Chamomile game at a wedding. Chamomile competition for bride price

At the door of the house (if the house is multi-story, at the entrance to the entrance), the groom and his friends are met by friends and guests of the bride.

Hello, guests gentlemen,
Where are you from and where?
If you're passing by, just pass by,
If you come to us, tell us why.

The groom and his friends answer:
For the bride.

For the bride. That's great.
We are waiting for you, our clear falcon.
Yes. We have a bride
It's impossible to take your eyes off.
Young, slim, beautiful,
Whiteface, everyone is amazed.
But in order to win her hand,
You need to work hard.
After these words, the groom and his friends enter the door and see, oddly enough, steps.

There are many tender words in the world,
And the bride deserves them.
You walk up the steps
And call the bride tenderly.

The groom is offered the first test. He must climb the stairs (if the house is multi-story, up to the first floor). At each step of the stairs, the groom affectionately calls his betrothed. The task can be complicated by writing a letter on each step and inviting the groom to affectionately name his bride with this letter. If he cannot come up with anything for a given letter, the witness and the rest of the groom’s friends pay a ransom. After this, the groom moves to the next step, etc.

When the groom overcomes this obstacle, he is offered the following. The bridesmaid holds a chamomile in her hands. On each petal of this chamomile, memorable dates for the future newlyweds are written in advance. This could be the date the bride and groom met, the hour of their first date, the waist size or shoe size of the bride, and even the age of the future mother-in-law.

Here is a field chamomile,
Tear off a petal
Guess the number.

After these words, the groom tears off the chamomile petals one by one and guesses one or another memorable number. If he cannot guess what any number is associated with, then he pays a ransom. As soon as the ransom amount suits the bride's guests, the groom tears off the next petal. The test ends when the chamomile is left without petals.

If the groom has completed this test with dignity, he is passed on. (When the ransom takes place in a multi-story building, the groom is allowed to take the elevator to the bride's floor or must walk if the bride's friends are unhappy with the ransom or the way the groom guessed the memorable numbers).

A bridesmaid stands at the bride's door and holds a large piece of paper in her hands. On this sheet, the bride and her bridesmaids leave imprints of their lips in advance.

You see these lips.
Can you guess it or not?
Where is your beloved's footprint?

The groom is looking for the imprint of his bride's lips. The task can be complicated by writing a certain amount under each print. In this case, the groom or his friends pay the specified ransom for all incorrectly guessed lips. This test may be accompanied by playful reproaches. The competition continues until the groom guesses the lips of his betrothed.

After the task is completed, leading offers the following:
The door is closed on the way,
We need to find the key to the door.
Serenade, song of love,
You do it and pass.

The groom must sing a song. If he refuses, then friends help. If friends also refuse, then a ransom is paid. Its amount should completely satisfy the bride's guests.

When this task is completed or the ransom is paid, the door opens and the groom finds himself in front of the next locked door.

Isn't the groom lame?
Come on, stomp your foot.

The groom stomps.

Don't make people laugh,
Dance a gypsy song for us.

If an accordion player is present at the wedding, he performs the gypsy song. If there is no accordion player, then the tape recording starts. The groom dances a gypsy dance or pays a ransom to the laughter and jokes of the guests.

The beautiful bride loves fun,
Dance not alone, but with everyone!

The groom's friends and he himself perform the gypsy or pay a large ransom.

For my dear bride -
Champagne bottle.
For the beautiful wife -
Chocolate "Alenushka"
For a long dress -
A bottle of wine.
So as not to go to someone else's cutie,
Give me some paper money.

After these words, the groom and his friends pay the ransom, the guests can jokingly shout out: “You don’t pay enough, you see, you want to go to someone else’s cutie,” “Don’t be stingy, give more!” etc.

After the ransom is paid, the groom is offered the next task.

In this bunch is the key to the door,
Can you find him?
If you took the wrong one, pay.

The groom is given a bunch of keys, from which he removes the keys one by one and tries to open the door with one key or another. For every key that does not fit the door, the groom and his friends pay a ransom. The competition ends when the required key is found and the door is open.
The door opens. The groom and his guests see a table blocking the corridor.

What's your bride's name?
Write in money.
Show me how you write it!

The groom is asked to write his bride's full name in money. He lays it out with money on the table. This action is accompanied by jokes like “Write bigger!” etc. After the groom completes the task, the table is cleared.

You paid money generously
But he didn’t talk about love.
So that no one doubts
Confess your love!
Shout loudly without melting,
(name of the bride)! I love you!

The groom screams and the guests judge. There may be exclamations: “Something is quiet!”, “The bride doesn’t hear anything!” etc. The groom shouts a declaration of love until the guests are satisfied.

In front of the door of the room where the bride is, the groom sees a basin.

Here. You see this basin.
Put it in now
Neither kid nor lamb,
Not a skinny pig.
Put it for the bride
What does she need for her soul?

Of course, the groom will not be able to immediately guess what exactly should be put in the basin, and a comical situation will arise. But the test will last until the groom realizes that he himself must stand in the basin.

After the groom has passed this test, he sees several ribbons peeking out from under the door where the bride is. In the room, the bride and her bridesmaids are tied to these ribbons by the finger. And for more fun, you can tie, for example, a neighbor of retirement age to some ribbon. If the groom pulls the ribbon and pulls out this same matryon, it will be a laugh.

Pull one ribbon
And pull out your betrothed.
If you pull out the wrong one,
Pay us money.
Or marry the one
What will you pull behind you?
The competition with laughter and jokes continues until the groom pulls out his bride. When he makes a mistake, the guests loudly ask for ransom or tell the groom that he must marry the one who came out from behind the door.

After the bride is finally guessed, the future newlyweds walk hand in hand to the table, and then it turns out that the bride is missing one shoe.

You are going with your bride,
How will you marry her?
I don't have one shoe,
Find her, hero!

Several shoe boxes are offered to the groom's attention. One of them contains the bride's shoe. For a laugh, you can put torn slippers, galoshes or felt boots in the remaining boxes. For each incorrectly guessed box, the groom pays a ransom. The test lasts until the groom finds his betrothed shoe.

When the groom finally overcomes all obstacles on the path to his happiness, leading speaks:
Passed the test
You've reached the bride!
And that's why now
You take the bride to the registry office!

The future newlyweds go to the table, where they receive congratulations and wishes from the guests.

If you decide to arrange a bride ransom, there is no need to delay it too much; 10-15 minutes is the best option. When thinking through ransom competitions, think about whether your chosen one is able to complete this or that task. We offer a list of competitions from which you can choose those that will appeal to both you and the groom.

Redemption competition "Guess the finger"

The groom must recognize the bride by the finger on which he is going to put the ring. They pull the sheet up and several girls show one finger.

Redemption competition "Wallpaper"

You can paste wallpaper to the entrance to the bride's room. And pretend that there are no more rooms. And when the groom breaks through the wallpaper, take a ransom for the damage caused to the apartment.

Redemption competition "Romashka"

A bridesmaid stands in the way of the groom with a chamomile in her hands. On each petal of this daisy, memorable numbers for the young are written in advance. It can be:
- date the bride and groom met
- the hour of their first date
- year of birth of the future mother-in-law, father-in-law
- bride's waist size
- future wife's shoe size
- number of best friends of the bride
- bride's birthday
- bride's height
- the height of the stiletto heels of her party shoes
- number of expected children in the family
- bride's ring size
- bride’s weight in grams
- favorite song of the future mother-in-law
- the bride's favorite number...

The groom must, by tearing off a petal, guess what this or that memorable number means. For each incorrectly guessed task, the groom pays a ransom. The wedding competition ends only when all the petals are torn off from the daisy.

Redemption competition "Find the shoe"

The groom enters the bride's room - but she is without shoes! You need to guess which box this shoe is in (you can put slippers and a man's shoe in the other boxes).

Redemption competition "Pull the string"

The bride, two or three bridesmaids and the grandmother are locked in a room. When the groom approaches a locked room, he sees several strings (their number depends on the number of people in the room) peeking out from under the closed door of the room. The other end of these strings is tied to the fingers of the people in the room. When the groom pulls a thread, the one to which the given thread was tied approaches him. The host of the wedding competition says: “Take her as your wife or pay tribute.” The competition continues until the groom guesses his bride or makes a new decision: to marry the bridesmaid.

Redemption competition "Staircase"

An obstacle appears in front of the groom - a staircase. Place a pre-cut paper footprint on the steps. For greater difficulty they can be very small and spaced far apart. The groom, climbing the stairs, must step exactly on the footprint. If this does not work out, the groom and his friends pay a ransom. The task can be complicated by gluing footprints on the walls (the witness must help the groom step on the footprints by lifting him in his arms).

Buyout competition "Household chores"

There are signs with abbreviations on the stairs indicating housekeeping tasks. The groom must guess what they mean. Here are the options:

MP - wash dishes
SB - wash clothes
PC - vacuum cleaning the apartment
MO - wash windows
PP - wipe dust
X to M - go to the store
VD - raise children
ZD - make money
Salary - make the bed
DR - make repairs
GB - ironing clothes

Competition for ransom "Thread"

There is a thread stretched across the entrance door, you can’t gnaw it, you can’t crawl over it, you can’t touch it, but the groom must pass through. What to do? The thread needs to be cut. This ransom competition is best done at the end. And at the beginning of the ransom, let the peddler friend offer to buy all sorts of little things, including matches. If he doesn’t think of buying it, he’ll pay exorbitant prices later.

Competition for ransom "Tears"

To make fewer tears flow in a marriage, you need to shed them now. There is a glass in front of the groom with a little water in it. You need to make sure that the water overflows over the edge, but you cannot touch the glass. The groom puts as many coins as possible into the glass.

Competition for ransom "Guess the melody"

The bride comes up with a song in advance that she would like to hear performed by the groom. The girlfriends are asked to guess the melody, as is done in the program of the same name by Valdis Pelsh. There is a fee for each note. More notes, more pay. Girlfriends hum notes. If the groom couldn’t guess, then let him buy more sheet music, but at double the price, because he was stingy at the beginning.

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Competition for the redemption of CAMOMILE

The host or bridesmaid stands in the way of the groom with a chamomile in his hands. On each petal of this chamomile, memorable numbers for the young are written in advance. It can be:
- date the bride and groom met;
- the hour of their first date;
- year of birth of the future mother-in-law, father-in-law;
- waist size of the bride;
- future wife's shoe size;
- number of best friends of the bride;
- bride's birthday;
- height of the bride;
- the height of the stiletto heels of her party shoes;
- the number of expected children in the family;
- bride's ring size;
- bride’s weight in grams;
- favorite song of the future mother-in-law;
- the bride’s favorite number;
- the number of guests invited to the wedding;
- age of the witness and witness;
- the amount of money that the future wife would like to have every day for small expenses. That is, tasks can be very diverse and unexpected. The groom must, by tearing off a petal, guess what this or that memorable number means. For each incorrectly guessed task, the groom pays a ransom. The competition ends only when all the petals are torn off from the chamomile.

The origins of this bride price test go back a long way. Previously, the groom's path to his betrothed's house was blocked by a log placed on special trestles, which he had to cut down. Now the “heroic power” of a young man can be experienced in various ways.

For example:
- ask him to hammer the nail with one blow;
- lift dumbbells or weights several times;
- do push-ups from the floor;
- pick up a witness;
- break a thin thread or rope;
- jump on one leg;
- squat several times on one leg;
- tell what sports he played;
- ask for a promise to carry your wife in your arms for the rest of your life;
- pick up your mother-in-law.

During this test, jokes pour in: “Look, the groom took a hammer in his hands for the first time,” “Oh, it’s hard for him, it’s hard,” “Well done to the groom!”, Wow, what a strong man, he hammered a nail with one blow!” , “He will be a good husband!” If the groom refuses to complete any task or simply fails to complete it, his friends help him. And if they refuse or fail to complete the task, then the ransom amount is set by the bride’s guests.

Bride price SPONGE competition

To conduct this competition, take a large sheet of paper on which all the bridesmaids and the bride herself leave imprints of their lips. The groom must find the desired imprint of lips - the lips of his bride. The competition ends when he correctly guesses his bride's lips.

You can complicate this test somewhat, for example, force not only girls, but also men to put on lipstick and kiss a piece of paper. In this case, an incorrectly guessed fingerprint will not only serve as a reason to demand money from the groom, but will also amuse people - the groom chose not his betrothed as his bride, but a neighbor or grandfather.

If all the men refused to wear lipstick, then you can try to persuade the women to put on lipstick of the same color, so that the groom, looking at their faces, will not guess who has which lip prints. There is no point in making his fate easier, let him suffer.

Wedding competition STEP ON ME

An obstacle appears in front of the groom - a staircase. On each of its steps (if the house is multi-story, you can do it one, two, three steps) place a pre-cut paper trail. For greater difficulty it can be very small. The groom, climbing the stairs, must step exactly on the footprint. If this does not work out, the groom and his friends pay a ransom.

The task can be complicated. For example, having stepped on each footprint, the groom must somehow affectionately call his betrothed, which again is not so easy. The test ends when the ladder is completely climbed.


On the way of the groom, the host or bridesmaid stands in front of the door with an empty glass in his hands. When the groom, having overcome all obstacles, approaches, he is approached with the following task:

Put something that rustles into this glass
When he fulfills this desire and puts as much money into the glass as suits the guests, the host says the following task:
Now put what rings in this glass.
When the groom completes this task, he is given the following:
Put whatever spills out into this glass.
The groom must fill it with wine.
If the groom does not fulfill any wish, then the previous one is offered to him again. For example, the presenter says:
Put what is spilling out into this glass
The groom answers: And the host says:
Then put what rustles into the glass again


After the groom finds the key and opens the door, he is faced with another test. In the opening of an open door, he encounters a wall of inflatable balloons. The groom can overcome this obstacle in two ways: he must either puncture all the balloons with the help of his friends, or pay a ransom, which will arrange for the guests to remove the barrier of balloons in the groom’s path.

Ransom quest FIND THE KEY

Several inflated balloons are tied in front of the door to the bride's house. Inside each ball there is a piece of paper with an inscription. On one of the pieces of paper write “key”, and on the rest - some kind of ransom. Overcoming this obstacle, the groom must burst the balloon. If there is a ransom note in the ball, then he pays. The test continues until the groom finds a ball with a piece of paper on which "key" is written.

Competition CATCH A FISH

The bride, two or three bridesmaids and the grandmother are locked in a room. When the groom approaches a locked room, he sees several strings (their number depends on the number of people in the room) peeking out from under the closed door of the room. The other end of these strings is tied to the fingers of the people in the room. When the groom pulls a thread, the one to which the given thread was tied approaches him. The host of the competition says: “Take her as your wife or pay tribute.” The competition continues until the groom guesses his bride or makes a new decision: to marry the bridesmaid


Having overcome previous obstacles, the groom finally approaches his cherished goal - he sees his bride, but she is sitting at a wide table, to which the guests and girlfriends of his betrothed do not allow him. Children should be seated on each side of the bride. After the presenter says:

To approach your betrothed, you must overcome the last obstacle, i.e. put money on each corner of the table and in its middle,
– children should knock loudly on the table with their hands or rolling pins, sweeping money already placed under the table and repeating
Few!!! Few!!! Put more!!!

Redemption competition FIND A SHOE

When the groom overcomes all obstacles and finally finds the bride, it turns out that she does not have a shoe. He is asked to find her. Several boxes of shoes are placed somewhere in a secluded place. The groom must guess the one that contains the bride's shoe. For each incorrectly guessed box of shoes, the groom pays a ransom. The test ends when the groom finds his betrothed's shoe and elegantly puts it on his beloved's foot.

Dear brides and bridesmaids!
There is a great way to replace the bride's cash ransom with the groom's promises.
It will be much more interesting and fun, in addition, the bride has a great chance to pamper herself with little whims after the wedding!

Examples of pictures from the archive (reduced):

White chamomile

The groom or bridesmaid stands in the way with a chamomile in her hands. On each petal of this chamomile, memorable numbers for the young are written in advance. It can be:

  • date the bride and groom met;
  • the hour of their first date;
  • year of birth of the future mother-in-law, father-in-law;
  • bride's waist size;
  • future wife's shoe size;
  • bride's birthday;
  • bride's height;
  • the height of the stiletto heels of her party shoes;
  • the number of expected children in the family;
  • bride's ring size;
  • bride's weight in grams;
  • favorite song of the future mother-in-law;
  • bride's favorite number;
  • number of guests invited to the wedding;
  • age of the witness and witness;
  • the amount of money that the future wife would like to have every day for small expenses.

That is, tasks can be very diverse and unexpected. The groom must, by tearing off a petal, guess what this or that memorable number means. For each incorrectly guessed task, the groom pays a ransom. The competition ends only when all the petals are torn off from the chamomile.

Heroic power

The origins of this bride price test go back a long way. Previously, the groom's path to his betrothed's house was blocked by a log placed on special trestles, which he had to cut down.
Now the ‘heroic power’ of a young man can be experienced in various ways.
For example:
- ask him to hammer the nail with one blow;
– lift dumbbells or weights several times;
– do push-ups from the floor;
– pick up a witness;
– break a thin thread or rope;
– jump on one leg;
– squat several times on one leg;
- tell what kind of sports he did;
- ask for a promise to carry your wife in your arms for the rest of your life;
- pick up your mother-in-law.
During this test, jokes pour in: “Look, the groom took a hammer in his hands for the first time,” “Oh, it’s hard for him, it’s hard,” “Well done to the groom!”, Wow, what a strong man, he hammered a nail with one blow!” , “He will be a good husband!”

If the groom refuses to complete any task or simply cannot cope with it, his friends help him. And if they refuse or fail to complete the task, then a ransom is charged, the ransom amount is set by the bride’s guests.

Air barrier

After the groom finds the key and opens the door, he is faced with another test. In the opening of an open door, he encounters a wall of inflatable balloons. The groom can overcome this obstacle in two ways: he must either puncture all the balloons with the help of his friends, or pay a ransom, which will arrange for the guests to remove the barrier of balloons in the groom’s path.


To conduct this competition, take a large sheet of paper on which all the bridesmaids and the bride herself leave imprints of their lips. The groom must find the desired imprint of lips - the lips of his bride. Under each fingerprint you can write a certain price that the groom pays for each incorrectly guessed lip. The competition ends when he correctly guesses his bride's lips.

You can complicate this test somewhat, for example, force not only girls, but also men to put on lipstick and kiss a piece of paper. In this case, an incorrectly guessed fingerprint will not only serve as a reason to demand money from the groom, but will also amuse people - the groom chose not his betrothed as his bride, but a neighbor or grandfather.

If all the men refused to wear lipstick, then you can try to persuade the women to put on lipstick of the same color, so that the groom, looking at their faces, will not guess who has which lip prints. There is no point in making his fate easier, let him suffer.


On the way of the groom, the host or bridesmaid stands in front of the door with an empty glass in his hands. When the groom, having overcome all obstacles, approaches, he is approached with the following task: “Put what rustles in this glass.”

When he fulfills this desire and puts as much money into the glass as suits the guests, the host says the following task: “Now put what rings in this glass.”

When the groom completes this task, he is given the following: “Put what is spilling out into this glass.” The groom must fill it with wine.

If the groom does not fulfill any wish, then the previous one is offered to him again. For example, the presenter says: “Put what is spilling out into this glass.” The groom replies: “I don’t have it.” And the presenter says: “Then put what rustles into the glass again.”

Caught a fish

The bride, two or three bridesmaids and the grandmother are locked in a room. When the groom approaches a locked room, he sees several strings (their number depends on the number of people in the room) peeking out from under the closed door of the room. The other end of these strings is tied to the fingers of the people in the room. When the groom pulls a thread, the one to which the given thread was tied approaches him. The host of the competition says: “Take her as your wife or pay tribute.” The competition continues until the groom guesses his bride or makes a new decision: to marry the bridesmaid.

Few! Few!

Having overcome previous obstacles, the groom finally approaches his cherished goal - he sees his bride, but she is sitting at a wide table, to which the guests and girlfriends of his betrothed do not allow him. Children should be seated on each side of the bride. After the host says: “To approach your bride, you must overcome the last obstacle, i.e. put money on each corner of the table and in its middle,” children should loudly knock on the table with their hands or rolling pins, sweeping the money already placed under the table and repeating “Not enough!!! Few!!! Put more!!!”

The competition continues until everyone is satisfied with the bills lying at the edges of the table and in its center. After this, the table is cleared and the groom goes to his bride.

Find the key

Several inflated balloons are tied in front of the door to the bride's house. Inside each ball there is a piece of paper with an inscription. On one of the pieces of paper write “key”, and on the rest - some kind of ransom. Overcoming this obstacle, the groom must burst the balloon. If there is a ransom note in the ball, then he pays. The test continues until the groom finds a ball with a piece of paper on which “key” is written.

Find the shoe

When the groom overcomes all obstacles and finally finds the bride, it turns out that she does not have a shoe. He is asked to find her. Several boxes of shoes are placed somewhere in a secluded place. The groom must guess the one in which it is located. For each incorrectly guessed box of shoes, the groom pays a ransom. The test ends when the groom finds his betrothed's shoe and elegantly puts it on his beloved's foot.

Step on me

An obstacle appears in front of the groom - a staircase. On each of its steps (if the house is multi-story, you can do it one, two, three steps) place a pre-cut paper trail. For greater difficulty it can be very small. The groom, climbing the stairs, must step exactly on the footprint. If this does not work out, the groom and his friends pay a ransom.

The task can be complicated. For example, having stepped on each footprint, the groom must somehow affectionately call his betrothed, which again is not so easy. The test ends when the ladder is completely climbed.

Guess it

An obstacle appears on the groom's path - a staircase. Each step of the ladder carries a test for the groom. He will be able to move from one step to another only when he answers the question asked. The questions asked can be very diverse and unexpected. This is not a complete list of such questions. What else to ask the poor confused groom :), your imagination and sense of humor will tell you.
Name the day you met your fiancée?
Where did such a significant event take place?
Do you remember the hour of your first date?
What shoe size does your fiancé wear?
What is her waist size?
Give the full name of your future mother-in-law.
On what day will you wish your future mother-in-law a happy birthday?
Name your bride's favorite flowers.
Which men does your fiancé like most: handsome, smart, strong or generous?
What does your father-in-law drink more readily – tea or vodka?
What color are your bride's eyes?
Name your beloved's favorite color.
Name your favorite season of the year.
What would your bride prefer: a candlelit dinner, a trip to a disco or conjuring a new culinary recipe?
Where does she prefer to relax: at sea, in the mountains, in the forest?
Name your bride's favorite perfume.
What cuisine does your future wife prefer: Chinese, European or Russian?
What does your beloved prefer in the morning: a newspaper or coffee in bed?
What will come first for your wife: family or work?
How many children does your fiancee want to have?
What does she like most: reading, sewing, cooking or something else?
What dish would your bride never eat?
What item would she never wear?
What animal does your future wife associate you with?
Do you dream about your fiancee?
Does your lover believe in the horoscope?
What was your fiancée's favorite subject in school?
What was your fiancee's affectionate nickname as a child?
Name the first word your future wife said.
Do you remember the words you used to declare your love to your fiancée?
What does your wife think: who will be the boss of the house?
What does she like more: ice cream or cakes?
What do you think - if such an opportunity presents itself, will your wife go on vacation to a resort without you or not?
What animal would your future spouse want to have at home?
What dream did she have as a child?
What does your bride love to do more than anything else?
Does she like to play sports?
In what century would she like to be born?
On which cheek does your beloved have a mole?
What surname will your wife have after marriage?
How many non-girlfriends do you have?
Does she like to talk on the phone?
How does she react to compliments from a stranger?
How much time does your future wife spend in front of the mirror?
What is her favorite car brand?
Does she like to dance?
What brand of wine does your bride prefer?
If your fiancée caught a goldfish and it promised to grant any wish, what wish would she make?
What was your future wife's favorite book?
Who is her favorite movie character?
Does your bride agree with the statement that there is heaven in the hut with a sweetheart?
What does your chosen one like more: giving gifts or receiving them?
What qualities does your chosen one hate in men?
What does your bride prefer on a day off: sit in front of the TV, go to the theater or go to nature?
What is your non-life motto?
What kind of music does your loved one listen to most?
Describe your future wife in three words.
Who is her favorite writer?
If the groom does not know the correct answer to a question or answers not entirely accurately, then he pays a ransom. The test ends only when the groom is successful, i.e. Having answered questions or paid a ransom that will satisfy the bride's guests, he will overcome the last step of the stairs.

open the door

Take a large jar, place the keys at the bottom and fill it with compote (or other opaque drink, but it should not be jelly, as the groom will simply choke on it in a hurry).

The groom, with the help of a witness and other guests, must drink the entire contents of the jar. If the groom does not finish his drink for any reason, he pays as much as the bride’s friends or relatives tell him. After which the groom is given a key, with which he opens the closed door to the bride’s room.

You can complicate this task, for example, fill not one jar with compote, but two or tory mugs of different sizes. Invite the groom to choose one of the bottoms and drink. If there is no key at the bottom, then he has to decide whether he can handle two more mugs (or one) or whether he will have to turn to his friends for help. You can, of course, pay a ransom, but usually guests insist that the key be found in a practical way.

Important note: before throwing your keys into the compote, do not forget to wash them thoroughly. And be sure to give the groom the opportunity (after he buys the bride, but before the happy couple leaves) to go to the toilet, otherwise the wedding ceremony will seem unbearable to him (after a liter of compote, this is no wonder!).

Call me, darling

A leaflet in the form of an announcement is attached to the door leading to the bride's room. In the center of the ad is a colorful inscription: “Call me, beloved!” Below this advertisement is cut into strips. Tearing off each strip, the groom must somehow call his bride. The competition can be complicated: for example, write a letter on each strip and ask the groom to call the bride with any epithet for this letter, or do not allow the groom to think for more than 5 seconds.
If he cannot call his betrothed with an epithet for this letter or thinks for more than 5 seconds, then a ransom is paid. The test continues until the bride responds.

Power of love

For this test, the groom will need a wet towel prepared in advance. The host or one of the bride's guests hands this towel to the groom and says: “Tie the towel as tightly as you will love your future wife.” Of course, the groom will tighten the towel with all his might. At this time, the guests support the groom so that he ties the towel as tightly as possible.
After this, the host, to the approving exclamations of the guests, says: “Now untie the towel as quickly as you can quickly air out your quarrels from the house.” The groom will try to quickly untie the towel he tied, and the situation turns out to be comical.

Bargaining with brother

The bride's brother stands in the way of the groom and a conversation ensues that goes something like this:
- Why are you standing here?
- I'm taking care of my sister.
- She is not yours, but ours.
- How can you prove it?
It is very interesting to hear how the groom will justify his statement. He can explain that he is going to marry her, that he loves her, and so on, but the brother should not immediately give up and agree with the groom. Instead, he can ask the guests for their opinion:
Well, is it convincing?
Most often, guests shout that this is not enough, let him try to explain again. It’s good if the groom guesses to say that the bride belongs to him because they love each other (that is, not only he her, but she also him!). Then the brother gives up and says:
Well, if she's yours, then pay me the ransom.
The bride's brother does not leave until the groom or his friends pay the ransom.

1. Test No. 1
There is a thread stretched across the entrance door, you can’t gnaw it, you can’t crawl over it, you can’t touch it, but the groom must pass through. What to do? The thread needs to be cut.

2. Test No. 2
To make fewer tears flow in a marriage, you need to shed them now. In front of the groom stands a bucket with some water left in it. You need to make sure that the water overflows over the edge, but you cannot touch the bucket. The groom puts as many different items as possible into the bucket.

3. Test No. 3
The groom and his witness are met by the bridesmaids. In their hands they hold a tray with three glasses. The groom needs to fill them so that they ring, rustle, and hiss. The witness puts coins into one glass, bills into another, and champagne into the third. If the groom does not fulfill any wish, then the previous one is offered to him again. For example, the presenter says: “Put what is spilling out into this glass.” The groom replies: “I don’t have it.” And the presenter says: “Then put what rustles into the glass again.”

4. Test No. 4
An obstacle appears in the groom's path in the form of a staircase. There is a groom on every step. answers the bridesmaids' question.
– Name the day you met your fiancée?
– Where did such a significant event take place?
– What shoe size does your fiancée wear?
– What is her waist size?
– Tell me the full name of your future mother-in-law.
– On what day will you wish your future mother-in-law a happy birthday?
– Name your bride’s favorites.
– What color are your bride’s eyes?
– Name your beloved’s favorite color.
– Name your favorite time of year.
– What would your bride prefer: a candlelit dinner, going to a disco or conjuring a new culinary recipe?
– Where does she prefer to relax: at sea, in the mountains, in the forest?
– Name your bride’s favorite perfume.
– What cuisine does your future wife prefer: Chinese, European or Russian?
– What will come first for your wife: family or work?
– How many children does your fiancee want to have?
– What animal does your future wife associate you with?
– Does your beloved believe in the horoscope?
– What was your fiancee’s favorite subject at school?
– What affectionate nickname did your bride have as a child?
– Do you remember the words with which you declared your love to your fiancée?
– What does your wife think: who will be the boss of the house?
– What does she like more: ice cream or cakes?
– What do you think - if such an opportunity presents itself, will your wife go on vacation to the resort without you or not?
– What animal does your future wife want to have at home?
– Does she like to play sports?
- How many non-girlfriends do you have?
– Does she like to talk on the phone?
– How does she react to the compliments of an unfamiliar man?
– How much time does your future wife spend in front of the mirror?
– What is her favorite car brand?
– Does she like to dance?
– What brand of wine does your bride prefer?
– Does your bride agree with the statement that with a sweetheart there is heaven in the hut?
– What does your chosen one like more: giving or receiving them?
– What qualities does your chosen one not tolerate in men?
– What does your bride prefer on a day off: sit in front of the TV, go to the theater or go to nature?
– What kind of music does your beloved listen to most readily?
– Describe your future wife in three words.
If the groom does not know the correct answer to a question or answers not entirely accurately, then he pays a ransom. The test ends only when the groom, having answered questions or paid a ransom that will satisfy the bride's guests, overcomes the last step of the stairs.

5. Test No. 5
A leaflet in the form of an announcement is attached to the door leading to the bride's room. In the center of the ad is a colorful inscription: “Call me, beloved!” Below this advertisement is cut into strips. Tearing off each strip, the groom must somehow call his bride. Or another option: on each strip, write the letter with which the epithet will begin. If he cannot call his betrothed with an epithet for this letter, then a ransom is paid. The test continues until the bride responds.

6. Test No. 6
Several inflated balloons are tied in front of the door to the bride's house. Inside each ball there is a piece of paper with an inscription. On one of the pieces of paper write “key”, and on the rest - some kind of ransom. The groom must burst the balloon and if inside the balloon there is a piece of paper with the inscription of the ransom, then he must pay it, and continue to burst the balloons further, but if he finds a piece of paper with the inscription “key”, then the competition ends.

7. Test No. 7
A wet towel is required for this test. The bride's friends offer this towel to the groom and say: “Tie the towel as tightly as you love your future wife.” Then the witness says: “Now untie the towel as quickly as you can air your quarrels out of the house.”

8. Test No. 8
The bride, two or three bridesmaids and the grandmother are locked in a room. A thread is tied to each one (to a finger), which will stick out from under the door. When the groom approaches the locked room, the witness invites him to choose any string and pull it. The person who this thread was tied to leaves the room. The witness says: “Take her as your wife or pay tribute.” The competition continues until the groom guesses his bride.

9. Test No. 9
On the threshold of the room where the bride is sitting, her brother appears before the groom. The groom needs to pay him off. He offers him money, drinks, candy, etc. If the brother is not satisfied with the amount that was offered to him for his sister, he says: “Not enough!!! Few!!! Put more!!!” The competition continues until he is satisfied.

10. Test No. 10
When the groom overcomes all obstacles and finally finds the bride, it turns out that she does not have a shoe. He is asked to find her. In front of him will be 3 boxes, one of which will contain the treasured shoe. For each incorrectly guessed box of shoes, the groom pays a ransom. The test ends when the groom finds his betrothed's shoe and elegantly puts it on his beloved's foot.

11. Test No. 11
The bridesmaids offer the groom an apple studded with many matches. All matches must be whole, and one must be half. One of the bridesmaids should hold the apple so that the broken match is as far away from the groom as possible. The groom will not have to take out the matches one at a time, while calling his beloved with an affectionate word. These can be a variety of epithets, such as: my beloved, the most beautiful, very kind, gentle, or affectionate nicknames such as kitten, my sunshine, etc. The competition continues until he finds the broken one.

12. Test No. 12
Any letter is drawn on the steps. The groom, overcoming this obstacle, steps on the step with the letter. At the same time, he must give his bride some definition that begins with this letter. If the groom cannot come up with anything for a given letter, then in order to move on, the groom must pay a ransom.

13. Test No. 13
The bridesmaids and the bride herself leave imprints of their lips on the mirror. The groom must find the desired imprint of lips - the lips of his bride.

14. Test No. 14
A bridesmaid stands in the way of the groom with a chamomile in her hands. On each petal of this chamomile, memorable numbers for the young are written in advance.
– date of acquaintance of the bride and groom;
– the hour of their first date;
– year of birth of the future mother-in-law, father-in-law;
– bride’s waist size;
– future wife’s shoe size;
– the number of the bride’s best friends;
– bride’s birthday;
– height of the bride;
– the number of expected children in the family;
– bride’s ring size;
– the bride’s favorite number;
– the number of guests invited to the wedding.
The groom must, by tearing off a petal, guess what this or that memorable number means. For every incorrectly guessed task, he pays a ransom.

15. Test No. 15
A basin is placed in front of the groom. The witness asks him: “Put here the most valuable gift for your bride.” The competition continues until the groom realizes that the most valuable gift is himself, and puts his feet in the basin.

16. Test No. 16
Take a large jar, place keys at the bottom and fill it with an opaque drink. The groom, with the help of a witness and other guests, must drink the entire contents of the jar. If the groom does not finish his drink for any reason, he pays as much as the bride’s friends or relatives tell him. At the end of the competition, the groom takes out the key to the door leading to the bride's room.

17. Test No. 17
Photos of babies hang on the door of the bride's apartment. The groom must find his bride among them. Each attempt pays a ransom.

18. Test No. 18
There are many balls attached to the wall, each of which contains a piece of paper with the inscription of the reason why the groom is getting married.
- mom orders;
- friends advise;
- I’ll get married because I’ll get married;
– because of money, etc.
The groom's task is to burst the balloon and read the reason. He pays in hard cash for every attempt. The competition ends as soon as he finds a piece of paper with the inscription “I’m getting married because I love him.”

19. Test No. 19
In front of the groom are three multi-colored footprints, color up. He chooses and on the back reads why he “really” wants to marry: for love, for convenience, for need. If the groom makes the wrong choice, then he has to pay a ransom and try again.

20. Test No. 20
Footprints are attached to the entrance (and they can even be located on walls and railings). The groom needs to follow the tracks with the help of a witness and friends.

21. Test No. 21
An apple weighs in front of the groom, which he must eat without using his hands.

22. Test No. 22
10 ribbons are stretched in the doorway. The witness must name ten positive qualities of the groom; when naming each quality, one ribbon is cut.

23. Test No. 23
The witness is standing on the threshold of the house with a tray. The groom must put the name of the bride on it in money.

24. Test No. 24
There is a sheet of white paper hanging on the wall. The groom must draw a portrait of the bride on it.

25. Test No. 25
The groom is offered cards face down. The cards are specially made: all have different funny faces drawn on them (you can find many interesting ones on the Internet and print them out), and a photo of the bride is glued to one. The groom draws a card. If he pulled out a portrait of the bride, then hurray, if he pulled out something else, he pays a fine.

26. Test No. 26
Along the flight of stairs leading to the bride's apartment, there are footprints glued to the steps. The groom must step on each footprint and at the same time say what household chore he will do. If the groom does not step on any trace, he pays a fine; if he does, but cannot name the matter, he also pays a fine.
Several traces can be glued to the walls and railings. It will look funny when the groom tries to step on them.

27. Test No. 27
A Whatman paper with a picture of a castle is taped to the entrance wall, windows open at the castle, and a little man is drawn in each window. He finds a picture of a girl with a veil - you guessed it, for every mistake there is a “fine”.

28. Test No. 28
The key to the door of the bride's apartment is frozen in an ice cube, the groom must warm it with the “warmth of his heart,” that is, melt the ice with his hands. Witnesses and guests can help him so that he doesn’t freeze at all.

Wedding competitions for the bride and groom are comic tests for young people in preparation for family life. Tasks are carried out in the form of fun games. Newlyweds must show their skills, which will be useful in everyday life, establish leadership in the family, demonstrate caring attitude and love for each other.

Wedding competitions can be romantic, extravagant, funny and lyrical. Let's look at examples of interesting competitions for weddings.

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Testing the skills of the bride and groom

The purpose of this group of competitions is to find out the skills of the bride and groom. Very often, thanks to various tasks, you can find out a lot of new things about the bride and groom.

The newlywed demonstrates her skills in sewing, knitting, cooking, and caring for her husband and children.

The young spouse shows the ability to perform purely male duties around the house: repairing, making something, chopping wood, lighting the fireplace, etc. You can also find out whether the future dad will be able to swaddle the baby, get the child ready for school, kindergarten or for a walk, braid his daughter’s hair or tie a bow, etc.

The newlyweds can demonstrate the coherence and compatibility of the couple in such tasks as: lighting a family hearth together, putting out the first quarrel (a candle, a torch that is set on fire at the right moment and with the right words). In addition, the newlyweds will have to be resourceful in order to pay it off faster.

Distribution of responsibilities in the family

With the help of the following selection of games, newlyweds will be able to distribute their responsibilities in family life.

Family responsibilities. Option 1.

The host brings pieces of paper with responsibilities written on them that may fall to the bride or groom. Each piece of paper is folded so that what is written is not visible to anyone, and placed on a tray.

The young people must take turns taking pieces of paper and reading out what fate is in store for them. Moreover, each duty is accompanied by the words: “I will...” - and what is written will become a continuation of the phrase.

Responsibilities may include:

  • wash the dishes,
  • taking out the trash,
  • Earn Money,
  • lying on the sofa,
  • mend clothes,
  • go on picnics
  • wash diapers,
  • chat on the phone
  • go to restaurants and cafes,
  • prepare delicious dishes,
  • go to the beach,
  • wash,
  • iron,
  • give birth to children,
  • To do nothing,
  • babysit children
  • watch TV,
  • vacuum,
  • watch "M-TV"
  • raise children
  • do shopping,
  • to drink beer,
  • teach a child to read,
  • wipe off the dust
  • knit socks,
  • do makeovers.

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Download Cards "Responsibilities of the Bride and Groom"

Wedding game - Chamomile, duties of husband and wife (19 RUR)

Family responsibilities. Option 2.

Various things are hung on a rope to symbolize different responsibilities.

For example:

  • frying pan - who will have to cook food;
  • empty beer bottle - who should drink beer;
  • iron - who will do the ironing;
  • a pack of washing powder - who will do the laundry;
  • children's book - who will raise the children;
  • wallet - who will become the money earner;
  • skewer - who will go to the barbecue;
  • spool of thread - who will mend clothes and darn socks, etc.
The bride and groom are blindfolded, after which the presenter explains that each of them will need to remove six items. After this is done, the bride and groom are untied.

The presenter, taking each of the removed objects in his hands in turn, explains their meaning, starting with the words: “The husband will…”, “The wife will…”.

Family responsibilities. Option 3.

The toastmaster says to the bride and groom:
Dear newlyweds! In life you will have to perform many household responsibilities, and let fate now distribute them among you. Magic balls will help us in this competition.
10 balls and 2 pins are brought out.

The bride and groom take turns choosing and popping balloons, and reading out the responsibilities that fall to them.

Before reading the text of the card, it is advisable for the bride and groom to say the following:

To the groom:

My only one! For the sake of your smile I am ready...
To the bride:
My dear! I love you so much that I agree...
Phrases for cards:
  • Making money - I can do that.
  • Cook cabbage soup, or maybe borscht - I’m not averse to doing this.
  • Playing sports in the morning - This suits me, brothers.
  • My job is to relax, lying on the ottoman to read.
  • Play in the casino until nightfall - I love this job very much.
  • I will go shopping, so be it.
  • I will wash, and do laundry, and clean the apartment.
  • Mushrooms, fishing and hunting - this, friends, is my job.
  • I will bake pies only on holidays.
  • There is no more beautiful job - making compotes for the winter.
  • I will take the children to the circus, to the cinema, to the theater, to the museum.
  • I say in front of everyone, friends, I will tinker with the children.
  • Digging a garden at the dacha I will, but how else?
  • I'll serve you coffee in the morning in your bed.
  • Pouring yourself in a bath afterwards - This is a wonderful job.
  • I will eat the harvest in the garden, everything is fine here.
  • I'm not too lazy to make my bed in the morning, even every day.
  • Throwing trash out of the house - I am familiar with this matter.
  • Giving gifts and flowers You will be in our house.
  • I can fix the bell or the door, believe me.
  • I can nail a shelf to the wall. I can do that quite well.
  • I’ll go on vacation at the seaside, no need to argue.
  • Dressing only according to fashion - I think I can do that.
  • Repairing the car in the garage - I will, of course.
  • Travel the world - I will, how sweet it is.
  • Renovating an apartment - I will be amazingly different.
At the end the presenter says:
Family responsibilities are divided, but I am sure that you will help each other in difficult family work.


  • 1. Dolls (Ken and Barbie) - 2 pairs.
The bride and groom stand with their backs to each other, each holding a pair of dolls that symbolize the bride and groom. The presenter names different family responsibilities. The newlyweds raise those dolls that should do this.

The competition is very interesting not only for the guests, but, first of all, for the bride and groom.

Examples of family responsibilities:

  • I will ask my parents for money.
  • I will earn money.
  • I will spend money.
  • I will be involved in raising our children.
  • I will give birth to children.
  • I'll drink beer with my friends.
  • I'll serve coffee in bed in the morning.
  • I will go to the dressmaker.
  • I'll take out the trash.
  • I will cook and eat.
  • I will lie on the couch and watch TV.
  • I will clean the apartment.
  • I'll return the bottles.
  • I will wash the baby's diapers.
  • I will go to football.
  • I will go to the theater.
  • I will walk with the child.
  • I'll wash the dishes.
  • I will drive the car your parents give you as a gift.
  • I will be repairing our car.
  • I will go fishing.
  • I will go to the resorts.
  • I'll play on the computer.
  • I'll wash my socks.
  • I will embroider and knit in the evenings.
  • I will carry my wife in my arms.

Wedding competition: Get to know me, darling

Bride's Leg

  • 1. Scarf for eyes.
  • 2. Stockings.
The ladies, including the bride, sit on the chairs, 4-5 people. They show the groom that his wife is sitting among them. The groom is blindfolded. At this moment, all the women change seats, and among them (for color) 1-2 men sit down. At this time, the bride is replaced by another girl. Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and lets the groom in with a bandage. He is squatting, touching everyone's bare leg with his hands in turn, and must recognize his wife. Men can wear stockings to hide hairiness. There are many options.

Bride's hand

Several women come out, preferably of different ages, from girls to grandmothers. They remove all the jewelry from the hand. The groom must guess his betrothed while blindfolded.

Kiss the Bride

Recognize the bride by a kiss (the groom is seated on a chair, three girls are called, he is blindfolded; only the bride always kisses).

Wedding competition: Guess me, my love!

Groom's ear

The bride is blindfolded. You need to recognize the groom by his earlobe or nose (five men).

Find out by voice

  • 1. Balloon filled with helium.
Take a balloon filled with helium. First, the bride is blindfolded or turns away. Then several men should come out and take turns saying “I love you” to the bride, changing their voice with a balloon. Among these men is her husband. The bride must guess the voice of her lover.

Wedding competition: Choosing the head of the family

  • The newlyweds must break the bagel. Whose half is larger is the head of the family.
  • The two of you break a loaf of bread. Whose half is greater is the head of the family.
  • There is a coin hidden in a loaf of bread, whoever finds it first is the master of the house.
  • Two glasses, one filled with vodka, the other with water. Whoever chooses a glass of vodka will be the head.
  • A strip of paper with a penny stuck in the middle. The newlyweds take the strip by the edges and, at the command of the host, tear it. Whoever has a coin left on the piece of paper will earn money for the family.

Wedding fortune telling for a boy-girl


  • 1. Cabbage.
  • 2. Coin.
There is a coin hidden in the cabbage. Who will find her first? If the groom is a boy, if the bride is a girl.


  • 1.Children's toys.
  • 2. Scarf for eyes.
Children's toys are laid out on a tray - those that belong to girls - a doll, knitting needles, some kind of decoration, and those that belong to boys - cars, pistols, etc. The groom is blindfolded and asked to take a toy at random from the tray. On this subject they wonder who will be first.

You can let the bride take part in fortune telling. Then the newlyweds, blindfolded, take turns sorting out the toys and, based on the last toy, determine who will be the first to be born in the young family.


A delicious compliment

The host asks the bride the names of the dishes that she will prepare for her beloved for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

For each dish, the groom must say an affectionate word to his wife, beginning with the same letter as the dish:

Potatoes are my beauty, cutlets are my kitten, salad is my sexy...

Wedding game - Compliment (RUB 19)

Affectionate hedgehog

  • 1.Apple.
  • 2.Toothpicks.
Stick more matches into a big beautiful apple. The newlyweds should take turns pulling out these matches and saying sweet words. Whoever has the most matches wins.

I am always with you

  • 1. Sheets of paper with inscriptions.
This game involves the bride and groom. Its essence is that on a large sheet of paper the sentence “I am always with you, beloved” is written in a line. The paper is cut into strips, each of which corresponds to one of the letters of the inscription.

The bride and groom take turns tearing off strips of paper and choosing affectionate words for each other that begin with the letters that make up the phrase.

Wedding competition: "Darts"

  • 1. Game "Darts".
  • 2. Inscriptions on paper.
Test for the groom. You need to prepare the game "Darts" in advance. Glue strips on the field with the names of the benefits that he can present to the bride in the first year of marriage - “trip around the world”, “car”, “dacha”, etc.

Well, groom, tell everyone,
Show in the test -
What about the first year of life?
He will bring it to your bride.
There's a lot on target,
What can you give her?
Gather your strength, come on,
Aim your arrows accurately.

Wedding competition-raffle: Question-Answer

  • 1. Cards of the bride and groom.
Make cards for the bride and groom (separately). Everyone draws out a question, reads it out, and then draws out and reads out the answer.

Questions for the bride.

  • Will you call your mother-in-law mom?
  • Do you want to have three children?
  • Are you into the Kama Sutra?
  • Will you look at other men?
  • Are you going to feed your husband a three-course meal?
The bride's answers.
  • I wouldn’t mind, but I’m afraid of the team’s condemnation.
  • This is my secret passion.
  • As a rule, I want more.
  • Yes, I consider myself quite prepared in this matter!
  • I'm scared to even think about it.
Questions for the groom.
  • Are you capable of spending your honeymoon without leaving your bedroom?
  • Will you give your wife expensive gifts?
  • Are you going to take your wife on vacation to the Bahamas?
  • Will you look at other women?
  • Do you want to have many children?
Groom's answers.
  • It all depends on how many dollars are in your pocket.
  • This is great, but comes with some risks.
  • Only with proper nutrition.
  • Only for the sake of great love.
  • I dream about this at night.

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The cards are made in the same style, good resolution and sizes convenient for all major printing formats.
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  • the pictures are made in the same style
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Examples of pictures from the archive (reduced):

Summing up the results of wedding competitions, the host should focus the attention of the guests on the victory of cohesion and understanding of the new young family. The main task of competitions and tasks for newlyweds is to show the talents of the spouses, their willingness to help each other, arrange their life together, respect and love each other.

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Online store of wedding accessories

Women's portal - Bonterry