How to seduce an employee. The best seduction schemes at work

On the Internet you will find a lot of advice on the topic that men are hunters, and in order to win them you need to be cold and unapproachable. In fact, it is much more effective to be sociable and friendly. Show him that you are happy, like to enjoy life and know how to share your joyful mood with others. He will feel that spending time with you is incredibly pleasant for him, and he will want to see you more often.

Don't be stingy with compliments

A kind word also pleases a cat, right? And men especially love compliments. It is not necessary to flatter and invent something that you don’t really feel. Did you somehow like him? So, emphasize these advantages by sincerely expressing your opinion.

The power of touch

Light touches will help create something like an invisible connection between you. How to seduce a man? In a conversation, touch his shoulder, and while sitting next to him, gently move closer to him and carefully observe the response. Look into his eyes more often and don’t be shy to smile when you make eye contact.

Show your interest

Be interested in his hobbies, ask how he spent the weekend, find out what he loves and what he dreams about. This way, you will not only be able to establish contact, but also understand whether he is really suitable for the role of your lover, and whether you share any views on life.


How to seduce a man at work

Well, office romance often forms the basis of a strong union. You already have common interests - at least professional ones - and you spend a lot of time together. All that remains is to wait for a good reason to transfer the relationship from work to romantic. The best option would be a joint business trip. Another suitable place is a corporate event. Just don't drink too much champagne for courage. Control your actions and do not lose your dignity, because no matter what happens, you will still have to work together and see each other in the office every day.

Office romance has its pros and cons, so weigh it all carefully before taking decisive action. Explore the waters with playful correspondence in the work chat: this way you will quickly be able to recognize his mood and demonstrate your interest. How to seduce a man correctly? Try to go to lunch with him more often and communicate not only during working hours. And at a meeting, sit next to him and touch his hand under the table. Anyone will understand such hints, and retaliatory actions will not be long in coming.

How to seduce a married man (bad idea)

We don't advise you to do this. If you have already thought about this question and began to purposefully look for an answer to it, think again about why you need this and whether there is a suitable candidate among the available men.

Sooner or later you may get tired of the role of a mistress, and after that a lot of problems will begin in your relationship, which will involve not only the two of you, but also his wife, children, mother, mother-in-law and other indignant relatives. Of which, believe me, there will be many.

The workplace can be called a minefield where sexual tension literally reigns. Do you agree that nowhere else will you find yourself forcibly locked with representatives of the stronger sex for 8-9 hours in a row? Moreover, during this period, you are allowed to courageously communicate with each other, but not to flirt in any way, that is, an unpleasant rule applies: “look with your eyes, but don’t touch with your hands.”

And this despite the fact that falling in love in the office is very primitive and even reasonable. Countless employees and “well-wishers” will definitely call work romance taboo and will condemn it in various ways.

But it is difficult to hinder a brave, confident and independent woman; lust and passion are the most powerful aspects of the human character, which are difficult to fight, and, frankly speaking, you don’t want to.

Rules for seducing an employee

Imagine the situation: the object of your intimate fantasies has become your newest colleague, the one who appeared in the department not so long ago, but has already gained everyone’s attention. Moreover, the idea to seduce a man came precisely to your clear head, in which thoughts are swarming about a potential first date, spontaneous sex or a passionate kiss in the office smoking room.

Particularly poignant is the latest data from the HR department, which confirms the opponent’s complete will from marital responsibilities. The situation is complicated by the fact that the young man sees you as an extraordinary colleague, but not as a woman inclined towards a more serious relationship.

There is no need to despair, simply skillfully implement the following rules on how to seduce a colleague:

  • Rule #1: Flirt bravely with words. Remember that men are very poor at understanding non-verbal messages only if they are at work, and not at a party or in a cafe. A friendly version of a smile can absolutely be mistaken for a call for sex, and vice versa;
  • Rule #2: At the slightest sign of interest, start doing it energetically. If the object of your dreams shows passion for your person, start more energetically seducing the employee, and do it in such a way that they conquer you.

After all, it is common for a man to associate himself with a hunter, and therefore depriving him of the pleasure of getting “prey” through his own labor is a real offense. Every advanced section of society is aware of the fact that a relationship is not considered serious unless it began with the original “hunting season.” According to inexorable statistics, only 3% of couples who make love on the first date later get married and have a successful life together;

  • Rule No. 3: no first steps unless you are the same year. Scientists from a Californian institute conducted a study according to which the first man seduces a female colleague if she is somewhat younger than him. In fact, he becomes her mentor, little by little establishing not only partnerships, but also more romantic relationships. If a woman and the object of her desire are people of the same age, they can both take the first steps towards rapprochement.

Seduction lessons for a determined and brave girl

So, if you are faced with the task of how to seduce your colleague while working on a difficult plan, and nature has managed to reward you with determination and the ability to not succumb to public judgment, then everything is much easier and faster.

So, let’s say, you need to find a mysterious “zest” in yourself, a riddle or secret that will attract the hunting instinct of your opponent. Let him be tormented by thoughts about why he attracted a girl like you, and let him want to explore all the ways of how to seduce a determined and courageous female colleague.

By all means, get rid of the temptation to keep secrets with your employee, who also happens to be your girlfriend. It is absolutely obvious that she is also in love with the man of your desire, or is a freelance journalist of word of mouth. Without significant grounds, such a PR move will not bring the expected benefit, but, on the contrary, will complicate the situation and even make it irreparable.

Seducing an employee strictly involves understanding his tastes and preferences, hobbies and passions. To start a relationship, try inviting a man to an event that will bring pleasure to both of you. In this case, you should not organize a trip to a restaurant, cinema or theater, because your hint will be very “thick” and unambiguous.

Surprisingly, almost all men are afraid of open initiative coming from a woman. But if, after a collective evening, a spontaneous opportunity arises to invite a colleague home for a cup of tea, take advantage of it, and then be guided by the circumstances and mood.

What to do if you are afraid to take the initiative?

In this case, the rules on how to seduce a male colleague you like are carried out with caution and delicacy. Try as unobtrusively as possible to find out about his passions outside of work and, for example, start visiting the same fitness club. Even if nothing works out, then a good figure and meeting new candidates are guaranteed.

Actively take advantage of all the possibilities of social networks. Add a man as a friend on VK or Odnoklassniki, bravely like the photos and comment on them wittily. At the same time, you can try to find out what exactly attracts him in women, what genre of clothing should be chosen, and what he means by the concepts of “well-groomed” and “attractive”. It is absolutely obvious that it is enough to go to the hairdresser and change the length of your skirt.

It is a rare man who is not puzzled by how to quickly seduce a female colleague who is building a successful career. Take note of this and become more successful in terms of work and self-development. Enroll in foreign language courses, get a second degree and show interest in modern trends in business, art, social life and so on.

If even after this, the genre of communication between you has not changed in any way, and your close communication comes down only to dancing at a corporate party, you should think about whether you need this man, and whether he is “the one.” No one argues that there is a point in trying all the ways to gain attention, but sometimes it is not necessary to waste a lot of precious time for the sake of a “dummy”.

Don’t overdo it with methods of temptation; this can have a very negative impact on your career and the atmosphere within the team. If after, say, three months of effort, you're not seeing any positive developments, take a deep breath and turn your attention to a more exciting candidate.

According to statistics, it is natural for a person to change his field of work once every 18 months, therefore, if you do not find your soul mate at one job, bravely move on to the next tier. Have a successful and safe novel!

Female pickup or how to seduce a work colleague

Seduction of men- this is an art that is hidden even more than the techniques of seducing women. The reason for this is that such behavior is considered the height of indecency for women.

An incredible amount of research, training and articles are devoted to techniques for seducing women. But the same cannot be said about techniques. But it is still worth noting that women are taught such techniques, and it is done by men.

Such techniques are called pickup (from English - to get acquainted, to glue), and women's pickup truck can be called a whole science. Interesting fact: a female pickup artist is more complicated than a male pickup artist, because a male pickup artist only wants to sleep with a woman, while a woman’s goals may be more complex: either one-time sex, or a long-term relationship, which affects the technique and methods.

However, for both cases there are common nuances that pickup truck experts talk about. So:

1. A seductress must have long hair. Their quality doesn't matter. It is advisable to wear earrings (preferably long ones).

2. It is important to be able to present yourself. This is, first of all, posture: tucked shoulders, straight back. In this case, the woman looks very sexy. You need to sit down in this way, then the man will absolutely involuntarily turn his gaze to her. The pupils should be slightly dilated, legs, naturally, should be long and in heels. And to get noticed, you need, of course, to wear a miniskirt or short dress, not forgetting about the exciting slits on them and transparent tights.

3. The manner of movement, grace, and body language also have corresponding significance. For example, stroking hands. The quantity also affects pheromones, allocated by a woman at the sight of a worthy object. as follows: a woman’s lips become slightly swollen, her pupils dilate, a sparkle appears in her eyes, as a result of which the girl begins to seem more attractive and interesting. According to some experts, the level of pheromones can be increased independently. Use natural ones for this. You can drink a cup of St. John's wort tea over a long period of time. Stimulating drinks have the same effect: coffee, tea, alcohol in small quantities. Chocolate is also suitable for such purposes, as was known to the Aztecs. It’s a good idea to use some physical exercises for this, use your imagination (imagine a man who is interesting sexually).

4. The presence of a magnificent bust increases the chances of a seductress. However, with such shapes you need to be able to walk. If the chest, dressed in a low-cut outfit, protrudes slightly forward, then the interest of men is guaranteed. Otherwise, the woman will not be sexy.

5. A good method of seduction is laughing together.

6. Regarding body language, it is preferable to place your hands in your pockets. Then the chest opens to the maximum.
Another option: gesture dance, which will help you make your movements synchronous with the gestures of the object of interest. For example, sit in the same way as him, or drink from a cup at the same time as him.

7. Forget speeches about all kinds of problems so as not to scare them off. Such speeches include conversations about problems with the police, about the use of drugs or alcohol.

8. Smile. She can disarm any even more or less decent guy and charm him for a long time.

9. To seduce a particular guy, it would be nice to become his attentive listener, looking into his mouth at the slightest opportunity.

10. Frequent touching of his body has a good effect on a guy. If he doesn’t twitch like he was scalded, then you can continue in the same direction...

These techniques and methods also depend on the type of work. If office work involves the fact that people have to scroll through a lot of information in their heads, then the guy may perceive some signals differently than the woman wants. The more a guy works with his head, the higher his level of intelligence, the more signs of interest will be misunderstood or even rejected.

If you don't need a short fling, but something more significant, then you need to make the guy work hard before he can get the girl. It’s worth remembering well: if the courtship process in a relationship is missed, then the guy will not consider such a relationship serious.
Therefore, if you are sure that a guy is interested in this or that special person, then she needs to clearly let him know that the interest is mutual, and then retreat. This is necessary so that he gets a chance to be a conqueror, since by nature all men are hunters.

All the secrets and basic rules of seducing a male colleague

Often, romances that develop into strong family unions begin in the workplace. We devote a lot of time to our careers, but from this we continue to be women who want to love and be loved. And even those who are not in the mood for marriage would not mind having an affair that will be filled with passion, attraction, seduction, energy and sexual magnetism. There is only one “but”. Men do not understand nonverbal communications well, so a reasonable question arises - how to seduce a male colleague in order to maintain your own reputation and avoid gossip at work.

Basic rules for seducing a male colleague

So, an interesting male colleague has appeared in the team, whom you would like to get to know better? Why not combine a pleasant business with a useful one! How to unobtrusively seduce him in order to be understood...

Basic rules for seducing a male colleague:

  1. Seduce with your eyes. The look should be accompanied by a smile. Ladies know how to use this weapon - avert their eyes, lower their eyelashes, linger on the object of their sympathy.
  2. Radiate happiness. There is an opinion that coldness or inaccessibility adds sophistication and sexuality to a woman. In practice, only positive emotions disarm men. Be friendly, love life, smile - such energy attracts men instinctively.
  3. Seduce with words. Don't fall into odes to him. Emphasize his real advantages or skills with an appropriate compliment. Men love with their ears just as much as the fair sex. Praise him, approve, admire your colleague!
  4. Skin contact. This is where all the power of seduction lies. This should happen spontaneously, easily, unobtrusively. Watch the reaction of your male colleague, accompany the touch with play with your eyes, embarrassment, and holding your breath. Such signals will allow a woman to attract attention, and then you will build on his response.
  5. Show interest. Ask how the weekend went, what the man’s hobbies are, and his vacation plans. This way you will kill two birds with one stone - track his reaction to himself (he speaks willingly, does not get irritated, answers with monosyllabic answers), and also understand whether your colleague is suitable for you as a partner for spending time outside of work.
  6. Mystery! Despite the above advice, your task is to maintain a certain distance, to be mysterious. Seduce with a smile, warm with words, but carry yourself with dignity. If you miss this stage and don’t let a man feel like a “hunter” even for a moment, then everything you did before is in vain! Give only the green light, and then turn into prey and hand over the reins to a male colleague. Such is male psychology!
  7. Keep your mouth shut! Don't tell other colleagues about your plans. If your intentions spread throughout the team, you will not achieve your goal, and you certainly risk being the object of gossip for the next week! And you’ll scare a man away or push him away in no time!

As you know, men do not like intrusive, close attention to their person. They begin to get tired of this, get irritated and avoid even the slightest contact with an intrusive colleague. Therefore, you need to understand: you are playing, but the goal is not the final result/winning/prize, but to involve a male colleague in this game, and then begin to give in.

Remember, if you are a new employee in a team, wait for the seduction lessons. Study your colleagues, wait and observe, otherwise you risk being branded as a loving person, and such a cliché is then difficult to get rid of.

Tips for modest representatives of the fair sex

Not all women are ready to take the initiative into their own hands, so these girls have their own secrets with which they can seduce a male colleague.

Lessons in seducing a man for modest ladies:

  1. Internet! Becoming friends with a colleague on social networks does not bode well; it is just friendly communication. And there you can already wander around - mark or comment on the photo you like, explore its vacation spots, view your preferred styles of music.
  2. Find yourself in the same work stream (joint preparation of a project, development of a plan, business trip). Don't miss the opportunity to spend more time with your colleague.
  3. Find yourself “accidentally” where a male colleague spends his off-duty hours. What's wrong with that? You signed up for the gym because it is very popular, you prefer this cafe because they serve delicious julienne...
  4. Improve yourself. The growing personality attracts with its charisma and versatility. Men love successful people, and you will only have advantages from this.
  5. Gradually intrigue with your appearance. It will be great if you find out what kind of ladies he likes. This doesn't mean you have to put on hair extensions or wear a tight black skirt. Men are sometimes like children; they can live by prejudices or stereotypes. Some people categorically dislike blondes, hoodie dresses, red lipstick, and sharp nails. Well, make a small adjustment to your wardrobe or appearance. Pamper yourself with a change!

If after all your timid but consistent attempts at seduction you do not see any possible development, value your time. Think about whether you need a man who is unable to see and feel your subtle mental organization. Don't become a hostage to feelings or a secret admirer of an unapproachable colleague.

A corporate party brings colleagues together well. Just don’t try to extinguish your shyness with a large dose of alcohol - it can make you do/say things that are unusual for you, which will make you feel ashamed to go to work later!

Are you not afraid to take the first steps, so are you ready to seduce your favorite male colleague in the near future? Great! Emancipated women have long ceased to cause surprise or condemnation.

So, the secrets of seducing a male colleague for purposeful, active ladies:

  1. Invite him to an event that will allow you to chat in an informal setting. Just choose a place that will not strongly hint at sympathy on your part.
  2. When communicating, do not be too straightforward - security questions or phrases can cause awkwardness, and then you will reproach yourself. Let the hints be ambiguous, and the dialogue be filled with lightness.
  3. If a colleague agrees to continue the evening, and you don’t mind, don’t go to his house, rather invite him to your place or drink coffee on a bench near the fountain. Keep your face - he must pursue you.
  4. No publicity. Ask a man about this - let this communication be secret for now. Everything should go as usual, and let employees know about your meetings later.

Strong women often make mistakes in their behavior with potential partners. Don’t go too far when trying to seduce, use your inner strength as a weapon: no vulgar jokes, “thick” hints, pressure or neglect. Remain fragile, mysterious and wise, let the man go crazy from your many advantages!

If a male colleague is younger in age

Is there a chance to seduce a younger colleague? Undoubtedly!

To seduce a younger man at work, you must:

  • correspond to his age (take care of himself, wear fashionable clothes, do stylish hairstyles);
  • be cheerful, easy-going;
  • share his interests with a colleague;
  • keep up with the times, know about new products and trends.

And, of course, flirt, smile, play! Does age play a key role for a woman in her desires and feelings?

Is there any point in seducing a married colleague?

Feelings are like elements. Sometimes, under their power, you don’t know what you’re repeating. But in such a delicate matter as seducing a married man, you still have to use your head.

What is the motive for seducing a married colleague? Are you secretly in love with him, do you want to take the place of your wife? This is unlikely, but a huge scandal is likely, where both his family and the team led by the same man will mix you with dirt. And you also risk being fired - your bosses don’t take well to the decline in the reputation of their organization.

Are you hoping to keep this relationship secret? In a place where people work besides you, everything secret will definitely come true.

Are you tired of being lonely, and this man is the cutest of your colleagues? It’s better to meet a guy who is not burdened by family life and start building your relationship from scratch, without fear of being judged.

Think three times, why would you get involved in someone else’s family? Sooner or later, women get tired of living in the role of a mistress and they realize with bitterness that they were wasting their precious time in vain. Don't repeat their mistakes!

People are at work most of the time, this is a major advantage in developing possible relationships. In a diverse team there is always flirtation, sympathy, smiles, and riddles. The beginning has already been made - you have a common interest in the profession, and then everything depends on you. Be happy!

Video on the topic of the article with advice from a psychology expert:

You've almost gotten used to the fact that the office is the place where you spend your weekdays from nine to six, dodging errands from the boss or talking about bonuses with subordinates. But then She appears, and now you spend your workdays not only updating your friend feed and reading spam, but also admiring the back of her girlish head.

The "Bro Code" does not recommend "making romantic tinsel with a work colleague." The exceptions are cases when a colleague dresses provocatively, she or you will soon be fired, the colleague herself has a crush on you and you are superior to her in position. This is important because we're not going to clean up the mess you'll create by having an affair with your boss. And if all other exceptions coincide, we are ready to develop with you a strategy for an ideal office romance.

Not this
Should I confess to her?
NO! Are you almost ready to reveal your tender feelings? Take a breath and read this very carefully: don't. Nod if you understand. And remember forever: never confess to a girl you are not officially dating. Especially if further communication between you is inevitable. You can safely open up if tomorrow you are sent to Australia for life or if she leaves for seven years on a humanitarian mission in the Congo. If you both have yet to collaborate within the office walls, keep quiet. “This may sound strange, but I wanted to say...” - but it really does sound strange. Especially if you have been working together not so long ago and the girl did not even suspect that you liked her. The worst thing is if she thinks that you decided to immediately move on to the second stage and save on the first three dates. Sorry, but that's exactly what it looks like.

Should I ask her out on a date?
Do not even think! This is the same confession, only without words. When a girl turns you down in a bar or on the street, you just move on. When a colleague refuses you, the situation becomes awkward. You have so many ways to subtly show your affection and help the poor girl get used to the idea that you have a crush on her. And you make her blush and ruin her short lunch break with your vague “maybe we’ll go somewhere.”

Save the invitations until the moment when at least going out to lunch together becomes a pleasant tradition for both of you. Of course, there is a chance that the girl will agree to the meeting, and even with joy. But it’s not for us to tell you that dates don’t always go according to plan, and people outside of their workplace can look and act in completely unexpected ways (you’re like that yourself). If this happens, returning to work will be stressful for both of you. Why not
Should I give her a Valentine's card?
YES! But only without passionate confessions and provocative selfie photos inside. If you know Photoshop, design several funny cards for several employees with whom you are friends. This way you will please the girls and won’t provoke gossip if you give a Valentine’s card to only one colleague. Giving a candid but anonymous card is not a good idea. The young lady may not suspect you at all and begin to fall in love not according to your plan.

In places
Five of the best places to flirt in the office

1. Kitchen.
Having lunch with a colleague you like is the best thing that can happen to you in the office. During the lunch break, employees forget about conflicts between departments, unsubmitted reports and paper jammed in the printer. You will be the loser of the year if you miss the opportunity to learn more about your new acquaintance and at the same time make her like you. The ideal way to win over a girl is to make her smile. A good joke is the best way to get attention, and it's easier to make eye contact when we laugh. If you are not alone, this will only work to your advantage. The girl will see that you are popular among other employees, and this will add points to you. Besides, you can treat a girl to cookies for tea, and that’s romantic.

3. Negotiation room.
In seduction, use all opportunities, and not just a break from work. Even the work process itself will play into your hands if you are a professional.
Girls love tough guys, so prove yourself as a valuable employee in front of your sweetheart. Present a report, a creative proposal, an innovation, and after the meeting ask the girl personally if she approves of your ideas.

4. Workplace.
Don't get lost if your tables are next to each other. You always have a reason to start a conversation at work. You can also brighten up a colleague’s long working day with a funny story, a chocolate bar from the machine, or a video of a cat playing the ukulele. But don't get carried away. Overdo it, and you'll go from being a nice guy to being an obsessive, disruptive idiot.

How to get a girl's attention at work
Dress correctly
Even if you don't have a dress code, wear a shirt and pants to work. Not in a formal suit with a snow-white shirt and tie, of course. But still fit the image of a valuable specialist, and not the guy next door. You're lucky if you wear glasses: they make your face look smarter. Just choose stylish frames like David Gandy’s in the Dolce&Gabbana ad. The guy with the brains is separated from the guy with the cockroaches by one unfashionable bow. Place items on the table to attract attention - nuts, marmalade and chocolates, which you can always treat yourself to; a couple of strange and colorful gadgets (but not Newton's Cradle steel balls); a volume of classics with a bookmark towards the end. Photos of younger relatives (strictly preschool age) and pets will make her think that you are sweet and kind.

Have all types of office supplies on hand
This is especially important when you are sitting next to each other. Arm yourself with everything your colleague might need: stapler and paper clips, stickers, pins, tape, glue stick, file folders, headphones, flash drives... You never know exactly what a woman wants, but you always need to be prepared. Don't question her abilities, knowledge and professionalism. Yes, she really may not know how to use Photoshop or confuse the scanner with a copier. But since you are planning to seduce this particular fool, do not laugh at her, even if she does it herself. And of course, no condescending tone when it comes to serious work issues. Discuss current problems with her, ask for advice and assent at meetings. A girl is unlikely to take you seriously if you don't do the same.

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