How can you dye your hair incompletely? How to dye your hair yourself

Unfortunately, we do not always have the opportunity and time to visit beauty salons and hairdressers.

It is much cheaper and easier to do everything at home yourself.

But how to do it correctly in order to be satisfied with the result? Let's take a step-by-step look at how to dye your hair at home yourself.

  • Preparing hair for coloring - what you need to consider

First you need to decide on the paint consumption.

If you have short hair (up to 35 cm), one tube is enough for you, and if you have long hair, at least two.

Two days before dyeing, do not wash your hair, as clean curls are more susceptible to the harmful effects of the chemical composition of the dye.

Necessary items for painting

At the beginning of the process, you should prepare all the necessary items.

So, in addition to the coloring agent itself, we will need:

  • 1. Old T-shirt and towel

The thing should not be a pity if it gets dirty with paint.

  • 2. Painting brush
  • 3. Plastic or porcelain dishes (not metal!)

To mix the paint with an oxidizing agent, you will need any non-metallic utensils, since under the influence of an oxidizing agent, the metal oxidizes and this can affect the color of your hair.

  • 4. Disposable gloves

You can purchase latex medical gloves. Or you can use the cellophane gloves that come with the paint.

  • 5. Comb with large teeth

To separate the strands, you will need a convenient, simple plastic or wooden comb with teeth, but not a metal one.

How to dye your hair at home - step by step steps

  • Actions before starting coloring

Read the instructions that come with the paint to find out what precautions you need to take, the exposure time of the paint, and how to use it.

In a plastic bowl, mix the oxidizing agent in the box with the paint itself until smooth. Do not use metal objects for stirring.

Comb your hair well.

For better dyeing and a brighter color, you can spray your hair with water. They should be slightly damp; you shouldn’t get them too wet, otherwise the paint won’t stick.

In order to protect the skin from coloring, it is necessary to smear the areas along the hairline with a protective fatty cream.

Cover your shoulders with a towel to avoid staining your skin.

Put on your gloves and start painting.

  • Dyeing process

You need to start coloring from the back of your head.

Therefore, using the tip of a comb, divide your hair into 4 sectors, parting it through the crown, and also perpendicular to it, so that you get two temporal areas (left and right), and two occipital areas.

Secure each resulting part with a plastic clip.

Dyeing is done starting from the strands at the back of the head. Next, apply the dye to the hair in the parietal area. Finally, they move on to coloring the temple area. In this area, the hair is the thinnest, so coloring is carried out faster.

Take a separate strand and use a brush to apply paint first to the roots and then along the entire length. Treat each small strand in this manner one by one.

Then move on to all other parts of the hair step by step.

Distribute the rest of the dye onto your hair closer to the roots and comb it well along the entire length with a comb.

At the end, comb your hair well with a wide-toothed comb so that the dye is evenly distributed along the entire length.

Let the paint sit for the time specified in the instructions (usually about thirty minutes).

  • How to dye overgrown roots

When coloring regrown roots, the paint is first applied to the regrown roots and left on for thirty minutes.

After this, after sprinkling your hair a little with water, use a comb to comb the curls well from the roots along their entire length to smooth out the transition and leave the dye for another 5-7 minutes.

  • Painting overgrown roots - video

If there is a lot of gray hair, the dyeing time should be extended by ten minutes.

After the dyeing time has passed, rinse off the dye with warm water until the water runs clear. Use shampoo for colored hair.

Be sure to rinse your curls with hair protecting conditioner, which is usually included in the dye kit. It softens and protects them from the aggressive effects of chemical composition, makes them shiny and smooth.

If paint gets on your skin, it can be easily removed by mixing lemon juice and any skin cream.

It is important to remember to take special care of colored hair. When exposed to chemical dyes, hair loses strength, shine, becomes thinner and brittle, so it is recommended to treat it with masks, creams and balms to restore, nourish and moisturize.

  • How to dye your hair at home correctly - video

Three-quarters of women change their hair color to boost their confidence, both professionally and in their personal lives. The most expensive haircut will acquire a complete look only when the color emphasizes the volume, shine and texture of the curls.

Although today there are much more hair dyes on store shelves than ten years ago, coloring strands is always a mixture of skill and art. Hair coloring at home has many advantages: firstly, it is economical, and secondly, it is possible to do the coloring at any convenient time, rather than spending half a day in the salon. If you follow certain rules, you can easily get a beautiful result on your hair.

Rules for dyeing at home

If you decide to dye your hair yourself, then listen to tips on how to properly dye your hair at home.

  1. Be sure to read the instructions on how to properly dye your hair at home.
  2. Cover your shoulders with a towel or cape before dyeing.
  3. Always test the paint to avoid allergies.
  4. You need to apply the dye to dry, clean strands, as any remaining care products on them can affect the final result.
  5. Do not rely on the color on the packaging. You must use the table on the back of the package. This is where you can see what color you can get after painting.
  6. Be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands.
  7. You should not dye hair that has been damaged by a perm, as the result may not be the color you expected.
  8. Dyeing your hair at home requires preparing everything you need: paint, a brush for coloring, hairpins, a glass or ceramic bowl for diluting the paint.

Coloring technique

Hair coloring at home should be clear and quick. Before starting the procedure, carefully read the instructions and perform an allergy test. Then you need to throw a cape over your shoulders and put gloves on your hands (usually they are included in the package).

It is recommended to start coloring from the back of the head, as it is the coldest area. In this area, you need to take each strand and apply dye from roots to ends. Paint the two side zones in this way.

Curls with paint applied should be massaged well so that the pigment is distributed over the entire length. Then gather all the strands into a knot and wait for the time specified in the instructions.

At the end of the procedure, you need to rinse the strands a little and massage them again, rinse well with running water (until it becomes completely transparent). After this, you should apply a protective balm that will fix the pigment.

Usually one package is enough for medium-length hair. If you are the owner of long curls, then you are probably interested in how to dye your own long hair. Typically you will need 2 or 3 packs of paint.

How to dye long hair? They need to be divided into thin strands (the more there are, the more evenly the paint will lie). Apply paint to each one from the roots to the very ends, then twist the strand into a knot and secure with a hairpin.

So, strand by strand in front of the mirror, you can dye all your hair yourself. You need to work quickly so that there is no significant time gap between the dyed and natural strands.

Natural paints for coloring

Natural dyes are an excellent way to obtain a suitable shade without harming your curls. Chemical paints contain substances harmful to health, since individual components of these paints are strong carcinogens. Carcinogens accumulate in the body and cause allergic reactions and various diseases.

In addition, chemical dyes have a bad effect on the scalp and the hair itself. Therefore, many women prefer to tint their hair with natural herbal products. So, how to dye your hair at home using safe products?

The most common vegetable paints:

  • Basma;
  • chamomile;
  • rhubarb;
  • walnut peel;
  • onion peel;
  • black tea and coffee.

Women have been using these natural dyes since ancient times. Plant components were used not only to improve the natural color, but also to improve the health of the hair.

The natural pigments of these dyes are persistent. The range of colors is diverse and beautiful: from golden to deep chestnut. To get a beautiful shade, you can mix various components. For example, pure henna dyes hair red, but when basma is added, the color can become dark brown or golden chestnut. Usually, henna packaging always contains instructions on how to dye your hair correctly.

Natural dye recipes

How to dye your hair correctly, what dye is best to use? Cosmetologists say that if there are diseases of the scalp, then chemical dyes definitely cannot be used. In addition, if you care about health and beauty, then choose natural dyes. They definitely won’t harm your body, and will give your hair a delicate shade.

Keep in mind that after painting with natural dyes, you cannot immediately paint with chemical paints. If you ignore this rule, the chemical dye will not be absorbed and your hair may be damaged. So, let's move on to proven recipes:

  • Onion peel. This product gives any hair a beautiful golden hue. To prepare, you need to take 200 g of onion peel, add 1 liter of boiling water and leave the product in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then strain and use to rinse your hair. The more concentrated the decoction, the brighter the shade. Onion peel not only tints the hair, but also significantly strengthens the hair roots.
  • Chamomile decoction is more suitable for light curls, as it can give a delicate golden hue. Recipe: 300 g of chamomile, pour 500 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, then remove from the stove and let it brew for 2 hours. If the hair is long, then the portion of the broth is doubled or tripled. Washed strands need to be rinsed several times. The decoction can be applied with a moistened cotton swab along the entire length of the strands.
  • To turn it chestnut color, use the following recipe: pour 2 tablespoons of chopped walnut peel into 500 ml of water and boil until reduced by half. Apply the finished strained mixture to your hair. Wrap your head in film (or put on a cap) and wait 20 minutes.
  • To obtain a dark brown color, you need to take 3 tablespoons of black tea, 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder and the same amount of coffee. Brew the entire mixture with 200 ml of boiling water. Boil for 20 minutes, strain. Apply the cooled infusion to the strands for half an hour. After the procedure, the curls will become smooth, shiny, and acquire a beautiful chestnut shade.
  • Dyeing at home is effective using rhubarb. Golden, red and dark brown colors can be given to your curls using this plant. To do this you will need dried rhubarb root, it needs to be crushed. Recipe (for short hair): pour 10 g of rhubarb root with a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. When the coloring solution thickens, remove from the stove and cool.

For a dark brown tint, add a pinch of baking soda to the solution. For a bright red color, you need to mix an infusion of rhubarb with henna (30 g of rhubarb per 70 g of henna). For a golden color, you should rinse your hair with an infusion of rhubarb root, prepared in a ratio of 1:10.

How to dye long hair at home using natural dyes? To do this, the ingredients should be taken in double or triple volume (depending on the length of the hair).

Coloring gray strands with natural dyes

Gray strands are associated with old age, and women are very upset when they see the first gray hair. Most women, when doing their own hair coloring, first of all want to cover gray hair. What natural components can help with this?

  • The following mixture will help cover gray hair and add shine to dull hair. Mix 1 cup fresh lemon juice with 3 cups fresh chamomile infusion. You need to soak all the strands with the liquid, wrap your head in film and leave for 1 hour, then rinse.
  • The green peel of walnuts is well suited for coloring gray hair on brunettes. To do this, you need to prepare a strong decoction of the peel. You can add green leaves of this tree to the peel. The product must be applied to the entire length for 1 hour.

Every woman wants to be bright and unique. The desire to change, stand out from the crowd, charm and conquer is very typical of a modern woman. As a rule, changes begin with hairstyle. Spring is the best time to experiment with hair color, especially since you already know how to dye your hair. And proper hair coloring with natural dyes will help you experiment without harm to your health.

The desire to change the image is inherent in all of us. But the cost of the procedure in beauty salons forces many ladies to abandon the idea. From now on you don't need an expensive stylist at all! Knowing how to dye your hair at home, you can do everything yourself!

4 steps for DIY coloring

If you decide to dye your hair at home, follow these steps.

Step 1: Choose the color you want

Any change in style begins with shade. It is very difficult to choose one, since very rarely a lady knows exactly what she wants. Conduct an experiment, especially if you want to change dramatically. You can try on wigs or simply upload a photo to the site and choose a color online. At the same time, you should also take into account your color type, as well as the need to change your entire wardrobe, because what suited a redhead may not suit a blonde.

Stage 2. Buying hair dye

  • When choosing a package with the desired color in the store, be sure to read the instructions on the side of the package. It contains points regarding dosage for different lengths of strands. For medium and long hair, you may need two or even three packages;
  • All colors of modern paints are divided into three groups - blond, black and chestnut. And each of them can be separately divided into different tones (light and dark). If you need to go dark, try a lighter shade from this color palette first. And one more thing - when coloring your hair at home, give preference to cool shades. Warm colors often behave “inappropriately”, so it would be better to leave them to a specialist;
  • If you want to save money, consider additional paint qualities. Some add shine to strands, others cover gray hair. If you don't need it, take another paint - it will be cheaper. The price is also affected by the branded balm included. If you have your own product that suits you, buy paint without balm;
  • If you dye your hair regularly, use dyes from the same brand. Even a very small difference in the composition of the dyes can have a bad effect on the health of the hair.

Stage 3. Additional accessories

For painting you need:

  • Special brush;
  • Comb;
  • A protective cape over the shoulders (it can be replaced with an old robe or towel);
  • Fat cream. It needs to be lubricated on the skin along the hairline, as well as on the ears, temples, and neck. The cream prevents the paint from staining the skin as well.

Stage 4. Painting

It won’t be that difficult to dye your own strands if you strictly follow the instructions on the package:

  1. Mix the dye and oxidizing agent thoroughly.
  2. Comb your strands well. To improve the effect, they can be slightly moistened.
  3. Divide your hair into four parts - from the forehead to the back of the head, occipital, right temporal and left temporal.
  4. In each zone, lubricate only the root zone first. The layer should be uniform. Move the brush very quickly, otherwise your hair will take on a different shade.
  5. Distribute this mixture over the entire length of your hair.
  6. Leave for half an hour. If you are using dye for the first time, it is better to cut off a thin curl and try the dye you have chosen on it.
  7. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  8. At the end of the process, lubricate your hair with the balm that comes with the kit.

The whole painting process looks like this:

How to tint only the roots?

If you only need to touch up the roots of your hair, apply the dye to them for about 20 minutes. Even for a long length, one package is enough. Spread the remaining product over the rest of your hair and wait 10 minutes. Then wet the strands with a little water and lather well with your hands. Wash your hair with shampoo or just water. In the latter case, the color will be more intense.

How to dye a long braid?

The technique of coloring long hair is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Paint only the roots first. Then divide the braid into several thin strands, apply a small dose of dye to each and brush it with a comb. This will ensure even coloring. Gather all the dyed strands into one bun and hide your head in a bag. Wait the right time and rinse everything thoroughly. Finally, apply a moisturizing balm.

Attention! If you were unable to dye your strands in the chosen shade yourself, do not try to fix everything with another procedure. Wait two weeks - under no circumstances should you dye your hair again earlier, because the strands will be severely damaged.

  • Tip 1. Do not add any other components in the form of balms, shampoos and oils to chemical dyes. This revamped lineup may be unpredictable.
  • Tip 2. Don’t prepare the paint for future use, apply it right away.
  • Tip 3. Work only with gloves - chemical components are bad for the skin.
  • Tip 4. Modern cream paints do not spread over the skin, so there is no need for polyethylene or a warm towel.
  • Tip 5. Do not combine perm with coloring.
  • Tip 6. Remember, it is better not to leave the coloring composition on than to leave it on the strands.
  • Tip 7. Be sure to buy care cosmetics for colored hair (shampoo, conditioner and mask).
  • Tip 8. Hair after dyeing should be dried without a hairdryer.
  • Tip 9. Do not wash your hair with shampoo for two or three days before the procedure. This will allow the pigment to adhere much better. The main thing is that there are no residues of varnish or other styling products on the strands.
  • Tip 10. If there are rashes, wounds, scratches or itching on the scalp, postpone the procedure.

How to paint with henna and basma correctly?

Hair dyeing with henna and basma can also be done without the help of others. It’s enough to remember a couple of simple but very important rules:

  1. Dilute the henna with hot water - it should look like homemade sour cream.
  2. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps.
  3. You can add any essential oil to the composition (literally a few drops).
  4. To avoid staining your skin, lubricate it with a rich cream (along the hairline, near the ears and on the neck).
  5. Apply henna to the strands, starting from the back of the head.
  6. Gently work your way through the rest of your hair.
  7. Comb your hair with a thick comb so that the mixture is evenly distributed throughout your hair.
  8. Wrap your head in plastic and a warm scarf or towel.
  9. Wait 2-3 hours.
  10. Before washing your hair, do a light massage.
  11. Rinse off the henna with warm water without using shampoo to allow the pigment to set.
  12. Now mix basma with water.
  13. Apply in the same manner.
  14. Wait the required time - from 15 minutes to 2.5 hours. The longer you keep the basma, the darker the shade will be.
  15. Wash your hair with water and lubricate your hair with balm.

Hair dyeing with tonic

When you decide to dye your hair with tonic or shampoo, remember an important point - its color can only be one shade darker. Hair tinting occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Prepare the painting mixture using the instructions.
  2. Moisten the strands a little to help the toner adhere better.
  3. Divide your hair into several equal strands.
  4. Moisten each with the product using a special brush.
  5. Wrap yourself in a warm cap.
  6. When the time is up, wash your hair with water. There is no need to use shampoo.

How to make your own ombre?

Ombre is one of the most popular hair coloring techniques. To dye your hair at home using the fashionable ombre technique, you only need to strictly follow the tips:

  1. Mix the coloring composition. It can be either permanent or ammonia-free paint. If desired, use a tinted balm.
  2. Divide your hair into two equal parts.
  3. Tie two ponytails, placing both elastic bands at the same level and at the desired height.
  4. Using a special brush, coat each tail with the product. Hold the brush vertically. The border can be sharp, or it can be barely noticeable.
  5. Leave the dye on the strands for about half an hour.
  6. Wash your hair with shampoo and use conditioner.

Hair coloring with chalks

To do it right, buy a coloring agent at an art salon.

The variety of colors gives you a huge choice, but remember that using these crayons too often can be harmful to your hair. Then follow the instructions:

  1. Divide your hair into several thin sections.
  2. Twist each into a rope and secure with an elastic band.
  3. Paint the strands with chalk without touching the roots. You can apply one or several shades - it’s up to your taste. Blondes can apply the product to dry strands; brunettes are advised to wet their hair with water.
  4. At the end of the process, shake your hair to remove any remaining chalk.
  5. To secure the effect, spray your hair with hairspray.

The modern beauty industry offers women various coloring options. Each technique is interesting in its own way and has its own characteristics.

Hair coloring is a great way to change your image or add something new and fresh to your look. Dyeing helps to hide age-related imperfections, such as prominent gray hair, and also visually make a woman younger than her age.

Fashionable hair coloring 2019: hair trends

This season, the effect of burnt hair is more popular than ever. In order to achieve the desired result, just contact the salon. Typically, to achieve this effect, hairdressers use two newfangled techniques - shatush and California highlighting.

In the new season, bright red color will be incredibly fashionable, as well as dark red color with burgundy tints, gold and copper shades. Natural light brown color remains at the peak of popularity. Creative girls who want to show their individuality can safely choose stencil. A colored ombre consisting of three colors or colored highlights looks very bright and juicy. For creative coloring, use crazy color or anthocyanin paint.

Fashionable hair shades 2019, photo

Fashionable gray blond 2019

Honey “baby” blonde

Stylish pink 2019

Popular hair coloring techniques

Now there are many new hair coloring techniques: balayage, highlighting, coloring, ombre, hair strobing, etc. Some masters skillfully combine them with each other. Fashionable hair coloring can be roughly divided into two types: classic hair coloring with highlighting of individual strands and color hair coloring in bright and unconventional shades. Let's look at this and that type of hair coloring.

In balayage style

Dyed hair using this technique looks natural and beautiful. This technique is suitable for girls who do not want to radically change their natural hair color, but want to refresh their look. The work uses several tones that help achieve a smooth transition. This coloring is ideal for thin hair, because it gives visual splendor and volume.

Balazh looks great on both long and medium hair. Suitable for young and mature women. Balazh also looks very impressive on short hair. The only thing is that you will have to tint your hair more often.

Ombre style

This type is very popular among stars of various sizes. Among the Russian pop stars who decided to taste the charm of this hair coloring were Yulia Kovalchuk, Nyusha, rap singer Christina Si, Anna Lorak. This technique involves the use of colors close to natural. However, there are exceptions when contrasting colors are used. Alexa Chung, Ciara, Beyoncé, Christina Aguilera, and Katy Perry decided to undertake such an experiment. The advantage of this coloring is that if the roots grow back, the overall design will not be spoiled.

In grunge style

This coloring looks especially good on long hair. A distinctive feature of the technology is the use of bright colors. The colors commonly used are pink, purple, blue, red and yellow. Such bright tones can echo the natural shade of the hair or have an intensely dramatic palette. Grunge will be done in different ways. Strands can be dyed vertically, zigzag or horizontally. Sometimes only the ends of the hair and bangs are dyed.

Two-color coloring

Another fashionable technique is dyeing your hair in two colors. It allows you not only to transform the image, but also to make it truly unique. Two-color painting has many names. One of them is coloring. This coloring provides for a smooth transition from one color to another, or emphasizing the contrast.

Hair dyeing at home using the ombre technique: instructional video

Fashionable hair coloring, photo

Fashionable hair coloring can not only refresh your look, but also visually rejuvenate you. Beautiful transitions and natural colors attract attention and always delight others. Remember that well-groomed hair is out of fashion! Don't forget to update your color and don't be afraid to experiment!

Every woman can dye her hair herself at home. But few people know how to do it beautifully and unusually, as well as as safely as possible for the hair.

The choice of coloring agents is huge. Folk remedies are popular. Chamomile and sage decoctions, walnut peels, black tea infusion, lemon juice, onion peel decoction and other natural remedies will give your hair the desired shade. If a more intense color is required, then use henna or basma, or a combination of both.

But the choice of shades from natural dyes is small. Artificial dyes offer a wide range of tones.

To choose what product to dye your hair at home, you need to decide on the intensity of the dyeing. For a radical color change, hair dyes are needed.

They break down the natural pigment of the hair, replacing it with artificial dye. It is necessary to take into account the harm of such exposure and mitigate it with special therapeutic care.

If it is enough to give the hair a tint or emphasize its natural color, then use tinting shampoos (tonics), tint balms, coloring shampoos, gels, foams, and mousses. The pigment does not penetrate into the hair, remaining on the surface.

This coloring is harmless to the hair; most of these products contain hair-restoring components. With their help, it is easy to change your image, and if the experiment is unsuccessful, the shade is washed off after a short time.

Important: before you dye your hair with a new product at home, you need to determine whether you are allergic to it.

The easiest way is to apply the composition to the inner bend of the elbow. If there is no reaction after 24 hours, the product can be used.

The choice of hair dye should be taken seriously. Professionals advise choosing products from well-known manufacturers with an impeccable reputation.

Such dyes are gentle on the hair structure, providing high-quality coloring with minimal damage, due to the content of natural nutritional components.

L'oreal preference recital


Garnier color naturals


Schwarzkopf color mask


Wella Wellaton


L'oreal casting crème gloss


Choosing a hair color

To choose a tone before dyeing your hair at home, you need to take into account your complexion, age, hair thickness and other factors.

Coloring gray hair – nice shades

With a small number of gray strands, an interesting effect is obtained with the help of tinting and tinting agents - a lighter shade of painted gray hair resembles highlighting. If there is already a lot of gray hair, then you should choose an intense dye.

After 50, you should not dye your hair in radical black or red tones (or any too dark). These colors will highlight wrinkles and increase age. On completely gray hair, blonde tones look elegant - for example, even ash blonde.

If you need to maintain a dark shade, then you should select a dye one or two shades lighter than the natural hair color.

Rich tones of red hair

Red color will not suit everyone. It will highlight uneven skin tone, pigment spots, etc. Red hair has a large number of shades; you should choose the optimal tone together with a professional stylist.

Dark red curls go well with a dark complexion, and light red ones will highlight delicate peach skin. Blonde hair is easy to dye; dark ones will have to be lightened first to get a high-quality red shade.

Various coloring techniques look very impressive on red hair: highlighting, coloring, balayage, ombre.

Dyeing blonde hair. Blonde without yellowness

To obtain a pure blonde without yellowness, a line of high-quality paints has been developed: Londa Special blond, L’Oreal Casting Crème Gloss, Garnier Color Naturals, Wella Wellaton, Schwarzkopf Brilliance, etc.

Unwanted yellowness is masked by tint products (sprays, balms, etc.) that do not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide - they envelop the hair with a dye film. Modern gentle products are easy to use: blonde shampoos and sprays, lightening oils, gels and creams, etc.

Classic monochromatic coloring in pure natural tones is always popular.

But to highlight the beauty of blond hair, professional stylists recommend using color nuances, for example, individual colored strands.

Modern technologies look impressive on light hair: ombre, screen dyeing, shatush and others.

Dyeing dark hair

To increase the saturation and brightness of dark hair, use tones close to the natural color. It is convenient to use tint products (tonics, shampoos, etc.). Very dark hair will be styled with cherry, chocolate, wine shades.

Bronzing and balayage look interesting. When deciding to radically change your hair color from dark to blonde, you should take into account the harm of mandatory bleaching. The destruction of coloring pigment is a serious stress for the hair, so serious restorative treatment is necessary.

Damaged, porous hair will inevitably show yellowness. Professionals advise transforming into a blonde gradually, using highlighting, coloring, and balayage as an intermediate stage.

Coloring in several colors

Stylists offer a range of modern techniques:

Classic hair coloring at home

Anyone can figure out how to dye their hair at home. Complex types of painting require experience and skill, but painting in one color is not difficult to master.

Accessories and items

You need to prepare:

How to apply paint

A special brush is used.

The dye should be applied carefully but quickly; the whole process takes about 15-20 minutes (time increases for long hair).

Painting begins from the back of the head, because The skin temperature is lowest there. The hair on it will color more slowly, which will help the entire head be evenly colored.

How to dye your hair roots

Particular attention should be paid to the coloring of the roots. It is necessary to periodically tint the regrown roots, because... they look very untidy. To do this, the hair is divided into four parts with two partings. Using a brush, paint the roots of the hair along the partings - first along the central part, then at the sides.

Then, loosening the occipital strand and dividing it into thin strands, paint the root zone. The roots all over the head are tinted in the same way. The edge line must be tinted.

How to dye hair strands

The paint is applied to individual strands, evenly and neatly, from roots to ends. Particular attention should be paid to the strands at the temples, applying the composition to them several times. There, the hair is thin and dries quickly, slowing down the reaction.

How long to keep it on and how to wash off the paint

The manufacturer's instructions must be strictly followed. Increasing the time by 5-10 minutes is justified if you need to cover gray hair. Increasing the exposure time of the dye can lead to deterioration of the hair structure and irritation of the scalp.

To achieve a more intense shade, cover the hair with a plastic cap or foil cap. But you must be careful when following the advice of a professional hairdresser.

If you decide to dye your hair at home, you can use a regular plastic bag as a hat.

Wash off the paint with warm water until the water stops being colored. To soften the effect of the coloring composition, it is recommended to treat your hair with balm. It is better to dry your hair without using a hairdryer - additional stress from hot air is harmful to the hair and can affect the shade.

How to paint with henna and basma

You can dye your hair at home using natural dyes such as henna and basma. They not only color, but also nourish the hair. Henna is a powder made from the leaves of Alkana or Lawsonia. Basma is obtained by grinding indigofera leaves. Henna gives a reddish-copper range of shades, basma – black-brown.

By mixing them in different proportions, you can vary the resulting color. Should not be combined with chemical dyes, i.e. applying henna and basma to hair previously dyed with artificial dye, and vice versa - the result can be depressing. Compared to chemical dyes, the dyeing and washing process is more labor-intensive.

Which henna or basma to choose

Basma is used only in combination with henna, as it itself dyes hair green-blue. Henna is offered in several types:

  • Iranian– copper-red tone. Coarse grind, pungent smell.
  • Indian– wider range of colors. Fine grind, pleasant smell.
  • Turkish– noble shades. Requires more time to paint.
  • Colorless– a hair strengthening product without a coloring effect.
  • Liquid– creamy structure, ready for use.
  • Black– henna with additional components, including chemical ones.

The resulting shade depends on the proportions of the dyes.

The ratio of henna and basma 1:1 will give a chestnut tone, 1:2 - black, 2:1 - bronze.

You can also change the color of henna using other additives. The combination with chamomile infusion will give a golden hue, and the mixture with Cahors will give a chestnut color with a cherry tint.

How to dye your hair: step by step instructions

Ombre dyeing at home. Instructions

A very popular ombre technique involves moving from dark roots to lightened ends. From mid-length to ends, the hair is lightened, and then the selected tones are applied. A smooth transition is formed approximately in the middle of the length. The roots do not stain, but you can darken them.

Shades can be natural (chestnut, red, etc.) and creative (lilac, purple, green).

Effective ranges of transitions are created: for example, from dark purple to pink or from dark red to blond. Complex ombre combinations are best left to professionals.

But you can do a simple two-tone coloring yourself at home:

  1. Divide your hair with partings into four sections (thick sections into eight).
  2. Lighten the bottom of each strand with bleach according to the instructions.
  3. Rinse and dry hair.
  4. Dye the newly separated hair strand by strand. Only the lightened part is painted. Moreover, depending on the intended transition, the paint is applied in two layers to the area that needs to be given a more saturated tone.
  5. After keeping the dye for the required time, it is washed off and the hair is treated with a balm or mask.
  6. To enhance the effect, the paint can be applied to the selected area again for 10-15 minutes and washed off.

Hair dyeing with tonic. Tonic selection and instructions

It is convenient to dye your hair at home with products such as tonic. Toning shampoo (tonic) is a gentle coloring agent. The coloring pigment settles as a film on the surface of the hair without changing its structure.

This is harmless to the hair, but leads to the fragility of the color. Tonic often contains hair strengthening agents. It cannot radically change hair color, it simply adds shades.

To change the color dramatically, you will first have to bleach your hair.

For high-quality results, you should buy products from trusted brands: L’Oréal, Wella, Schwarzkopf, Estel. When choosing a tonic, the shade is selected close to natural (if the hair is not bleached). In this case, you must carefully study the table of proposed colors.

To color with tonic you need:

How to dye your hair with tint balm

Tinted balms have a mild effect. The fragility of coloring is compensated by the effect of vitamins and nutrients that the balm contains. Coloring with balsam is simple. Necessary:

Coloring with pastel crayons. Selection of crayons and instructions

Hair chalks (dry pastels) are a new tool for experimenting with hair. Two types are available - “dry” and “shadow”. Dry chalk looks like regular chalk in a wrapper; the shadow chalk is packaged in a box closed with a lid. The variety of colors offered is huge, the effect lasts until you wash your hair.

The crayons are very easy to use:

  1. Wash your hair (do not use conditioners, etc.).
  2. Put on a protective cape.
  3. Separate a thin strand.
  4. Draw chalk across it from top to bottom several times until the desired effect is achieved.
  5. To fix the dye on your hair, warm your hair with a hairdryer. You can use hairspray to fix the pigment.

When choosing a dyeing technique, hair length is of great importance.

The nuances of coloring short hair

The short length limits the possibilities of using multi-color techniques. Usually one tone is used. But techniques such as highlighting and coloring in two tones will look advantageous on a short haircut. It is also possible to use stencil designs and paint with crayons.

The nuances of dyeing medium-length hair

The average length already provides opportunities for using three or more shades. The cross-coloring technique looks stylish on her: ombre, balayage, bronding. But it is necessary to monitor not only the color, but also the shape of the hair - medium length requires a stylish haircut.

The nuances of dyeing long hair

Modern coloring techniques that use multiple colors look especially impressive on long hair. But even ordinary two-tone dyeing, highlighting, and coloring will look advantageous due to the large color space.

When coloring long hair, it is necessary to take into account the increased consumption of coloring agents.

What else can you dye your hair without causing harm?

Folk cosmetics offer many hair coloring products. They are not as effective as their chemical counterparts, but are undoubtedly useful.

Onion peel

A golden hue can be given to blond hair using the peels of regular onions. To do this, pour a tightly packed glass of husk into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes and leave until dark.

The strained infusion is applied to the hair for 30 minutes, coloring and strengthening the hair. Rinse off with warm water. A stronger infusion, used every day, can give darker, chestnut shades. They are convenient for masking gray hair in dark hair.

Black tea dyeing

A strong infusion of black tea will give gray hair a straw-yellow tint when rinsed after washing. You can get a brown tint for gray hair. For this, 4 tbsp. l. black tea infused for 40 minutes in a quarter glass of boiling water.

Add 4 tsp to the strained tea leaves. instant coffee, mix and apply the mixture to your hair. The hair is wrapped in polyethylene and a towel, and after an hour it is washed with warm water.

For the appearance of a red-brown tint on light brown hair, 3 tbsp. l. tea 15 min. boil in a glass of water. Rinse your hair with the infused and strained tea leaves.

Lightening light brown and brown hair with lemon

Lemon juice mixed with vodka in equal volumes lightens hair well. The effect is enhanced by exposure to sunlight. But this product dries out your hair at the same time.

Herbal decoctions for lightening

Chamomile decoction (boil 1.5 cups of flowers for 5 minutes in 2 cups of water) lightens hair if you regularly rinse your hair with it after washing. You can strengthen the decoction with hydrogen peroxide: 1 tsp. per glass of decoction.

You can use a vodka infusion: 1.5 cups of flowers are infused for 2 weeks in 4 cups of vodka. Add 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide. The infusion is applied to the hair for 30-40 minutes, washed off with shampoo.

How often can you wear makeup?

Hair health requires periodic rest from cosmetic procedures, especially from effects at the level of the hair structure. Permanent coloring must be carried out at intervals of at least two months.

When tinting the roots, you can use paint only in the root zone, and refresh the color of the rest of the length with tonic.

Gentle products (tonics, tinted shampoos, etc.) are used once every 10-14 days.

Henna and basma can dry out your hair if used frequently. The interval between staining recommended by experts is 1.5-2 months.

Caring for colored hair. Main principles

Hair after coloring needs special care. If you dye your hair at home, you need to know how to care for it afterwards:

  • To maintain the durability of the color, it is not recommended to use hair masks for two weeks after the procedure - they can wash out the color pigment. In the future, use restorative masks, balms, etc. no more than once a week.
  • Products with a color protection function are optimal for care, especially those of the same brand as the paint.
  • It is necessary to limit thermal exposure: use of a hair dryer, curling iron, etc. Apply heat protectants before using them.
  • Specialized vitamin complexes for hair health will help with external care.

How to dye your hair at home: video

Tips on how to properly dye your hair at home:

Video instruction on how to dye your hair at home:

Painting at home is not at all difficult. The first time is scary, but the second and third time your hands will work on their own. And the result will not be worse than the salon one. The main thing is to use quality materials and good tools.

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