How to do mesotherapy injections at home. In pursuit of youth - features of facial mesotherapy at home

Facial skin mesotherapy is one of the most popular cosmetological techniques that currently exist. The main goal of this procedure is to maintain or restore youthful skin through special subcutaneous injections. Over the sixty years of its existence, facial mesotherapy has gained a huge number of fans both among women who have tried it on themselves and among doctors. Reviews from both are unanimous - the effect of the mesotherapy procedure for the face can be compared to plastic skin tightening, while no serious interventions in the body are required, and the prices for injections are much lower.

Facial skin mesotherapy allows you to minimize signs of age-related changes - remove wrinkles and folds on the skin, as well as reduce the double chin and the so-called crow's feet around the eyes. In addition, preparations for facial mesotherapy effectively remove various cosmetic imperfections of the skin, such as redness and unevenness. One of the main advantages of this technique is the scheme of its application - pointwise, which allows you to influence exactly those areas that need it. In this way, it is possible to solve all problems with facial skin step by step. Penetrating into and under the dermis, the meso-cocktail provokes the production of collagen and elastin, on which the youth and health of the skin depend.

What problems on the face can mesotherapy solve?

  • Fine and deep wrinkles;
  • Large pores and excessive sebum production;
  • Loss of skin elasticity;
  • Loss of clarity of the oval of the face;
  • Acne and other rashes;
  • Scars and shallow scars.

Contraindications to the procedure

  • allergic reactions to the components of the mesococktail;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases.

What is a mesotherapy procedure?

Hardware facial mesotherapy is performed in stages, since the therapeutic cocktail is selected for each client individually. Particularly successful is the one based on the use of the acid of the same name. It is generally accepted that hyaluronic facial mesotherapy most effectively solves the problems of skin aging, however, this statement is not always true, since there is nothing more effective than a set of ingredients selected specifically for a specific person. After drawing up a prescription, an injection is made under the skin to a depth of one to five millimeters, which also depends on each specific case.

To carry out this operation, the thinnest needles are used, which do not cause pain when inserted under the skin and do not leave marks. Injections can be administered by hardware or manually. The second method is preferable because it is more delicate. Unlike a live specialist, the device will not look for where the client has small vessels, so as not to inadvertently get into them. In addition, the doctor more often than the unit inspires trust among clients.

Most often, one procedure is not enough to achieve visible results. Typically, treatment is carried out in a course of five to ten sessions, with a break between procedures of one to two weeks. After completing the full course of procedures, you should periodically visit a cosmetology office for the purpose of correction and support. One visit every six months is often sufficient.

Mesotherapy at home

Recently, we often hear that home facial mesotherapy can easily replace salon therapy. Let's try to figure out whether this is really so and what non-injection facial mesotherapy is.

Facial mesotherapy at home is performed using a specially designed device - a mesoscooter. This device looks like a small roller on a handle, strewn with micro-needles. With the help of special cosmetics and this roller, you can fight with your own appearance flaws and not spend a lot of money on it.

When purchasing, you should pay special attention to the quality of parts and assembly. The roller spikes should be made of good metal, such as surgical steel. There are large and small spikes; the depth of penetration of the needles into the skin depends on this parameter.

Cosmetics for home mesotherapy deserve special attention. Among them there are serums, ampoules, hyaluronic acid and gels. You should purchase these cosmetics in pharmacies to be sure that they are safe for your health and beauty. The packaging of purchased products must list the following components: l-carnitine, glycolic acid, vitamin B, x-adn, blessie anti-aging.

How to do mesotherapy at home

In order to independently take care of the beauty of your skin and make micro-injections with healing agents, you first need to ensure that the procedure is carried out in completely clean conditions. In this case, it’s not at all difficult to do mesotherapy yourself:

  1. Apply the previously selected product to thoroughly cleansed skin;
  2. Perform a massage of the treated area using a mesoscooter;
  3. If several zones are being processed at once, then perform the procedure in circles, moving from one area to another. Each place should be treated with a mesoscooter at least ten times;
  4. At the end of the massage, wash your face and apply a mask with the effect of relieving skin irritation to prevent irritation and redness;
  5. Lubricate your face with a nourishing and moisturizing cream to protect the treated areas of the skin.

After mesotherapy, it is often necessary to observe slight swelling of the treated areas, caused by mechanical effects on delicate areas. You should not be afraid of such results; this is a temporary phenomenon that will disappear in one or two days.

Immediately after undergoing the mesotherapy procedure, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics, visit the pool and sauna, or take sunbathing.

Effect of the procedure

After completing a full course of facial skin mesotherapy, regardless of whether it was at home or in a salon, you can observe the following results:

  • increasing skin elasticity and freshness;
  • disappearance of cosmetic blemishes;
  • tightening the oval of the face;
  • reducing the size of the double chin.

Competent implementation of the procedure guarantees a lasting result.

All women dream of remaining beautiful and young, with healthy skin, for as long as possible. To achieve this goal, many spend a lot of money on premium cosmetics, plastic surgery services and beauty injections. But many women prefer mesotherapy, a rejuvenating and skin-healing procedure offered by beauty salons and cosmetology clinics. However, it can be done independently at home. You will learn how to make meso at home from this article.

Indications and benefits of the procedure

How to choose a mesoscooter for the procedure at home?

A mesoscooter is a rotating roller, the surface of which is covered with many thin needles, attached to a handle. Some sellers call it a dermaroller. The needles covering the roller may not necessarily be steel - they are often made from an alloy of steel with precious metals (gold, silver and platinum), as well as titanium.

When choosing a device for home use, you should first consult with a specialist who will help you choose the optimal device.

  • "Perfect Photo Portion"- one of the most expensive devices, a Japanese mesoscooter, which is designed for electroporation and light radiation techniques. Such a device is expensive, but its wide spectrum of radiation, unconditional quality and efficiency are its undeniable advantages.
  • French device Beauty Iris Gezatone Compared to the “Japanese” one, it wins in price - its cost is 15 times lower, despite the fact that it does not lose much in terms of efficiency. This mesoscooter is capable of influencing the skin with several types of electric current, which allows it to be used to solve problems of a different nature.
  • Mesoscooter Gezatone m9900 American origin is the most popular in the USA. At a relatively low price, it allows you to carry out mesotherapy using the methods of mesoporation, electroporation, electromyostimulation and chromotherapy.

If complex electrical appliances cause mistrust and are intimidating by price, Korean-made roller skates will be the best choice. Micro Needle Roller System, Mesoderm Eyes E008 and TianDe are distinguished by ease of use, quality workmanship and low price.

Preparations for home mesotherapy

After choosing and purchasing a mesoscooter, you need to select and buy mesotherapy medications. It is best to purchase serum components in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist with a medical education. Mesococktails are often sold complete with mesoscooters; usually such sets are supplied by Korean manufacturers.

In pharmacies and specialized clinics it is possible to purchase ready-made serums, as well as concentrates of active substances, such as:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • glycolic acid;
  • pyruvic acid;
  • thioctic acid;
  • collagen;
  • elastin;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • plant extracts;
  • dihydroergotamine;
  • L-carnitine;
  • animal extracts;
  • peptide complexes;
  • placentex.

In order not to get a disastrous result, when choosing products for mesotherapy at home, you should never:

  • neglect the recommendations of a cosmetologist and dermatologist;
  • mix the substances yourself.

How many sessions of the procedure need to be performed?

A course of mesotherapy consists of 4-10 procedures performed at intervals of one to two weeks. To maintain the achieved effect, it is enough to use a mesoscooter 2 times a month. Each procedure should last for 40 minutes to an hour.

There are few restrictions on the rehabilitation period after home mesotherapy and they are aimed at restoring the skin and reducing the risk of side effects. In the first 2-3 days after the procedure, experts advise using gels and creams with the following properties:

  • recovery;
  • resorption;
  • protection;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • moisturizing effect.

It is worth paying attention to products that contain snail mucus - mucin; they have all the necessary qualities. Most often, such creams, ointments and gels are found in Korean cosmetics lines.

Within 7-10 days after mesotherapy performed at home, you should avoid visiting the solarium, bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, and gym.

During 3-7 days, you should not stay in the sun for a long time, drink alcohol, do hair removal in the areas where the roller was applied, use decorative cosmetics and physically influence the area where the procedure was performed.

Contraindications to mesotherapy

Homemade mesotherapy, as well as mesotherapy done in a clinic or salon, has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which the procedure is not recommended in order to avoid negative consequences:

  • pregnancy, lactation or menstruation;
  • infectious or viral diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • renal failure;
  • hypertension;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • diabetes;
  • pacemaker;
  • skin damage (burns, wounds, scratches, abscesses);
  • inflammatory processes;
  • use of drugs that affect blood clotting;
  • recent chemical peeling;
  • allergy.

Neglecting contraindications can cause significant harm to health, so a preliminary consultation with your doctor, cosmetologist and dermatologist is necessary before the procedure.

An example of self-mesotherapy of the area around the eyes with hyaluronic acid in this video:

With the right approach, home mesotherapy can become a worthy alternative to salon rejuvenating procedures. The main thing is to give preference to the quality of the drugs and the device, take into account all the recommendations of the doctor and cosmetologist and do not neglect the recommendations for the recovery period.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Indications include:

  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • photoaging;
  • loss of tone, skin laxity;
  • dryness, dull skin color;
  • acne;
  • acne.

Contraindications to the procedure will be:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • menses;
  • age under 18 years;
  • oncology;
  • mental disorders;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • poor blood clotting.

Differences between procedures in the salon and at home

First, let's figure it out, home facial mesotherapy - what is it? This is the same procedure, only at home. The main difference is the cost of the procedures. In clinics and salons it is incomparably higher.

In addition, most often women do not dare to undergo injections at home. Instead, they use a hardware method or use a mesoscooter.

The length of the needles on the devices is generally 0.5-1 mm, which allows the mesopreparation to penetrate only into the upper layers of the skin. The effect of such procedures is somewhat different from salon ones, but the result will still be noticeable. In addition, the needles of mesoscooters do not injure the skin as much and do not cause such negative sensations as injections with a syringe.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage is the lower cost of the procedure compared to the work of a master in a beauty salon. In addition, after mesotherapy is completed, you will not need to travel anywhere, which minimizes the possibility of infection getting into the wounds, which do not heal immediately after the procedure.

The disadvantage is the limited choice of cocktails, the impossibility of using some truly high-quality and effective drugs, since only licensed aesthetic medicine clinics or beauty salons can buy them.

Also, during the first procedures, if you do not have the necessary experience, it will take quite a lot of time to carry out all the manipulations carefully and efficiently.

Special devices for independent use


Perfect Photo Portion

Japanese device for facial mesotherapy at home. Based on the methods of electroporation and light radiation. The current delivers necessary substances to the skin tissue, and light and heat activate metabolic processes. Thanks to this effect, the device helps treat acne, reduce wrinkles, sagging and dull skin.

average price- 120,000 rub.

Gezatone m9900

Manufactured in the USA, it is intended for mesotherapy using the methods of mesoporation, electroporation, electromyostimulation and chromotherapy.

Price 6000-7000 rub.

Genosys Cosmoceuticals Set

The set includes a Genesys roller with a replaceable nozzle, anti-aging serum, and revitalizing moisturizing spray. After their use, skin tone and elasticity increase, wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, the drugs included in the set protect cells from premature aging.

average cost set is 6000 rubles.

What syringes can you use to perform the procedure on yourself?

To carry out manual mesotherapy procedures, both conventional syringes and those with Luer Lock fasteners are used.

A three-component syringe has a smoother operation, since the location of the rubber sealing ring in the front part of the piston eliminates jerks and injuries when administering the drug. This also helps to avoid the loss of mesococktail during the procedure.

Luer Lock

For this type of syringe, the fastenings look like “Luer Lock”, or “Lock”. In them, needles are attached using a screw fastening to the tip of the syringe. This connection is very reliable and can withstand high pressures when introducing thick cocktails, fillers and biorevitalizants.

Insulin syringes

In mesotherapy, insulin syringes with a capacity of up to 1 ml are also used. They have a thin, short, fixed or removable needle, which is convenient when administering small doses of drugs.

The danger with the manual method is that needles are inserted deeper under the skin than when using the hardware method. In this case, droplets of blood may appear at the injection site, which should be monitored. There is also a risk of inserting a needle where the nerve passes. Which is extremely dangerous.

Important! If you do not have a medical education, it is advisable to use the hardware method, or consult a specialist.


Mesococktails for home treatments can be purchased in online stores and pharmacies. They are quite affordable and anyone can afford them. The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing a drug.

Solutions for cocktails

To carry out mesotherapy at home, you can purchase the following compositions:

  • Placentex– has a regenerating and wound-healing effect, helps against wrinkles, and is used in the preparatory and rehabilitation periods of plastic surgery. The average price is 800 rubles per bottle of the drug.
  • Dihydroergotamine– improves microcirculation, improves peripheral blood circulation, which helps saturate skin cells with oxygen, resulting in improved skin tone and color, and smooth out fine wrinkles.
  • KOSMO-DMAE 3%– an anti-aging concentrate that promotes a lifting effect, moisturizing and improving complexion. Indications for use are the prevention and treatment of age-related skin changes, anti-stress therapy and for deep moisturizing of the skin. The average price per bottle is 500 rubles.
  • Pharmacy products

    In pharmacies you can buy monomedicines such as:

    Instructions: how to do it yourself?

    Manual procedure:

    1. cleanse your face;
    2. disinfect the skin;
    3. draw the drug into the syringe;
    4. apply the micropapules method to the desired area of ​​the face: only around the eyes or over the entire surface of the skin (read about mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes).

    Hardware, or fractional, is carried out using special devices.

    1. To carry out the procedure, you will need to wash and disinfect your facial skin;
    2. apply the selected drug;
    3. carry out the procedure using a special device for home mesotherapy.

    Administration scheme: how to inject drugs correctly?

    In places where there is a small layer of fat, for example, on the cheekbones, forehead, around the eyes, it is recommended to use the micropapule method. When using this method, the needle is inserted 1–1.5 mm, holding it at an angle of 12–15° with the cut up.


    After mesotherapy, it takes 2 to 4 days to restore the skin. On the first day you should not:

    • wash or take a bath;
    • go to the gym;
    • visit the pool, sauna;
    • Do massage;
    • use cosmetics, especially foundation.

    In the following days you should refuse:

    • From baths and saunas, massage, peeling.
    • Refrain from visiting solariums and fitness clubs.
    • It is not recommended to stay in direct sunlight. And if this is unavoidable, be sure to use creams with protective factors of 10 units or higher.

    It is completely accessible to everyone. And anyone, both men and women, can afford to improve their appearance with the help of salon treatments without leaving home.

    Today, mesotherapy is one of the most popular procedures in beauty salons. It is very effective and, when carried out regularly, allows you to achieve visible results in a short time. However, in addition to all the advantages, this technique has a high cost, which makes many women think about alternative ways to maintain the youth and beauty of their body.

    Fortunately, mesotherapy has ceased to be an exclusively salon procedure. Now you can use this method without leaving your home. Moreover, you can freely purchase the necessary injections in pharmacies or specialized stores.

    To understand how effective this procedure is, let’s start with a few reviews.

    Mesotherapy at home: reviews

    “I’ve been involved in sports for a long time and do many different body treatments - body wraps, massages. I decided to add mesotherapy to all this for greater effect.

    At first I took the course in the salon, but then decided to do it at home. Moreover, the drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy, and I myself know how to inject. The drug was administered using a syringe. The hips and legs are still tolerable, but the stomach and arms are already a bit painful. The effect is no worse than after a session in a salon, but much cheaper.”

    “After several procedures in the salon, I decided to buy myself a roller coated with gold. The effect is like a cosmetologist's session. The mesoscooter itself is very easy to use; after several uses I can massage the skin with confidence. The skin became tightened and cellulite disappeared. And most importantly, the savings are tangible.”

    “All my friends do mesotherapy at home, but I still couldn’t decide. But one day, having gotten together, they persuaded me to try to do this procedure on my own. As it turned out, everything is very simple, and the result is no different from the salon one. I ordered a mesoscooter that same day and have been using it for almost a year now.».

    How to carry out the procedure yourself

    To carry out the procedure yourself, you will need a special device - a mesoscooter. It is a small movable roller with needles located on its surface, which is attached to an elongated handle.

    In contact with the skin, the spikes located on the roller make small punctures. They differ from procedures performed in salons because they are less deep and painful. However, this does not make them any less effective.

    Thanks to the action of the roller, skin cells begin to independently produce elastin and collagen, the process of regeneration and metabolism is activated, and excess fluid is removed.

    What problems can mesotherapy at home help solve? The mesoscooter is effective against:

    1. Stretch marks, scars and cicatrices;
    2. Cellulite;
    3. Skin laxity;
    4. Fat deposits.

    Description of drugs for mesotherapy

    The composition of the drugs, or as they are commonly called, meso-cocktails, should be chosen based on the problem that needs to be eliminated. Let's look at the most common ones:

    1. Lipolitics. They are used in the highest dosages for the purpose of weight loss, as well as to eliminate cellulite. Due to them, fat is broken down;
    2. Elastin and collagen. Due to them, not only fat deposits disappear, but also the skin is tightened, the weight loss effect is consolidated;
    3. Vascular drugs. Help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and also disperse blood;
    4. Vitamins. Allows you to obtain the necessary substances and give your skin a healthy and well-groomed appearance;
    5. Enzymes. These substances destroy the connective tissue involved in the formation of cellulite.

    The main nuances of mesotherapy at home

    At first glance, the procedure seems complicated, but it is quite easy to do at home. You will need the following:

    antiseptic liquid,

    • soap,
    • anesthetic cream,
    • mesoscooter,
    • active cream depending on the direction of the procedure.

    First, you need to clean the area of ​​the body you plan to work on. For this we use an antiseptic, soap, and water, preferably at room temperature.

    After the area has been treated, apply a thin layer of numbing cream to it and wait half an hour until it takes effect.

    You need to use the mesoscooter so that 10 vertical and 10 horizontal stripes remain.

    At the end of the session, apply cream. A doctor or cosmetologist can help you choose a cream. At the end, you can do a light massage - this will enhance the effect of the drug.


    Before deciding on this procedure, it is worth considering that at home, as in the salon, there are a number of contraindications for its implementation:

    1. Individual intolerance to components;
    2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    3. Cardiovascular diseases;
    4. Mental illnesses, including epilepsy;
    5. Bleeding disorders;
    6. Damage, inflammation and other infectious processes on the skin;
    7. Oncological diseases (including skin diseases).

    Video selection on the topic of the article

    Facial mesotherapy has been used in cosmetology for more than half a century.

    The popularity of this procedure can be explained by the fact that it allows you to solve a number of facial skin problems without resorting to surgery.

    Everything you need to know if you decide to have youth injections - how often and at what age you can do mesotherapy for the face, what it is, the pros and cons, what this technique gives - you will learn further.

    First you need to understand what this procedure is. Facial mesotherapy refers to therapeutic injections in the form of individually selected cocktails that are injected into the middle layer of the skin. Such cocktails may include minerals and vitamins, extracts of medicinal plants, amino acids and other substances.

    For injection, a very thin needle is used, penetrating to a depth of 1.5 to 3.9 mm. Injection mesotherapy can effectively solve many problems associated with the face.

    In each case, its action is individual, but there is always a result. The procedure allows you to increase microcirculation in the bloodstream, improve the elasticity and tone of the skin in the injection area.

    While external agents that are applied to the skin cannot penetrate other layers of the skin except the superficial one, mesotherapy cocktails reach the middle layer of the dermis. This makes it possible to activate metabolic processes and speed them up, improve blood circulation and start cell restoration processes.

    Benefits and indications

    Among the positive aspects, the following points stand out:

    • Mesotherapy (including) provides long-term results that will not need to be regularly updated.
    • The procedure is suitable for ladies of any age. It is especially effective as a method of combating wrinkles.
    • There are practically no contraindications. But before the procedure, a small test is recommended to eliminate the risk of allergic reactions.
    • Carrying out mesotherapy on an outpatient basis helps to achieve effectiveness.
    • Almost always, skin cells take the drugs very well.

    Another advantage of the technique is its wide spectrum of action.

    “Beauty injections” help solve the following problems:

    • deteriorated skin condition due to unfavorable climate;
    • the need for rehabilitation of skin tissue as a result of surgery;
    • loss of facial muscle tone;
    • dull skin, characteristic signs of aging, including wrinkles;
    • double chin;
    • acne, pimples, acne;
    • seborrheic dermatitis;
    • the presence of fatty deposits under the skin, nasolabial folds;
    • swelling and dark circles around the eyes;
    • creases on the skin;
    • too pale skin color, excessive pigmentation;
    • the presence of scars and cicatrices.


    The procedure is prohibited in the following cases:

    Progress of the session, video

    During preparation for facial mesotherapy, the cosmetologist should talk with you, find out about diseases and allergies, if any. He will clarify whether you have taken any medications and what you can expect from mesotherapy. During the conversation, the specialist will be able to select the optimal medications for you that will be injected under the skin.

    All the patient needs to do is sit in a comfortable chair. The cosmetologist will do the rest. First, an allergy test is carried out, since if there is a negative reaction to any of the components, the effect will be ruined. This test involves a specialist administering a minimum dose of a substance to the wrist area and analyzing the reaction.

    If a cocktail is planned, no more than three components are usually used, which reduces the risk of an allergic reaction. Many people are concerned about whether pain relief is required during mesotherapy. This is determined by the client's sensitivity threshold. For some clients, mesotherapy does not cause any discomfort, and it feels like a kind of subcutaneous massage.

    If the pain scares you, immediately talk to your cosmetologist about it. Previously, the face can be treated with a special cream, which will include lidocaine, which protects against pain. Thin needles are used for injections. A specialist can carry out the procedure manually or using an injector - a device that dispenses the injection of a component.

    For real specialists, manual technology is usually no worse than hardware. The depth of drug administration and the number of injections are determined by the specialist. It all depends on the characteristics of the skin and the wishes of the patient.

    Watch a video of how facial mesotherapy is done:

    Before the procedure, you should refrain from taking medications and alcoholic beverages. Also try to avoid bright sunlight.

    If you have any allergies, be sure to tell a specialist about it.

    It is also important to adhere to certain rules after the procedure. What not to do after facial mesotherapy so that its effect is only positive:

    • On the day of mesotherapy, other procedures are contraindicated.
    • On the first day, do not use any cosmetics - this can greatly harm the result.
    • Also, over the next few days, try to avoid overheating, hypothermia, and direct exposure to sunlight. It is also prohibited to visit baths and saunas, solariums, and swimming pools. Massage and physical activity will also have to be postponed for some time.

    Effect and results

    Despite the fact that this procedure provides almost the same sensations as superficial techniques, it is much more effective, since biological substances enter directly into the epidermis. This allows the skin to recover from the inside and ensures long-lasting results.

    You can compare injections with reflexology, however, a special one - one that acts on the points and areas responsible for youth and beauty. A noticeable effect will not occur immediately. This usually takes about 2-4 weeks.

    But immediately after entering the salon, you will also find noticeable changes, which will include the following:

    • pharmacological action, which will be determined by the direction of the drug used;
    • improving blood supply to capillaries and circulation;
    • acceleration of cell renewal processes, activation of metabolic processes in skin cells;
    • reflexogenic effect, mesotherapy can be compared with acupressure or acupuncture.

    Here you can see what results can be achieved using this technique:

    Drugs used

    In mesotherapy, different groups of drugs are used, differing in their composition, level of action and characteristics of origin. The most popular among them are:

    • Synthesized drugs. These funds are created artificially. The most popular representative of facial mesotherapy is hyaluronic acid. Preparations based on it are used to moisturize the skin, since this acid perfectly retains moisture.
    • Extracts of herbs and plants. These products are very effective and completely safe.
    • Preparations based on animal products. These are collagen and elastin, which allow you to achieve youthful and elastic skin.
    • Vitamins. The use of vitamins A, C, E, P, and group B is popular. They all have strong antioxidant properties, which helps improve the appearance of the skin.
    • Minerals. Chemical salts of micro- and macroelements are often used, in particular selenium, phosphorus, magnesium and others. They act selectively, so in each individual case they are selected depending on the problems that need to be solved.
    • Organic acids. In most cases, these are pyruvic and glycolic acids, which provide a peeling effect and accelerate cell regeneration.
    • Medications. These are separate medications that can only be used in accordance with individual indicators.

    A number of factors are used when choosing drugs. All skin features play a role - pigment spots (which are also removed), wrinkles, photoaging, skin type and much more.

    There are enough drugs to create the most effective individual cocktail in each case.

    At the same time, do not forget that the specialist performing the procedure is responsible for the result obtained, so it is better to contact a real specialist.

    How many procedures need to be done, average prices

    Many people are interested in the question of how often do mesotherapy procedures for the face need to be done and how much does this type of solution to many cosmetic problems cost?

    The number of visits to the salon required will depend on the patient’s age and the problems he wants to solve. On average, it is necessary to undergo a course of 5-7 facial mesotherapy procedures that will help achieve beauty, health and youthful skin.

    The cost of facial mesotherapy will depend on the level of the institution and the master that you have chosen, on average it is 2000-6000 rubles per procedure.

    This technique gives good results in combination with LPG massage, RF lifting, body wraps,

    Women's portal - Bonterry