Diet to speed up metabolism haley pomoroy. A smart diet to restore metabolism

A diet to speed up metabolism is a special nutrition system that does not limit a person’s consumption of their favorite foods.

The point is to improve your metabolism as much as possible.

It is known that a healthy diet and good metabolism are factors that prevent weight gain. It is important to note that the process of losing weight will take place gradually, which will eliminate possible unpleasant consequences (stomach pain, return of lost weight). The main thing is to follow the basic principles of building a diet and include only the “right” foods in it.

Pros and cons of dieting to speed up your metabolism

Like any weight loss system, a diet to speed up metabolism has a number of advantages and some disadvantages.

Main advantages

1. No need to deny yourself your favorite dishes.

2. The diet is balanced, the human body receives vitamins and microelements important for normal functioning.

3. Excess weight goes away gradually, but does not come back.

4. In addition to losing weight, the diet has a rejuvenating effect. Properly selected products regenerate dermal cells, restore elasticity, even out complexion and even prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Some disadvantages

1. The metabolism booster diet is not suitable for those who want to lose weight quickly in a short time.

2. Not suitable for athletes, as they need to get more energy from food for training.

The diet to speed up metabolism is designed for a period of 2 to 3 months. By following all the rules, you can lose up to 10 kg during this period (depending on individual initial parameters).

Diet to speed up metabolism: list of healthy foods

In order to properly organize your diet, you need to know what foods to include in it.

Foods that speed up metabolism

1. Whole grain products. They contain many complex carbohydrates and other beneficial substances. For example, oatmeal and brown rice speed up metabolism without raising insulin levels. When losing weight, this approach will come in handy.

2. It has been proven that if a person wants to lose weight, he should eat 1200 mg of calcium daily. To speed up metabolism, you must include foods containing this microelement in your diet.

3. Caffeine, which is contained in cocoa beans, enhances metabolism.

4. White cabbage.

5. Pears and apples.

6. Citrus fruits and green tea without sweeteners.

7. Omega-3.

8. Plain still water.

It's important not to forgetthat a diet to speed up metabolism will give the best effect if you combine the right diet with minimal physical activity. It has been proven that walking 30 minutes every day can help you lose 1 kg in a month.

What mistakes lead to a slowdown in metabolic processes?

If a person decides to start following a diet to speed up his metabolism, he needs to protect himself from some mistakes that slow down his metabolism.

1. Overeating. You should not be allowed to eat more than 400 kcal in one meal. There is a little secret. If you put your hands together and look at the volume of your palms, this will be exactly the amount of food that will enter your stomach. Everything else will be an excess, which will slow down the metabolism.

2. Fasting will never help you lose weight - it is only a temporary effect. The excess weight will begin to come back within a few days. In addition, metabolic processes will be disrupted, which will negatively affect your overall health.

3. A cup of natural coffee in the morning will be useful; the drink stimulates the functioning of the nervous system. Lack of caffeine slows down metabolic processes.

4. You should not drink only warm drinks, as they slow down your metabolism.

5. Lack of protein foods, vitamin D, proteins, iron.

6. It has been proven that fast foods and other junk foods contribute to the development of a predisposition to obesity. Chemical compounds in the composition negatively affect health and slow down metabolic processes.

Diet to speed up metabolism: diet for 7 days

Based on the list of foods that are beneficial and “destructive” for metabolism, it will not be so difficult to create a diet for yourself. A sample menu for the week will help you coordinate and find the right direction on the path to health and weight loss.

Sample diet menu to speed up metabolism


1. Morning. 100 grams of muesli, you can add a green apple grated on a fine grater.

2. Lunch. Vegetable puree soup and a piece of boiled chicken meat without skin.

3. Dinner. Steamed vegetables and a few fish cakes.

4. If you want to have a snack, it is better to eat natural yoghurt without sweeteners or drink a glass of kefir.


1. Breakfast. Lunch made from one egg and a small amount of champignons. It is advisable not to salt the dish.

2. Lunch. 50 grams of boiled turkey fillet and a vegetable side dish (without adding potatoes).

3. Dinner. A salad of fresh vegetables, it is advisable to add celery to it, as it perfectly starts metabolic processes.

4. Citrus fruits are allowed for snacks - oranges, grapefruits.


1. Morning. Toast (necessarily from rye bread), green tea or a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

2. Lunch. Baked potatoes with olive oil and hot spices, a piece of boiled fish.

3. Evening. A very satisfying and healthy dish - broccoli with salmon, baked in the oven in a sleeve.

4. Green apples are allowed for a snack, and a glass of kefir before bed.


1. Morning. One boiled egg (soft-boiled) and green tea.

2. Day. Classic Greek salad dressed with olive oil.

3. Evening. Broccoli with hard cheese, baked in the oven.

4. Fresh carrots are allowed for a snack.


1. Morning. Fresh low-fat cottage cheese, it will be good to add a little honey and fresh berries.

2. Day. Boiled chicken fillet without skin.

3. Evening. Baked salmon fillet and vegetable side dish.

4. For a snack, 100 grams of nuts (eat in small portions throughout the day).


1. Morning. Low fat cottage cheese seasoned with green onions and dill.

2. Lunch. Puree soup made from broccoli.

3. Dinner. Vegetable side dish and boiled hake fillet (total portion 200 grams).

4. For a snack, green apples.


1. Morning. Oatmeal cooked in water with a little honey.

2. Lunch. Sushi – one serving (6 pieces).

3. Evening. Shish kebab made from chicken fillet, salad from seasonal vegetables.

4. Snack – kefir 1% fat.

Important nuances and rules for organizing a diet to speed up metabolism

1. Under no circumstances should you skip breakfast. The first meal in the morning should be nutritious, saturating the body with energy for the whole day.

2. It is no secret that you need to drink 2 liters of liquid per day. When dieting to speed up metabolism, this is especially important, since a lack of fluid leads to a slowdown in metabolism.

3. You can’t eat a lot at once. If a person really wants to speed up his metabolism, he needs to accustom himself to eating 5-6 times a day in small portions.

4. Proper rest is important for the normal functioning of the body. If a person is constantly lacking sleep, this will negatively affect his health.

5. It is necessary to accustom yourself to minimal physical activity. For example, this could be exercise in the morning or going to a fitness club or visiting the pool.

6. Bad habits away! This includes not only smoking and alcohol, but also eating fast food. All fast food contains a huge amount of poisons that slow down the metabolism.

7. If there are no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to season food with hot seasonings, as they also help speed up metabolism. However, you can’t overdo it with them either.

A diet to speed up metabolism is a nutritional principle that should become the life credo of a person who wants to stay slim and healthy always. It’s not difficult to follow the basic rules, the main thing is to set a clear goal and tune in to the result. After just a few weeks, there will be a noticeable improvement in overall well-being, excess weight will begin to disappear, and the condition of the skin will improve.

16/11/2015 00:55

People who are overweight often hide behind the phrase “I have a slow metabolism.” But a slow metabolism is not always a problem for excess weight.

Sometimes a person misinterprets the meaning of the word metabolism. We constantly come across this term, but we know practically nothing about it. It's time to correct this information gap!

What factors influence metabolic rate?

Metabolism is the process of converting nutrients that enter the body along with food into energy (calories).

The intensity of this transformation depends on the following factors:

  1. Heredity- if your relatives suffered from a slow metabolism and excess weight, then you will most likely also be susceptible to this phenomenon.
  2. Diet— accelerated metabolism directly depends on nutrition. Below we will describe in detail what this means.
  3. Diet- improperly selected food products can cause a slow metabolism.
  4. Physical exercise— physical activity normalizes metabolism in the body.
  5. Dream— 7-8 hours of sleep daily is enough for the body to absorb nutrients and ensure the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Mental well-being- Nervous stress increases the risk of metabolic failure.
  7. Chronic diseases- metabolic disorders, galactosemia, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, as well as diabetes mellitus disrupt the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism.

Is it possible to speed up metabolism in just 1 month with the help of nutrition and sports?

The metabolic process primarily depends on nutrition and physical activity. With the help of sports, you increase muscle mass and burn fat. The more muscle you build, the faster you burn fat. The more fat mass you lose, the faster you will lose weight and, accordingly, speed up your metabolism.

Even moderate physical activity of 20-30 minutes a day, such as running or walking, can provide effective metabolism.

If you want to speed up your metabolism through sports, then you should understand that fat accumulation is processed only when there is a sufficient amount of oxygen in the body. If there is not enough oxygen, then glucose will be processed to form lactic acid. Excess of this substance can lead to rapid fatigue.

The acceleration of the metabolic process also depends on the intensity of physical activity - the higher the activity, the more oxygen you consume, and the more intensely you burn calories.

On a note! Aerobic exercise won't build muscle, but it will speed up your metabolism for several hours after you finish your workout. High-intensity exercise provides a longer-lasting metabolic boost than passive exercise.

A special diet and proper diet can activate the metabolic process in a short time.

Make yourself a rule:

  1. Drink more water. This product is involved in all biochemical processes of the body, so water also affects the metabolic rate. And remember that coffee, tea and carbonated drinks not only do not fill the body with water, but can also lead to dehydration. After drinking one of these drinks, your body loses more water than you drank. Moderate your consumption of these drinks and drink more clean water.
  2. Eat small meals (5-6 times a day). It is easier and faster for the body to digest a small amount of food than a lot of food at one time.
  3. Always have breakfast. Never skip your morning meal, because it starts the process of digestion and metabolism. With a good breakfast, your body works like a clock.
  4. There are citrus fruits. Lemons, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits are sources of citric acid, and they play a crucial role in the body's energy cycle, which is the intersection of metabolic pathways.
  5. Eat foods containing Omega-3. Omega-3 acids normalize the level of the hormone leptin in the body, which affects the rate of processing of fat mass. A sufficient amount of these acids will increase the fat burning process.
  6. Don't follow very strict diets. Yes, eating this way can help you lose excess weight, but along with the pounds you will lose muscle mass, and this loss will slow down your metabolism.

Products to speed up metabolism

Products that promote intensive processing of substances in the body:

  • Water. We have already mentioned this product. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to speed up your metabolism.
  • Hot peppers. This product contains the substance capsaicin, which speeds up metabolism. Regular consumption of hot peppers along with other foods triggers metabolism and increases the rate of food processing by 25%.
  • Low fat dairy products. They are loaded with calcium and vitamin D, which help build muscle to keep your metabolism healthy.
  • Some types of fatty fish (trout, mackerel, sardines, salmon)- the same fish oil, also known as omega-3, the best “fuel” for burning calories and accelerating metabolism.
  • Almond. Nuts contain a lot of natural protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other beneficial substances. They give you a feeling of fullness, so they can be consumed as a snack.
  • Natural ground coffee. A cup of natural coffee speeds up metabolism by 8-10%. But don’t get carried away with this drink - as you already know, it removes water from the body.
  • Cabbage (cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli). There is a lot of cabbage, which helps cleanse the intestines and speed up metabolism.
  • Oatmeal. Porridge in the morning gives you a boost of energy for the whole day. It contains a large amount of fiber and starts metabolism.
  • Spinach. Contains B vitamins, as well as dietary fiber, which contribute to its rapid digestion.
  • Ginger. It contains beneficial fatty acids that stimulate the metabolic rate.
  • Lemon. Cleanses the digestive system and speeds up its functioning.
  • Soups. They quickly saturate the body, protecting us from overeating. The feeling of hunger disappears for several hours.

What foods slow down your metabolism?

Metabolism slows down:

  • Refined and simple carbohydrates- these are bakery and pasta products, soda, sweets. By consuming carbohydrates, sugar is quickly absorbed and metabolism deteriorates. These foods contain empty calories and, if consumed in excess, contribute to excess weight.
  • Trans fats- butter, mayonnaise, fast food, canned food, semi-finished products. These products are poorly digested by the body, slow down metabolism and increase cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Pesticides- found in some store-bought vegetables and fruits. Pesticides reduce the rate at which the body burns fat and may cause weight gain. It is impossible to determine “by eye” in a store which products contain pesticides and which do not. Therefore, before eating, thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits, or better yet, remove the skins - this is where a large number of harmful chemicals are retained.

The following foods should also be excluded from your daily diet:

  • White bread, butter and puff pastry.
  • Strong broths, milk soups with pasta, rice or semolina, potato soups, cereal soups with pasta, first courses of legumes.
  • Fatty meats and fish, fatty sausages, smoked meats, canned meat and fish.
  • Fat cottage cheese, cream, salty cheese.
  • Meat and cooking fats.
  • Rice, semolina, pasta.
  • Salted and pickled vegetables.
  • Grapes, bananas.
  • Raisins, figs, dates.
  • Sugar, candy, jam, honey, ice cream, jelly.
  • Fatty and hot sauces, mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish, herbs and spices.
  • Grape and other sweet juices, cocoa, chocolate, sweet kvass, alcohol.

All of these foods slow down your metabolism to one degree or another and turn into fat folds on your body.

Pros and cons of the mode

Nutritionists say that metabolism slows down due to strict diets. Limiting the consumption of many foods slows down the activity of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for burning body fat.

A person who constantly exhausts himself with hunger strikes either loses or gains weight. And in order to lose weight without returning to your previous weight, you need to restore normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and stabilize the metabolic process.

The undeniable advantages of a diet that improves metabolism include:

  • The opportunity not to test your body with hunger strikes.
  • Highly effective weight loss.
  • Diet variety.

Nutritionists have not identified any serious disadvantages to the nutritional method for accelerating metabolism.

Who can and who can't follow a diet to speed up their metabolism?

The metabolism stimulation diet has contraindications, like any other diet.

This diet should not be followed by people suffering from diseases of internal organs or in the event of tumors appearing in the body. Accelerated metabolism can cause tumors to transform into malignant ones, as well as aggravate oncological diseases. Before starting such a diet, it is better to consult a specialist.

How to combine sports and diet to speed up metabolism?

It’s very easy to combine physical activity and a diet to speed up your metabolism. Products in the diet are aimed at increasing muscle mass and replenishing missing vitamins and minerals in the body. But by themselves they cannot complete the muscle building function. But physical activity, in addition to proper nutrition, will build muscle mass, burn excess fat and speed up the metabolism in the body.

If you are not a fan of active physical activity, then choose calmer options, such as yoga, shaping or swimming. They are also effective and stimulate the metabolic process, like running or aerobics.

Menu for 7 days


Breakfast. Scrambled eggs from two eggs, a cup of coffee without sugar.
Dinner. Vegetable soup with 1 tsp. low-fat sour cream, 1/4 cup stewed beans, 1 slice of rye bread.
Afternoon snack. 1 orange.
Dinner. Boiled meat with stewed cabbage, fresh apple compote without sugar.


Breakfast. Cottage cheese casserole with apples, green tea without sugar.
Dinner. Chicken fillet baked with spicy seasonings, arugula and celery, tomato and asparagus salad.
Afternoon snack. A glass of low-fat yogurt.
Dinner. .


Breakfast. Rye bread toast with salmon.
Dinner. Vegetable puree soup, turkey fillet marinated in citrus juice, garnished with carrots, broccoli and orange slices.
Afternoon snack. 2 apples.
Dinner. Cabbage rolls stuffed with vegetables.


Breakfast. A glass of low-fat kefir, a slice of rye bread, green tea.
Dinner., vegetable salad of celery, peppers and tomatoes.
Afternoon snack. Half a chicken egg, fresh cabbage and carrot salad.
Dinner. Baked potato with tuna.


Breakfast. Muesli with apple, cup of coffee without sugar.
Dinner. Vegetable stew with boiled beef, broccoli and red bell pepper salad.
Afternoon snack. A glass of low-fat yogurt.
Dinner. Vegetable stew.

The metabolic diet allows you to change the hormonal balance of the body. The dietary technique is aimed at suppressing the production of hormones that contribute to an increase in fat reserves, and activating hormones that enhance the breakdown of fats.
It includes all the nutrients, so it is complete and safe. You can follow it unlimitedly if you wish.

The main thing in it is the distribution of products throughout the day. Breakfast can consist of carbohydrate foods (complex carbohydrates) and is higher in calorie content (in this case, points). Then the calorie content of the food is gradually reduced and any carbohydrates are excluded for dinner and only low-calorie protein dishes and vegetables are recommended.

This dietary technique can be used by healthy individuals who want to lose weight, as well as metabolic syndrome . This is a symptom complex that combines metabolic disorders that arise against the background and are caused by impaired carbohydrate metabolism. The patient may experience insulin resistance (decreased sensitivity of tissues to the action) and increased levels of insulin in the blood. In addition to disorders of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, there is also increased. We can say that metabolic syndrome is a set of metabolic and hormonal disorders and this diet helps to normalize them to one degree or another.

Basic principles of the diet:

  • All food products are divided into groups according to calorie content using a point system (shown in the table below). The lower the score, the lower the caloric content and the ability of the product to be stored as fat. To create a diet, foods are added up to the number of points allowed for a particular meal.
  • You can eat food for fewer points, but do not exceed it.
  • Points are not added if you skip, for example, second breakfast or afternoon tea; they cannot be added to lunch or dinner.
  • The break between meals is no more than 3 hours.
  • The total volume of food per meal is 250 ml.
  • On an empty stomach you need to drink 1 glass of water.
  • The last meal is 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink 2-2.5 liters of liquid daily.
  • Take a multivitamin complex. General nutritional rules are:
  • Exclusion of fried foods (boiling and baking are allowed).
  • Limited consumption of salt and processed foods.
  • The predominance of vegetables and fruits, cereals, cottage cheese and fermented milk products in the diet.
  • Lean meat dishes should be consumed once a day, other meals should be replaced with fish dishes and eggs.
  • Including whole grain bread and bran bread in your diet.

During the entire period of being on a dietary diet, you need to monitor your well-being and in case of severe weakness, darkening of the eyes, severe sweating, you should drink sweet tea or eat a spoonful of honey.
The program consists of three sequentially executed periods (or phases):

  • The first one is fat burning.
  • The second is stabilizing.
  • The third is a consolidating result (maintaining the achieved weight).

“Maximum fat burning” period

Excess weight is lost quickly. The stage is tough, since the food does not contain simple carbohydrates, and only 1 tbsp of fat is allowed. olive oil for all dishes. Its duration is no more than 10-14 days, but with poor tolerance it is reduced (depending on how you feel, in each case differently).

During this period, products containing 0 points and an additional 1 tbsp are allowed. vegetable oil. The basis of the diet is protein foods (low-fat meat and dairy products) and fiber (due to the consumption of fresh vegetables).

"Stable fat burning"

This is the main and long period, the duration of which is determined by the person losing weight, and upon achieving the desired weight, you can move on to the third stage. During this time, rapid but stable weight loss occurs without harm to health.

The nutritional value of products is distributed as follows:

  • Breakfast (8.00 - 10.00) - allowed to score 4 points.
  • Second breakfast (11.00 - 12.00) is 2 points.
  • Lunch (14.00 - 15.00) - also 2 points.
  • Afternoon snack (16.00 - 18.00) - only 1 point.
  • Dinner (18.00 - 20.00) - 0 points.

How to calculate points correctly?

For example, if you eat 4 points, you can get the required amount in different ways:

  • A product from the four-point section is supplemented by a 0-point product.
  • You can take a three-point product and a one-point product, and also add “zero” if you wish.
  • Two products from the 2-point list.
  • Please note that the total amount of food should be no more than 250 ml (one glass).
  • It is advisable to choose products with a lower score and combine them.

Third period “Weight maintenance”

Actually, this is a healthy eating style that must be adhered to constantly. During this period, products are gradually added to the products of the second phase. At first, you can add one point to each meal, but not to dinner. It is important to track your weight changes over a week. If you continue to lose weight, then the next week you can add an additional point to all meals, again excluding dinner. When weight loss stops, you can leave the nutrition system as is. If you notice that the weight is returning - remove 1 point back until the weight meets your requirements.

The main advantage of the diet is that it is designed to “start” metabolism:

  • To accelerate metabolism, the first stage of the diet is carried out, which is a kind of shake-up for the body and fat deposits are quickly burned.
  • Proper distribution of foods (no carbohydrates for dinner) stimulates the release of somatotropin, a hormone that stimulates protein synthesis and enhances lipolysis (the use of fatty acids from fat depots as an energy source).
  • By not taking carbohydrates in the afternoon, or by not eating after 6 p.m., glycogen reserves in the liver are depleted and the body switches to using fat as an energy source. Therefore, the maximum amount of fat is burned during sleep.
  • Limiting carbohydrates throughout the day also has a positive effect on metabolism. If excess amounts are supplied, glycogen is not consumed from reserves. And excess glucose will be converted into fat, even if dietary fat is absent from the diet.
  • Vegetables and fruits containing fiber are necessary to improve gastrointestinal function, excretion toxins and unnecessary cholesterol .
  • Eating lean protein foods is necessary for building muscle tissue, tissue renewal, functioning of the immune and hormonal systems, and not for replenishing “fat reserves.”
  • The diet can be used for lipid metabolism disorders, since it contains low-fat foods, low cholesterol, and a lot of vegetables.
  • Drinking plenty of water has a positive effect on metabolism and removing toxins from the body.

Thus, this diet program allows you to get rid of fat deposits, since all the factors necessary to restore metabolism are taken into account.

To speed up your metabolism, you need to increase physical activity. During exercise, more calories are burned and even a few hours after exercising, your metabolism is increased. The more intense the training, the higher the level of metabolic processes, the faster the process of weight normalization will occur.

Metabolic Diet Food Chart

For more precise adherence and easier implementation of the diet, a table of products has been compiled, on the basis of which you can create a varied menu to suit your taste.

Points Products
  • eggs;
  • meat - chicken breast, turkey, rabbit;
  • seafood and fish;
  • dairy products (2% fat content and below);
  • greens and vegetables (fresh or steamed);
  • lemon and lime;
  • seaweed;
  • green peas;
  • onion and garlic;
  • fiber (finished products);
  • mushrooms;
  • grape and apple cider vinegar;
  • spices, mustard.
  • beans;
  • berries;
  • vegetable juices (freshly squeezed).
  • vegetable oils;
  • boiled vegetables (carrots, beets);
  • bran bread;
  • olives;
  • goat cheese;
  • fruits (sour, sweet and sour);
  • cereals – brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • seeds and nuts, muesli;
  • dairy products (2-4% fat content);
  • beef, veal, chicken, lamb;
  • meat by-products (liver, kidneys, heart).
  • dark chocolate;
  • cheese (hard and processed);
  • freshly squeezed fruit juices;
  • millet;
  • corn;
  • yoghurts with additives;
  • whole grain muesli.
  • dairy products (from 4% fat content);
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • mayonnaise;
  • canned food;
  • potato;
  • semolina;
  • flour;
  • bakery products;
  • pork, duck, goose;
  • milk chocolate;
  • ice cream;
  • confectionery;
  • sugar, jam;
  • condensed milk.

Authorized Products

The lowest calorie and healthiest foods are:

  • Eggs that can be eaten boiled and in the form of omelettes with vegetables.
  • Chicken breast, rabbit, turkey fillet are allowed boiled or baked (without adding oil) with vegetables. When you add oil, the number of points increases.
  • From seafood you can eat shrimp, mussels, squid, octopus and scallops, boiled and baked.
  • Lean fish.
  • Green peas, fresh vegetables, mushrooms, onions, garlic, lettuce, herbs and different types of seaweed.
  • Spices, mustard, horseradish, natural vinegar (grape and apple).
  • Fiber in bags.
  • Lemon, lime - they are used to dress salads, added to vegetable juices to add flavor, and for fans - to tea.
  • Dairy products up to 2% fat.

In second place are berries, boiled beans, and vegetable juices (natural). Berries are consumed in quantities of 100 g if they are used as an additive to cottage cheese. Beans can be eaten as an independent dish or added to salads and vegetable stews.

Boiled carrots and beets have a high glycemic index and are consumed sparingly.

Vegetable oils can be alternated (sunflower, flaxseed, olive, walnuts, grape seeds) and used for dressing salads and ready-made dishes, no more than 1 tablespoon per day. They can also be used for baking.

Nuts and seeds can be used in salads. Olives and olives are also used as additives in dishes.
You can prepare dishes from chicken (other parts, but keep in mind that the calorie content is higher than breasts), veal and beef, as well as lean lamb.

As for by-products, they should be consumed sparingly (as additives to salads) due to their high cholesterol content.

Feta and feta cheese should be given preference over hard cheeses, although they are also allowed.

The preferred cereals are buckwheat, wild rice, and oatmeal (semolina and millet are one rank higher on the list).

Dairy products (4% fat and higher) and sweet yoghurts with additives are also allowed, but their high point system must be taken into account.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

zucchini0,6 0,3 4,6 24
cabbage1,8 0,1 4,7 27
sauerkraut1,8 0,1 4,4 19
cauliflower2,5 0,3 5,4 30
cucumbers0,8 0,1 2,8 15
radish1,2 0,1 3,4 19
tomatoes0,6 0,2 4,2 20
pumpkin1,3 0,3 7,7 28


watermelon0,6 0,1 5,8 25
cherry0,8 0,5 11,3 52
nectarine0,9 0,2 11,8 48
peaches0,9 0,1 11,3 46
plums0,8 0,3 9,6 42
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47


cowberry0,7 0,5 9,6 43
blackberry2,0 0,0 6,4 31
raspberries0,8 0,5 8,3 46
currant1,0 0,4 7,5 43

Cereals and porridges

buckwheat (kernel)12,6 3,3 62,1 313
oat groats12,3 6,1 59,5 342
millet cereal11,5 3,3 69,3 348

Bakery products

Rye bread6,6 1,2 34,2 165
bran bread7,5 1,3 45,2 227
doctor's bread8,2 2,6 46,3 242
whole grain bread10,1 2,3 57,1 295


milk3,2 3,6 4,8 64
kefir3,4 2,0 4,7 51
curdled milk2,9 2,5 4,1 53
acidophilus2,8 3,2 3,8 57
yogurt4,3 2,0 6,2 60

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 0.6% (low fat)18,0 0,6 1,8 88
cottage cheese 1.8% (low-fat)18,0 1,8 3,3 101
cottage cheese 5%17,2 5,0 1,8 121

Meat products

beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187
beef tongue13,6 12,1 0,0 163
veal19,7 1,2 0,0 90
rabbit21,0 8,0 0,0 156


chicken16,0 14,0 0,0 190
turkey19,2 0,7 0,0 84


chicken eggs12,7 10,9 0,7 157

Oils and fats

corn oil0,0 99,9 0,0 899
olive oil0,0 99,8 0,0 898
sunflower oil0,0 99,9 0,0 899

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
black tea without sugar0,1 0,0 0,0 -

Juices and compotes

carrot juice1,1 0,1 6,4 28
plum juice0,8 0,0 9,6 39
tomato juice1,1 0,2 3,8 21
pumpkin juice0,0 0,0 9,0 38
rose hip juice0,1 0,0 17,6 70
Apple juice0,4 0,4 9,8 42

* data is per 100 g of product

Fully or partially limited products

There are no prohibited products as such. But, if you constantly eat foods rated 4 points, then you will return to your usual diet and there will be no weight loss. Of course, what should be excluded from the diet (if quick results are desired) or sharply limited and rarely consumed are the following foods:

  • fast carbohydrates: baked goods, condensed milk, sweet desserts, sugar, sweets, chocolate, ice cream;
  • potatoes, white bread;
  • It is not advisable to frequently consume sweet juices and packaged dried fruits (only to a limited extent);
  • fatty meats, fish and dairy products;
  • sausage, lard, canned food in oil, frankfurters and other products with preservatives;
  • semolina and pasta;
  • Avoid fried foods and the use of hot sauces and mayonnaise, which stimulate the appetite.

Menu (Power Mode)

Since the second phase of the diet is the longest (if necessary, it can be followed continuously), therefore, a weekly menu is provided for the “Stable fat burning” phase. Only at first it will seem difficult to count points, but then you will easily navigate the products and in a few days you will have a diet that is acceptable to you and easy to implement. The menu can be made complete and varied.









“Single point” dishes

Tomato, boiled breast, red beans, lettuce, spices, lemon juice, onion.

Chop tomatoes, chicken breast, add boiled beans, spices, onions. Season with lemon juice or wine vinegar.

Stewed eggplants with tomatoes, green beans

Eggplant, tomato, green beans, dill, garlic, salt, pepper.

Cut the eggplants, add salt and squeeze out the bitterness after a while. Remove the skins from the tomatoes and chop finely. Place the eggplants and beans in a saucepan with a little water. Cover with a lid and simmer. A few minutes before readiness, add tomatoes, garlic, salt, dill, and pepper. To enhance the taste, you can add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

“Two-point” dishes

Greek salad

Tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, Feta cheese, olives, olive oil, lemon juice, basil, pepper.

Prepare a dressing of spices, lemon juice and oil. Randomly cut tomatoes, cucumber, onion, cheese into cubes. Stir, pour over dressing, garnish with olives and basil.

Casserole of green beans, eggs and herbs

Green beans, eggs, vegetable oil, spices, spinach, green onions, parsley (dill), salt.

Boil the beans, add chopped green onions, parsley, spinach, spices, vegetable oil and salt. Place in a small pan, pour in the egg mixture and bake.

"Three-point" dishes

Turkey fillet, salt, spices, dill, hard cheese.

Prepare minced meat from the fillet, add spices to taste, your favorite herbs, add a little salt, taking into account that cheese will be added to the minced meat. Cut the hard cheese into cubes and add to the minced meat. Mix everything well, form cutlets and bake them in the oven. If desired, the cheese can be placed in the form of a block in the middle of the cutlet mass and formed into a cutlet.

Crab salad with corn and herbs

Crab meat (crab sticks), frozen or canned corn, cucumber, green onions, any greens, low-fat sour cream, salt.

Chop the crab meat and cucumber, add cooked corn, herbs and low-fat sour cream, and add salt.

"Four-point" dishes

Potatoes, champignons, vegetable oil, onions, salt, pepper, dill, cheese.

Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel and cut into slices. Sauté the onion in vegetable oil, add chopped mushrooms, salt and pepper and cook until done. Lay out the potatoes, salt and pepper, sprinkle with herbs. Place a layer of mushrooms on top, then another layer of potatoes. Bake in the oven, sprinkle with grated cheese a few minutes before ready.

Oatmeal porridge with berries

Boil oatmeal in water in the usual way, adding a little salt. Before serving, add any seasonal berries to the porridge.

Advantages and disadvantages

Metabolic diet, reviews and results

This diet involves a varied diet, based on foods with a low glycemic index. Reviews about the metabolic diet are mostly positive. Many have appreciated the effectiveness of the diet; it is easily tolerated, there is no feeling of hunger, and the weight is slowly reduced.

Reviews from doctors are also positive. Here are some tips and tricks:

  • A diet to speed up metabolism is balanced and can be followed over a long period of time in order to change a person’s eating behavior. It provides optimal weight loss, an average of 3-4 kg per month.
  • It is advisable to keep a food diary, which helps to estimate the amount of food consumed. The use of fasting and hypocaloric diets is of course more effective in terms of weight loss, but subsequently they cause increased weight gain.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, stage I is prohibited. It is not advisable for those persons who experience excessive physical and mental stress to observe it. It should be used with caution in case of diabetes and other endocrine diseases.
  • In the first weeks, unpleasant sensations may appear in the form of flatulence .
  • Increasing physical activity is the simplest and most effective means of losing weight, especially if you have insulin resistance. Regular physical activity reduces it by increasing the absorption of glucose by muscles. Regular physical activity (swimming, gardening) leads to an improvement in all laboratory parameters for metabolic syndrome and is accompanied by weight loss.
  • Low-intensity exercises are the safest and most effective in the first phase of the diet: walking, Pilates or yoga.
  • The main thing is that a person must develop sustainable motivation for long-term compliance with recommendations on dietary nutrition and physical activity, then the effect will be better.

Have you ever asked someone the question, “How can you eat so much and still stay in such good shape?” Then you know the most popular answer to it: “I have a fast metabolism!”
What do we really know about metabolism and how can we use science to our advantage? Try this extremely effective diet to rev up your metabolism.

The Link Between Metabolism and Weight Loss

Metabolism is the rate at which our body converts food into bone, blood, fat and muscle. The faster your metabolism, the faster nutrients are converted into energy. Slow metabolism, on the contrary, promotes the retention of nutrients in the body, which leads to the accumulation of fatty tissue.

How does the metabolism boost diet work?

This diet increases your metabolic rate by changing your daily intake. By consuming diet-approved foods for one week, a person achieves optimal metabolic levels, which helps in rapid weight loss.
Our body must constantly receive fuel, so our metabolism slows down when we sleep because the body senses that the fuel supply has stopped. This is why we constantly hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day: in the morning, during breakfast, our internal engine starts again after fasting overnight.
The idea of ​​a metabolism boost diet is to constantly supply our body with the right fuel so that our engine can burn fuel quickly and continue to run while burning stored fat.

Stage one: Monday and Tuesday

The process of losing weight on a diet to accelerate metabolism takes place in three stages. The first stage, which lasts two days, involves consuming plenty of the right carbohydrates and fruits. It is recommended to eat fruits that are high in sugar, such as pineapples, melons, watermelons and grapes. Proper carbohydrates are also needed at this stage, which can be obtained from brown rice, sweet potatoes and rice noodles. Do not neglect proteins, among which preference is best given to egg whites, chicken, turkey, lean beef and white fish. And, of course, vegetables should also be in the diet.
In the first two days of the diet, it is recommended to eat as follows. For breakfast, you can eat hot brown rice porridge and a large bowl of sweet fruit. After a few hours, you can snack on a piece of fruit, such as kiwi, or a piece of melon or watermelon. For lunch, it is recommended to eat a salad of grilled chicken and any vegetables you have on hand. Tomatoes, red peppers, and carrots work well. The salad can be dressed with balsamic vinegar. You can eat fruit for an afternoon snack. For dinner, prepare grilled beef filet, sweet potatoes, and steamed asparagus or broccoli.

Stage two: Wednesday and Thursday

During the second stage of the diet, any fruits, as well as fats, are strictly prohibited. At this time, you can already notice some weight loss. The menu consists only of natural proteins and vegetables. The beauty of this stage is that your body, due to a strict no-fat diet, begins to open up its own fat stores.
At this stage, egg whites, chicken, turkey, beef and vegetables are allowed in large quantities. These two days may seem hard, but you have to stick it out because they are very important for the diet to work.
At the second stage, the menu should be something like this. For breakfast, you can eat an egg white omelet with bell pepper. After a few hours, you can snack on a tomato or dried meat. For lunch, it is recommended to eat a piece of turkey and a large portion of steamed vegetables, such as broccoli, green beans or asparagus. Two boiled egg whites for an afternoon snack will help you hold on until dinner. For dinner, steam white fish with bell peppers, and eat as much vegetable salad as you can.

Stage three: Friday - Sunday

Rejoice, because at this stage you are allowed to consume healthy fats, carbohydrates, and fruits. But please note that it is forbidden to eat fruits containing large amounts of sugar, which you could eat in the first stage.
Salads can be seasoned with virgin vegetable oil. You can add foods that contain healthy fats to your diet, such as avocados, whole eggs and nuts. The third stage launches metabolism in full force. It is at this stage that the greatest number of kilograms are lost.
These days, for breakfast, eat toast with a few drops of vegetable oil, an omelette of two egg whites and one whole egg with vegetables. After a few hours, you can snack on half an avocado, a hummus sandwich, or a carrot. For lunch, eat tuna salad with celery, carrots, cilantro, dressed with light mayonnaise. You can treat yourself to fresh berries. For an afternoon snack, it is advisable to eat a dozen almonds. A good dinner option would be grilled salmon and sweet potatoes and a big bowl of salad.

Proper weight loss is a very responsible task, which is not so easy to cope with. A careful study of various diets confirms the serious problems associated with organizing a diet for further weight loss. A detailed description of an effective metabolic diet allows everyone to try to get rid of extra pounds, and subsequently consolidate the results.

Basic diet rules for starting metabolism
The metabolic diet has a positive effect on the hormonal system and accelerates metabolic processes. As a result, a high level of efficiency is guaranteed.

All products are divided into two groups, taking into account their effect on hormones. As a result, fat can be absorbed and excreted from the body. At the same time, normalization of metabolic processes helps prevent further weight gain.

In order to follow a diet, you just need to know the points of products and the specifics of their use. A simple diet to start your metabolism allows you to achieve the desired result without any extra effort and become the owner of an ideal figure.

  • Authorized Products
  • What not to eat on a diet
  • Menu for the week
  • Scrambled eggs (0 points)
  • Bean salad
  • Greek salad
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Quitting the diet
  • Reviews and results
  • Diet price

Authorized Products

In fact, there are practically no prohibited foods, but the diet menu for starting metabolism includes permitted foods that can speed up metabolic processes in the shortest possible time. By giving preference to certain foods, you can guarantee maximum benefits for your figure and a guaranteed supply of all the necessary nutritional components.

So, the following products have 0 points:

Low fat fish and meat;
dairy products with zero fat content;
cottage cheese;
canned green peas;
grape and apple cider vinegar.

The following food products received one point each:

Natural juices based on vegetables;
fresh and frozen berries.

The following food products received two points:

Vegetable oils;
dairy products up to four percent fat;
wild rice;
buckwheat grain;
feta and cheese;
boiled beets and carrots;
bran bread;
unsweetened fruits.

If you study the table of metabolic diet products, you can make sure that the diet can be nutritious.

What not to eat on a diet

Products with three points can be consumed only in limited quantities:

sweet yoghurts with the addition of berries and fruits;
hard and processed cheeses;
natural dark chocolate;
fruit juices.

Minimize the consumption of the following products:

sweet soda;
fat meat;
dairy products with a fat content exceeding four percent;
canned fish;
premium flour;
pastries, cakes;
dried fruits;
sweet fruit juices;
condensed milk;
granulated sugar;

Thus, you need to give up foods that actually turn out to be quite dangerous for your figure and metabolic processes.

Menu for the week

There is no menu for every day according to the metabolic diet, since each person can independently decide on their diet. You just need to follow the table. However, it is possible to understand which menu is most suitable.

So, after waking up, it is advisable to drink still water. It is enough to drink 250 milliliters of water. After this, you are expected to follow a special diet menu for a week to start your metabolism.


250 grams of oatmeal, cooked with low-fat milk and with the addition of berries;
a glass of low-fat milk.

medium sized pear;
medium sized green apple.

beef meat;
vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack:
low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese;
fresh berries.

fried eggs.

It is noted that you can eat no more than three hundred grams at a time. In this case, it is advisable to drink two liters per day. If you need to lose 7 kg in a week, a metabolism jumpstart diet can be effective. If you adhere to the right diet, a high level of effectiveness is guaranteed and the maximum possible benefits for the body are maintained.

Metabolic Diet Recipes

A detailed description and menu of the metabolic diet will allow you to understand how you can quickly lose excess weight. Initially, you can use the available recipes.

Scrambled eggs (0 points)

This dish is considered quite healthy.


100 grams of champignons;
green pea;
2 eggs;
olive oil;
one bay leaf;
parsley, ground black pepper, salt - to taste.

The champignons are finely chopped and fried. After this, peel the tomatoes and cut into slices. Chop the onion and garlic and fry in a frying pan. Add spices, tomatoes, mushrooms.

Pour in water and bring to a boil. Remove the bay leaf. Place asparagus and green peas. Break the eggs into the frying pan.

The pan with the ingredients is covered with foil and sent to the oven for baking. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with finely chopped parsley.

Bean salad


1 tomato;
250 grams of chicken breast;
100 grams of red beans;
green salad;

Tomatoes and lettuce leaves are chopped. The chicken breast is cut and simmered until cooked over low heat, cooled and finely chopped.

The beans are boiled and cooled. All ingredients are mixed. The salad is seasoned with chopped parsley and spices.

Greek salad


Olive oil;
natural lemon juice;
ground black pepper;
1 tomato;
Red onion;
capsicum green pepper;
half a cucumber;
100 grams of feta cheese;
garlic clove;

Initially, prepare the dressing: olive oil, chopped garlic, lemon juice and your favorite spices.

After this, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, sweet bell pepper, feta cheese and olives are cut. All ingredients are mixed.

The menu for every day for a diet to start metabolism can be compiled taking into account personal taste preferences. A variety of recipes allow you to create a menu based on the availability of products and your own wishes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The metabolic diet has serious benefits:
There is no need to count the calorie content of food eaten.
The ability to include your favorite foods in your diet.
Proper menu planning allows you to plan a protein dish for dinner. As a result, metabolic processes are accelerated to ensure the removal of fat deposits.
A balanced nutrition system allows you to receive all the necessary nutritional components.
The effectiveness of the diet for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases is guaranteed.
There is no laxative effect.

Reviews of the diet to start metabolism confirm the possibility of losing weight with amazing ease.

However, the diet has a serious disadvantage for people who are worried about their figure. Losing weight will take a lot of time. In a week you can usually lose only up to one kilogram.

Quitting the diet

The metabolic diet includes three stages, each of which is important for successful weight loss.

Initially, it is supposed to shake up the body by burning excess fat. This stage takes place over several weeks. It is assumed that only those products that have 0 points will be included in the diet. To support the body, it is advisable to use a vitamin complex.

At the second stage, the initial results are consolidated. It is assumed that 5 meals a day are required only at certain hours. You can only earn a certain number of points for each meal.

It is expected to focus on the following principles:

1. Breakfast. No more than four points. You need to have breakfast at 8 – 10 am.
2. Lunch. Two points are allowed. Second breakfast is at 11 - 12 noon.
3. Lunch. Allowed to eat 2 points. In this case, you need to have lunch at 14-15 hours.
4. Afternoon snack. This meal is worth 1 point. They eat at 16-18 hours.
5. Dinner. Any points must be waived. They eat at 18:00 – 20:00. To improve metabolic processes, it is advisable to focus on protein foods.

The third stage of the metabolic diet involves consolidating the achieved results. This output suggests the possibility of adding points. However, dinner must still include 0 points. Subsequently, after a week you can add an additional point.

After weight loss stops, you should return to the following indications:

Breakfast – 5 points;
lunch and dinner – 3 points each;
afternoon snack – 2 points;
dinner – 0 points.

Otherwise there are no restrictions.

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