How to make water. How to do water manicure at home step by step with photos for beginners

A modern girl should always look beautiful and attractive. The main guarantee of a good appearance is grooming. It manifests itself not only in clean hair and makeup, it also manifests itself in well-groomed hands and nails, clean and healthy skin. We will tell you how to do a water manicure at home step by step and show you in the photo in this article.

Every girl's nails should be neat and attractive. It is not necessary to get a manicure; well-manicured nails already look beautiful. But if you are tired of everyday life, want to diversify your look and emphasize your femininity, then the water technique of applying nail polish is for you. There are a huge variety of techniques in the nail industry, most of which can be easily performed at home. Therefore, if the high cost in the salon kept you from getting a water manicure, then don’t worry.

A beautiful and stylish water manicure can be done at home, the main thing is to know the basics of the technique and follow safety precautions. A technique that has become very popular recently is the water manicure technique. The result of this method looks like long and painstaking work, but in fact, everything is quite simple and easy. So how to do a water manicure at home?

Water manicure is a nail polish technique that involves mixing polish with water to create a beautiful design. The technique appeared relatively recently and has already gained popularity. And all thanks to the result that is obtained in the end. On the nails we see a beautiful and unusual design, at first glance it seems that it is very difficult to do, but in fact everything is easy, the main thing is to try and learn a little.

This manicure will suit any nail shape and any style.

The uniqueness of water manicure lies in the fact that drops of varnish are dipped into water before application, and then the nail itself is dipped. It is thanks to this that this beautiful and unusual drawing is obtained. The main thing to remember before creating such a manicure is that the polishes should be in contrasting colors. For example, black and white, red and green, blue and white. This will create the impression of a bright, textured and multifaceted water manicure.

How to do a water manicure?

So, in order to do a water manicure, you need a minimum of things and a little time.

Things needed for a manicure:

  • file;
  • scissors;
  • manicure set or manicure apparatus;
  • water container;
  • water;
  • glue, tape;
  • cotton buds;
  • orange sticks;
  • set of varnishes

After you have prepared all the most necessary things, you can start manicure. Water technology is performed in several stages. You need to remember that each stage is important and cannot be skipped, otherwise you may not have a beautiful manicure.

Do everything step by step

Basic steps when performing water techniques:

  1. Preparing the nail plate. The first thing we should do is simply wash our hands. Next you need to follow based on the processing technique. There are two most common techniques for treating the nail plate;
  2. Classic manicure. Removing unnecessary things here is done with the help of a manicure set. So, first we put our hands in warm water to make the skin softer. Next, we push back the cuticle and cut it with scissors, then clean it a little with the sharp end of a scraper. Next, we file the nails to the desired shape, file the nail plate and polish it. After this, degrease the nail so that the varnish adheres better, and cover the nails with transparent varnish, wait for it to dry. If you want the varnish to last longer, apply a special primer before applying clear varnish. It is important to remember that instruments must be sterile;
  3. Hardware manicure. We do it on a dry nail, carefully remove everything unnecessary with cutters, file and polish the nail. After this, we also degrease it, apply a transparent varnish and wait for it to dry.

Once we have processed the nails and covered them with varnish, we can proceed to the next stage:

  1. Preparing polishes and nails. Pour a small amount of water into the container; it should be warm, slightly hot, so the varnish will spread better. Place a couple of drops of varnish of different colors into the middle of a container filled with water. You can use an orange stick to create a design. At the same time, we treat the nail around it with PVA glue or a special one, which can be ordered online or bought at a nail store. This step will help us not get our fingers dirty;
  2. The water manicure itself. After everything is ready, we carefully dip our finger into the varnish perpendicular to the plane on which the container with water stands so that the nail is completely immersed in water. Next, use the same orange stick to collect the remaining polish and carefully remove the nail from the water;
  3. Completing the manicure. The last step is to remove any unnecessary polish and glue from the nail. This is done using a cotton swab and nail polish remover. After this, carefully cover the nail with transparent varnish and wait for it to dry. Once the clear varnish has dried, we nourish the cuticles with a special oil so that the manicure looks neat and beautiful for longer. That's all, the manicure using water techniques is ready.

Why can't I get a water manicure?

So, the main mistake that entails such consequences is the wrong water temperature. The water should not be cold, in which case the varnish simply will not be able to dissolve and acquire the desired consistency. The water should not be too hot; in such water the varnish will simply curl into a lump.

Be sure to monitor the water temperature

The water must be at room temperature or slightly warmer. Only in this case will you get a water manicure. The second thing that is important to remember is what the varnish should be like. You need to choose liquid varnishes; viscous and almost dried ones are not suitable, they simply will not spread. Such varnishes can be “revitalized” with a special solution; it can also be bought on the Internet or in a nail store.

Water manicure is a special nail art technique in which varnishes are dissolved in water before applying to the nail to create interesting combinations of colors and patterns. Let's look at three options for how to do a water manicure.


  • Fresh liquid varnishes are best suited for this technique. If you want to add shine, opt for varnishes with a pearl finish: they contain it, but it is very fine, so it will not damage the structure of the spreading varnish. In this case, it makes no sense to use thick varnishes and varnishes with large sparkles, since they will simply settle to the bottom under their own weight.
  • Those nails on which you plan to apply patterns should be painted first. It will allow even a thin layer of varnish dissolved in water to look brighter.
  • The skin around your fingers should be protected from staining with special liquid tape or tape, otherwise it will be difficult to wipe off the varnish from it. You should not use cream for these purposes: once it gets into the water, it will leave a greasy film on its surface.
  • Also, for water manicure, you need to prepare cotton pads and a toothpick in advance, on which you will first need to wrap a little cotton wool.

First option

Pour room temperature water into a glass. It is better to use disposable dishes.

Drip the selected varnishes into the water one by one, allowing them to spread.

Take a toothpick and draw several lines along the surface of the resulting colored film towards the center or in a zigzag pattern, creating interesting patterns. Today, such design options are no longer so relevant, so you can simply use the original design with the resulting stripes.

You can dip several fingers into the water at once, but we will only draw on one nail for now. It should be lowered not vertically, but horizontally, so that the varnish is distributed evenly over the entire nail plate. Excess varnish should be immediately collected with a toothpick so that it does not layer on the design when moving your finger.

Remove nail polish that gets on the skin with an elastic brush dipped in nail polish remover.

Apply top coat.

Second option

The next option for water manicure, in which the skin of your hands will remain clean, is the so-called dry water manicure, when the varnish film dries completely. It will take about half an hour to create. After 30 minutes, you can take the varnish circle out of the glass and cut it into several pieces at once. It’s quite easy to “try them on” on your nails to determine how best to place a piece of film. You can fix it by gluing it onto a transparent varnish, and then cover it with another layer, which will dissolve the unnecessary parts.

Third option

Another option for using this technique is to create “marble” and “foam” stains. To do this, you need to dissolve 2-3 drops of the same color and immediately, before they set, spray them with hairspray. Fancy stains will look great on your nails.

Have you managed to create a water manicure with your own hands? Tell us about your experience in the comments.

Every woman at least once in her life dreamed of feeling like an artist. Now you have the opportunity to create a water manicure, and your nails will become the canvas.

Water manicure is like a real art; the technique of doing it is very simple and unusual. Imagine, try and you will succeed!

Every year designers come up with something new and never cease to delight us with their ideas for creating fashionable manicures. Until recently, everyone created discreet designs on their nails, applied gels, decorated them with stones, but now it has become popular to create nail designs called water nails. The technique of its creation is clear even to children!

Water, like the sea, mixes colors and turns them into incredible patterns, making fantastic patterns, twisting them into a spiral.

Benefits of water manicure:

  • water nail design can be done at home;
  • each nail is done in the same style;
  • a unique design on each nail;
  • simple technique.

To create it, you need a little time: preparing the nails, selecting materials, mixing colors with water and the application process.

Water design looks very beautiful even on nails of medium and short length, like in this photo:

Necessary materials

If you want to create a fashionable design and emphasize your individuality, you need to know what tools and materials are used to create a water manicure.

Materials for water design:

  1. Glass container.
  2. 100 ml water.
  3. Nail polish remover.
  4. Children's hand cream.
  5. Toothpicks.
  6. Ear sticks.
  7. Transparent base.
  8. Several colored varnishes.

To create a water design you will need a contrasting range of shades. When choosing varnishes for this manicure, you should pay attention to the compatibility of color shades.

Water design can be created from at least 2 basics, for example:

  • beige and brown;
  • Red and black;
  • orange and red;
  • white and purple.

If you want to use 3 colors, then the combinations will be something like this: white, light green, blue or pink, raspberry, black. However, experiment, because creative people come up with interesting combinations.

What to apply around the nail when creating a water or ombre manicure

To create a beautiful ombre design or water manicure, you need to take care in advance to protect the skin of your fingers near the nail plate. The technology of water manicure is such that the skin around the nail will definitely be painted with gel polish, no matter how hard you try to avoid it.

PVA glue to protect the skin around the nail when creating a water manicure

To protect the skin around the nail when creating an ombre or water manicure, some girls use tape. This is not the most practical method, because the properties of adhesive tape are lost in an aquatic environment, which allows the varnish to penetrate the skin. This seemingly insignificant detail will ruin your design.

Among the available home remedies for such a manicure, greasy hand cream, Vaseline and PVA glue are perfect.

Any of these products can be applied to the skin around the nail, but there are nuances.

Applying cream or Vaseline for water manicure

When applying cream or Vaseline, you must complete the procedure for applying gel polish before these products are absorbed into the skin.

When applying PVA glue, you need to wait until the glue dries and creates a thin foam around the nail.

There is another way to protect the skin around the nail - Skin Defender cream. This product is loved by professional manicurists for its ease of use and naturalness.

Cream Skin Defender

Skin Defender cream contains rubber. After applying this product to the skin around the nail, it dries in a matter of minutes, creating a reliable protective film that does not lose its properties in water, and is easily removed at the end of the manicure.

Important to remember! When applying any of the listed products to the skin around the nail, the nail itself should be clean and as free from grease as possible. Otherwise, the water manicure will not last.

What varnishes can be used to make a water manicure?

For water-based design, it is better to buy new varnishes, they must be liquid. If you decide to use old varnishes, then before use it is better to dilute them with a special solvent.

Gel polish is not suitable for creating this type of manicure; it will not spread in water, its base is dense.

You can use holographic varnishes; they have a marbled effect and can also create unique patterns and spirals.

Unusual designs are obtained using colored thermal varnishes. They change their color due to heat. You can use several colors from two to six at the same time. The brighter the color shades, the more beautiful the drawing turns out.

The video describes in detail what you need to pay attention to when choosing varnishes for water-based manicure.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a water manicure

Let's take a closer look at the procedure for applying water manicure step by step.

  1. Cover your nails with white polish to create a more textured finish. layers was brighter, and dry this layer thoroughly. (This step is optional, it all depends on the brightness and density of the varnishes you use in this technique and the result you want to achieve.)
  2. Take a narrow container and pour some warm water into it. A glass is ideal for this; it should not be very small, otherwise your nail will cling to the walls and the design may become smudged. And, if the container is very large, the consumption of varnishes will increase several times.
  3. For beginners who have never tried water nail design before, it is better to start with two bases. For example, take white and pink polishes. Open the bubbles slightly and prepare a toothpick.
  4. Open the white varnish and bring the brush to the glass at a distance of 3 cm, so that a drop falls straight into it. Watch, it will begin to spread in the water.
  5. Now take the pink polish and repeat the procedure, but so that the second drop falls into the center of the resulting white stain.
  6. Step 1 to get a heart water design manicure

    Alternately changing white and pink colors, repeat the process of creating a water pattern 7-8 times.

  7. Each droplet should spread smoothly and turn into a circle. To create a more interesting pattern, take a toothpick and drag it across the water from the center to the side of the glass, or vice versa (depending on which direction you move the toothpick, a pattern will form). The toothpick should be on the surface of the water; it should not be immersed deep.
  8. Imagine that you are a talented artist and make a beautiful pattern! While looking at the unusual circles that have formed, take a new toothpick and run over them several times.
  9. Step 2 to get a heart water design manicure

    This way you will draw your manicure design right in the water. But don’t get carried away with this creative process so that the varnishes don’t start to curl. The pattern is done in just 1 minute!

  10. You already understand how to make patterns on water. Your own design is ready, now it should be transferred to your nails. To avoid getting your fingers too dirty, you need cream or narrow adhesive tape. Apply the cream to the skin around the nail.
  11. Next, each nail in turn needs to be smoothly immersed in a container with a pattern. Your nail should be completely in the glass. Using a toothpick, you should use a quick circular motion to remove excess polish from the water. Carefully remove your finger from the container and admire the original pattern you made yourself.

    Step 3 to get a heart water-based manicure design

  12. Now each nail, one by one, needs to be dipped into the water. Just don’t rush, be patient, otherwise water design at home may not work.
  13. If you used tape, remove it. Take a cotton pad, soak it in nail polish remover and gently wipe off any excess from your skin.
  14. After your abstract design has dried on your nails, you need to fix it. This is done using a top clear varnish.

If you follow the scheme for distributing the varnish over water shown in the photo above, you will get a wonderful water-based heart manicure.

A visual reinforcement of the theory has never hurt anyone, step-by-step instructions for creating a water manicure, video:

Water manicure with gel polish

It’s impossible to create a water manicure using gel polish!

Many women love to experiment, mix different styles and use different techniques, creating new and original nail designs. Therefore, if you still want to do a water manicure using gel polishes, then we suggest simulating this effect.

To simulate a water manicure using gel polishes you will need:

  • primer;
  • basic foundation;
  • from two or more colored gel polish;
  • thin manicure brush No. 1;
  • Ultraviolet lamp.

For more information on how to create an imitation water manicure with gel polish, watch the video instructions.

How to create drawings on water, various options

Professionals in the field of manicure never cease to amaze us with new ideas for creating marble manicure. You can choose water nail art designs to suit every taste and color!

Strict manicure in black and white style

Black and white water manicure goes well with classic outfits. The technique for making this design is simple, using a toothpick we make several curls on the water. To decorate this manicure, you can add small silver sparkles.

Step-by-step video tutorial on creating a black and white water manicure.

Neon polka dots - bright water manicure

This type of water manicure is the most popular in 2017. To perform it, we need bright neon varnishes (lemon, raspberry, light green and orange), for the basic base - white and black varnish (for peas), as well as any spray.


1 layer– apply regular white nail polish;

2 layer– visually divide the nail into 4 equal parts and cover each of them with a different neon base;

3-layer– into a container with water, pour 3-4 drops of black varnish and stir until translucent, take the spray and spray into a container with water, you will get small black shapes. Dip each nail into this mixture.

4-layer– wait until the black dries and apply a sealer.

You should end up with an amazing mixture of black polka dots on a bright neon background.

Summer cocktail

A bright summer manicure that will go with any outfit and highlight your playful image. To create a colorful water manicure, you need a little imagination and the brightest varnishes!

How to do a manicure using water at home? Today, there are a huge number of options for creating a water manicure that is so bright and impressive. With a little patience and a little imagination, you can create a unique design on your nails at home. And no one will doubt that this is the work of a master.

We will need a polish that we will use as a base, several nail polishes (preferably in contrasting colors and fairly fluid). Container with warm water. Thin sticks, toothpicks work great. Hand cream, wipes, cotton pads, and nail polish remover.

  • First we prepare the nails. We remove the old varnish and apply the varnish that will be the base.
  • Carefully lubricate the finger around the nail with cream, Vaseline or tape.
  • We take our dishes with warm water and start working with the prepared varnishes. Water temperature is very important. Because in cold water the varnish will not take, but in very warm water, with a temperature above 40 degrees, it will curdle.
  • Now we prepare the basis for our drawing. We drop a drop of varnish into the center of the bowl and make sure that it is evenly distributed over the surface of our dishes. In the center of the spot, add a drop of varnish of the next color. And so on as many times as we want to get shades of varnish on our pattern.
  • Modeling the pattern. Using a thin stick or toothpick, make streaks in the resulting circles. Movements can be very diverse. From the edge to the center of the circles. From the center to the edges. The flight of your imagination will help here.
  • Slowly, but in one uniform movement, we plunge our finger, nail down, into our pattern, in the place that seems most remarkable to us.
  • Holding your finger under water, use a toothpick to carefully remove any remaining varnish from the surface of the water.
  • We take out the nail. Now we already know how to do a manicure using water. If desired, we additionally decorate it with rhinestones or sparkles.
  • Cover the dried nail with a layer of fixative. After finishing work with the last nail, carefully remove the cream with unnecessary varnish.

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