thread, this way you will avoid it getting tangled during washing.

Do not make the knots tight - this will lead to deformation of the item.

Step 2

Place the entire curtain in a special laundry bag.

Step 3

Select the automatic machine mode, in which the temperature does not exceed 60 degrees, the spin cycle is no more than 400 revolutions (if possible, turn off the spin cycle altogether), the time is 30 minutes.

Step 4

Dry the curtains at room temperature by hanging them on the curtain rod.

When hand washing, tie the muslin with strings around the entire perimeter and pre-soak for 30-40 minutes. After that, rinse the interior item several times and then dry it.

Type 2. Roller blinds

Convenience, quality and low cost – these are the main qualities of fabric roller blinds. As a rule, such curtains are cleaned without removing them from the curtain rod. The fact is that the characteristics of the fabric from which the item is made and the design of the product itself do not tolerate both hand and machine washing.

A few care tips:

  1. Ventilate the room more often - this will rid the canvas of dust.

Ventilate through the door, otherwise street dust will decorate the curtain on the back side.

  1. Roller blinds can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Choose the minimum power and use a special soft attachment for fabrics.

  1. Wipe the surface regularly with a sponge soaked in a mild soap solution, then moistened with clean water.

Instructions for removing grease stains:

Image Sequencing
Step 1

Dissolve the detergent in warm water until a weak foam forms. Use natural-based liquid stain removers.

Step 2

Use a sponge to gently scrub away dirt.

Step 3

Rinse off the composition with clean water.

Step 4

Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Step 5

Dry the product in natural conditions.

Type 3. Thin fabrics

Fabrics such as organza, silk, veil require respectful treatment. Gentle washing of curtains has one big advantage - dirt does not stick well to the fabric and, accordingly, is easily washed off.

Rough the stains in a bowl of mild soapy water, then rinse the cloth several times. Often the fabric does not require soaking, but it is recommended to leave a very dusty item in cold water for an hour.

During machine wash:

  • do not use washing powders;
  • discard the “spin” function;
  • wash on delicate cycle;
  • place the product in a special bag and leave it in the drum all alone;
  • do not twist the fabric.

How to wash thin curtains:

Image Washing parameters


Temperature: no higher than 35 degrees.

Washing time: no more than 80 minutes.

Drying: hang on the curtain rod slightly damp, the curtains will straighten out from their own weight.


Temperature: no higher than 30 degrees.

Washing time: no more than 50 minutes.

Drying: hang the curtains on the curtain rod slightly damp, they will straighten out from their own weight.


Temperature: no higher than 20 degrees.

Washing time: no more than 30 minutes.

Drying: Iron on the lowest temperature setting.

Type 4. Velvet

The main feature of velvet fabric is that it is very heavy. Do not wash it by hand or in a machine yourself; it is better to immediately take it to the dry cleaner. The price of the service will be from 1000 to 1500 rubles, depending on the size.

  1. Clean the item in a timely manner with a soft brush.
  2. Treat fresh stains with gasoline applied to a clean cloth or with wine alcohol. After which the product is thoroughly dried, preferably in the fresh air.

Gasoline and alcohol can be used in a course: apply one, dry the fabric, apply the second.

Type 5. Thick fabrics

In most cases, hand washing is not recommended for fabrics such as blackout, taffeta, polyester, tapestry. However, only those who are confident that they can lift at least 10-15 kilograms should decide to cleanse at home. These materials cannot be wrung out, and water is absorbed very well into the fibers of the fabric.

I will tell you how to wash curtains both in the machine and by hand:

Image Washing method


The most unpretentious among others, it will withstand any automated washing mode and self-cleaning. Brush off dust from the canvas, and immediately wipe off dirt with warm water.

You can avoid ironing the material if you do not wring out the fabric, but leave it at rest until it dries completely.


Such a curtain will not be afraid of high temperatures. It will withstand 50-60 degrees without any problems.

Don't forget to turn off the spin function!


Wash this material by hand, and it is better to do it in parts, only for dirt. Vacuum the rest of the area.

Clean using technology at 30-40 degrees. Iron the damp curtain in the “Silk” mode.


This fabric is hand cleaned, not washed. In your arsenal you can choose from a brush, a dry sponge, or a vacuum cleaner.

Curtains with eyelets made of thick materials- if the fabric you choose is machine washable, follow three rules:

  1. Do not remove the eyelets.
  2. Choose a gentle mode.
  3. Use liquid detergents instead of powder, even hair shampoo will do. These products rinse out better.

View 6. Roman blinds

I'll tell you about some secrets of successful cleaning:

  1. The bamboo bathroom curtain cannot be washed - only the fabric!
  2. Soak the item before washing.
  3. The water should be slightly warm - about 25-30 degrees.
  4. Fight stains with natural stain removers.
  5. Use a brush to scrub deep dirt, but do not twist the cloth.
  6. Dry at room temperature.

Type 7. Natural fabrics

Linen and cotton are not fussy and are quite easy to clean. They can be washed in a machine or by yourself, even at high temperatures:

Image Washing parameters


Temperature: 40 degrees for colorless fabrics, 60 for colored ones.

Time: 30-40 minutes.

Spin: no more than 400 rpm.

Drying: at room temperature, ironing wet items.


Temperature: 50-60 degrees

Time: 50-70 minutes.

Spin: no more than 800 rpm.

Drying: at room temperature, smoothing wet items with an iron.

Type 8. Acrylic and viscose

To wash curtains made of thin fabrics - acrylic or viscose, you need to use fabric softener. Being one of the most capricious, these fabrics are not recommended to be wrung out or ironed.

You can get rid of moisture using a sheet. Wrap the product in it - it will draw out the water. Iron also through a sheet at a temperature of 150 degrees.

Image Washing parameters

Temperature: no more than 30 degrees.

Time: up to 60 minutes.


Temperature: no more than 40 degrees.

Time: up to 30 minutes.


Curtains and drapes decorate the interior and also serve as the first obstacle to dust and pollution from the street. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly wash curtains in a washing machine. Today, curtains and curtains are made from a variety of materials. Complex draperies and designs frighten housewives who do not know whether they need to be washed or better cleaned. We will consider all the subtleties of care in the article.

How often can curtains in an apartment be washed? Much depends on such factors:

  1. Place of residence. If you live in the city center and your windows overlook a busy highway, it is clear that curtains or curtains will get dirty faster. This means you need to machine wash them more often.
  2. Location of the room. If you live in an apartment on the upper floors, dust and exhaust gases do not reach your windows much. But residents of the first floors will have to do wet cleaning and laundry more often.
  3. Season. In spring and summer, when windows are constantly open, curtains absorb more dust.

How many times a year should I wash fabric items? Taking into account the factors above - at least twice. A more difficult question: is it possible to load tulle, nylon, and thread curtains into the washing machine? The type of material determines how and at what degrees to wash. Options to solve the problem:

  • You don’t have to rack your brains and take the curtains to the dry cleaner. It is better not to subject designer items with glass beads and delicate fabrics to home experiments.
  • Another option is to call a cleaning crew. The workers do an excellent job of cleaning complex structures: curtains, curtains with lambrequins and eyelets. Special equipment allows steam cleaning without removing the product from the windows.
  • Wash it yourself. Do you think you can remove the curtains and do the laundry yourself? Then get to work.

Clue! When buying new curtains, do not cut off the tag. Subsequently, you will need information about choosing a washing mode.

When loading fabric items into the washing machine drum, pay attention to which program they can be washed in. Choose a gentle mode with minimal spin speed. In some cases, it is better not to wring out the curtains at all. Use this method to avoid ironing curtains. The temperature at which the curtains are washed determines how they will look in the future. The optimal choice is 30-40 degrees, otherwise the fabric may fade or become deformed. Use only liquid products for each type of fabric.

How to wash curtains made of different fabrics

Before washing, the products are removed and shaken off dust.

It is designed for roller blinds. The manufacturing material and special design will not tolerate rotation in the washing machine. We'll show you how to clean these products at home:

  • To remove dust, just open the window and let the curtains ventilate. Sometimes you need to clean the surface with a soft attachment on a vacuum cleaner.
  • If the curtains are located in the kitchen, local contamination often occurs. To remove them, use liquid detergent diluted in water. Dip the sponge in the solution, run it over the fabric, and rub away the stains. Then rinse the sponge in clean water and remove any remaining foam from the surface.
  • The same steps are performed when removing grease stains. Just use stain remover instead of detergent.

A careful approach is required for delicate, thin fabrics. These include silk and satin curtains, as well as products made from organza, veil, and tulle. Light transparent fabrics can be pre-soaked in water. If your washing machine has such a mode, use it. Then wash on a delicate program. Keep the temperature to 40 degrees.

How to restore whiteness to white organza and tulle curtains? Proceed like this:

  • dilute 2 tsp in 5 liters of water. salt;
  • leave the curtains to soak for half an hour - an hour;
  • do the washing.

Clue! To avoid ironing, hang the wet item on the window. The curtains will straighten out easily.

There is another way:

  • dilute 2 tbsp for 5 liters of water. l. alcohol and 1 tbsp. l. peroxides;
  • soak for 1 hour;
  • wash it.

Velvet products are as elegant as they are difficult to care for. It is advisable to dry clean velvet curtains or dry clean them with a vacuum cleaner. If you decide to wash, set the water heating to 30 degrees. Turn off spin. The velvet is placed in the drum with the wrong side only. You can use laundry bags.

Thick fabrics require a special approach. These are the following products:

  • linen curtains;
  • polyester curtains;
  • Roman, French, and Japanese curtains.

Linen curtains or Roman blinds can be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner with a furniture attachment. To wash Roman ones, you need to remove metal objects from them. For linen curtains, choose a program with a temperature of 40-60 degrees.

Products with hooks and eyelets should be washed carefully. To avoid removing items, place them in a mesh bag. You can also wash by hand in the bathroom.

Rope thread curtains are a newfangled phenomenon. They decorate windows, doorways, and are used as decoration. These curtains are also called muslin or rain curtains. They are made from synthetic threads. The main difficulty when washing is to prevent the threads from getting tangled.

  1. Without removing the product from the window, tie the threads into a knot or braid it.
  2. Fold the curtains into a mesh bag and place them in the drum of the washing machine.
  3. Select the program for synthetic fabrics.

Having studied the material, you can safely start washing curtains at home. To keep your products less dirty, wet clean the room more often. Follow the recommendations and you will get clean and beautiful curtains.

Washing curtains takes quite a lot of time. The curtain structures must be carefully removed from the hinges, folded, placed in the drum of the washing machine and, having selected the desired mode, start the wash. Then you need to carefully remove the product from the device and hang the fabric on the curtain rod without creasing it. An important point in the entire procedure is the choice of washing mode. After all, most modern curtains are made of synthetic fabrics. And they, as you know, require careful treatment. How to properly wash curtains and tulle? What water temperature should I set and what detergents should I prefer? There are many questions on this topic, and professionals will help you get answers.

Straight models

If the windows are decorated with ordinary curtain products without decorative elements, they can be washed in a washing machine at a temperature of 30-40 0 C. For products made of silk, organza and veil, it is not recommended to use large amounts of detergents. The peculiarity of the materials is that they do not accumulate dust, grease and dirt. In most cases, a simple rinse in cool water is enough to refresh organza, viscose and silk items. How to properly wash curtains made from such fabrics? Manual mode and a minimum of powder will be enough. To preserve the integrity of the delicate fabric, it is recommended to place the curtains in a special bag. Thanks to this technique, the viscose fabric will remain smooth and without flaws.

Natural fabrics

How to wash linen and cotton curtains in a washing machine? If the curtains are linen, a quick washing mode at a temperature of 40 0 ​​C with minimal spin will do the job perfectly. For cotton products, it is allowed to use a special mode for cotton, which provides for cleaning at a temperature of 60 0 C. In both cases, it is allowed to use traditional bulk detergent or gel types of detergents. Dry cotton and linen curtains at room temperature, avoiding the influence of heaters. To ensure that the fabric is smooth and not wrinkled, the curtains should be ironed with a slight dampness.

Tulle curtains

Young housewives don’t know whether curtains can be washed in a washing machine if they are made of tulle fabric? Of course you can. However, it is important to choose the right mode. To prevent the curtain from losing its attractiveness, it is recommended to choose a delicate washing mode. To prevent the product from becoming wrinkled during the process, you need to turn off the spin cycle. After finishing washing, the curtain must be removed from the drum of the washing machine and immediately hung on the curtain rod. During fastening, the tulle dries quickly, while maintaining the evenness of the fabric.

Products with eyelets

Many people rightfully believe that curtains with eyelets are practical. This is true. However, to wash products, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Curtains with eyelets must be placed in a bag before being sent into the drum of the machine. This way you can preserve the integrity of the product and the decorative coating of the rings.
  • The washing mode should be gentle, at a water temperature no higher than 30 0 C.
  • It is better to replace the powder with shampoo or another gel product.
  • The rings are made of cheap plastic, it is better to remove them before washing.

Thread curtains

To wash thread products before putting them into the drum of the machine, they should be tied into several loose knots. This will prevent the threads from tangling during the washing process. You also need to place the product in a special bag. The cleaning mode for such curtains is gentle, with spin at minimum speed. At the end of washing, the thread curtains must be removed from the unit and hung on the curtain rod while wet. After some time, the threads will straighten out and dry.

  • You need to carefully remove curtain products from the curtain rod.
  • Wash in the washing machine only separately, do not mix with other products.
  • For a good wash, the drum should be half full.
  • At what temperature should curtains be washed? Depending on the type of fabric.
  • Products with decorative decorations should be placed in a bag.
  • If you are in doubt about the washing mode, it is better to do it manually.

In conclusion

To understand how to properly wash a curtain, you need to know the type of fabric. You also need to take into account the presence of decorative finishing of the product. For simple models made of natural fabrics, it is recommended to select the washing mode in the washing machine at 40 0 ​​-60 0 C. If the product is made of delicate, synthetic fabric, the best solution is manual or delicate mode. By following simple recommendations, any housewife can easily wash curtains in a washing machine without negative consequences.

Curtains are large panels made of textiles. A lot of dust settles on their surface. After touching, the curtain will not get better either - it will only become even more dirty. For this reason, it is recommended to clean them every six months. Many people are interested in how to wash curtains in a washing machine?

This process takes time. The structure should be carefully removed, folded, placed in the washing drum, the required mode should be determined, and the process activated. After this, the item is carefully removed from the machine and clings to the curtain rod hinges. Particular importance in this matter is given to the choice of mode, since many curtains are made of synthetics and need to be handled with care. Let's figure out how to properly organize the washing of such things.

Frequency and methods of washing

Note that the washing mode is determined by certain factors:

  • Place of residence. If the apartment windows face a busy road, the curtains will get dirty faster. You will have to wash them often.
  • Location of the apartment. Living on the top floor, dust and car exhaust will not reach the windows. For residents of the first floors, the frequency of cleaning will be completely different.
  • Season of the year. If the windows are constantly open, the curtains will collect more dust.

If you take into account all the factors, then you will have to wash such things at least twice a year. The difficulty arises from the question of what material products are allowed to be put into an automatic washing machine. The type of material also affects the temperature at which the washing process will be performed.

There are several options to solve such problems:

  • The curtains can be taken to the dry cleaner. If the fabric is delicate or has designer decorations, then experimenting with it is not recommended;
  • some call cleaning teams to your home. Specialists will do an excellent job of cleaning complex drapes, curtains, decorated with eyelets and lambrequins. Special equipment will allow you to carry out steam cleaning without removing the curtain from the window;
  • Many people prefer to do their own laundry. Let us tell such enthusiasts that the necessary information about the fabric washing process can be studied on product labels.

Before you start washing, you need to clarify which program is best to set. Determine gentle modes and the minimum number of revolutions. There are cases when the spin function is contraindicated for curtains. The optimal water temperature is from thirty to forty degrees. Otherwise, the fabric may become deformed. When washing, it is recommended to use liquid detergents.

Preliminary preparation

Simple manipulations will help facilitate the process of cleaning curtains:

  • before using the washing machine, the curtains are inspected for contamination;
  • grease stains are removed using dishwashing detergents and a foam sponge;
  • After a couple of minutes everything is washed off with water. Dry the damp area to make sure the stain is washed off;
  • If stains are not recognizable by origin, they must be treated with a stain remover. Proceed with caution, having first studied the characteristics of the chemical composition;
  • After completing all procedures, the curtains are soaked with clean water at room temperature. First add a little washing powder to the basin. In case of severe contamination, the procedure can be repeated.

Main rules

In order not to cause harm or break the washing unit, it is recommended to follow certain requirements:

  1. It is recommended to use gentle liquid formulations. Pour them into the tray in small quantities. As a supplement, you can use products that protect the water heater from scale.
  2. Laundry is organized separately from other items. When this is not possible, it is necessary to adhere to the analogy of shades.
  3. Weakly strengthened threads on the curtain are cut off so that they do not clog the working areas of the washing machine.
  4. It is prohibited to exceed the norm for loading the machine. It is recommended to act in strict accordance with the instructions.
  5. Curtains with hooks cannot be washed. They must be disconnected to avoid causing damage to the machine.
  6. The water temperature and washing mode must correspond to the item being washed so as not to spoil its external characteristics.
  7. If you do not want or have the opportunity to iron the curtains after washing, we recommend using a mild conditioner and washing in cool water. Drying is carried out in a straightened state, sunlight entering the product is excluded. It is prohibited to place curtains on a hot radiator or use heating devices.
  8. Curtains are ironed at a temperature appropriate to the material.

Whitening methods

If the curtains have been in use for a long time, they may begin to turn yellow. There are several methods that will help restore them to their former purity.

Oxygen bleach or tint restorer

The use of such compositions is permitted when washing products made from nylon material. The product is poured into the washing machine, or after washing the curtains are soaked in water with its addition.

Ammonia, hydroperite, hydrogen peroxide

They are used to bleach synthetic products. To do this you need:

  • add a spoonful of alcohol, five tablets of hydroperite or two spoons of peroxide to a ten-liter bucket of water;
  • soak the curtains in the resulting solution for about thirty minutes, stir occasionally;
  • All that remains is to rinse the products and allow the water to drain.


It is used for bleaching curtains made of synthetics and tulle:

  • the composition is diluted in water in the amount of two to three drops, salt is added;
  • the curtain, which has passed the washing stage, is lowered into the prepared solution;
  • After waiting for some time, the curtain can be removed from the basin.

The original whiteness can be restored using this product. Four tablespoons of salt are dissolved in five liters of water. Before the main wash, the curtains should be soaked in this solution for about twenty minutes. Washing without spinning and rinsing is performed.

Is it possible to remove difficult stains?

They spoil the appearance of the products and the room as a whole, and create a bad mood for the hostess. There are many different ways to help remove stains of different origins. But general requirements must be met:

  • Pre-remove dust from the surface of stains;
  • the lining on the curtain should be torn off;
  • stains are removed with cotton swabs, the edges are sprinkled with starch;
  • cleaning is carried out from the edge to the center of the contamination;
  • The cleaned area is watered with warm water.

Removing grease stains

It is necessary to remove a grease stain immediately, while it is fresh and easier to deal with. There are several ways to do this:

  • the stain is sprinkled with talcum powder or starch. White paper is placed under the fabric, the stain is sprinkled and left for a day;
  • The pulp of black bread effectively removes grease stains;
  • the stain is removed with chalk or tooth powder;
  • old grease stains are removed with ammonia or glycerin.

Soot removal

Turpentine and soda are great for this. First, a local effect is applied, then the entire item is washed.

The stain is moistened with turpentine, rubbed with a rag, and washed with soapy water. After this, the curtain is washed.

The soot is also removed with turpentine and egg yolk, taken in equal parts. The prepared and heated mixture is used to wipe the old stain, after which the curtain is sent to the wash.

Helps in the fight against soot and soda. It is necessary to dissolve a couple of tablespoons of soda in warm water and treat the stain with dishwasher. The curtain is soaked in the solution for eight hours, then rinsed and dried.

Removing traces of coffee, tea and wine

Often, the curtains become dirty with various drinks, and it is recommended to remove stains from them immediately. Your actions must be fast:

  • the curtain is removed from the cornice;
  • blot the stain with a napkin and treat with alcohol;
  • a solution is prepared - add a spoonful of vinegar and the same amount of dishwashing liquid to one liter of water;
  • Before the main wash begins, the curtain is soaked in this solution for half an hour.

How to protect a curtain from dirt

Today, special hydrophobic coatings applied to the material have been created. With their help, curtains are protected from dirt and dust accumulations. The main advantages are:

  • material with such a coating is less susceptible to abrasion and retains its shade for a long time;
  • any liquids falling on the material are collected in drops and flow off without remaining in the fabric;
  • This type of coating has bactericidal properties.

What to do if the curtains shrink after washing?

Sometimes washing causes the fabric to shrink in length. There are several ways to fix this problem. To do this, you should use one of the recommendations:

  • the bottom hem of the curtain is ripped out and ironed, which will add ten to fifteen centimeters to the curtain;
  • Loops made of similar fabric, thick ribbon or decorative cord are sewn onto the curtain. They can take the form of bows, ties, straps, buttons - it all depends on the interior and fantasies;
  • extension is possible due to a lambrequin or frill sewn along the lower edge;
  • you can arrange transverse inserts from other materials;
  • visual lengthening can be achieved through sewn beads, crystals and other pendants.

Rules for washing certain types of curtains

  1. Velvet curtains. The material is considered capricious and expensive; it must be handled with care. Velvet curtains are washed in a machine on a delicate cycle, the products are laid with the wrong side up, with the pile facing inward. The water temperature should not exceed thirty degrees. If velvet is washed by hand, do not twist the curtain; spin carefully. If all the specifications are observed, the velvet curtain will not need to be ironed. The material does not like to come into contact with water, so the process will have to be completed quickly. The product is dried flat, horizontally, on a flat surface.
  2. Roman curtains. They are easy to clean and wash. The fabric is removed from the hooks, since the vertical cleaning method causes distortion of the fabric. The curtains are carefully rolled up and placed in special bags. Taking into account the composition of the material, the desired washing mode is selected. After rinsing the curtains, do not wring them out; the water should drain naturally. The curtains are hung in their places while still damp. The shapes of the curtains are preserved by the slats inserted into the grooves.
  3. Filament curtains. Before cleaning, they must be braided or tied with ropes in several places. After placing the curtains in bags, they are washed on a delicate cycle or by hand. Then the curtains are hung with damp threads on the curtain rod, straightening the threads.
  4. Blackout curtains. They are considered the easiest to care for. Washing is allowed in any mode, using simple washing powder. There is no desire to iron it - just allow the water to drain. Slightly damp material on the cornice will straighten out on its own.
  5. Linen and cotton curtains. Curtains made from natural materials will withstand washing well if the water temperature does not exceed forty degrees. Linen fabric, even if it has patterns, is not afraid of sixty-degree water temperatures. If you have such a curtain in the kitchen and often get dirty with grease, then you need to wash it with a cotton program at high temperature. To make the ironing process easier, the fabric does not dry out. It should be sent for ironing in a slightly damp state. It is recommended to wash cotton curtains by hand so that the fabric does not lose its shape.
  6. Tulle curtains, organza and silk. Such materials do not tolerate high temperatures. A heated iron or water will immediately leave yellow stains, and it will be difficult to bleach the curtains. For this reason, water at room temperature is used for washing, and drying is carried out in a straightened state. Dirt comes off from such materials quickly; no effort is required. Only the volume of detergent compositions should be limited, because it will be difficult to rinse out the remaining foam. To maintain snow-white tulle, wash it every three to four months of use.
  7. Tapestry. The material is dense and heavy and is difficult to wash. For ease of cleaning, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a brush with dry bristles. For particularly difficult situations, use a steam cleaner or a damp sponge. Cleaning can be done locally without removing the curtain.
  8. Flock. The fine pile of this material perfectly attracts dust particles. And when cleaning is done, the curtains should be treated with an antistatic agent. Cleaning of such products is carried out with a vacuum cleaner, sponge and brush. You must work carefully so as not to damage the monofilaments.
  9. Acrylic, taffeta, viscose. Such products are washed in water at a temperature of forty degrees. The use of a washing machine is permitted. Stains must be removed carefully using special cleaning products.
  10. Nylon. Such products accumulate a large amount of dust and have to be washed regularly. The dust is first shaken out, the canvases are soaked in hot water and soda for an hour and a half. Washing is done by hand, then the items are rinsed. To return the curtains to their whiteness and freshness, it is recommended to add blue to the water at the last stage of rinsing.
  11. Curtains with grommets. They are cleaned responsibly. Modern curtain rings are made from high-quality alloys and do not require special care. The metal grommet cannot be removed from the fabric, as it can easily withstand water treatments in the washing machine, withstanding temperatures up to thirty degrees. If the elements are made of plastic, they must be disconnected or washed by hand. There are several conditions - the curtain is folded into a bag and immediately removed from the drum after washing.
  12. Roller blind. It has a special design, is impregnated, and cannot be easily washed off. It is necessary to take it to the dry cleaner or use the manual method. Stains can be removed with a simple school eraser and wet wipes. You shouldn’t rub the stain too hard, just blot it.

Hand washing method

This process is labor-intensive. But he is given preference. As the most careful. In addition, there are products that cannot be machine washed. There are several rules for hand washing:

  • There should be a sufficient amount of water. It is better to organize washing in the bathtub;
  • washing powder is not poured onto the surface of the fabric - it is diluted first, then the material is immersed in water;
  • products made from thin fabric do not rub or wring out;
  • it is necessary to first test the material for bleach if you plan to use it;
  • It is not recommended to squeeze out the water - it should drain on its own;
  • Salt water is used for soaking and washing.


To organize proper washing of products, it is recommended to know what material they are made of. In addition, the decoration of the curtains is taken into account. Simple models can be washed in a machine, the water temperature of which does not exceed forty degrees. But more delicate products will have to be cleaned by hand. By following simple rules, you can easily wash your curtains without any negative consequences.

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