I love someone else, what should I do? I want another man. I’m married but I want someone else I’m married I want someone else what should I do

How many times have you caught yourself thinking: “I want something else”? No, not a different attitude towards yourself, a different man! Let's be honest with ourselves, no one will hear. After all, it happened! Don't be afraid of your thoughts - this is quite normal. Why? Our heroines and experts will tell you.


36 years old, manicurist and makeup artist.

Ira has a beauty salon and a circle of clients who bring new ones every now and then. She got married recently, having already made a career. My husband is eight years younger and they have a child together. Ira plans to live happily ever after with them. And she has three lovers. Three!

We're already tired of men's stories about the feats they had to accomplish to buy a Mercedes! They are not interested in knowing how I spent the night at work, how I spent two days without sleep, so that they would remember me, so that I would have customers, so that I could live in the apartment that I like. It’s much more pleasant for everyone to think that rich men provide for me, and for this I sleep with them. Let them think what they want.

I earned my own living, and lovers are the least of what I can afford. It’s like in a cosmetics store: even if you don’t need a new lipstick, but it’s unbearably beautiful, we buy it, right?

In general, of all the men interested in me, I chose the three most respectable. No, I'm not friends with them. When there is an hour and a half pause in the middle of the day, and one of the three is nearby and also not busy - why not? Sex is as relaxing as a massage. Perhaps this is my way of asserting myself.

I value my relationship with my husband, he has helped and continues to help me in many ways, we still have amazing sex, we want each other. But I can afford sex on the side when I want another man. Perhaps my husband also goes out - as long as it doesn’t interfere with our relationship, I’m not interested.

Yulia Osadchaya,

There is a strong need for power and recognition. And if it is not possible to realize it through demonstrating the expensive attributes of a rich life, the traditionally feminine way of ruling comes - through the bed.

The heroine even got married to a young partner - such behavior is traditionally attributed to men. But at the same time, she simply lacks situations in which she would be just a woman - that’s why Irina’s lovers are not boys, but “respectable men” with whom she probably has the opportunity to feel not like a leader, but a follower. And this is precisely what can explain the reason why she wants other men who are not like her husband.


33 years old, civil servant.

There is a son and a husband. When she manages to find time and be alone with her husband without having to run somewhere and decide something, they feel good together.

The family is so exhausting that it needs a reboot regularly. Coming home from work, I find myself in a local hell: one is constantly whining (it’s tiring for him to spend an hour and a half on the road to work, he is enraged by the boss and my tights thrown on the sofa), the second at the same time demands another toy. I want silence, I want to communicate with calm adults!

My last lover was too tough in everything, including sex. After the first time, I was not at all sure about the continuation; he is not my type of sexual partner. He is not interested in my desires, he simply commands, and I must carry out - this is shocking at first. But then we got used to each other.

I'm interested in him. He has a business, an ex-wife and a former lover who hate each other, and a sea of ​​funny stories about them, about business partners, about acquaintances and strangers. He's really brutal in a good way.

When I needed a break from my home zoo, I called him, and he took me around the city. We just drove around and chatted - it's very relaxing. Now we have moved to another city, so we had to break up with our lover. But even here it is not a problem to find a good man with whom you can have fun from time to time.

I started relieving stress in this way quite a long time ago. The first time was to restore peace of mind after a quarrel with my husband. One of my colleagues turned out to be incredibly nice. That story, however, ended due to inappropriate feelings, but the second began, then the third...

The bed is not the main thing in this relationship. We are adults and have not experienced sacred awe before sexual intercourse for a long time. After all, sex can't ruin a friendship.

Yulia Osadchaya,

Psychologist, psychotherapist, socionics specialist.

It's clearly not about sex; the heroine directly says that sex with her last lover was "not very good." It’s important for Olya to “have fun,” and she has found a way to “relieve stress.”

It is noteworthy that the first lover appeared in rather sad circumstances of a quarrel with her husband, as a remedy for sadness. Until a girl wants to understand what exactly is causing discord in her life, she will probably return to her usual antidepressant in the form of another lover again and again, regardless of the change of scenery.

And other reasons

Olya and Ira are not alone. Even official statistics suggest extramarital affairs among 25% of married women. Internet search engines are not surprised by the request “looking for a lover” and display lists of advertisements with variations from “married, not satisfied” to “I want an easy relationship without blowing my mind.” The main reasons are generally obvious and monotonous: the husband is good, but...
  • ...not enough sex (sexual constitutions do not match);
  • ...today I am offended by him and am taking revenge;
  • ...I want to be convinced of my irresistibility;
  • ...I want to make up for lost time (I got married as a virgin).
Why go far on the Internet, only in my close circle are two happily married ladies consciously planning to have lovers. One thinks that “it’s time” (she’s just over thirty). The second one, even my mother (!) recommends not delaying the choice of a friend on the side, so as not to “get overwhelmed” by getting bogged down in family life.

Grown-up girls know that an affair on the side can destroy a family, but they are smart enough not to advertise their lover. Horror stories from psychologists about possible remorse do not frighten them: an extramarital affair of an adult girl is unlikely to occur due to the “demolition of the roof” and a whirlwind of sudden feelings and is certainly organized well enough so as not to harm anyone.

Maybe a lover is really a reasonable decision for a mature woman who has finally understood herself and is no longer afraid of breaking the rules? Although who am I lying to, what does reason have to do with it? It is reasonable to contact a sexologist when there is a catastrophic lack of sex and you constantly want something new, you want something different.

Or get a divorce and start a different life if your husband is not the one you want to live with. Or sort things out with your husband - so as not to be offended later. And the rest is not reasonable, it is an intuitively found solution to some other, poorly understood problems.

But even this is still a decision. Sorry for the immorality.

If you want others, work with yourself more often to improve in this matter and have more variety in it.. Haven’t you thought about the question that men are all different and if it’s good with one and the other you can think about whitewashing the ceiling, nothing causes sex except sensation that you were taken advantage of. How do you like such “wonderful” feelings, after that you want to wash yourself and forget. And then the thought comes, “Why did I need this?” and the risk that one day, having met nose to nose with this person, the meeting that left you with not-so-exorbitant feelings will come out and destroy your stable marriage.
And if it turns out to be better with someone than with your husband, forgive me, but this will jeopardize your marriage much faster. And whether it will be equal to the one with whom you had a wonderful time is another question.
Therefore, don’t be foolish, but rather use more imagination and variety in your relationship with your own husband. All fantasies can be perfectly fulfilled with those who are nearby. Being married to a person does not mean that you can use him for his and your pleasure in matters of occupation love.
Getting married does not mean that with this you receive a teaching called the Priestess of Love. You only received for temporary use certain benefits associated with this and, in fact, a person whom you can lose through your own stupid actions and be left with nothing. But you can study each other in matters of love fantasies, games, and so on all your life and still don’t have time Enough. To get to know a person from this particular side. Your own husband can be billions of men in one person, the question is how to relate to this and how to learn all this.
It will be more difficult to realize your fantasies with others, they are strangers and this factor will always work alongside the fear of losing everything and the feeling that you are a rubber doll for a completely stranger.
Although, if you like to be a sex toy for someone, it’s not a fact that this particular boyfriend will turn out to be a sex machine with a rich imagination and the ability to give what you expected before the contact. Your right.
But again, my advice is to learn and improve in this matter with those who are nearby. There are more advantages here, firstly, you will find a compromise when you don’t need another, and you will receive the whole range of sensations in one bottle, and secondly, you will become an exquisite lover, this is again Be the desired, beloved woman of your husband. And even if you lose him, which is unlikely, you will very quickly find a replacement who knows how to receive and give untold pleasure in these matters. Since a lot is driven by this very force.
And thirdly, having at home what you want more than anything in the world, the risk of being left without a husband is very small. Why does he need someone if he and you are blown away along with the foundation from each other.
Knowing three or four poses is not making love and not the height of science, it’s playing with cubes and nothing. In this matter, everything is much more interesting and diverse. Learn, that’s all. But by changing the places of the terms, the sum most often does not change; rather, it is taken away and only the filth inside remains.

Love is beautiful. What “shade” does she wear if she suddenly comes to the woman for her husband?

- So, you are tormented in search of an answer to this question. If you ask a question of this kind in other words, it will probably sound like this: “I fell in love, but I am married to her husband. What should I do?".

1. Stop loving. Putting all your strength into the pursuit of “non-love.” This is quite difficult to do. But there is a possibility. After all, if a person strives very hard for something, then he will achieve what he wants. He will definitely achieve it if he believes in himself. And believe me that everything will work out for you.

2. Establish a relationship with your husband. Perhaps you simply “invented” your love for another man, because in your relationship with your spouse, the “dark streak” does not leave you. Think carefully: is love what you call it?

3. Fall in love with your husband again. And what? And this is possible! Remember what men say when women radically and successfully change their appearance... “I fell in love with you again!”

4. Tell your husband the whole truth and go to your loved one. The truth needs to be told in a way that is minimally painful. Approximately in what vein: you list all his “advantages”, looking into his eyes, explain, as tactfully as possible, your whole situation. Do not allow any rudeness in conversation. Rudeness can really hurt. In order not to cross the boundaries of rudeness and “not rudeness”, put yourself in your husband’s place. Say everything in the form in which you would like to hear the truth.

5. Meet in secret. This option is for those who are not afraid and decide to change, thus preserving their family and feeling happiness. Although, the option is very complex in its structure. Conscience will interfere. Unless, of course, she is sleeping in the depths of her soul.

6. Give up love, convincing yourself that this is not love, but sexual attraction, and nothing more. The task is of the highest degree of difficulty. But any problem can be solved, even if not on the first try.

Whatever you decide, children should not suffer from the decision you make. It’s not the children’s fault that you have such an “interesting” situation. We must not forget about children. Love, of course, blinds, but “blindness” should not extend to those who need you like no one else.

If it happens that you are inflamed with feelings for one of your former fans, you need to think carefully again. What if this is a passion that will soon fade away? It will turn out like this: you will break up with your spouse, go to “new love”, destroy your family and break your husband’s heart…. And it turns out that love is not love. It will be a shame not only for you, but also for the one whom you left in vain, because you want to go back to the past.

One girl, on her blog, wrote a story about how her husband fell in love with her brother. She knew that their relationship was impossible because she did not want to spoil the brothers' relationship. She “killed” love by being constantly distracted.

  • Driving courses.
  • Cooking.
  • Reading books.
  • Walks.
  • Internet.
  • Computer games.
  • Job.
  • Cleaning the house.
  • Makeup.
  • Aromatherapy.
  • Music.
  • Film comedies.
  • Sweets.
  • Trips.
  • Photo.
  • Very strong coffee.
  • Beading.

If it helped her, perhaps it will help you too. And it will help a lot. It's worth pampering yourself with an experiment. This will help you develop versatility in you. A useful “thing”, isn’t it? Fell in love virtually? Disconnect from the Internet for a long time so that there are no temptations to meet, communicate, and other things. Is love stronger than you? Meet with this person to see if this is true.

If you are dating, and it turns out that you were not mistaken, be with your loved one, but do not forget that your husband must reveal the whole truth. If you realize that you were mistaken, rejoice: the opportunity has arisen to preserve the family “unit” that you planned to destroy. When thinking about the Internet, one cannot even remember the forums into which many people “pour” their experiences and stories. This is what they “pour out” on the topic of such love:

Theodora: I've been eating for my husband for five years now. I fell in love with a neighbor who moved in across the street. Well, why did he move here and not to some other apartment? I try not to think about him, but we often “cross paths” either at the entrance, or in the entrance, or at the door of the apartment…. He became my obsession. And it’s good that his name is the same as my wife’s. Otherwise, I don’t know how I would have restrained myself and not even once called my husband by my neighbor’s name.

Victoria: Yes, I love someone else. But I’m not going to leave my husband. If I chose him once and said “yes” to him, it means it’s not just like that. Family is very important to me. And I won't do nonsense. Love passes. So, I'll wait until it passes.

Valencia: For nine years I have been a married woman. Three of them are in love with another man. She decided to save the family for the sake of the child. I don’t want my daughter to rush between me and her dad because of me. I see my beloved (he lives in one of the neighboring houses) - my heart begins to beat like a machine gun fire. My legs run towards him on their own, but I stop them with my consciousness. He knows about my feelings. He understands how mutual they are. But he is also married. Our “unfreedoms” torment our souls. I want to move to another city, or to another country. Somewhere where I will neither see nor hear him. If it were possible to settle in Space, I would do that too.

Magdalena: I confess honestly: I am cheating on my husband. But not because it is my whim. I fell in love so much that I was simply going crazy. He is Japanese. My friends think that I sleep with him for money, because my husband gets little money. I don't care about Raphael's money! I feel good with him. This fact is more important than any finances and everything else. I can’t confess everything to my husband. And I won’t do this, because I don’t want unnecessary conflicts. I will remain his wife. Perhaps, after many, many years, I will reveal everything to him, I will tell him. But not now. I myself will feel “that” time.

Married, but - fell in love with - someone else, what should I do?
The woman is married. But marriage is not a barrier to changes in life. And changes come in different forms. They can be both negative and positive.

I love someone else, what should I do? I want to leave my husband

I love someone else, what should I do? I want to leave my husband. Should I leave my husband?

Married, but I love someone else, my husband is tired of me. I liked another man.

Not weird. And there is no need to condemn those who live with one and love another. I'm not saying this because I've been through it myself. It’s just that life doesn’t happen like that. Things happen in it, sometimes completely unplanned and not predicted by anything or anyone.

I love someone else, what should I do? I want to leave my husband. Should I leave my husband?

It all started out banal. It was pouring rain. So strong that, probably, even the largest umbrella could not have saved or sheltered him from it. And I didn’t even try to hide from the rain: I enjoyed every drop of it, which gave coolness to my cheeks, quickly rolling down all over my face.

Passers-by were bustling about, hurrying home. They reminded me a lot of ants. And not just me. Surely they thought the same thing about each other. That's why they smiled so sweetly when they made eye contact.

I knew that they were waiting for me at home. And they've been waiting for a long time. I have two wonderful children whom I love very much. I'm married, I have a husband. But I don’t love him, my husband is tired of him. It happened. I live with him so as not to destroy my family. I consider it my duty to preserve a full-fledged family. Why am I doing this? Altruism is probably to blame.

That day I realized: I am in a dead end, from which I will never escape or get out. Children, husband, family... What about happiness? He simply is not in this family circle. How I wanted that day to pick up my kids and leave…. But something stopped me. Or someone. Namely, the one who loves me and doesn’t regret marrying me one bit.

I don’t think about whether the children will thank me for my heroic deed. I am sure that it is not customary to give thanks for such “steps”. They won’t even know that my heart has been beating with love for another person for a long time. Let them think that with their daddy and I, everything is perfect, that we have true love. This way, it seems to me, it will be easier for them to live, they will not feel guilty.

To whom is my heart given? The man of my dreams, whom I met when I was already a married woman. He divorced his wife. For me. He thought that I could divorce my husband too. And I feel sorry for him. Both him and the children. More, of course, children: they love their father very much. Well, how can I part with their father and bring someone else’s uncle into the house? No matter how wonderful this “alien uncle” is, no one will ever replace a child’s own father. Not only mine, but everyone in general.

D Do you know that it’s easy for me to deceive my husband and rush between two fires? It's even harder for me than you think! I can guess what you think about me. But, I will say one thing: to understand me, you need to experience the same feeling when you find yourself in a similar situation. Of course, I don’t wish such “happiness” for any of you. God grant that everything goes well with you and your husband, and that the most real and passionate love always “burns and sparkles” between you.

When I met my beloved (not my husband), I very bitterly regretted that I did not wait for the one with whom my heart breathes. She was in a hurry, she wanted to get married. Well, all normal girls and women dream of marriage. There is nothing unnatural or bad about this dream. Then it seemed to me that this was a love marriage. Oh, how wrong I was, stupid! And for my mistake I am punished by love for another person.

Dear ladies, if, as fate would have it, you are faced with the same situation, fight for justice. And justice is what your heart tells or whispers to you, which, like a cup, is filled to the brim with love... Love mixed with a sense of conscience.

Should I leave my husband? I love someone else, what should I do? I want to leave my husband.

If your heart says “break” - break the thread of the past, file for divorce, and enjoy life with the one you love and want more than life. The husband will understand everything. And children, too, as they get older. Perhaps if you don’t feel sorry for him, you will experience true human happiness.

Conscience torments- meet your loved one secretly. But your conscience will thus torment you even more. You won't be able to hide from it anywhere if you have it. She will disappear into your shadow and will follow you everywhere you go. Reminds me of the plot of a horror movie? In general, what is connected with conscience is more terrible than any horror movie: you watch it, and you can forget it. And never forget your conscience. She won't let you do this.

Stop loving if you no longer have the strength to love, just as you no longer have the strength to deceive, cheat. Can you do it? I envy you with “snow-white” envy. My forbidden love has been tormenting me for several years now, and it still won’t go away. Maybe she likes me as a slave-hostage? Don't know…. So far I know one thing: I can’t live without him….

Every drop of my thought processes is saturated with his image, his voice, his appearance. I dream about him every night. Dreams are in color. And this makes it even more painful. I would love to not fall asleep, but you can’t fool your body. I tried! But even liters of coffee didn’t help. What can they do, these coffee liters? Just to cheer you up, and only for a while. Oh, if only coffee could help you forget... I don't want to do it with something alcoholic.

Many friends judge me. But their condemnations do not in any way affect the feelings that I experience for the “forbidden loved one.” Do you need to torment and torment yourself? I can’t think about the failure to restore nerve cells, about the harm to health, and about all this other “nonsense”, because all my thoughts are occupied with meeting him.

I liked another man, I love another. Yes, I love this brown-eyed brunette. And I don’t care about all the details of his past! I want to be with him and only him. And I have no desire to destroy the beautiful love that I feel for him.

This is the first time this has happened to me. I am sharing these secrets with you not so that you will immediately leave your husbands and run to your loved ones. Do what you personally want. I'm not trying to force anything on anyone. You are an individual who has (and is) your own opinions, ideas and understandings. This is amazing! Thanks to your own opinions, you do not lose your individuality. And, by the way, many are susceptible to such loss. Don't be one of many! Be yourself!

You are the master of your own destiny. Don't you like this prospect? Do you want people to think and decide for you? The answer “yes” makes me a lot of skepticism, seriously. The heart cannot be ripped out of the chest and thrown away. This means we need to find another way.

I live with one, married, but love another. My husband is tired of me, what should I do if my husband is tired of me? I want a different life.

From the earliest childhood, girls are taught the “science of life.” It all starts with harmless good old fairy tales, where the main character marries a prince and they live happily ever after, getting engaged on one of the warm, clear, sunny days. But the magical story is silent about many further details of the common family life. And with such an idyllic idea, many young girls get married. They carefully carry what has been repeated to them from an early age into their future family.

I love. . . , I want another man, what should I do?

According to all the rules, there can only be one partner, and all other males simply “die out.” However, what to do when family life is so boring, and your beloved spouse is such an eyesore that you are even ready to become the thirty-first wife of the Serpent Gorynych. Only the moral brake laid down in childhood does not allow one to go “all bad”. So you sit at home and quietly suffer that your “fairytale” life, alas, no longer excites you. But how the thought of possible “casual” sex with a complete stranger to you excites your consciousness. In this case, you are faced with a dilemma when you want to get a thrill, and at the same time the threat of losing the already established stability of the relationship does not give you the full opportunity to relax and enjoy life.

I live with one, married, but love another. My husband is tired of me, what should I do if my husband is tired of me? I want it completely, completely. . . another life.

Ask a woman if she knows why her husband is having affairs, and she will immediately answer, among other things, that he is obviously bored with their relationship and the love, if any, has faded. A woman is a person just like anyone else, so the desire to unwind and diversify her life, even with a new partner, should not be assessed from a moral point of view as simply lustful. Doctors have long proven that a person who does not get enough sex is much less likely to feel happy and healthy. It is also interesting that for men, when they want to unwind on the side, an excuse will always be found. But a woman is not allowed such freedom under any pretext.

Dear sirs, since you condescendingly allow yourself such pranks, then don’t be selfish and think about your soulmate. In this case, I am not at all inclining the fair half of humanity to adultery. It’s just, as they say, “if you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.” In our case, if you like to walk, love and be patient. Believe me, gentlemen and ladies who are faced with a similar problem in a relationship, you are not alone. As the psychologist said in the movie “Mr. and Ms. Smith”: “you think that only you have such a problem, but in fact there are thousands like you.” The presence of a problem reasonably and necessarily presupposes the presence somewhere nearby and its solution, you just have to “look” hard.

I love. . . , I want another man!- Why is this happening?

So, let's find out the possible reasons for the appearance of desire in relation to another man. The most commonly cited reason for cheating on your regular partner is boredom, no matter how trivial it may sound. When you know the ending of a film you have watched to death, you eventually stop wanting to watch it, and a desire appears for something new, some kind of intrigue. In this matter, one partner cannot be clearly blamed, since two people are always involved in a relationship, and responsibility is distributed to them.

Over time, complete saturation occurs with one partner. In sex, it is not at all welcome that partners know everything about their other half, and everything goes according to a previously known scenario. If there is no unknown mystery, then there is no exciting spring of intrigue that would constantly prevent your feelings from fading away. It's always interesting to try something new, even for die-hard conservatives. And love on the side just gives the desired surge of adrenaline in the blood. Therefore, try to arrange a small “family council”, where you try to voice the problem and jointly find a solution that suits both of you. One of the possible solutions could be a role-playing game according to all the rules - with dressing up in other costumes and using certain paraphernalia. The main thing is that both people like the game. Give yourself some signs and signals that define the boundaries of what is permitted and strictly follow them.

I want a different sex life. - Some more “modern” and relaxed couples decide to take the next bold step - they practice voluntary exchange of partners, when, with the consent of one, the other or even both together change their partner for a while. This is not only a bold, but also a risky step, since it may still injure another person. Not all men are also ready for the second representative of the stronger sex to participate in the process. However, they will, without delay, agree to the option with a new “weak half”.

Psychologists explain this by the fact that in men, on the one hand, a possessive nature is more strongly manifested, and on the other, uncertainty, because a possible partner may turn out to be much better than himself, which cannot go unnoticed. There have been precedents when, after using such a medicine, a woman (and in some cases a man) left for another. For our men, this is a big test, as a result of which it is best to praise the man in a timely manner and assure him that he is still better, although the experience was useful for you.

Sociologists also name other reasons why one of the partners, and the woman in particular, wants to “have an affair.” The element of recognition by another subject of his attractiveness and desirability is important. Even simple flirting can dramatically increase self-esteem and intensify the desire to make love. Or it may be that for some reason a man can no longer satisfy his partner: either he is too passive, or she is hyper-active. One way or another, people are simply not suitable for each other sexually.

Be that as it may, it should however be remembered that for those who love and respect themselves and their loved one, in principle, there cannot be insoluble problems. And almost 90% of them can be resolved by sitting down at the negotiating table. If you cannot overcome your desire for another man, explain your vision of the problem to him so that he will not be offended, but understand. After all, in principle, if you try, this “stranger” can become he himself, under your strict guidance.

P continuation follows:

When marrying the man she loves, a happy bride usually thinks that her feelings for her husband will be eternal. Just like in fairy tales or romantic comedies you read as a child. However, life is an interesting thing, which can sometimes throw up obstacles that will threaten the existence of even the strongest marriage.

After some time, the woman begins to notice an unpleasant thing: the presence of her husband no longer causes her such awe as it did before. She wonders to herself: how did she manage not to notice how far from the ideal the facial features and figure of her beloved are? He's become flabby and has grown a belly.

The worst thing is that the attraction to my husband is no longer so strong. Before, as soon as he took her hand, it was as if an electric current ran through her entire body. . . And these are not whims from the series “I love a guy, but I don’t want one,” - after all, not so long ago she passionately desired her chosen one.

And then he appears - another man. Slender, handsome, always well-groomed, very sweet and accommodating. At some point, the woman realizes with fear that she is increasingly attracted by the thought of cheating on her husband with this new acquaintance of hers. At the same time, the possibility of destroying your own family seems no less terrible.

Psychologists recommend not to rush headlong into this pool of passion, but to calm down and think about what is actually happening. Understanding the reasons that led to such a difficult situation will already half help solve the problem.

Why does a devoted wife suddenly begin to think of the thought: “I love my husband, but I don’t want it”? One explanation is routine. Relationships in the family, once so wonderful, have turned into routine, which greatly stresses a woman.

Another man appears just at such a moment of emotional breakdown and therefore simply personifies that novelty and thirst for the unusual, which is so lacking in marriage. And that's the only reason he seems so attractive. You should not mistake attraction to him for a real, deep feeling. The fact that a woman thinks: “I love my husband, but I want another,” just says one thing: we need to change something in an existing family, and not try to create a new one. If the “potential cheater” thinks carefully about the situation, she will understand that this “other” in itself is not very interesting to her. And at home, he probably leaves unwashed dishes in the sink in the same way and throws dirty socks all over the apartment. Overall, it's not ideal at all.

The most correct decision would be to change your relationship with your husband for the better. To do this, you should have a heart-to-heart talk with him, tell him what exactly is bothering you (without mentioning other men), and come up with something together. For example, go on a second honeymoon. Or take up some new hobby - for example, skydiving. And don’t forget to add a touch of novelty to intimacy.

After this, in a surprising way, all thoughts of betrayal will disappear, and after a while the woman will notice that she loves her husband much more than before. There will be nothing surprising about this. Relationships are a lot of work, and only when both spouses make efforts to strengthen them, everything will be fine.

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