Ultrasonic facial cleansing before and after. Ultrasonic facial cleansing, essence of the method, reviews

Regular facial cleansing can slow down the aging process of the skin, get rid of inflammation and acne. Unfortunately, this is often accompanied by unpleasant complications, swelling, redness of the skin and pain. Ultrasonic facial cleansing will help you avoid troubles and achieve the desired result; the procedure is gentle, but quite effective.

History of ultrasound

The beneficial properties of ultrasonic vibrations were discovered in the 30s of the 20th century, at which time they were first used for the needs of classical medicine. Subsequently, at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, ultrasound began to be actively used in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. So, it is used for massage, tightening and rejuvenation of the skin, but most often for cleansing (or peeling).

Indications and expected results

Ultrasound facial cleansing is indicated for oily and combination skin; in all other cases it is not recommended. It is believed that the immediate indications for performing the procedure are:

  • Enlarged pores.
  • Small pimples.
  • Acne.
  • Oily skin shine.

After the effect, the face is cleansed, the work of the sebaceous ducts is normalized, the pores are narrowed, sebaceous plugs and blackheads come to the surface. In addition, the skin becomes more elastic, fine wrinkles disappear, and the color and structure of the skin improves.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after ultrasonic cleaning No. 1

Operating principle

Ultrasonic pulses effectively destroy the surface layer of dead cells, as well as sebaceous plugs, blackheads and other types of external impurities. They also help narrow pores and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

In addition, vibrations have a slight massage effect, increase blood circulation in the treated area and the flow of oxygen to the cells. Due to this local optimization, skin renewal occurs faster.


Before attending the procedure, it would be a good idea to seek preliminary consultation with a specialist. The cosmetologist will not only tell you the main nuances of ultrasonic cleaning, but will also determine its feasibility by asking about possible contraindications. In order not to harm the patient’s health, this kind of exposure is not provided in the following cases:

  • Malignant tumors and oncology.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Hypertension.
  • Epilepsy and nervous disorders.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • The presence of an intrauterine device, pacemakers, braces, metal pins, silicone or gel implants, gold threads.
  • Neurological diseases of the face.
  • Cuperosis.
  • Pigmentation disorder.
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of exposure;
  • Herpes, burns, allergic rashes and other similar manifestations on the face.

In addition, ultrasonic facial cleansing is not carried out after plastic surgery, tightening, skin rejuvenation, chemical peeling and other aggressive cosmetic procedures.

Separately, we should touch upon the issue of carrying out the procedure during pregnancy; here the opinions of cosmetologists are divided. Most experts claim that expecting a child is a direct contraindication to ultrasound, while others believe that the absence of pathologies and complications allows expectant mothers to care for their facial skin in a similar way. In any case, additional consultation with a gynecologist for a pregnant woman in these matters will be very useful.


Facial cleansing in the salon does not take more than 30-40 minutes. During this period of time, the cosmetologist manages to perform an impressive list of manipulations and bring the patient’s face into proper condition. The procedure is divided into the following stages:

  1. Removing makeup and surface dirt.
  2. Light manual massage (not considered a necessary step, the goal is to improve skin sensitivity).
  3. Applying a therapeutic mask that helps open pores and soften the stratum corneum of the skin.
  4. Treatment of the face with a scrubber (ultrasonic emitting device). Before turning on the device, the cosmetologist applies a gel for ultrasonic facial cleansing to the skin; it ensures smooth sliding of the device and helps the ultrasound waves penetrate deeper into the dermis.
  5. Applying moisturizing and anti-inflammatory masks.

Quite often the procedure is carried out together with manual manipulation. This technique is called comprehensive facial cleansing. Its essence lies in the fact that after ultrasonic treatment, manual cleaning of remaining contaminants is also carried out, which allows achieving the maximum positive result.

Video: ultrasonic facial cleansing in the salon

Ultrasound cleaning at home

Ultrasonic cleaning can also be carried out at home; for this you need to purchase a special device for independent use. It has less power, but for a non-professional it will be an ideal solution, since it will not damage the skin. The algorithm for the home procedure is almost no different from the professional one and consists of the following stages:

  1. Steam bath with herbs (steams the skin and opens pores, promotes disinfection).
  2. Using a scrub with fine particles to remove surface impurities and pore-clogging plugs.
  3. Using a home scrubber (ultrasonic device). The duration of the first procedure is 5 minutes, next time the time may be slightly increased, the maximum effect at home is within 15-20 minutes. For convenience, you can set a timer on the device. It is recommended to apply pressure along the massage lines, without pressure or stretching of the skin.
  4. In conclusion, it is recommended to give your face a short break, limit facial muscle activity for an hour, and not talk or eat. At the end of the allotted time interval, you need to wash your face and apply a moisturizing mask.

Gezatone device for facial cleansing at home

With the development of the technological sphere in medical cosmetology, a procedure for facial cleansing with ultrasound has appeared.

The method quickly gained momentum in popularity, as it has obvious superior qualities over other cleaning technologies (chemical, vacuum and, especially, mechanical).

How did it all begin?

A popular procedure in the cosmetology field is facial cleansing. Skin problems are a common occurrence, and many girls first get acquainted with a beauty salon when this particular problem arises.

Cosmetologists who know everything about clean and healthy skin eliminate dead cells that interfere with the metabolism of the epidermis.

The most important goal of cosmetic cleansing is to achieve deep cleansing of the skin pores.

An essential component of the procedure performed by a cosmetologist is to rid the patient of comedones, clogged, greasy pores, blackheads, and remove excess sebaceous secretions.

Dust, small particles, dead cells, salting are unfavorable companions. Cleansing them refreshes, improves skin color, and slows down the inevitable aging process.

What is ultrasonic facial cleansing?

Ultrasonic facial cleansing involves the use of a special ultrasound-emitting device. This procedure is mainly performed in beauty salons.

Providing a clear and immediate effect, the method has become widespread.

The effect on the skin is manifested in the following:

  1. Removal of keratinized, dead particles of the epidermis;
  2. Getting rid of blackheads and clogged pores;
  3. Normalization of collagen production;
  4. This type of cleaning is deeper and cleans pores more effectively than other methods. As a result, the effect of additional skin care products (creams, masks, peelings, scrubs, serums, etc.) is more effective. After ultrasound, the pores are reduced;
  5. Restoration of skin color tone;
  6. Smoothing wrinkles;
  7. The price is similar to other cleaning methods.

What factors determine the cleaning effect?

Oscillations of ultrasonic waves originate from a source - an emitter, which is brought to the skin.

High-frequency vibrations occurring in the upper layers of the epidermis cause mechanical separation of dead horny particles.

At the same time, the power level of ultrasonic radiation set in a safe mode does not harm or deform living, healthy epidermal cells.

As a result, under the influence of micro-oscillations, fine dust particles and dead cells are separated from the surface of the epidermis, greasy pores are opened, and a massage is performed at the micro-level of cells, activating blood and lymph circulation.

When to use the procedure, the difference with other cleaning methods

Who is suitable for ultrasonic cleansing?

The procedure is performed on any type of skin: dry, combination, oily, no more than 1 visit every six months.

If there are problems with fatty compartments or rashes, the procedure is carried out more often - every month.

When is ultrasonic cleaning used?

Cleaning sessions are effective if the following disorders exist:

  • dull, sickly complexion;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • wide pores;
  • dermatitis;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • increased sweating;
  • hyperkeratosis (flaking) and increased dryness of the epidermis.

Differences with other cleaning technologies

Facial cleansing is possible in a variety of ways:

  1. Professional;
  2. Cosmetic;
  3. Medical;
  4. Homemade.

All of the above has a single goal - cleansing pores, improving blood flow and skin color, lifting.

Many people shy away from chemical and mechanical methods because of the possible unpleasant pain that arises during the cosmetologist’s actions.

A significant difference between ultrasonic treatment is the absence of such sensations.

The quiet operation of a facial cleansing device is also important, since many patients find the sound of the operating mechanism unpleasant.

During an ultrasound session, the patient hardly feels any physical action: no tingling, no squeezing, no scratching of the skin. At the same time, the cleaning effect is very noticeable, fast and healing.


Advantages of ultrasonic cleaning and its disadvantages

Pros of the procedure:

  • There is no strong physical impact that deforms the skin (stretching, squeezing), and therefore no unpleasant sensations. The influence is soft, gentle;
  • this is a shorter cosmetic session, since there is no need for some preliminary preparations;
  • the cleansing effect is complemented by a massage effect;
  • stimulation of the secretion of “elastic” elastin and fibrillar collagen - proteins of strength and elasticity of the skin;
  • activation of metabolic processes, regeneration and restoration of epidermal cells;
  • moisturizing, increasing softness, smoothing the skin;
  • getting rid of fine wrinkles;
  • normalization of the color of the epidermis.
  1. Among the disadvantages are the presence of contraindications. This indicates that such cleaning cannot be performed everywhere and on every patient. Before the session, the cosmetologist is required to conduct a thorough examination of the client.
  2. Another “minus” is the need for repeated cleaning. A one-time visit to a cosmetologist will create only a short-term effect.

Contraindications to ultrasonic cleaning

You cannot perform a cleaning session if the patient has:

  • eczema;
  • ulcers and infectious skin rashes (furunculosis, acne, impetigo, fungus);
  • viral diseases (herpes, lichen, papillomas, condylomas);
  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy;
  • palsy (neuritis) of Bell (facial nerve);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypertension 3 degrees;
  • tumors - if they occur after use, be sure to consult a specialist;
  • infectious/viral diseases;
  • neuralgic disease of Fothergill (trigeminal nerve);
  • inflammation of the optic nerve;
  • rosacea;
  • unexpired recovery period after the chemical peeling procedure;
  • postoperative recovery.


Ultrasonic cleaning devices and devices

Ultrasound skin cleansing can be done either with the help of a cosmetologist or at home, on your own.

Beauty salons purchase a professional device for such services, the price of which is slightly intimidating and wide-ranging - from 15 to 150 thousand rubles.

Individual, home appliances are more miniature and are purchased for no less than 4 thousand rubles.

Let's look at a couple of manufacturers whose devices are noted for their quality, reliability and efficiency.

Gezatone devices

If you need a reliable, long-lived device and are willing to pay for this feature, Gezatone is an excellent option.

This company is an old and market-experienced manufacturer of cosmetic devices for both home and professional use.

Advantages of Gezatone Ultrasonic Leather Cleaner:

  • reliability of assembly, excellent quality of material, durability;
  • provision of a warranty period (year);
  • power, performance and effect.

Disadvantages of Gezatone:

  • wear is possible, resulting in a decrease in the power of the device (as, indeed, with any equipment);
  • “biting” price (from 4 to 8 thousand rubles).

Budget lw-006

This manufacturer aims to combine low cost and good quality.

Although lw-006 is inferior to Gezatone in reliability, this one holds the palm among similar budget products.

Advantages of lw-006:

  • low cost (from 2 to 3 thousand rubles);
  • again comparing with cheap models lw-006 is the most long-lived;
  • functionality identical to expensive devices;
  • miniature and comfortable to use.

Disadvantages of lw-006:

  • less reliable (compared to more expensive devices);
  • during use it wears out faster and reduces the power of action.

Some time after cleansing, you can rejuvenate your face using.

The ultrasonic cleaning procedure, how it is carried out and the features of the three phases

Before cleaning with the ultrasonic method, preliminary steaming of the skin is not required. Thus, the session time is reduced from an hour (as with other cleaning methods) to 20 minutes.

Immediately before exposure to the device, the skin is moisturized with a cosmetic composition resembling a peeling mixture.

This is necessary to soften and remove the superficial stratum corneum. After this composition, the effect of ultrasound will become more effective.

Now the cosmetologist proceeds to use the device, running a small device with a metal plate over the face.

This plate is the emitter of ultrasonic waves. The latter penetrate the epidermis layer to a depth of 3-5 mm.

This is how sebaceous plugs are knocked out of the pores. The patient only feels the touch of the plate.

It is important to know!

  • Professional devices have different modes. For example, you can set the functions of lymphatic drainage, ultraphonophoresis or micromassage. They are often performed in conjunction with basic ultrasound therapy.
  • Those with problematic/oily/overdried skin are treated with anti-inflammatory compounds, the effect of which, together with ultrasonic vibrations, is more effective.

Procedure phases

After a general overview of the cleaning process, let’s take a closer look at each of the 3 phases.

Phase 1: peeling

Peeling helps get rid of a large proportion (30-50%) of dead skin cells.

Ultrasonic vibrational waves affect water molecules in the epidermis. This is how microcavities are formed.

In medicine, this phenomenon is called cavitation. Cavitation lifts dead particles, ridding the skin of cells it does not need, and cleanses clogged pores.

In this case, no inflammation, irritation, or redness occurs. The epidermis becomes fresher, firmer, cleaner.

After some time, the 2nd stage of the phase begins - applying a solution (30 - 50%) of lactic acid. This composition is a natural, gentle exfoliator and moisturizer.

Phase 2: Detoxification

This stage consists of sonophoresis, which causes “heavy” antioxidant molecules to penetrate deeper into the skin cells.

Ultrasonic waves pass air gases through the intercellular space. Gas molecules remove toxins. Thanks to sonophoresis, the cells begin to “breathe”.

An amino-peptide complex composition is also used. It stimulates the entire process and enhances the lifting and wrinkle smoothing effect.

Phase 3: Microcurrent Therapy

Here, soft electrical impulses contribute to the improvement of the epidermis. Thanks to microcurrent, the electrical charges of epidermal cells are normalized. The production of collagen and elastin is activated.

Ultrasonic cleaning at home

If you have a personal device, you can actually clean it yourself. The savings on going to a cosmetologist when cleaning at home is possible is undeniable.

Depending on the external condition of the skin, cosmetologists advise spacing between home sessions of 1-3 weeks, and the time of exposure to the device is no longer than 6-7 minutes per area of ​​the face.

In total, home ultrasonic cleaning should not take more than 15 minutes.

It is important to know!

  1. Before using the device, you need to cleanse your face of cosmetics and moisturize your skin (with a light tonic);
  2. For better wave conductivity, a specialized gel for ultrasonic cleaning is applied;
  3. Sebaceous plugs and dust released from the pores, exfoliated particles are removed with a spatula tilted at 45°;
  4. After home cleansing, you can lubricate the skin with vitamin cream, lotion, and tonic.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is one of the most popular procedures offered in modern beauty salons.

However, the method has its drawbacks:

  • sound waves cannot penetrate the deep layers of the epidermis; the procedure will not help with congestive inflammation and deep comedones;
  • the inability to conduct a session competently at home; the help of a specialist is always required;
  • the procedure does not have a rejuvenating effect and does not in any way contribute to the formation of new collagen in the skin;
  • It will be necessary to undergo a fairly long course of treatment with ultrasonic cleaning before the desired ideal effect is achieved.

How is ultrasonic cleaning performed?

An ultrasonic facial cleansing device is a device with a special attachment capable of emitting sound vibrations that provoke a state similar to a mechanical action on the surface of the skin and under its upper layer.

High-frequency vibrations emitted by the device can force dead cells to separate from the layers of the skin, provoke an acceleration of local blood circulation and speed up the healing and restoration processes.

The sound wave is emitted in such a way that it cannot cause any harm to the skin. It penetrates to a depth of no more than 0.2 mm. This distance is ideal for the fastest and most comfortable cleaning of the skin.

Before ultrasonic peeling, the skin is thoroughly cleansed of decorative cosmetics and steamed to open all pores. Then they wipe with an antiseptic and apply, without rubbing, a special gel designed to ensure that sound waves easily penetrate the skin. The consistency and composition of the gel are selected by a cosmetologist individually for each skin type.

Afterwards, the skin is gradually treated with a device attachment that emits ultrasonic waves in constant and pulsed modes. Gradual alternation of the intensity of exposure with fluctuations and the action of a special cosmetic product helps to cleanse pores, remove areas of impurities, dead epidermal cells and accumulated areas of subcutaneous fat.

In cases where ultrasonic peeling is carried out for the first time, the procedure takes no more than 3 minutes; subsequently, the exposure time is gradually increased. The degree of completion of the procedure is checked by the condition of the gel on the skin: if it is not completely absorbed, it means that you need to continue treating the skin.

First, the cosmetologist treats the side surfaces of the face, then moves on to the central, most contaminated areas. After completing work on the facial skin, the cosmetologist again wipes the skin with an antiseptic soothing lotion.

After the end of the exposure process, the skin remains red for some time, so it is recommended to carry out ultrasonic peeling in the evenings or at night. Applying any type of cosmetics after the session is prohibited for 6-7 hours.

Complete facial cleansing using ultrasound is best done once every 2-3 months. This way the cleanliness and radiance of the skin will remain for a long time.

Every woman dreams of having a well-groomed appearance every day. There are many different ways to help keep your body in perfect condition. Particular attention should be paid to the person for whom individual procedures are selected. Ultrasonic cleaning is considered one of the best.

  1. Expected effect of ultrasonic facial cleansing - “before” and “after” photos

Ultrasonic facial cleansing works in full force using hardware cleansing using high-frequency ultrasonic waves. In the modern world of beauty and cosmetology, ultrasound is considered the most easily tolerated method of cleansing the skin. In addition, its use is also permissible for other areas of the body, such as the neck, back and décolleté. Unlike a number of other procedures, ultrasonic facial skin cleansing can be performed on any type of dermis, including areas sensitive to any intervention.

Ultrasound has a positive effect on the skin on three levels at once:

  • Mechanical, which causes high-frequency vibrations in cells;
  • Thermal, which works to increase the temperature by several degrees;
  • Physico-chemical, which seeks to activate metabolic processes in cells.

Simultaneously with the cleansing effect, ultrasound vibrations can improve blood circulation by heating tissues and increasing their temperature. Thus, it turns out that during the procedure the client receives an additional bonus in the form of a kind of massage of the superficial and middle layers of the skin.

The process also eliminates damage and injury, this is directly related to the fact that the procedure has the ability to choose the intensity and specificity of the action. The clinic specialist necessarily adjusts the device settings, focusing on the patient’s age, skin condition and type, as well as other individual characteristics. How is ultrasonic facial cleansing performed?

Indications and contraindications for ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic facial cleansing, like any other procedure, has its own indications and contraindications, which should be taken with a great deal of seriousness so as not to harm the skin even more. Specific indications for the ultrasonic cleansing procedure may include increased sweating and achromaticity of the client’s facial skin.

The procedure will be an excellent alternative to chemical peeling, which is strictly contraindicated in spring and summer. With the help of ultrasonic facial cleansing, you can quickly rid your skin of an unpleasant and conspicuous shine, seborrhea, blockages and glands, inflamed rashes and accompanying blackheads and comedones. A pleasant addition to everything listed will be the restoration of a radiant color, an increase in overall tone and the removal of swelling.

As for contraindications, there are also a sufficient number of them, and failure to comply with them can lead to various side effects. The procedure is not recommended if the following information is available:

  • Diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver and lungs;
  • General weakness, which indicates reduced immunity;
  • Oncology;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • The presence of confirmed nervous disorders;
  • Sinusitis and frontal sinusitis;
  • Acute inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • For inflammation of the facial nerves.

The list is quite wide, which is why the patient is recommended to pre-register for a consultation at a salon in Moscow or any other city, where the leading cosmetologist, after a conversation, will outline the risks, and also tell about the pros and cons and advantages of ultrasonic facial cleansing. At the same time, each client will be able to receive detailed information about how the cosmetic procedure is performed, how much time is spent on the session and what the rehabilitation period is. It is important not only to have an idea of ​​contraindications, but also to sign up for an examination of internal organs before giving your consent to ultrasonic cleaning, so as not to commit harmful actions in favor of your body.

How does ultrasonic facial cleansing work?

The instrument system, which is applied to the surface of the skin, emits ultrasonic vibrations, causing waves of higher frequencies in the surface layers. The advantage of ultrasonic facial cleansing is that the vibrations indicated above, which ultrasound produces, contribute to the uniform separation of “dead” cells and impurities from healthy skin. The power of the wave works at full strength in such a way that it cannot cause any injuries to living cells, while the depth of its penetration is 0.2 millimeters.

The procedure lasts 20 minutes, but if after a meeting with a cosmetologist it was decided to include special masks, then it can last up to two hours. Before starting ultrasonic cleaning, you should definitely clean your face of previously applied makeup, and if it is missing, take care to get rid of street dust and dirt. To improve the process of transmitting ultrasonic waves, the cosmetologist wets the surface of the skin with a specialized gel, while the procedure eliminates steaming, as with other methods.

An important fact for many clients who are worried about painful sensations will be information about their complete absence. During the master's work, the patient will only feel the touch of metal combined with light vibration. Only a certain proportion of women and men can feel a slight tingling sensation in the area of ​​the wings of the nose. The procedure will not leave traces of redness, swelling, or stretch the skin, but it dries out a little, so after ultrasonic cleaning it is advisable to use a moisturizing lotion or cream on your face at least twice a day.

How much does ultrasonic facial cleansing cost? In some particularly difficult cases, a cosmetologist can expand the range of services to achieve quick but effective results. It can be a complex of lymphatic drainage, micromassage or other various cosmetic lotions. In one general word, this is called ultraphonoresis. A session of this procedure more effectively affects the skin with beneficial nutritional components that enrich cells with oxygen. This accelerates the rejuvenation process, which is so important, especially for women. Ultraphonoresis can be performed without any problems at any age and is also suitable for any skin type. In this case, it is worth checking the cost in advance in the salon. The price will vary according to the client’s wishes, depending on where he decided to do ultrasonic facial cleansing.

How often can you do ultrasonic facial cleansing?

It is worth immediately noting that this technique can be used no more than once every 10-12 days. If insurmountable circumstances arise, the procedure can be repeated 3 times, but with a mandatory interval of at least three days. After such a powerful impact, you will need to take a long break of 6 months.

The frequency of the procedure also depends on the general condition of the skin, the degree of its contamination, as well as the presence and extent of skin diseases. As statistics show and reviews from regular customers say, ultrasonic facial cleansing is carried out approximately once every 3 months, this time will be optimal for maintaining skin tone.

You should not save on yourself and try to carry out ultrasonic facial cleansing at home; the tool for treating the skin should be exclusively in the hands of a professional. Otherwise, there is a high risk of damage and injury to the skin. At the same time, specialists use special cosmetic preparations that are not always available for free sale.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing for pregnant women

This topic always causes a lot of controversy, opinions and debates. However, qualified specialists, when asked whether it is possible to do ultrasonic facial cleansing for pregnant women, give their approval for undergoing this cosmetic procedure during the period of bearing a child. However, before starting ultrasonic cleaning, it is worth warning the cosmetologist about your situation so that he can exclude mechanical cleaning and electric shock when getting rid of whiteheads. This way the fetus will be completely safe.

In case of a smooth pregnancy, as well as the absence of any contraindications related to the general health of the skin and the body as a whole, the procedure is considered possible, at the request of the woman, for all 9 months. Some supporters who are of the opinion that ultrasound is harmful to the fetus still do not recommend using the procedure until the middle of the second trimester. Ultrasonic facial cleansing during pregnancy will be a gentle procedure, unlike, for example, mechanical or chemical cleansing.

Expected effect of ultrasonic facial cleansing - “Before” and “After” photos

Ultrasonic facial cleansing in a cosmetologist’s salon will “show” its results immediately after the procedure, but the full picture will be revealed three days later. What can be noted after this period?

  • The surface of the skin becomes clean and smooth;
  • Pores are completely cleaned for better skin exchange and air flow;
  • The stratum corneum is removed, young cells protrude to the surface;
  • The absence of pimples and blackheads, which spoil the overall impression;
  • Cellular metabolism is activated;
  • Improving tone and cell regeneration.

For those who are not used to believing words, but are used to checking everything from their own experience, you can first look at the reviews of other users with photos, and also pay special attention to collages that contain “Before and After” photos. A photo can become a kind of visual aid for those who cannot decide to make drastic changes in their lives. Examples of those who do ultrasonic cleaning on an ongoing basis will definitely inspire you to make an appointment with a cosmetologist!

Modern cosmetology, which today actively uses high technology, uses the advantages that ultrasound has. Ultrasonic facial cleansing restores and rejuvenates the skin, while during the cleaning process the skin is not compressed or stretched, and the upper layers of the epidermis are not damaged, which cannot be said about other forms of facial cleansing (mechanical, chemical, vacuum).

Exposure to temperature, wind, sun, germs, dust, chemical pollutants - this is not a complete list of what has a negative impact on the condition of our skin. However, the skin has the ability to constantly renew itself, displacing dead cells. As an additional protection for the skin, the secretion of the sebaceous glands acts, which has a detrimental effect on many pathogens. But dust particles, settling on the skin, often clog the mouth of the sebaceous glands, thereby disrupting their work. And this, in turn, leads to acne, pimples, inflammation, resulting in problematic skin.

In order for the skin to look clean and fresh, most women use various methods of cleansing their skin. In particular, we can mention the use of various cleansers (tonics, lotions, milk, etc.) that soften, moisturize and cleanse the skin. But in the case of clogged sebaceous glands, these remedies are ineffective. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to carry out facial skin cleansing procedures at a deeper level, which can only be done in a cosmetology office. As a rule, the essence of such procedures is the superficial scraping of the stratum corneum of cells, that is, skin peeling. After such procedures, by cleansing the pores, the cellular respiration of the skin improves, the natural level of skin moisture is restored, as a result of which it becomes even, smooth and acquires a natural shade.

Previously, mechanical peeling was the only active facial skin cleansing procedure. Today, ultrasonic facial cleansing is considered the best among existing methods of skin cleansing. Today, every more or less decent beauty salon has a multifunctional ultrasound device in its arsenal. During ultrasound, microvibration of the skin occurs, reminiscent of something like a massage, only at the cellular level. As a result of the ultrasonic facial cleansing procedure, the blood supply and nutrition of the skin improves, the protective functions of the skin increase, the removal of lymph, which removes toxins from cells, is enhanced, metabolism is activated and the regeneration process is accelerated. In addition, thanks to ultrasound, redox processes and the production of elastin and collagen fibers, which are responsible for skin elasticity, are activated.

The beneficial effects of ultrasound are due to mechanical, physicochemical and thermal factors. The essence of the mechanical effect of ultrasound is that it promotes vibration in cells. On average, the frequency of ultrasound is 2800 kHz, and cell vibrations are 2,800,000 times per second. The thermal effect of ultrasound increases the temperature in tissues by one to two degrees, causing an acceleration of metabolic processes by thirteen percent. The physicochemical effect of ultrasound is expressed in the restructuring of the intracellular structure.

Compared to other skin cleansing methods, ultrasonic facial cleansing painlessly removes old and unnecessary cells, sebaceous plugs, without harming young cells. The gentle and simultaneous thorough influence of ultrasound helps to renew the upper layer of the epidermis, tighten the oval of the face, smooth out superficial and facial wrinkles, as well as scars. In addition, this procedure significantly improves the penetration of cosmetics deep into the skin during self-care at home.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is indicated for people who have oily and combination skin, enlarged facial pores, dermatitis, the presence of non-inflamed acne, increased sweating, dull complexion, hyperpigmentation, keratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum), atonic (flabby) skin, the presence of small age-related cosmetic defects. In addition, ultrasonic facial cleansing is used to lighten age spots, eliminate the effects of photoaging and prevent skin aging.

The technique of ultrasonic facial cleansing is different compared to other types of cleansing. This kind of procedure does not require steaming the face, which significantly reduces the time it takes (only 15-20 minutes, while other cleansing takes 45-60 minutes). It is advisable to do ultrasonic facial cleansing at least once a month.

Description of the procedure.
To carry out the ultrasonic facial cleansing procedure, a special device is used - an ultrasonic scrubber. During the procedure, the facial skin is exposed to ultrashort waves, which, penetrating deep into the skin, provide micromassage to the tissues.

Immediately before the ultrasonic facial cleansing procedure, the skin is cleaned of impurities using a regular cotton pad and a cleanser appropriate for the skin type. After this, a special tonic or gel is applied to the skin, consisting of mineral water and a peeling solution, thanks to which, under the influence of ultrasonic waves, old cells will begin to peel off.

Carrying out the procedure.
During ultrasonic facial cleansing, the cosmetologist moves the tip of an ultrasonic scrubber over the skin of the face, which emits ultrasonic waves, as a result of which impurities from the pores, makeup residues, dead cells, waste products of the glands, etc. come to the surface, which is immediately removed by the cosmetologist . The procedure is painless and does not leave behind redness or bruising, which happens with other types of skin cleansing. After ultrasonic facial cleansing, the skin looks healthier, irritation is eliminated, and skin oiliness is reduced, so if you have dry skin, additional skin care is necessary using moisturizing creams and masks.

The final stage.
In case of severe clogged pores, the presence of comedones, etc., in addition to ultrasonic cleaning, additional manual intervention is required. In all other cases, the procedure preserves the youth of the skin and keeps it toned. If mechanical cleaning was carried out after ultrasonic cleaning, then the skin needs procedures that soothe the skin.

If facial cleansing is limited to exposure to ultrasound, then additional skin-soothing measures are not required. However, the renewed cells will greatly appreciate various cosmetic care procedures.

Quite often, during or after ultrasonic facial cleansing, ultraphonophoresis is performed - this is a procedure for introducing nutrients into the skin. In addition, lymphatic drainage and micromassage are performed. Ultraphonophoresis can be performed on any skin type and at any age. This changes the operating mode of the device. For example, for sensitive skin or skin with dilated blood vessels, pulsed and non-thermal modes are used. The rejuvenation effect is achieved by micro-heating the layers of the epidermis, improving nutrition and oxygenation of the skin and facial muscles.

For oily, acne-prone skin, ultrasound is used with an anti-inflammatory effect, softening and smoothing the skin after scars and compactions remain in place of acne.

Contraindications for ultrasonic facial cleansing.
Contraindications to this procedure are a previous facelift using gold threads, a previous maxillofacial operation, paralysis of the facial nerve, diseases of the cardiovascular system, various types of tumors, acute infections, the second half of pregnancy, skin diseases, trigeminal and orbital neuralgia , dilated capillaries on the skin, recent chemical peeling procedure. The cost of this procedure ranges from fifteen to thirty dollars.

Benefits of ultrasonic facial cleansing.
The advantages of ultrasonic facial cleansing include the short duration of the procedure, the absence of painful sensations, the absence of cell damage during the procedure, and the absence of a rehabilitation period.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic facial cleansing.
The disadvantages of the method include the need for frequent procedures (monthly). However, the relatively low cost of the procedure will not be a problem for visiting the salon.

Thus, the effectiveness, minimal costs and painlessness of this method make it increasingly popular.

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