Paper bullfinch mask for head. Ways to make a crow mask

Very soon we will celebrate International Bird Day. Help your child find out what kinds of birds exist, teach him how to make crafts and costumes for winged creatures.

Bird Day - scenario

After familiarizing yourself with it, it will be easier for parents to come up with a costume for their child, and teachers will learn what gaming and educational tasks can be included in the event program.

The hall is decorated accordingly. You can put it up and decorate the walls and windows with branches to create a forest atmosphere. There are many songs about birds. The teacher turns on one of them, and the children enter the hall to the music.

They are dressed in matching costumes. Someone imagines a woodpecker, a cuckoo, a dove, a sparrow, a swan.

The presenter tells riddles, and the answer will be the character of some child. Children must find out and answer which bird is meant.

The next competition sounds like “Bird Names”. The presenter asks questions, the guys must guess a specific bird. Here is a sample list of questions:

  1. Why was the cuckoo called that way (because it makes the sound “cuckoo”).
  2. What action influenced the fact that the group of birds was called sparrows (these birds eat grain and seeds and tried to feast on them where people were processing the crop. Therefore, the workers shouted “Beat the thief!”).
  3. Why is the magpie called white-sided (because it has white sides).
  4. That's why the bird was nicknamed pika (it sounds like it's squeaking).
The next activity will allow the children to exercise. Therefore, include it in your script for Bird Day. For this competition you will only need:
  • buckets;
  • baskets;
The game is called “Feed the Birds”.

The containers are placed at a certain distance. Children take turns hitting them with a small ball. Each participant is allowed three attempts. For one hit, 1 point is assigned, at the end of the competition the results are summed up, and the winner is selected.

The next task is intellectual. It is necessary to prepare cards with photographs of birds and drawings of food for them. In addition to this, you also need to prepare incorrect cards, which will show what birds cannot eat. For example, salt, black bread.

Two cards will show millet and simple. Children should put photographs of a waxwing, sparrow, siskin, bunting, and goldfinch on this loose food. Since these birds are very fond of this cereal.

Children will put photographs of waxwings and bullfinch on cards with images of elderberry, rowan, and bird cherry. These birds love these berries.

On the seeds of melon and watermelon you need to place a nuthatch, tit, and woodpecker. And next to the dry branches of nettle, quinoa and burdock, place the bullfinch, goldfinch, tit, and siskin.

Nuthatches, tits, bullfinches, and sparrows love sunflower seeds.

The next game is active, called “Bird Meeting”. Children in feathered costumes are called up. One guardian of the birds is selected. Others at this time must resolve important issues at their meeting. As soon as a stranger appears near the group, the guard must give a voice, imitating the singing or cry of the very bird whose costume he is wearing.

For Bird Day in kindergarten, the scenario may include proposed calm and active games, as well as others.

How to quickly sew a woodpecker costume for Bird Day?

To do this, you don’t have to be an experienced dressmaker; you can make it in a couple of hours, using an easy idea.

To make such a costume, take existing clothes as a basis. These are black trousers and a turtleneck or T-shirt of the same color. You will also need:
  • light red fabric;
  • white thick fabric;
  • red butterfly bow;
  • seven red buttons;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • needle.
Cut out the breast from thick white fabric, use scissors to make 7 slits in it, these loops must be overcast. But if the fabric is like drape or fleece, you don’t have to do this.

Fold the white canvas in half and draw a semicircle at the bottom. Cut it out using a zigzag motion.

Draw a template in the shape of a cone or sharp triangle. Place it on the front side of the wings and trace. Color the space between these shapes with a black marker, leaving the triangles white.

To make the woodpecker costume further, these wings need to be sewn to the sleeves of the T-shirt and the back of its neck. The child will put on black boots on his feet, and a hat should be sewn on his head. Thick knitwear is suitable for this product. You can use leggings or an old sweater. As you can see in the pattern, the cap consists of four wedges. In this case, three need to be cut from red fabric, and the fourth front - from black.

Cut out eyes from white fabric, paint over the pupils with a black marker or sew on buttons.

Make the beak from a folded sheet of cardboard, which is painted over or covered with brown or gray fabric.

DIY sparrow costume for Bird Day

It will also come in handy on International Bird Day. There are easy options for making this outfit.

For him take:
  • T-shirt;
  • brown fabric;
  • beige and dark gray tulle;
  • an elastic band.
Manufacturing instructions:
  1. Cut the T-shirt to create a vest shape. From tulle, cut ribbons 5 cm wide, stitch each in the middle, simultaneously gathering them together.
  2. You can sew these ribbons onto a rectangle of fabric and make wings by tying the sewn ribbons around the neck. Or sew them together, and only then sew them to a T-shirt vest.
  3. For the skirt, take a rectangular fabric. The top needs to be folded twice and stitched. Thread an elastic band here, measured around the girl's waist. At the bottom, the skirt is hemmed and decorated with a lighter strip of tulle.
If you only have brown fabric, use it to make a sparrow costume as well. To do this, you need to sew a sleeveless vest, cut out two wings and a tail. The bottom and each feather are marked using a stitch lighter than the fabric.

The hat is made in the form of a cap with a visor; you can take a ready-made headdress of a suitable color. Fluffy shorts should be gathered at the bottom with an elastic band.

If you need to quickly make a sparrow costume, then put a brown skirt on the girl, and trousers of the same color on the boy, which are tied at the bottom or elastic bands are inserted here. You can sew a light lace collar onto a white turtleneck or tie a frill, or quickly sew wavy wings from brown fabric.

All that remains is to make a sparrow mask. For it you will need the following materials:
  • colored white paper;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • rubber.
Take white paper and fold the sheet in half. Draw a circle on one side and a circle inside for the eye. Draw feathers on the outer edge.

Unfold the mask and try it on your child. At this stage, you can adjust something. Now you need to put this template on brown cardboard and cut out the base of the sparrow mask from it.

Draw an equilateral triangle on the cardboard, leaving an edge for gluing this part to the mask. Cut out the beak and bend it in the places marked with dotted lines on the diagram.

You need to glue light brown paper on top of this blank. Using glue, attach the beak to the mask.

You need to make small holes on the 1st and 2nd sides of this part, stretch an elastic band here and tie its edges.

If you want to make a bright bird costume, then take the following master class into service.


  • pleasant to the touch fabric;
  • bright rags;
  • for ties - soft ribbons;
  • matching threads.
On a base fabric that will fit comfortably against your baby's body, draw two triangles with a semicircular edge.

Sew the edges of these blanks. Make feathers from bright scraps, the height of these parts is 5 cm. But it is most convenient to cut strips of fabric, making their edges wavy.

Place the prepared strip on the base of one wing, on the bottom row, and sew it on. You will do the same with the second wing. Gradually moving up, attach other decorated colored ribbons.

To connect these two pieces, sew a strip of fabric on top, it should be long enough for the child to tie these wings around his neck. Sew the remaining feathers onto the remaining free upper part of the wings.

Using this pattern, you can sew an outfit for almost any bird for the Bird Day holiday. You just need to take scraps of the appropriate color. If you are making a sparrow costume, then use pieces of brown and gray fabric.

The same goes for the mask; the corresponding colors will help you make it for different birds. Here are the materials from which you will assemble this part of the costume:

  • felt;
  • rubber bands;
  • thread
To ensure the mask is the correct size, carefully place a rectangle of paper towel on your child's face. Determine where the slots for the eyes will be, what length and width this part should be.

Transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut it out.

You will need two such blanks to place the triangular nose cut out of felt between them.

Mark the elastic according to the size of your child's face. If it is thin, tie knots at both ends. Insert these places into the sides of the mask. Sew along the edges.

If you want to decorate it, then you can cut out the same leaves from green and blue felt as in the sample in the photo. On Bird Day in kindergarten or school, it is quite possible to put similar masks on primary school children.

Of course, how can you do without themed crafts on such a day? They can decorate the venue of an event, give it to each other, or take it to a competition.

Making crafts for Bird Day!

To make a bird in a nest, take:

  • colored paper;
  • balloon;
  • thick brown threads;
  • paper napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.
To make a winged creature, roll small and large balls from a napkin, tie them with threads of the same color to secure them. Glue the resulting head and body to each other, cut oval feathers from colored paper and use glue to attach them to the future bird.

From colored cardboard you need to cut out the paws, beak and eyes for the birds. While the glue dries, start making a nest for this character. To do this, you need to wrap the inflated balloon with threads. It is pre-lubricated with glue.

When the yarn dries, the ball is pierced with a needle, and the filament blank frozen in this position is cut into two halves.

Place straw or yarn similar to this material into the resulting nest. You can use loose satin ribbons. Tie the nests on ropes and hang them on trees, which you also made yourself.

This way you can decorate the room where Bird Day will be held in kindergarten.

You can also invite the children to make these birds, and then perform a small performance with the participation of birds.

First take:
  • cotton pads;
  • wooden skewers;
  • glue;
  • plastic eyes;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper.
To make one bird, you need to take four disks, one of which is cut in half. Place a wooden skewer between two whole cotton pads, gluing these elements together.

Cut out a beak from colored paper, glue it and eyes onto the face. Attach halves of cotton pads as bird wings. Let children decorate their creations with colored ribbon.

The following craft will be useful for the competition. It will require:
  • textile;
  • paper;
  • threads;
  • padding polyester;
  • buttons;
  • braid.
On paper, draw a craft blank consisting of a body and a wing.

Fold the prepared fabric in half and trace the resulting pattern. In this case, the halves need to be connected with a pair of pins so that they do not move when cutting and sewing.

The wings can be made from the same or from a different fabric.

To hang the bird later, insert a piece of ribbon of the appropriate size between the two blanks. Sew these parts together on the wrong side, leaving a small space free at the bottom of the tail. Turn the bird through it, straightening the corners with a skewer or pencil.

Stuff the bird with padding polyester over this edge and sew these places with a hidden seam. Using a thread and needle, embroider the bird's eyes and attach the wings using a decorative stitch.

Sew a button onto the tip of the tail of the craft, after which the bird you made with your own hands is ready.

You can also use such creations to decorate your party venue. Prepare for it in advance, include interesting quizzes and games for children in your Bird Day celebration scenario. Help the children fall in love with these animals, teach them how to protect and feed them during the cold season.

For your child to fully understand how to make crafts for Bird Day, look at this process with him.

Your beloved child will also definitely want to make a fabulous Firebird from napkins and plasticine, especially since the process of twisting colored paper balls is very exciting.

The following photo selection will help you make cards for a quiz on International Bird Day.

The following video will help you quickly make a black crow mask. The idea will be useful not only for International Bird Day, but also for a theme party, a matinee in kindergarten or for staging a play.

Quite an unusual and beautiful crow mask. It can be New Year's, carnival, and besides, the crow mask is made in different ways. Some of them are suitable not only for children, but also for adults.

A beautiful and stylish crow mask is easy to make; at the same time, it will be an excellent accessory for the New Year or other holiday.

Option with feathers

The question of how to make a crow mask should be answered: what should it be like? After all, using feathers and convex elements in your creativity, you can create chic options. You can choose absolutely any colors; it doesn’t have to be predominantly black. The important thing is that such a thing is suitable for both a matinee and a Halloween party, especially if you want to create an image like in the fable “The Crow and the Fox.”

Process of creation:

  1. You need to take paper that will form the basis of the product. It should be tight. Fold a sheet of paper in half and create a mask template using scissors and a pencil. Such templates can be found on the Internet, but it’s easy to draw them yourself.
  2. Next you need to draw holes for the eyes. Determine where the beak will be and draw a slit. It will need to be attached separately.
  3. Then the product is cut out along the contour, as well as the planned holes inside. The distance between the eyes should be small. This can be done with children too.
  4. Feathers need to be cut out of cardboard. No need to be lazy, cut them out larger, so the crow will be more beautiful.
  5. An elastic band is attached to the wrong side of the craft, with which it will be held on the face. A simple sewing elastic band is suitable for this. To attach it, you can use a stationery stapler.
  6. The beak is made of thick cardboard, bent in half.
  7. Leave a couple of centimeters to glue the beak to the mask itself.
  8. Glue the beak well to the base of the product.
  9. Let's start decorating. The feathers will appear voluminous if you bend the lines in the middle.
  10. A few small feathers will help you carefully disguise the area around the eyes.

Other options

A carnival raven mask can be created not only from paper, it can also be made from foamiran with your own hands or from foam rubber.

Another way is to use fabric. For this purpose, a hat is sewn, preferably black. Any pattern will work. The main thing here is to use a smooth fabric that will shine like a crow's feathers. After this, you can use real feathers or paper cut ones. If the feathers are real, then they are attached to the fabric with small stitches of black thread; paper feathers can be glued with glue. The beak, made of paper, is attached to the hat in the same way.

An easier option is to download the crow's face from the Internet, cut it out, glue it to an elastic band and you're done. It all depends on the time and material available.

From now on, no mother will have a question about how to make a crow mask, like in the fable “The Crow and the Fox.” All of the above methods are simple and accessible.

How to make masks for the play Fly-Tsokotukha.

You can celebrate your name day by performing the play “Fly-Tsokotukha”. For example, in the style of a skit - do not sew costumes, but identify the heroes by wearing masks and hats.

Let's reread the fairy tale and figure out what heroes we need.

Fly, Spider, Mosquito - the main composition.

Auxiliary: cockroaches, granny bee, fleas, beauty butterfly, grasshopper, horned beetles, ant and ant, as well as fireflies, centipedes, wormbugs, boogers.

What is so good about this fairy tale - despite the fact that there are three main characters, the crowd is huge and everyone present, wearing such a mask-cap, can feel like an actor and play a certain role. I usually make props from isolon (tourist rugs), but cardboard ones also look quite spectacular.

Masks - Fly and mosquito

Let's start with the frame. First, cut out an even strip 3 centimeters wide. Narrower ones will not be strong, wider ones look bulky. Length - 85 cm (this is if the masks are intended for adults or teenagers). Ideally, masks should be made exactly according to the measurements of the specific performer of the role. But in life, a good isolon mask serves faithfully for years, and the actors change. Therefore, let's take average sizes.

Using glue we glue the frame in this order. We make a cut at the back of the head, which will make it possible to slightly change the size.

Parts for mosquito mask

Details of the clattering fly mask

Cut out the fly's face according to the pattern. The color is gray or pink (depending on whether you prefer the resemblance to insects or like more humanized characters). I myself adhered to the stylized appearance of insects. Since Chukovsky wrote about insects, we will play with their features. The eyes are made of green foil, it would be better if it is a green holographic self-adhesive film. If you really want to, you can decorate your eyes with long eyelashes and glue the lips with a bow under your long nose. The six legs can be made simply black, or you can wear gloves and shoes. To make it more elegant, the frame of the cap can also be decorated with green or blue foil. We will make the wings from transparent plastic film. I took a transparent cover for a school textbook - they are sold in stationery stores (I don’t recommend using hard plastic, for example, from soda cans - the edges are sharp, and we don’t want anyone to cut themselves in the commotion of the show). We will lay out the veins on the wings with narrow strips of colored self-adhesive film. You can draw with a permanent marker, but... it won’t look very elegant. That’s all – enough for a convincing image of a fly. If your soul really wants a beauty and a coquette, there is an option to wear a tiny hat with a veil, but I didn’t do it myself - in my opinion it was too much.

mosquito mask

Clutter fly mask

Spider Mask

The portrayal of this character can be approached in two ways. Or interpret him as a gloomy villain, then he will be all black and like a tarantula spider. Muscular hairy legs, a villainous muzzle: frowning eyebrows, bloody fangs... The frame of the spider was made of dark blue isolon. Long, multi-colored jointed legs in different-sized shoes, a blue face with eyes narrowed to the nose and a grinning mouth - and that's enough - let's refrain from excessive brutality, after all, this is an old spider.

Old Spider Mask

We will make the remaining insects based on a standard frame-cap. Ant and ant: black – shiny. (I describe the ant mask for the entire face here:

Ant Mask

Let's make the butterfly brighter and don't skimp on patterns.

Characters such as cockroaches can only be designated by red color and mustaches - wings and paws will probably be superfluous. For the bugs, I can suggest a pattern for the wings; here it is important to make the right darts and, of course, decorate them with beautiful patterns.

Olga Eremina

Now it's time autumn holidays in kindergartens. In our script autumn fun"Autumn is golden"there are two birds for which I needed to do cap masks. I decided to search the Internet for options, but I didn’t find many ideas. The most budget option, of course, is paper. I used whatman paper because it is dense and does not lose strength for a long time. After masks can be used for the holiday throughout the year for theatrical activities, in the Mummering Corner, for free play activities with elements of theatrical performance. It is better to use acrylic paints for artistic creativity, because, unlike gouache and watercolors, they do not get dirty and do not fade. When coloring, I tried to rely on realistic photo images of these birds ( sparrow - brown, white cheeks are visible, etc.) Only the eyes turned out stylized - bright, expressive. The main thing is that I was satisfied with the result" birds"- artists.

Eye options birds.

The circumference of a child’s head (by the way, the circumference of a 3-4 year old child on average is 50-51 cm, plus 3-4 cm for gluing.

Beak pattern.

All the necessary patterns.

This is how the blanks turned out after gluing and assembling all the parts.

Ready tit mask.

Ready sparrow mask.

This is Egor trying it on titmouse mask.

I am the host and my small birds.

Creativity definitely brings joy and a sense of self-satisfaction! Be creative and have fun! I will be glad if this material turns out to be useful for my colleagues and parents.

Publications on the topic:

The last snow has melted. The buds had swelled and the first leaves were even peeking out. The birds have also perked up: sparrows are chirping and frolicking. So many interesting things.

Materials for the master class: colored double-sided paper, colored double-sided cardboard, scissors, bird silhouette template, simple.

How to arouse a child's interest in creativity. You need to make crafts that are simple to perform and original. Here are families of funny owls and...

A mask is a very necessary attribute in kindergarten. Here you have fairy tales, here you have games. What holidays take place without masks? That's what we want today.

Collective composition "Falling Leaves" with children of the second group of early age and younger group. Autumn is a golden and wonderful time. In good weather.

I present to you my master class on making an autumn hedgehog with “live” needles: Step 1. Take woolen socks and fall asleep in them.

To help my daughter, a little artist, transform into the hero of the fairy tale “About the Little Snake Gorynych and His Friends,” I made props for the performance mask birds - sparrow and identification ring with bead .

Bird mask - sparrow

To make a bird mask I needed:

  • White and colored paper
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Linen elastic (30 cm)

1. Fold a sheet of paper in half, draw half of the mask from the fold, marking the holes for the eyes.

Bird mask - step 1

2. Draw the feathers along the contour.

Bird mask - step 2

3. I cut out the mask and try it on the child.

You may need to adjust the shape of the mask and the eye holes.

Bird mask - step 3

4. This is the mask I got in unfolded form. I drew it wide so that almost the entire forehead and cheeks of the child were covered.

Bird mask - step 4

5. Place the mask on the cardboard, trace it and cut it out.

Bird mask - step 5

6. You can use colored cardboard, but I didn’t have any, so I glued a sheet of brown paper on top.

Bird mask - step 6

7. While the glue dries, make the beak.

Draw an equilateral triangle on the cardboard. We leave an edge on top that will be glued to the mask.

I deliberately do not give dimensions - all the details are made for the child.

Bird mask - step 7

8. Cut out the beak and bend it well along the dotted lines.

Bird mask - step 8

9. Glue yellow paper over the beak.

Bird mask - step 9

10. Meanwhile, the mask has already dried, you need to cut the colored paper.

Bird mask - step 10

11. Take a brown pencil and draw feathers with strokes.

It's good if you have several shades of brown. They are smaller near the eyes, darker at the top, and lighter on the “cheeks.”

Bird mask - step 11

12. Cut out the beak and glue it to the mask with an edge.

Bird mask - collage

13. We make holes along the edges of the mask and stretch an elastic band of the required size into them. The sparrow mask is ready!

Sparrow mask

Ring for a girl

What in the fairy tale distinguished the sparrow from all other sparrows? Of course, the ring that I got from my mother.

You can take a ready-made one, or you can make it yourself.

You will need:

  • Beautiful
  • Beads (you can use small, large, two colors)
  • Wire (approximately 0.3 m).

1. We put a bead on the middle of the wire, pass one end of the wire through it again, so that a circle is formed. This will be the base of the ring, and it should be slightly larger than the required ring size.

Ring - step 1

2. We collect beads on the right wire (I have 12 pieces).

The number of beads should be sufficient to wrap around the bead. Those. The length of the bead thread should be enough to reach the opposite hole.

Ring - steps 2-3

3. We pass the right end of the wire from left to right and tighten.

You need to make sure that the ring size remains the same.

Ring - steps 4-5

4. We put the same number of beads on the left wire and repeat the previous step in a mirror manner so that the strung beads are located below and above the bead.

Ring - steps 6-8

5. The base of the ring must be strengthened.

If your wire is thick enough, you can skip the next 2 steps.

Ring - step 9

6. We pass the right end of the wire through the bead on the left side, so that the “rim” becomes double.

Ring - step 10

7. We pass the left end of the wire through the bead on the left. Now the basis has become triple. For 0.3 mm wire this is quite enough.

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