Seeing body hair in a dream. Why do you dream about body hair?

Wash According to the dream book, hair means putting your financial affairs in order; this dream can also mean getting ready for the trip. In a dream, washing your hair with shampoo means that whatever you do, it will not give you much pleasure. Rinse in - meeting with your loved one. Dry hair - receive an invitation either to visit or to travel together. Blow drying is a pleasant pastime.

Collect hair (style)– not just be ready for change, but also have a hand in it. To gather in the tail is to plan something for the future. Try to remember the details of this dream, and you will be able to predict how realistic and successful your plans will be. tie hair - turn out to be the cause of obstacles in planned affairs. To stab is to take a risky step, it can also mean an unsafe road. Plait hair in a braid - has an interpretation as self-sabotage due to gullibility and frivolity.

If in a dream you collected hairs from the floor (picked up) - use the help of friends and relatives.

Stroking hair (touching) in a dream - to establish personal relationships. For single people - you will soon meet a good person. Stroking a man means finding a common language with someone who can support you. In hand hold- be responsible for what is happening. Carry for someone's hair - to show interest.

Other dreams

Dreaming barrette for hair - a risky situation, an insecure position. According to the dream book rubber for hair - obstacles on the way to what you want, troubles, circumstances that do not allow you to move on. See in a dream hairpins- ridicule, slander.

Dye for hair - something new and unusual, a desire for change and recognition among the opposite sex.

Dandruff in the hair warns that a traitor will meet on your way. His treachery will take you by surprise.

Roots hair is interpreted as relatives, family members.

Flower in the hair I dreamed of a romantic walk or even a trip.

Whose hair did you dream about? Men are a reliable travel companion, support in a planned event. Women - gossip and slander will go hand in hand with your ideas. Girls are the prospects of your path. The guy is a windfall at the end. Girls - something on the road will amaze you to the core. For a boy - a successful event, a successful road.

“I dreamed of a man. Suddenly, unexpectedly, his hair grew. White long thick. And he began to wash them, so pleased.” This is a very auspicious dream. What you have in mind will be supported in its implementation, and in conclusion, expect great success.

Insects in the hair - to problems, enemies, losses that you will soon encounter. Beetles– lack of faith in one’s own strengths or the abilities of a partner will become a significant obstacle. Spiders– if you don’t notice the intrigues being organized against you in time, you can suffer significant losses. Lice in hair (louse, nits)– bad thoughts, prejudices, poor health can cause financial losses. Cockroaches- worries about having to go somewhere, do something. Fleas– fuss less and you will overcome minor troubles easily. Worms in your hair - don’t expect success on your journey, everything planned will fall through. Bee– the road (business) will bring income if you work hard. flies– you incorrectly assess both your capabilities and the size of the intended path.

A lot of different hair - there is a risk of getting confused among the presented options.

A dream is a reflection of our entire life, thoughts, feelings and actions. Hair in a dream is most often a good sign. But in order to give the correct interpretation of the dream, you need to remember the details of the dream. After all, a lot depends on what color the strands were, how long, on what part of the body they appeared, and much more.

Hair length and color

To see long hair in a dream book - symbol of wisdom, health and vitality. Long, well-groomed, luxurious curls indicate that in the near future you will be healthy and full of strength. If, in addition, your hair is very thick, then you are full of energy, which you will easily realize.

The dream book’s interpretation of very long hair may depend on who had the dream:

  • Why does a young girl dream? Hair is very long - she will be rich;
  • for a military man to see himself with long hair - gaining honor and glory;
  • to a young man - long life;
  • For old people, seeing hair in a dream means mental anxiety.

A short hairstyle, according to the dream book, means trip or journey. But you can tell what it will be like by the color you saw in your dream.

If in a dream you have the same color as in reality, then everything will go well.

  1. If you see red hair in a dream, you need to beware of deception and slander. Ill-wishers are making insidious plans against you.
  2. Gray color means health problems. Also, someone is spreading bad rumors about you. But if gray hair has just begun to spread, you may lose a loved one. Notice one gray hair among the shock of hair. Why do you dream? Hair of this shape and color signifies the arrival of a long-awaited child in the family. For a woman, such a dream can mean immediate concern about her lover.
  3. Light or white curls promise you material profit.
  4. Black hair indicates that you are loved by members of the opposite sex. But soon you may become a victim of seduction.

There are dreams where you may dream of other people with different hair colors.

A young girl or guy appears in a dream with gray hair. The dream book interprets such a dream as the loss of a person dear to you. Moreover, the loss will not be associated with death. Most likely, your loved one will simply leave you and leave for good. But it will be your fault.

If a woman sees in a dream another representative of the fair sex with gray hair, it means the man is cheating on you.

Hair cutting in a dream

Different dream books interpret such a dream differently.

Cutting your own hair symbolizes imminent changes in your life. And, most likely, these changes will not be very good.

Get them trimmed at the hairdresser. If the master himself offered to cut your hair and did the hairstyle without your consent, this means that your will is suppressed, you cannot make important decisions on your own. You may also dream about this when you have an unconscious desire to change your image and hairstyle.

If you choose your own haircut without the advice of a hairdresser, expect good changes in your life.

If you dream that your friend is giving you a haircut, the dream book promises in this case help from friends, or perhaps your loved ones will save you from some kind of misfortune.

You are ready to change your life, then in a dream you may dream that you are cutting another person's hair. In addition, you easily get along with people and easily find a way out of difficult situations.

It is very good to see sheep shearing in a dream. This bodes well monetary reward and financial success.

Seeing a man's hair in a dream and cutting it means the emergence of a new love, which can lead to great experiences.

It’s bad if you dream of long thick hair that you cut very short. Perhaps soon there will be losses in your life. If the desire to get a haircut is dictated by the owner of the hair, all the blame for the losses will be placed on him. If someone else ordered the hair to be cut off, then the loss will not be your fault.

Why do you dream about hair being cut off and lying on the floor? The dream book believes that you may soon be deceived or betrayed.

Various hair actions

The dream book interprets dreams depending on what happens to them in a dream. Basic actions:

Hair and insects

When in a dream you see different types of insects, dream book I think this is a good sign.

Seeing a louse running through your hair only means minor squabbles with colleagues and troubles.

But if a lot of these insects are running along your long and thick hair, expect material profit.

Bugs in your hair in a dream are not a good sign. The dream book believes that people will soon come to you and demand to repay the debt. It also signals an unpleasant conversation or argument that will drag on for a long time.

But it’s very good to see fleas in a dream. Soon you will win the lottery, or receive unexpected money. This dream may also indicate that you yourself are the cause of failure. And only in your power to correct the mistakes you have made in life.

Spiders on long strands in a dream - you will be visited by original ideas, or you are plotting against a person you dislike. Running spiders that jump off and disappear mean a change in your thoughts. Bad thoughts will go away, you will think only about good things.

The dream book believes that seeing a nit on your head in a dream means a quick promotion at work with an increase in wages.

Why do you dream about cockroaches? This is a good sign. Soon you will show off your eloquence, and this will bring you success and monetary profit.

Hair on other parts of the body

The appearance of vegetation on the body is interpreted ambiguously by the dream book. It all depends on the part of the body where the hair is, its thickness and color. According to the dream book, hair on the body can speak about a person's secret fears, his uncertainty about the future and his inability to trust other people.

Loss of hair

Why can you dream about lost hair? The dream book gives the answer as follows: losing your hair in a dream - loss of health. You may also lose money due to a bad deal. Try to refrain from unnecessary expenses in the near future. Always keep your wallet with you, the risk of theft is very high.

If a young man dreams of losing his hair, it means that his life is empty, he is wasting his time, wasting his energy.

Seeing hair falling to the floor in a dream means that you are losing a lot in life - friends, colleagues, time. You don't realize it yet, but you will soon feel it.

According to the dream book, pulling out hair in a dream means that you will soon do or say something thoughtless and pay for it.

Considered a bad omen complete hair loss. If you dream about this, big troubles and lack of money await you.

The appearance of hair in places where they usually do not grow, for example, on the palms of the hands or all over the face, means that the one who saw this on himself in a dream will burden himself with a heavy debt.

Whoever sees his mustache or hair on the aura and armpit shaved or trimmed will strengthen his faith and spirituality, he will pay off his debts (if any), get rid of worries and worries and will diligently follow the Sunnah of the Prophet.

And sometimes long hair on the awrah means ruling over people without spirituality and faith. Hair on other parts of the body signifies wealth. If a merchant (businessman) sees that his hair has become long, then his fortune will increase. Also, short hair indicates decreased wealth.

And if someone sees that he is removing hair from his body by smearing himself with lime, this means that if he is rich, he will become poor, and if he is poor, he will become rich. If he has problems and worries, they will be resolved, if he is sick, he will recover, and if he is in debt, he will pay them off.

For example, hair on the head is a sign of wealth and longevity. And hair braiding indicates the precise execution of affairs and their perfection, as well as the protection of property from harm and damage.

If someone sees in a dream that his head is shaved outside the month of Hajj, then this indicates that he will lose his wealth or squander the wealth of his boss. And if he dreams that his head was shaved, then this means good, good, or he can also go to Hajj if he dreams about it during the months of Hajj.

If any entrepreneur sees that his hair has become long, then his trade will expand. If a brunette sees himself gray-haired in a dream; he will gain honor and fame among people, and if the gray-haired man sees his hair black, then his position in life will change. Combing your hair and beard means getting rid of worries and sorrows, repaying debt and achieving desires and achieving goals.

Tearing or plucking gray hair means not listening to the advice of elders.

If a poor man sees himself gray-haired in a dream, he may fall into debt or go to prison. For a woman to see herself completely gray speaks of her husband’s debauchery.

If the husband is very righteous, then he may fall in love with another woman.

For a married man to see himself with long bangs means a good life, and for a single man to see himself married to a pious and beautiful girl.

Seeing a bald woman in a dream means a quarrel.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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Have you ever seen body hair in a dream? This is a prophetic dream that guarantees profit. Why else would you dream of such a non-standard image? The dream book will share the most original transcripts.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book is sure that increased hairiness means that soon money will literally fall on your head.

What are you capable of?

Seeing a body covered with hair is a sign of boundless, but obviously unexpected happiness. This is also an indication of the inability to control one's own destiny.

However, the dream book warns that if all its parts are covered with hairs in a dream almost before your eyes, then you will commit a very ugly and cowardly act.

Specific examples

Why do you dream about a very hairy body? It symbolizes inner strength and vital abundance. Seeing your hairy body means that sometimes you are characterized by unreasonable impulses and excessive emotionality.

The dream book offers several specific decodings that will give an accurate interpretation of the dream.

  • Hairy hands can dream of business success and profit.
  • Your legs reveal you as the head of the family.
  • Vegetation on the chest means health.
  • On the palms - to unpleasant events.
  • In the nose - to non-standard and risky enterprises.


Did you dream that there was a lot of dense vegetation in your dream? The dream book promises good luck and wealth. If the hairs were thin and sparse, then you may fall under the influence of others and experience anxiety.

Why else do you dream about body hair? If there were a lot of them, then you have huge reserves of vital energy hidden inside.

If hairiness was observed on someone else’s body, then think more about the future. Unrealistically long hair symbolizes honor and respect.

They love you!

The dream book advises you to remember what color the hair on your body was. Thick and black ones portend happiness and at the same time warn of mental disorder.

In the dream they were black and curly? You risk falling into a love net. If you dreamed of black curls on your figure, then they love you, and in return you skillfully manipulate other people’s feelings.

Don't be selfish!

Why do you dream about hair on a woman’s body? This is an indication of a selfish nature, due to which you can lose all your friends.

The hair under a woman's arms symbolizes her perseverance and ability to go her own way. If in a dream a woman has shaggy breasts, then she is destined for a worthy marriage.

If a lady happened to see her hairy legs, then the dream book is sure that her husband will turn out to be henpecked, and the thin hairs on the child’s body signify great joy.

Look for differences

Dreams in which hair covers a man's figure are more natural. The dream book advises, when interpreting them, to pay attention to the difference from real circumstances.

For example, an overly shaggy torso of a man personifies masculinity and sexual energy, and his legs define an extremely domineering nature.

Did you dream that in a man’s dream, profuse hairiness was observed exclusively on his arms? This means that he is used to thinking only about himself.

Is dreaming harmful?

What else can you dream about about body hair? To find out, the dream book recommends remembering how they appeared. If your hair grows very quickly, then you will definitely get a promotion at work.

Did you dream that they grew up in extremely strange places? The dream book guarantees the multiplication of all benefits. If hair grows without stopping, then this is a symbol of an unfulfilled dream.

The most detailed description: “dream book of why you dream of body hair” - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

You don’t have such a dream every day, and seeing hair on your body means that you are in some kind of confusion, perhaps you are faced with a choice. Take a look at the dream book and you will find answers to all your questions there, and also find out why you dream about body hair.

If you dream about body hair, this dream means that you are stuck in a big dilemma involving two equal values ​​and you don't know what to choose.

Seeing body hair in a dream means that the moment has come when you should no longer postpone your decision, and you must make a choice between what you should do and what you would like to do.

If a young girl has hair on her body in her dream, this is a sign that you are not feeling safe during the day and you are worried about your future.

If you dreamed of red hair on your body, this dream means that you are not sure of the situation, and it is possible that the person is using your confusion for his own selfish purposes.

Having body hair in a dream is a sign that your overall situation will improve, mainly in terms of your health and your interests.

When you dream of hair on a woman's body, the dream announces the prosperity of the project you are working on.

If you dream about the body hair of a woman you don't know, it will be clear to you that the person is using you and that you should end such a relationship as soon as possible.

According to the dream book, if body hair appears in some context in your dream, this is a sign that you will be very successful in love affairs and will experience many happy moments.

When you dreamed of white hair on a woman's body, this is for you a preview of successful events and, as a rule, an understanding of happiness.

If you dream of a lot of hair on your body, this dream means that you will soon meet a person with whom you will have a lot in common.

If a lot of body hair appears in a dream in some context, it means that you will soon encounter an unpleasant situation. But if you don’t get excited and rush in your actions, you will be able to quickly solve your problems.

If you dream of long hair on your body, this is a sign that you are in a very difficult situation where you cannot count on anyone's help, and you will have to solve all your problems on your own.

If you dream of black hair on your body, this dream indicates your prosperity in your professional life.

When you dreamed that your body hair has grown, this dream announces general bad luck and unfavorable events for you.

At times, dream books have quite original interpretations of this night image.

Dreaming about lush vegetation

When you dream that your body has excess vegetation, it is advisable to study the predictions of interpreters. It is worth noting right away that the opinions of dream books are quite ambiguous. It will be difficult for the dreamer to figure out what awaits him in the near future.

Interpreters often consider night visions in which you dream of hair. But, as a rule, they focus attention on the head. Although, with a strong desire, it is possible to find the information you need.

To dream that hair is growing on your arms, legs, and other parts of your body means you will be happy. An event will happen that will paint life with new colors.

Also, such a vision can promise quick enrichment and unexpected financial profits.

Shaving your own hair means troubles and misfortunes; illness or sad news is possible. The main thing that this dream book indicates is that they will be completely unexpected for the dreamer.

To dream that you have dense vegetation on your body - you will be a rich and respected person. If they grow in sparse bunches, then you risk falling under the influence of another person. You are also guaranteed anxiety and sadness.

I dreamed of thickets on my chest

If you dreamed of hair on your chest, you can enjoy excellent health. There are minor troubles on the fingers.

If you dream that your body is covered with hair, you will act without thinking properly. This is also a sign of spiritual decline. Although in this interpreter you can find another meaning of body hair. At times, such dreams can promise to receive a fairly large amount of money.

Pulling them out, plucking them out - great grief awaits you.

It is believed that seeing yourself with hair is an unsightly act in reality. You just can’t make up your mind in life, you act at random, often these are cowardly and dishonest actions.

When your hair falls out in a dream, you risk losing something important to you. Also, minor troubles await you, which will cause a lot of trouble and inconvenience.

If you dream that they will shave the hair on your chin - illness, loss of a loved one, bankruptcy. This dream is especially negative for a woman, since a man can see such a vision simply because he has performed similar actions in reality or has decided to shave.

Seeing hair on your back, stomach, chest in a dream - you will soon become a rich man. In this case, finances will come from different sources.

This source examines this symbol in detail. Depending on which part of the body you could see hair in a dream, the interpretation depends:

Dreaming of a back covered with thick hair

  • on the chest - you will have good health;
  • in your hands - you should think about the future, and not live one day at a time;
  • on the stomach - life in abundance.

If you dream that your body is completely covered with dense vegetation, you have a strong character. Your life is full of prosperity, characterized by regularity and calm.

But at the same time, such night vision can speak of your unrestrained character. You tend to act hot-tempered and thoughtlessly. Often you are hindered by excessive emotionality.

If in real life you cannot boast of excessive body hair, then such a vision most likely promises quick profit.

When the hairs were very long, then you will be a revered person in society.

If you dream that another person’s body is densely covered with hair, you should think more about your future.

For prediction, it is important where you happen to see hair on a certain area of ​​your body. The prediction depends on this:

  • on your feet - you are a leader in life, at work and at home you play the main role;
  • in the nose - a sleeping person - an adventurer in life, prone to risky business, rash actions;
  • on the palms, fingers - life will present an unpleasant surprise;
  • in your hands - success in business, financial well-being;
  • on the chest, stomach - good health.

Shaving hair in a dream

The interpretation of the dream will depend on whether you will shave all the hair or just sections of it.

Shaving partial body hair means unexpected expenses, loss of property.

Shave completely - there are obstacles ahead of you, but after overcoming them, you will receive a reward.

Shaving yourself - you don’t need advice, life is completely in your hands.

Plucking hairs on your stomach or back and experiencing discomfort means you may soon get sick. Take care of your health.

Cutting them means they are trying to deceive you, think about which of your friends might want this.

Another person cuts the hair on your back - you will act to the detriment of your interests.

Dreamed of curls in the armpit area

You may dream of a hairy man, which is more common for us in everyday life, or a hairy woman. Interpretation in such cases will vary.

For a woman, a dream in which she saw excess hair on her body is an indicator of her character. You are a selfish person and always care only about your own comfort.

If you dream that there is a lot of hair under your arm, you are a stubborn, persistent person who always achieves what you want.

If a girl saw her chest hairy, then she will be happy in her married life. Hair on your legs - your spouse will begin to indulge your desires.

For a man, this image is viewed differently. Hair on the chest, belly, and back is a symbol of courage and sexual energy.

On your hands, fingers - you are prone to selfishness, caring only about yourself.

In night vision, we can observe how hair is located on a certain area of ​​the body, for example, the stomach, back, butt. It is also common to dream about hair in the most inappropriate places: on the forehead, in the mouth, on the fingers.

Sometimes in a dream you can see hair growing on your butt. Have you seen such a vision? You spend a lot of time and money on unnecessary things. Focus on what's important.

A lot of hair on your stomach - you will change your opinion about some people for the better.

The hair on your back is your protection. The dream book believes: the denser the vegetation, the better for you.

If the hair on your back grows right before your eyes, it means you will receive additional resources: meeting an influential person, receiving important secret information, additional material benefits.

When they grew in your mouth, you will have to enter into a discussion and defend your rights to the last.

If you dream about body hair, this means that in real life the dreamer really wants to be a leader. Also, such a dream symbolizes the lack of attention, care and support from loved ones or friends.

Depending on whose hair you see:

  • a woman has problems at work;
  • the girl has an imminent marriage;
  • a man has a stable income;
  • at home - gaining wealth;
  • another person has gossip and conflicts;
  • the child has academic success;
  • the husband is disappointed in his friend.

Depending on where the hair grows:

  • under the arms - negative emotions;
  • on the back - dissatisfaction with oneself;
  • in your arms - meeting an unreliable person;
  • on the lower back - inconstancy on the part of the dreamer will lead to a break in the relationship;
  • on the butt - to a frivolous act;
  • on the shoulders - the sleeper will find himself in a difficult situation;
  • on the fingers - starting your own business;
  • on the stomach - a new addition to the family;
  • on the chest - positive changes in your personal life;
  • throughout the body - increased financial well-being;
  • in the groin - intrigue on the side.

Depending on what kind of hair:

  • thick - an expensive purchase;
  • long - transition to a new stage of life;
  • black - recovery of a relative.

Depending on quantity:

  • a lot - improved well-being.

Depending on what you do with your hair:

  • shaving - a desire to change surroundings;
  • remove - loss of vitality.

Dream Interpretations / Dreams on B / Dream Interpretation Body Hair Why do you dream about body hair in a dream?

Body hair seen in a dream can be interpreted from two angles. Firstly, they talk about passion and sensuality, so such a dream means that a sexual adventure awaits the person ahead. You should be wary if thick hair on your arms or legs begins to fall out in your sleep - your erotic experiments can end very badly for your health.

In addition, body hair in a dream is a symbol of desired or existing leadership. Sometimes it is forced, in this case such a dream is seen by a woman who lacks care, support and attention from her husband or loved one.

The dream book considers hair on the body as happy events. Thick black hair on the body portends a disordered state of mind, confusion, and primitive desires.

Hair on a woman’s body symbolizes your desire to manage current affairs and dominate your subordinates. Any event should be under your control.

For a man, shaving his body hair in a dream means incurring material costs or breaking up with his beloved. In some cases, the vision is a symbol of burden.

If you dream about how the hair on your body grows, you will be able to achieve forgiveness from someone who has been seriously offended. For a woman, sleep means excessive attention to herself and excessive moodiness.

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The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in dreams that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Body Hair in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I looked at my body and saw dark hair growing on my stomach, sides and groin, but I wasn’t upset, because I was getting ready for hair removal and thought that I would remove my hair too.

in the bathroom in front of the mirror I saw a lot of hair on my shoulders, chest and neck, I tried to remove it with a hair remover, but I ended up with an ordinary cream in my hands.. I was very surprised

my face, under my chin, on my chest, on my shoulders, suddenly began to become covered with hair the same as on my head. And on my shoulders I pull out swan’s feathers and they grow.

Thick hair has grown in the armpits, even a little on the chest. The hair was coarse to the touch and black in color. I looked at all this in the mirror, I didn’t see my face, but I knew it was me.

I dreamed that my daughter’s whole body was covered with dark hair, the girl was 11 years old, in the dream I thought that I would have to shave off my hair….

I’m walking along the road during the day, surrounded by trees, suddenly a voice speaks from your wife in that house. I go and look at some interesting houses. Then someone says help, and I find myself in another place, there is water and I find myself wet and trying to take the key to open the door. I take the key and try to open the lock and wake up. Then I dreamed that I was standing at the mirror and saw long hair on the right side of my body.

My beloved shaved the hair on his body, but only in front, and when I hugged him, I saw that hair was still growing on his back; he didn’t shave it off, but left it there. In reality, it is indeed covered with dense vegetation.

Good afternoon Today I dreamed that hair grew on my chest and back. They were long, thick and dark brown in color. I had a feeling of bewilderment and panic - how could this happen and what to do about it now. Then I talked to a cosmetologist and she told me that she could remove them with special adhesive strips in the form of mustard plasters. Also present in this dream were my mother and father (he died a long time ago). I showed them how hairy I was and shared my experiences about it.

Hello, I dreamed that I pulled out a very thick hair (it looked more like a village branch, branched into 3 parts) under my left breast

I dreamed of a friend, she and I were walking around some strange house, bright, as if unfinished, but beautiful. For some reason, she is naked, her body is young (we are already over 40 and we are not athletes in real life...), beautiful, but on her body there are two strips of hair diagonally (like two belts from bags worn over the shoulder). her hair is short and black, even though she is blonde...

I dreamed of my ex-husband standing in shorts and his legs and butt and chest were all hairy with long black hair.

I undress in the bathhouse and see that my shoulders and chest are covered with hair. and the look of a man. He gives me a machine and I shave my hair in front of the mirror.

I dreamed that black hair grew on my chest, I pulled it out and it grew again and then began to appear on my face

I dream that black, curly, coarse hair grows all over my body, all the way to my breasts. I shave them off and they grow back.

I dreamed that I went into the bathroom and discovered that I had very long light brown hair (although I am a brunette), I don’t remember exactly where it grew from either my chin or groin, I remember that I took it in my arms and wanted to cut it off, but then I dreamed gone

I have hair growing on my body on my chest, it’s light and thick, I’m starting to cut it with scissors

I see in a dream that a large wart the size of a walnut has grown on my husband’s back. I wipe it with a cotton swab. Small abscesses fall on the floor, but not all of them. Then the same wart grows on the wart, and so there are four gray inflamed ones on top of each other, and at the end of the hair I don’t want my husband to do this. I saw him and I want to take him to the doctor

In a dream, I went to wash myself in the bath, drew water and sat in the bath. and there were dark, short hairs that I felt with my body and I started raking them out of the bath with my hands.... they are short and curly... dark...

I dreamed that my child had a boy, he was 4 and a half years old, he had hair on his legs

I'm sitting in the bathroom and I see that my chest and stomach are covered with hair like a man's. I shaved my hair and my body became smooth and beautiful.

Hello! I dreamed that my young checkmate and I (who is now guarding the border and does not get in touch) were removing hair from our bodies... Why would that be?

I dreamed that I was sitting in the room, watching TV, and my lover’s wife came in and said: “You’re beautiful!” I’ve heard so much about you, but now at least I’ve seen you.” And leaves (someone called her). And my beloved stays in the room with me and his son. I get up from the sofa, go to the mirror, look, and my breasts are white and firm (they have become one size larger), and the hair on my shoulders is long, dark. I look and think, “the breasts are beautiful, and this hair? Let them go or go for hair removal?”

I looked in the mirror, and there on my neck I saw black hair, sparse and one long, like a climbing plant (just like ivy)

My deceased daughter has black hair growing on her arms and back, I/my mother/shhave them, but the blade on my back became dull and it became harder to shave.L

Hello, the dream was like this, I was walking with my friends and I noticed that I was washing my hands in my hair, as well as my legs. I run home and tell my mother about this, she says, “That your body is not healthy.” And I woke up

I go to the mirror and see hair on my body (chest, sides, back, arms). I touched and began to pull them out. I pull them out, and they grow even more.

I had a dream last night that I grew very sparse and not long hair, like a small stream, it grew on both sides of my face in the cheek area (bottom) closer to the throat!

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Hello. The dream flashes in fragments, I look at my body, arms, legs and with horror I see hairiness on it, well, as happens with men, and the hair is very thick in places, and this is actually why I wake up. What does this mean?

There is a lot of thick hair between my legs, I shaved it, cut it in bunches, and I’m going to meet a man and I’m angry that there’s a lot of hair. Thanks in advance.

There were small dark hairs on the chest and around the navel. The hair is rough, even prickly. I tried to pluck them out

There were small dark hairs on the chest and around the navel. The hair is rough, even prickly. I tried to pluck them out with tweezers

I had a dream about thick, straight black hair appearing on my shoulders, and I watched myself as if from the outside.

Hello, I dreamed that my wife had a hairy body, black hair, her entire back and chest were covered

I look in the mirror, and from my neck to my shoulder, on the right side, hair has grown. Not long, and not thick.

Hello Tatiana. In the dream, my body was covered with dark, thick hair. And this surprised me *(in the dream).

suddenly my hair grew long on the sides. It’s like I’m at a meeting with some people and suddenly I see that the hair on the sides is growing, and the man tells me, Juna will help you, that’s all

A young man is standing next to me, and I raise my hand and see that it is covered with a lot of blond thick hair, I also remember the shock that I felt at the same time

I dreamed of hair on the stomach and a narrowing on the chest, and a man in a black wig with medium-long hair reaching to the shoulders.

I saw long black hair on my daughter’s body, on her back. I told her in a dream, my daughter, you won’t cut your hair.

Body hair in a dreamHave a lot of body hair- fortunately.
Have a body covered with thick black hair– to great happiness / disorder in mental life, to be under the rule of primitive instincts.
Grow curly hair- overestimate your sexual capabilities.
Grow white hair– experience fear of death / become clairvoyant.
The hair on the palms has grown- something unpleasant.
Lip hair has grown– threat of violent death, you should be very careful.

  • Dream interpretation hair. As a rule, hair in a dream reflects the health and internal energy of the person who dreamed about it;
  • Long, clean blond hair is the best dream, it shows that you are completely healthy and full of strength;
  • Dark hair in a dream speaks of inner experiences;
  • The dream book interprets dirty, tangled hair as serious mental or health problems;
  • Cutting hair in a dream means illness;
  • For a woman to see hair on her chest or body is a sign of wealth;
  • If you dreamed that you had long hair in front of the industry, you will make a big profit;
  • The dream book interprets curly hair as quick changes in life;
  • If your hair falls out, this dream warns of possible problems with money.
  • If a woman combs her hair in a dream, she will have to repent of her frivolity;
  • A man who sees his thinning hair in a dream should not be too generous - this is fraught with failure and poverty;
  • Seeing yourself gray is not good;
  • Dreaming of gray-haired people is also a sign of unpleasant changes;
  • Seeing yourself with a beautiful hairstyle is a sign of a successful turn of events. But if in a dream you have your hair cut too short, this is a warning: do not be too wasteful;
  • Tangled, untidy hair means failure;
  • Stroking someone's hair in a dream means a good turn in matters of the heart.
  • I dreamed about hair - why? Hair - wisdom, vitality and what happens to it (honor and what happens to it);
  • If you have long and thick hair in a dream, it means wealth, strength, power, honor;
  • Covering yourself with your hair in a dream means feeling ashamed of yourself;
  • Having unusually long hair means spiritual fatigue, depression;
  • If you dreamed that your hair was tangled, you will find yourself in an awkward situation;
  • Slicked hair means good relationships with people;
  • If your hair falls out in a dream, it means poverty, any harm, loss, illness;
  • Seeing a bald spot on yourself is a sign of trouble;
  • To be bald is either a great need, or extraordinary wealth, to experience a secret fear of life that prevents you from acting;
  • Dream interpretation of cutting hair - everything bad: misfortune, mourning, sadness, loss, melancholy, ridicule, revenge, slander, etc.;
  • If a mother dreamed that part of her hair was cut off, this means a child’s illness;
  • Dream of braiding a braid - obstacles, changes;
  • Combing your hair means success in life’s struggle, some kind of liberation, a feeling that you need to put things in order, a mask of thoughts about sensual fun;
  • Washing your hair in a dream means the need to free yourself from something;
  • Dyeing your hair is a warning against injustice;
  • If you dreamed that your hair caught fire, success awaits you;
  • Seeing someone with red hair is a sign of deception;
  • If you see red hair on yourself, you will have to deceive;
  • I dreamed about the blonde – peace, tranquility, joy;
  • A brunette in a dream means profit;
  • Seeing a gray-haired man means sadness.

Big family dream book - hair

  • Seeing hair in a dream is a good sign;
  • If you dream of black, curly hair, the dream foreshadows sadness and failure;
  • Well-combed hair promises friendship and an end to troubles;
  • Tangled hair means trouble and suffering;
  • If you cannot untangle your hair in a dream, this portends worries, litigation and long work;
  • If men see their hair as long as a woman’s, they will be deceived;
  • Seeing your hair longer than usual promises you an increase in honors and wealth;
  • Seeing your hair gray is a warning against unnecessary expenses;
  • Seeing a young woman without hair in a dream means hunger, poverty, illness;
  • Seeing a man without hair means abundance, wealth, health;
  • If you dreamed that your body was covered with hair from head to toe, this portends you some kind of cowardly act, an inability to control your destiny;
  • Seeing an old woman without hair in a dream means poverty, illness, hunger, and a bald old man, on the contrary, means good luck;
  • If you dreamed that you could not comb your hair and the comb broke, this portends trouble;
  • If you dream that your head (or beard) is being shaved, the dream warns you of the danger of losing your fortune, or getting sick, or losing loved ones;
  • Seeing your hair falling out in a dream means troubles and loss of property.
  • If a woman combs her magnificent hair in a dream, this promises her frivolity in her actions, which she will later repent of;
  • A man who sees his thinning hair in a dream, in reality, unjustified generosity will lead to failure and poverty;
  • Your own hair turning gray is a sad sign. Seeing yourself covered with hair promises you forgiveness and mercy. If a woman sees such a dream, she will shift all her attention to her person and, perhaps, begin to indulge her whims to the detriment of morality;
  • If you dream that you have black curly hair, then this promises you a seductive love trap;
  • Golden hair is a sign of the dignity and courage of your chosen one. Seeing your beloved as a redhead portends changes in your relationship. Brown hair portends professional failures for its owner;
  • A beautiful hairstyle in a dream is a sign of a successful turn in your affairs, but if the hair is cut too short, this is a warning: do not be wasteful in order to avoid misfortunes;
  • A lush hairstyle on fluffy soft hair means boundless happiness;
  • If a woman in a dream sees both dark and light hair on her head, this means great doubts about the upcoming choice and the need to be careful;
  • Tangled, unkempt hair is a sign of failure. Seeing gray-haired people in a dream is also a sign of unpleasant changes; for lovers, this means the appearance of rivals. Also unfavorable is a dream about hair loss. At the same time, hair white as snow promises its owners comforting news, trips and meetings;
  • Stroking someone's hair in a dream means a good turn in your affairs of the heart, towards a worthy lover;
  • Flowers in your hair are a sign of approaching troubles, which, however, will not unbalance you or frighten you. If a woman sees that her entire hairstyle is covered with white flowers, in reality she needs to strengthen her will and prepare her spirit for various difficult trials, which, however, will not last long;
  • The gray hair and youthful face of the dreamer promise him trouble, losses and illnesses are possible if he is not careful.
  • Hair loss means ruin, bankruptcy or collapse;
  • If someone sees in a dream how his hair is falling out, even to the point of baldness, then he has reasons to fear for the loss of his income, as well as his reputation;
  • Seeing a bald woman in a dream foretells the emergence of causes of discord;
  • Whoever sees himself bald in a dream means that his boss will expect a decrease in capital, he will suffer losses, which will negatively affect his power or reputation;
  • However, some say that this dream may be a harbinger that the person who sees it will pay off his debts.
  • Long hair symbolizes your lack of self-confidence during sexual encounters;
  • On the contrary, short-cropped hair or a shaved head symbolizes your self-confidence;
  • A complex or elaborate hairstyle symbolizes your inferiority complex and failure in the sexual sphere;
  • If a woman combs her hair, then she regrets missed opportunities;
  • If a man combs his hair, then he is preparing for a new sexual encounter.

Also read: why do you dream about a diamond?

  • Dreaming of combing your hair means good income;
  • Cutting hair in a dream book means death in the family;
  • In a dream, seeing hair grow means prudence in business;
  • Dropouts – loss of property;
  • Dream Interpretation red hair is a deception;
  • Light colors – peace of mind;
  • Hair on the chest - health;
  • Disheveled - family troubles;
  • Beautiful black hair - you are loved;
  • Braid your hair - you will start a relationship;
  • Dream Interpretation: dyeing your hair means emptiness and delusion;
  • Long ones - they respect and love you;
  • In a dream, combing another person means constantly bothering someone;
  • Hair on your arm - think about the future;
  • Singe your hair - avoid trouble;
  • Loose – anxiety;
  • In a dream, washing your hair means anxiety.
  • Hair in dreams usually indicates your perception of yourself and your attractiveness to others;
  • Lush, shiny hair symbolizes confidence, while dull, unkempt strands symbolize a lack of self-confidence;
  • Dreams about going bald may mean that you are feeling a loss of control over your life.
  • Hair is the personification of vital energy, beauty, attractiveness;
  • Thick - wealth, health, vitality;
  • Hair falling out - to illness and poverty;
  • Combing your hair is an affair.
  • Long hair means a long journey;
  • Gray hair is a hassle;
  • Braiding - worries;
  • Cutting your hair means treason, betrayal;
  • Someone forcibly cut his hair - loss of loved ones;
  • Scratching with difficulty means litigation.
  • Comb your hair, wash your face - all sorrows and worries will pass;
  • If you dream of a wife with her hair down, it means she has a secret affair, a lover;
  • Dreaming that your head is gray means longevity and great happiness;
  • If you dream that your head is bald and all your hair has fallen out, it portends failure in business;
  • If you dream that your hair suddenly falls out, it foretells grief associated with the death of a grandson or son;
  • Dreaming that hair grows back means longevity;
  • An uncovered head and loose hair means the enemy is plotting against you;
  • Uncovered hair and covered face - legal proceedings.
  • You will be surrounded by attention, numerous representatives of the opposite sex will woo you;
  • If you see dull and thinning hair, it means that you need to be very careful and selective in choosing a partner;
  • Cutting your hair in a dream means loss and separation.
  • If a man dreams that he has a woman's braid, this is a sign that he will be deceived by some woman;
  • A hairless woman in a dream means a time of famine, poverty and illness;
  • A man with a shaved head symbolizes a rich life;
  • Black, short, curly or matted hair portends boredom, grief, and sometimes insult and quarrel;
  • A person who dreams that he is itching and can hardly comb his hair is in for a lawsuit, some controversial matter or difficult work;
  • Seeing well-combed and tastefully styled hair in a dream promises friendship and liberation from unpleasant matters;
  • If anyone dreams that his hair or beard is being shaved, this threatens him with illness, the loss of a loved one, a respected person, or most of his fortune;
  • To dream of hair falling means boredom and loss;
  • When an official sees in a dream that he has large, beautiful hair, this is a sign that great honors and glory await him;
  • If he dreams that his hair has turned grey, then this dream predicts that his wealth and happiness are in complete decline;
  • If an official sees in a dream that his hair has become longer and darker than usual, then he should expect even greater honors and wealth;
  • If you dream that your hair has become thinner than it was before, grief or poverty is ahead;
  • To dream that one’s hair can be pulled out only with difficulty means that the time is approaching when one will have to make every effort to get rid of poverty;
  • When someone dreams of an unknown woman with beautiful long hair, this is a very good sign. Such a dream portends joy, friendship and prosperity for both women and men.
  • Hair in a dream symbolizes thoughts and desires;
  • Combing your hair means putting your thoughts in order;
  • Disheveled hair means complete confusion in the head;
  • Changing your hairstyle means changing your desires, revising your way of thinking;
  • Haircut - not too deep thoughts, abandonment of one’s desires;
  • Short haircut – limiting your ambitions, discipline;
  • Long hair – femininity, freedom;
  • Long, tangled hair means a disregard for one’s public image;
  • Blonde hair - consciousness, wisdom in decision making;
  • Dark hair is not always conscious subconscious thoughts or desires, hidden, secret thoughts.
  • Going bald is a fear of old age, a disease.
  • For a woman, sleeping with hair means improving well-being and mood;
  • For a man - to liberation from false fears;
  • Meeting a woman with uncombed hair means deception and confusion in business.

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