How to meet people in a nightclub. How to meet a girl in a club

Dating and pickup in nightclubs are qualitatively different from dating on the street, in a cafe, at school or work, because girls and guys initially come to clubs for new impressions and emotions. That is why the club can be called an ideal place to practice communication skills with the opposite sex. We will tell the male readers how to meet a girl in a nightclub.

Task 1. Present yourself correctly from the very beginning

It is necessary to attract the attention of the fair sex not at the moment of communication, but immediately after appearing in the club. The female sex is distinguished by an attentiveness unattainable for men, and many girls constantly watch everyone who comes in, instantly assessing his attractiveness.

No one can compete with other guys in the club in everything, but the “minimum program” should be followed - clothes should be absolutely clean and more or less fashionable. It is enough to wear one thing that catches your eye - for example, an unusual bright shirt.

When entering an establishment, it is better to smile, even if there is no particular reason for it.

A smile is subconsciously perceived as a symbol of confidence and carefreeness.

Task 2. Be able to feel and control the conversation

You should understand that if any sounds are drowned out by music, at this moment it is better not to yell in the girl’s ear or move away from the dance floor to a secluded corner, after which she will be able to focus on what you are telling her. When a conversation does begin, it is not recommended to ask your interlocutor what she does or where she studies - people do not visit clubs to be bored with routine things. You need to approach the conversation creatively: no banal topics!

The power of a glance cannot be underestimated - sometimes it can express more than verbally. Pick-up artists managed to write entire treatises on non-verbal speech, i.e. the ability to convey information by timbre and intonation of voice, facial expressions, gaze, gestures and body position.

Task 3. Read body language and facial expressions, use empathy

The guy should watch the girl’s facial expression, her eyes. This allows you to correctly determine her attitude towards him, her emotional level and, therefore, understand whether he can hug or kiss her, or whether this should be postponed. If discomfort is visible on a girl’s face, perhaps she has not had time to get used to the situation.

What is empathy? Empathy - this is how this psychological term can be described in one word.

A specific example: a guy feels that the girl he likes is cautious with him and is somewhat afraid. This tension can be relieved by saying something relaxing and with a bit of humor, for example: “Don’t worry about it, I always get too brazen in clubs.” These kinds of phrases will let her know that he is adequate and does not intend to cause her any harm.

Task 4. Don’t put an end to mixed groups of boys and girls

In most cases, the club is visited not alone or even in pairs, but by more or less large groups. You cannot immediately reject such potential acquaintances just because these people came together. After meeting a whole group of people, a guy can make a lot of male friends and next time go in search of adventures with them. Moreover, they will probably offer to meet the rest of the ladies. And in order not to put yourself in an awkward position by making advances towards someone else’s girlfriend, it’s enough to observe a little of the relationships within the company.

Task 5. Learn to be permissive and not be afraid to be arrogant

Even if in reality all these affirmations are far from true, an insecure or inexperienced guy should fix the following attitudes in his mind:

  1. This is his club, and he is the boss here.
  2. There is no need to deny yourself anything.
  3. The whole party is based on it.
  4. If he likes the girl, he will achieve her.
  5. Everyone present is incredibly happy to see him and eager to get to know him.

You can learn how to become more self-confident in the following video:

Task 6. Be principled

Having received an undeserved turn from the gate from an arrogant or rude girl, the best tactic would be to demonstratively approach another. And since the desire to be in the center of attention (especially male attention) is inherent in almost all ladies, the girl who “dismissed” the guy will probably regret her behavior afterwards, or even feel a pang of jealousy.

Task 7. Don’t worry about refusals and failures

If communication with the girl you like has not started, and she refuses to dance, you should not immediately look for the problem in yourself.

  1. There are dozens of reasons for such a refusal that are beyond a guy’s control:
  2. She is tired of the constant “tackles” and does not get to know anyone.
  3. She came with a guy.
  4. Her friends are nearby, which constrains and confuses her.
  5. The guy and the girl are now “on different wavelengths” and in different emotional states, which is why they cannot correctly understand each other.

She just can’t hear him because of the roar of the music.

Task 8. Come up, hug and take you to the dance floor

This tactic helps to overcome the long and tedious initial stage of getting to know all its banal “What’s your name?” and “Did you come here alone?” Dancing together makes two strangers feel as if they have been friends for years. It is in dance that after accidental or intentional touching, attraction to each other can develop.

There is no need to be afraid of a scandal - in clubs the vast majority of girls like to get closer without further ado.

The meeting was a success. What's next?

  1. Some guys are at a loss after meeting successfully at another club, and don’t know how to spend the evening with a girl. Here are some ready-made “recipes” and tips for spending time together:
  2. Take me to the dance floor. In addition to the fact that this is the most obvious option, it is also a way to impress a girl with your dancing skills (if the guy has taken several club dancing lessons in advance).
  3. Take a walk around the club grounds. The main thing is that the navigator should be a man, so that the girl does not feel the responsibility for entertainment has been transferred to her.
  4. Visit a karaoke room with her.
  5. Immediately after you have managed to meet a girl at a club, it is better to isolate her from the friends with whom she came, so that they do not interfere with the rapprochement. Afterwards, on the contrary, introduce yourself and chat.

Introduce the lady to your friends. To strengthen the connection with her, a guy can even tell his friends that this is his girlfriend. It is unlikely that she will begin to object out loud.

Alternative to club dating

  1. We advise extremely shy people who are still not ready to meet people in crowded clubs to try their hand at dating sites.
  2. Relative anonymity and “invisibility”. You can end a boring conversation or acquaintance at any time.
  3. More sincerity. As Cicero used to say, epistula non erubescit - writing does not blush. Those. On the Internet, people, as a rule, can quickly and more honestly write about themselves what “in real life” only close friends know about.
  4. The most suitable contingent. EVERYONE wants to meet people on specialized sites, which cannot be said even about such free places as nightclubs.

Absolutely any young man can come up and meet a girl in the club, since the very atmosphere of the establishment contributes to this. To increase his chances of success, a guy should:

  • present yourself beautifully;
  • choose the right moment and place for conversation;
  • observe the non-verbal signals of the interlocutor;
  • don’t be afraid to meet big companies;
  • do not doubt your abilities even one iota;
  • have a sense of pride and not indulge arrogant girls;
  • don’t worry about “failures”;
  • try the “hug and take to the dance floor” tactic.

With a girl, others say it's the worst. I'm telling you that this is a great place where you can pick up a girl not only for a date, but also for sex without any obligations.

Do you think that clubs are visited by easily accessible girls who are already in the mood for sex? Or do you think this is a gathering place for proud and unapproachable glamorous ladies? Throw all these stereotypes out of your head, forget about the blaring music and just act! How to meet a girl in a nightclub who will live up to your expectations. I’ll tell you what needs to be done now.

The Basics of a Successful Hunt

The main task is to be relaxed when communicating with girls! Move to the beat of the music, smile at the girls (most importantly sincerely) and act natural.

Your explosive energy

If you are heading to a club for the sake of meeting people, you need to stock up on excellent energy, which you will have to distribute left and right. Don’t go there if you’re simply not in the mood, because you’re supposed to captivate, fascinate, and conquer. Be cheerful, energetic and light. You can drink for this (in fact, everyone does this), just a lot.

Be the brightest guy in the club

A fairly famous pick-up artist once gave good advice about clothing - wear light-colored things. This makes sense, since first of all you need to stand out from the mass of other guys. In the spotlight, white clothes stand out best - they simply glow, making you noticeable and recognizable.

Read also:

Start seduction with gestures and facial expressions

Since music is playing loudly in the club almost constantly, you need to act using non-verbal contact. That is, try to smile, wink, look and show other signs of attention to the girl you like. You can raise your glass up as if you were clinking glasses with her. To meet someone at a disco, your posture should express confidence: you can hold a glass with one hand and put the thumb of the other hand in your pocket.

Dose your communication

When you arrive at the club, you don’t need to find one victim and follow her around all night. You can approach her, lay the groundwork for your contact, and then just walk away. This way you will ignite desire more, will not be too intrusive and will be happily received when you return. Just move away from her and sit at your table with your friends. Or you can even pave the way for communication with another girl.

Loud music is your helper!

In fact, from the very moment you come to the club, you have the right to be touched. You can’t hear anything, but you need to talk. At this moment, you can allow yourself to hug the girl around the waist from behind and say your first words in her ear.

Dating in dance

Don’t ask the question anymore: how to meet a girl in a club, just move - you can safely pick up girls on the dance floor. Just meet your eyes with someone special, establish non-verbal contact with her: smile, look away from her, then look again. When you realize that she is also interested in you, you can come closer and just openly dance next to her. Here, pay attention to her reaction: if she is also actively dancing with you, you can proceed further. If the girl moves away or expresses dissatisfaction, just switch to another.

What to whisper in her ear

In fact, in the club this is not so important. There are many openers that work as effectively as the most standard phrases. Tell her something like this: “You're moving great,” “Hi. Great DJ today, huh?”, “I never would have thought that in such a club you could meet such a beautiful girl” etc. Most often, even these phrases, with pre-established contact, are quite enough to start communication.

Dance floor superhero

If you're brave enough to hook up with other men and be a protector, you can use the superhero method. If you see a guy clinging to a girl, act, but not with your fists. Just come and say: "Hi dear. Sorry I'm late". At the same time, extend your hand to your opponent and say hello to him. Invite the girl to your table. She is immensely grateful to you, and then the only thing left to do is treat her with something and continue the conversation.

And of course, don’t forget about slow dancing. This method worked with our fathers and works just as successfully with us. Invite girls to dance without being shy. In the end, they also came here for the purpose of getting acquainted - they can dance at home in front of the mirror.

Main rules of success

  1. Try to always catch signs of attention to yourself. Girls look at you the same way you look at them. Therefore, notice smiles, glances, facial expressions. And approach with complete confidence if the girl shows any hope.
  2. Don’t become an annoying man yourself, from whom you have to save the lady. Persistence is our trump card as a man, but there is a limit to it.
  3. Don't try to be a super dancer, because most likely you will seem just funny.
  4. And yes, if you know that you are not a very good dancer and want to turn it into a joke, it’s better not to, because you will just seem like a clown.

Getting to know each other at the bar

Near the bar, it’s easy to determine the girl’s mood (this is already a reason to start communicating), what company she came with, or whether she was left alone and bored. All you need is to act according to the situation and not miss the chance to approach the lady who is left alone at the bar. Here are some ways:

Another trick with the lifeguard

This is exactly the dating method that we have all always dreamed of. Do you want to save her from the villain? Then you'll have to involve your friend. This method is perfectly shown in the film “How to Be a Man.” Basically, your friend approaches the girls and starts blatantly pestering them. At this moment you appear and save them from this persistent man. Then you simply treat them to a cocktail, become indignant about the situation and tell them that the ladies are safe with you.

"I am here for the first time"

You can simply unobtrusively sit down next to a girl at the bar and casually say: “Yeah, that club I used to go to sucks. All sorts of troubles were always happening there.". Most likely, the girl will become interested in what happened there and you can continue your story. Then just leave the topic and move on to another conversation.

Make her a participant in your celebration

When you come to the club, just be sure that with the right approach you will find a girl. They can dance at home in front of the mirror, but today their goal is to hunt for you, a real attractive man. So how to meet a girl in a club? Just sit next to her at the bar and tell her that your favorite football team won today. You can think of another reason to celebrate. And invite her to keep her company: “Imagine, today is (such and such a holiday), and my friends have all left. Can I treat you to something in connection with this wonderful event?

Just treat the girl to something

If you are going to spend money on girls today, then the easiest way is for you. Find a group of beautiful girls (2-3 people), ask the bartender how long they have been sitting and what they are drinking. Then order them the same drinks and ask the waiter to bring them to them without telling them who they are from. Now you are just waiting for the right moment: you behave at ease, and from time to time you can go somewhere. The girls will definitely either guess who the drinks are from, or ask the bartender and most likely will come up to thank you. This is where you join their company.

  1. It’s very convenient to meet people using the 2x2 method: you and your friend approach two girls. In the presence of your friends, it will be easier for you to open up to each other.
  2. When starting a conversation, don’t start asking about the girl’s entire biography! It is important to be interested in her, but not obsessively.
  3. It’s better to speak according to the situation: if you don’t like the club, say so: “Hmm, I expected more from this club. How do you like it here? and so on. This way you both can agree on a common opinion (after all, the statement is truthful) and continue to get to know each other.
  4. If possible, ask a girl to slow dance.
  5. I could write “be witty”, but I understand that you are either witty by nature or you are not. So don't try to joke if you're not very good at it. Just be cheerful and easy to communicate - that's enough.

One of the places for dating is a disco or nightclub. Girls probably come here to meet them. Of course, there may be someone who already has a boyfriend and came to the disco just for company with a friend. However, know that most of the girls actually came to the nightclub to meet...

Even though nightclubs and discotheques are places where people go to meet people, many guys may have problems with this. Even here, where you can boldly approach girls, the guy gets stunned. He comes to the club and stands on the sidelines all night, watching the beautiful girls. The only thing he can do is stare at the sexy moves of the girls he likes and whom he can't approach.

As a result, the whole night is spent at the bar, where the guy gets drunk. In this way, he relieves the stress that arises from the thought that you want to approach and meet girls, but this becomes impossible due to fear or self-doubt. As a result, you can only remember how much you drank, and not how many girls gave their

As long as a guy is shy, he will remain lonely. Girls won't approach him for dating because they are meeting other guys who are getting the courage to approach them. To make the reader a little bolder, you should remember the following idea:

  • Girls come to the club to meet each other. Only a few come for the sake of dancing or for company. Most of them want to get to know each other. All that remains is to satisfy the desires of the girls by boldly approaching them.

No hungry look

The first secret that will help you win girls’ hearts at a disco or nightclub is the absence of a hungry look. Most people come to such establishments to get acquainted with the transition to sex. The girls dress sexy, which is impossible not to notice. They dance sexy, which is very exciting. Whether you want it or not, thoughts about sex arise by themselves.

To meet a girl, you need to control yourself. Girls are not attracted to someone who is hungry and only thinks about sex. Undoubtedly, young ladies are flattered that they are wanted, but they will never fall for a guy who shows with his entire appearance that he only wants sex.

If you are hungry, you will have to curb your desires. We suggest that you do not refuse sex, but simply show that you are not thinking about it. You meet a girl to chat with her, have a fun night, maybe even meet her... but not for sex. Girls feel this well. If you manage to show all this, then there will be no problems with dating.

Use visualization techniques:

  1. Imagine yourself hungry. You really want sex. You see a girl and take the appropriate steps to get her to bed. Try to look at yourself from the outside: how do you behave, what emotions do you demonstrate, how do you react to the words (especially refusal) of a girl? All this is a good read. If a girl doesn’t agree to just give herself to a stranger, then she doesn’t like your “concerned” behavior.
  2. Imagine yourself saturated. You have enough sex. You have many girls who agree to have sex with you. Here you see a new “victim”. How are you doing? How do you react to her refusals and prohibitions? How do you feel if you can’t meet someone? Look at yourself from the outside.

If you did a good job, you could see the difference between being “hungry” and being “satisfied.” There are two different behaviors here that are easy for girls to read. Young ladies understand that they want sex from them. However, when this is clearly and demonstratively shown to them, it only repels them.

Cool look

Not only guys pay attention to how girls look, but also young ladies meet the opposite sex by their clothes. I'm always attracted to a guy who looks cool. Since we are talking about a disco or nightclub, the guy should look impressive. A shirt that is unbuttoned to chest level is even allowed here.

Anyone who wants to meet girls should pay attention to how he looks. Spend at least half an hour looking at yourself in the mirror and perfecting your appearance. Girls like handsome guys. You don't have to be perfect here. The important thing here is to be attractive and likable. It doesn't matter what you do for this.

Girls first of all evaluate a guy by his appearance. Yes, yes, don't think that you are the only one doing this. If a girl doesn’t like a guy in appearance, then she won’t want to get to know him. If the guy is outwardly attractive, then he will not have problems with dating.

Company of friends

It's good if you come to a nightclub or disco with a group of friends. This will allow you to sometimes take your mind off the need to meet girls. Moreover, there will be someone to talk to if the “operation” fails.

Friends will help and cheer you up. Moreover, the girl will note whether you came alone or with friends. Together with the company, the guy becomes more cheerful and sociable than when he comes alone and stands on the sidelines. A loner is always preoccupied with something, even becoming uninteresting. And girls quite often come with friends. To be able to meet a girl, the friend you came with can take on the role of a friend.

Don't be lonely

If the guy did come on his own, then the first thing he should do is meet someone. Perhaps it doesn’t matter how beautiful and interesting the interlocutor turns out to be. It is necessary to show that you are not alone in a nightclub or disco, so that many unclear questions do not arise from girls whom you later want to meet.

Give yourself just 5 minutes to assess the situation and understand which girl to approach. Then head to her to create company for yourself, even if it turns out to be temporary.

How to meet someone in a nightclub?

To meet people in a nightclub, you need to start approaching girls. As long as you stand on the sidelines or in a corner, nothing will happen. Girls won't get to know you. You'll have to take the first steps yourself.

Start getting to know those on the dance floor. If a girl is sitting or chatting with a friend, you should not approach unless you suddenly have a lot of self-confidence. As soon as an interesting girl hits the dance floor, you can approach her.

If the music is playing fast, then you have to start with communication. Approach the girl so that she can see you. Show that you are interested in her. Feel free to go to her. What should I tell her? Come up with something. It doesn't matter what you say anymore. The main thing is that the girl hears you, and that your voice is firm and decisive.

If the music plays slowly, then everything is simple - invite the girl to a slow dance. The danger is that the girl may refuse. It is unpleasant! However, you should not focus on this. Turn your attention to the other young ladies who are in the nightclub. If a girl agrees to dance with you, then do it as elegantly as possible. Do not get too close to the girl, but also do not move away to the “pioneer” distance. Let the girl feel your warmth and tenderness. At the same time, don’t be silent, but start getting to know each other:

  1. "What is your name?".
  2. “Are you here alone or with friends?”
  3. “Do you like this club?”
  4. "I really liked you. I couldn’t resist asking you to dance.”

Chat with the girl in an interesting and fun way, then invite her to sit at your table to continue getting acquainted. If she agrees, be sure to buy her something to drink. This will relax her and make her more receptive to you.

Nightclub is a great place for dating

Many have a negative attitude towards nightclubs, perceiving them as places of debauchery. In fact, people come here to meet people and have fun. If someone needs debauchery, then he has the right to it. When going to a nightclub, be prepared to make introductions, as this is a great place to meet a girl for one night and even for some kind of relationship.

In a nightclub, you can almost immediately move on to touching. Here you can hug a girl and even kiss her, which is impossible to do if you meet a girl on the street.

Which ones? For any. Everything that surrounds you can be discussed. You can ask the girl’s preferences, as well as for what purposes she came to the disco.

If communication is going well, then you can invite the girl to leave the disco. You can go home, to the beach or any other cozy place where communication can turn into something fun and interesting. If the girl does not agree to your proposal, then do not be upset. Continue to communicate with her, as she may change her mind (if her refusal was a test of your intentions).

If you want to meet as many girls as possible, then you shouldn’t spend too much time on one. We met, talked, asked for her phone number, promising that she would definitely call, and went on to meet other girls.

The result of the night's leisure

How you spend your time in a nightclub is entirely up to you. Girls come here to meet each other. You can become a complete loser if you don’t even take the chance to meet someone here. The outcome depends on your intentions and courage. The girls are ready - and you?

The club is one of the most convenient places to seduce girls. It’s easy to find a girlfriend here for the next night, and besides, that’s often what people come there for. So if you both came to spend the night together, what will stop you from achieving a mutually beneficial goal? There are so many stories when guys are simply dragged into the toilet by the girls themselves to “adjust their bra.” You may well become one of the heroes of such stories.

And let the girls claim that they come to clubs to dance, drink, and take a break from work or study. We guys will continue to pretend that the noodles on our ears look great. Masks are off, gentlemen, forward to adventure!


Where to even start going to the club? With careful planning, of course. You need to be fully prepared for what's coming your way.
  1. Picking up girls should not be done without condoms. Good contraception is the key to health and a comfortable life without unexpected pregnancies.
  2. Put off alcohol until better times. Eating at a club must be done sober. To be brave, a little bit is okay, but don’t go overboard. You still need to drink cocktails and stay conscious.
  3. Dress up! A pickup in a club without a normal appearance is impossible. I have already written about club style, from there you will get all the necessary information about your appropriate appearance.
  4. Prepare financially. You can’t take a lot of money, you can’t not take it at all. Some beauties will consider it your duty to treat them to a cocktail with a hint of continuing the banquet in another place. Don't miss the opportunity! Besides, maybe you yourself want what you want, but there will be no magical means of fulfilling your desires at hand.

If you live in a small town, then you are already aware of the clubs and have a clear idea of ​​which ones represent what. They can be divided into several parts:

  • where they come just to relax;
  • thematic interest clubs;
  • where they come to beat each other;
  • a gathering of drunkards;
  • karaoke;
  • Last but not least, where girls and guys meet.
There are also crazy mixes, it is also advisable to weed them out. As you may have guessed, you need the last one on the list. Select a few clubs for yourself that you are ready to go to and go scouting.

Just go up to the club and stand there for 10 minutes, look around. This time is more than enough to understand exactly who visits this club and whether it is suitable for your goals. If it's mostly drunks who come here, go away. If you are completely satisfied with the contingent, look for a company for yourself. These must be well-dressed smiling guys with a positive attitude. It will be easy to start a conversation with them, they will probably treat you well if you somehow correspond to them. And this definitely needs to be done, you will understand why later.

It will be easy to start a conversation with the guys. Ask them about this establishment. There is a high probability that this is not the first time they have been here. How much does beer cost? Who's the bartender today? And everything like that. Try to make your questions hint that this is not your first time here.

If there is, then in the company of friends they will easily let you in. If you don’t have a fume smell, everything is fine with your clothes, you definitely won’t arouse suspicion. There should also be order with age.

You enter a new club and immediately catch everyone’s attention. Everyone began to ask the price of you: both girls and boys, to understand what you were worth and what could be expected from you. This is your finest hour, it's time to create. You stomp straight to the most beautiful girl, whom the entire male half of the club is staring at, but is afraid to approach. Say hello, inquire about the state of things, etc. Then you go to another, the second most attractive, and so on in descending order to 3-4 girls.

What did you just do? Now the club’s face control understands that you are a normal guy and there is no need to keep an eye on you. The guys you came in with are forced to take you into account, because they think you know the local “stars”. It's the "stars" who pay more attention to you because they see you with normal guys. You have prepared very fertile ground for yourself!

Which girls to choose?

Picking up at a club traditionally involves choosing from three categories of girls. The division is made by behavior.
  1. On the dance floor. These are the majority of girls, and these are perhaps the most adequate. It is likely that they came with the goal of really relaxing and just dancing. It’s a little more complicated with them, I’ll tell you what’s what below.
  2. At the bar counter. It is important to separate the wheat from the chaff here. Many of the people you meet are sitting around waiting for someone to sponsor them. You can become one, but it is quite expected that you will not receive anything in return. Dynamists in nightclubs are a common occurrence. If a girl already has a drink in her hands, and it’s not cheap beer, you have a chance to meet an interesting person who came here to meet people. Unless, of course, someone else bought her the drink.
  3. At the tables. These people come to the club reluctantly or are no longer alone. Sometimes there are people who are simply embarrassed to dance. This is the perfect option for you. After just a few phrases from you, they will go with you to a more comfortable place.
Clubs for picking up girls give you complete freedom of action. You can go to the bar to get drunk, stand like a pillar at the dance floor, dumbly nodding your head, or go dance yourself. The first two options are rejected, you didn’t come here for that. And those who act as in the first two cases will not find success here.

Dance will already demand something from you. If you are not sure that you can show something worthwhile, go study. There is no way without this. Modern trends will help you learn basic movements and give you a sense of rhythm in a couple of lessons. Good for the club. But the further you go, the better. Who knows, maybe you have the talent of a cool dancer hidden in you?

While you’re dancing, you’re simultaneously looking for a girl for the night. As I noticed, get closer by dancing. If he makes it clear that he’s definitely not with you, go to the next one. And so on until you find the one. If you have received a refusal from absolutely everyone, you start spot-picking the girl. Now almost anyone will meet you halfway.

You shouldn't dance with one for more than 10 minutes. This is more than enough to obtain complete non-verbal information. If you are not rejected, continue communication. Picking up girls in the club does not take place on the dance floor. This is just a speeding area. Then go with her to the bar or to the smoking room to “take a break” from dancing. Now find out her name, communicate positively. If she wants to dance some more, let her. After that, take it home already hot.

How to take a girl home from the club? Just act like a tank and that’s it. Take your hand, lead you. When asked where, and he will be, answer: “To your home.” If she doesn't agree. Say that you have a cool parrot at home, not to mention an expensive bottle of martini. If she still gets frostbite after that, leave her with your plans. Do the same with the other girl.

If you don’t find your luck here, walk a little and repeat. There is a very high probability of being convinced that the club for picking up girls was called that way for a reason. There are other, gentler ways, but you should definitely move to a more comfortable place.
If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls

Dating and Pickup

How to meet a girl in a club

Meeting a girl in a club is one of the most interesting and exciting experiences that a guy can have. And the trick is that girls initially come to the club to have a good time and meet interesting people, hence we have a huge number of pretty girls and great competition among men.

However, absolutely any guy can grab a nice girl who will not only brighten up his evening at the club, but will also agree to continue a closer relationship later. To do this, you just need to know the basic principles of dating and avoid dynamo scammers.

Dating in a club - basic theory

So, when a girl is going to go to a club, she expects to have a good time there, have fun and meet interesting people. It is for this reason that the girl tries to show herself in all her glory and achieve admiration from others. And the main rule of meeting a girl in a club is based on this principle: “A guy should look so that a girl feels that he is the one who makes her popular and successful.”

However, it should be obvious to you that if you try to pick out a girl who is very popular with men, and she herself is drawn from such attention, then this option will be a failure for you. Therefore, immediately dismiss all girls who fit this category.

Next, you should understand that a large number of busy girls also come to the club, who simply dance there and take a break from their serious relationships. Most often, they can be identified by a large amount of drinking and a condescending look at girls of the first category. It is better to exclude such girls, although if their boyfriend has not been at his best lately, you can get to know them, but this is at your own peril and risk.

There is a separate category of girls who “eat and drink” at someone else’s expense. Most often, they look quite impressive, their movements are slow, and they prefer to be near older men, although there are also plenty of hunters for young guys. Naturally, it’s better not to approach such girls, since you won’t achieve anything other than losing money. However, if you have agility and cunning, and the girl sees this, then she will be interested in you, because they love guys of their type.

The best option for dating is a modest girl who is not active on the dance floor and is slightly shocked by everything around her. Most often, such girls are brought for company by friends of other categories, and they do not understand what they should do. This is the ideal victim.

  • Firstly, she will be grateful to you that, among all the showy and pompous girls, you paid attention to her. She also wants to feel popular and successful.
  • Secondly, she will want to outdo her friends, because it was such a gorgeous guy who approached her. Oh, this female competition and envy!
  • Thirdly, these are the girls who most often leave you a real phone number and subsequently have sex with you.

It is important to know about dating in a club. If you are trying to pick up a girl in a club who will have sex with you on the first night, then you can do it. But the quality of such a girl and the safety of sex with her will raise many questions. Therefore, if you understand that a girl is ready to have sex with you on the first night of meeting you - Change the Girl!

How to pick up girls

Obviously, in addition to you, there will be plenty of guys in the club, both with money and with a good appearance, so you shouldn’t put the main emphasis on these two indicators. Your task is simply to look “normal and calm.” Those. If it’s customary for guys your age to wear shirts and trousers to a club, then wear a shirt and trousers: no more, no less. In some places you even have to blend in with the crowd.

You shouldn't count on drinking either. Firstly, now there are such girls that they will make any man drunk, and secondly, a drunk girl will not be able to adequately accept your communication. And this is a guarantee that the very next day after your message or call, she will ignore you. This means you wasted your energy, time and money.

Therefore, you should rely solely on your confidence and ability to convince girls that you are exactly the man they have been looking for and waiting for for so long. And this is achieved by the following rules:

1) On the dance floor you behave calmly, respectably and carefully. No sudden movements of arms or legs. You can take a lot of space around you to show your confidence, but you shouldn't do it too pompously and violently, as sometimes happens.

2) You should not keep your hands in your pockets and drink excessively near the bar or at your place. Girls prefer neat and restrained guys, not those who pour themselves a heavy dose of alcohol, or, on the contrary, squeeze themselves into a corner.

3) Although your behavior should be calm, you should radiate joy and positivity. Girls like it when guys act happy. This is a great opportunity to give yourself a plus.

How to attract a girl's attention in a club

The best way to attract a girl's attention and “test the waters” is with a glance, a smile and a slight shake of the head. You kind of look at the girl and let her know that she is interested in you, and then you wait for an answer from her.

  • If she was embarrassed or smiled back at you, it’s “Yes.”
  • If she made a straight face, it was “No.”

This way you can choose a girl who will be glad to have your attention, which means we are working with her.

When you approach her, you will first need to say a couple of banal words, “Hi, how are you,” and then immediately move on to a cheerful conversation: “I saw you, and I was just in shock. I said to myself: “Alexander, you must meet such a nice girl, and here I am.”

What to talk about with a girl in a club

Based on the girl’s reaction to meeting you and her appearance, you can easily determine whether she wants to chat or it’s time to drag her to the dance.

Conversations are usually about:

  • The reasons why she came to the club;
  • Who came to the club with her;
  • Where does she live, what does she do?

After these answers, start acting as if you have known her for a long time, and now you need to have fun, not talk. After all, the girl will be glad that you kept her company.

What to do at the end of an evening at the club

After you talk to the girl and find a common language with her, you will need to take her phone, or whatsAPP, or something else like that. Don’t even try to persuade the girl to go to her or to your place that evening. Let her see you as a decent guy who liked her and had a good time together. This will help you in the future to reach her, and only then seduce her and bring the matter to a victorious end.

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