How to sew up a hole in a down jacket with a patch or sticker. How to seal a cut on a Bolognese jacket How to seal a hole in a down jacket with cobwebs

If a hole appears on your down jacket, burnt or cut, it can be disguised in various ways.
If the option of pulling and gluing is not suitable, then Homebody offers ways to sew up a hole in a down jacket.

How to sew up a hole in a down jacket with a patch or sticker

Depending on the type of down jacket - children's, women's or men's - you can carefully sew up the hole and apply a themed patch over the seam.

For example, choose a children's drawing, an emblem, a label with a logo (of a sports team, a car), an applique, a picture from an anime, an embroidered pattern. Choose a suitable pattern as a patch depending on your hobbies and interests and sew it on yourself or in a workshop.

If the picture looks lonely, you can make another one with the same theme on the sleeve or pocket on the opposite side. Or apply one or two more patches in a darker or lighter tone. It is important that the patch also matches the style of the down jacket

You can beautifully sew a leather patch in the shape of a rhombus, circle, or rectangle.

You can choose a thermal sticker to suit your taste in the store and stick it at home through fabric.

How to seal a hole in a down jacket with a spare tire or tape

  • Spare wheel

If you are not satisfied with the sticker or patch, then sew on a spare tire. This is a piece of fabric that a new down jacket has on the inside or in a bag with rivets or buttons.

  • Braid

If the hole on the down jacket is in a place where there is no way to stick a patch, then you can hide it with braid. Two braids sewn with a small gap from each other will look stylish; you can sew them overlapping, use different lengths, different colors, as your sense of style tells you. The color of the down jacket and the location of the hole also affect it. The color of the braid can be contrasting or matching the color, sewn in height or width. Experiment, apply the braid in different ways and see what looks best.

  • Ribbon

A good option would be with reflective tape, which can be sewn over the hole across the entire width or around the entire down jacket. The benefit will be double - aesthetic and practical - it will be noticeable at night.

How to hide a hole in a down jacket with a zipper

Another option, if the hole is caused by a cut, you can insert a short zipper; for symmetry, the same zipper can be made on the side of the down jacket opposite the hole. Or, instead of a zipper, cover the hole with fabric, which is then punched with buttons, as if it was intended.

  • If you don’t need an internal pocket in a down jacket, you can rip it off and sew it over the hole. Or just an imitation of it.
  • If the hole on the down jacket is close to the seam with the lining, then you can rip the lining a little and get to the hole through it, put a spare piece of fabric and mend it with a zig-zag, and stitch the seam.

You can go to a workshop where they work with thermal drawings or are skilled in artistic darning. The craftsmen will tell you or help you sew up a hole in your down jacket.

Imagine, try, and you will succeed. Then you will remember with a smile how upset you were because of the hole in your down jacket.

In winter, you cannot do without outerwear. There are a lot of options, and one of the most favorite is a down jacket. It is light, warm, successful and quite strong; it can last for more than one year if worn carefully. And even if a hole appears as a result of mechanical damage, the down jacket can be repaired.

You will need it

  • – fabric glue;
  • – fabric for patching;
  • - scotch;
  • – applique, iron-on sticker, label.

There are a variety of methods for repairing outerwear, but it is still better to seal the down jacket so that the down does not come out. This can also be done using different methods, which mainly depend on the location of the rupture, the type of damage and the size of the hole.

If the inner layer of fabric was not damaged, and the cut has even edges, it can be repaired using the following method: take a piece of fabric of the same color as the down jacket, similar in structure and slightly larger than the cut in size. Choose the right fabric glue. This can be glue “BF-6”, “Moment Crystal”, “Super Moment” or other suitable glue. Lubricate the front side of the shred with glue, insert the fabric through the gap inside the down jacket, straighten it, connect the edges of the hole and press firmly. To prevent the edges from coming apart over time, you can additionally make a decorative seam in this place.

A hole with jagged edges must be repaired using a different method. Lay the down jacket on a flat surface, connect the sides of the hole together as it can be. Make a patch from the same fabric as the product itself, coat its reverse side with glue and glue it on top of the tear. The size of the patch should be slightly larger than the size of the hole in order to cover it from all sides. Instead of patching, a hole in a down jacket can be sealed with a branded label, iron-on sticker, appliqué, or even fabric in a contrasting color. It will turn out very special and wonderful.

The most severe repair requires damage in which not only the outer layer of the fabric is affected, but also the inner one, when the fluff comes out. Two patches will come in handy, first on the inner layer of the down jacket, and then on the outer one. But before repairing, clean the damaged area from any loose fluff. This can be done using tape: glue it in a wide strip onto the fabric, but do not press it, but peel it off immediately. All fluff will remain on the adhesive tape.

Connect the edges of the inner layer of the torn fabric, spread the patch with glue and stick it through the hole in the outer layer of the product on all sides, so as not to leave a gap for fluff to escape. Wait until the glue is one hundred percent dry and begin repairing the outer layer of fabric.

When purchasing a new item, people expect to wear it for at least one season. The same applies to the jacket. Sometimes an unpleasant situation arises when a hole appears on a recently purchased item. Don't be upset, because everything can be fixed. You just need to understand how to sew up a hole in a jacket. Before you start repairing a thing, you should decide on a method that depends on several factors, namely, the material and type of hole.

Bolognese jackets are in high demand among people of all ages.

An ordinary coat or any other fabric item can be repaired and get rid of the hole without any problems. As for the Bolognese jacket, things are completely different here. The material from which the item is made is not so easy to sew up. Please note that repair of a hole on a bologna jacket may occur for the following reasons:

  • Burn;
  • There was a snag on a nail or something similar;
  • Blade cut.

If you follow simple instructions, you can sew up your jacket without any problems.

How to seal a torn down jacket

Some people don't know how to seal a hole in their jacket. It's simple: you just need to prepare a little. To work you will need the following things:

  • Dry glue tape “Flizelin”;
  • A piece of material that matches the color scheme of the jacket;
  • Iron;
  • Gauze.

Dry glue can be purchased at a store that specializes in selling fabrics and sewing things.

When all the components necessary for the repair are ready, you can begin the repair work.

First, a piece corresponding to the size of the hole is cut from the adhesive tape. After this, you need to put the tape on the pre-prepared fabric. In the next step, a small cut is made on the inside of the jacket. This is necessary in order to get to the damaged area from the inside.

Now all that remains is to place the fabric over the hole, and then, smoothing the edges of the hole, iron the jacket through the gauze. This is the repair

A cigarette is the main cause of burns on a jacket.

finished. It should be remembered that it is necessary to sew up the previously made hole from the inside.

Burnt hole on things

Quite often people are faced with a situation where the sleeve has been burned through. This may have happened due to cigarette ash or after touching a hot object. Regardless of the reason, you must try to eliminate the hole.

The problem can be solved in several ways. It all depends on the parameters of the jacket.

If there are various kinds of rivets or patterns on the clothes, then it is necessary to sew patterns or additional accessories on the burned area.

It should be remembered that it is advisable to make the same patch on the other sleeve.

As for sports jackets, it is better to stick an inscription or picture on them.

How to sew a down jacket near the seam

If the jacket is torn at the seam, there is no need to invent anything. Such a hole can be sewn up with thread. First, it is recommended to visit a haberdashery store that sells suitable threads.

It should be noted that such a gap can be eliminated even without a sewing machine. To make sewing more convenient, the jacket must be placed on the table, first turned inside out. It is important to sew so that the new line is a continuation of the old one. In this case, the seam should be as smooth as possible.

It is most difficult to sew up seams if the jacket has a lining. To make your task easier, you should make a small cut on the inside, which will also need to be stitched up.

We update the down jacket ourselves

If you carefully repair the damaged area, not a trace will be visible.

If a torn hole appears, you can not only sew everything up or apply a patch. Various types of applications are popular now. You can use this. Thus, you can not only get rid of the hole, but also update your down jacket.

Before mending a tear, you should visit the appropriate store to select a decal or pattern. A similar method can be used if the sleeve or main part of the jacket is torn.

Iron-on adhesives and applications

Appliques and stickers can help out in many cases, but this method has a drawback. You can sew on a pattern or stick on a beautiful picture only where it is appropriate, namely:

  • On the sleeves;
  • On the chest;
  • On the pockets.

In other cases, the stickers will look stupid, which means it’s best to consider another way to fix the holes. If embroidery was chosen, it should be done on a separate fabric, which will subsequently be sewn to the torn area of ​​the jacket.

Braid or tape

You can disguise the hole next to the seam using tape. Many people are interested in the question of how to fix a hole in a jacket so that it is invisible and also beautiful. It's simple, you should use all your imagination. It doesn’t matter what length or color the braid is. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Another way to disguise a hole is with reflective tape. The advantage of this method is that it will not only hide the defect, but will also make the jacket visible at night. You need to cut a piece of tape and carefully stick it over the gap.

When buying new clothes, a person expects to wear them for at least one season. But during wear, various situations occur, including damage to the item as a result of mechanical impact.

In order not to buy a new product, you need to know what is on the jacket.

Eliminating a defect in a Bolognese product

Many buyers still remember the fashion for bologna outerwear. It is made of nylon fabric, which includes a special waterproof coating.

Nowadays, such products are also popular, because they are famous for their low cost and provide reliable protection in rainy weather.

But such clothes have one drawback - the lack of high strength. It can be easily damaged as a result of chemical or mechanical stress. After which it will be difficult to close the hole.

How to seal a bolognese jacket? In order for the repair to be successful, the first thing you need to do is assess the location of the break.

To eliminate a cut or burn, follow these rules:

  1. How to seal a bolognese jacket? First, select the correct adhesive composition for repairing the product. Carefully study the label that is on the item, and also test the glue in an inconspicuous area. Glue containing rubber and acetic acid ester has good recommendations. If you don’t have this at hand, try rubber glue or Moment.
  2. Cut the patch to fit the cut. The best option would be a piece of bologna fabric or rubberized material. The color of the jacket and patch must match.
  3. Wipe the inside of the product with a cotton pad soaked in acetone. Wait two to three minutes.
  4. Apply glue to the patch as directed in the instructions. Wait a while.
  5. Glue a piece of fabric on the wrong side. Place a press in this place that weighs more than one kilogram. Wait one to two hours.
  6. If the glued tear doesn’t look very neat from the front side, then try decorating the hole with a beautiful applique.

You can seal your jacket in another way:

  1. You can repair a torn item using two patches. First, trim the ends of the hole using sharp scissors.
  2. Prepare bologna patches. The inner piece should be slightly larger in size, but the patch on the front side should exactly match in diameter.
  3. Try to glue both parts together. Rate the appearance. If everything suits you, then place a linen or cotton cloth on top and gently iron it.

If you couldn’t hide the hole in your jacket with glue, it’s better to contact a tailor.

Fixing a hole in a down jacket

How to repair a hole in a jacket if it is burnt?

Seal the damaged area using:

  • non-woven tape;
  • a piece of fabric of the same color;
  • iron;
  • gauze.

Tape based on dry glue can be purchased at a special store that sells everything for needlework and sewing.

Once everything is prepared, cut a small piece of the duct tape. It must match the size of the hole. You need to make a small tear on the inside of the down jacket, this will help you easily get to the damaged area.

Place the fabric over the cut and then iron the edges of the hole through the gauze. Sew up the previously made incision. This completes the repair of the product.

How to sew up a pocket or sleeve that has a hole along the seam? At home, mending a cut will not be difficult.

First of all, choose threads that match the color. You can use a machine, but most often such problems are fixed manually.

To make sewing the product more convenient, place it on the table, first turning it inside out. Make sure that the seam is as even as possible.

If the down jacket has a lining, make a small cut in it in the area of ​​damage. At the end of the procedure, sew the lining again.

Updating outerwear

When something is torn, not everyone can make patches for a jacket with their own hands. But this does not mean that you need to run to the first studio you come across. You can fix the problem using various applications, thermal stickers, braid or tape.

If you have singed a sleeve, pocket or chest area, you can cover the jacket with a beautiful picture. To glue an applique or iron-on sticker, you will need a hot iron.

You can mask the hole located next to the seam with braid. This method is good because it is not necessary to match the part to the color. It is enough to show your imagination.

You can close the cut using reflective tape. The advantage of this method is not only hiding the defect, but also creating good visibility at night.

Sealing holes in leather products

What to do if a defect appears? A jacket burned by a cigarette can be repaired using regular Moment glue.

Turn the sleeve inside out and lightly tear off the lining. Straighten the product and cut a small piece of fabric similar in size to the hole. Apply glue to the patch and the defect area. Wait 20 minutes.

After the material has dried, apply glue again. And glue the two parts together. Place the press on top and leave it like that for one to two hours. After the item has dried, check to see if the glued elements are coming off. If everything is fine, then you can close the cut in the lining.

If you have any doubts about how to seal a hole on a Bolognese or leather jacket, then take the product to the nearest studio.

Anyone can tear a thing, be it a child or an adult. To prevent the defect from being visible, you need to know how to properly fix the problem.

Down jackets have become an indispensable element of insulated clothing for the winter period. During use, the fabric may become damaged from cuts, cigarettes, or snags. The appearance of the product deteriorates instantly, especially if the hole is in a visible place. Find out how to correct the situation in this article.

Damage to the fabric surface of the product can occur in many cases. In this situation, it is not necessary to contact the studio. With a few skills and helpful tips, holes and cuts can be carefully repaired with your own hands.

Key ways:

  • glue;
  • make a patch;
  • sew up.

Before carrying out repairs, it is necessary to prepare tools. They are prepared depending on the chosen method.


  • fabric for a patch to match the product;
  • threads to match the product;
  • needle;
  • sewing glue;
  • scissors.

Now you can take a closer look at the work process.

Sew up carefully

First of all, you need to pay attention to the damage itself. If the hole is small, with smooth edges, it can be picked up with threads.

In order to sew up a cut or hole, it is necessary to treat the damage itself. Carefully trim any protruding threads. If the hole is caused by a cigarette, you must carefully cut off the area where the tissue was burned. For greater convenience, you can use small nail scissors.

When the edges are processed, you can proceed directly to work. To do this, we will need threads to match the product. If you couldn’t find any, you need to use a shade that best matches the color of the down jacket. The seam can be laid either from the outside or from the inside, depending on personal requirements. If the stitches will be located on the outside of the product, you must carefully sew the damaged area with a zigzag seam. A few stitches will be enough for this.

In the case of an internal seam the process is somewhat more complicated. First, we remove the damaged edges. Then, from the wrong side, carefully rip the down jacket and find the place of damage. Slightly bending the edges, sew with a small stitch. When the work is finished, we sew together the previously opened wrong side. The down jacket is repaired.

Reference! When sewing externally, you can also use a loop stitch (in the shape of the letter P), which is applied with small stitches.

Cover it up discreetly

Bonding damaged tissue has a similar process.

If a hole appears when the fabric is burned, carefully cut off the damaged edge. Lightly grease the material with special fabric glue, carefully fold it inward and glue it together. In most cases, it is recommended to leave the product for several hours to wait until the glue has completely dried.

Many needlewomen go a different route. If damage or scorching appears on the shelves, pockets or sleeves, they are repaired with various applications. Any drawing is suitable for this, depending on personal preferences or hobbies. The application is best used with a special adhesive layer m. This process is characterized by simple steps and a minimum amount of time.

Making a patch

In most products, manufacturers include an additional piece of fabric with the down jacket. It is intended to test the product before washing or is used as a patch. If there is no spare material, the situation is somewhat more complicated. You can find a scrap that is as close as possible in color and structure to the color of the down jacket. If this was not possible, if both sides of the down jacket match, you can carefully cut off a small piece from the inside of the product (for example, the lining).

Reference! Additional scraps can be found at specialty craft stores. For greater convenience, you should buy fabric with an adhesive base.

The best option would be to glue a patch. To do this, carefully process the uneven edges and cut out a small piece from the scrap that is identical to the damage. Lubricate the underside of the patch with glue and carefully press it onto the torn part. For a more reliable fixation, you can place a heavy object on top and leave it for several hours.

With a few simple steps, the patch is ready.

  1. When gluing a patch, it is better to use tweezers for more comfortable work.
  2. It is necessary to use only transparent and waterproof glue suitable for working with fabric materials.
  3. When correcting a patch with uneven edges, it is recommended to first trim the edges to make them smooth.
  4. When using stickers and appliqués, you must first sew up the scorch mark. This will help prevent the fabric from unraveling in the future.
  5. You can use a sewing machine to sew a zigzag seam.
  6. It is recommended to select applications and stickers in accordance with the style of the product. For a classic down jacket - flowers or bright designs, for sports models - badges or symbols of popular youth brands.


Every person regularly experiences damage to their clothing. Particularly disappointing are holes and cuts in winter clothing such as a down jacket. With a few simple skills and our helpful tips, you can fix most holes yourself at home.

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