Maria Sharapova: biography and personal life. Maria Sharapova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Hometown of Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova is a famous Russian tennis player, a highly paid athlete and winner of many sports awards. In this article we will tell you the most interesting facts from the life of a celebrity.


Biography of Maria Sharapova

1. Born on April 19. 1987 in the city of Nyagan. She began to get involved in tennis at the age of 4, when her family moved to live in Sochi. At the age of 6 she began playing sports professionally. Close family friends saw extraordinary abilities in the girl and immediately recommended sending her to the American Tennis Academy. In 1995, the Sharapov family moved permanently to the United States, where the future star began attending a tennis academy in Florida. The girl worked hard and devoted all her free time exclusively to sports. Her father was her support, support and best friend throughout this time.

Maria Sharapova's career

2. The first participation in full-fledged tournaments took place in 2001. In 2002 and 2003, the girl received her first awards and was recognized as the best beginning player. In 2005, the young star received the title of one of the best tennis players in the world. In 2006, the girl set her own record of 19 fights, in which she won. Real fame came in 2012, when the athlete became a silver medalist at the Summer Olympics.

3. In 2016, the girl was disqualified after doping was detected in her body. Afterwards, Maria held a press conference and made a statement that she had been taking the drug since she was 10 years old and did not know that it was on the list of prohibited drugs. The girl noted that she had no plans to quit the sport; she explained the incident as her own mistake and took all the blame upon herself.

4. The star runs her own business, collaborates with many famous brands, launched a confectionery production, organized her own charitable foundation and participates in several UN programs.

Personal life of Maria Sharapova

5. The bright and charming athlete won the hearts of millions of men around the world. However, in her personal life, not everything goes smoothly. As a teenager, the girl fell in love with the Spanish tennis player Ferrero, who was much older than her and did not reciprocate. The young athlete literally stalked her lover, attended his games, waited in hotels, wrote messages, and also went to events that Ferrero attended.

6. In 2004, the tennis player met A Just Russia deputy Anton Belyakov. The relationship did not last long, after which the athlete filed a complaint with law enforcement agencies, accusing her lover of sexual assault and causing harm to health. The man stated that this was slander aimed solely at destroying his career.

7. In 2005, the tennis player met Andy Roddick. The romance did not last long. The young people broke up after their first vacation together. Afterwards, the girl began dating the vocalist of the group “Maroon 5”, who dedicated one of his lyrical songs to her. After some time, the couple ended their relationship, and Maria’s ex-lover told the press extremely unpleasant details of the partners’ intimate life.

8. Afterwards, the tennis star briefly dated a young and promising American producer. In 2009, Maria began dating the Slavic athlete Sasha Vujacic. A year later, the couple announced their engagement, but things did not come to a wedding.

9. The girl’s father always accompanies his daughter at sporting events and often causes mixed reactions from fans. The man has a peculiar way of supporting Maria. Most often, he expresses his emotions quite violently, backing it up with obscene language. Because of this behavior, various types of conflicts often occur. Few people approve of this peculiar parental approach, but Maria herself believes that her father has the right to express feelings as he pleases.

10. Maria expresses her own emotions quite clearly. According to official measurements, her scream during the game reaches 105 dB. This figure is comparable to the noise from an airplane engine.

11. At the age of 17, the girl beat the strongest tennis player of that time, Serena Williams, with a stunning score of 6:1.

12. She became the first woman who was entrusted with carrying the Russian flag at the opening of the Olympic Games. Maria is a patriot and dedicates every victory exclusively to Russia.

13. There are a lot of rumors about the tennis player’s mother. The most common versions: she is not alive; she is in a psychiatric hospital. However, according to the official version, Maria simply limited communication with her mother and grandmother for personal reasons. The star does not comment on this situation.

14. The girl was awarded two medals: “For services to the Fatherland”, “For contribution to the development of physical culture and sports and sports achievements”.

15. The advantage of a tennis player over her opponents is that she is equally good with her right and left hands. After a serious injury, the girl had to undergo shoulder surgery and give up sports for a year. The tennis player was forced to completely change her technique and serving style.

16. In 2010, the girl was recognized as the highest paid athlete in the world. She is the only Russian woman recognized as one of the most influential celebrities on the planet.

Sharapova Maria Yuryevna (04/19/1987) - Russian tennis player, winner of 5 Grand Slam cups. Maria was the first Russian woman to win the prestigious Wimbledon. Forbes magazine has repeatedly named her the highest paid athlete in the world and included her among the hundred most influential people on the planet.

“I loved winning so much that my parents realized that tennis was exactly what I wanted to do. When I go on the court, it doesn't matter to me who is on the opposite side. I just want to play my game."


Maria was born in the small oil workers’ town of Nyagan, in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Her parents came there from Belarusian Gomel, where environmental problems arose after Chernobyl. Then the family moved from Nyagan to Sochi, where four-year-old Masha began playing tennis. It is known that the girl’s first racket was given to her by the eminent tennis player, a native of Sochi, Yevgeny Kafelnikov. Evgeniy and Maria's parents were friends.

In 1993, Sharapova performed at an exhibition tournament in Moscow, where world tennis star Martina Navratilova participated. She drew attention to the girl and told her to continue playing. These words turned out to be fateful for Maria’s father Yuri. He decides to take his daughter to the famous American Academy of Nick Bollettieri - a real forge of tennis stars. At one time, the Williams sisters, Anna Kournikova, Martina Hingis, Andre Agassi, and Boris Becker studied there.

Training at the academy was expensive. But the coaches saw potential in the young tennis player, and Maria received a scholarship. By the way, Sharapova still lives in Bradenton, Florida. This is where the academy is located.

In tennis circles, the athlete Maria Sharapova began to be talked about seriously in 2000, when she won the prestigious Eddie Herr junior tournament. Its winners also include Steffi Graf and Andy Roddick.


Maria started playing senior matches at the age of 14. True, the first competition at this level cannot be called successful. In 2001, at a tournament in Florida, Sharapova lost in the first round. This sporting defeat angered the tennis player. With each subsequent match, Maria noticeably improved. And already at 16 she firmly established herself among the elite of world tennis stars. By that time, she had already become the winner of two tournaments - in Tokyo and Quebec.

2004 is the year of Sharapova’s triumph. In addition to 4 titles, she adds the title of Wimbledon champion. Before this, no Russian woman had ever won singles on the London courts. In the final, Maria quite easily prevailed over the famous American, the bookmakers' favorite Serena Williams: 6-1, 6-4.

At the end of 2004, Sharapova became tennis player of the year. At the final tournament, where, according to the rating, the 8 best athletes compete, Maria again beats the youngest Williams, Serena, in the final. Sharapova begins 2005 as the first racket of the world.

Maria is one of the few athletes who has managed to remain among the elite of world tennis for many years. She is the owner of 37 titles. She has won all the Grand Slam tournaments: the Australian Open, the US Open, Wimbledon and twice at Roland Garros in Paris.

As part of the Russian national team, the girl won the Federation Cup - a team tennis competition when the opponents are not specific participants, but countries. Sharapova has been offered to change her citizenship more than once; she has lived in America for a long time and could play for this country. But Maria emphasizes in her interviews that she does not intend to do this, and will continue to perform under the Russian tricolor.

The only title that Masha still does not have in her arsenal is the title of Olympic champion. One step away from victory, she stopped in London. In the final on the English courts, Sharapova again met with Serena Williams, where she lost: 0-6,1-6. The tennis player added silver to the medal tally of the Russian national team.

And a little more about the Olympics. At the opening ceremony in London, Maria carried the Russian flag. And at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, she was entrusted with carrying the Olympic flame through the stadium.

Maria Sharapova is still in excellent shape, and she has no plans to end her sports career. In 2015, Maria already won in Brisbane, Australia and reached the final of the Australian Open.

Not just tennis

Maria is a versatile person. At one time, the girl was offered to leave sports and devote herself entirely to the modeling business. After all, its parameters are very consistent with current model standards. For example, a tennis player is 187 centimeters tall. But Sharapova refused the tempting offer; numerous photo shoots and advertising are a pleasant hobby for her, tennis is her main job.

The girl appeared on the covers of Glamor, Harper's Bazaar, and Sports Illustrated. She advertises perfumes, telephones, mineral water, watches, toothpaste, sportswear. Her income from advertising contracts is estimated at $20 million annually. Harvard even has a course on the marketing success of Maria Sharapova.

The tennis player also produces her own line of clothing and fashion accessories, Sugarpova gummy candies in the shape of tennis balls.

“When I arrived in Spain, to the factory where my sweets are produced, I was delighted! Everything is so bright, the smell is sweet, each room has its own. I especially liked where they produce chocolates.”

The athlete pays great attention to social work; she is a UN Goodwill Ambassador. For her charity work, Sharapova received the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, second degree. For his sporting merits - first degree.

Personal life

Maria very carefully protects her personal life. Only a small part of the information is usually leaked to the press. In 2010, Maria became engaged to Slovenian basketball player and NBA player Sasha Vujacic. This coincided with the groom’s move to Turkey, where he signed a contract with an Istanbul club. The relationship did not stand the test of distance, and the couple broke up in 2012.

Since 2013, Maria has been dating Bulgarian tennis player Grigor Dimitrov. In 2014, on Valentine's Day, the couple announced their engagement. But recently information appeared in the press that the lovers temporarily broke up with the wording “for the sake of improving sporting achievements.”

The parents of the future champion are from Belarus. They grew up and met in Gomel, and after a short romance they decided to get married. But in April 1986, a major accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine, radioactive emissions from which swept through almost all of Europe in a deadly cloud.

Having learned that she was pregnant, Elena Sharapova began to insist on an urgent move. She feared that increased radiation could have a bad effect on the health of their unborn child. The easiest way to find work was in the north, where the Sharapov family moved at the end of 1986.

In childhood

Life in the harsh Siberian climate turned out to be more difficult than they expected. Therefore, even large salaries for those times could not keep them for long in the taiga town of Nyagan, where little Masha was born. A year later, they packed their bags again and moved to the Black Sea coast, settling in Sochi.

At the age of four, Masha first went on the tennis court. Her father, who was friends with the father of the future champion Yevgeny Kafelnikov, was fond of tennis. Zhenya was seven years older than Maria and was already considered very promising. He treated the little girl with condescending sympathy and even gave her one of his rackets so she could try playing.

Unbeknownst to herself, Masha became interested in this sport and began to regularly attend the section, which made her father very happy. One day, the already famous tennis player Martina Navratilova arrived on the court.

Having learned that she was giving private lessons, her father immediately paid for them. Martina confirmed that the girl had excellent abilities and advised her to take her to a prestigious American tennis school.

Fortunately, the family’s financial capabilities allowed this to happen. With her mother’s consent, in 1995, eight-year-old Masha and her dad flew across the ocean and ended up in Bradneyton, where the world-famous Tennis Academy was located, which trained many champions. Maria considers this house to be her home and lives there to this day.

Successful start

In order to pay for Masha’s studies at the Tennis Academy and somehow provide for her, her father had to work 15 hours a day. For Masha herself, the first year of life in America turned out to be very difficult.

The change in climate and time zones, a completely different mentality and the need to communicate in a foreign language affected. But after about a year, the situation stabilized, and Masha returned to the normal rhythm of life and training.

By this time, she had performed well at the Academy, and she was offered the first sports contract in her life with the IMG company, which was ready to fully pay for the training of the young talent. Naturally, this contract made life easier not only for herself, but also for her father, who could now calmly build his own career.

At the age of 13, Maria made her debut at junior competitions, the average age of the participants was 16 years. When she comfortably won the championship, she was presented with her first prestigious award as a rising tennis star. She opened the way for Maria to compete at the highest level.

A year later she was allowed to compete in adult competitions. It was not possible for a 14-year-old girl to compete with experienced athletes, and many consider Sharapova’s early appearance on the “adult” courts to be a big mistake that hit her self-esteem. Maria admits that it was so, especially since she was eliminated on the first lap.

Fortunately, she turned out to have a very stubborn character. And the first failure only strengthened her desire to work even harder. Only a year has passed, and at the next competition Maria confidently defeats the athlete who occupies 300th position in the world standings. This was a great success for the aspiring tennis player, giving her confidence in her own abilities.

Finest hour

In the summer of 2004, Masha becomes a real star when she wins one of the most prestigious tennis competitions - the Wimbledon tournament. Moreover, she took the champion title from the athlete who had held it for two years - Serena Williams. It was a real triumph.

This was followed by a series of brilliant victories that brought Maria to the top of the world tennis table. But a shoulder injury prevented her from moving forward, and in 2008 she had to leave the court for more than a year to recover. She underwent major surgery and a long rehabilitation period.

As Sharapova's many fans expected, the comeback was brilliant. In 2010, Maria successfully competed in several international tournaments at once, but she managed to win only one. Unfortunately, the year off is still affecting the results. However, already in 2011 she regained her place in the top ten best tennis players in the world.

In 2012, Maria was honored to carry the banner of the Russian Olympic team at the games in London. Over the following years, Sharapova continues to perform successfully, invariably finding herself in the final games of the most prestigious international tournaments.

But in March 2016, a major scandal broke out - the athlete was accused of doping. Tests confirmed the suspicions and Sharapova was disqualified for a year. In 2017, Sharapova returned to the courts and today successfully continues her career.

From early childhood, many of her rivals on the court, and many of her teammates, did not like Masha for her special style of play. When hitting the ball, the girl always screamed loudly. And when she noticed that this greatly irritated the enemy, she began to use screaming as one of the factors of victory.

Indeed, the nervous system of many simply could not withstand this tension, which was only to Maria’s advantage.

When Maria is asked where this habit came from, she laughs that it is probably heredity. Her father is also very emotional. When he is cheering for his daughter, his screams (sometimes with obscene language) can be heard hundreds of meters away. Maria says that she always picks out her father's voice among thousands of other sounds, and he is very supportive of her.

The girl is very tall - 188 cm, has a beautiful appearance and an excellent figure, thanks to which she has repeatedly appeared on the covers of the most prestigious glossy magazines.

She has repeatedly received offers to give up sports and go into modeling, but Sharapova preferred the excitement of tennis combat to boring walking on the catwalk. Moreover, victories brought very good fees.

In 2010, Sharapova was included in the 100 most influential athletes on the Forbes list, and by 2011 she managed to earn more than $24 million. The girl continues to increase her fortune and at the same time successfully invests in her own business.

She is the creator of a confectionery line that produced marmalade, and since 2016 has included premium chocolate in its range.

In April 2017, the tennis player returned to the court again - the period of disqualification ended, marking new games, but less high-profile victories. Sharapova's first tournament after a forced break took place in Stuttgart, where the women's international tennis tournament was held.

She managed to reach the semi-finals, defeating three rivals from Russia, Italy and Estonia. However, in the semifinal games, Sharapova lost to Kristina Mladenovic from France, who this time turned out to be stronger and almost snatched a victory with a score of 4:6 in her favor.

Also in 2017, she took part in two clay tournaments at once - in Madrid and Rome, where she was given a special invitation as a participant who did not pass the general qualification (wild-card). Both tournaments turn out to be a failure for Sharapova: in the first she again loses to her rival Eugenie Bouchard, and in the second she is withdrawn from the match due to a serious hip injury.

Subsequently, Sharapova injured her hand, and she again had to withdraw from upcoming tournaments. Strong character and the will to win always forced Maria Sharapova to move forward, despite defeats and setbacks. Already at the US Open games, Sharapova wins all 3 rounds and gets her first victory after disqualification.

In 2018, at the Australian Open, the tennis player again faced resounding disappointment. Having won the first round, she lost the next two by a huge gap to her rivals from Latvia and Germany. But we know that after defeat there is always victory, so in 2019 Maria Sharapova will surely delight her fans with new successes!

Personal life of Maria Sharapova

The famous athlete’s first officially publicized relationship was with musician Adam Levine. But Sharapova was then more busy with her own career than with her boyfriend, so they broke up pretty quickly. For several years nothing serious happened in the star’s life.

With Adam Levine

In 2009, she met Slovenian basketball player Sasha Vujacic, and a year later the couple announced their engagement. Alas, things never came to a wedding. In 2012, Maria announced that she was single again. Both refused to comment on the reasons for the breakup, but there are rumors of mutual infidelity.

Maria Sharapova is one of the stars of world tennis. She became the first Russian woman to rise so high in the rankings. The athlete became a Grand Slam winner several times.

In 2016, due to the use of the drug Meldonium, Sharapova was disqualified for several years. The girl herself honestly admitted this. Within a few months, the star was allowed to play again. So far, her career is not as successful as before. But Maria hopes that she will be able to rise to the top positions again.

The entire life of an athlete is subordinated to her career. So far there is no beloved man and child, but many Sharapova fans hope that this will happen in the near future.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maria Sharapova

Films are often made about the world tennis star. From them you can find out all the most plausible information, including her height, weight, age. How old Maria Sharapova is is easy to calculate, knowing the year of birth of our heroine. The athlete was born on a fine April day in 1987. In 2018, she and her friends celebrated her 31st birthday magnificently. The event took place at the American Sports Club. Maria boasted that she received a tennis racket that Yevgeny Kafelnikov used to play with.

Maria Sharapova, whose photo in her youth and now can easily be found in any sports newspaper or magazine, is beautiful, attractive, she has become the subject of admiration for many fans. The girl is tall, 188 cm. But Maria’s weight is ideal. She doesn't have a single extra kilogram. In her free time, Sharapova swims and walks with friends, but the main love of her life remains her favorite tennis.

Biography and personal life of Maria Sharapova

The biography and personal life of Maria Sharapova contains many ups and downs, but the great athlete manages to get out of difficult situations with honor. Everything in life is built just to become the first tennis racket.

The girl was born in the late 80s of the last century in a small Siberian town, where her parents moved from the Belarusian Gomel. The reason for the move was the unfavorable environmental situation in the homeland. Father, Yuri Viktorovich Sharapov, noticed his daughter’s talent and began to train her. Mother, Elena Petrovna Sharapova, took care of her daughter and did not work anywhere.

At the age of 3, our heroine and her parents move to Sochi, where her grandmother Tamara lived. It was here that she began to play sports. The athlete's first racket was presented to the tennis star Yevgeny Kafelnikov, whose father was friends with the baby's father.

At the age of 6, Masha played with one of the tennis stars. It was Martina Navratilova who advised the little girl to continue her studies in the United States of America. Maria and her dad go overseas, where they begin studying at the American Tennis Academy. The famous Nick Bollettieri became the coach at that time. Since the age of 9, the athlete has lived in America, but she does not want to renounce Russian citizenship. The girl competes for her country at various international competitions.

Maria made her debut at a tennis tournament as a teenager. She was for a long time the youngest tennis player to win Wimboldon. For almost two decades, Sharapova occupied the first place in the ranking. She won more than 20 tournaments, including an Olympic gold medal.

The athlete has her own style of play. She screams when serving and parrying a blow. This allows her to concentrate and play to her maximum. In 2014, our heroine was banned from playing because she was drinking the banned drug Meldonium. The tennis player herself openly admitted this. In 2017, all charges against Maria were dropped, since during her illness she took pills that contained particles of this drug.

Currently, the girl is actively performing again. So far she occupies 138th position in the ranking, but hopes that she will soon again become the leading prima of the sport.

Sharapova is actively involved in charity work. She supports residents of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine who have suffered from the negative effects of radiation. The athlete received the medal “For Services to the Fatherland” of the first and second degrees.

But in her personal life, our heroine failed three times. Today Sharapova says that her whole destiny is subordinated to sport. The girl was losing her head in love, but it never came to a wedding ceremony. But the great athlete does not lose hope that she will meet a man who can make her happy and give her the happiness of motherhood.

Family and children of Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova's family and children have not yet appeared. The athlete herself hopes that she will be able to meet a worthy man who will become her beloved husband and father of the child. The woman hopes that she will have a daughter and a son who will be required to play sports. But what it will be will only be considered at that time.

Our heroine's parents had a great influence on her. Dad did everything to make his daughter a great athlete. He even went overseas, where he worked, grasping at any way to earn money. Currently, the man comes to all sporting events with his daughter’s participation, where he actively cheers for her.

Mom took care of her daughter. She went with her to all the tournaments. At the beginning of the new millennium, a woman divorced her husband. She currently owns a small flower shop in the United States of America.

The athlete very rarely comes to Russia and Belarus. The last time she visited her grandmothers was in 2016.

Maria Sharapova's husband

Currently, Maria Sharapova's husband has not yet appeared. The girl appears alone everywhere. She says that she is ready for a new relationship, but there is no suitor yet.

In mid-2005, Maria and Adam Levin met. The man plays in a popular rock band in the States. The lovers appeared together everywhere, but after a few months they announced their separation. The reason for this was kept silent for some time. Recently, in her interview, Sharapova said that they mistook friendship for love. Nowadays, Adam and Mary sometimes meet at friendly parties. The man recently got married and became a father.

Since 2009, the tennis player has been in a relationship with Sasha Vujacic. The young man played in the North American basketball league. He came from Slovenia. Despite the engagement and planning of the wedding ceremony, the lovers broke up, keeping silent about the reasons for the breakup.

Then the girl dated one of the tennis players. Grigor Dimitrov was born and raised in Bulgaria. They often met at various tournaments. But in 2015, this relationship also ended in nothing.

Photo of Maria Sharapova in Maxim magazine

Photos of Maria Sharapova appeared in Maxim magazine more than once. Our heroine did not refuse to appear in a candid photo shoot. But the naked athlete never graced the pages of the publication. She is shown in pictures in a bikini or swimsuit. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity admire her beautiful face, strong legs and firm breasts. Photos of the tennis star's bikini caused a sensation.

Maxim's photo shoot will happen again very soon. Negotiations are currently underway between Maria and the publishing house. The date of the woman’s appearance on the pages of the magazine will be announced later.

Sharapova herself says that she wants to appear in her usual tennis form. The publication convinces that such a photo can decorate the cover of Maxim. And inside the publication, the editors suggest placing candid photographs of women. But she refuses, not wanting to appear nude.

Maria Sharapova latest news for today

Maria Sharapova, the latest news about whom today contains scandalous notes, said in 2016 that she has been sitting on Meldonium for more than 10 years. The drug was taken by many athletes who played sports professionally. The woman said that she learned late that the drug was included in the list of prohibited substances. The athlete was disqualified for several years. But already in 2017 she was allowed to participate in tennis tournaments again.

In 2016, the tennis player began doing business. She established a line of confectionery products in Belarus and Russia. For now, the products can be purchased in large cities, but Sharapova is already talking about expanding the products.

After being restored to her status as an athlete, Maria has not yet returned to her leading position. She ranks 38th in the ranking. But the tennis player herself hopes to become a Grand Slam winner again.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Sharapova

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Sharapova contains a large amount of information about the world tennis star.

Wikipedia provides all the most detailed information about the star’s parents and grandmothers. The page tells how our heroine’s sports career developed. Here fans can find out what the athlete does outside of her main activity.

Sharapova is registered on several social networks. The most active woman is on Instagram. Here she talks about herself and her loved ones, and posts pictures of her pets. Maria honestly answers questions from subscribers. She only ignores questions about her personal life. The athlete considers this side of life confidential for every person.

Name: Maria Sharapova

Age: 31 year

Place of Birth: Nyagan, Russia

Height: 188 cm Weight: 59 kg

Activity: tennis player

Family status: Single

Maria Sharapova: biography

The best tennis player in Russia. She is called an "ex-racket". He has the title of Honored Master of Sports. He is a leader among athletes in terms of demand for filming advertisements.

Childhood, family of Maria Sharapova

Masha is a Siberian, and her parents are from Gomel. Mother and father left their hometown to be away from Chernobyl. They took this step long before the birth of their daughter. When the girl was born, the family left for Sochi. So Masha’s parents took care of her health from the very beginning of her biography, from the first days of her birth.

The girl became interested in tennis from the age of 4, even earlier. Yevgeny Kafelnikov gave the child a racket, this determined her fate for many years. From the age of 6, Masha played with Martina Navratilova. The athlete immediately noticed the little girl’s abilities. On Martina’s advice, my father went to live in America with Masha. In Bradenton, the girl entered the tennis academy.

Maria Sharapova: tennis

Becoming an athlete was difficult, but willpower and hard work strengthened her fighting spirit. At the age of 14 she competed in adult tournaments. It was at this age that the formation of the sports biography of the great athlete Sharapova began. A year later, Maria’s opponent was one of the 300 best tennis players in the world. A fifteen-year-old Soviet girl won a landslide victory over the titled athlete.

Masha has her own style of playing with her rivals. She doesn't just hit the ball, she accompanies it with a scream that can reach 105 decibels. If you compare what it's like, then for example you can compare Sharapova's scream on the court with the sound of a jet engine on an airplane. During the game, the nerves are tense to the limit, and then this additional effect on the body is added.

It is this tennis player’s signature scream that drives those who hit Sharapova’s balls into a frenzy. Maria's father was present at all competitions in which his daughter took part. Sharapova entered the world of tennis in 2004 at Wimbledon, beating Serena Williams, who became the winner of the tournament twice.

During the year, Masha recovered from shoulder surgery. Back. She managed to make up for lost time, winning several victories. Sharapova is a unique tennis player; she plays equally well with both hands. Since then, the athlete has taken her well-deserved place in tennis. She was chosen as the standard bearer for the Russian team in London at the opening of the Olympic Games.

Other hobbies of Maria Sharapova

Maria, like many young girls, is interested in fashion. But she entered this world professionally prepared. Sharapova has her own personal brand for a collection of accessories, the collection of which she presented in New York. The athlete could become a model, since her height and weight meet the requirements of the modeling business. And in 2006, the tennis player was recognized as a beautiful athlete.

Maria Sharapova is considered one of the most influential celebrities and the highest paid athlete in the world. Her fortune is measured in one year from 24 to 29 million dollars. The athlete often uses social networks and talks about herself on Twitter and Facebook. She does not hide the facts of her biography from fans.

Maria Sharapova: biography of personal life

The beautiful, famous young girl had several affairs and love interests. Everyone knows her affair with musician Adam Levine, which turned out to be short-lived. For 4 years everyone was talking about when the lovers would get married, but this never happened.

The young man who was never able to become the official husband of the tennis player was Sasha Vujacic, a Slovenian basketball player. After 8 months, Masha began dating tennis player Grigor Dimitar.

The Bulgarian athlete had an affair with Serena Williams. Two years were enough for the couple to figure out that the young people were not suitable for each other, although the reason was that Grigor fell in love with one of the Bulgarian models. The media attributed Sharapova an affair with football player Cristiano Ronaldo, but this turned out to be just rumors.

Maria Sharapova: Doping

All the doping scandals occurred due to Maria’s admission at a conference about the presence of meldonium in her tests. Sharapova explained this by saying that she started using this drug 10 years ago, when it was still not prohibited.

Almost from then on, all Russian sports began to be targeted. The tennis player survived the arbitration trial and returned to the court after 15 months.

Maria Sharapova now

Maria continues to work on expanding the product line under her brand. It produces marmalade and chocolate, chewing candies. To date, she has already developed 4 types of chocolate, including traditional milk and bitter, adding coconut and strawberries. So far this product is sold only in two capitals of Russia. The athlete does not forget to appear at social parties.

Last year she was the subject of paparazzi attention at the Oscars. Sharapova is a very integral person, perhaps sweet products and the world of fashion are not her only hobbies. The girl makes her biography, thinking about her every step.
Author bio: Natsh 2840
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