New law on length of service. Military pension for long service

The information that has emerged about a possible increase in length of service for calculating pensions has raised a wave of discussions in military circles.

Military Relocation attempted to bring all available information together and draw appropriate conclusions, including how a possible increase in military service for retirement would affect NIS participants.

Probability of increase in accounting years

There have been discussions about a possible increase in the length of service of military personnel for several years now, but last week information appeared in the media that this initiative has begun to gain momentum and a corresponding bill already exists.

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However, the next day, after the publication of information in the media about the developed draft amendments to Law No. 4468-I (note - On pension provision for persons who served in military service), it was refuted by the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense V. Shamanov.

According to Shamanov, there is currently no bill in the State Duma on the basis of which military service will be increased to 25 years.

It is worth noting that rumors do not arise out of nowhere. In fact, the Ministry of Defense has developed and is undergoing approval of a project that provides for increasing the minimum length of service to obtain the right to a pension to 25 years.

The amendments concern Articles 13 and 14 of Federal Law No. 4468-I, which determine the conditions for the right to a long-service pension and the amount of the pension itself. The specific timing of the final decision on this project has not yet been announced, but it is assumed that these changes will affect those whose 20 years of service will begin after 01/01/2023.

The existing draft prescribes that in most cases, military personnel with the necessary knowledge and experience are capable of performing the tasks assigned to them with 20 years of service at a high professional level. The main idea of ​​the project is: “consolidating highly qualified military personnel in the service.” To implement this initiative, it is proposed to increase the lower limit of length of service for military personnel giving the right to a pension to 25 years.

The project is being approved by the Ministry of Defense, so it really is not yet in the Lower House, and today it is impossible to find it in open sources publishing already existing and agreed upon draft laws and regulations.

This initiative is not the first, but none has yet been brought to a final decision. Thus, in 2013, an attempt was already made to carry out a reform of military pensions with an increase in calculation years, but the Russian budget at that time could not handle all the payments to implement this initiative.

The timing of the implementation of the new initiative is also not yet known. Everyone understands that this topic is very sensitive, requiring comprehensive consultations not only at the level of military departments; the involvement of financial, economic and social committees will be required.

Increased length of service and housing provision

If we assume that the idea of ​​​​increasing the length of service of military personnel will be accepted by the leadership of our country, then this will affect not only the revision of the calculated years of military personnel for pensions, but will also definitely affect other social guarantees of military personnel, including in matters of housing.

A possible increase in billing years will entail a revision of the legislation on housing for military personnel, 76-FZ and 117-FZ (note - about NIS). According to the laws in force today, a serviceman receives the right to housing provision from the state upon reaching 20 years of service. If the length of service threshold for pensions is increased to 25 years, similar rules will be extended to obtain the right to savings under the savings-mortgage system and to receive housing in kind or EDV.

It is too early to talk about the timing of the implementation of the military service reform initiative; we should wait for the bill to appear in the State Duma. It is also not yet known how the planned idea is planned to be implemented; its implementation requires the investment of considerable funds from the federal budget. The possibility of a phased transition to 25 years of service is currently being discussed.

To patch up the holes in the Russian budget, a new bill has been developed that will extend the service life of military personnel to acquire the right to a pension from 20 to 25 years. This means that, according to the law, a soldier who has served 20 years has not yet earned the right to a pension. In order to receive a long service pension, a military man will have to serve for 25 years. But this decision will help fill the Russian budget with billions of dollars. Let us remind our reader that military personnel have not had their pay indexed for 5 years, and military pensioners have not been given the humiliating reduction factor of 0.54. This also allows you to save significant money... At the expense of military and military pensioners...

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On Thursday, June 15, the deputy chairman of the same division of the lower house, Alexander Sherin, said that he was against increasing the length of service. “The army is associated with a certain number of difficulties and risks to life. People serve not in the banking sector, not in ties and shirts, but in different parts of our homeland and not in the most comfortable conditions,” he noted in a comment to the National News Service (NSN).

Earlier on Thursday, Kommersant published an article talking about the upcoming increase from 20 to 25 years of the minimum length of service of a military serviceman required to accrue his pension. In this regard, the executive branch is preparing to introduce amendments to the parliament for the law on pensions for military personnel.

The publication's sources in the government and the presidential administration note that the bill is problematic and carries considerable risks, but has the potential to save the budget several hundred billion rubles a year (up to 350-400 billion rubles, according to the newspaper's estimates).

The adoption of the bill, notes Kommersant, is expected to take place after the 2018 presidential elections.

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In 2018, indexation will be carried out for recipients of payments from the public sector. The amount of benefits and wages will increase. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation will also be subject to this procedure. Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that payments to law enforcement officers in the country should be increased. This will affect the improvement of the level and quality of life of citizens. According to the Constitution, military personnel can be employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The pension is assigned on the basis of calculating military allowances. Payments are made based on position, length of service and rank. With high performance and wages, the pension increases. This year it is possible that the length of service of police officers will be increased to 25. This is the latest news. In 2018, the changes will affect exclusively police officers.

Will the length of service of military personnel be increased to 25 years?

Read the latest news on the indexation of military pensions here DRAFT RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW Article 1 Amend the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies on control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families" (Vedomosti of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 9, Art.
328; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 49, Art.
4693; 1998, No. 30, Art. 3613; 2002, No. 30, Art. 3033; 2003, No. 27, art. 2700; 2007, No. 50, Art.

Increasing the length of service to 25 police officers in 2018

But some publications prove that members of the government who are members of the social bloc suggest that reforming the system, which governs retirement earlier than the generally accepted date, will avoid or temporarily delay the increase in the general age threshold for retirement.

This will happen due to the fact that pension payments to military personnel will be significantly reduced.
Specificity of the bill How will the projects differ? At the moment, for 20 years of service, a serviceman is assigned a pension amounting to 50% of his salary. The annual increase for the 20th length of service is 3% of the allowance described above, but the benefit cannot exceed 85% of the military’s salary.
In the new draft law, 65% is accrued for 25 years of service, and another 3% for each year exceeding the minimum length of service, but the maximum amount of security should not exceed 95% of allowance.

Increasing the length of service of military personnel to 25 years

Military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation with 25 years of service or more - are paid a monthly bonus in the amount of 25 percent of the pension that could have been assigned to them in the event of their dismissal from military service. The amount of the bonus increases by three percent for each year in excess of the established minimum length of service giving the right to receive a pension, but not more than 50 percent of the pension that could be assigned to persons discharged from military service.”

Increasing the lower limit of length of service for military personnel from 2018


Its annual growth is prescribed in legislative acts (in 2017 it was equal to 72.23%), thanks to which pension benefits increased by 30% over 5 years.

When is it planned to adopt the Federal Law? It is still unclear when the law will be adopted and the new length of service will begin to apply from 2018 or 2019.

It also defines a transition phase that should last 5 years until 2023.

It is necessary to adapt military personnel to the new retirement system.

Citizens who are subject to the action described in the legislation of February 12, 1993 have the right to retire with 20 years of service under special conditions that operate until the new project comes into force in 2023.

Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

Law; for each year of service over 20 years” replace with the words “25 years or more: for 25 years of service - 65 percent of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance provided for in Article 43 of this Law; for each year of service over 25 years"; b) add paragraph “c” with the following content: “c) to persons specified in Article 1 of this Law, dismissed from service upon reaching the maximum age for service, state of health, due to illness - on the basis of the conclusion of a military medical commission on unfitness to service or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, having 20 years of service or more on the day of dismissal from service: for 20 years of service - 50 percent of the corresponding amounts of monetary compensation provided for in Article 43 of this Law; for each year of service over 20 years - 3 percent of the specified amounts of salary, but in total no more than 85 percent of these amounts."

Increase in long service bonus in 2018

Article 2 Introduce the following changes to Article 2 of the Federal Law of November 7, 2011 No. 306-FZ “On monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of certain payments to them” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 45, Art. 6336): a) paragraph 13 stated as follows: “13.

The monthly bonus for length of service to the salary is established in the following amounts: 1) 5 percent – ​​for length of service from six months to 1 year; 2) 10 percent - with service from 1 to 2 years; 3) 25 percent - with service from 2 to 5 years; 4) 40 percent - with service from 5 to 10 years; 5) 45 percent - with service from 10 to 15 years; 6) 50 percent - with service from 15 to 20 years; 7) 55 percent - with service from 20 to 22 years; 8) 65 percent - with service from 22 to 25 years; 9) 70 percent - with service of 25 years or more.”

b) add clause 13.1 with the following content: “13.1.

25 years of service will be “worth” a military pension

To implement the above idea, it is proposed to increase the number of military personnel serving under contract, employees with special ranks and serving in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the internal affairs bodies), in institutions and bodies of the penal system, in the federal fire service of the State fire service, authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as prosecutors, scientific and pedagogical workers from among prosecutors, employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the lower limit of length of service giving the right to a pension for long service ( paragraph “a” of Article 13 of Law No. 4468-1), from 20 years to 25 years and, as a result, adjust the amount of the specified pension.
It is hoped that the law will become effective on January 1, 2018, but a final decision can be expected only after the elections of the President of the Russian Federation. The only military personnel who will not serve for 25 years are those who managed to conclude a contract for 20 years of service. Such amendments have so far passed them by. The length of service of military personnel for a pension of 25 years has come into force: features of the bill on increasing the length of service. This bill cannot be called new, since it was already proposed in 2013. The most unexpected addition to the reform was a proposal in 2015 to increase the lower limit of length of service from 20 to 30 years, but the idea was rejected.

And this year, by order of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, a project was prepared with a large number of amendments.

Now let's talk about the difference between projects.
The law enforcement agencies have developed a draft amendment that will increase the lower limit of length of service for receiving a military pension from 20 to 25 years, RBC reports. The amendments may be adopted after the Russian presidential elections in 2018. RBC refers to a publication by Kommersant, which includes sources in the Ministry of Defense, a source “close to the leadership of one law enforcement agency,” and a source in the Kremlin. The latter told the publication that “the topic is very delicate” and “there are still a number of consultations ahead” on the document with the government. The amendments may be adopted after the Russian presidential elections in 2018, the publication writes. The increase in the service limit will not affect those who have a contract of only 20 years. "

Everyone else will have to serve five years more to receive a military pension,” the publication notes.

Other details of the document are not yet known.

The law enforcement agencies have developed a draft amendment that will increase the lower limit of length of service for receiving a military pension from 20 to 25 years, RBC reports. The amendments may be adopted after the Russian presidential elections in 2018.

RBC refers to a publication by Kommersant, which includes sources in the Ministry of Defense, a source “close to the leadership of one law enforcement agency,” and a source in the Kremlin. The latter told the publication that “the topic is very delicate” and “there are still a number of consultations ahead” on the document with the government.

The amendments may be adopted after the Russian presidential elections in 2018, the publication writes. The increase in the service limit will not affect those who have a contract of only 20 years. “Everyone else will have to serve five years more to receive a military pension,” the publication notes.

Other details of the document are not yet known. As the newspaper writes, “it is not yet clear whether a transition period will be introduced and, if so, how much it will cost the budget.”

Proposals to increase the lower limit of length of service have been heard at least since 2013, the publication recalls. In 2015, the government considered increasing the minimum service life from 20 to 30 years, but “the option was rejected.” After this, “Vladimir Putin intervened in the situation,” and officials prepared a draft amendment. Its development was carried out on the basis of presidential decision No. Pr-497, dated March 17; this decision was previously “not advertised,” the newspaper writes.

The development of a document on military pensions “is not related to the discussion about raising the general retirement age in Russia,” Kommersant notes. But, according to the newspaper, some members of the government’s social bloc believe that by reforming the early pension system, it will be possible to cancel or delay the increase in the retirement age in the country, or make its schedule “smoother.” In particular, the Ministry of Finance advocated reducing expenses for military pensions.

“The price of the issue in the case of early pensions is about 350-400 billion rubles. per year and is comparable in order of magnitude to the upcoming savings on payments to military pensioners - these payments are made from the federal budget, as well as a transfer to the Pension Fund to cover the deficit,” writes Kommersant.

If adopted, amendments will be made to the law of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 “On pensions for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and authorities of the criminal correctional system, the Federal Service of National Guard Troops, and their families.”

The newspaper was unable to obtain comments from the law enforcement agencies, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov and Prime Minister Medvedev's press secretary Natalya Timakova.

In amendments to the federal budget for 2017, prepared by the Ministry of Finance, it is proposed to allocate an additional 11.3 billion rubles for the pensions of law enforcement officers and their families, RBC previously wrote. In total, budget expenditures will increase by 315 billion to 16.5 trillion rubles.

In the second half of 2017, rumors began to actively spread that the system of bonuses for length of service would allegedly be revised for Russian military personnel. Allegedly, the grid by which these allowances are calculated should become more flexible from January 1, 2018, the allowances themselves will begin to be accrued after six months of service, and at the limit their percentage should supposedly reach 70%. Let's figure out whether this is true or not. What happens to the length of service bonus for military personnel of the Russian army, has their grid changed since January 1, 2018.

What law regulates the system of bonuses for length of service for the military?

The monetary allowance of military personnel and all allowances that are due to the military salary, including those related to length of service, are regulated by Federal Law No. 306 of November 7, 2011.

The law describes the details of how bonuses are calculated, how military personnel's salaries are indexed, who determines the size of the military salary, etc.

What amendments to the law came into force in 2018

In the new year, or more precisely, in the last days of the past, 2017 - December 29, the last of the amendments to Law 306, regulating the salaries of military personnel, came into force. These amendments did not in any way affect the military pay and the system of additional payments and allowances.

The amendments removed from the law the mention of engineering, technical and road-building military formations.

They are connected with the reorganization of the so-called Spetsstroy, which was finally liquidated in the fall of 2017. The functions of the department at fault, which was mired in corruption unacceptable even by Russian standards, were transferred to the Ministry of Defense. At the end of the year, some administrative measures were taken to improve the management of special construction, and on December 29, amendments affected several federal laws at once.

What does the long service bonus system look like for military personnel in 2018?

Monthly bonuses for length of service for Russian military personnel are calculated in 2018 according to the previous scheme:

  • 2-5 years of service - 10%,
  • service 5-10 years - 15%,
  • service 10-15 years - 20%,
  • service 15-20 years - 25%,
  • length of service 20-25 years - 30%,
  • 25 years of service or more - 40%.

This scheme does not change and is unlikely to change in the coming years. Objectively speaking, the state at the moment simply does not have the money to sharply increase any allowances for the military.

In 2018, military salaries. Yes, such indexation may look quite good against the backdrop of inflation in 2017, which turned out to be below 3%. But you need to keep in mind that the 2018 increase is the first since 2012. Thus, in the budget, despite the huge injections into the army, we still need to try to find funds to increase salaries for the military. At the same time, expecting a revision of the system of additional payments and allowances is at least naive.

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