Methods of encouragement when raising a child. Motivational guide "success calendar" children's week" Video: encouragement as a method of raising children

I am now reading the second book by one of the most authoritative psychologists in the world, “Difficult Child. How to cope with him and with yourself.” Alan Kazdin, author of the book, says, "One mistake we often make is trying to control a child with punishment, when rewarding good behavior has a much greater effect."

I also tried to implement the system described in the book a long time ago, even when I did not have such a strong theoretical basis. It was successful for some time, but unfortunately, due to lack of thought, it was abandoned, although the children showed great interest in it.

I know that many other parents, using a reward system - points, stars, emoticons - tried to get the desired behavior from their children.

Now I will tell you about a whole scientific method for using this system in practice.

1. First you must decide what kind of child behavior do you want to get? in a positive way.
“I want him to pack his backpack for school in the evening every day.”
“I want him to go to bed on time every day.”
“I want him to do a certain household chore,” etc.

2. We reward the child for every action performed, what we need. But we don’t expect perfection. If a child never goes to bed on time, then he will not become a good boy overnight.
To encourage we create achievements table:
In the left column are the days of the week, then 1-2 habits (it’s better to stop at this number first) and the last column is the total number of points for the day.

For example, we award a child 2 points for packing his backpack in the evening and 2 points for going to bed on time. In total, he can get 4 points per day. We do not leave empty cells; we put a dash or a zero if the child has not earned any points. You can write points not in numbers, but draw stars, put emoticons or some kind of stickers.
To begin with, it is better to take only weekdays from Monday to Friday.

A lot depends on where you place the table. It must be in a visible place accessible to the child - on the refrigerator, on the wall in his room.

Exchange points for prizes.

Never take anything away. There should not be a situation where a child does not comply with your demands, and you take away his things as punishment. It's taboo.

Start with "cheap" prizes. These can be small toys, pleasures, entertainment. It is better to prepare several toys at once and put them in a bag so that the child can get it from there.
Do not set unreasonably high prices for prizes. There is no point in promising a small child that for 500 points he will go to the skating rink with his parents. He will not be able to accumulate points for this prize for so long and will be disappointed.

Set the price of prizes from the daily amount of points to the amount of points per month for older children. But these must be desirable, long-awaited prizes, for which the child should change his habits.

3. Let's get started

In the first days, you should remind your child gently, in the form of a request, starting with the word “please,” that he needs to go to bed. If he stays in bed and doesn’t start whining about “pee-drink-eat,” we give him 2 points and enter them into the table.

As soon as points for a prize are collected, we offer the child to take a small prize or save further for a large one. Usually, children first win small prizes and then begin to accumulate more and more points.

Some of the prizes offered by the author of the book confused me. For example, for a certain number of points, a child is given a prize - a call to his grandmother. For me this is beyond comprehension.
But some prizes are good: extra reading at night, watching cartoons together, going to the skating rink, a trip somewhere, a board game (note, this is in addition to how you usually have fun with your child).

According to this system, you and your child work to develop the desired behavior. And this can only be done through training, only in this way actions become natural and automatic.
Once the habit becomes automatic, you will no longer need to reward your child. And you can move on to forming another habit.

Here I talked in general about this reward system; on this basis, you can begin to form the necessary habit in your child (or in yourself, why not?). But in the book

N.V. Fedina, S.P. Maksomova

One of the forms of joint activities of adults and children involving cooperation under the “Success” Program is “Success. Calendar,” the organizational and pedagogical basis of which is an approximate calendar of holidays and interesting events. You can look forward to them, you can prepare for them, you can experience them emotionally together with your family, peers, and teachers. The themes of these holidays are understandable to children and evoke in them a positive attitude, which is necessary for the emergence of motivation in the educational process.

Educational activity is a technology for implementing the “Success” Program, or a description of the means (forms, methods, methods and techniques) for solving problems of psychological and pedagogical work and achieving the planned results of mastering the “Success” Program in accordance with the approximate holiday calendar.

Working with “Success. Calendar" is one of the forms of cooperation between adults and children in joint activities. It stimulates the development of children's imagination and creative abilities, develops the ability to compare, classify objects and phenomena, promotes the development of spatial and temporal orientations, and will also help children acquire primary ideas about Russian and international holidays.

"Success. Calendar" is supplemented with a large number of bright illustrations, which contributes to the development of cognitive interest among children.

The organizational basis for the implementation of the complex thematic principle is an approximate calendar of holidays, the themes of which are focused on all areas of development of a preschool child and are devoted to various aspects of human existence:

· phenomena of a child’s moral life (Days of “thank you”, kindness, friends, etc.);

· the surrounding nature (water, land, birds, animals, etc.);

· the world of art and literature (Days of poetry, children's books, theater, etc.);

· traditional holiday events for family, society and the state (New Year, Spring and Labor Day, Mother's Day, etc.);

· the most important professions (teacher, doctor, postman, builder, etc.);

· events that form a child’s sense of citizenship (National Flag Day, Russia Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, etc.).

"Success. Calendar" invites children to a sightseeing tour of the Russian and international holiday calendar.

You will look into the history of the holiday, find out how this holiday is celebrated and understood in our country and in other countries of the world, learn a lot of new and interesting things about your country and other countries, about the Earth on which we live, introduce children to popular expressions and proverbs and sayings. Travel with “Success. Calendar" will be fascinating and useful if all its participants (teachers, parents, children) make their contribution to the knowledge of the big world called "Planet of People" (find the right book, find the necessary information on the Internet, make something, make it, etc. .).

When working with “Success. "Calendar" is necessary consider the following:

· the number of holidays is independently determined by teachers implementing the “Success” Program, depending on the age and number of children, conditions and specifics of the educational process, and can be either reduced or increased (supplemented with other international and Russian holidays or events);

· these holidays can be replaced by other international and Russian holidays or events that are socially and personally significant for participants in the educational process;

· a brief information note about each holiday is addressed to teachers implementing the “Success” Program and parents of preschool children;

· the recommended time for the holiday does not always coincide with the official date of celebration; in order to optimize the organization of the educational process, it is distributed over the weeks of the month; the actual date of the holiday is independently determined by the teachers implementing the Program;

· the preparation period for each holiday is determined by teachers implementing the “Success” Program, in accordance with the age and number of children, the conditions and specifics of the educational process, the intermediate results of mastering the “Success” Program, and the theme of the holiday;

· the age of children participating in the preparation and holding of holidays, the form of holding the holiday, the form of work to prepare for the holiday are advisory in nature;

· forms of preparation for holidays and their implementation are a concretization and addition of the forms of work presented in the section “Organization of the activities of teachers and children for the implementation and development of the “Success” Program”, are integrative in nature, i.e. they allow solving the problems of psychological and pedagogical work of several educational areas;

· forms of work to prepare for the holiday of children 3-5 years old can also be used in preparation for the holiday of children 5-7 years old (for example, reading, conversations, learning poems on the topic, etc.);

· preparation for the holidays is a description of the means of solving problems of psychological and pedagogical work and achieving the planned results of mastering the “Success” Program.

"Success. Calendar" consists of 12 calendar sheets, chips depicting holiday symbols (on a magnetic basis) and methodological recommendations. The days of the month on the Calendar poster sheets are presented in the form of a familiar calendar grid, but as a play track, movement along which symbolizes the passage of time, “children’s experience of days, weeks, months of the year.

Each poster sheet of the Calendar depicts the main features of not only the corresponding time of year, but also each month in the following areas: “The World of Inanimate Nature.” “The world of plants”, “The world of animals”, “The world of people”. The days of the week are depicted in different geometric shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle, square, oval, polygon, rhombus).

"Success. Calendar" does the following: Features:

A daily organizational moment that helps prepare children to perceive educational material and have a positive attitude towards it;

Using specific techniques and methods to solve problems of psychological and pedagogical work based on the principle of integration of educational areas and the complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process.

Daily use of the calendar helps solve the problems of psychological and pedagogical work:

1. Develops the motivational-need sphere (forms positive motivation for educational activities carried out on the basis of a comprehensive thematic principle, taking into account the international and Russian holiday calendars).

2. Develops mental processes: attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination.

3. Develops creative abilities (promotes the manifestation of creative and creative activity of children, including in the process of interactive work with the Calendar).

Algorithm of actions for adults and children “Success. Calendar"
Stages Sequence of activities
Stage 1 Entering a calendar - poster.
Stage 2 Intellectual game “Why do you need a calendar?”
Stage 3 Introducing a calendar-poster into the subject-development environment of the group.
Stage 4 Initial consideration of the calendar-poster.
Stage 5 Examination of chips with images of symbols - holidays.
Stage 6 Finding an image of an upcoming holiday on a poster.
Stage 7 Finding signs of living and inanimate nature on the poster.
Stage 8 Performing game exercises and tasks aimed at making children aware of the events, holidays, and natural phenomena depicted on the poster.
Stage 9 Simulation of situations on “game time tracks”.
Stage 10 Comparison of posters with each other.

1. Game - inference “Why do we need a calendar?” (children are given a brief bibliographical reference from the history of the origin of the calendar).

2. Introducing a calendar-poster (Together with the children, we find a convenient place for it in the group’s interior. At the same time, we take into account the requirements: lighting; a wide field of view for viewing; a convenient approach for displaying, moving chips along the “game time paths”, for completing the necessary details).

3. Initial examination of the calendar-poster:

· “What a wonderful path? Not a path, not a highway. All of her curls like a snake. Consists of... the children finish: “of geometric shapes.” Did. exercise “Name it, don’t make a mistake” (children list geometric shapes on the “game time track”). How many yellow figures? How many orange ones? Why? We lead children to the idea that yellow figures are “weekdays”, and orange ones are “weekends”.

· “Look carefully - name the time of year.” Reinforcing the signs of the season depicted on the calendar-poster.

· “We consolidate the concept of the beginning and end of the month.” At the beginning of the month, we place a green chip. Together with the children, we count the number of days in a month - put a red chip.

· We go on a trip - we choose a mode of transport suitable for the season: “I would like to go by... because...”

4. Examination of chips with images of symbols - holidays. Together with the children, the teacher selects symbols related to holidays in a particular month. A short conversation with children about the upcoming holiday. Placing a chip with a holiday symbol on a specific day of the month.

5. Find the image of the upcoming holiday on the poster. “Who guessed what holiday we are talking about?”

6. Did. exercise “Count” (How many days are left until the holiday).

7. Introducing chips - dummies “Hurray! Today is my birthday!”

8. Modeling obstacles and dangers that may be encountered along the way, inventing various funny situations. Finishing or pasting the corresponding image.

9. Comparison of posters with each other. Finding similarities and differences. Did. exercise “What happened, what will happen?”

10. Supplementing the calendar-poster with the results of our own observations “Today we observed what we saw (surprised) - we sketched it!”

11. “Revitalizing the calendar” (additional drawing, coloring, tracing, appliqué in various techniques, etc.)

12. The embodiment of the child’s own plans related to the content of the calendar in singing and dancing, in drawings, buildings, stories, in movements and other types of creative activities.

Do you want to instill self-organization skills in your child? Help a little person become more independent? Do you want to know how to effectively encourage your parents to help you around the house? All this can be easily organized using a visual daily to-do list that can be used with children aged 2 years and older.
We started using lists a few months ago and I can say that my son began to do exercises with great pleasure (previously it was difficult to persuade) and complete other items on the list. But more on that later, but for now:

There comes a time in the life of every family when the child begins to actively copy the actions of his parents and tries to help with household chores. He happily moves a cloth across the floor, kneads dough and cuts pieces of fruit. The little helper tries to take away the vacuum cleaner or dust cloth, buzzes the blender with delight and helps cook the porridge.

If parents actively encourage such help with housework, encourage and praise the child for his achievements, and at the same time show perseverance and patience to everyone, the child will continue his activities with pleasure.

But over time, helping with the housework ceases to be just an educational game and a pleasant pastime on the same wavelength as mom. We expect the child to provide regular help and responsibility for his actions. And the child, in turn, needs additional motivation and clear results from his actions.

And here visual lists of to-dos and household chores come to our aid. In addition to helping with housework, to-do lists can also contain routine moments, such as brushing your teeth, taking a shower, doing exercises, as well as activities not related to helping around the house, such as creative activities, preparing for school, attending sections. You can even use lists to practice the skills you need day after day.

The daily list may include the following:

Help mom make the bed;

Take your plate to the sink;

Help loading the washing machine;

Collect toys;

Wipe off the dust;

Help mom wash the floor;

Water the flowerpots;

Help mom prepare food;

Feed the cat.

To-do lists for children should be so clear that even a child who doesn’t know a single letter can figure it out. For preschoolers, it is best to use to-do lists with pictures.

Making a to-do list table is very simple and there are several options:

Print the finished product from the Internet (enter the phrase " kids chore chart ") ;

Draw (or write) assignments by hand;

Make your own template and print it out.

Don't try to cram a lot of things into the table at once. 5-7 is quite enough. Select the most important ones that really require regular implementation and monitoring.

How to Use To-Do Lists for Kids

Many young children really do not like to do things when their parents are busy with something else. Therefore, when making a list of daily routines, synchronize it with yours. It will be much more interesting for the baby to wipe the dust in the room in which the mother is busy cleaning. Work as a team, but share responsibilities. You can also do one thing, but in this case divide the area into zones, for example, trust your baby to wipe a low bedside table. And at this time the mother can wipe the shelves of the cabinet that the child cannot reach. In this case, it will be easier for you to track the baby’s results, which means there will be something to praise for.


It is very important for a child to feel the approval of his parents. And working with a list is no exception.

You can reward with money or gifts, but best of all - with additional time and attention.

Personal experience:

My son's to-do list currently contains the following items:

  • Brush your teeth (morning and evening)
  • Do exercises
  • Creative activity (drawing, modeling, applique)
  • Preparation for school

While using the list, I noticed that my son began to run to brush his teeth in the morning, does exercises, and helps collect toys without unnecessary arguments.

For completing each task, the son puts a sticker on the table. I bought a lot of different ones, and every time he happily chooses the one he likes. To my surprise, he does not expect any additional rewards in the form of toys or anything else. Perhaps in the future, when tasks become more complex, motivation will need to be strengthened. But for now, the child is ready to do everything on the list in order to cover all the empty cells in a day.

(13 votes: 4.2 out of 5)

Reward and punishment are two sides of the same coin, whose name is “education.” And for this medal to turn out to be gold, you need to know the basic rules of reward and punishment.


Today, all parents strive to become more sensitive, more responsible in their actions and resort to primitive forms of behavior as little as possible. Harsh punishment and cruelty in human relationships cannot be justified. However, unfortunately, it will not be possible to do without punishment. In order for the punishment to benefit the child, you need to follow some rules.

1. Punishment should not be harmful to health- neither physical nor mental.

2. If there is doubt: to punish or not to punish, do not punish. No “prevention”, no punishment just in case.

3. For one offense - one punishment. If many offenses are committed at once, the punishment can be severe, but only one punishment, for all the offenses at once.

4. Late punishment is unacceptable. Other “educators” scold and punish children for offenses that were discovered six months or a year after they were committed. They forget that even the law takes into account the statute of limitations for crimes. The very fact of discovering a child’s misconduct in most cases is sufficient punishment.

5. Child should not be afraid of reprisals. He must know that in certain cases punishment is inevitable. He should not fear punishment, not even anger, but the grief of his parents. If the relationship with the child is normal, then their upset is a punishment for him.

6. Don't humiliate your child. Whatever his guilt, punishment should not be perceived by him as a triumph of your strength over his weakness and as a humiliation of human dignity. If the child is particularly proud or believes that in this particular case he is right and you are unfair, punishment will not bring him any benefit.

7. If a child is punished, it means he has already been forgiven. Not a word more about his previous misdeeds. Do not remember the offense anymore, because you have already paid for it.

8. You cannot punish with food; to hit hard; miscall; put in a corner for a long time; punish in a public place; repeat your demands many times, “strengthening” their weight by shouting. Remember that your intemperance in punishment instills hatred of that for which one is punished; makes the child downtrodden and insignificant; frees you from remorse; subsequently such children become insensitive; punishment creates a moral cynic.

9. Very often, punishment does not correct the child, but only transforms him. Punishment makes the child afraid of losing parental love. A punished child develops a hostile feeling towards his parents. Frequent punishment, one way or another, encourages the child to remain infantile.

10. Contrary to popular belief, you should not punish a child with occupational therapy - after that, any work will be perceived by the child as punishment.

11. Attention! A child should never be punished:

- when he is sick;

- before bedtime and immediately after sleep;

— while eating (this is the most direct hit of information, the child literally “swallows” negative signals; later this can lead to the development of psychosomatic diseases);

— during work and play;

- immediately after mental or physical trauma;

- when a child sincerely tries to do something, but fails;

- when the teacher himself is in a bad mood.


Encouragement is a kind of art of education. It can be both “useful” and “harmful”. A number of simple rules will help parents master this art. By mastering them, you can avoid many mistakes.

1. Exaggerated praise I immediately want to “put him in his place”, to show his true nature. Do not throw undeserved praise left and right, trying to win over your child. Many parents report that such unjustified praise resulted in completely unbearable behavior in their offspring. The parents shrugged their shoulders, calling it a paradox. And this is what happens: children feel insincerity, exaggerated praise and immediately want to be “put in their place”, to show their true nature. The child, as if feeling doubt about whether he is “wonderful, sweet, irreplaceable,” tries to refute the praise with his behavior.

The child will appreciate it sincere praise, and next time he will be sincerely glad to please you.

So, if you want to praise a child (for example, for a tidy room), do not rush to exclaim, “You are my assistant, what a great job!” Just say with a smile: “The room is now clean, it’s so nice to come here.” Believe me, the child will appreciate it and next time he will be sincerely glad to please you.

And if, let’s say, you want to praise him for a beautiful drawing, then don’t rush to conclusions like: “You’re growing into a real artist!” - the child may doubt or be upset if the next drawing does not turn out so well. It’s better to pay attention to the drawing itself, for example: “What a big house you drew, there are so many bright colors around, and you haven’t forgotten about the animals. And what a tall tree there are - how many apples are on it!”

You need to be able to construct your comments in such a way that the child himself draws conclusions about his abilities. For example, if your son helped you move a heavy cabinet, instead of saying “how strong you are,” you can say how heavy the cabinet was, how difficult it was to move it, but together you managed. The child will draw his own conclusions: “That means I’m strong, I’m needed!”

Or, having assessed the child’s ability to write poetry, instead of “You will be a wonderful poet,” it is better to tell him: “Your poem touched me very much.”

The child must realize that he himself is capable of much by nature, without making special efforts.

2. Praise should be directed at the child's actions, not at his personality.

Examples of harmful praise may be like: “You are such a wonderful daughter!”, “You are a real mother’s helper!”, “You are so kind and sympathetic, what would we do without you?” The child may feel anxious because he is far from being as perfect as they say. And here there are two options for behavior.

First: most likely, the child, without waiting for “exposure,” will himself prove his “not so ideal” nature by bad behavior.

But the second option is also possible, when the child himself stops being sincere and adapts to praise and prefers exclusively those situations where he can show off only his most advantageous side. And listening to the endless exclamations of loving grandmothers: “What a wonderful child! Exceptional abilities! What a clever girl!” — the baby runs the risk of growing up to be a narcissistic egocentric.

3. Don't praise your child for natural things. Don't make something extraordinary out of his sociality. This rule was revealed very well by psychotherapist Jean Ledloff: “If a child has done something useful, for example, dressed himself, fed the dog, picked a bouquet of wildflowers, nothing can offend him more than an expression of surprise at his social behavior. Exclamations like: “Oh, how smart you are!”, “Look what he made, and even himself!” — imply that sociality in a child is unexpected, unusual and unusual.” The child must realize that he himself is capable of much by nature, without making special efforts. So is it worth confusing him with inappropriate praise?

4. Don't express your approval in financial terms.. You should not encourage your child to help with housework or creative activities with money. A person successfully does what he chooses sincerely, for internal reasons. If the child knows that the action will be followed by payment, then he will radically change the nature of his behavior - from “creative doing” his activity will turn into “making money.”

5. In families with several children , parents should ensure that encouraging one child does not cause feelings of envy or resentment in the others. When encouraging children, parents should act deliberately and slowly each time.

6. Definitely exclude the reward method - candy and chocolate. Children, of course, love to eat, but creating a cult out of food and cultivating excessive interest in it is not worth it. Of course, it’s easier to buy candy for your child than to do something with your baby. Simpler, but far from better.

7. Reward should follow a good deed, and not be promised in advance: “Do this, then you will get this...” Your child should learn to receive satisfaction from the work itself, and not try for the sake of a reward. After all, in life, not every good deed is followed by a reward, and there is no need to teach your child to always expect it.

8. Teach your child to be grateful for any signs of attention, shown to him, regardless of the amount of money spent on the gift. If your child is given gifts, never analyze their cost and value with him, this can lead to serious moral problems.

Olga Rebeschenkova

Raising a child mainly takes place in the family. Even the most elite school with the most experienced psychologists cannot replace parents, close relatives and a special home microclimate. Children feel this; the biggest loss for them is the loss of their parents, so threats to be placed in a boarding school for re-education are effective, but harsh for a disobedient child. Family education methods are a combination of reward and punishment, carrot and stick.

The main methods of raising and influencing a child are: persuasion, personal example, encouragement and punishment. It is not only the methods of education that are important, but how parents use them in practice. For some parents, punishment is a spanking on a soft spot, while for others it is deprivation of pleasure. You can be deprived of a second mobile phone, or you can be deprived of regular caramels. The process of upbringing is very difficult; it has a lot of nuances that you have to deal with every day.

Methods of education are the methods by which directed pedagogical influence is exerted on the behavior, as well as the consciousness of the child. The methods of influence bear the imprint of the parents’ personality, so each father or mother has his own limits of influence on his child. Let us consider in more detail the main ways of influencing the growing personality.

Family education methods- these are methods of educational influence and interaction between parents and children, aimed at developing their consciousness, feelings and will, developing behavioral experience, and organizing the life of children.


It consists of a targeted impact on the psyche with consciousness. Adults tell what is good and what is bad and give effective arguments to explain their position. The stories are accompanied by easy-to-understand examples so that you can understand the essence without complex phrases.

If a child does not respect bread and throws it around the room, then he is not beaten or scolded. The child is simply calmly told that dozens of people worked hard to ensure that a fresh bun ended up on their table at home. They also emphasize that dad and mom worked hard to buy bread. Therefore, disrespect for bread is disrespect for parents and also to your family.

Reward and punishment: pros and cons

The next two techniques are the most discussed, they are two sides of the same coin, which is called education. Let us dwell in more detail on the use of carrot and stick tactics in various combinations.

Table 1:

Methods for stimulating behavior and activity
Encouragement (praise, gratitude, appreciation, approval of a positive action, friendly eye contact, physical contact: stroking, hugging, pressing to the chest, sitting on your knees, shaking hands, etc., assigning a task, gifts, material and monetary rewards)
Punishment (remark, warning, delayed conversation, postponement of the fulfillment of the promised, cancellation of the fulfillment of the promised, refusal to fulfill the request, deprivation of usual entertainment, placing him in a corner for a while, leaving him in a separate room for a while, sitting for a while in a chair, on a sofa, on his knees and etc.)
Competition (motivation)

Read more: Goals and objectives of family education


This is the highest art of the education process; depending on the techniques and methodology, it can either harm or contribute to better development.

  1. Exaggerated praise is perceived as flattery and often has the opposite effect. If your daughter tried hard and cleaned the room well, then you shouldn’t say: “You’re my smart girl, without you I’m like without hands!” Just note that the room was a big mess, but now the home has been transformed and shines with cleanliness. Comments should be structured in such a way that the child himself draws conclusions about his abilities and feels needed. Otherwise he may become proud of himself or feel ingratiated and flattered.
  2. Natural things should not be praised– there is no need to say that the baby is special and well done if he just got dressed and brushed his teeth. But the best result on the annual test in mathematics is already a reason to express your admiration for the child’s academic performance.
  3. You cannot promise incentives in advance.– there is no need to say that for a tree planted in the yard you will buy your child sneakers or a ball. This will lead to the fact that the child will not want to do something truly useful for the family and society just like that. It is necessary to cultivate the understanding that not every useful action deserves praise. You will definitely encourage your child if you see real benefits from his actions. But Don’t make studying, good behavior, or helping around the house a market relationship..
  4. Don't be overzealous when rewarding with chocolate or candy. You risk developing a cult of food and excess body weight. This is especially true for preschoolers.


Opponents of the use of any punishment generally express doubts about the need for such a method, but most parents agree on the benefits of the stick method as opposed to the carrot.

It is necessary to punish in any case so that the younger generation understands the boundaries of what is permitted. The most important thing in punishment is the child must understand and understand his wrongdoing, otherwise physical or spiritual deprivation makes no sense at all.

Punishment is not only punishment and retribution for an offense, it is a prevention of similar actions in the future. For example, your daughter broke your favorite vase, you yelled at her and put her in a corner. You not only punished her for the offense, but also created in her mind the attitude that for every pampering in the future that ends in damage to things, you will put the naughty woman in a corner.

Read more: Problems of raising a family

Punishment is divided into two main groups: physical influence and prohibitions. Don't overdo it with physical force, it should be rare, only for very serious offenses or disobedience. The maximum is spanking. You can act more flexibly with prohibitions - find a source of pleasure for the child and regulate it.

There are basic rules that should be followed when punishing:

  1. Think over the punishment, make it fair and under no circumstances should you humiliate the child’s dignity. Criticize the action, not the person.
  2. Control yourself, don’t come up with punishment in the heat of the moment. Choose a punishment that matches the crime.
  3. There is no need to globally punish and ban everything. Talk about both negative and positive behavior. Punish him for torn shorts during football, but note that your son makes clean tackles on the field and follows the rules of the game even in dirty yard football.
  4. If the child deserves encouragement, but does not receive it, then punishment should not cancel it. Always keep your promises: buy your child a smartphone for good studies, even if he accidentally broke a window in a neighbor’s house immediately after receiving his annual grades. But then come up with a punishment for the window.

Personal example

Children for the most part copy the behavior of their parents, this is quite normal. You can benefit from such copying when raising - you just need to behave the way you would like your children to behave.

In the example of respect for bread, you yourself must respect the bread and under no circumstances show disdain for this food product. Your children will definitely appreciate this attitude, and it is possible that they will not have to resort to punishment.

Be careful with this parenting method, since children adopt not only the positive, but also the negative aspects of your behavior. The best option is to behave correctly, decently, according to the norms of society in all situations. Only then can you rightfully demand that your heirs behave appropriately.

Table 2:

Family Education ToolsMethods of forming consciousnessMethods for shaping behavior and organizing activities
Types of activities (play, work, communication)ExplanationExercise
Items (toys, things, media, means of communication)Suggestion (suggestion)Direct requirement (warning, instruction, order)
Works of material and spiritual culture (structures, works of science, literature, art, public life)ExampleIndirect requirement (advice, request, trust, approval, hint, wish, reminder)
Playing out
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