The story of how I became the happiest mother on earth. Being a mother - poems Being a mother of boys

Victoria became a mother at the age of 16, Anna - at 17. Fearing condemnation from society, the girls do not yet dare to speak openly about the topic of having children. But on condition of anonymity, young mothers told their stories. asked how they cope with new life experiences for them and how the kids changed their lives.

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Victoria became a mother at 16: “I didn’t know about pregnancy until I was 5 months old”

I became pregnant at the age of 16 and found out about it by chance when I was taking a commission to study. The doctor didn’t say anything, she just sent me for an ultrasound and asked me to come the next day with my mother. She immediately guessed that I was pregnant. As it turned out, already in the 6th month. In fact, I often had such long delays, so the next one did not surprise me. I couldn’t even imagine that I was pregnant! I didn’t notice any increased appetite either. Yes, I was getting better, but I’m not skinny myself, so I didn’t see anything strange in that. Already at the ultrasound, the doctor said the period was 20 weeks.

“In fact, I was still a child myself,” Victoria opens up.

According to the girl, her mother told her husband about her pregnancy.

To be honest, at that moment I was very offended by him. An hour later he came to us and told my mother that if I agree, he will marry me. When the emotions about my unexpected pregnancy subsided, we were all incredibly happy! I felt that I was expecting a boy, and my husband really wanted a daughter. All these 9 months I felt great, I easily gave birth to a wonderful son. Now everything is fine with us, we love our boy madly. I don't pay any attention to anyone's judgment at all. I don't care who says what. I'm happy. I have a wonderful son. He will soon turn one year old. We will also give birth to a second one!

The girl adds that with the birth of the child there is less free time, but she has good support in the form of her mother, husband and friends.

Fortunately, no one has turned their back on me; on the contrary, they call and are always interested in my son.

Anna became a mother at the age of 17: “Mom froze in surprise, and then said firmly: “We’ll raise it!”

Anna lives in Smorgon, studies and plans to get a job very soon. The girl became pregnant at the age of 16, and at 17 she became a mother.

When I learned about pregnancy, I experienced a mixture of feelings: both fear and great joy. My husband was very happy! He is a year older than me, we dated for six months, loved each other and even thought about children. We just didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

It was not scary to tell my mother about the pregnancy, Anya continues. The girl was more frightened by the future, although she had experience communicating with children: Anya has cousins ​​with whom she very often babysat.

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She went up to her mother and told her straight out that she was pregnant. Mom froze in surprise, and then said firmly: “We will raise it!” Of course, I was frightened by the reaction of others, but, fortunately, I did not have to face any unpleasant ones.

Almost exactly a year ago, Anya became a mother. She says she gave birth to her son quickly and without complications.

I have never regretted it, I have become more responsible! I am very happy that I have a son. Children are the meaning of any person’s life! I don't care what others think!

The young mother admits that she dreams of a daughter. In the meantime, he is making plans for the near future: he wants to go to university, get a good job and buy his own home.

The optimal age for the first birth is 21-24 years

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the Vileyka Central District Hospital Valery Khvedevich believes that moral, psychological and financial readiness is necessary to give birth to a child at any age.

- Having a child is a responsibility for which, as a rule, teenage mothers are not ready. Early pregnancy, as evidenced by world practice, is most often unplanned and, as a result, the expectant mother psychologically feels unprepared for the birth of a child. And this is stressful for both the young mother and the baby.

In addition, by giving birth to a child at such an early age, a young mother automatically reduces her freedom, deprives herself of career growth, and, in general, of her young years. Therefore, the child must take a deliberate step

Girls who become pregnant while underage are considered physiologically immature. If we talk about the condition of children born to young mothers, they are usually healthy if the expectant mother led a healthy lifestyle before conception.

According to the expert, the optimal age for the first birth is 21-24 years. For the birth of a second child - up to 35 years of age.

Before the birth of a child, it will be correct to have plans for the future, a reliable companion, a future father, and at least some kind of specialty. Because a child needs to be supported and raised, to be an example for him,” concluded Valery Khvedevich.

Not just from hunger. 10 Possible Reasons Why Babies Cry

The whole world around me suddenly changed on the day when I realized that the little man was not born from someone else! And I have! I am very happy!

Happy because I sing a lullaby, because little hands tangle my hair, because the meaning of life falls asleep in my arms, because I kiss my chubby cheek every evening... Happy... because - mother!

If you have ever seen the eyes of a happy pregnant woman, then you will agree with me that no diamonds can compare with the beautiful sparkle of these eyes.

Happinnes exists! I know him! I know the color of his eyes, his laugh... And it calls me Mom!

Soon the happiness we have been waiting for will appear... So small... with tiny arms, legs... And with your eyes...

Happiness is when you wake up and realize that you are not alone, that you have that very little man for whom you are ready to do anything, because you are his mother!

Happiness is when you come home and your child runs to you, hugs you, kisses you, and holds you tightly so that she doesn’t go anywhere.

Someday we will miss crumbs on the sofa, painted wallpaper and loud at 7 am: “Mommy, wake up!” The happiest time is now, while our children are with us, at arm's length, at a distance of a quiet “Where are you, baby?”, at a glance.

Words that can heal any mental wounds and restore faith in the best - “Mommy! I love you very, very much!” when your tiny treasure says them and hugs you tightly... there’s just a lump in my throat... Lord, thank you for giving me this happiness.

I really wanted you. I loved you even before you were born. I'm ready to die for you. I love being a mom.

The happiest girl is the one who has two names - Mom and Beloved.

My daughter and my son are everything to me: they are my life, my heart, my soul and the most important reason why I breathe! I can't imagine life without them. I love my kids!

The greatest happiness is when tiny palms touch your cheeks, little button eyes look at you with love, and the word “Mom!” sounds from your little lips.

Happiness is when you wake up, and it’s not you who wakes up your beloved half with a kiss, but your children, who fly into your room shouting: “Stop sleeping!”, and begin to kiss and hug their beloved dad and mom.

There is someone in whose hands my heart is, whose smile brightens my whole day, whose laughter shines brighter than the sun for me, whose happiness makes me happy. This is my daughter.

I recognize my happiness from a thousand... It looks at me with your eyes and calls me mom!

Seeing a young girl walking with her five-year-old daughter, who suddenly stopped and said to her mother: “I love you, mom!”, I realized that this was the greatest joy in the world!

“I’m so happy with you!” the wife said to her husband before going to bed. “I’m happy when you’re around!” the husband answered. Mom, you interfere with sleep so much, I’m the only unhappy one in our family,” the baby muttered in his sleep.

How incredibly happy ordinary test stripes can make a person!

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A happy family differs from the rest in that the wife believes that money appears on its own. The husband is convinced that the food ends up in the refrigerator on its own. And the children are sure that storks brought them.

I feel the happiest when, in my sleep, I hear my husband lulling the baby to sleep with the words: “Quiet, don’t cry, don’t wake our mother.”

Now there are two of us, I will become a mother, my soul sings with happiness! I carry joy under my heart and my life is good!

Just being a mother is the main purpose for any woman!

In order to please their mothers and fathers, a child often has to renounce something important, including his dream. But the sacrifice of parents is even greater - they are ready to give their life for the sake of their child...

A parent who tries to change his child without starting with himself is not just wasting his time, but is taking a very serious risk.

If the child suddenly becomes obedient, the mother gets scared - is she sick?

Children rarely misinterpret our words. They repeat with amazing precision what we should not have said.

When the baby is at home, the mother’s neck hurts, and when the baby is outside, her heart hurts.

You can only give birth to the ideal man yourself...

Children shame us when they behave in public the way we do at home.

If only parents could imagine how annoying they are to their children!

In ancient times, children were brought up on the classics of world literature. Now they read more VKontakte statuses.

If a man has a son, he becomes a father... And if he has a daughter, he becomes a daddy)

I would call children not the flowers of life, but the flowers of maternal torment. But a woman also cannot cope without children, especially when you are presented with a fait accompli.

The most expensive necklace on a woman’s neck is the arms of a child hugging her!

An unbreakable toy is a toy that a child can use to break all his other toys.

Your child needs your love most precisely when he deserves it least.

HAPPINESS splashed across the floor, Barefoot and without pants, My HAPPINESS is bare-bottomed, It’s thoughtless, It’s crazy and not quiet, It breaks here, it crushes there, There’s a kefir mustache above my lip... Here it is, running towards me!!!

You only really begin to worry about your boy when he closes the door behind him completely silently as he leaves.

Be yourself both a man and a child in order to teach the child.

Imitate the good even in your enemies, do not imitate the bad even in your parents.

First, our parents interfere with our lives, then our children, and only when our grandchildren appear do we understand that we have not lived our lives in vain.

The desire of all fathers is to fulfill in their sons what they themselves lack.

There is no greater joy for a woman than children. Men are nothing more than weakness for us. So once you relax, you will remain guaranteed joy for the rest of your life.

requiring no patience to obtain it.

Whatever one may say, life is much easier for children. When a child needs to solve their problem, they immediately run to their dad and start sneaking around. A couple of tears and it's done.

A little son asks his father: “Dad, dad! How much does it cost to get married?” Dad thought and replied: “You know, son, I still don’t know, because... still paying the price.”

Statuses about children and parents - Parents are the bone on which children sharpen their teeth.

Children are flowers, they also need a pot.

Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them a toy of your mood.

There is no hymn on earth more solemn than the babbling of children's lips.

The child is a mirror. Recognize yourself in it.

My parents bought yellow wallpaper for my room and are going to put bars on the windows. What is it for?

If a child is always visible but not heard, this is an ideal child. But even he dreams of ideal parents, who are neither seen nor heard.

The only man I will run after will shout to me: “Catch up, mom!”

Childhood is when you go to bed with a toy and make the toy comfortable)))

Childhood is a time when you think you are an adult, and adults think you are a child. And at the same time, everyone is completely mistaken.

If your mother breaks a cup, it’s lucky, but if you break it, it’s your hands growing out of your butt.

If a woman has a man whom she loves more than life itself... then this man is her son!

Parents are so simple to use that even children can operate them.

A gentle face, every feature, a snub-nosed sniffling... Money, career - all this unimportant, important - sleeps nearby.

Children who are too obedient never achieve much.

There is nothing genuine left in the world. Except for the child's smile.

A child's happiness is measured by the size of a toy...?

The eyes sparkle, there are constant smiles on the face, loud laughter, conversations all day and night long. This is our happiness. Let's not give it to anyone :)

Let's try to be good parents, because our children look up to us and want to grow up just like us.

Parent: a position that requires endless patience to perform, and not

They are the same, but their own mother will never confuse them!

When in childhood, our parents swore at us, we considered it rudeness, now we ourselves swear at our children and consider it education.

I have the best mother in the world, the best friends in the world, I have everything I need, isn’t that the name of happiness?

As a child, it seemed to me that adults were some kind of stupid creatures. As an adult, I realized that I had made a mistake in the definition; they are absolute assholes.

As children, we spent any free time on the street, and our children meet outside the house only to exchange computer games.

Think before you do something bad. You have a child behind you who thinks you are his hero!

Fathers who have beautiful children believe in heredity most.

There is no one more confident in the sincerity of his love than a child.

Girls’ childhood: this is when you leaf through your mother’s fashion magazine with your friends, and when you see a beautiful model you say: “That’s me, that’s me!”

For many, happiness is two liters. And for many it’s only two grams. And for me, happiness is seeing my Mom smile!

A child is a creature that you carry within you for 9 months, in your arms for 3 years, and in your heart until you die.

Happiness cannot be bought. But he can be born!

I wanted a child for a very long time. It didn’t work out for a long time, we were nervous, worried, but we waited. Finally I saw these same two stripes. I was 24 years old and we were getting ready for the wedding. Unfortunately, fate decreed that I was no longer pregnant when I got married. At 17 weeks my baby passed away. That period of my life was hard for me, but after gathering my strength we decided to fight on. I found the site beteshka, which became dear and beloved to me for a long time. I made schedules, visited doctors, hoped and believed. And then, on my husband’s thirtieth birthday, I found out that I was no longer alone. There were tears of joy, anxiety and fear. I remember the first movements of my baby, as if hundreds of butterflies were flying into the sky... The pregnancy went well for the baby and was very difficult for me. I wasn’t gaining weight well, my back hurt like crazy, I could hardly walk. She was in conservancy with the threat of premature birth. And all this time I prayed to God to help my baby. And then, at exactly 37 weeks, I woke up in the morning and felt a tug in my stomach. I turned on the contraction counter. Every 6 minutes... Got up. I didn’t make it to the bath, I burst. Bubble. And then I realized that this was the day, the day when I would see my sun. I called my husband, he kept repeating in confusion that it was still early, as if I could delay this process. Things were collected in advance, so we got into the car and drove to the maternity hospital. To be honest, I wasn’t afraid to give birth, I was only thinking about the baby, I couldn’t wait to see him, take him in my arms, hug him... They processed me, dressed me in a glamorous shirt and sent me to give birth, conveniently forgetting about the enema. The contractions started at 8 in the morning, at 2 o'clock it became very difficult to bear them, I started gnawing on the pillowcase. Opening 4 fingers and nothing further. We decided to stimulate. They injected something into the IV. Contractions became very frequent and painful. In general, with a dilation of 7 fingers, I began to give birth. If we talk about pushing, there was no particular pain during them; the main thing was to muster all the strength and listen to the midwife. At 17.55 my son appeared. So small and surprised. He quickly waved his arms and legs, but did not scream. The doctors took him away. Then they stitched me up, but I don’t remember this, all my thoughts were there, behind that screen where my treasure was taken away. When the nurse brought him in, she immediately said that the baby was weak, stood for a long time and was a little suffocated. They gave him only 5 apgar scores. She brought it to me and tilted it so I could kiss it. At that moment my whole life turned upside down... This warm little bundle looked at me with its blue eyes, and I could no longer hold back my tears... I don’t know how I survived that night, only in the morning they brought it to me. My Ilyusha. 3420 grams and 53 cm. Then there was a lot of things, and lack of milk, and reluctance to breastfeed, and cleaning, and jaundice... But we overcame all of it. And there is nothing more important in the world than to feel his little hand in my hand, to see his smile early in the morning, when everyone is still sleeping, to know that he is nearby... I am ready to move mountains for him, I am ready to do anything, if only he is still the same smiled sweetly. And even though there are many problems in my life, with health, in relations with my husband’s parents, with the fact that our family is on the verge of divorce, I am still happy, I have the dearest person in the world. And I am his MOM!!!
By the way, I registered on Beteshka on March 28, 2011. My son was born on March 28, 2013. Thank you beteshka.

You became a mother - this is happiness!
There is no greater gift from fate.
The world was changed by a child overnight,
Cherished dreams came true.

Today I congratulate you both,
Two hearts beat in sonorous unison.
I wish you strength, love and joy,
May your appetite and sleep be sweet.

Let there be happiness and mutual thoughts,
And a strong thread that has connected you for years.
Mother and child are a union and a symbol of life,
Guarded by an angel... May he always live!

Little live lump
Sleeping on mom's chest
Newborn glomerulus
Out of parental love.

Nose, mouth, eyes, lips
Serene and gentle -
Adorable baby is sleeping
And dreams in color.

So today, overnight,
What I planned came true,
You have native happiness
Finally born.

Congratulations, now you are a mommy, and this is the most important status in life, the most important calling. I wish you and your little one great health and complete harmony. Let your child give your heart inspiration, joy and incredible feelings of happiness. Be healthy and may the Lord protect you from all adversity.

I became a mother, dear,
I wish you and your little one
Strength, health and love.

Let the dear child grow
Noisy, strong, mischievous,
He will be nimble, curious,
Mischievous and combative.

Let motherhood give
A new round of life
Let him squeeze his hand tightly
The sweetest fist.

Congratulations to mommy, that's what I've been waiting for -
Your daughter has been born, your dream has come true!
Love, health, happiness to both your daughter and you.
May there always be only joy in your destiny!
Let your little daughter grow up smart and beautiful,
To the delight of mom and dad, it will bloom like a rose!

Congratulations dear,
So you became a mother.
Life immediately became brighter,
And dreams come true.

Strength, patience and good luck,
I would like to wish you.
So that the baby is healthy,
To let you sleep.

I wish you happiness
Maternal warmth.
So that all misfortunes will be overcome,
So that there is always spring in your soul.

Congratulations, dear,
So you became a mother.
A son was born, dear boy,
Your dreams have come true.

I wish you good health
Golden baby
Life - bright and happy
To the fairy-tale strong man.

You are mom! How proud it sounds!
And happiness just flows like a fountain,
And my heart beats with delight
Just the thought that you are a mother!

You gave life now
A wonderful gift, no doubt.
May heaven reward patience
And the child will be healthy!

Congratulations on the newborn
I want you from the bottom of my heart
Sending wishes for health
And good luck baby.

Let it grow to your joy,
Will always be proud
Let it turn out happily
The child has a destiny.

You have become the happiest in the world!
There is no greater joy for a woman.
The whole meaning of our life is children.
This is our air and light.

Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And wish you health and strength.
Remember these days, they are incredibly good,
These moments are divinely beautiful.

Today is the brightest day
An angel was born,
And a new step in life,
Another flower is born.

And there is no more pleasant trouble,
Than raising a child
You're waiting for him to crawl
You wash and iron your undershirts.

Then he will go to kindergarten,
And there is a school and an institute
And time cannot be turned back,
Everyone has their own routes.

Although, all this is ahead,
Now, let me congratulate you,
Good luck, happiness and love,
And put the child on his feet!

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