About the Brothers Grimm for children. All the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm

Jacob Grimm (01/04/1785 - 09/20/1863) and Wilhelm Grimm (02/24/1786 - 12/16/1859); Germany, Hanau

The Brothers Grimm are not only famous storytellers known throughout the world, but also philologists, linguists, and the founders of modern German studies. You can read, watch and listen to the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm in almost all languages ​​of the world. The tales have been filmed many times. The fairy tale about “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” is especially popular, based on which films, TV series, and cartoons were made.

Biography of the Brothers Grimm

The writers were born in Germany in the city of Hanau, in the family of a lawyer. From birth, the brothers were very friendly, and their friendship lasted throughout their lives. In 1796, Father Grimm died, and only with the help of their aunt did Jacob and Wilhelm finish their studies at the Kassel Lyceum. The next stage of their development was their studies at the University of Marburg, where the writers studied law. However, it soon became obvious that the brothers were much more interested in philology than legal sciences. As in the case of their passion for literature, the brothers owe it to their university professor. Professor Savigny managed to instill in the brothers not just a love of literature, but also to emphasize the beauty of German books. The brothers spent more than one hour with the professor reading ancient tomes. Grim began to devote more and more time to literature, and eventually devoted their entire lives to it.

In 1812, fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm were first published in Berlin, with a circulation of 900 copies. A little later the second volume was published. The collection of “Children's and Family Tales” collected fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm, the list of which included 10 legends and 200 fairy tales, for example, “The Poor Man and the Rich Man” and “The King of the Golden Mountain.” And two years later, the world saw a new collection of writers, “German Legends.” Their collections were harshly criticized due to the content of fairy tales, which were not very suitable for children to read. The tales often described scenes of an intimate nature, cruelty and violence, and also included inserts with academic explanations. Later, the brothers republished and supplemented these collections, bringing them to a single literary style. Just like later, they collected and wrote down their fairy tales from the words of different people, sometimes even exchanging their clothes for fairy tales. Along with songs and poems, the brothers collected stories and legends of the German people, which passed from mouth to mouth for centuries. Their work is represented not only by fairy tales, Grimm compiled and wrote a historically important work, “Monuments of German Antiquity,” which collected unique materials about the morals, habits, and beliefs of the ancient Germans. This work is still of great importance to this day. The writers were familiar with Goette, who showed interest in their research and helped obtain valuable materials for their work. In 1825, Wilhelm Grimm tied the knot with Henrietta Dorothea Wild, three years later they had a son, a future famous literary historian.

In 1830, Jacob was invited to the university in Göttingen to lecture on German literature. And also take the place of senior librarian. Wilhelm got a job there as a junior librarian, and soon Grimm organized a circle of researchers of German science. It was in Göttingen that Jacob published his research on Germanic mythology. They did not stay in Göttingen for long; by order of the king, the brothers were dismissed from the university and exiled outside Hanover for life. This happened because they, in a group with university professors, opposed the abolition of the constitution of the Kingdom of Hanover. The writers' friends did not remain indifferent to their fate and found them a patron - Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia. It was at his insistence that in 1840 the brothers received the right to teach at the University of Berlin. The writers devoted the rest of their lives to lecturing, and the Brothers Grimm filled their biography with a lot of research and literary achievements. For example, in 1852, writers began work on the very first German entomological dictionary. The preparatory period alone took 14 years. But they did not have time to bring their work to its logical conclusion. Wilhelm's life was cut short on December 16, 1859. And on September 20, 1863, his brother Jacob Grimm died right at his desk. Their work was completed by a group of scientists only in 1961. The work of these outstanding writers brought the world the best Grimm fairy tales, magnificent scientific works, the value of which is invaluable to this day.

Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm on the Top books website

It has been popular to read the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm for many generations, both in our country and around the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of the works of the Brothers Grimm are presented in ours, as well as in. And given the continuing interest in the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, we will see them more than once on the pages of our website.

Complete list of Brothers Grimm fairy tales

First Edition Volume 1:

  • White Snake
  • Brother-Veselchak
  • Brother and sister
  • Bremen street musicians
  • Faithful Johannes
  • Wolf and fox
  • The wolf and the seven Young goats
  • Wolf and man
  • The thief and his teacher
  • Louse and Flea
  • All sorts of rabble
  • Profitable turnover
  • Hans is getting married
  • Hansl the Player
  • Carnation
  • Mr. Corbes
  • Madam Labor
  • Two brothers
  • twelve brothers
  • Twelve Hunters
  • Handless girl
  • Clever Gretel
  • Brownies
  • Friendship between cat and mouse
  • Robber Groom
  • Mystery
  • golden bird
  • golden goose
  • Golden children
  • Cinderella
  • Jorinda and Joringel
  • King Thrushbeard
  • The Frog King, or Iron Heinrich
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Fox and geese
  • Fox and godfather
  • Thumb Boy
  • Snowstorm (Mistress of the Dungeon)
  • Dear Roland
  • Little guy
  • Foundlings
  • Bunny's Bride
  • About the mouse, the bird and the sausage
  • Speckled Pelt
  • Tailor in Heaven (Tailor in Heaven)
  • Singing bone
  • Reception of Our Lady
  • Satchel, cap and horn
  • Rapunzel
  • Rumplestiltskin
  • Mermaid
  • Wedding of Mrs. Fox
  • Seven Ravens
  • The Tale of the Enchanted Tree
  • The Tale of the Death of a Chicken
  • The Tale of a Fisherman and His Wife
  • The tale of someone who went to learn about fear
  • Death in godfathers
  • Clever Hans
  • Dog and sparrow
  • Straw, coal and bean
  • sleeping Beauty
  • Old grandfather and grandson
  • Old Sultan
  • Set the table, a golden donkey and a club from a bag
  • The Travels of Thumb Boy
  • Happy Hans
  • Three snake leaves
  • Three little woodsmen
  • Three feathers
  • Three spinners
  • Three lucky people
  • Three languages
  • Smart Elsa
  • Frieder and Katerlischen
  • Brave Little Tailor
  • Queen Bee
  • The devil is in godfathers
  • The devil with three golden hairs
  • Eccentric musician
  • Wonder bird
  • Six will travel across the world
  • Six swans

First Edition Volume 2:

  • Poor farmhand and cat
  • Poor man and rich man
  • White and black bride
  • Fearless prince
  • God's beasts and devil's beasts
  • Thief in the thorn bush
  • Crow
  • Hans the Hedgehog
  • Gusyatnitsa
  • Two wanderers
  • Twelve lazy workers
  • Girl from Brakel
  • Doctor Know-It-All
  • House servants
  • Spirit in a bottle
  • Iron stove
  • Iron Hans
  • Living water
  • Star thalers
  • earth man
  • Zimeli Mountain
  • Trampled shoes
  • Knoist and his three sons
  • Reforged Man
  • Royal children
  • Kinglet and bear
  • King of the Golden Mountain
  • Beauty Katrinelle and Pif-Paf-Poltry
  • Lazy spinner
  • Fox and horse
  • Bearman
  • Young Giant
  • On the way on the road
  • Ungrateful son
  • One-Eyed, Two-Eyed and Three-Eyed
  • Donkey Werewolf
  • Donkey
  • Cowherd
  • Warbler's Lark
  • Cock log
  • Reasoners
  • Shroud
  • Willful child
  • Seven Swabians
  • Blue candle
  • The tale of already
  • Sweet porridge
  • The smart little tailor
  • Bride
  • Old beggar woman
  • Old woman in the forest
  • Old Hildebrand
  • Three brothers
  • Three lazy people
  • Three birds
  • Three paramedics
  • Three black princesses
  • Three apprentices
  • Stolen penny
  • Clever peasant daughter
  • Scientist huntsman
  • Ferenand the Faithful and Ferenand the Unfaithful
  • Flail from the sky
  • The devil and his grandmother
  • Damn dirty brother
  • Four skilled brothers
  • Six servants
  • Lamb and fish

Second edition:

  • Sparrow and his four children
  • Dmitmarskaya fairy tale-fable
  • Ocheski
  • A tale about a land like no other
  • Fairy tale-mystery

Third edition:

  • Poor man in heaven
  • Belyanochka and Rosette
  • Vulture bird
  • Lazy Heinz
  • Strong Hans
  • Glass coffin
  • Clever servant

Fourth edition:

  • Drummer
  • Poor guy in the mogul
  • The Giant and the Tailor
  • Spindle, shuttle and needle
  • Lifetime
  • Bittern and hoopoe
  • Nail
  • Gusyatnitsa at the well
  • Gifts of the Little People
  • Hare and hedgehog
  • Skilled thief
  • True Bride
  • Flounder
  • Korolek
  • forest house
  • Master Pfrim
  • Guinea pig
  • The Man and the Devil
  • Harbingers of death

Fifth edition:

  • Mermaid in the pond
  • Skinny Lisa
  • Bread crumbs on the table

Sixth edition:

  • Maid of Malaine
  • Golden Key
  • Grave Hill
  • Buff Boot
  • Old Rinkrank
  • Ear of bread
  • crystal ball

Children's legends:

  • Poverty and humility lead to salvation
  • God fed
  • hazel branch
  • Twelve Apostles
  • Boy in Paradise
  • Our Lady's Cups
  • Old Man in the Forest
  • old lady
  • Three green branches

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Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859),

Jacob Grimm (1785-1863) German scholars and publishers of folk tales

Famous storytellers, the Brothers Grimm, were born in the small German city of Hanau, where their father served as an official. They were educated at the Kassel Lyceum and then at the University of Marburg. Jacob Grimm then went to Paris as secretary to the German ambassador Savigny. For three years in the French capital, he studied medieval literature, and when he returned to Germany in 1808, he became a librarian at the royal library, of which Wilhelm Grimm was by then secretary.

The brothers often worked together because they had common interests and scientific views. In 1812 they published their famous collection of fairy tales called Children's and Household Tales. It went through many editions and was immediately translated into all European languages. The notes to the collection indicate many common features of the folklore of all European peoples. This collection marked the birth of folkloristics as a scientific discipline and is considered the first scientific collection of folk tales.

Following the fairy tales, the Brothers Grimm released another collection called “German Legends.” Like fairy tales, it was based on the texts of German tales and heroic songs they collected. After these publications, they took up the history of the German language and published a German grammar. True, it was signed only by Jacob Grimm.

Since 1830, the brothers became professors at the University of Göttingen. They worked there for seven years and were fired in 1837 along with others who protested the unconstitutional actions of King Ernest Augustus. Jacob Grimm, who was the initiator of this enterprise, was ordered to leave Göttingen within three days and return to Kassel. Wilhelm Grimm also followed him.

The brothers spent three years in difficult conditions of deprivation and material need, and only in 1840, at the invitation of King Frederick William IV, they moved to Berlin and became professors of German philology at the University of Berlin. It is here that Jacob Grimm's most significant work, “The History of the German Language,” comes out.

In 1846, on the initiative of the Grimm brothers, the first congress of Germanic philologists took place in Berlin, which brought together representatives from all European countries.

Today, few people remember the scientific works of the Brothers Grimm. But their tales are well known all over the world. They were the first who were not afraid to convey truly folk texts to the reader. That is why their collection of fairy tales is a favorite reading not only for adults, but also for children.

The ideas of the Brothers Grimm inspired scientists from other countries, who also began to collect and study the fairy tales of their peoples. Let us first mention the famous collection of Russian folk tales by Alexander Afanasyev, as well as English fairy tales by Professor Jacobs.

The Brothers Grimm were the first to treat fairy tales as a phenomenon of folk culture. The stories they collected cannot be attributed only to German culture - these are phenomena of a global nature. They believed that all European peoples had a common set of fairy tales that were passed on from mouth to mouth, regardless of borders and national differences. That's why their heroes so easily moved into other genres - plays, cartoons.

Jacob Grimm (1785-1863)

Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859)

The Brothers Grimm were born into the family of an official in the city of Hanau. Their father was first a lawyer in Hanau, and then dealt with legal issues for the Prince of Hanau. The eldest, Jacob, was born on January 4, 1785, Wilhelm on February 24, 1786. From a very early age, the brothers were bound by close bonds of friendship that lasted throughout their lives.

The brothers' father died in 1796, and only thanks to the help of their maternal aunt, the Grimm brothers were able to complete their studies, for which they showed excellent abilities very early on. After graduating from the Kassel Lyceum, the brothers entered the University of Marburg, wanting to study law following the example of their father. However, later the brothers Grimm began to devote more and more free time to the study of domestic German and foreign literature and eventually did this all their lives. Since 1805 to 1809 Jacob Grimm was in the service. At first he was Jerome Bonaparte's librarian in Wilhelmsgeg for some time, and then a statistical auditor.

In 1815, he was sent along with a representative of the Electorate of Kassel to the Congress of Vienna. However, the service was a burden to him and in 1816 he left it, rejecting the professorship offered in Bonn, and took the place of librarian in Kassel, where his brother Wilhelm had been secretary of the library since 1814. Both brothers were constantly engaged in their scientific research. This period in their lives was very fruitful. In 1825, Wilhelm Grimm married; but the brothers continued to work together.

In 1829, the director of the Kassel Library died, but his place was taken not by Jacob Grimm, but by a complete stranger. The brothers had to resign.

In 1830, Jacob Grimm was invited to Göttingen as a professor of German literature and senior librarian at the local university. Wilhelm entered the same place as a junior librarian, and in 1835 he was promoted to full professor. But the Brothers' stay in Göttingen was short-lived. A new king came to power in 1837. The brothers protested his changes to the constitution and were fired. They had to temporarily settle in Kassel, but they did not have to stay there for long.

In 1840, Frederick William of Prussia ascended the throne, he immediately summoned his brothers to Berlin. They were elected members of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and received the right to lecture at the University of Berlin. From then on, the Brothers Grimm lived in Berlin constantly until their death. Wilhelm Grimm died on December 16, 1859, and four years later, on September 20, 1863, Jacob also died. During their lives, the brothers published many works, and their collection “Children's and Family Tales,” published in 1812, thanks to which millions of children around the world learned their fairy tales, rightfully took its place in the treasury of world literature.

Brothers Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm were born into a family of a lawyer in the city of Hanau, where their father also dealt with legal issues for the Prince of Hanau. The eldest of the brothers, Jacob Grimm, was born on January 4, 1785. Wilhelm Grimm is a year younger, he was born on February 24, 1786.

From a very early age until the end of their lives, the brothers were very friendly. The brothers' father died in 1796 and, only thanks to the help of their maternal aunt, the Grimm brothers were able to complete their studies, for which they already showed excellent abilities very early on.

After graduating from the Kassel Lyceum, the brothers entered the University of Marburg. Jacob and Wilhelm entered law, but became interested in literature, linguistics and began to study German medieval literature.

In Marburg, the teacher Friedrich Karl von Savigny (1779–1861) aroused the brothers' interest in history and philology, and in 1804 Jacob Grimm, even before receiving his university degree, went with him to Paris to help in the search for ancient manuscripts. Through Savigny, the brothers met C. Brentano, who, together with L. von Arnim, collected folk songs, legends and fairy tales.

From 1805 to 1809 Mr. Jacob Grimm was a librarian for Jerome Bonaparte in Wilhelmshöhe, and then a statistical auditor. In 1815, he was sent along with a representative of the Electorate of Kassel to the Congress of Vienna.

However, the service was a burden to Jacob Grimm and in 1816 he left it, rejecting the professorship offered in Bonn. He takes the place of librarian in Kassel, where his brother Wilhelm has been secretary of the library since 1814. Both brothers were constantly engaged in their scientific research.

Working in the library facilitated the brothers' scientific activities. During this time, they traveled around Kassel, visited towns and villages of the Hessian Landgraviate and collected folk legends. The Brothers Grimm did not invent their own fairy tales, but reworked ancient Germanic folk tales.

In 1812, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm published Children's and Household Tales. then “Old German Forests” (Altdeutsche Walder - 1813) and “Irish Folk Tales” (Irische Elfenmarchen -1826). These works received wide recognition and were defended as doctorates in Marburg (1819), Berlin (1828) and Bratslav (1829).

This period in their lives was very fruitful. In 1825, Wilhelm Grimm married, but the brothers continued to work together. In 1829, the director of the Kassel Library died, but his place was taken not by Jacob Grimm, but by a complete stranger. The brothers had to resign.

In 1830 Jacob Grimm was invited to Göttingen as a professor of German literature and senior librarian at a local university. Wilhelm entered the same place as a junior librarian, and in 1835 he was promoted to full professor. Fairy tales published by the Brothers Grimm at the beginning of the 29th century. were the result of their many years of scientific activity and became the basis for them receiving degrees at different universities.

In 1835, Jacob Grimm published a very voluminous study, Germanic Mythology; this work is still considered a classic work on comparative mythology. In 1840, Frederick William of Prussia ascended the throne, he immediately summoned his brothers to Berlin. They were elected members of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and received the right to lecture at the University of Berlin.

Jacob Grimm became convinced that the fairy tales they published were remnants of ancient Germanic culture. He also published a work on the traditions, mythology and history of the German language. Wilhelm Grimm continued to publish on the topic of medieval literature, and also worked on improving Children's Fairy Tales. He put together Jacob's achievements and corrected the language, making it exactly what is called the language of fairy tales.

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