Why is it worth taking a wife from a complete family? How to choose a wife? What should an ideal wife be like?

Many men do not quite correctly imagine what their future wife should look like. The main qualities of an ideal companion are not beauty, breast size and sexual liberation. Wise advice on choosing a girlfriend for life.

A man's view from those who are about thirty, on what qualities to choose the right wives for. The potential spouse must be...

How to choose the right wife?

The other day in the bathhouse, the men touched upon the topic of choosing a future wife. And since our team consisted of people of different generations, the dialogue, without unnecessary preludes, moved into the stage of beating babies.

Those who were about thirty made their rating as follows. The future wife must be:

1. Beautiful in face (so that every morning you get up to admire her features).
2. Long-legged. They say that short-legged women look like a Yorkshire terrier, they mince like cockroaches. Total shame.
3. Breast size three (two plus allowed). It’s this kind of chest that’s comfortable to sleep on, and it’s this kind of volume that fits well into the hard-working hands of a hipster or a cracker.
4. Good education. Preferably institutes in St. Petersburg or Moscow.
5. From a good, intelligent family.

6. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
7. Sexually liberated.

This approach can cause nothing but homeric laughter in an adult man. And this is what we gave in response.

The potential spouse must be:

1. Silent. As our ancestors, the Aryan Slavs and Finno-Ugric people said: the word is silver, silence is gold. It's better if she's mute. Or at least stutter a lot, especially when nervous. Silence in the family is the main condition for marital happiness.

2. Rich. Thanks to feminists - men and women now have equal rights. If a girl is from a rich family, then firstly, she is greedy and will not allow herself to squander the family budget. And secondly, the main financial burden of shopping and luxury goods will fall on the shoulders of her father.

3. Be able to cook well. Yes, office plankton and effective managers love to eat in cafes and fast food restaurants, acquiring, in addition to scoliosis and flat feet, stomach ulcers by the age of thirty-five. They don’t realize that a gadget like a wife has the most useful skill - preparing delicious and healthy food: dumplings, rare steaks, pancakes, potato pancakes, jellied meat, sour cabbage soup, pies and other delicious things.

4. Don't mind drinking and smoking. Imagine that after a hard shift at the machine you return home late at night and buy a bottle of vodka from the store. Here's a question for you to ask the pioneers: who will support the company? Yes, you could call Petya, but he has high blood pressure and is being treated for hypertension. Vasya has a stomach ulcer and doesn’t drink anything stronger than lemonade. Seryoga will not be let go by his rabid fury. Vitka is on a drinking binge. There is only one option left - to drink with your wife, vigilantly making sure that she does not drink more than two glasses, because a normal guy after a shift needs about 400 grams to restore mental harmony.

5. Short-legged. Women with long legs were bred artificially, like hound dogs. Only those hunt for hares, and these hunt for lop-eared men. In harsh everyday conditions, in a fight with wolves or goats, this breed is absolutely useless. The girl should have a big ass and short legs. She must stand firmly on her feet and give birth to children in the same way that our great-grandmothers gave birth. Women with such shapes, according to a study by British scientists, adore sex, in its traditional and non-traditional forms.

6. Breast size doesn't matter, because plastic surgery in this area has achieved significant results. Therefore, by agreement with your wife, you can choose any breast size. As the old-timers say: you can never have too many tits. At this point, the desire to breastfeed a child for as long as recommended by doctors and science should rather be considered a virtue.

7. Beauty is the final criterion by which you should choose a wife. We would even say that the word “beauty” is synonymous with the word “danger”. Have you seen any crazy people catching cabbage butterflies? But there are more than enough people who want to plant a swallowtail butterfly on a jade rod.

That is, if you want to decorate your head with antlers more beautiful than those of a reindeer, maybe you should take care to marry one of the current long-legged, busty and big-lipped predator models, but if you are a supporter of a strong family, get married on a girl who has the previous six virtues.

And don’t forget what our glorious ancestors, the Tatar-Mongols, said: you need to marry beautiful people only so that you will be quickly delivered from your wife.

Today we will talk about how it is wisest for a man to choose a woman for a permanent relationship and start a family, and of course, how to choose the right wife (spouse), since it is no secret that not all modern girls are ideal for this role, since one is very spoiled, the second is very mercantile, and the third is not of this world at all.

And not every first girl he comes across will be able to be truly trusted by a normal man who has something to lose, because today, in our era of accessibility and free morals, not all men and women can resist the temptation of easily accessible infidelity, and also With modern legislation, when entering into an official marriage, this can have a very negative impact on the financial situation of such a “naive man”, and at the same time on his psyche.

How to choose a suitable girl for your wife?

And so, on previous occasions, we have already talked in detail about why most men today do not want to get married, and that there is partly some truth in this, and what the wrong choice of a girl for marriage entails.

You can read this separately, but we continue the theme of yesterday’s article about how a guy can choose the right girl for a relationship and marriage, in which we have already decided that for an ideal girl, the best character traits are the ability to transfer control of the family into the hands of a man.

And accordingly, begin to trust him, stop thinking about the possibility of her having other partners, and also about the fact that now she should try as much as possible to increase his authority in society, and not, on the contrary, lower it, trying to look in a better light due to this. These are the correct female character traits, which are the main ones for the possibility of building further happy and harmonious family relationships.

But another question immediately arises: how, and most importantly where, can one find such a good girl for marriage in our time, when the ability to exploit or use for one’s pleasure and ultimately leave a man in the “fool” is considered almost the height of a woman’s skill, and one of the best character traits.

Although this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. There are two main factors or criteria that can be used to choose a place where a man can find a good girl to marry.

Where to find a good wife?

The first criterion is that where living conditions are more difficult for a woman, there the girl will be much less spoiled, and she will also believe more that a man should be the head of the house. After all, the more difficult the living conditions, the more responsibilities fall on a man’s shoulders, and his physical strength is also required, which a woman does not have, which means a man is more in demand and necessary for survival.

For example, in Europe, a girl will initially be spoiled, with inflated demands and with a great desire to sue you at the first bad behavior of yours in order to seize part of your business and apartment, therefore in European countries the birth rate and mutual respect and happiness in marriages are rapidly falling . And a woman doesn’t need it to survive if the state gives her a subsidy.

A bad wife will make her husband a loser too.

Moreover, for the information of women, men in these countries are also much more feminine than in the CIS; due to gender equality, they are not ready to pay for a girl even in a cafe and charge her 50% for living together, because in their understanding marriage is more likely deal, and are also ready to clean the house and cook, just to “force” the woman to go to work. At the same time, in reality, most women living in such conditions even forget how to cook, leaving it to men.

As a result, these men themselves begin to slowly degrade in “masculine” character traits, and at the same time become less and less attractive to a normal woman, who, in turn, again begins to understand that such men are only suitable for their use, and it is even strange to love them, after all, a woman needs a man as a protector, not a cohabitant.

Then it becomes normal for a girl to sleep with whoever she wants, since everyone has the same rights and you can do whatever you want, from which she loses her femininity and also becomes much closer in character to a man, which is why in the CIS there are much more beautiful and sexy women than in Europe and America.

But in eastern countries, a woman cannot physically survive alone in desert conditions; accordingly, the role of a man is much higher and the man in the family “by default” is respected an order of magnitude more. Women want and need men's help, and do not try to put all the problems on their shoulders.

Accordingly, in such countries the birth rate is much higher, and a woman and a man are happier in harmonious family relationships, since it does not even occur to a woman to get rid of male protection and guardianship, while leveling her rights and responsibilities, as they are trying to do in a “civilized and democratic" Europe.

Accordingly, even Europeans have figured out where to look for the best wives, so today it has become incredibly fashionable for foreigners to marry girls from less prosperous countries, for example, from the CIS, especially Ukraine and Russia.

Since European men rightly begin to understand that a local woman will be many times more capricious and less admiring of his person, and most likely will soon leave him altogether in order to divide his property. But the Russian woman will probably stick to her rich foreigner husband, and he will be considered rich even if he lives there on a state benefit of 800 euros.

But now, even in our “second world” countries, women are starting to become a little impudent and exploit men, so they are starting to look at young Thai women and residents of other nearby countries and islands for the best options. Who understand that living in poverty with local guys has nothing to catch them, but they are ready to idolize wealthier Europeans, realizing how lucky they are to have met such a man.

Therefore, with all other characteristics being equal, a man will be happier with a girl from a more “provincial city”, perhaps even from a more or less adequate village, or even from another country, with a less high financial situation, and ideally also stricter religious and moral standards.

By what criteria do you choose a good wife?

After all, it is “good upbringing” and correct “moral values” that do not allow a person to break down in the face of the difficulties of life and not spoil his character, but on the contrary, allow him to grow above his former self and gradually become even better, so the presence of “the right thoughts in the head about starting a family, the role of a man, correct behavior, and most importantly the ability to observe them and defend one’s “ideals” is an incredibly valuable thing (one of the most valuable) for both women and men in our time.

Moreover, correct upbringing and correct knowledge in the head are more important, since all the rest of her behavior, in fact, will come precisely from them, from her ideals and ideas about the “correct life.” After all, it is natural that in the “provinces” there are a huge number of poorly brought up girls, with whom life will be terrible, and in big cities, of course, there are girls who were brought up very correctly and life with them will be almost ideal.

From this comes the second correct criterion for choosing a good wife, namely, the more well-educated, moral and religious a girl is, the stronger and happier a properly built family with her will be for the man and for herself. And with such a girl, it will be much easier to build a perfectly harmonious family.

But why exactly do morals and even religious norms make an ordinary girl so much more correct to choose her as a wife?

The thing is that, as I said earlier, for most women, nature has placed a certain mechanism in their subconscious that forces a woman to try to conceive and give birth to a child from a stronger and more courageous man, but he can be raised with a more devoted, flexible and kind man . As a result of the influence of this natural subconscious instinct, many women have a predisposition to cheating and constantly search for a stronger and more adaptable partner.

Therefore, when choosing the right girl as a wife, it is better to give preference to those who are more moral and well-educated, since in this case, a very large part of their “animal instincts” is suppressed in the process of proper upbringing.

For example, a religious or simply well-bred girl would not even think of cheating on her husband, since she understands that her husband was given to her by God, and this marriage was sanctified and blessed in the church, and if she even thinks about cheating, then there is nothing good in her there will be no life. As they say, she will be overtaken by “karma”, God’s wrath, or simply a discussion of her unmoral behavior by her neighbors.

And as you remember, we are not yet talking about various spiritual things or anything like that, it’s just that this “correct” thinking of a girl leads to the creation of a happy family, and not moral thinking prevents it.

What kind of wives do successful men choose?

After all, if a girl does not learn to restrain her animal desires and committing rash acts in childhood, then she will do whatever comes to her mind and will be unhappy, and a “well-mannered girl” knows how to control herself and respects the opinions of other people, then if she wants she can do exactly what will help create a strong family.

And it is precisely such wives that are chosen by successful and conscious men who still expect to be happy in marriage. Although this is also true for the choice of men.

After all, if a man does not learn to do not only what he wants, but also what he needs, then he will definitely quickly start drinking a lot, cheating, end up in prison, and so on. After all, poorly educated people are hundreds of times more susceptible to all these bad habits. Because you can’t control yourself, and all successful people in this world are famous for their self-control.

For example, a well-bred man is unlikely to think about starting to steal, rape, drink alcohol, cheat on his wife and do other stupid things that destroy his personality and his family happiness. Such a man will do what is necessary to make him happy in general, and not just what comes to his mind at the moment. Likewise, a well-mannered girl will not be tempted to cheat or behave unethically with her husband, at least because of her upbringing.

And in most world religions, by the way, the opinion is also supported that a man should be the head of the house and responsible for his wife, and the wife should help and obey him, and this is the most correct template for creating a happy family. In contrast to the laws of some European countries where homosexuality, free love, drugs, alcoholism and the like are supported.

So the first thing when choosing a girl as a wife, you need to ask her opinion about such moral, family and even religious values, and from this conclude how good a wife she can become as a result.

After all, it is clear that a girl whose interests include visiting discos, using men for gifts and throwing money at expensive shopping, or the desire to sleep with everyone, will behave in marriage completely differently from a girl for whom the main thing is that her husband be happy happy And he realized himself as best as possible in his social life.

In addition, there are many other factors that prove that a wife should be chosen this way, because a girl, initially spoiled by easy living conditions and excessive attention from many good men, will not appreciate your actions if you become her husband.

For example, if fans already give a girl dozens of bouquets of flowers and jewelry simply for her beautiful eyes, then she will definitely not be happy with your few flowers, but a girl who is not spoiled by male attention and care will be happy with even one rose and an inexpensive symbolic gift.

This doesn't mean that the first girl is bad, she's just spoiled and she simply physically won't be able to appreciate your beautiful gestures if you can't do better than all her other fans.

Where should you not choose a wife?

Accordingly, in places where there is a concentration of just such “spoiled” people who are clearly not brought up to create a family and family happiness, it is not worth looking for and choosing a faithful and devoted wife.

That is, in a noisy disco, in expensive restaurants or bars, in the top popular people on dating sites, in foreign resorts and similar “glamorous or dissolute places” you most likely will not find the right girl to marry.

First and foremost, never trust your feelings. Marriages for love are the most fragile. The vast majority of men cannot distinguish love from infatuation.

The problem of choosing a life partner must be approached with a cool mind. You must learn to identify those feminine qualities that are guaranteed to lead to an unsuccessful marriage. These are the most basic traps that men fall into.

The very first thing is appearance. A woman with above average attractiveness is not suitable for a wife. Of all your applicants, cross out all the ladies who are in high demand among men. Trust my experience -

beautiful women are almost always unhappy and they will make you unhappy too.

Next - exclude individuals who are too young - they have not yet formed a personality and you do not want that after 2-5 years your chosen one suddenly realizes that she made a “mistake” and begins to look for a new prince. It is best to marry a woman at an age when she already knows what she wants and has even been married. Marrying a 17-year-old virgin is dangerous.

Then mark all applicants who grew up in a single-parent family. If her mother was abandoned by her father, then she will take out her frustrations on her husband - she absorbed the words of her mother that all men are their own... she absorbed into her subconscious.

Of those who remain, remove all those who are too social - if she has three hundred girlfriends, then she will continue to live more for them than for you. A large number of girlfriends should immediately alert you.

Avoid those who are too reserved and uncommunicative. It is not always clear what to expect from them.

Under no circumstances marry a girl if she has lived with her mother for a long time - you cannot break this knot and if you do not want your mother-in-law to make all decisions in the family, cross out such a girl right away. If when you are dating her and she gets a call from her mom three times in an hour and they start discussing some issues, dump such a girl right on the date - you won’t regret it.

Pay attention to your specialty. Avoid teachers, for example. A specialty leaves a strong imprint on a woman; you don’t want to be taught something all your life, do you? You must understand that a woman is a holistic being, if she teaches everyone how to live all day, then when she comes home she will continue this process.

Under no circumstances take a woman with strong ambitions who wants to achieve everything in life herself - have you seen many top managers of women who have a happy marriage? It’s impossible to combine either family or career.

Cross out the girls who love TV series - this is the first sign that she will make a movie out of your life.

You should not get involved with the daughters of rich parents - the needs of such girls are very serious. Also, you shouldn't marry a poor orphan girl. Her complexness will drive you crazy, and after a couple of years you won’t know where to get away from her.

Pay special attention to whether the girl’s housing issue has been resolved. It often happens that a girl will feign passion in order to solve it - why would you then end up on the street or share housing?

Avoid very well-read, intellectual individuals - otherwise you will have to endure contemptuous looks all your life because you do not remember all of Borges's works by heart.

You should not marry foreigners - the charm will wear off and you will find yourself next to a person whose culture may not suit you at all. Run away from stupid women like fire - you will quickly get tired of her stupidity. Avoid both extremely temperamental and overly cold people.

When you meet a girl, ask her more questions and listen more - almost any woman will talk about all her negative qualities - just give her the freedom to speak.

Is she telling you how she kicked her ex-boyfriend out of the house in the dead of night? Think about it.

Look more closely at how she treats the people around her - if she is arrogant and dismissive, then run away from her like fire - someday she will treat you that way too.

You should not take a woman with a child from a previous marriage. Remember one thing - you need a loved one, and she needs a husband and father to her child. Your interests may not coincide - you don’t want to take third place in the family after her son and mother?

Don't get married on the fly - this is almost a guarantee of an unsuccessful marriage. You should not marry a woman who speaks very poorly or condescendingly about men. Run away from a woman who has many unresolved problems - when she becomes your wife, she will expect you to solve them all.

Be afraid of small women like fire - remember, small women have huge complexes!

The list of characteristics of women you should not marry goes on, but you can’t describe everything. After you have eliminated all the ladies with the specified traits from the lists of applicants, proceed to testing. The first thing you should test a woman for is greed.

Greed is one of the main female vices, and you should not connect your life with a greedy woman.

Start small - invite her to a restaurant and tell her you forgot your wallet - see how she reacts. If you are a successful businessman or a wealthy person, on one of your dates tell her that you are broke and tomorrow you will find yourself on the street.

Take her to a jewelry store and tell her that you want to choose a very expensive piece of jewelry for her - not buy, but just choose. Put an expensive necklace on her and then take her off and give her back.

See how her behavior changes. If she begins to breathe deeply and her eyes widen, then you don’t have to rush to take her to the registry office - the marriage will be unsuccessful. But if you see that she is extremely frivolous about money, then it’s also better to move away from her - she will treat your money in exactly the same way.

Next, test her for jealousy - go on a date with another girl, tell her that she is your sister. See how your potential sweetheart reacts. If she makes a scene of jealousy, leave her and go with your “sister” - an overly jealous wife will make hell out of your life. If she is completely indifferent, that’s also bad.

On this test she must show her worth or lack thereof.

After checking for jealousy, test her for caring - “get sick” and see how she will look after you.

This will reveal a lot.

This is how you can choose a wife, but it’s better not to burden yourself with the search, mind your own business, build a career, develop your business.

When you become rich and successful, a woman will find you.

Most young men are in no hurry to get married early and start a family. But if such a desire has already appeared, then it is necessary to carefully and responsibly approach the choice of a potential wife. After all, you need a woman who in the future will become a caring housewife and mother of your children. To find out how to choose a wife to create a strong and friendly family, you need to be attentive to the little things. Analyze your beloved’s attitude towards you, your parents, evaluate her priorities, goals, character. How to do this correctly, and what criteria should be based on?

How to choose a good wife

Having decided to find a girl who will become your wife in the future, it is important to understand that ideal people do not exist. But you should have a list of those qualities and advantages of women that will help you navigate your choice. If you are in doubt about how to choose a wife for a happy and long marriage, you need to consult with the older generation, for example, your parents or close friends. In a state of love, some aspects of your relationship with a girl will be completely invisible to you, and a realistic look from the outside will help to clarify the situation more accurately.

Main selection criteria

When choosing a potential wife among girls yourself, you need to take into account a number of basic criteria:

  1. Assess her priorities. For a strong and friendly family, you need a wife whose main values ​​are family comfort, care and love. If you do not feel supported by your partner, then you should not cast your lot in with this person.
  2. Attitude towards children. The main purpose of a woman is to give birth to a child. Therefore, ask how she relates to children, whether she already has maternal feelings. If your beloved is a born businesswoman, it will be difficult to convince her to leave her career and become a mother.
  3. Financial questions. When assessing a potential wife, analyze her passion for money. If a girl is a true shopaholic, most likely she will spend the entire family budget on buying clothes or unnecessary things. We recommend choosing a woman who is more restrained in financial spending as a wife.
  4. Health. A happy marriage requires excellent health of both partners. If your beloved often complains about her health, this should alert you. To go through a long journey together, your beloved should not have serious illnesses.
  5. Character. Family relationships depend on both partners. But if a potential wife begins to become hysterical long before marriage, then you should not consider her for the role of a wife.

Meeting her relatives

If the relationship with the girl has already been going on for a long period, then the time has come to meet her relatives, parents, and friends. During these meetings, try to find out as much as possible the necessary information that concerns your future wife. Pay attention to the behavior of her environment, since your girlfriend was raised in this society. The following meetings will be educational for you:

  1. With parents. To choose the right wife, you must first arrange an acquaintance with her relatives. Discuss this issue with your loved one so that she can warn her parents about the meeting with her future son-in-law. First you need to choose a time that is convenient for you and her family. At the time of the meeting, carefully observe the parents, their traditions and habits.
  2. With friends. It is important to get to know the friends of your future wife. Observe the behavior of those people with whom the girl spends her free time. You need to limit communication with those people who will cause you negativity. You should explain to the girl long before the wedding that among her friends there are people with whom you do not like to see and spend time.

Compatibility check

If you have already found a girl who is applying for the role of your future wife, you need to make sure that your choice is correct. For such testing, psychologists, astrologers, and Feng Shui specialists have created a large number of techniques that help determine the compatibility of a couple. But many men are skeptical about such methods of finding out details, so they trust more realistic methods. For example, living together before marriage.

To test each other's compatibility, a young couple, before registering their marriage, agrees to temporarily live together without formalizing their relationship. You need to give time to get used to living together. This method will allow you to see all the shortcomings and flaws in your partner that you had not noticed before. Living in a civil relationship for several months is a good way to determine the feasibility of entering into an official marriage.

Living together is a good test for both partners. The emergence of conflicts, quarrels, financial problems, omissions is a reason for doubts about the need to continue the civil marriage. But if both partners approach living together wisely and find compromise solutions in moments of disagreement, such a couple can become a happy family.

No no and one more time no. No love at first sight. No fatal passion. To choose a wife, you don't need anything like that. No sunstroke. In general - no feelings, just bare and cold calculation. Because we are talking about choosing a wife, a precious spouse, the mother of your future children, the grandmother of your lovely grandchildren. In this situation, emotions are not just inappropriate, they are criminal. Well, you wouldn’t, say, come to a car dealership to buy a car and rush from one shiny car to another, screaming enthusiastically: “Oh, I’ll take this one! It's so roomy! Or better yet, this one - its headlights sparkle so much! And what a streamlined rear! Miracle! Miracle!"

Nonsense, right? When choosing a car, something completely different is important - safety, efficiency, design and, finally, price. It is precisely by these criteria - thoughtfully, leisurely, the way a good housewife buys fresh meat and fresh vegetables at the market for dinner - that we will buy, that is choose your wife.

  • Family. What does a sane gentleman usually do as soon as an individual more or less suitable for forming a pair appears on his horizon? She tries, through painful wrinkling of her mind, to imagine what the girl’s breasts will look like after being removed from the bra and her butt when released from the tights. Truly, whomever the Lord wants to destroy, he deprives of reason! The first thing you should do if you are going to choose a wife is to rush to visit the young lady. And not just for a visit - but for a Big Family Dinner, for which the whole family will gather with their children, household members, beloved animals, domestic viruses and a squealing baby in the cradle. The test, of course, is painful, but the entire gene pool with all the smallest deviations is there. If the meeting of those present does not remind you too much of a cabinet of curiosities and you are morally quite prepared for the fact that your first-born will slurp like your chosen one’s grandfather, lisp like her dad, giggle into the palm of her hand like she herself, and at the same time inherit your own nose with potatoes and duck walk, consider that you passed the first test successfully. And you are quite ready to combine your own precious chromosome set with the chromosomes of your future relatives.
  • Range of interests. Now let’s quietly leave the hungry guests, who are unanimously finishing off the second box of vodka under the fourth kulebyak, and sneak into the cute girl’s room. What is our girl doing here when no one sees her? Is he embroidering with satin stitch or, blindfolded, disassembling a heavy machine gun at speed? What do you keep on your dressing table? Dream book of Martyn Zadeki or “Linguostylistic analysis of the presentation of psalms in the religious and philosophical context of spiritual poetry of the 18th century”? Glad and Zadeka are preferable in any option, but the choice is, of course, up to you. Although, keep in mind that the bride’s seemingly so cute addiction to posters depicting fluffy cats and newborn chicks, after a couple of years of married life, can lead you to the dock, and your missus to a premature date with the Creator. Therefore, be a little careful when you want to choose your wife.
  • Environment. Pimply young men with a loose gait and dandruff-covered girls with monstrous thighs, with whom the girl you like is friends, will not melt away after the wedding, like a nightmare at the first rays of dawn. But quite the opposite - they densely and forever materialize in the form of family friends who will snuggle into your house at night, brazenly put on your slippers, devour the contents of the refrigerator, burn your favorite CDs and then noisily mate in the kitchen until the morning, shaking your only folding bed . Therefore, either quarrel between the bride and this pack right now, or choose your future wife from a decent company.
  • Shopping. A joint visit to a large, expensive, prestigious store will help you choose a wife. Or a dozen tiny, but even more expensive and prestigious boutiques. If the chosen one, even as a girl, completely loses control over herself at the sight of multi-colored clothes and the ruins of overseas food, grabs everything in a row without looking at the price tags, or, on the contrary, nasally informs the pretty saleswomen that she has never seen such pathetic sludge in her significant life... What Well, under a plausible pretext (smoke, call) leave this store, this girl, this city, continent and this planet forever. Because the right future wife, grandmother and mother will first quickly make four introductory circles around the retail space, asking the price, touching the material and mournfully shaking her head. Then she honestly admits that, of course, it’s nice here, but it’s unreasonably expensive, and that her old boots will last another two or three seasons, and she doesn’t need a fur coat at all due to global warming on the planet. So, darling, let’s go home and drink tea with homemade pies. And at home, at home, the right future wife, grandmother and mother, with the dexterity of a magician, will snatch from her purse a beautiful bag with a wonderful men's shirt, discreetly purchased in a boutique, which ideally matches your shoes and also favorably sets off the deep color of your beautiful eyes. I hope the shirt doesn't cut under the arms? Great. Then let's move on.
  • Rest. A good wife never gets tired. She is cheerful, friendly, active at any time of the day and flatly refuses any offer to lie down and stretch her legs.
  • Cohabitation. Without this most important test (lasting at least six months), only outright madmen can marry; he will help you in choosing the ideal wife. The test should be carried out like this: give the girl ten minutes to get ready (no more is needed - otherwise she will have time to take the plumbing fixtures and curtain rods with her), after which you transport her with all the junk. Next, the young lady should be given a modest amount of money for household expenses and disappear somewhere for five days. If, upon returning, you find your apartment renovated and clean, as on the first day of creation, the kitchen - filled with freshly prepared deliciousness, the girl - made up, fresh and ready to immediately indulge in carnal love, and on the table in the center of the room there will be, at a minimum, half of the amount left to her... Yes, perhaps it’s finally time to take a closer look at this baby.
  • Hips. Wide. Even better - very wide, so that the future offspring does not squeeze into the world, flattening the nose and disfiguring the cranial bones, but jumps out of the mother with the ease of a champagne cork.
  • Breast. Big. Even better, a very large one, because infant formula is allergenic and, moreover, is not cheap. And babies fed with breast milk develop better and get sick less.
  • Legs. Strong and not too long. A good wife is maneuverable, mobile and hardy, because on average a woman clocks up at least a hundred thousand kilometers on the speedometer in a lifetime of small chores and running around the apartment from the stove to the refrigerator, the cradle and back.
  • Face. To be honest, this is absolutely not important for choosing a wife. But if for some reason you want to use your wife not only for its intended purpose, but also for going out, be guided by the fact that women with a straight, neat nose are less likely to have a runny nose (less downtime at work), large, clear eyes with unclouded lens - as a rule, a sign of good vision, and healthy, strong, white teeth are a guarantee that food will be chewed well and thoroughly (which means that the stomach will work normally for a long time), and the dentist will not soon get to the contents of your wallet
  • Price. A girl who successfully passes all the proposed tests has no price. If you find such a treasure, immediately leave your bachelor life, brainless girlfriends, eternal drinking bouts - and rush with the girl of your dreams towards the nearest Wedding Palace. Just on the way, try to personally make sure that your bride is not rubber. Yes, just in case. And then, you know, anything can happen...

[Choosing a wife is much more serious and difficult to implement than choosing a girl for meetings and sex. At the practical pickup trainings of the Dating Academy, in real conditions and with great speed, you will learn to analyze people in detail even before meeting them, learn to filter a huge flow of people, professionally choosing the right goals.]

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