Personal experience. Wall newspaper for Victory Day

May 9 is the most important holiday, celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country. Traditionally, the streets of populated areas are decorated for Victory Day, and festive posters and banners are hung in parks and along roads. Every citizen who wants to pay his debt to memory should congratulate veterans using a colorful congratulatory wall newspaper, the template of which can be downloaded absolutely free on our website.

Using this blank, it’s easy to decorate a school classroom or hallway in an educational institution. Young people are encouraged to hang homemade posters in the entrances of houses where participants in a brutal war live, who gave their youth to the Victory over fascism. Elderly people will gladly accept such pleasant signs of attention.

Download wall newspaper fragments

The template of this newspaper consists of 8 parts, each of which is a piece of a large pattern.

How to make a wall newspaper for Victory Day

  1. A wall newspaper template is a template similar to children's coloring books. To get the final image, just follow a few simple steps:
  2. Connect the fragments so that the result is the picture conceived by the artist.
  3. Color the outline image with suitable colors, leaving blank spaces for signatures. To do this, you can use felt-tip pens, paints or colored pencils.
  4. Write in the remaining clouds

In addition to postcards and crafts for Victory Day, they make posters that decorate the walls of the festive hall. A bright, beautiful and original poster for May 9, which depicts the symbols of the holiday, written congratulations and words of memory? makes it clear to adults and children what the war was like and what place this spring holiday occupies in our lives.

DIY posters for May 9 Victory Day

An original beautiful poster dedicated to the Victory Day can only be made with your own hands. Only in this case will he carry emotions. Today we will get acquainted with the works that schoolchildren completed during drawing and labor lessons especially for the celebration of Victory Day.

Poster. Drawn with pencils with letters and numbers pasted on

And this poster on the theme of May 9 is made in a retro style. It seems to take you back to distant war times. It's not difficult to make. The base is painted with watercolors, and an aged sheet with poems is pasted on top.

This wall newspaper is made very beautifully and original. The poster harmoniously combines a drawing and an applique of flowers and St. George's ribbon.

The following example is made from children's drawings and newspaper clippings pasted onto whatman paper.

A very original poster with flowers, stars and a poem written, dedicated to the deceased warrior, the grandfather of the author of the drawing.

Such hand-made posters for May 9 Victory Day are the most truthful and sincere. They contain the whole history of the Victory, its importance in the life of every child.

Poster templates for May 9, photo

When you don’t have the time or opportunity to draw and glue a poster for May 9, you can always cheat. Thanks to special computer programs, beautiful templates are created that can be easily colored with paints, colored pencils, and felt-tip pens. You can paste applications and postcards onto these poster templates for May 9th. To design a poster, simply print out the finished drawing (on several A4 sheets), stick it on whatman paper and paint it beautifully. If you manage to find a color template, then you don’t even have to color it: just add poems, stick on a few applications or leaflets. Today we will look at ready-made templates that you can use to create your own unique poster. There are two types of templates - black and white and color.

Black and white outline poster templates

The template depicts a soldier in military uniform holding a dove of peace.

A soldier is also depicted here, and next to him is a bouquet of spring flowers.

Carnations with St. George's ribbon.

A heartwarming template for a poster for May 9, in which a veteran grandfather holds a little boy in his arms.

Now let's look at color templates that do not need to be painted, but can be supplemented with three-dimensional elements.

Red background with a St. George ribbon and a scarlet star on it. Here you can add a congratulation or stick flowers.

Lots of red stars placed in a circle on a white background allow you to add a little more color.

Another similar option. This poster would be great to complement with photographs or excerpts from soldiers’ letters.

To prevent the carnation on a black background from seeming too mournful, dilute the design with bright colors and some kind of positive card (for example, with white doves).

On such a template you need to paste a photo of dead soldiers - war heroes.

Posters for May 9 based on such templates look no less beautiful and festive than original ones.

Cool and beautiful do-it-yourself poster on the theme of May 9, video master class

This video describes in detail how to make a cool poster dedicated to the anniversary of the Great Victory. Making such a masterpiece with your own hands is quite simple.

Necessary materials

  • paper
  • paints or pencils
  • photographs of the war years (for the poster, make scanned copies of them)

It is likely that every family has several such photos in their home archive, because the war affected everyone. Such a cool and beautiful poster on the theme of May 9, Victory Day with unique retro photographs will not let you forget how important this holiday is not only for veterans, but for all humanity.

Thanks to the video master class, we learned how to make a poster for May 9th - large, colorful and unique. In the photo we showed how you can make such a masterpiece using a template or draw it yourself.

Victory Day is an extremely significant holiday, celebrated annually in Russia on a grand scale. They prepare for it very carefully at all levels. City streets, facades and interiors of buildings are necessarily decorated with flags and traditional symbols. Bright and colorful posters for May 9, printed or made by hand, are inserted into city lights, windows of shops, schools and office buildings. If you have not yet decided how to decorate your room for the bright holiday of victory, use our ideas and tips. They will help you adequately prepare for a joyful day and create a warm, sincere and festive atmosphere at school, kindergarten or office center.

Posters for May 9: “Victory Day”, “Remember...” and others

For Victory Day, you can choose different thematic posters. A bright, catchy, optimistic version with a warrior-liberator will look great in a school classroom, a student auditorium, a reputable office or a department of a large bank.

The poster, designed in light tones, looks very festive and spring-like. The victorious symbolism in it is harmoniously combined with a bouquet of flowers, a wide St. George ribbon and flashes of fireworks.

The poster looks relevant and attractive, combining a black and white image framed with bright shades symbolizing the victorious banner of Russia.

From May 9, it will be appropriate to decorate the premises of a kindergarten, school classrooms where primary grades study and the festive assembly hall with modern, cool and cheerful posters.

Poster for May 9th with your own hands, how to make it correctly

Making a poster for May 9th with your own hands is not that difficult. You just need to be patient, don’t rush anywhere, devote a certain amount of time to the process and put a piece of your soul into the matter. Only in this case will you get a spectacular, bright and attractive product that reflects your personal attitude to the feat of veterans and the great holiday.

For comfortable work you will need a sheet of whatman paper, a set of figured rulers, colored paper, scissors, gouache or felt-tip pens, scissors and a sharp stationery knife with a retractable blade. First you need to choose a suitable picture and determine its location on the poster. When this stage is passed, you can think about the title and accompanying text (poems, songs, congratulations, etc.). Important additions to the layout will be traditional thematic symbols (eternal flame, orders and medals for valor and bravery, carnations, St. George's ribbon, etc.). Preferred bright, rich and rich colors. Dark, mournful shades are best avoided. The poster should look optimistic and inspire pride in the glorious feat performed by veterans during the war.

If you can’t draw a poster yourself, use ready-made templates. You can decorate them to your own taste or fill them with thematic text and photographs. To enhance the visual effect, it would be a good idea to decorate the sheet with voluminous flowers made of velvet or smooth paper of different shades. They will give the poster an elegant and solemn look.

Poster templates for May 9, original and bright

Poster templates for May 9 are special blanks with a color or monochrome background and traditional holiday paraphernalia. You can place any text on them, print or handwrite poems on military themes, holiday greetings to veterans, combatants and home front workers, verses of victory songs, photographs or drawings.

The simplest version of the template is a bright red base, decorated on one side with the traditional symbols of the great holiday - the St. George ribbon, a scarlet five-pointed star and an obelisk of golden leaves.

The template with victory symbols located at the bottom of the poster looks no less impressive and bright. The rich red background is beautifully diluted with orange rays extending from the main design, symbolizing the sunrise over our free and strong Motherland.

The poster template for May 9 with a large and catchy central symbolic composition looks interesting and extraordinary. On the empty fields of a light orange shade located along the edges, you can place a large amount of text and supplement it with thematic photographs.

For those who don’t know how to draw, but still want to create a holiday poster, a black and white outline template will help out. You just need to decorate it with colored pencils or paints and provide it with a catchy title.

Front-line veterans who fought on the front lines were often reluctant to remember and talk about combat operations. But memories of the happy day of May 9, 1945 always occupied a significant place in their stories. About the great joy, the desire to live, love, create, which then gripped all people; about the unprecedented universal positive energy of this bright day. We reflect particles of this energy today in special posters and wall newspapers for Victory Day.

Look at what design options for holiday wall newspapers your colleagues found, what wonderful drawings and collages they created. All publications in this section are illustrated with photographs.

Draw a holiday of great victory with MAAM!

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All sections | Victory Day. Wall newspapers and posters for May 9

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Congratulations on Victory Day can be different: beautiful poems, solemn speeches, touching postcards, cute handmade crafts. But there is also a special type of congratulations on May 9, which has long become traditional on this day. We are talking about posters and wall newspapers, without which not a single Victory Day celebration takes place in schools and kindergartens. It may seem that today the poster for May 9 looks like an outdated echo of the past. But in fact, posters dedicated to victory contain something that you will not find in any other type of congratulations. This is a unique combination of visibility (photos of heroes, excerpts from front-line magazines, letters, etc.), gratitude (words of gratitude, touching poems) and creativity. In our article today you will find several poster templates that we hope will inspire you to create your own greeting.

Beautiful poster for May 9th with your own hands - step-by-step instructions with photos

This version of the congratulatory poster for Victory Day is very simple in design. We will mainly use paints to create it. But if you want to add dimension to the poster, you can replace the drawn St. George’s ribbon with a real ribbon glued to whatman paper.

Necessary materials:

  • whatman
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • paints and brushes
  • military photos

Cool do-it-yourself poster for May 9 “Victory Day” - step-by-step instructions

Our next version of the congratulatory poster will resemble the first one in terms of execution technique. There will also be photographs of heroes and hand-drawn congratulatory inscriptions. But besides this, we propose to make this poster for May 9 more informational and interesting by adding to it a list of hero cities and portraits of Heroes of the Soviet Union. And to make the poster also touching in the end, let’s not forget to place a beautiful poem on it.

Necessary materials:

  • whatman
  • pencils or paints
  • simple pencil, eraser
  • PVA glue
  • photos
  • colored paper (optional)

Step-by-step instructions for making a poster for May 9:

  1. The poster will consist of 5 zones, into which we mentally divide whatman paper. The middle of the poster will be the largest and most informative - it consists of 3 parts. The upper and lower zones will be smaller, about 1/5 of the width of the middle one. To begin with, we display the inscription “May 9 – Victory Day!” at the top. On the sides of the inscription we draw St. George ribbons, folded into traditional loops.
  2. Then, in the upper part of the middle zone, we mark with a frame the place for the congratulatory poem. It can be decorated with paints or colored paper. Let's fill it with a beautiful verse.
  3. Below we make a similar rectangular zone for the names of hero cities. In total, 13 cities of the former Soviet Union were awarded this unique title: Brest Fortress, Moscow, Leningrad, Odessa, Kyiv, Sevastopol, Volgograd, Murmansk, Kerch, Minsk, Tula, Smolensk, Novorossiysk.
  4. Now we place military-themed photos to the right and left of the central part of the poster. For example, portraits of Heroes of the Soviet Union, familiar veterans, grandfathers and grandmothers who went through the war.

  5. In conclusion, we draw two Eternal Flames, a St. George’s ribbon and the inscription “Thank you” below. The original and informational poster for May 9 is ready! photo 6

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